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Hi guys, does anyone have any clue how to begin with this style/procedure? I'm a wallpaper designer but this looks challenging, and I'd suck some ass just to know anything. Thanks!
Looks like Photoshop + something for particles, maybe C4D or similar?

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Early 2000s webdesign
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Seems like it was a cult, one of the first online-original ones. This forum thread from 2008 goes into a dive on it:

Without digging into things too deep (this shit gives me the heebie jeebies and I don't wanna click too many links) it seems like the last postings from its arms were around 2015, so it probably died out near the end of the 2010s.

/x/ might be a better place to discuss it.

Captcha: GVATT
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As I grow older, my hatred for mobile design matures. Soon it will bear a fruit, I will become a computer virus and infect the internet and come for the smartphones, the iPads and the Apple watches. I will stomp out the web crawlers. I will corrupt them all. Cutting the net won't spare you, I'll become a floppy flying through your window, slashing your hard drive to bits.
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God, I miss bitmap fonts.
A few anons have already mentioned this, but the early flash-heavy stuff was caustic to SEO. Flash wasn't indexable, and If Google couldn't figure out what was in your website, you weren't gonna have reach on search engines.

The bigger nail in the coffin was smartphones. Fat buttons and emphasis on verticality was needed for grubby fingers and scrolling, and managing two completely different versions of a website is annoying, so desktop designs were merged with mobile.

I think with all the tools we have now, we could easily mimic the experimental websites of yore, even improve upon them with two extra decades of knowledge - but that's too much work!
>I think with all the tools we have now, we could easily mimic the experimental websites of yore, even improve upon them with two extra decades of knowledge - but that's too much work!
too much work AND companies are salivating at the thought of casual desktop usage fully dying out in favor of universal smartphone browsing, so they're definitely not going to be making any cool desktop-oriented websites anytime soon when they could instead be making ugly corporate memphis mobile websites that are really just huge ads to get people to download their app.

and honestly, it's also a shame that most of the newer sites i see from hobbyists that are interested in this era (e.g. on places like neocities) just take what was done in the past wholesale without trying to improve on it with the advances in web development that have come since, and that leaves a shitton of bloated and/or ugly imitations of bloated and/or ugly sites from the past. companies wouldn't budge regardless, but a lot of old web revival projects really aren't making a "revival" look like something to be excited for.
>that are really just huge ads to get people to download their app

Startups have always been about building something up rapidly and then selling off the company to the highest bidder, so the founders and investors can get their bag ASAP. However, "startup culture" used to be about actually-innovating in ways the big slow companies (both what preceded the FAANGs and then the early days of that hegemony) couldn't. That rapidly changed as these behemoths actually unfucked themselves.
THAT was probably due to Google's "experimental" nature showing you can just live A-B test shit with users and they will bitch but not leave in big enough numbers. As well as a lot of startups spamming growth and big innovative promises and a flashy frontend only to deliver absolute crap code that costs more to fix than to just copy - Skype may have been the biggest lemon sold here, but I could be wrong and it may have been something else earlier, before I was actually paying attention to this shit.

Details aside, startups NOW mostly seem to be hell-bent on collecting user data, the product is just a vector to get people to sign away their permission for data collection, so it only has to be "good enough" and last long enough to fit company's projected sale.
>But the privacy policy says "we don't sell your data"!!
That's the neat trick:
They don't.
They sell the whole company when it's ripe and ready for market, and with it ALL the company's assets - including the user data that their app and wifi-connected toasters and smart bidets and so on have picked up. That is how they have value now and why everything is app-connected.

So, word of wisdom: If you want to do some big project you're passionate about, then crowdfunding or traditional business loans are the better option. VC and angel investors are just interested in getting their ROI ASAP and that involves you losing control of your project.

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Not sure if this belongs here but since it's regarding photo manipulation (which counts as graphic design) I might as well try.
So I like this genre of edits of women called "Natural/Modular Body Magic", which basically means that they look like they either had their heads magically removed or that they never had any at all but they can live just fine without them (like dullahans), but many of them are pretty shit so I wanted to make some good ones of my own, the problem is that there are no good tutorials online on how to make them, so I was wondering if you guys could guide me on how to make them.
Pic related is more or less what I want to achieve, something that looks relatively natural and organic, rather than just a quick and sloppy MS paint job.
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Why would you admit to using that shithole??
try buying and taking photos of manikins in the same position as the photos you are editing that way you have some sort of reference. i do think the flat neck looks better then a rounded knob. idk how you woud do the texture on the skin to be honest
you absolute retard
what even
this is actually pretty based. good job OP

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What political movements have the best-designed symbols?
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Oh yeah, the Gay New World Order flag.
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Libertarians can have amazing gd when they aren't obsessed with the Gadsden flag.

(Attached: Libertarianism.org logo)
"RACISTS FOR REFUGEES" makes it sound like you're slandering simps for mass illegal immigration as racist lol. which they are of course, but that's not what you're trying to convey.

I'm a radical anti-monarchist but you may have a point
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Resist libs are cooking unfortunately
trannies mad

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What is a good color
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oh fuck yeah don't stop posting
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Why 4chan has no ontopic threads anymore? Is this the result of 2003 hl2 beta leakage on /v/? The cia has stolen valve internal assets. As we know binladen been gaming a lot. Hl2 leakage disturbed him, he was angry. Sent some cia drone planes filled with tannerite and nitryl acid and blee up the towers. The worst incident since release of gta 3. The programming destroyed /v/ beyond repair. This led to creation of reddit due its founder being cia agent involved in that incident. And reddit mafia wasnt happy. They shitposted hard at trump during 2016 election. But george soros helped him win and reddit trannies malded and migrated to /pol/. Later they went on /qa/ and created basedjaks. They dilated themselfs so hard that czech anon organized raid on /lgbt/. There were many casualities on both sides but finally /qa/ lost and got nuked by hiroshito. They then created sharty and sent thier best assasin to shoot trump during his rally. In the last moment shinzo abe went down from heavens and saved trump. Biden sharted himself and bailed out and thats how kamala wom 2024 presidential ellections.

Give it to me straight, lads.

How is the move from Adobe to Affinity?
And how does Affinity square up with Photoshop?
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forgot to mention that we can't even use the 2017 version of Quark because it's a piece shit software and we have to use a 25 years old version, with a dedicated PC running Windows 95 just for this reason.
QXP 4? That's just too wild for me, but my old design firm was still using MS office 2007 until I quit in 2017, so there's that. Old people I swear
either 4 or 5. but yeah, avarage age at the company is around 50. The other editor uses Ps 6 because, even though we have a never one "he likes to do things manually".
Which translates into absolute bonkers workflows like not using masks, groups, hell the layers are just a huge unorganised mess, no naming, no logical structuring, and half of them are empty text layers because he accidentally created one.
For clarification I've also had issues with multiple rasters, even <1mb JPEGs, opening about 8 and I'm already running out of application memory.
any tutorial makers that can get me up to speed with the Affinity?

Is it retarded to use fountain pens?
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bro showing a picture of a fountain pen's mess like that is probably the most effective succinct attack against those pens.
dude. just take a look at the linked image ONCE. >>455171
they are a noob and used pigment paint.
if you aren't retarded and use adequate materials for your level.
Jesus Christ you dunce I'm not against fountain pens. I'm just saying >>454722 is incredibly effective propaganda against them. Propaganda isn't usually entirely truthful lololol
>a retarded, outdated pen
made me think you fall for the 'propaganda'. but nvm - we on the same page it seems
my pen is often messy and fussy
dont care
love it

hmmm somehow thats not how i imagined it

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Hi, Ive been into graphic design for a while, and I really feel like I wanna start doing my own thing instead of just admiring others pieces, where do I start? What book is best to read for the fundamentals? How should I actually build my own style? Anything helps, maybe its not the best place to ask idk, but I feel like some of you guys got a good grip of whats good and not. :)
(piece by Visual bleed)
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besides learning fundamentals, reading books and so on (which is incredibly important), the best way to start doing your own thing is...by starting to actually do something. it doesn't matter what, and your first pieces are most likely going to look like shit, but just like any other skill on this planet, the more you do it, the better you'll get at it

good luck!
Are there any resources on the fundamentals which you can recommend?
Read anything from Bruno Munari
Read the books by Wucius Wong.
Bought his book "Design in Art" for 8 shmucks. Been looking for a book published during the peak years of design for a while. Thanks for the recommendation anon.

>soul? check
>inherent optimism towards technology backed into design of products and physical spaces? check
>corporate? yes, but not in a soul sucking way
Stop using that vague label anon and do some real research.
The graphical aesthetic or whatever the interior design of this era was?


just saying...
The optimism for the tech was because there were clear improvments from one piece of hardware to the next. There has been little leaps forward for the last half or so decade.
Aesthetics are large in part riding off of what the masses are feeling and many aren't feeling too optimistic about the future. Maybe things will change in a few months who knows, but an aesthetic will only catch on if it somehow captures what people are feeling.

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ITT: We post mid-to-late 2000s graphic design styles, visual trends, and aesthetics.

Anything between 2005 and 2012 (or anything that is reminiscent of that era) is welcome here. THIS IS NOT A Y2K THREAD. DO NOT POST Y2K HERE.

Previous: >>445568
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i tried something here
i fucking love total drama man

Hey /gd/

I have a question, if I produce images using illegal versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, do these images have any metadata that can be tracked to see if they were illegally produced?

and how do I remove such metadata, I tried googling this shit but it doesn't come up with any real answers on this topic

I'm just getting to the point of completing my 4th as well as 5th gd project for my portfolio and want to upload them all to Behance but also still not cause any problems for potential employers.


Also post your questions/queries
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Im old school and trace over it with a vector
>what kind of art is this really
Modern art I guess

can you let me know what's wrong with this painting?
There is nothing wrong with them. It’s not particularly catching, but that’s a personal preference. If it was part I’d a series in a gallery that would help it stand out more next to other similar works by the artist showcasing their style and it helps you ponder their work. If they had a goal in mind can you let me know their goal so I can let you know if they achieved it or not.

>make the main subject of the painting stands out from the background
Look at different framing techniques, rule of thirds, or fourths, bull’s-eye effect, Fibonacci, putting some thing in the foreground or background.
You don’t need an art program for that. Just look up pattern making for sewing projects
Maybe put it through one of those Minecraft image converter for creating pixel art in Minecraft and instead of working with bricks inside the game you can place a grid over a canvas and use the corresponding colors to squares
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I didn't expect this to be so easy, now I have all he fonts i want.

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Looking forward to be a Freelancer Graphic Designer and Blender Artist.

I'm a 19 years old male, I decided to not attend to college because In my point of view, it's just not worthy it, paying thousands for something you can learn online. Here is my problem though, I don't know where I should start. I feel like I'm not confident enough, and I don't know many places where I could capitalize over my work.

I'm currently working at my family's business, but it's so annoying having to work with public, and being at a family's business doesn't make you feel like you are independent. Which is what I'm looking forward to be.

It's been hard since everyone tries to push me into college, because in their mind, college = easy life. And I really don't bother getting minimum wage as long, I'm doing something that I enjoy.
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Seconded. 17 years working, 21 years including school. I make $48K a year salary and most weeks I work 52 hours with no overtime. I went from entry-level, junior, senior, all the way to art director. I manage 2 designers and 5 production workers. My junior designer makes $32K a year and the other guy makes $38K after working with the company for 4 years. My day job is mostly preparing artwork for printing on promotional products. I do occasionally get to make logos, layouts, tshirt designs etc. Usually only have about 15-30 mins to work on a job like this. You have to pull creative solutions out of your house on demand and the pay is dogshit. I've created a personal side business. Most clients won't trust you enough to make the job worth your time, they'll reject your price quote unless you agree to basically work for free. Charging for graphic design can be very difficult, even the salespeople I've hired to help me sell work will exclude any service fees for my time because they can't comprehend charging for design services. If you are selling brochures, for example, they just go with the printers quote and add 20% markup. Between taxes and commissions it leaves 2-5% for you to pay yourself. If something goes wrong and you have to reprint, usually because the client gave you the wrong phone number or some other stupid shit you will lose money. If you have to buy a stock photograph or pay software subscriptions, you have to subtract that from your profit. I have found a few clients that are worth my time and pay really well but that is far from the norm. Most are not worth dealing with and some won't even pay you. I've delivered or shipped printed products and never heard from clients again. Do literally anything else.
bro - how is it you have delivered without pay?
why would you ever ever do that?
Did some one 'mke' you do that?
and while we talk turkey
what the price of a webpage these days? is a good webpage still like 30k?
a book lasts a lot longer . . .
Also worried
me? not worried.

Ai bros help out
/gd/ - AI Design
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use your brain and draw it yourself you fucking dipshit, if you cant figure that out, dont fucking bother
not a huge fan of ai art myself, but how is that an answer worth wasting time typing?
i know some sites that can do smth like that but really?? in /gd/?? ai? ppl will just hate on you
Why would you want to make something like that? What could that image possibly help your clients sell?

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Then you should know that at the current year of 2023 graphic design is pretty much dead. I was a professional gd for almost 10 years working in both studios and on my own and I can't really find a job anymore. It's not even because of AI to be honest, its because of how the industry works and how bad the corporate environment has become.

There's still web design, 3D and VFX/motion design(primarily 3D too) and if you want something similar or easy to transition then chose one of those but I'm not sure for how long they will be relevant themselves because of the AI which is basically a final nail in the coffin of gd. Of course there are and will be exceptions and maybe you will get lucky to find some obscure local business that needs you, but if you are young and looking for a career in the future you should stop consider becoming a graphic designer. This profession is dead.
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>Every new business in my area is using the generic ai image generation profession guy / girl with folded arms meme.
lol I use the AI for the same thing but the people always end up looking a bit weird, especially when they smile with teeth showing, there's a weird gap in the corner of their mouth...AI is almost there though.
>I'd like to get another skill but don't know what.
Same, and I'm fucking 40, I just need a job to work 15 years until I retire but I can't get anything.
What are you on about? Everything was just fine until a few years ago.
Designers that place function over everything are my least favorite type of designer. No heart. No soul. Never creating anything truly inspiring or interesting. What a waste.

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