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File: Summer t-shirt.jpg (99 KB, 736x1029)
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Am I the only one who misses this style of t-shirt design? Pictures, simple geometric shapes, scattered text with not much meaning, no attempt to look vintage?

I swear they stopped making modern designs like this, it's all vintage or back prints. Umfortunately I have no idea where to find this style on a shirt. I just love the vibe.
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They're likely Raf Simons copycats, or at least, I can't think of a designer earlier who made such tees.

Some designers who still make similar things:
Never mind. Just search for tees with terms like geometric or abstract.
Looks very early 2010s to me
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the joy division shirt ended it

For never alone

first up, cattle decapitation
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hey everyone, OP here
glad to see some interesting choices, you all have good tastes
glad to see blood incantation and archspire
this looks badass, i'll look into it, thanks
Some of my personal work
it is perfect.

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Request and share non-free typefaces and identification of typeface samples.

> Previous thread


> Older threads

archived <dot> moe/gd/search/subject/Font%20Share/

> Font identification

Before you request, do your due diligence by running your font sample through a font identifier;

whatfontis <dot> com

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I want to know the yellow flower font
Anyone have pragmatapro fraktur?
Sorry if that's not the right thread but what would be a good font for an architecture portfolio? Something preferably light, obviously modern but not overdoing it. Really something that expresses lightness. I like the simplex font but this older guy at uni told me it wasn't really optimal for portfolios and that I needed something more personal
Metropolis, PP Telegraf, Right Grotesk Spatial, Pragmatica Next, POWER Grotesk, Resolve Sans.

Give it to me straight, lads.

How is the move from Adobe to Affinity?
And how does Affinity square up with Photoshop?
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For personal work use whatever you want, but if you are planning to get a job in the industry, they are going to expect Adobe experience.

You do you, but just something to consider as you develop your skills.
wouldn't a virtual machine running windong98SE or whatever be more practical at that point?

retroomers will grab up all the remaining bottom of the barrel 90s hardware and the rest will be consumed by leaking capacitors
It seems Adobe fucked up badly, and Affinity is trying to capitalize on it. I activated a 170 (or was it 180?) free trial. Those guys are really trying. Now all they need is a documentation page like Blender does and things can really take off.

Really? What version of Photoshop is most likely to allow for this just for the sake of making things easier for me?
Designer has satisfied my small business needs. Put your files on a cloud service (ideally self-hosted) and you can move between machines effortlessly since they support Windows, Mac, and even iPad.
Use Krita.

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Not sure if this belongs here but since it's regarding photo manipulation (which counts as graphic design) I might as well try.
So I like this genre of edits of women called "Natural/Modular Body Magic", which basically means that they look like they either had their heads magically removed or that they never had any at all but they can live just fine without them (like dullahans), but many of them are pretty shit so I wanted to make some good ones of my own, the problem is that there are no good tutorials online on how to make them, so I was wondering if you guys could guide me on how to make them.
Pic related is more or less what I want to achieve, something that looks relatively natural and organic, rather than just a quick and sloppy MS paint job.
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you absolute retard
what even
this is actually pretty based. good job OP
What the fuck is going on here??
Look like a got myself a fetish.

I fucking hate this piece of shit so much.
Fuck anyone that uses it. Absolute faggot ass shit.
It's so unintuitive, clunky, old and retarded. And mind you I'm using the OFFICIAL LATEST PAYED VERSION.
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Where's the best place to download an old free version I can use on Win11? I haven't pirated shit in forever.
master suite cs6 i think, calvin and hobbes.... fucking old but still out there... or find a newer mastersuite. ive seen some, but am content with this. not really up on the current scene.miss demonoid.
yeah I bet, retard
I'll be waiting
well, you have to wait. DHL scheduled for next friday.
got the proof early. most of it is pretty cool, but there's a font here and there that feel a bit large. but that was the plan from the start, so i got what i tried to do. Interesting how much bigger things seem once you arent looking at just a screen. good lesson. not my first book, but the first ive done start to finish on my own. overall, pretty damn happy about it. and no, not doxing myself, thanks bb.

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Is there a way to vectorize bad quality images?
I'm a physics student and I don't know much about art design. I often find myself having to redo images as pic related in circuitlab or whatever cause I have to make a presentation (in this case about photodiodes) and the books where I have to get the graph are all blured. It's even worse when I have to use a image or a certain plot, cause in that case to reproduce the function to get a pretty plot is not as easy. Is there a way with AI or whatever to get a svg from a bad quality image like pic related?
Use Inkscape and create them from scratch. They even have a circuit symbol library so it would be just drag and drop.
Illustrator can do this, but might be crap in crap out and cleaning up ugly vectors is no fun.

perhaps a light version of cad? if youre a student buy student version of rhino and profit forever.
seconded using inkscape. if this is for a report or document, consider using latex with tikz.

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It's ugly. It's the ugliest shit you could possibly make.
99% of homophobia is due to this abomination. If the gay flag were cool, if the colors actually complemented each other, if it had some cool lesbian animal symbolism or something like that people would LOVE the gays.
I try to tell this to people but they're in denial
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It is indeed the case, this flag is ugly. I believe it is so that it can be seen from afar, because most gays crave attention.
all public symbolism tries to create attention of one sort or another, smartass.
>maybe the gd board isn't the right place foor you, hun?
No one stated the obvious, so I did. The whole thread is bots yapping about religion anyways, nothing to do with graphic design. You're right, this board isn't for me.
you will not be missed
How am i a bot, nigger?
Go ahead write out a captcha
₩#@ts y()ur f@○urite <e>yes cr€@m fl@v○r?

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How do you market your services and get clients.
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It's called sales, most firms have such a department.
I mean for individuals.
Funny how cracka/cracker messages don't get deleted but when I wrote poojeet it got removed soon after.
As an employer:
why in the world would anyone put their photo on an ad for services that do not require your face?
first of all, you're ugly, we are all ugly. There is a 1% chance that 0.000001% of the employers looking at your ad will find you attractive or friendly to look at. Instead use your graphic design skills and create something aesthetically pleasing, beautiful or eye catching as your ad. Let your work speak for you.

Photos on ads, Resumes, portfolios, and business cards are CRINGE AF. it comes off as borderline narcissistic.
Again, as an employer, I hire at least 1-2 graphic artists a month to do designs, logos, ads, etc...And I cannot highlight enough how off-putting it is to see a photo with your presentation...this is 2000's type of vibe and it makes you look outdated.

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What is a good color
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That's unironically my favorite color, everyone else on this gay earth has shit taste
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real color right there
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Make some shitty cover art?
>Make some shitty cover art!

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Is it retarded to use fountain pens?
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Jesus Christ you dunce I'm not against fountain pens. I'm just saying >>454722 is incredibly effective propaganda against them. Propaganda isn't usually entirely truthful lololol
>a retarded, outdated pen
made me think you fall for the 'propaganda'. but nvm - we on the same page it seems
my pen is often messy and fussy
dont care
love it
No, it's awesome to use fountain pens
It actually takes skill to use one properly.
It's the opposite of retarded.
But something tells me that you're better suited to crayons

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trying to get more creative and confusing with fever dream GFX edits. any ideas?
This is cool, what’s the source of this video
its easy to make a mess.
can you not make a mess too?

can you find how one feeds into the other?
What is fever dream GFX ?
aint it funny how useless broke niggas like yall more often than not end up trying to make it as an "artist"
wonder why that is.....
you're too white to be typing like this

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hello, is there any very intelligent software that can merge fur pictures of a document like this, so it can look like original? thank you
dont know
i always do it by hand. tedious
but photoshop is ok at snapping to pixels sometimes
The search term you want is "photo stitching"
thank you very much
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The overlaying is quite tricky when the parchment is moved and disturbed between scans - it deforms for each new scan.

10% overlap is necessary - the given overlap is barely enough.

Photos where you move the camera instead of the paper or its lighting is preferred to keep it consistent between stitching images.

If there's still interest - we can exchange emails.

Here's a demo -
The darkened edge on of the scan in the stitch wouldn't be an issue if the process was done properly
That's interesting, does the document have any special historical significance?

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