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are there any good sites that have full rips of premium mockup sites like bendito or hazard mockups this shit is too expensive

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Instagram's new Story UI looks like it was designed by a 15 year old in 2005.
Fits the target audience and "short attention span" tendencies of everyone on social media. I agree it's not following the universal mold of great design (whatever that is) but it has consistency going for it which is nice.
its just looks like 'hey cute stickers'
cuz 'we're a fun company not a merciless corporation"
Which is exactly how it should be. Do you think that one of the biggest company in the world would release something so important without proper research before? Or do you expect them to be all Carbon Design System-y?
this looks good, actually
its a fun "here's a bilzillion options" way of doing it, jumbled up and fun/personal feeling

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what do you guys think? desu i don`t know why did i do that and what was on my mind, I just created logotype and picked colors and made this. Any sggestions how can I use all of this?
did you just draw letters and then run it through ai?
I can promise you they did.
looks very much like beta photoshop firefly to me;
>"paint" letters with brush tool
>ctrl-click layer icon to select

the slight ai uncanniness is a bit of a shame, but otherwise I dig it a lot!
pretty neat design!
Yes I did, yup that’s quite simple but the question is, where and how can I use that. Should I build kind of agency or brand idk. Maybe animate it like it’s floating on a website or something. Kinda stupid question but it is what it is
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>where and how can I use that
>Should I build kind of agency or brand idk
>Maybe animate it like it’s floating on a website or something
fuck off AI boi
shit aint even legible
and it dont look real
i mean yeah start an agency

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I was wondering if anyone has seen this sort of art style before. This style is exclusively used in storefront signage at liquor stores, sandwich shops, eateries, etc. Growing up in San Francisco, CA the 90's, these signs had always stood out and fascinated me for their silly anthropomorphic nature, realistic detail and similar paining style. Have you seen these anywhere else in the United States, or around global community for that matter? Where did the inspiration for this uniform style (painting technique, eyes, subject matter) originate?
its not really a 'style'

but i suppose you could look into anthropomorphism in commercial art

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Hello /gd/ I am coming here with a request today. Can you guys help me find the original picture and the original drawing of these 2 demo's from a French band called Peste Noire? I have been trying to find the original ones for a while now and I have not been able, using Google and Yandex, I even contacted someone who had the original tapes, but sadly they sold them by the time I asked him for the scans. Thanks for your time and effort! I really appreciate it!
Okay OP, all I have to do is apply my magical de-filter brush onto the pic and you'll be able to reverse image search the orginal in no time!
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Vercingetorix Surrenders To Caesar
>slow claps in the cafeteria

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Does anyone know how to recreate this effect in photoshop or illustrator?
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Here's another example of what I mean.
I think you can achieve this effect using some of these free ones, with som minor tweaking of your original work.
It's called "rutt etra effect". You can find a lot of tutorials how to recreate it. You can recreate it in Touchdesigner

>be me
>vector artist
>working on this large advertising firm
>from a third world country (Philippines)

>be me
>draw shapes, get paid
>comfy life

>be today
>cops and swat teams and shit raided our building
>apparently our business doubles as a high end prostitution agency AND sells methamphetamine
>about 25% of our employees are complicit
>the guy who taught me how to use illustrator is literally fucking Heisenberg
>our print manager is a pimp by evening

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This is the most intriguing story i've seen so far...
Is there a chance that some of those illegal chinese fucks involved?
Maybe I'll start writing and use your greentext as a sketch for the plot.
May I take a screenshot?
Yeah sure. nothing interesting really happened after, they released me within the afternoon so spice up your story however you want.
damn, so is the meth good?

Hey guys, I've been making small lil edits using an app on my phone for a while. I wanted to start posting it here but I wasn't sure if it's graphic design or not. I'm very new to this type of stuff and I wanna get better at it. (Title is "It's you, right?"
I like it!

sure, gd is a fitting board!
the definition for graphic design is kinda motile and stretchy anyways. hah
there's the /ddt/ thread (>>441091) that could use some life in it
if someone's actively posting in it that might encourage others to use it
doing gods work. bless ya!

Hi guys what do you think of my graphic design skillz
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here's a big ass folder of retro game ads if you wanna dig through them
lots of goodies in it
These are kino. I put a few on Pinterest for inspo
its lame dude
its not even weird
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I don't think it's the most technically competent thing but it's a lot more interesting to look at than most stuff in /ddt/
if you're not going to post your own work like OP or at least an example of what you think good design is, I don't really care to argue with you
this is really good, but something tells me you already know that

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this person doesnt exist. I used ai and shoppery. How do i make it look MORE realistic? People tend to notice, that somethings off..However, people mostly think that i just use heavy filter. (but am actually real)

so now the question. How do i make an artificial person look so realistic, that i can say #nofilter?
>people mostly think that i just use heavy filter. (but am actually real)
fuck you, scammer! definitely not helping your shady ass rip off my granddads savings
Create a face mask and add a slight graining the skin right now is way too smooth
Also alter the highlights shadows and contrast of the hair to make it look less 2dimensional

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Is this the worst logo redesign of all time? Only lasted 6 days before reverting to their previous logo.
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you sayin in the usage of the old logo there was a short *gap*?
general shape of any logo in digital era has to function as a logomark legible and recognizable by a slightly vision-impaired viewer when filling a 16x16px resolution 0.5cm^2 square and circle shape with 1-2px padding with some pixel hinting, so basically in 14x14px square.

to function well in any social media avatar or favicon ui element setting. (it also should guarantee that it will be fine even in bad print quality.)

neither of those really do (the older one probably can be sort of pixel hinted poorly as it is in their website, but not the newer one).

if the modern redesign doesn't account for that, then it's made by a big retard.
because everything every business entity including the company's shitty website is an "app" linked somewhere someway

like who even cares about about a big wide ass horizontal orientation 1990s helvetica logotype on side of a truck or billboard on building of a physical store (lmao whats that even), like who even goes outside anymore
When Gap released this logo, they'd already been using it for 2-3 years on some physical clothing labels already. Pragmatically speaking, it's a much more visible and accessible logo. It's much easier to see from a distance. If they had stuck with it, the outrage would have died down. But the initial response to it was so negative and intense that the executives panicked.
legibility and icon/sign/regcognition are like opposite on a spectrum. the squinty hard to read seraph letters are very recognizable

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How do I generate something like pic related that is 100% infinitely scrollable diagonally (seamless)?

I can't get anything to look good. Any tutorials or generators out there? I don't even know how these are called. I found something "anime speed lines" but all the tutorials show different stuff.
>making fun of words when clearly op is even a beginner
you know how to do it or not??
>lol you are such a mfing idiot

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To anyone who actually works in the industry, what skills do you have or are learning as a backup for the inevitable AI replacement?

Sincere thread, I asked myself this question, i currently work as a UX designer, I realize do not have many skills that could transfer to other jobs that wouldnt also be handled by AI, let alone one that would offer similar pay. It seems that learning a new skill will be my only option, if not retail.

What skills do you have? What have you been learning? Have you been able to apply your existing skills anywhere?
>what skills do you have or are learning as a backup for the inevitable AI replacement?

I already have a ton of skills I can use from running my own graphic design firm. Marketing, branding, product design, event coordination, finances ext.

For all the doomers out there: AI is mainly a marketing term used to get sales teams dicks hard. Those who use AI are instantly seen as less than those who use actual artists. If your paying to use a generative model over free stock images your really getting scammed. It's like buying your wedding ring from Temu. By the pictures and description it's a great deal, but you get what you paid for.
>For all the doomers out there: AI is mainly a marketing term used to get sales teams dicks hard

I like to believe this, and that AI can't match the skill of a real person. However after being at my current company ~5 years I realize that no one there gives a shit about design, and even often request a lesser one because it's less work. Most people aren't even aware of what the design team does, they think its just making icons.

So marketing term or not, the reality is that the people who pay me love the idea of saving some money, and already see design as low-priority. Yea it makes the sales teams dick hard, the sales team is also the one directly making money and therefore have the most weight as far as the decisions getting made.
I've seen dozens of cases where corpo's use AI and it's always considered lesser than.
> the people who pay me love the idea of saving some money, and already see design as low-priority
Exactly my point, those who use AI don't actually care about design or branding in general which eventually leads to the rot of their cooperate image. Let's say your company fires all but a few members of your design team for AI. It's instantly fucked because people who make conscious design decisions built upon actual workplace experience are replaced with a mass generalization tool.
If your unaware of just how neural networks work it just mashes existing concepts together. It doesn't "make" anything, it simply pulls from a bank of data and combines things together.

Let's say I'm a shoe company that want's a new campaign to market my luxury sneakers. If I pay design team, they will run market research tests, create new strategies to engage customers and ultimately design something that has been designed from the ground up to be unique.

Now let's fire everyone but a prompter that pushes the generate button and use AI. This system pulls from a bank of every shoe advertisement ever made and blends concepts together. See the issue? None of this is new, AI simply blended the ads of Nike, Adidas, Gucci and a dozen other brands to make the closest advertisement to the stated prompt as it can. It's a stagnant model that can only copy not create, which leads to stagnation and degradation. Without experienced human modification the system is useless.

Yes, I do see some cheap and lazy companies using AI. Perhaps one day it may become a staple of our design toolkits, however without massive leaps in technology it will never totally replace graphic design as a medium.
how u get that job?

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form an artistic viewpoint
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Know what? That the supposed dog pill is just, ironically, a dog whistle for incel delusion similar to thinking that all white women lust after black people even though marriage and dating app statistics prove otherwise?
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You dislike white people (not shitting on the streets)?
only good ones until i stopped reading the thread. maybe i will come back later to finish it and will signal other good one.
went on and finished the thread

>>453865 this one was funny

>>451063 this one too

>>450995 also this one

>>450948 and this

>>449904 the flowers look nice

>>453154 this one is fun

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Can anyone point me to resources for creating color separations for engraving cylinders?

Everything I search leads to graphic t-shirts and that isn’t what I’m after.
If you search "color separations for rotogravure" there's all kinds ds of "resources" from companies that specialize in making them to printers describing the important pre-press parameters for art submissions, to companies that make equipment and software to perform the various mechanical tasks involved, to general overviews of how the process works.
I can find a lot of information on the intaglio process and the mechanics of it, as well as companies that do separations and engraving, such as Rothtec. Also, software that claims it can do this automatically, but it needs to be done in Photoshop, which I know is possible.

What I’m having trouble finding is information on how to create multi-channel Photoshop files for continuous tone images for the engraving process. I believe a good bit of this work is done overseas.

The closest I can find to what I’m looking for is a process patent.


It could very well be right in front of me when I google and I’m missing it. Can you point to any links?

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