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Request and share non-free typefaces and identification of typeface samples.

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archived <dot> moe/gd/search/subject/Font%20Share/

> Font identification

Before you request, do your due diligence by running your font sample through a font identifier;

whatfontis <dot> com

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Any bitmap fonts?
Who has Geographica?
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Anyone know where I can find this font from JTHM?
This might not be in the spirit of the thread, but I recently lost my whole library of fonts in a HDD crash (I know, I know, backups are important, and I'm doing it monthly now), and I'm wondering if anyone has like a zip or something of a bunch of commonly used fonts and stuff that they'd be willing to share. Like the main usual shit. Yer Helveticas, Caslons, Futuras, Bodonis... you get the picture. Like I can deal with losing my kooky and crazy fonts that have a single good use, but I'm missing my classics.
Cheers, bruvs.
try btdigg, you can find giant torrents of fonts from shit like adobe or monotype

Illustrator is making a beeping sound whenever I select a white object.
It only started this morning. I don't know what happened.
And it's only for pure white (#ffffff) objects. If I change the value even by a little, it doesn't beep.
stupid question, but does the noise even come from the speakers?
lcd monitors can make high pitched noise on specific brightness.
ssds can make high pitched 'piezoelectric' squeak noise when switching power state on boot.
yea it's from the speakers (headset, actually, but yea).
It's weird. I'm about to reformat the entire PC as a last resort because this is really DRIVING ME NUTS.
Did you try to restart the preferences or pressing ESC when the noise appears?
try reinstall, upgrade or downgrade

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you gotta be fucking kidding me with this garbage
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Jesus, she looks like Dr Zaius.
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the best part of this is the KH because it looks like the democrat party donkey

its what the title said i used after effects for this since idk where else to put it i hope this dosent bother anyone
looks awesome babe, but you used the wrong software. you should use zbrush
do you guys know where i can fine a "/" for motion graphics

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Feeling unproductive AF this past year. Everything I make feels like garbage, desu. Thinking of quitting in 4 months and taking a 3-month break for personal development, maybe make the switch to UI/UX after. Anyone been through a phase like this? How’d you get your groove back and start making stuff you’re proud of?
What are you? A hobbyist? A student? Quitting what?

Makes no sense.
putting name in post like anyone gaf who u are
It's just a job for me, there is no passion.

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>all women but me and this fag
>tattoed goth oversocialized whores abound
>if not that, then they're retarded tumblr users
>if not that, just retards all around
>IF there is another guy, it's some fag who wants to draw tatoos or tranime
I want to fucking kill myself. I have to do trade school classes to escape military conscription but after the first day, i'd rather go to the fucking army or commit suicide. I can't stand being around these worthless nobodies who think they're going to change the world. I don't plan on pursuing graphic design because it's a dead profession but I did have a passion for it and was autistic about typefaces and logos way back when. AI just had to roll around just as I was planning to pursue it as a profession. I had to go through with it because as I said military and because I don't want to work a wagecuck job if I can help it. You get gibs for being a student too so that's another plus. but I know i'm going to piss away 2 years of my life for nothing.
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this guy gets it. be likeable and confident and you'll get clients. you don't even have to be good at graphic design just learn to network you fags good lord
because its actually fucking garbage and if you were good at design you would know that. plus 40 year old business owners are too stupid to get on a website and generate a logo. they pay me to do that for them
Just do graphic design as a hobby, this "profession" is fucking completely dead soon thanks to AI.
In that scenario, the guy wanting a logo would not care if it looked good or not. Stop coping.
people still use that shit?

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my portfolio’s solid, but all I’m landing are these small freelance scraps. Can’t seem to score an actual job. Should I rework my portfolio? Puff up my experience? Switch up the location? halp pls.
If you are using LinkedIn or a similar service to apply for jobs, you need to use all the tips and tricks for creating a "good" CV. Yes, all the white small text, keywords, text generated by AI, etc.

You need this because the first step is automated, then your resumé will land on a WHORE from the HR who does not have a fucking clue of what your role demands, and just then it will be forwarded to someone who understand a thing or two about what you will do. You need to create a resume that the machine and the dumbfuck HR WHORE will like.
you have to build an audience, x is the best place, jump into discussions, post wips, insides, mistakes, show your thinking, the age of resume and portfolios alone is over, in fact if a company wants a resume and cover letter, don't work there
provided it's not a ghost job in the first place

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Then you should know that at the current year of 2023 graphic design is pretty much dead. I was a professional gd for almost 10 years working in both studios and on my own and I can't really find a job anymore. It's not even because of AI to be honest, its because of how the industry works and how bad the corporate environment has become.

There's still web design, 3D and VFX/motion design(primarily 3D too) and if you want something similar or easy to transition then chose one of those but I'm not sure for how long they will be relevant themselves because of the AI which is basically a final nail in the coffin of gd. Of course there are and will be exceptions and maybe you will get lucky to find some obscure local business that needs you, but if you are young and looking for a career in the future you should stop consider becoming a graphic designer. This profession is dead.
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here we go again
I guess graphic design is surely dead at this point lmao
trvth nvke designers can't cope
you just know a mf has reliable aesthetics sensiblilities when they use v's for u's
>>From a very good designer

More and more clients are sending me rough visual directions created with tools like Midjourney.

It’s a huge time-saver: fewer misunderstandings, clearer insight into their vision, and honestly, it makes the briefing process way more fun.

Midjourney + Lightroom is an OP combo

>>It's over

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4chan + soul
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So we're turning the imageboard into a Teletext now?
Who needs captchas and verifications to deter the low IQ when you can use le scary hacker font
hrm. could actually be more of a magnet than a deterrent as well?
>deter the low IQ
Taking care of your eyes isn't that low IQ tho
The weak should fear the strong. If ancient BIOS font hurts your eyes you're ngmi.

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What do you think?
I have no idea about nepal history, culture, nor flags in general.
but I like it! looks nice!
it gets my seal of approval
t. anon

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I can't believe that I spend my whole day, reading your terms, answering your questions with long ass paragraphs (which is redundant since the info is already in my resume). spend hours making a short video presentation, which has to be one take, so about an hour to memorize and get it right. Uploading documents and self identification shit, making a couple of graphics to show my abilities, have to kiss ass and be presentable, all for a job that I don't even want in the first place. I HAVE to work for you because I don't want to Die of hunger!! "Why you want to work for us?" I don't. Nobody does.
I have a decade of experience, wore many hats, making me overqualified for the position, speak three languages and you still won't hire me. "Not good enough" What the fuck.
I studied for you, I've wasted my life in 9to5's for you, dedicated all for job security and still not good enough!
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Who died and made YOU dhe g*d of /gd/??
Finding a job nowadays without a direct recommendation is a game with the HR.
You will need to search for those "CV protips" where they will teach you how to make your resume cancerigenous enough so the AI they are using to rank your resume gets a high rating. And yeah, they do take low ranked resumes to further steps because it gives them more work, so the HR will seem productive.

Also, use chatgpt/copilot to write your answers. Tell it that he (the AI) is a expert in Human Resources and you need to the best answer for a job application (AI ranks low/mid/high tier answers as equals, so you need to tell it to filter the best).
If you write a good answer with a vocabulary above 100 words for yourself you risk it being filtered as AI generated, that ironically happens less if you ask a AI to write a good answer for you.

So yeah, it is a metagame with the HR, and more often than not you will find ghost jobs. Wish you good luck,
>>you're applying to ghost jobs
mate, stop
I’ve come to the conclusion that employers don’t know what a Graphic Designer does

Just saw a job listing for a Graphic Designer that requires knowledge of Keyshot and Solidworks

Motherfucker, you want a Product or Industrial Designer not a Graphic Designer

Other job postings for a Graphic Designer requires 3d animation, coding, video editing, etc
what a fag, lol
Do your job! you're not making art, you're making flyers! kek!

Finishing up poster project for a class. At the bottom we're supposed to include the qr code and info as shown. That's how I currently have it, but it looks ugly. Any suggestions? (Can't change the font)
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Put an email icon beside the email. A globe icon beside the website and a phone icon beside the number.
QR codes are functionally optimal when B&W.
Maybe try rearranging?
>Bridge Builders Network
The obvious idea would be to have a graphic image of a suspension bridge that spans across the card.
Maintain the border space established by the text by aligning the QR Code properly, add the "(", AND USE AN EN DASH.

Also for creative tips, experiment, throw paint on the wall, don't be in love with a single idea.

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(YOU) have 120 IQ
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where is PW
I was about to ask the same thing
Their IQ is 92.
Pretty smart!
Proven fake, /pol/ is over 170 IQ (average)

What is the next big aesthetic wave after Flat Design going to be? How much longer will Flat Design last?
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idk man. Flat is meant to give room for the users to do their thing, but I was brainstorming an idea and i realized i circled back to hipsters of the early 2010s.

How I got there was thinking how everyones lost their optimism for the future. Stagnation, death, and just gloom and doom. I wanted to make a rebelious aesthetic. A kamikaze towards the future, maybe brutalism or punk, having to have a resolute acceptance of death, i figured a more grounded peaceful yet steady approach, better. A walk towards the future instead of going full throttle.

Charcoal and stone finishes for your electronics casings. a matte finish. cables wrapped in a type of woven fiber. Wooden desks and chairs. Not to heavy but more sturdy than the flimsy minimilst breakable stuff. use of earth tones and amber leds. mugs and bowls made of clay.

Thats when i realized I was thinking of a hipsters coffee shop. Hobbits with laptops. maybe dial it back a bit to be less pretentious hipsters and more about being home with mom and dad for the holiday. Home. Anyways, i could go for a dirty chai.
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Flat, but even more minimalistic and less colors
like, rudimentary shapes in black and white or shy unattractive color palettes
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>just deconstruct the fuck out of our previous logo please
>there, I don't even know what it says anymore
>perfect! that will do
File deleted.
Neo Corporate Airbrush-High Tech

[Just kidding of course. Flat design is here to stay.]
when i see these images i just imagine that people at the time (80's, 90's, etc) probably felt the same way about this kind of thing like how we do now.

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I've never had that before. When I just expand a text field, for some reason it either compresses the text automatically or expands it, and that's without pressing the CTRL key. Please help
it should just clip the bottom line

guessing the adobe enterprise quality software development saar did the needful

just pirate cc2018 and never ever "upgrade"
that company should just die already

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