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I have a Wacom tablet but I can't draw for shit.
I can't look at the screen and draw at the same time.

Should I just pick a tablet with a screen, even if it's more expensive?
I used a screenless tablet for years and it's really hard on the shoulder. It's also hard to really do natural, fluid linework. I switched to a Wacom One a few years back and it's definitely an improvement, and they're not too super duper expensive. I can also use it as a second monitor, which comes in handy sometimes.
keep trying
touchscreen drawing is cool tho
How much time I'm supposed to try until it doesn't bother me?
It sucks to draw like this.
>I can't look at the screen and draw at the same time.
Just give up and use a mouse. A friend of mine is a pro illustrator and only uses a mouse. I use a wacom tablet like picrel but I started using tablet and stylus before touchscreens were a thing. Most serious artists these day use touchscreens, so if you can afford it, do that. Hardly anyone uses picrel anymore.

>hardly anyone uses screenless
>use your mouse

bunch of bs!
just get used to it. do you really think there is more to it than that???
i dont digitally draw or need to draw enough for me to get a wacom type thing like yours so i use my mouse - that takes getting used to, too! ive gotten pretty good but would prefer your waycom to take advantage of my hand skills for drawing. just keep getting used to it.
I could also draw with a nail pierced through my dick and with enough years get used to it, but I would like to not hate the process.
if drawing with a screenless tablet feels like that to you then you should consider dropping the habit alltogether and do something simpler.
like cleaning toilets or washing dishes.
the list of easier tasks isn't that long desu, so I wish you best of luck!
I hate the desu feature so much
TO BE HONEST is the term!!...!!!...
pretty stupid comment
fuck off i guess
Use ai
>Should I just pick a tablet with a screen, even if it's more expensive?
Drawing monitors exist. I got a cheap Wacom years and years ago, used, because I have the same problem.
Been drawing on a paper for decades, can't do without watching.
Unless you need to use Photoshop,
get an ipad. Good drawing apps and the apple pencil is great. It's seriously a superior drawing experience.

I've used various wacoms professionally for man years. It's really a tool for work.
Pick display tablet, drawing tablet is a meme unless you get the bigger one with a bigger desk, but even then you'll have trouble in drawing curves or perspective. Wacom, huion, and xp pen all have cheap display tablet for under $400, I havent tried brand like veikk or other newcomer yet but I think they're more cheaper than the big three.
If you can afford more, get samsung tablet or ipad. Samsung is cheaper than ipad but you need to get csp for that, try to get s8 at least, considering s7 is quite lagging on csp. Ipad is cool, it has procreate, but it expensive as fuck.
Idk if you could ever draw like this, but I do know that art must be physical.
There is no such thing as digital art.
I'd second this. I have a ipad mini and use the apple pencil with it. Really easy to work with. Procreate can export .psd format and is very similar to photoshop drawing tools. You can do everything you would do in photoshop. Also try Affinity Designer. It has a pixel mode that similarly works like photoshop. The mini is lightweight and doesn't hurt my back as much as the ipad pro. The size is perfect. I wouldn't even wait on a newer chip unless you think they'll change the form factor to something even lighter.
Play games with it, specifically city builders, helps you get used to manipulating the cursor and get used to not looking at it the same way you don't look at your mouse pad or track pad.
Getting an expensive tablet will not bless you with artistic talent, getting used to your tools and practice will.
I love drawing on my ipad pro but the battery dies so quickly whenever I use procreate. It’s also over 6 years old, so that may be the reason, but I feel like the battery always died quickly
dont be silly
Practice helps, honestly
Who are all these cretins?
Shoulder problem is clearly an issue with your ergonomy you dipshit.
If you can't use a pen I don't think you have much choices left in terms of your future career prospects and hobbies.
I'd say maybe finger painting is more suitable for you or crayons.
you must think you're so funny
Screen or no-screen, drawing on tablet is massively more difficult than drawing on paper
Many would disagree.
I started out with a Wacom Bamboo and the learning curve is bigger. If you're used to drawing on paper then a display tablet is not a bad investment. They've gotten way more affordable.

If your workflow includes sketching and drawing then buying a display tablet is a no brainer. Screenless tablets are becoming a bit dated honestly. People switched from physical keys on a phone to touch screen as well because it was "more intuitive'.

I switched to a Wacom Mobile studio after 10 years of using my Wacom Bamboo and the difference is instantly noticable. It's like switching from a 1080p screen to a full 4k 99% Adobe RGB monitor.Quality of life is important.

"Life shouldn't be about suffering." -Some chinese proverb probably
I just use my fingers on my smartphone.
Just put the stylus close enough to the tablet so the cursor switches over. You'll see your cursor position on screen before you press your stylus against the tablet. I like it, you can keep your back straight and forward as you look at the screen instead of arching over a notebook, which I've done for far too long. Now, a few caveats, I use the WIRED Intuous S, because the bluetooth one apparently lags, and also I'll admit, I would like to switch to a larger one, because it is a very small surface area, and if you don't remap the surface area to a single monitor (at least), a multimonitor setup will stretch your tablet coordinates alllll the way across your two monitors, and that's assuming your monitors are even the same size, if they're not, it will be even wierder. But, well Wacoms are expensive, and so far I like the Small just fine.
But yes, use the wired version, use the onscreen cursor, and remap the size to be at least close to the right aspect ratio.

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