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File: 1692508654012530s.jpg (6 KB, 250x239)
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what is a WEBP file and why is it suddenly everywhere?
it's like a webm, but a picture.
Isn't it a picture that the internet's host?
that shit has Go Away Heat with me i have to go to Convertio to download the pics i Want
It's a new image format.
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This video has a pretty good overview of the subject.
Just skip the sponsor section at 1:55
>12 minutes to explain that it's a 2x smaller 'jpeg' used by modern browsers and windows doesn't ship a decoder
Death to all normies.
He also discusses software tools for working with webms, as well as specific scientific measures of effectiveness of image compression.
Google pays major hosts to batch convert all their shit to webp, and it gets preferential indexing in searches which affects downstream indexers
Unironically nepotism in image format.
thanks that was informative.
ah I see that must be why it suddenly seems everywhere
It's like jpeg2000, but worse.
it's been around since like 2014, it's google trying to push his own image format
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I don't like Pepe the Frog.

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