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If I use this to put on a shirt?

Also How would I go about putting this on a shirt?
a shirt as in *one single shirt* or *a shirt I sell thousands of*?
printing one piece: nobody cares.
printing for munnneeeh: prepare to be fucked up
the South African cracker that wants to destroy the economy to make himself richer, just like his family did over there?
>Doubt it
Just one shirt for my personal use.

I just had a customer inquire me to design him a 32-page product catalog for his store, and a logo. He gave me detailed instructions on what he's looking for including for in a logo. His catalog will be filled with furniture similar to Williams Sonoma.

I know AI can do a lot of things nowadays. But I am wondering how much you guys would advise that I charge him as a first bid?
not enough info.
how big is their business? how good/experienced are you? what about revisions? how much time? how much freedom? how long will it take you? how reliable are you in meeting due dates? planning on working with 'em in the future again?

well, Idk. depends on the situation. pricing art (and related services) works differently.
if you ai that shit you will never see that client again

what does finishing this thing entail what is done or exists and what doesnt?

15 spreads and a cover?
Hourly rate is the best.
no. its not.

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I am a noob at this software and am trying to figure out a way to combine these two things, the circle and the sphere. The sphere is connected to an audioCHOP and spectrum with a pbr being animated to jump along to the music. the circle is just some feedbacks and displaces/coloring to make a cool animated burning star thing. What I want to do is texture the sphere with the circle pattern. I tried combining the two final out null operators with a composite but it doesnt really "blend" them like I want to, I want the noise and displacement of the circle texture bouncing and moving along with the audio too. anyone know a way to do this?
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easier to see
bro you got that far p good
i basically just mashed three youtube tutorials together and edited the parameters, i still dont really know what i am doing. idk how to code lol

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Amounts in tables.

I like that the decimal point is aligned, to compare quantities, but on the other hand, feels icky that there is just one type of cell that is right aligned.

What do you guys think? Left? Right?
dont "align" decimal points
thats gay
right justify
(amounts to the same thing)
left justify makes no sense
some data table's columns should always be right aligned, for example:
cells that contains numbers, ids, dates, time, amounts, buttons, dropdowns, with the exception of phone numbers, those should be left aligned.
also keep table headers aligned as the content in their columns.

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Is web design inherently soulless ADHD brainrot or is it that all modern sites are corporate shit taint? I think grooveshark and myspace didn't feel like seven layers of digital hell but I could be misremembering
What cool sites can I model which won't make me want to claw out my eyes? Fag
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what kind of website? I think in general all web design before windows metro (<2010) is a lot more soulful
as far as social media, I still think last.fm's old design was peak
kinda gay weeb shite brah

web design is trashy because its built from lame code parameters

I never done this on Photoshop, any tips yould be appreciated

Basically, i'm trying to mix all images in order to have the best quality possible, only issue is that the higher the quality, the more there was on the picture, therefore i have to cut it and replace it with lower quality variants ( Or simply different sources, but there isn't much out there )
"make it better, Siri" doesnt work on photoshop

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Are they a viable option if you don't want to starve?
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It's rather about niche rather than generalized artistry. The reason why degenerates pay an exorbitant amount for fetish material because:
A. In certain cases (such as highly specified or even criminal fetishes) finding an artist extremely rare.
B. Stating you paid said fee would be embarrassing, so people keep quiet if they don't like what they get.
C. Custom artistry is a speculative market and has no specific cap. I partially agree with>>455084 most artist's without connections do not make it. However high paying pieces require skill and talent. It's like buying cologne, you pay for the skill of the artisan and time taken to complete the piece not the total base material worth. In total the customer pays for your time, material and production costs.
The niche thing is true but rather than becoming established as a go-to creator within a narrow subject range or one niche format like magazine covers or posters, the people who succeed create their own niche by developing a unique and more or less recognizable original style that is appealing and becomes sought after by a wide range of clients.

The more established you can get in that way, the less commissions will be about a particular form or style and the more you will get clients who just want to commision something with *your* ideas and style attached to it.

The really cool thing about that is that it can allow you to essentially do stuff you would just do for fun and get paid for it, or even fulfill the commission with something you've already done but haven't made public.
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Another example-

>Nagel contributed to Playboy magazine between August 1975 and July 1984, with one of his paintings being published in every issue, most notably in the Playboy Advisor, Playboy Forum and Playboy After Hours columns.... He created roughly 285 pieces of art work for Playboy during his career.
>In the early part of his time with Playboy he was given very specific illustration instructions, but that ended sometime between 1977 and 1978; thereafter, Nagel chose his theme and approach and submitted his work for approval before publication."

Once he got to that point it was just about having him do a project and he pretty much called the shots...but before that he was a regular GD worker bee taking orders from bosses and clients.
i wouldnt call this niche really

its really having an audience that likes you and has the means to pay

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Whats the best way to get product photos like this?
Is there an AI solution where I can take an actual product photo then apply some type of smoothing filter to make it look 3d rendered? Have been scrolling amazon products and have seen a lot of renderings vs actual product photos.
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This AI thing isnt going to well for me. Took a direct product rendering from meta. This is what it makes
keep posting bro

This is from an album cover on Bandcamp
Alien movie font
It's quite closed but the uppercase A is not
Just email the band and ask

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I made an animated illustration about the Devil. What do you think?
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Lol, you guys are done for...
looks fun lol
AI slop, kys
>AI slop
kys you fucking hack
this is great, keep it up man

I think this image is cool. What do you think? (not my work)
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It looks nice in a vacuum, but as a logo it's super-generic, placeholder-tier.
As far as JetBrains logos go I prefer their uniform IDE ones, and I liked the older blue-orange Kotlin logo.
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And in the 3D spherical logo genre I like this one.
i really like Fleet's logo
it makes me wanna grab it in real life with my thumb and my index and pinch it
or roll it around on my palm

What do you think?
too much going on with absolutely no direction, composition looks entirely random
I dont even know why Im telling you this but...
the best "impressions" contain a pinch of love.
Norm MacDonald said that about Alec Baldwin's impersonation of Trump.
He claimed, and I agree, that they weren't funny (one cvould say they weren't as funny as they couldve been) because Baldwin left no humanity or person or etc in the character.
It just became "Alec Baldwin seizing up in paroxysms of unfunny hatred of his character."
So anyways after 5 or 6 or 12 stickers theres no contrast.
It's all just:
how much SHIT can I pile on making fun of this stereotype that I've now made unbelievable because even the worst trumptard is a human being) The latter of which you seem to have frgotten and it shows in your work.

I hate those fucking trucks though so I hope you do something better with the general idewa.
Also, the t-shirt memes and the (only) funniest meme that Democrats have come up with in the that last 10 years. The "truck stop t-shirts".
Oh, also, your text on the mudflaps doesn't even fit the mudflap?
you should add "i gargle white cocks for justice" if you really want to make it work

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Fantastic can she teach design from prison?
Which intrepid fish wrap pusher will blow the lid off the vast criminal underworld lurking about within this seemingly innocuous hobby / career?
>Illegal Graphic design
I had a client who asked me to remake a VIN number once off of a destroyed door. I made a copy good enough to be scanned as the same vehicle before checking with my local DMV, who told me to ask the local police department, who then recommended I to go to my states public transit department. In the end the government needed to run a class 3 inspection on a vehicle before they would print a new tag (which as expected costs a small fortune). What's wild is no one knew and I was asked by my town to give the verdict back to local law enforcement and the DMV for future use.

It's wild how easy it was to forge tags (mid 2000-2010's) that were identical to the OG's.
>remember kids, always check before you cash an order in. Ignorance is not an excuse for breaking the law.

Data hoarder with TBs of images I want to set up like this but can't find any software:
All images shown randomly
I get to set how much time is spent on each image
When I see one I like I can click and immediately be taken to the GD image so I can see who and what tf it was.

Currently, I have Win11 and the random slideshow etc from screensaver works

(with unsatisfactory controls over time )

and when I see something I like and click on it it just interrupts screensaver and I have no idea what the painting was titled or who painted it or etc.
I really don't know where else to ask and am not making a fucking Reddit account or etc
entire point is to get offline.
4chan is the only / last social media platform I will visit, if i have any say about it.

thanks for your consideration.

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>I can see who and what tf it was.
>file location

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I have learned many things throughout my life, and i feel like i have never come across something so difficult for my nogging to go through as drawing. I cannot conceive how people get any joy from the learning process that i'm thinking i'm straight up built incapable of learning this trade. It's not like i can't brute force it or anything, but it feels like such a humiliating ritual to trace, copy, do and redo this over and over again, feels like my brain is simply blocking me to a point where i don't want to even try due to how hard it pales in comparasion to good drawings made by veterans. How do i learn this shit?I really need a light right here.
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id like to help, but id rather monetize my knowledge
Don't. Better learn Stable Diffusion, which will be more useful in the future.
>we dont support ai
Go cry to your gov'ment daddy about it, luddite. Maybe they will give you a janitorial reconversion.
Unsuccessful "artist" gatekeeping, thinks he has any value left in today's age of AI and hyper-information.
my design work supports me.
and i can draw.

Who is that?
You will never be a real creative

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