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4chan + soul
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Who needs captchas and verifications to deter the low IQ when you can use le scary hacker font
hrm. could actually be more of a magnet than a deterrent as well?
>deter the low IQ
Taking care of your eyes isn't that low IQ tho
The weak should fear the strong. If ancient BIOS font hurts your eyes you're ngmi.
low IQs aren't sensitive to visual pollutions, see indian cities.

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I'm being paid to design the logo and interior design for a medical college
So i'll be creating a new logo for this dna research program as well as the images/colors/accents for the entire lab and office space
I've never done a project this big before so i have no idea what to charge
Have any of you done something this big for this big of a client? and what was your compensation? they are asking for a number and i don't know what's reasonable to ask for
How much do you need to be comfortable for a year. Divide by 52 and charge for how many weeks it takes.
that sounds reasonable to me
but i don't really know how many weeks it will take yet, i don't have a deadline for the project to be finished either because they are building a new lab as well
so i don't know how long the construction will take and how much of that will need to happen before the designs are installed
These sounds like details you need to get from them as soon as possible.
Try to find a recent copy of the Graphic Artists Guild Handbook and supplement one of their sample contract breakdowns with rates suited to your cost of living. Tell the client what information you need for the quote.
Are you responsible for a set of working drawings?
Do you know what an "elevation" is?
They gave you the "scope", right?

You sound out of your depth, my brother, but i dont know your design talent, skill set, nor hustle factor....you want a partner?

Previous: >>424227
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does anyone have an invite to the cari discord?
also why the fuck are the images gone?
What happened with the pics?
There's any site to check them?
Just make sure you have Ublock on your browser.

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How do you market your services and get clients.
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fart huffer
Let me guess—you need more?
you can learn marketing and then get yourself out in the public eye or whoever you want to be doing graphics for, have to learn business skills and such.
i surf social media for businesses that i think would benefit from my products and message them telling them im a designer for hire. i also have business cards and go to businesses in the area and ask to talk to the owner and do the social media thing in person
I've only worked at one agency and it was a marketing agency. Rest of my experience has been the shitty small business freelance, or being the in-house graphic (and web dev) person.

At the marketing agency I worked at, everything was heavily siloed. I received assignments. I never saw any steps of the business side of things, how they find clients, how they negotiate with them, contracts, etc.

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Made in blender
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Looks awesome!

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>Company handed out this software for free
>Fully functional, no paywall
>Decided it must be a scam and didn't trust the company
>Retards installed the update
>Surprise, surprise, got baited and switched to a subscription called Linearity Curve with no refunds
>Still have the original Vectornator, works perfectly.
>Was clever and got free software out of the scam
Anyone else or am I the only one who didn't fall for it?
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Hahaaaaa same! I knew that bullshit was coming so I was wary of every update notification. It wasn't crashing so I never updated.
Non-free, proprietary software incl. non-free SaaS are a long-term liability bound only to the quarterly profit margins of the Software Vendor and Publisher(TM).

You're locked into an iOS/macOS device, a proprietary frontend for Apple Appstore(TM), the Software Vendor and Publisher(TM) pisses in your mouth while you think you're so clever.

And just like that, the program, the black box you relied on does not exist anymore, one iOS update away.

Consoomers get what they deserve.

>The word "free" in our name does not refer to price; it refers to freedom. First, the freedom to copy a program and redistribute it to your neighbors, so that they can use it as well as you. Second, the freedom to change a program, so that you can control it instead of it controlling you; for this, the source code must be made available to you.

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>Martha, this General Purpose Computing is too spicy!

iShitters get what they deserve.
What's good about this over other programs.

ITT: Share your favorite or most hated YouTube channel banners and branding, rate the picks of others, or share your channel artwork.
data mining

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Share designs and graphics utilizing noise.
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If done well I think it's a nice addition to current digital design trends.

What gave me the idea for the thread was the redesign of https://motion.dev/ which I think would look emptier, and worse, without the subtle noise overlay.
>I think would look emptier, and worse, without the subtle noise overlay.

that is the truth, it IS literary empty and bad when a noise texture must be there on top of all the other stylistic clutter to 'save' it a.k.a. how to over-design 2 to 5 paragraphs of text and 3 links.

it also promotes obnoxious ms powerpoint style web animation that impresses no one in 2024. please prioritize accessibility, legibility, ergonomics, low external dependencies and bandwith utilization and instant load times etc instead of trying to make flash sites with javascript, at least for things that people actually (need to) use, i don't need to see choppy 20-53 fps css animations cuz some macbook tard thought if was "dope" and true artistic expression that the numbers scroll like a flip clock or something or replace mouse scrollwheel interaction with something else

here is another responsive, developer oriented website, but made around 1999 with some modest typesetting and gui navigation considerations (limited to the html of that time for better or worse) and it works and does not need wobbly crap on every scroll wheel input to teach u the subject matter with code samples still in 2024 - https://c-faq.com/
Where's the design, though? Where's the brand? Where's GSAP, Three.js, Rive, D3, where's the interactivity? Are you a lazy dev? You will not win any Awwwards without them.
I forgot to tag you >>458727
I get the general sentiment, but the no-design maximalism is fucking retarded.

> please prioritize accessibility, legibility, ergonomics, low external dependencies and bandwith utilization

None of these are at odds with good design. And lack of design does not imply any of these things, as shown by your great example that shits on all of these except for maybe bandwidth.

Instead of being a rambling piece shit and trying to prove your point with an example that cares about maybe one of these things, post something actually useful or stfu. Go derail a different thread.

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like every important term, this one also changed in meaning during history.
it clearly has a trajectory (momentum), as well as a state (position).

so while we are *obviously* not talking quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's idea of "uncertainty" to a degree still holds in defining this word:
as soon as we start describing its flow, we start missing the momentary *snaps* essence.
as soon as we start describing the most precise of snapshots, we miss its origin, development, and -most importantly- its future.

of course additionally the term should always be understood as describing a whole *category of things* rather than a *unified, simple, monolithic object*.
in other words are we dealing with a sort of heterogeneous hyperobject, BOTH in time AND space. so be broad but vague, or precise but local about it?
the best shot at experiencing what design is, is by experiencing it oneself.

and yet. (again) of course we all know that. because why would we otherwise keep asking this question???
maybe the good designer has to always be interested in philosophizing about it, even if it will never be ultimately answered (probably).

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It's a dead meme. Abandon ship.
Something people used to do before AI replaced them.
making functional arrangements of shapes, visual communication as an occupation, typically in conjunction to another computer skill (ux, web dev, print, vfx).

imagine if a bricklayer, framer or a carpenter acted like this
I'm a mason and I act like this

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hi /gd/ this is my cat rupert i made some artwork for his grand birthday tour, what do you think? a picture of him next to it for reference
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very nice
Looks great!
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He is a talented artist happy birthday rupert

its what the title said i used after effects for this since idk where else to put it i hope this dosent bother anyone
looks awesome babe, but you used the wrong software. you should use zbrush
do you guys know where i can fine a "/" for motion graphics

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Feeling unproductive AF this past year. Everything I make feels like garbage, desu. Thinking of quitting in 4 months and taking a 3-month break for personal development, maybe make the switch to UI/UX after. Anyone been through a phase like this? How’d you get your groove back and start making stuff you’re proud of?
What are you? A hobbyist? A student? Quitting what?

Makes no sense.
putting name in post like anyone gaf who u are
It's just a job for me, there is no passion.

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my portfolio’s solid, but all I’m landing are these small freelance scraps. Can’t seem to score an actual job. Should I rework my portfolio? Puff up my experience? Switch up the location? halp pls.
If you are using LinkedIn or a similar service to apply for jobs, you need to use all the tips and tricks for creating a "good" CV. Yes, all the white small text, keywords, text generated by AI, etc.

You need this because the first step is automated, then your resumé will land on a WHORE from the HR who does not have a fucking clue of what your role demands, and just then it will be forwarded to someone who understand a thing or two about what you will do. You need to create a resume that the machine and the dumbfuck HR WHORE will like.
you have to build an audience, x is the best place, jump into discussions, post wips, insides, mistakes, show your thinking, the age of resume and portfolios alone is over, in fact if a company wants a resume and cover letter, don't work there
provided it's not a ghost job in the first place

Finishing up poster project for a class. At the bottom we're supposed to include the qr code and info as shown. That's how I currently have it, but it looks ugly. Any suggestions? (Can't change the font)
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Put an email icon beside the email. A globe icon beside the website and a phone icon beside the number.
QR codes are functionally optimal when B&W.
Maybe try rearranging?
>Bridge Builders Network
The obvious idea would be to have a graphic image of a suspension bridge that spans across the card.
Maintain the border space established by the text by aligning the QR Code properly, add the "(", AND USE AN EN DASH.

Also for creative tips, experiment, throw paint on the wall, don't be in love with a single idea.

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I've never had that before. When I just expand a text field, for some reason it either compresses the text automatically or expands it, and that's without pressing the CTRL key. Please help
it should just clip the bottom line

guessing the adobe enterprise quality software development saar did the needful

just pirate cc2018 and never ever "upgrade"
that company should just die already

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