Super disheartening to see this. Any designer could have done an illustration, any number of local artists could have created a piece for this event. It's a seminal event that marks the reopening of Detroit’s Michigan central. Truly monumental moment for Detroit, highlighted by the crazy opening concert directed by Eminem and it wasn't worth getting a person to do the poster? Very sad.This is one of those moments in the history of ai that I will look back on with genuine disgust.A soulful event with a soulless AI facade.
>>455677personally I feel with this exact case it is weirdly fitting, considering fordism having been the inspiration for Huxley's 'Brave New World'.still sad.
>>455677who cares? it looks like shit regardlessif they went with that, even without AI they wouldn't have had better taste
>>455677It's over.
why the fuck are you copying posts from reddit? it's at least the second thread alreadyor is it some kind of bots that hiro made that copy posts from reddit, so they can make 4chan look busier?
>>455685fucking lol
>>455682Exactly; all these AI pearl clutchers act like the people blubbering about "soul" and humanity being disregarded don't trash "real" art made by real humans without a second thought all the fucking time, with no thought whatsoever to whether that response was warranted or not, just because they can and they think it's funny and "cool".They don't honestly care about "soul" or real people's vision and effort or make any distinctions based on humanity, as evidenced by the fact that they use the EXACT same complaints they use againt AI to describe human art they want to disparage, like saying it has no "soul".The fact that a human who ostensibly has a soul made it using feeling and thought that AI is incapable of doesn't it on GD and get instantly gutted.It's no different than Beavis and Butthead critiquing music and art- no matter how brilliant something might be, all they have to do is decide "this sucks" and the most erudite, educated and perceptive expert/ educator on Earth will never be able to convince them otherwise. That is their power; to be utterly immune to reason and utterly unconcerned with intellectual honesty.Make art or music or just conversation that displeases them for any reason- or no reason- and you will be treated no better than AI.
>>455682>who cares?Exactly! Nobody gives a flying fuck about designers and their livelihood. If service gets cheaper your career's obsolete. And this is exactly what's going to happen.
>>455695if you were a competent designer you wouldn't be sweatingai creates good assets, not good compositions, not good palettes, not visual competenceai is a tool, if you think a tool and a tool alone is going to replace you, that's more indicative of you than anything else
>>455704/remind me in 12 months.
>>455711Nothing will be different in 12 months.Either human- made art has some detectable element or essence that makes it intrinsically "better" than AI art and worthy of being chosen first as the OP insinuates, or all of that "soul" talk is just baseless artfag mumbo-jumbo voodoo bullshit. It's really that simple.JFC, there's thousands of creative fields that have been transformed by automated processes...imagine someone unironically wringing their hands over this-> It's a seminal event that marks the reopening of Detroit’s Michigan central. Truly monumental moment for Detroit, highlighted by the crazy opening concert directed by Eminem and it wasn't worth getting a person to-hand sew all the performers' clothing-hand weave fabric for the above-hand make their shoes-hand knit their socks-hand wire all the electronics used in the crazy opening concert and hand blow the vacuum tubes in the amps (because tubes="soul")-hand blow all the glass in the building-hire illustrators to patrol the grounds sketching random scenes for security recording purposes-hand set all the (hand cast) type used for promotional materials- hand print them using manual printing methods on handmade paperVery sad.
>>455712LOL!do you really believe the bullshit you are spewing?do you really believe that being an illustrator today is more fulfilling than has been before the computer?do you really believe the lives of the lonely fuckers who are massproducing nylon socks today to be better than those of the people who hand knitted them in the past?of mall cashiers? of the amazon delivery guy? of social workers and teachers? nurses? do you really believe that in an age of AI work will even have the little dignity still left in it today?you list the exact examples of why the current form of capitalism is being paid for by the lower classes.soil erosion, pollution, resource depletion, loss of habitats, displacement of culture. which requires increasing levels of automation that lead to deterritorialization, urbanization, exploitation and alienation.this is the exact bs that allows for the rise of escapist marvel movies, social media addiction, drug abuse, depression, personality disorders, burnout, which have been increasing since modernity! it is all a huge joke on you and me. most of what made societies stable has been eroded and replaced with hahaha funnyyy showwwws haha I am glad I don't have to fucking rope myself tonight!me and you, we are left so lonely and mentally depraved that we even enjoy the little bs escapism that is offered to us. >aah! LE FREEDOM!>le freedom to eat shit that makes me even more sick so that tomorrow I need even more of it!>because there aint much of an alternative anyways.YOU LIST ALL OF THIS. and then you say: it has been like this for 100 years. you have no right to complain.>mf you are so retarded that you don't even realize your own lack of dimensionality. >in your whole life you never had even a single original thought. >and you don't even realize it.nobody said the organizers being able to change any of this. they noted the increasing lack of humanness to be sad. learn to read.
>>455713For someone who's freaking out about AI you sure sound like a bot mindlessly regurgitating disjointed and incoherent platitudes and scripts and nebulous buzzwords (lack of dimensionality? lofl) in reaction to a stimulus that initiates that programmed reaction, in a process analogous to picrelAlso, since you asked->do you really believe the lives of the lonely fuckers who are massproducing nylon socks today to be better than those of the people who hand knitted them in the past?YES, absolutely, they aren't chained to performing one menial task every waking hour just to try to eke out a living, that will destroy their bodies ar which point they will be tossed aside, without even the benefit of a computer to make a new resume. They make better money for easier work under vastly better conditions, have far more transferable skills, and can afford their own products. Also this is all while being no less faceless and underappreciated than they would have been as illiterate knitters subsisting on gruel. It's as retarded a question as retarded gets.Face it, other people only "matter" to you as a means to justify your holier than thou Luddite preening and presumptuous declarations about the legitimacy of what entertainment and diversions and interests other human beings may have.You fucking REEK of intolerance, judgmental bigotry, and generalized misanthropy...all while presenting yourself as some white knight savior of the human condition.GTFOOH
>>455715Whoops, forgot that mistake a "spark of humanity"
>>455713nta but I implore you to post a single piece of design work you've done and then we can talk about whether AI is a threat and if your opinion matters
>>455715>not chained.haha. where exactly to go to, smartass??what alternative is there?physical chains keep you from running to alternatives.but there is no alternative.just more exploitation.there is no reason to flee.because there is nowhere to go.daddy market controls it all.chains would indicate there being hope, something better. somewhere.but there is no need for chains.>no illiterate knitters anymorehow out of touch can you be?? who made you think that?? there is whole villages of inbred 3rd world retards producing toxic car batteries and other shit at the bottom of all of this! sacrificing their pitiful, short existence in order to pay off some non-existent dept of their granny, that some corrupt asshole uses as a lever. is this NOT A CHAIN?just cause market forces pushed them out of your immediate neighbourhood?! KEKthere is exactly one thing the current capitalist system aims at: creating externalities. this is economics 101!whoever does it best wins! whatever isn't part of cashflow will be exploited. that is how it works. officially. this is not my personal bullshit. economers are very clear about it!do you really think your current lifestyle to keep continuing? LOLit is easy to extract pure energy, equivalent to millions of years of metabolism, out of the soil and be like "in total we have to do less work"how much violence will be okay to use against people with even less of a choice, who are being punished for us living our wasteful lives?some? - probably!but how much exactly?you are calling ME intolerant. let's see what *you* do, when floods of brown people with different value systems are knocking on your door with thirst for luxury, water, and maybe a bit of revenge.this isn't about white armor. or empathy. it is about lives and justice being a requirement for peace.white knight. rofl.if you only knew how little your hypocritical judgment means to me>you feeling attacked by me making fun of entertainment is hilarious!
>>455727can u just post a single piece of ur own design please
>>455717These walls of bitter long winded argle-bargle that mean nothing *are* his "work".
>>455729honestly I don't even feel let is the superficial kind of answer I expected
>>455728Except for the design leads at FAGMAN who will steer the AI in the right direction, all other designers will be replaced in the future, thus rendered useless. AI will cost a fraction of what they usually pay you and the results will come in minutes, not days. You won't be able to compete and it all comes down to money, since design has only one role—that of increasing sales.>Adore Me enables shoppers to customise a blank bra and panty set with a text-based prompt and a selected art style; they can also add words to the bands of each before ordering.
>>455740you are ignoring literally the only request I am making one piece of (You)r work, I don't want to see or read anything else
>>455741I'm not that anon. You are shortsighted if you can't see what's coming ahead. The writing is on the wall. And you're choosing to ignore everything else that I said and showed here because you have no counter arguments. Truth hurts, I know.>Nike developing AI model as part of design “step change” Sportswear brand Nike is developing its own generative AI model to design products using its vast bank of athlete data. According to Nike‘s chief innovation officer John Hoke, the company is seeking to take advantage of its exclusive data on athlete performance with a bespoke large language model
>>455742you also aren't posting your own workwhat I think is happening is that you and the other anon are people who wanted to get into design because you saw it as an easy career but now that AI is a thing you're threatened because instead of hiring YOU to do half-assed, half-hearted design they'll just use AI so now you're lashing outunless you are going to post your own work to prove otherwise, I will assume I'm correct and quit replying now
>>455677You almost wouldn't mind if they did a modicum of cleanup. At least the typography is good.
>>455681besides causing industrialization and the nazi collaborating, ford was an overall good guy
McDonald's interrupted their implementation of AI to take orders at their drive-through, since it wasn't working adequately.Apparently, that task is more difficult than being a GD.
>>455838Bursting out laughing!
>>455846>posting a talking head like it's a gotchaI have a sneaking suspicion that you have no idea what she actually does
>>455716>spark of humanityWhat a stupid motherfucker.
>>455677this is bait right>>455685makes so much more sense holy shit
That's disappointing indeed.
is it ai or vector traced?