>should we stick with our unique, soulful, colorful mascot that stands out from the crowd?>that's so yesterday, let's change it to generic clipart of testicular torsion instead
>>458861the internet is not a place of fun and creativity anymore where people created their own websites for the sake of it and shared thoughts and personal knowledge. It is a hellscape where money is all that matter, there is basically 3 websites and 5 apps that normies use daily and nobody has free time anymore to just waste time creating in the internet. It just became boring because boring people are who hold the power and money.
>>458861If your company has a stupid name like "GoDaddy", no amount of GD skill will help you.
there's no other place to post this shit, so here it is.Post your delightful autismo thoughts on your PSA of choice, stay safe.
Last thread: >>441761
Okay, got it.
what the fuck happened to the images in this threadregardless this is definitely my favorite, but casiopea self titled is a very close second
>>456182Bladee is the goat
my mommas friend told me she would pay me 10 bucks for a birthday collage photo with her pic, i could just smash the pics and write "happy birday!!!" in comic sans but i feel like i should tryhard this time, someone give me examples of kino bday cards collages etc
>>458956Are you anything related to graphic design? If not, just use canva, she will love it and it will be easy for you. If yes, goddamn boy, want me to type on your keyboard too?
^^^^^^^ this.Canva is the go-to if you're a beginner or if you have nothing to do with graphic design
this shit is not centered
They broke the grid.
>>458963looks better this way. centered would look weird.
it's kind of annoying still idk what to say
on a scale plz
here u go op
Client didn't want it. Maybe you'd do?
Is there a retard proof way to (not manually) replicate it in order to print it?
>>458993I don't think it even tiles.
>>457302next time just use AI
>>458475In the decaying realm of The Withering Gardens, where the Great Harvest brought forth an age of rot and fermentation, the Sad Onion stands as a peculiar figure among the blighted produce. Once a proud member of the Allium Order, a brotherhood of layered knights who protected the Fresh Lands from corruption.Legend speaks of the Sad Onion, known as Sir Tearweaver, who witnessed the fall of the Vegetable Cathedral during the Night of the Spoiling Moon. When the ancient Fungal Parasites emerged from the Compost Below, they brought with them a terrible curse - The Ripening - which drove fresh produce to madness, turning them overripe and ultimately decomposed.Sir Tearweaver's failed to protect his fellow knights from the Mold Plague. Each layer of his being holds memories of fallen companions, and it is said that his constant weeping is not merely the natural defense of his kind, but tears of genuine sorrow that possess cleansing properties against the corruption.The Sad Onion now wanders the gothic spires of the Vegetable Cathedral, its many layers peeling away as time passes, each shed layer revealing deeper truths about the nature of freshness and decay. Some say he guards an ancient secret about the First Seed, a mystical artifact that could reverse The Ripening, while others believe his tears are the key to maintaining one's freshness in this rotting world.Travelers who encounter him speak of his peculiar habit of gifting pieces of his outer layers to those he deems worthy, each fragment containing powerful memories and bitter truths. Yet beware, for those who peel too deep into his story risk discovering truths that were better left buried in the fertile soil of ignorance.
>>457302I don't know if that's supposed to be a potato or a big ass bean
i'm so fed up with fucking vegas proi'm using vegas pro 20 and Sapphire OFX pluginand it's always freezing and fucking crashing when i try to use any fucking effect or transition so i need to save my project every 2 - 3 minutesalso when it's unfreezing my project going crazy and having green screens glitches and shiti even updated from 8gb to 16gb ram and it's still doing this shit like what the fuck how do i fix this? More ram? 32gb ram???? Delete fucking Sapphire? My videos ain't even long man i'm so fed up with this shit
>using vegas in current year
>>458922so? Your green text ain't cool pal
op maybe just use a browser editor :>
>>459024/gd/ anons trying not to be toxic-retards (it's impossible)
I have a Wacom tablet but I can't draw for shit.I can't look at the screen and draw at the same time.Should I just pick a tablet with a screen, even if it's more expensive?
>>455873Screen or no-screen, drawing on tablet is massively more difficult than drawing on paper
>>458985Many would disagree.
I started out with a Wacom Bamboo and the learning curve is bigger. If you're used to drawing on paper then a display tablet is not a bad investment. They've gotten way more affordable.If your workflow includes sketching and drawing then buying a display tablet is a no brainer. Screenless tablets are becoming a bit dated honestly. People switched from physical keys on a phone to touch screen as well because it was "more intuitive'.I switched to a Wacom Mobile studio after 10 years of using my Wacom Bamboo and the difference is instantly noticable. It's like switching from a 1080p screen to a full 4k 99% Adobe RGB monitor.Quality of life is important. "Life shouldn't be about suffering." -Some chinese proverb probably
I just use my fingers on my smartphone.
>>455873Just put the stylus close enough to the tablet so the cursor switches over. You'll see your cursor position on screen before you press your stylus against the tablet. I like it, you can keep your back straight and forward as you look at the screen instead of arching over a notebook, which I've done for far too long. Now, a few caveats, I use the WIRED Intuous S, because the bluetooth one apparently lags, and also I'll admit, I would like to switch to a larger one, because it is a very small surface area, and if you don't remap the surface area to a single monitor (at least), a multimonitor setup will stretch your tablet coordinates alllll the way across your two monitors, and that's assuming your monitors are even the same size, if they're not, it will be even wierder. But, well Wacoms are expensive, and so far I like the Small just fine. But yes, use the wired version, use the onscreen cursor, and remap the size to be at least close to the right aspect ratio.
Post'em (extra points for foreign /rare)
Got some cool ones!
>>454796I always wondered what these looked like
> Be me, Design student, shy, strange, dumb, 20> Now, jaded, no longer an incel and a bit far right. Due to bad experiences in college> How do I navigate design world without letting my prejudice by my negative experiences in design influence my work or opportunities
>>458362bro do good work or don't. wtf is the problem/question?>snowflake is only able to work for people with identical political beliefsgrow up or find clients with fitting opinions, faggot
>>458363Nah My question is valid your just a cum fuck incel braindead piss drinker retard nigger faggot for asnwering me like that, pls kill your self
>>458366cute. but nah, man. it is pretty silly.
>>458362Honestly proper therapy is the solution to being imprisoned and sabotaged by your own mind.Know you don't necessarily have to forgive anyone or change your beliefs, but can still let go of how those experiences hurt you, and free yourself from being limited by them. When you do that the path forward will be obvious and you will feel motivated and capable to advance.Do your research on this to avoid shitty therapists. Look into the experiential neuroscience based shit.
Excuse me please, but I don't like Pepe the Frog.
what is a WEBP file and why is it suddenly everywhere?
>>458372thanks that was informative.
>>458452ah I see that must be why it suddenly seems everywhere
It's like jpeg2000, but worse.
>>457119>suddenly>>458090>newit's been around since like 2014, it's google trying to push his own image format
I don't like Pepe the Frog.
For never alone
Always together
>>457481Who is she? Gimme a quick run down(qrd) and a detailed answer at the same time.
prove me wrong
am diggin yo ass
>AI retard makes a thread on a dead board to spam his garbage that nobody except him cares aboutreally wish crossboarders would just drop dead
>no upscaling>terrible artifacting>online platform that uses CLIP text model to fix your shitty prompting>"""creative""" person x animal gensit's slop
Magazine ad for a watch. I liked my previous iteration before my professor told me to change stuff. Everything shown has to be included. Not sure what I can do to make it look better. Any advice? Much appreciated
>>458930Also, if you can change the picture, change it. >>458937 is right as the only story the guy shows is "ohh for fuck sake, i forgot my Seiko at home, third time this week"
>>458938yeah now that you mention it, the "available..." paragraph absolutely needs to be below the "inspired by..." paragraph in a much smaller font. basic shit really >Also, if you can change the picture, change itif he can't he should just photoshop the watch in the guys hand. it's a trivial task even for a first year student
>>458939Originally they were in different spots, but professor said to place them there.
>>458930Thanks for the help guys
>>458941About the "available at" paragraph, I see you have two options:–Move it below and try to rationalize with your teacher. Use these ads as argument (there are plenty more online), take a look how the store text is the last on the bottom on both.– If you really need to place it there, create a hierarchy on your text as people don't read long strings.Something like:AVAILABLE ATSeiko yadda yaddaStarting at OCTORBER 1, 2024Also, about the watch, make it bigger. Be inspired by other seiko ads.