I do collage art.1/?
Don't listen to these guys anon, this is good stuff. Everyone could use work but it's still good.
Whether it's good or not a lot of it's barely like collage- traditional C&P layout techniques and collage aren't the same thing.There's a kind of randomness that emulates collage but misses the point that the elements you use in collage are in distinct layers that still look like layers even in a rendering or photo. You can blend that with standard layout for text but the more you size and align text on a grid the less it looks like genuine collage and just a computer flyer.Some of these aren't bad but they're noticeably sure what they are and kind of lifeless
they look like the filler content meant to be delted by real design in low-end mock-ups. Analyzing the designs, they aren't saying anything. it's just a meaningless mashups.
>>459411Last sentence should read >Some of these aren't bad but they're not really sure what they are and kind of lifelessVery much in keeping with what >>459414 says:>they aren't saying anything. it's just a meaningless mashups.
>>459415>they aren't saying anything. it's just a meaningless mashups.That's what a lot of acid stuff is. You have the usual high end where the guy makes the main font from scratch. A lot of it is just the usual suspects slapped together though.
Interesting fact: Originally Mount Rushmore was supposed to have Lewis and Clark, Sacagawea, Red Cloud, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Crazy Horse
>Interesting fact: Originally Mount Rushmore was supposed to have Lewis and Clark, Sacagawea, Red Cloud, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Crazy HorseCan't you use some AI software shit to create a Mount Rushmore so that you can post it here? I'd love to see what I requested in OP as well as your idea
>>458582Why do you hate Grover Cleveland so much?
>>458583Sacagawea, teddy roosevelt, Keanu reaves, and Obama
>>458582Sorry, the Executive Order has already been signed.
Former designer at Bloomberg Businessweek and The New York Times. Now, she does "design goodness" for Homer, Frank Ocean's design magazine.She apparently got ahead being a minority woman who makes designs that "challenges the power old, white men have over every day [non-white] people," and people laud her for it. Is she the real deal or just a DEI LARP?
>>459420True, and them just calling a person an imposter, which is 100% argument, 0% insult. Bro, cmon.
>>459420which of >>458145is a fact dumbass? Do you know what a fact is?
>>459424>>459425Literally proving my point…Be my guest, test it if you don't believe me. Apply to jobs with her portfolio and a fake contact name; see how many interviews you will get from equally sized companies. You won't do it though, because you're willfully blind—fact.
>>459426>You won't do it though, because you're willfully blindLol so dramatic
>>459423>>459422not really interested in the jargony text youre copying nor the particular odd pics youre posting.like im not gonna go fish through every situation pentagram had a hand in making, im just saying the basic reshaping of the name names a nice image of the words, as opposed to the others that just looked like some one was picking fonts.
This link is down, does anyone have a copy of fonts.zip from the pinned thread?
Got a mirror?
I've been looking for it too.
Super disheartening to see this. Any designer could have done an illustration, any number of local artists could have created a piece for this event. It's a seminal event that marks the reopening of Detroit’s Michigan central. Truly monumental moment for Detroit, highlighted by the crazy opening concert directed by Eminem and it wasn't worth getting a person to do the poster? Very sad.This is one of those moments in the history of ai that I will look back on with genuine disgust.A soulful event with a soulless AI facade.
>>455677this is bait right>>455685makes so much more sense holy shit
That's disappointing indeed.
is it ai or vector traced?
Tik tok, your end is nigh, pixel pushers!
How do you get over creative block in design? I used to have no issue churning out poster after poster just for practice but for the past few months, I can barely even start on a project let alone finish it.I feel creatively bankrupt and thought a break would help but I still just have absolutely no ideas coming to mind and hate everything I start to put together.
>>459409>ResearchBe it references, texts, word games, brainstorming, research things related to the emotions you want to give to the piece, etc>WalkStop everything and go for a walk. Can be a short 15min one, but go outside. No phone, no music, this is important to just let your mind free to wander>Talk to somebody about itIf in person, it is better, but some friend what you plan to do or what you are doing. More often than not, this conversations where you express what you are doing and the feedback of the person helps you to overcome the roadblock.>Sleep and take it tomorrowI have a rule that I only send it the day after I finish the piece. That way, after I sleep on it, I can see some tiny details that can be fixed so it is really ready. Can be done in roadblocks too. Also, I mean a full 8h night of sleep that you wake up 5 minutes sooner than the alarm feeling good.I mostly do it and rely on the serendipity to do its job.
by gitting gud
Make some shitty cover art?>Make some shitty cover art!https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Randomhttps://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Special:Randomhttps://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days
>>457434"purely feel" is a good album title actually
>>456938Where are you finding the stickers? I've tried so many ways to do that in the past and I guess I just don't know to word my query (doesn't help that google images is literally just fucking stock images and shopping now fml)
>>456917you're real talented man
how do i nail the early 00s magazine advertisement look?
>>459365Impact doesn't have an italic version. Figma won't have all the tools to make this. The vertical doors font looks like a simple bevel with a black stroke. The V was custom made and the same style applied. I don't use gimp but maybe see if you can apply bevels in that.
>>459370Just skew the image?Figma's got SkewDat
>>459353i've kinda mastered these because im a loser and just sit in my room all day studying design and how stuff WAS done. not tutorials or faux shit, the real deal from back in the day, stare at material and ancient software that they wouldve used until it clicks how, and then transfer that to modern software. this wouldve been made in photoshop. Figma is for modern scrap, InDesign is for dickridas and Sketch is for making modern sleek pussyjuice designs. At the time all this software stuff was new so there were no rules and no education on how to use it, people would literally read the manual and then make random shit. no one told them what to do or how they wanted it and to what standard because there would only be one mf that could touch the software. so its actually far basic than what people think, and you need to be in that basic little idiot on the new software mindset to not overdo it and make it realistic. text effects use the default layer styles. Bevel & Emboss, Gradient Overlay, Drop Shadow, Stroke and Outer Glow. the PNGs seem to use BevelEmboss and outer glows mostly. and youre done. very simple stuff. for the backgrounds, they'd be stock photos. best way to find these is to look up old CD roms for then on the internet archive. i know a lot of brands from the 90s and 00s that have exactly what youll want. look up photodisc, visualdisc and moonpocket (sozaijiten image dictionary) and then look for any series they've done on Backgrounds. Forget about any text design rule you've been taught and use the default fonts on your computer, impact, helvetica, arial. who cares, you dont! Stretch them, skew them, perspective warp them. make them look swag. the only real rule to these designs is fit as much as you can and dont be afraid do condense and stretch. as long as it's legible, stretch, widen or overlap to your heart's content. draw letters with the motherfuckin pen tool cus its badass on the header, who gives a fuck, what're they gonna do?
>>459372post some of your worki kinda wanna do this stuff and would like to see
>>459375if i did you'd be able to ID me rather quickly :-)just trust my word and have fun. you'll reap great rewards -- better than most.
Up and coming Graphic Designer, do I have what it takes? I primarily dabble in wallpapers and I'm finally going to school for a degree which is a story I'm sure people on here have heard a hundred times but I'd like to hear some feedback
>>459278I mean, graphic design knowledge can be applied to create a good composition, sure, but it is not a "let's create good images" course.I did have some classes that involved creating ads, but that was about it. I am nowadays a food package designer that did work making book covers on the side. All I learned about image manipulation was outside college and I only ever used it for my freelances on book covers, never once I needed to touch a single image on the package design side.You do have a advantage that is knowing how to use photoshop and manipulate images that will help you eliminate some classes appointments easily and you have a notion of composition, that will also help. But you will learn a lot of other things and will work on your "I need to make X for Y kind of people following Z briefing" side of things. All the semester projects will be projects where you will plan, research, refine the planing, refine research, and then do the job, as it should be with a designer.You will like it.
>>459286fee per a cover?thnx in advance
>>459295Keep in mind that I am brazilian and did only work inside my country, but I stil think what I say may help you. I worked mostly for independent writers and the last covers I did I charged about BRL750. It was cheap but was fun to work on those projects and it was mostly hassle free. I did the research, present moodboards, present references, made sketches and when the first version was done most of them approved or suggested just few minor changes.I also did work for publishers and I charged taking in mind the size of the writer, the size of the publisher, how many copies of the book were planned, the workload that it would impose, etc. I charged from BRL2k onwards, most being BRL3k. The most I charged was BRL6k but should have charged double as it was the most infuriating job I ever took and was the responsible for a burnout.
>>459278learn how to talk about GD instead, all the money is in talking about it, not creating it.
>>459278graphic design is about who you know, not what you do. your stuff is solid but you need to get off 4chan and start building relationships with other designers who have it good. not only will you get better and learn but youll have a larger outreach and easier cold contacts and naturally building relationships with clients. they also will know what to expect. make yourself a portfolio and art focused twitter and instagram and get your damn name in as many people's eyes and ears as you can, who cares how much you try and how forced it is. it may be slow and gruelling but that's how you get potential. if you dont look like an ass or egotistical spaz, you'll be set for life.
Looking at how I can make flames round text similar to the image attached. I'm unsure if they are hand drawn round the front "hippie movement" or if they used something else to generate them.
>>459322hand drawn. you could make a photoshop brush with one hand drawn flame that jitters the Y scale and flips randomly and then just rotate the brush to whatever side you want but the best result will come from just hand drawing it yourself.
Not entirely sure how to ask this, but does anyone know how to create this type of shape/joint/ligament in Photoshop? I know this specific image is probably just a typeface, but I wanted to do the same kind of shape to create two (connected) text boxes. Any help would be much appreciated! Maybe this element/style has a specific name I can research?
Damn, nobody can help me out with this? :(
You need a vector program to do something like that. Try illustrator and just round the verticies.
make a grid of squares with circles inside them in illustrator and use the shape builder to join them. alternatively just use the live corner too and round your square font altho be warned itll look like horseshit unless you manually choose which corners to smooth
this image is uncanny for some reason i feel disturbed
Yep, pretty creepy.
>>457152>>458048Layman's guess, it's the weird color scheme, white, pastel pink & deep Wizard of Oz Emerald City Green, juxtaposed with the subject of the piece apparently floating in some lonely black void. Which in turn may trigger the innate fear of eternal oblivion or being forever lost in an unreachable part of space.
>>458305the tools look kinda like people which tricks the eyes
>>457152The pen, pencil and paint roller all sold their souls to Satan in exchange for the ability to stand upright without assistance, formerly the sole domain of the rattle can.Now their unholy alliance has him cornered and demands that the rattle can join them in service to evil, and taunts him over the newly established imbalance of power as he stands forced to pick one of two equally horrifying choices: Join them and give up his ability to imbue artwork with soul foreverorBe shoved off the edge of the tiny pixellated platform they all occupy, into a dark abyss of nothingness and despair.The can stands parylized by fear, his formerly unique stability now a hindrance, hoping that the hand of The Artist will reach down to save him from Beelzebub's malevolent minions as they press forward..."THAT FLAT BOTTOM ISN'T HELPING YOU NOW, IS IT, BITCH?...WHY DON'T YOU JUST RUN AWAY?...OH YEAH, YOU CAN'T BECAUSE OF YOUR PRECIOUS STABILITY!!!!MMMWWWAAAAHHAAHAAHAAA!!!!!"
>>457152NES developer here to fill in on some of the specs and why you might feel afraid. Compositionally the NES has a single universal color that counts as a free tile. Most dev's use black or white as it can bridge between all the hues. The system only has 12 colors to use at once for backgrounds (plus that universal color) and you can only pick from a selection of 32 defined colors. The one set in the 80' has little to no red and a lot of blue and green so often times you have to work within the limits of the system to make anything graphically interesting. You also only have 8kb of graphical memory bank to work with. The max that can appear on screen is 32kb.So, >Why is it so black? It looks like it's in the void.Memory meant only a small amount of graphics could be used at once, so any unique tiles had to be minimal at best. The rest was used for free computational space or VBlank.>The colors are soo ugly, why did they go with that?The system's colors are stuck in a way which forced the creator to use tricks like dithering and attribute meshing which makes the image feel slightly off in some regard.>Everything's really blocky and awkward. Well, when your stuck with a system from 40 years ago it's a miracle you have anything on screen at all. Every pixel was hand placed, every portion of the image was considered and reconsidered to take up the smallest amount of graphical memory. To the layman it might seem ugly or scary. To me? Well it's impressive. Follin's chiptune slaps, the games challenging, the art's subpar but there were worse on the system. I have and do boot Pictionary on real hardware just for the tune's.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzTDAgG4EXk
I set my project to RGB mode, and I’ve made sure I’m not just selecting the layer mask! However, I still can’t get Photoshop to change one color (in this case, black) to another color (gold). I’ve tried everything I could find online, but nothing is working so far! Please help!
>>459222I had some encounters with files behaving strangely and did always solve by creating a new one. Just click this icon on the history tab and you will create an exact copy of the file that probably will behave properly.
>>459222you have proof setup set to dot-gain (probaly) and it is activehit "ctrl+Y" and it should toggle between on and off
yeah this happenscant remember why, but its like you have put something with more color in the filei dont think its a setting, just some weird quirk of needing to hve more color going onits solvable, but hasnt happened to me in a long time so i cant remember the correct answer
>>459259ah i remember, i think its cuz you need to turn up the saturation on the object til it actually shows color.
what rules/ guidelines are there to make a good character design?
>>459330I think the guys at >>>/ic/ would be of better help to you.
Fluent Design
I don't even know what is for what.
>>458295id hire you to make baby dinner plates
>>458295It's cute but I would rather not have every single icon for the next 10 years look like it so hopefully Apple doesn't implement it
>>459256go do a favor for the humanity first implementing a good, performant, accessible, easy to use, not-tied-in-licensing-bullshit, fractionally-scalable, responsive, themeable, gpu-fx-compositable, documented ui toolkit that is not webshit, and is compatible with x11, wayland, mac and windows.basically a decade of terry davis templeos tier, unprofitable in modern times (unless webshit is suddently outlawed for creating too much carbon emmisions or something) expert programming work.populating something with sillybilly cool artistic effects creative gfx is the lesser problem. there is no point of "creativity" if there is a sluggish msedge2webview.exe chugging underneath, making it awful to use due to how slow and choppy it is. performance of a program is critical part of ux that you feel with every click, tap and button press, and designers unfortunately have no say in it.
>>459334like it doesn't matter what visual gimmicks they pick or how much they pay to illustrators and 3d modelers for their faggy current thing brand advertising graphics, if the foundational thing these things are plastered on is not performant, it's kind of pointless. windows 11 is awful not because how it looks, the new ui toolkit on it's own looks good almost, but how slow it is. you can recreate any of your cool childhood memories flash websites or windows vista designs in blender, illustrator, webgl, html, css, svg and js, but that is not the point, is it..