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File: just kiss her.jpg (2.3 MB, 2480x3508)
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I do collage art.
File: disintegration.jpg (1.69 MB, 2480x3508)
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File: Midnight duel.jpg (2.65 MB, 2480x3508)
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>inb4 hurr durr jpegs
4chan's file size upload limit is retarded.
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File: I resist.jpg (3.56 MB, 2480x3508)
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I resist.

Currently losing my eyesight doing these captchas.
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Some coffeeshop near my house that I like.
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What do you think, /gd/ ? How shir is it/10 ?
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they do have potential, but you need to spend more time on them! they are kind of shallow, some even "unintelligent" (sorry) - you keep stopping at roughly the same degree of refinement, again and again.
I know it is hard but you need to spend more time, energy and thoughts on a single piece before declaring it done. at least at your current stage of development.
They do have potential indeed, but I think you should primarily focus on studying composition at the moment. Although if the first ones you posted are your newest ones, then you're already improving a lot

the blur effect on the "exist" makes it look really cheap. it's in the same category as drop shadow, inverse and so on

really bad composition, balance and color scheme. the small text at the bottom left is out of place, and the cat paw is coming out of nowhere. there's also a circle outline artifact. you need to be more careful

coffee cup is not centered. don't use AI if it's so blatant, and the thick lines don't fit with the rest of the design

cool. "harmony" is too close to the edges though

really cool, but the 3 circles are too dark and create too much contrast with the rest

cool, but text is too small, and the space in between his arms and legs feels like you forgot to cut it out

all right concept, but imo 70s hippy fonts don't look good when spaced out like that, plus the border should be on top of the hand outlines

really cool. but I would be careful with using very famous and copyrighted images. in this one they're carrying the design.

perhaps your best, although I would play a bit more with the overlay texture. also, you can round all the rectangles, so it fits with the outer text border

all the other ones I didn't mention are cool/ok also
Genuinely great advice. Thank you Anon.

>I know it is hard but you need to spend more time, energy and thoughts on a single piece before declaring it done. at least at your current stage of development.
This is a solid statement that I must go by. Thank you for taking from your time and answering this thread.
>don't use AI if it's so blatant
I remember I cut out the cup from another artwork, so it's not Ai. I only use Ai in my work to upscale images.
you're welcome :)

by responding like this to feedback, I can already say you'll have a great future.

>I remember I cut out the cup from another artwork, so it's not Ai. I only use Ai in my work to upscale images.
if you zoom in the line work of the cup, you'll see these blurry artifacts from AI. they might be from upscaling, but I can tell you for sure that it's going to make people off-put by your work if they see them
>they might be from upscaling
Since I choose to work on compositions that I set the size at A4 so that when I print them into A3, I don't lose quality, I often find certain resources to be all small when I paste them into the project, any solutions to this to avoid using Ai for upscaling ?

>focus on studying composition at the moment
Any idea where to start keeping in mind that I lean into collage art ?
nta but composition is (relatively) universal. a painter with a solid feeling for it will much more likely create a decent layout with text as well, for example.
but if you are trying to be specific about your development, then search for solid collagists, duh.

why would people develop upscaling ai if we had a better second option for doing that?
use high quality sources. that is your only true option...
I think it boils down to how I should choose on where to start in order to have a better sense of composition, since each artist prefers a specific way to approach such fundamental subjects.

Everything is behind a paywall and using an open source hugging face model doesn't usually result in good results, quality wise.
Wbu, Anon, have you ever used an upscaling Ai tool ? If so, do you recommend any ?
I think the question of where to start is similar to what foot to start a journey with.
it seriously doesn't matter as long as you are aiming at taking the rest of the journey. (hence the example with the painter)

be open about the subject and wholeheartedly accept that it is a truly interesting one, and that if you can't see that fact it means you are missing something important about it. or in other words; actually think about whatever you find.
but then stop overthinking and create something. something that sucks. something that doesnt even match your knowledge. to then do it better next time.
improvements come step by step, but always naturally.

use whatever seems appropriate for the job. but as I said; under professional conditions there isn't really much alternative to using high quality source materials yet...
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Your philosophy and the way you look at art is truly exceptional, I can tell I am speaking to someone well informed and, if I had to guess, somewhat of a professional in this field. Great speaking to you, Anon.

On another topic, I've noticed that cannabis use, primarily hash, while doing digital art almost always yields me a better looking result than when done sober and it got me thinking if what I am doing is correct or not, it's this fear of
>what if I can't make decent digital art when I am sober ?
>is this okay ? is making art while high is genuinely fine ?

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haha you are soft-soaping me. but it works. I bite, smiling about how easy it is to bait me into doing so.

sober. intoxicated. both fine - nobody ever cares.
just consider that drugs will *always* have a potential of "canalizing" your character, of pushing you towards playing a certain set of keys on your behavioral piano - again and again - while making you miss out on so much of the rest of possible melodies to play.
think overfitting an AI. or professional overspecialization. or taking the *simple route* and accepting the pact with the devil, selling off something meaningful. (metaphorically speaking - I am not religious)
this is not a design-specific advice, though, but a reminder in the most basic of problems with *substances* (or easy 'shortcut' solutions as a whole).

that being said; I personally do very much like my neurotoxins and mind-bending self-experimentations!
in the end: what is always taking the hard route even worth, if it renders you so exhausted that you aren't even able to pursue the things that are actually important to you? sisyphus should probably be an inspiration, not an ultimate principle.
I drink caffeine as well as alcohol, I enjoy my healthy greens at times and am no enemy to excursions into the world of mycology.

and yet. that doesn't mean much! it will always be a kind of dangerous bet, the chances of which I happen to be accepting. and *everybody* who lost it believed that "it was all under control".
even if a crutch makes you run 10 seconds faster, it will remain being a crutch.
and as soon as you have to run without it, you'll regret not having exercised your own feet.
maybe that day will never come. or maybe it will come sooner than later. a personal gamble for you to consider.
dependency is dependency. there is no free lunch.
>haha you are soft-soaping me. but it works. I bite, smiling about how easy it is to bait me into doing so.
Bro. This is the gayest thing I have ever read on /gd/.
OP here, my cock is so hard for you right now.
>Any idea where to start keeping in mind that I lean into collage art ?
I'm the guy who mass replied to the posts, and made one more reply, and then another person took over, so I just wanna make sure there's no confusion lol. it got a bit too fuzzy for my taste

but for composition, there's tons of books, but a more direct approach is to just look at a lot of art examples that inspire you, and break them down into basic shapes and rectangles, and recreate the composition. if you keep doing that, you'll get a sense of balance

>cannabis use, primarily hash
don't. I can tell you with 100% confidence that making them while high is a bad idea. you should be as sober as possible
>too fuzzy
>proceeds giving a non-answer
how about naming a few of them books, then? what is there even to learn from your message? lol

>100% confidence
alright, alright. but don't you think arguments or explanation to be missing here? should we be thankful for your perspective in this??
>how about naming a few of them books, then?

>what is there even to learn from your message? lol
the second part where I mentioned breaking down the composition of different art pieces, and looking at the balance and composition

>alright, alright. but don't you think arguments or explanation to be missing here? should we be thankful for your perspective in this??
you should indeed. but I guess you're right also, I forgot to mention in what case my advice was important. if you're doing this just for fun/as a hobby, then go ahead, take all the drugs you want. but if you want to become a professional graphic designer, then treat it as a job. working or learning under the effects of substances is unprofessional and the sign of a deadbeat going-nowhere person.
Do you?
I have a question that I can't find the right thread for.
I need to make a collage what style of background is this?
Just monochromatic repetitive shadow as a background, AI is not even close to getting this style idk what to tell it.
vector clipart pattern/background
add music in this case to the search query for music-related elements
I like it, if i has the talent to make hipop rap music or whatever i'd hire you to make a cool album cover
Well, I get high
cringed hard
Don't listen to these guys anon, this is good stuff. Everyone could use work but it's still good.
Whether it's good or not a lot of it's barely like collage- traditional C&P layout techniques and collage aren't the same thing.

There's a kind of randomness that emulates collage but misses the point that the elements you use in collage are in distinct layers that still look like layers even in a rendering or photo. You can blend that with standard layout for text but the more you size and align text on a grid the less it looks like genuine collage and just a computer flyer.

Some of these aren't bad but they're noticeably sure what they are and kind of lifeless
they look like the filler content meant to be delted by real design in low-end mock-ups. Analyzing the designs, they aren't saying anything. it's just a meaningless mashups.
Last sentence should read

>Some of these aren't bad but they're not really sure what they are and kind of lifeless

Very much in keeping with what >>459414 says:

>they aren't saying anything. it's just a meaningless mashups.
>they aren't saying anything. it's just a meaningless mashups.
That's what a lot of acid stuff is. You have the usual high end where the guy makes the main font from scratch. A lot of it is just the usual suspects slapped together though.

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