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>soul? check
>inherent optimism towards technology backed into design of products and physical spaces? check
>corporate? yes, but not in a soul sucking way
Stop using that vague label anon and do some real research.
The graphical aesthetic or whatever the interior design of this era was?


just saying...
The optimism for the tech was because there were clear improvments from one piece of hardware to the next. There has been little leaps forward for the last half or so decade.
Aesthetics are large in part riding off of what the masses are feeling and many aren't feeling too optimistic about the future. Maybe things will change in a few months who knows, but an aesthetic will only catch on if it somehow captures what people are feeling.
frutiger aero is shit, i hope cassette futurism makes a big comeback

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Then you should know that at the current year of 2023 graphic design is pretty much dead. I was a professional gd for almost 10 years working in both studios and on my own and I can't really find a job anymore. It's not even because of AI to be honest, its because of how the industry works and how bad the corporate environment has become.

There's still web design, 3D and VFX/motion design(primarily 3D too) and if you want something similar or easy to transition then chose one of those but I'm not sure for how long they will be relevant themselves because of the AI which is basically a final nail in the coffin of gd. Of course there are and will be exceptions and maybe you will get lucky to find some obscure local business that needs you, but if you are young and looking for a career in the future you should stop consider becoming a graphic designer. This profession is dead.
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Designers that place function over everything are my least favorite type of designer. No heart. No soul. Never creating anything truly inspiring or interesting. What a waste.
>code works or it doesn't.
thats not what design is tho so kek
You mean design thinking? That's what design is thoughbeit. Function first, aesthetic second. If you want to prioritize art, aesthetic, or emotion before functionality then you're an artist, not a designer.
making something work well is aesthetics
anything can 'function' without any design at all

How do you make really good architecture posters for your projects?
What are good ressources to look up for this? And how to learn it?
What are the basic and golden rules for architectural poster design and graphic design in general?

Also how to do post production on your renderings? And how to make good renderings?

Picrel is what google showed me when typing in architectural posters, kek.
there arent really arch 'posters' - thats not really a thing. of course everything being more or less digital, there are drawings, print outs, presentations, or boards.

a list of basic modelling sofware would be hard to find. same as rendering. go lurk the archinect forum.

also go dig up some classic mgazines, like el croquis. look up architects.

and just so you know the full oeuvre complete of Le Corbusier is available at Internet Archive
For HQ renderings i use Sketchup-->Enscape

for personal projects I've used PS from scratch with some basic textures.
this is very bad so i will assume you are underage highschooler.
go study some good architecture for a while. hmm yu might like Rossi. you could also look ta at Venturi - but stick to early venturi.

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The best design ever
If you see him, run!
Doesn't that make you want to punch him?
humans when their brain has zero activity
Because he's not white or just because he has a stupid face?
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what is this design for?

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Hey! I hope everything is going great.
So long story short, I was starting my freelancing career 2 years ago as a graphic designer, which I loved. For some personal and familiar reasons I started working in something I hate and now I'm trying my best to start designing some beautiful stuff again. However, my mind is weak, I get distracted so easily and it feels ilike there is a fear of just creating something, like my shadow is fighting against this desire... Any advice would be much appreciated c:

Image: a logo designed by the person writing this post
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looks aright, but not particularly polished, does it?

the person writing this post should get their shit together and either
1) refine projects until finished, or
2) sit down and learn more about how to design so that they know what a finished piece even looks like.

y'know... or don't do any of these.
what do you want to hear? in order to *do stuff* you gotta start *doing stuff*. you won't be finding the cure to your online addiction and laziness online, mate...
either change your approach to living life, or don't. but please stop the
>how to be more productiveeeeeeee I am a lazy fuckkkkkk that needs your permission for doing shitttt. I don't know how to think by myself HAAAALP!
pseudo questions.

the web is filled with that sentiment. you are not special. nobody cares.

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What font can I use for smaller text that works well with this?
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you can make anything work

>upgraded my memory
>32 to 64 gb
>everything feels snappier
>raws no longer a problem

wtf I should have done this earlier
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moar is needed for optimum /comfy/

ahhhh shaddap and go back to fapping over choir boys
im on 15 gigs so
So you're stuck with whatever memory you've got?
back in my day 32gb was a ludicrous amount of ram reserved only for the richest of richfags
how times change

Hi guys,
I'm doing case study design for a company presentation. Some of the studies are supposed to be Anonymous.

Is there a best practice at denoting that it is a real client without exposing their name? I've only really seen people use 'Client A' or 'Client in Media 1' etc.? No graphic icons/placeholders, just very general textual denotation.

I'm thinking of using some sort of related industry icon, or the anonymous glasses icon, or a company icon, or a case study folder icon with text i.e. [icon] + 'American client in X [industry]'. I'm thinking the specific industry icon would be the best to use but maybe there are best practices I'm missing here.

Any experience or am I overthinking things?
>I overthinking things?
Yes. All that case study stuff is useless. There are no industry standards because there is no conclusive research on any of this shit. Literally social science nonsense.

Thread dedicated to late 2000s glossy UI/website design
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take me back

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Call me a snob, but I much prefer grayscale color settings lately on Windows 10.
Even films and videos look better then. I friggin' grew up watching b&w television. Not your horrible boomer, just not american.
man who thinks he's interesting says "yes i love gray"
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Same here, but openSUSE Linux, KDE-Plasma and green highlights.
fuck that
i just yank the contrast until everything is burned out blobs
shits fucking kino
i hate everything so it works out

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Is there a specific name for this effect? I want to adjust the background color in my video to match the pic related version - all background colors changed into green.

P.S: Wouldn't mind explanation on the effects used on the character of the image related
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you are really useless
Yet somehow you managed to post something even more useless.

I wanna add to the chain of uselessness as well! yaaaaaay
Zabij się
przysięgam że przez jakiś czas na yt się wyświetlała na zmiane tylko ta reklama i mentosy fanta

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Hi guys, does anyone have any clue how to begin with this style/procedure? I'm a wallpaper designer but this looks challenging, and I'd suck some ass just to know anything. Thanks!
Looks like Photoshop + something for particles, maybe C4D or similar?

hmmm somehow thats not how i imagined it

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Looking forward to be a Freelancer Graphic Designer and Blender Artist.

I'm a 19 years old male, I decided to not attend to college because In my point of view, it's just not worthy it, paying thousands for something you can learn online. Here is my problem though, I don't know where I should start. I feel like I'm not confident enough, and I don't know many places where I could capitalize over my work.

I'm currently working at my family's business, but it's so annoying having to work with public, and being at a family's business doesn't make you feel like you are independent. Which is what I'm looking forward to be.

It's been hard since everyone tries to push me into college, because in their mind, college = easy life. And I really don't bother getting minimum wage as long, I'm doing something that I enjoy.
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Seconded. 17 years working, 21 years including school. I make $48K a year salary and most weeks I work 52 hours with no overtime. I went from entry-level, junior, senior, all the way to art director. I manage 2 designers and 5 production workers. My junior designer makes $32K a year and the other guy makes $38K after working with the company for 4 years. My day job is mostly preparing artwork for printing on promotional products. I do occasionally get to make logos, layouts, tshirt designs etc. Usually only have about 15-30 mins to work on a job like this. You have to pull creative solutions out of your house on demand and the pay is dogshit. I've created a personal side business. Most clients won't trust you enough to make the job worth your time, they'll reject your price quote unless you agree to basically work for free. Charging for graphic design can be very difficult, even the salespeople I've hired to help me sell work will exclude any service fees for my time because they can't comprehend charging for design services. If you are selling brochures, for example, they just go with the printers quote and add 20% markup. Between taxes and commissions it leaves 2-5% for you to pay yourself. If something goes wrong and you have to reprint, usually because the client gave you the wrong phone number or some other stupid shit you will lose money. If you have to buy a stock photograph or pay software subscriptions, you have to subtract that from your profit. I have found a few clients that are worth my time and pay really well but that is far from the norm. Most are not worth dealing with and some won't even pay you. I've delivered or shipped printed products and never heard from clients again. Do literally anything else.
bro - how is it you have delivered without pay?
why would you ever ever do that?
Did some one 'mke' you do that?
and while we talk turkey
what the price of a webpage these days? is a good webpage still like 30k?
a book lasts a lot longer . . .
Also worried
me? not worried.

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ok, be me: working on book.
multiple 'small' tifs from archive, slide scans n the like, all at like 3600 dpi.

i want easy to use lightweight files for getting the layout underway and eventually approved as illustrator lags when filled with too many images and linked text frame, but i didnt really alter the tiff kinda - i took a zero off the resolution for 360 and have tweaked a dimension, but really ive got images at 360 dpi. so now all the design is approved im putting high res images in and checking color modes. was gonno swap in tiffs. But couldnt i really keep the jpgs?

im gonna swap all the jpegs for cmyk tifs, but thought id pose the question.

should have been more thoughtful about making the temporary working images, but i figured it was gonna be a slog either way so didnt matter.

so what if i just kept the joegs?
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yup illustrator is laggy and prone to crashing. hate that bitch. but i also love her. i design more by proportion than template so the move into indesign 'feels' unwieldy. ill muscle through it one day though. fwiw the project is divided into 5 ai files and the layouts used low mb jpgs until ALL the editing was done and all aspects of the design and prep were complete. just redirecting the links now.

i wonder whats it like cleaning up widows and orphans and what not in indesign?
>i wonder whats it like cleaning up widows and orphans and what not in indesign?
That's the specialty of layout programs, literally designed to be good at managing hundreds of paragraphs of text. I haven't had to do much cleaning up widows and orphans in InDesign, but it used to fly though it in Quark, which had every imaginable kerning and leading function bound to a shortcut key. I could clean up dozens of pages in a couple minutes.
illustrator isnt the best handling llong linked text - but its has the tracking and kerning all there and what not. gross spell check interface which is a drag, but thats ok as someone needs to take responsibility for copy editing anyway. i was thinking about the rigidity of the templates really. unfortunately i nevr got into quark. is that software still around these days?
>nevr got into quark. is that software still around these days?
I think the answer depends. If you are a print shop or publisher that existed before InDesign (late 1999) then you almost certainly have legacy files and may still be upgrading Quark (the company I work for is like this, I literally was working in files from 1996 last week). However, most print shops and publishers have been swallowed up by larger, more tech-savvy ones, and those are all basically running Adobe CC. Quark Xpress is still pulling in about 150 million in sales every year so it's not like they are abandonware or anything. It's just that you're not going to find casual users (people who go to school for graphic design usually get an Adobe student license) so it looks like no one uses Quark. Plus these are layout programs. Using them is grunt work for production artists.
thats a pretty good sales pitch for quark actually!

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