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Any Feedback?
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its obvious this kid is on here for the 4chan "aesthetic" quit coddling
oh wow, discord whiteboard innit
I know you're probably new to 4chan
don't stay too long on here u seem like a good artist
draw nigger boy holding chicken
Probably study anatomy more, the arms on the leftmost one are really thin and the torso is quite long. Also don't list to >>459099 he's a pedo faggot
yes i see you drew the one character with larger eyes than the others to convey that this character will show more emotion throughout the series, very interesting!

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how to master the basics of composition, color and typography. give book/video course recommendations
For composition, I love the book "making and breaking the grid" by timothy samara.

For general design thinking, not the meme way but the "we should design useful things that people understand how to use" i would highly recommend you to read "the design for everyday things" by Don Norman.

For typography, "The Elements of Typographic Style" by Robert Bringhurst will help you learn more about type and to take decisions on what type will work best. Old The Futur youtube videos about typography are high quality. The futur also produce good interviews and did produce good videos to learn, but their business tips are basically snake oil salesman tips.

From there I would take a look on online courses. Lynda had a bunch of good courses before they were bought by linkedin that i believe can still be torrented from cgpeers or similar trackers.

No book here is the end of it all, you will still read more shit, but they will give you a good baseline so you can advance of what you are lacking at the moment. Also, nothing here will make you master just by reading. You need to apply it in projects, and you can start with fictional ones.

Btw, if there is any brazilian here, I would highly recommend watching the Acedemia Tipográfica courses as they are very high quality and are free now.
thanks. I saved all your recommendations and I will check them all out. Also if you have a style of a specific piece that you really like, please post it
unfortunately i went ta a liberal arts college

What is the next big aesthetic wave after Flat Design going to be? How much longer will Flat Design last?
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I don't mind it. The most iconic logos are unreadable. Readability has been the worst thing to happen to design. Every logo is now the name of the company written in helvetica. Anything unreadable is better.
Maybe some kind of a pragmatic style that integrates nature with flat design. It's what corporations would have chosen to please everyone.
Which do you think the website is in?
What aesthetic do you think this website is?
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Chudiger Trano

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ITT: We post mid-to-late 2000s graphic design styles, visual trends, and aesthetics.

Anything between 2005 and 2012 (or anything that is reminiscent of that era) is welcome here. THIS IS NOT A Y2K THREAD. DO NOT POST Y2K HERE.

Previous: >>445568
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A ton of wallpapers like this here: https://www.deviantart.com/reaperxxiv

They started with vector tattoo art before shifting to this style, which puts it into context a bit
frutiger metro grunge, or just grunge in some cases.
geometric splatter foliage grunge texture brushes from deviantart.com photoshop cs2 collage hodgepodge

VISITOR.TTF userbars font at the bottom

fruit man gays on asketics wiki if you're a discord zoomer
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Need help with facebook banner for my aunty's small business, im trying to meet SEO requirements by having it be seeable in in mobile devices (meaning that a fraction of each lateral side will have basically no relevant info)

am i over doing it?
i know the amber must be in the center, but then how do i integrate the whole "amber sale" thing smoothly?

a square is too rough, and a circle is not consistent with the brand's jewelry-like patterns aesthetic.
white is blends too much with the background, and black looks cheap, any graphic design principle i am missing?
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Oh sorry if i didnt make it clear, the "Mirror" is dead space, its invisible in facebook banners, in that section the profile picture will go, which is the business' logo

Im not nessesarily aiming for luxury, just enough credibility to sell these things easily, these ambers arent particulary exclusive, just foregin. It's a sort of naturalist hipsterish vibe im going for, like a seasonal sale.

But i get what you mean, i gotta change the backgrounds color to make the amber's orange stand out.

I feel like if i could make the amber have a bit more motion like the ribbon it'd look more interesting, sadly i dont have many pictures at the moment

her business goals are very humble so i dont think we can justify a proffesional photographer just yet
I really feel like im almost there

An correction with what i said here >>459167
it is only invisible in Mobiles, which is where i bet most of the potential customers will hang out at.... but it will be visible in desktop.. Yeah i think you are right, in retrospective
i think its impossible to make good use of it in both mobile and desktop
facebook should make the space they occupy the same and save us the fucking trouble
maybe like this..
Its ok to have the logo be hidden in mobile, since it will end up getting replaced by the profile picture, which is the same logo
by the way, she wants to sell other stuff so im kinda not supposed to make it too specific, but rather, something that can be updated seasonally
even with out of category stuff that has nothing to do with amber, kind of a weird business model but oh well

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I need a logo for company Botanic Artsy, it basically sell plants. I need suggestion for fonts, color schemes and logo. I'm really confused.
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Do you want to make the logo yourself? Do you want a really good logo or just anything that works? If you want a decent one, there's not enough information to give you good suggestions, also people on here usually will only help you if you show your own sketches or concepts.

There's different ways to go about it, but if you just pick random fonts, colors and what the company do, there's a high chance are you'll end up with something cheap-looking and generic, and you're not going to be able to justify the design decisions you took.

Instead the best way to design a logo is something like this: Research what you can about of the company especially the origins and the core essence, as well as what the intentions or objectives for the logo, come up with descriptive words and ideas that line up with what you want the logo to communicate or convey, then sketch them on paper or a tablet and make iterations, refine and vectorize the best ones, explore different fonts and type arrangements you can use https://fontic.xyz/, test the designs on black and white, upside-down, on negative and different sizes, print and mockups, you can add color at any step but is better to create a distinctive silhouette for the logo first and add color at the end, for color palettes suggestions you can use https://khroma.co/, also try to justify each design decisions based on the research you did.
"it basically sell plants" does not say anything. Is it online or you do have a store? You want to be modern, or appeal to a older audience? Expensive or cheap? How much is the median sell? Etc.

Also, talk about the bussiness and show what logos you do like. Also, why you chose "Botanic artsy" as a name can help to figure an appropriate logo.
The one question people often refuse to address in this situation is "why do you NEED a logo?"

They just assume they do, for the most nebulous reasons like "because everybody else has one" or " because it will help my business/ product/service make money"...but these are usually just assumptions and even where people come up with valid reasons they often prioritize them (and a logo) in ways that aren't very realistic.

Of course many designers are happy to play along with the basic premise because it's how they make money, and when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

You need to really nail down what "needs" you think the ideal logo will fulfill and *precisely* how it will do that. Then look objectively at alternatives that can accomplish the same *well defined* goals (not just "basically sell plants"), and honestly assess which option/path is superior, and why.

If you do this you will have a far better idea of what kind if visual business identity to pursue, or if it's even that important.
More importantly, if you can't approach this process of proving your basic premise with the same tenacity you would a potential customer who *makes* you do the same work to sell them something they ostensibly "need", then you are in for a really rough time in any business endeavor and will just be hoping for things to magically work out in your favor.
Think about what this logo is for.
One easy way to increase your visual uniqueness is to add in some related imagery. Think about what botanic arty does and how you can incorporate symbols into your image. Perhaps vines could climb up some of your letters and bloom into a single flower? The goas is to have fun. Be sure the BA can work on it's own as a symbol without color as printers will often need a 1 color version of your logo.
maybe make the Otanic rtsy bigger?
so it overlaps a bit with the A

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Go, fix their designs
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Top middle: give her some outrageous hair, like Pucci from JoJo, of the same colour as the lipstick; give the armour bulkier textures, as it looks like it's made of children toy plastic; show her arm skin with noticeable biceps. Maybe a cigar
Just ask AI to do it, it will do a far better job than that pile of corporate trash.
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1. Get rid of the Guardians of the Galaxy slop out
2. Fire your DEI agent
3. Actually find obscure art you enjoy then build it up from there

~~but what if the consoomers don't like the original and unique stuff?~~

Then try something else like you did before the shareholders and money laundering consulting teams took over. It's really that simple.

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I'm trying to recreate the distress on this text. Any ideas? I tried with some difference clouds at first but realized it's very grid like on the original, not so random.
That kind of artifacting is typical of pre- digital halftone screening techniques used to translate a continuous tone image into something that could be printed with limited ink colors.

>Prior to digitised images, special photographic techniques were developed to break grayscale images down into discrete points. The earliest of these was "screening" where a coarse-woven fabric screen was suspended before the camera plate to be exposed, breaking the incoming light into a pattern of dots via a combination of interruption and diffraction effects. The photographic plate could then be developed using photo-etching techniques to create a printing plate.


I highly reccomend reading the rest of that article with the understanding that much of the technology and technique involved was about *avoiding* any lingering visual obviousness and artifacts. That's why digital processes that have replaced the old methods can be less than suitable for recreating the effect.

In this case one obvious issue is the screen orientation, as the wiki explains those patterns were typically skewed away from being perfectly square to the page (and in color separations, each other) to avoid that grid- like effect when viewed.
There's lots of ways to replicate that old process digitally using layers with actual screen/ line/ dot patterns and blending them with your b&w art...keep in mind that exposure had a lot to do with the final effect on the films uses, both as positive images and negatives.

Because of this being a kind of niche effect now that people want and the steps necessary to replicate it, there are also brushes available to do it like picrel...but I'd say at least try it using layers, it will help you in other ways too.


Finally keep in mind that all of this is another thing entirely from the "screen" blend mode in most photo editors, although that mode might come in handy at some point in the process.

IOW it's not designed to make things look like they were photographed though a literal screen.

Illustrator is making a beeping sound whenever I select a white object.
It only started this morning. I don't know what happened.
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Sorry OP your computer is racist
Sounds like some obscure feature, enabled by some even more obscure keyboard acceleration sequence like Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Win + Up Arrow + Left Arrow
OP here. I reformatted my PC shortly after making the thread. The issue disappeared, then this morning it's suddenly back again

You could try muting Illustrator's volume in the Windows volume mixer
Is it the windows error sound.

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>all women but me and this fag
>tattoed goth oversocialized whores abound
>if not that, then they're retarded tumblr users
>if not that, just retards all around
>IF there is another guy, it's some fag who wants to draw tatoos or tranime
I want to fucking kill myself. I have to do trade school classes to escape military conscription but after the first day, i'd rather go to the fucking army or commit suicide. I can't stand being around these worthless nobodies who think they're going to change the world. I don't plan on pursuing graphic design because it's a dead profession but I did have a passion for it and was autistic about typefaces and logos way back when. AI just had to roll around just as I was planning to pursue it as a profession. I had to go through with it because as I said military and because I don't want to work a wagecuck job if I can help it. You get gibs for being a student too so that's another plus. but I know i'm going to piss away 2 years of my life for nothing.
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Just do graphic design as a hobby, this "profession" is fucking completely dead soon thanks to AI.
In that scenario, the guy wanting a logo would not care if it looked good or not. Stop coping.
people still use that shit?
LMAO, all corporate AI is trash that can't follow orders aside from very specific niche use cases. The only thing that works consistently is heavily tuned open source AI, and that is not for everyone.
Cheap looking logo, no vector graphics, and if it looks good is probably a trade mark violation.

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you gotta be fucking kidding me with this garbage
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Jesus, she looks like Dr Zaius.
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the best part of this is the KH because it looks like the democrat party donkey
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Which of these is purple and which is violet? You're my only hope, /gd/.
Just asking this question means you'll be a failure at design.
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left is violet
right is fuffle
I guess there's no consensus.

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Am I the only one who misses this style of t-shirt design? Pictures, simple geometric shapes, scattered text with not much meaning, no attempt to look vintage?

I swear they stopped making modern designs like this, it's all vintage or back prints. Umfortunately I have no idea where to find this style on a shirt. I just love the vibe.
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Never mind. Just search for tees with terms like geometric or abstract.
Looks very early 2010s to me
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the joy division shirt ended it
Totally get that vibe!
Great to hear somebody who thinks alike! I love the early 2010s even if I was very young back then

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Do with it what you want
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Thats for each person to decide. Obv. Dumbass lmao
No, I'm asking you; what do you actually think anyone is going to do with this? What application do you think it has?
jack off to it
sorry, meant to reply to you
Made this years ago feels related enough

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I hate democracy.
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>You mean the 22 bureaucrats members of the flag commission that were appointed by politicians represent "democracy"?
That's what democracy means in practice.
Still on the New Mexico flag history, the flag was commissioned to a non-profit organization of directly descendants of somebody who were in the American Revolutionary War, so they were a bunch of patriots with direct links to the state foundation, so people who really cared for the state. They then organized how it would be commissioned, and the one selected was created by an archaeologist who studied New Mexico heritage.

So yeah, there are ways where "representative democracy" can work IF the people in charge care a little bit about the state.

This Illinois one was a bunch of boomers elected in a fake two-party system that selected their friends who understand nor care a shit about their state so they can get a fat paycheck for participating in the commission.
the fourth one is decent but too futuristic colours
fifth nope
sixth works but looks like the logo of a office rather than a state. seventh... okay enough. eighth okay enough. ninth north korea.
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It's not democracy, it's Democrats. Dem staffers and public servants are A) technocrats who will always defer to whoever most loudly and visibly claim to be experts (the claimed experts of flags are "vexillologists"), and B) conflict/risk-adverse and afraid of responsibility (if they didn't have rich parents they'd be accountants) so everything they create has the air of design by committee.

The Mississippi flag could be better but it's not nearly as reddit as its blue state counterparts

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