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How to generate random color palettes? Visually cohesive and interesting ones, that is.

I am not talking about tools to do it. I want to code my own tool, and I'm looking for thoughts. How would you guys approach this?

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you should look into how pywal works and if you use that you just need randomization https://github.com/dylanaraps/pywal
it uses ImageMagick but i dont know anything beyond that

It uses basic color theory. I'm sure you can improve it.
Thanks. After some fumbling around I found something that'll do for the start. I'll refine the process after the rest of the thing works.

Appreciate it, I will take a look. At a glance, it comes up with some nice palettes.

For starters I went with a fancy way of color cycling. It doesn't cover as much of a range as the reference project I want to replace, but the results are visually pleasing and fairly diverse. It's good enough for the first iteration.

the screenshot is from this site
Yes it is. It's the tool I am replacing, because the pricing has got to be the worst among SaaS I've seen. Saving 10 palettes and 5 colors before having to shell out is a joke at best.

Im beginner designer and recently I got offer from "99designs". It seems off to me because there is no good reson for them to choose me for that project and there is no clear payment method from them. What do u think?
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>design 20 logos for our company
did you even read the messages you posted?

>Nobody buys generic logos.

Gee, that must be why if you do a search for "generic logos" you get pages of links to articles warning against using them and teaching people how to spot and avoid them with titles like:

>Generic logos: how to spot and avoid them

>How To Spot & Avoid Generic Logos

>Generic Logos: How to Spot & Avoid Overused Design Concepts

>What is a generic logo? Avoiding overused logo designs

That discuss facts such as:

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Even if they agreed to pay 100% upfront I wouldn't work for them. The cunty tone tells me that they'll be very difficult to work with.

Stay away.
this really is true

pretty good scam for scammers to get material to build other scams with unsearchable content, made to order and delivered quick
reject. contract and upfront payment first.

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Super disheartening to see this. Any designer could have done an illustration, any number of local artists could have created a piece for this event. It's a seminal event that marks the reopening of Detroit’s Michigan central. Truly monumental moment for Detroit, highlighted by the crazy opening concert directed by Eminem and it wasn't worth getting a person to do the poster? Very sad.

This is one of those moments in the history of ai that I will look back on with genuine disgust.

A soulful event with a soulless AI facade.
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You almost wouldn't mind if they did a modicum of cleanup. At least the typography is good.
besides causing industrialization and the nazi collaborating, ford was an overall good guy
McDonald's interrupted their implementation of AI to take orders at their drive-through, since it wasn't working adequately.

Apparently, that task is more difficult than being a GD.
Bursting out laughing!
>posting a talking head like it's a gotcha
I have a sneaking suspicion that you have no idea what she actually does

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The Tokyo olympics 2020 logo: soulless, doesn't even make any sense.

My AI "slop" version: beautiful, expert composition, a deep juxtaposition between tradition and technology and an athletic motif.
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They got the town wrong too I think I heard they're gonna be in Paris.
Nothing is as bad as this.
>uh what if the torch was a bitch with a bob
and what the fuck is up with the red ring
weak bait

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Post'em (extra points for foreign /rare)
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No X-ray specs?
I think the only clip art worse than the X- Ray specs ads but it gets used anyway are the line art drawings on those cheap beware of dog/ guard dog on duty signs where they clearly just make a copy of another company's dog art that has also been similarly stolen for multiple generations until its just a dog shaped blob.
are there any graphic/texture packs I should explore besides retro supply and true grit that simulate comic book pulp paper and vintage cmyk halftones?

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Are monitors necessary with graphic design job? im traveling and i dont want to pack it. company shipped me two. can I just work from my laptop screen only?
can i get by without it?
what kind of person with skill and a job asks this question?
DEI parasites.

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I’ve got a 300 page kink comic to remaster and I need to get the font sets just right to preserve the authors intent.

The one on the left is straight from the comic. The one on the right is Gill Sans MT, Size 26, all bolded, second half italicized. Written in MS Paint to mimic that crunchy feel.

It’s not a match, but it’s the closest I’ve found. How would I find matches to font samples? Especially if it’s crunchy in quality
Take a screenshot of some text and run it through https://www.whatfontis.com/

If you cant find it there, try https://en.m.likefont.com/

If your text is too low resolution you can zoom in on it, screenshot, upload to vectorizer.ai, screenshot your cleaned up result and run that through those sites.
looks almost the same, you only need to make it bolder. no reason for ms paint, just make it in lower resolution in ps
Found it eventually via brute force.
It’s GillSans MT Professional Edition 2010 Heavyskin size 24 with light artifacting. Got it pixel perfect when aged just right.

Second question. Let’s say this work is black and white. Black is often used wholesale to represent brown, blue, and dark red. (Blood is solid black). I want to colorize some shit.
Only one problem. The black is the same black as the outlines. So any paint bucket or magic select fucks up everything. And my hands are too unsteady to create a new outline manually without it looking different
get someone else to help you with that teamwork makes the dream work after all thats what my goyslop tv show told me
Practice makes perfect with stroking lines and with 300 pages you'll have plenty of time to improve.
Assuming you're using Photoshop or Gimp you could also make a path along the lines and use the stroke path tool, or use a layer mask to hide the colorizing layers in the places you want to stay black.
Do you have a safe page or panel you could post for reference?

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How to transfer comments from one Figma file to another? I have a new version of the same project. I want to move the comments over from old to new version in the same locations. There has to be some way or plugin that can do this.
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>If you duplicate a file, Figma won't copy comments to the new file. Comments are only kept on the original file.
there has to be a way around this
this is what you get for using queer software
dont be a faggy cunt
sounds like a cool feature

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Any of you brilliant Artists can help me design a logo and potentially a business car ? This is the logo that i made myself but i know for sure you guys can do better.
ya but its gonna cost u
I literaly have 0 money
here you go then

>upgraded my memory
>32 to 64 gb
>everything feels snappier
>raws no longer a problem

wtf I should have done this earlier
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zoomies have no excuse to be on 32

>muh ecosystem
is slave or drone the more apt description?
Because of love. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place. Three days later. Rose him from the dead.* *Now. By Jesus Christ alone. God has granted us the free gift of eternal life. He will save and heal you.* *If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead* *He'll give you eternal life*
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moar is needed for optimum /comfy/

ahhhh shaddap and go back to fapping over choir boys
im on 15 gigs so

What now? How do I make cool wallpapers like this.
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It's really not hard at all, search for images and combine them like >>454106 said. Use tints and blends to build them.
Torrent a tutorial?
you can't.
you must join the Dems first.
then promise to vote for the dems.
then, youll be able to draw a mexican.
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Why not Krita?

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You complete retard why did you swap the Windows 3.0 and 95 logos
The 2001 logo did vary quite a bit
XP had a different gradient, Vista had an orb and a more detailed gradient and 7 was Vista but without an orb
Nobody gives a shit
It looks nice and is recognizable to the eye
>21 - a bit bland, but at least so plain it is kinda interesting again
what the hell are you smoking? it looks boring as shit, at least 2012 implies movement/dimension like the previous designs
Because of money and fuck you, that's why.
You never win with Microcock.

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What's your design boogeyman and how did you overcome it?
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where did I say bauhaus having used the camera as a main medium?
I mentioned it emerging *in the context of the camera existing* (which had huge implications for society, philosophy, ultimately cosmology).
you know the whole story of how the camera played a major part in leading to the development of impressionism and expressionism, cubism, bauhaus, dadaism and so on, eh?

1904: Offset lithography was invented (taking off like 10 years later).
1907: silk screen screen printing came along.

of course there was more to it! but these are pretty relevant aspects.
(like ww1 having ended, pushing the socialdemocrats in central europe (cheaper living - see functionalism in architecture).
compare also to russian vkhutemas and constructivist architecture movement - pretty much the same thing)
the bauhaus was utterly artistic and remains the foundation, after a century, of contemporary art practice and education.

so of course the bauhaus is doubly hated as both the utterly modern and radical and the stilted 'old'

Itten, Abers (anni and jo), maholy nagy - all of them
we stnd on their shoulders.
>erm everyone does it so it’s good
>erm it’s been established for a while so it’s good
not even close bud
how can you misread something so badly?

whats your meme text trying to do?
Of course you’d be incapable of understanding it
Maybe get yourself into another 4 years worth of college debt

are there any good sites that have full rips of premium mockup sites like bendito or hazard mockups this shit is too expensive

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Instagram's new Story UI looks like it was designed by a 15 year old in 2005.
Fits the target audience and "short attention span" tendencies of everyone on social media. I agree it's not following the universal mold of great design (whatever that is) but it has consistency going for it which is nice.
its just looks like 'hey cute stickers'
cuz 'we're a fun company not a merciless corporation"
Which is exactly how it should be. Do you think that one of the biggest company in the world would release something so important without proper research before? Or do you expect them to be all Carbon Design System-y?
this looks good, actually
its a fun "here's a bilzillion options" way of doing it, jumbled up and fun/personal feeling

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