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I have a Wacom tablet but I can't draw for shit.
I can't look at the screen and draw at the same time.

Should I just pick a tablet with a screen, even if it's more expensive?
I used a screenless tablet for years and it's really hard on the shoulder. It's also hard to really do natural, fluid linework. I switched to a Wacom One a few years back and it's definitely an improvement, and they're not too super duper expensive. I can also use it as a second monitor, which comes in handy sometimes.
keep trying
touchscreen drawing is cool tho
How much time I'm supposed to try until it doesn't bother me?
It sucks to draw like this.
>I can't look at the screen and draw at the same time.
Just give up and use a mouse. A friend of mine is a pro illustrator and only uses a mouse. I use a wacom tablet like picrel but I started using tablet and stylus before touchscreens were a thing. Most serious artists these day use touchscreens, so if you can afford it, do that. Hardly anyone uses picrel anymore.

>hardly anyone uses screenless
>use your mouse

bunch of bs!
just get used to it. do you really think there is more to it than that???
i dont digitally draw or need to draw enough for me to get a wacom type thing like yours so i use my mouse - that takes getting used to, too! ive gotten pretty good but would prefer your waycom to take advantage of my hand skills for drawing. just keep getting used to it.
I could also draw with a nail pierced through my dick and with enough years get used to it, but I would like to not hate the process.
if drawing with a screenless tablet feels like that to you then you should consider dropping the habit alltogether and do something simpler.
like cleaning toilets or washing dishes.
the list of easier tasks isn't that long desu, so I wish you best of luck!
I hate the desu feature so much
TO BE HONEST is the term!!...!!!...
pretty stupid comment
fuck off i guess
Use ai
>Should I just pick a tablet with a screen, even if it's more expensive?
Drawing monitors exist. I got a cheap Wacom years and years ago, used, because I have the same problem.
Been drawing on a paper for decades, can't do without watching.

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