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Anybody know how to recreate the circle pattern of this goreshit album in photoshop?
look up halftone effect
>come to this board for first time
>its 99% AI cucks
>the other 1% is actual retards asking shit like "where do I download this pattern" and the pattern is polka dot halftone

good board guys
>goes on board meant for graphic design
>goes on a thread asking how to remake said pattern

almost like its question about a design...in graphics...

actual retard
so when i started i would either use a halftone brush in photoshop, which are generally pretty easy to find, or define my own pattern and mess with it's scaling on my project. hope this helps

How is Affinity Photo standing against Adobe Photoshop? At what level do I notice difference? I really like their pay-once thing.

Yes I know I can just crack Photoshop.
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cool! thank you!
No worries :)
Looking to get Affinity just because it has iPad apps, and before you shoot me, hear me out.

Trained in Adobe same as everyone, I use desktop PC 100%, not even in the apple ecosystem. However this week I found myself have to leave the house to work and have to bring my sffpc (built for this) to go to a family's house to work with their monitor. This situation has for the first time make me look into a tablet/laptop. However, I don't see myself using it that much but I would like the option, so the fact that the ipad can double as fun shit is making me consider it.

Anyway the fact that Adobe is full subscription makes me sick and I can't crack it on the ipad I don't think and they don't even have InDesign which I need more than video editing apps.

So give it to be straight /gd/bros, is an iPad w/ M chip w/ Affinity apps a viable portable option when one can't access a desktop?
>How is Affinity Photo standing against Adobe Photoshop?
Poorly. Its mostly the pay once policy that keep people attached.
Sure its not bad software and majority of Photo guys will be ok with it. But when you are using Photoshop for couple of years and then switch to this, you can feel the downgrade.
It was a good alternative to photoshop for quick work, but given Adobe copyrighting techniques and tools, good luck making it big against Adobe copyright trolling everyone.

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Why is this program so fucking... I don't know, "retarded by default"? I made a 30kx30k transparent canvas. I have a bunch of 1920x1080 screenshots I want to stitch together. Does 10% zoom and that size look like it dropped a 1920x1080 image into a 30kx30k grid? No, it doesn't. The fucking thing apparently thinks in terms of pixels per inch or something, perhaps because it tuned towards printing viewed at a certain distance (?), not raw pixels. So when I place a 1080p screenshot, into a grid of a certain and explicitly specified dimension in the unit of PIXELS not INCHESxPPI, it fucks it all up. Rescales text, all manner.

Seriously, what is this bullshit. I recall searching for how to make this work as expected some time ago, and don't recall getting anywhere. Go to do something real quick a moment ago, realize again. If I have a 1000x1000 canvas then I should be able to line up 10 100x100 image chunks and have them render exactly as they were screenshotted. No pixels per inch, no pixel aspect ratio, no viewing distance, no bullshit.

This has to be simple to fix and I'm just retarded or something. GIMP etc behaves as expected, but I'm not fond of it overall.
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I've stated my problem pretty clearly imo. Pic related is wrong. I put a 1920x1080 image into a canvas, and this is what it gave me. That's not 1920x1080.
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You are indeed retarded, but no worries.

Create 10 000 px x 10 000 px new canvas with 72 DPI (no more is needed).

Open your screenshot in a new window and check its dimensions and DPI. If its 1920x1080 and 72 DPI as screenshot should, you can ctrl + a ctrl + c and ctrl + v on your big canvas and IT MUST WORK. If indeed your screens are 1920x1080 and 72 dpi, you can all drag them from folder now and organise it.
I believe I tested this last time, I will do so again. My intention is basically just something which is lossless, ie bitexact, with respect to the input on a pixel lvel. Not a visual level. If I were to drop the image in then go in and crop it out later it should be exactly 1920 x 1080p. I'll test it again. I'm going to be overlaying a lot of images using the transparency aspect to line them up precisely, and stupid shit like this doesn't help anything. I'm trying to make a case for it in my mind, but cannot do so. Drag and drop an image, it should be precisely the same as the input. No PPI / "dots per inch" (literally WHY) shit about it, I neither know nor give half a fuck, I'm working in PIXELS. Not DOTS or VIEWING DISTANCE. I don't know or give a shit about my or any display's pixel density. I want 1920x1080 in 1920x1080 out, those are PIXELS.


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Alright, venting complete. I feel better now.

72 PPI seems to produce the expected result, just by eye. I'd read prior that this was some sort of standard display / "web" resolution, but in my tests with text it still clearly resampled it. Don't know what was going on then, but eh. Thanks for the replies.

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I have zero technical skill and zero artistic training but I made this in 1 just 1 minute. How over is it for you?
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dont talk shit about this banner
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> your local airport, USPS, Microsoft, IKEA, Timex, Coinbase

Thanks for confirming that you are speaking about GD work that you have no personal experience with whatsoever.

>will outsource things to AI.

Thanks also for confirming that you have zero reading comprehension skills and don't even know what "outsource" means.

There's nothing about picrel that a mildly intelligent person couldn't compose in house on a desktop PC, and nothing about it that would cause a reasonable potential user/ customer to avoid it based on it somehow conveying a sense of unprofessionalism or other red flags...it's boring, but boring works in the context of financial services.
It's exactly the kind of GD that proves the point that designers tend to be up their own asses when it comes to assessing their own value and necessity for using them at all.

Finally, even if they were dumb enough to pay an exorbitant amount for their logo, if you think the real grunt work at the agency wasn't done by low wage peons throwing shit against the wall and then when something stuck polished some more by low wage grunts and only then handed over by the suits who get all the credit and big money, you're even more ignorant than it would seem at first glance.
Now show the entire branding package and the hundreds of collateral assets that went along with the logo. Idiot.
And let's not forget Coinbase has its own typeface called "Coinbase Sans" with multiple weights and worldwide language support. You're a double idiot.
The problem with comparing AI-generated images and human art together is that there is a lot of control you don't really have when it comes to AI generated outputs. If you try to create new images of her in a new setting, like an exterior setting, or a new pose, is it possible for you to retain that exact same woman in that exact same outfit holding that exact same dagger?

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Put anything your heart desires into his hands, I just need something
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fuck you

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how come it is so easy to delete unused side of bezier handle in illustrator, but it is impossible to do so in after effects? Instead of simply deleting it I have to drag unwanted bezier handle to anchor point to shrink it down eveytime hoping I don't mess up the side I actually want because these two handles are connected.
Am I missing something? It seems like adobe made this arbitrary decision so people would use illustrator more instead of doing everything on after effects.

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Not a big fan of C4D myself but I have noticed that all the new mograph tools (Spline3D, Cavalry, Fable, UE5) implement a direct copy of C4D’s Cloner/Effector system. Does everyone really find this the most intuitive way to animate or is it just trying to create familiarity?
c4D is hardly og warez
prolly copies some other shit

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New to typography, can't find something on type specimens copyrights, can I just make my own fonts from the books and give no fucks? Would be grateful for links
yes you might want to find good quality scan of press type catalogue and other historical type specimens, the fun begins with kerning/pairing
good luck

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Combining @StabilityAI #StableDiffusion generative powers + Human guidance and graphic skills* with tools like @Photoshop in a coherent workflow.
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>still can't do optimized 3D models
>still can't animate
>still can't keep the image fucking CONSISTENT when it does attempt to animate
>still can't actually make something new that is coherent, it can only remix things other people have made before
>still can't animate
how well did that age already? lol Sora AI is out
Can't do anything complex or actually creative, can only remix things it has seen and studied before. Parts still look uncanny. I imagine it still has consistency issues.
it's funny how trolls and deniers move goalposts all the time just to find out AI is still way ahead and passed this point long ago
>bUt yOu cAn tElL It's sOuLlEsS. iT'S LiKe a dAz rEnDeR In tHe 3D ScEnE
Fuck off

Hi, looking for a website that would be good to draw band logos in. Should i use vector?
Not website sorry, I meant application. But websites are okay too (OP)
for a logo you for sure want to use some type of vector tool, I don't know but there might be free tools out there. the industry standard is adobe illustrator for vectors.
Inkscape Is a popular application that's free. You might get intimidated by the interference but you'll get the hang of It.
Always use vector because it scales and vectorizing raster graphics is fucking annoying.
If you do want a website try vectorpea. It has 0 features and is kind of fucking annoying to work with, but it looks like you basically just want shapes anyway and you can draw squares circles lines and theres a curve tool

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does my shit suck im just messing around in photoshop

didnt even know this board existed lol
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love it, adobe flash era
Absolute and utter dogshit I need bleach for my eyeballs
That looks awesome as fuck
Unironically painful to look at. If that's your objective then it's great!
have you learned classical art and read books about art etc. or is this purely inspired by other artists? Oops i'm a month late i'll post this anyway

Post em schizos
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Not exactly, and it's fine to show if you don't know what I'm using it for.
Still going?
another legitimate schizo artist
William Kurelek's "The Maze"
LOL thanks for the hindu copypasta indian AI bot

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How did they make this movie poster before photoshop?
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+ Cigarettes
+ Coffee

Gen X-er. I was there and I witnessed grownups making these. All of them drank coffee and everyone smoked. Last of the era, the Seventies.
it produces worthless crap but the quality (literally the image quality, not the artistic quality, they're confused intentionally) increases at an "alarming" (sort of fast?) rate. nothing of real worth will ever be produced by AI. If you submitted your picrel to an art school some time between the start of sci fi art and the invention of the wacom, they'd laugh at you and send you right home
not that an "art school" is a place to hold to any esteem. but the art "community" (before that was a cringe internet word) would not actually like any AI "art" at all.

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Is there a proper name of this design trend that it's Japanese blocky characters with English characters/names?

I'm trying to search for it but I couldn't find anything
Don't even know what that spells, so it failed its purpose.
and who are *you* exactly?
Do you think one persons experience differs from another. UI and UX us an industry for a reason.

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ok so i want to make a background by combining 6 images , by combine i mean like lined up with a vertical cut like pic related. (made it in paint to show what i mean) The thing is i don't know how!
Just mask them :/
Hire a graphic designer to do it for you
just mask/overlay them. what 6 images do you want lined up?
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go to photopea
drag in your images on different layers
then use the "polygonal lasso tool" to select however you want out of top layer and delete it, then click down to the next layer and repeat

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