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Thoughts on this character design? c:
why does she have a hairy chest
The freckles on the left design look strange like some sort of skin condition. Would be annoying having to draw every freckle on each time that character is in a panel or scene. Looks like the character is meant to be evil or a villain.
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>Guess you could say it's too on the nose.
Those are not freckles. Look more like pimples, or possibly tattoos for some reason
The artist for this is trans btw
Don't care, they're people too
Not too shabby, but I agree with other anons in that you might wanna make the freckles much smaller
>they're people too
lol, lmao even. They are subhumans, ergo no longer people.
>being this edgy over the existence of people you don't understand
The freckles are drawn too weirdly and the outfit on the right would look better if the yellow thing covered the whole torso like an actual leotard, and the boots would improve if they were all yellow too.
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both abhorrent but there's a lot more of the agps
Too big freckles, might wanna do something about that. Also looks like huge pimples.
Go lighter on the hair highlights. Something more translucent.
Make the nose shorter, but if they're supposed to be some sort of witch, make it a bit more round.
The shadows on the clothing are okay, but are they supposed to be hard shadows? If not, make it just a slit little lighter, and add in some small highlights on where the light source peaks.
This is just propaganda my guy
Jesus Christ,, this is one of the last boards I expected this to come up in
Guess you've never been here for that long
What the fuck are those pimple looking things? She'd be fine if you got rid of them.
What difference does that make?
>How new are you?
>What difference does that make?
Their end aim purpose maybe
cute but the color scheme for the right outfit should be swapped, it's a bit gaudy. also it seems like she'd be taller than that. maybe 5'9"?
It looks like shit. The silhouette is meaningless, the language of the shapes is all off, the poses are stiff and uninteresting, the face doesn't have what it needs to be expressive, the colors are being used in the wrong way. Fundamentally it's all wrong; it's like a character attempt of somebody who isn't a professional character designer. It could be a cereal mascot in some place like North Korea, but that speaks more about them than about the character.
Remove the pimples, make her flat, and give her sharp teeth.
Are those freckles? They read as pimples.
No shade to my boy Blanchard, but I think that his typology is outdated. He created it in an environment where transitioning was an extreme step that inevitably resulted in being cut off from society as a whole. That is no longer the case, for many trooning out is a badge of honor and media glamorization of trannies certainly convinces many men that there will be little or no downside.
Now we have people who troon out because society pushes it as a solution for generalized depression (or general mental illness) or in order to gain social cachet in their SJ-oriented circles or in order to shield themselves from accusations of being a pervert.
I like it a lot OP. It's not the most interesting design ever, but solid as a waifubait-y protagonist without looking like an outright ripoff of a major franchise (like Pomni with the jester theme or Utena with the fencing theme)
A lot of other people said it so I didn't want to dogpile, but the large bumps are a little offputting though. They're okay on her face but unsettling on her shoulders
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I miss when Pencil made porn too.
Breasts don't go that low, OP.
Also, long hair should go down. Long hair isn't just a mass that stays up.

You have lots to learn about anatomy, and basic positioning of elements, but you'll get there. Keep drawing, you'll improve.
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You fucking little shit
>breasts don't go that low
Do you not have a grandma?
Does that look like a grandma to you?
that's not a check
>>breasts don't go that low
>Do you not have a grandma?
Grandma or no grandma, breasts start about the level of the armpit. If they hang lower, they still start up there.
OP's character has breasts that don't seem to be hanging low, but rather they seem to be placed low.
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I thought it was a lace top, ie. see-through fabric with a pattern printed on. But upon closer inspection, freckles seem the most plausible, since they're drawn exactly like the actual freckles on her face.
>Higher than average IQ
>Usually unsuccessful in passing as women
If they're so smart, why can't they accurately mimic women?
Looks w*stern
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is this supposed to be a reference to pearl from su
>thin elegant weapon
>rose in hand
>big fuckn reflective hemisphere
or plagiarism like su did too
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just got more important things to do than give a hoot about looks
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I actually based her off Tezuka's Princess Knight, Dio Brando and the Final Fantasy V time mage job alongside playing along the ojou sama archetype.
The schnoz and freckles (yes, they are freckles) are there to give her physical beauty flaws to go alongside her ego u_u

This is the main MC of my first project btw, she's a nerdy and shy fire mage and is a roommate and rival to the OP's character.
They go to the same magic academy ( M.A.R.I.S.A. which stands for "Magic Academy Rocca Isidora for Specializing Apprentices") :3
Unlike Ferfou's who's also part fencer, Cassia is a traditional mage.
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It's alright in concept. Shoulders look too big and masculine. Fix the skin bumps and make them look more natural. Try different colors for clothing/skin/hair
Reminds me of 80s anime

good detail adding distinctive facial features and not using anime sameface
you have no idea what 80s anime looks like

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