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File: 3_Fruit.png (226 KB, 2100x2100)
226 KB
226 KB PNG
Client didn't want it. Maybe you'd do?
Souless tech company design
you gotta be kidding us
bro cmon
ypu couldnt even crop it to a wallpaper repeating patternntsdd
soulless: yes
tech company: no

did you even take a look at this shit??
>maybe go back to studying, my intellectually challenged brothers?
This looks very demeaning like talking to a child
too much variety, make them all bananaman
0-3 sad onions
Could be interested!
I've come back and laughed at this like 3 times in the past few weeks
What's the lore behing the sad onion.
Is there a retard proof way to (not manually) replicate it in order to print it?
I don't think it even tiles.
next time just use AI
In the decaying realm of The Withering Gardens, where the Great Harvest brought forth an age of rot and fermentation, the Sad Onion stands as a peculiar figure among the blighted produce. Once a proud member of the Allium Order, a brotherhood of layered knights who protected the Fresh Lands from corruption.

Legend speaks of the Sad Onion, known as Sir Tearweaver, who witnessed the fall of the Vegetable Cathedral during the Night of the Spoiling Moon. When the ancient Fungal Parasites emerged from the Compost Below, they brought with them a terrible curse - The Ripening - which drove fresh produce to madness, turning them overripe and ultimately decomposed.

Sir Tearweaver's failed to protect his fellow knights from the Mold Plague. Each layer of his being holds memories of fallen companions, and it is said that his constant weeping is not merely the natural defense of his kind, but tears of genuine sorrow that possess cleansing properties against the corruption.

The Sad Onion now wanders the gothic spires of the Vegetable Cathedral, its many layers peeling away as time passes, each shed layer revealing deeper truths about the nature of freshness and decay. Some say he guards an ancient secret about the First Seed, a mystical artifact that could reverse The Ripening, while others believe his tears are the key to maintaining one's freshness in this rotting world.

Travelers who encounter him speak of his peculiar habit of gifting pieces of his outer layers to those he deems worthy, each fragment containing powerful memories and bitter truths. Yet beware, for those who peel too deep into his story risk discovering truths that were better left buried in the fertile soil of ignorance.
I don't know if that's supposed to be a potato or a big ass bean

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