Make some shitty cover art?>Make some shitty cover art!
>>453668easy one
jackass presents:by roger drums
>>454330>>454332>>454379>>454395great job. those are insanely cool, and it was a very creative application of the original photo
>>454395>>454413thank you! that means a lot! <3I try keeping a fairly loose attitude during my process and not forgetting to have fun with it. it feels like trying to listen to what the thing itself wants to be. perceiving and doodling around, instead of enforcing *myself*, if that makes sense?downside is some fluctuation in quality, I guess. but once in a while I manage to chisel something out that kinda works.
>>454417this guy's good
>>454428>>454461...n-no u...(ty)
>>454482're in the age of online distribution and subscription services.who needs artist name and album title in the cover image anyways??>am>I>rite>???
>>455298'nother car. old image I downloaded for this a while back
>>456346>>456692this is really weird and really cool!
>>456696>>456769>>456876you are good, but here's an extra hard challenge: don't use texturesare you up for it?
>>456894>>456910thank you!totally depends on the raw are some of the others I did without texture:>>453670>>454221>>454428>>455167>>455299>>456346>>456894
>>456913 to textures I guess
what software are you guys generally using for these? I want to get back into album cover design but it's been almost 10 years for me
>>457434"purely feel" is a good album title actually
>>456938Where are you finding the stickers? I've tried so many ways to do that in the past and I guess I just don't know to word my query (doesn't help that google images is literally just fucking stock images and shopping now fml)
>>456917you're real talented man