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Why is modern UI design stealing usable space by making massive paddings around everything and massive buttons?

Surely they focus on touch screens but why they ignore desktop users needs?
11 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Here you go:



I'm sure you can do a pull request and submit a patch in no time and it will work great!
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firefox already does what i mentioned with a few preset CSS variables. it's UI supports the same things as normal websites. it's piss easy to configure it that way.
it's ui frontend is not some arcane big brained coooder c++ 20 compilation steps nightmare microsoft horror story from 2000s where you need to set these things.

their avoidance supporting of a 'dense' UI proportions option is entirely a product/UX choice rather than some big development constraint.

it looks good in figma to give user exactly 2 trendy and modern looking options - cripple tier padding or even more cripple tier padding, switched semi-automatically when a touch screen is present, not 3 options with a normal mouse using peoples one (that would be a lot of options).
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by the way the option is still there, just tucked away behind a hidden setting for like 3 years now, and causes no visual breakage when enabled. it's just not part of their 'product vision' to have it.
and to further confirm, it works on windows, linux and macos setups with very different combinations of non-'default' dpi and system font size settings, so that's not an excuse either
>hidden setting
Why did they make it a hidden setting?
Fucking faggots. They want to always remove useful things for power user.

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What's the meaning of the red stripe?
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Depends on who's talking
it look good :)

Color accents on black are just *chefs kiss*. I love the orange stripe on the old Dell business laptops.

Nowadays it's either candy colored plastic Celeron machines or "gaming" laptops with 50 watts of RGB lights. The red stripe is class, it's subtlety.
wheels on many German steam trains were red to make it easier for safety inspectors to detect cracks and metal fatigue.
Red is passion, desire, intensity, danger - domesticated in accents, drawing a clear line.

Is it retarded to use fountain pens?
45 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
No practical benefit
No they feel nice
no you can do things like deliberate thickness o' lines n' funny blots n' smudges and then you can stab someone with it. just a feather? heh, sure, stab me with that? better have good aim! one o' those deliberate steel ballpoint pens whats MADE for stabbin'?! heh, well go ahead, write like the papyrus font irl with that, go ahead, i'll wait. /:-]
It's what you write that matters, I learned that about buying 7 fountains pens.
Best chance to maintain a neat handwriting.

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Don't know if anyone has any info on this but I love zooming into 600dpi scans of magazines and album covers, and was wondering if there was a filter I could use in something like GIMP to apply to high-resolution digital images I have saved (bonus points if you know the album of picrel)
A filter do what? A filter to remove the rosette or apply it to different images?
apply it to different images, but very subtle and small so you can only see it clearly when you zoom in like 500%, not like those shitty half tone filters people slap onto images
My first thought is to actually just halftone your image at some really really really small dot size.
look up tutorials for "halftone" and "print rosette digitally" and other things along those lines. Plenty of tutorials and photoshop actions. Explore it until you can achieve the desired output.

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What do you think?
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original is cooler
It's really good and would look awesome as their rectangular flag!
Sure, let's erase at least 2 centuries of history because a couple reddit faggots get mad that the flag does not have 4 angles.
What about you go shit on the swiss square flag? Go take a shit on El Salvador flag and its 189:325 ratio. Change the ratio of the USA flag (10:19 ratio is used only in 3 other countries).
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When I was in El Salvador it was common to see the civil version of the flag flying upside down because they were so illiterate they couldn't even tell if the letters were right side up, let alone read them. Same with the popular " Ace" brand beer; the label was an image of the playing card and you'd regularly get bottles where someone who didn't know which way the other lettering went would just guess and get it wrong.
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The current flag of Nepal is better in that regard. You can have the most ignorant illiterate unschooled nepalese and the flag shape would still be the cue so the flag is not upside down ever...

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Probably not the most appropriate place for this question but I am looking for a gift for person with art degree background who wants to venture (try out) tattoo design.

The person is not using a pc or ipads/galaxytabs

What would be the best digital sketchbook/epaper for doodling beginners with solid styluses. Price range up to 500 buckaroonees or even cheaper with no additional caveats like OS that cant be upgraded.

It looks like the market is oversaturated with crap but I see no inclination to buy sn ipad pro for 2k
tattoo design is just drawing outlines and basically drafting.
people at >>>/ic/ would help you better, I think.

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How can I change a certain color but only in a certain area?
I want to change the black to white.
I tried Color Exchange in Gimp but the results sucked.
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oh man but I wanted to stay legal...
>oh man but I wanted to stay legal
Are you doing it in a computer that belongs to your employer?
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Lasso tool the panties, then screw around with the colorize, hue, saturation settings. I use Photoshop though I haven't touched gimp in years, but I think it still has the lasso tool.
Dont pirate software. Use GIMP.

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Then you should know that at the current year of 2023 graphic design is pretty much dead. I was a professional gd for almost 10 years working in both studios and on my own and I can't really find a job anymore. It's not even because of AI to be honest, its because of how the industry works and how bad the corporate environment has become.

There's still web design, 3D and VFX/motion design(primarily 3D too) and if you want something similar or easy to transition then chose one of those but I'm not sure for how long they will be relevant themselves because of the AI which is basically a final nail in the coffin of gd. Of course there are and will be exceptions and maybe you will get lucky to find some obscure local business that needs you, but if you are young and looking for a career in the future you should stop consider becoming a graphic designer. This profession is dead.
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i know boomer designers who still work lmao, thats people who do it for 45 years bruv. thats your competition and theyre everywhere still.
theyre going to block you from jobs until theyre fucking dead. they will never retire.
im doing illustrations, get commissions ranging from 200-9000. gd sucked ass for me, i like drawing. gd is way too easy, not everyone is good at drawing.
Not that anon but the post he's replying to literally lists off the more forgiving jobs. YMMV depending where you live of course but there's multiple paths in physical media
>I pity anyone entering into the industry now. Creative people will of course always crave this kind of career and its understandable. AI will finally kill it off within a decade, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind.
What else can I do though except die in a ditch?

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What is a good color
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(YOU) have 120 IQ
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IQ is a fake invention in which the public has believed and continues to do so. It's pseudo science. And, by the way, I post on always every board possible regularly.
Here's the secret to doing well on an IQ test: Look up what logic gates are and what they look like (AND gates, OR, XOR etc). They're designed with the assumption that you don't know what they are.
Tell me exactly how this comes up in the working memory sections.
It's definitely much lower now.
You have adhd, go see a psychiatrist for treatment so you don't fail college.

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Looking for stuff similar to this.
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Took this off some scrapped machinery at work. Now it's my desk ornament.
Oops, didn't mean to post an uncropped screencap..

I love this one as well, even if it's not in the spirit of the thread. If you removed the red it could be the symbol of some machine cult.
I'd say that one definitely fits, it's poorly drawn (wtf is up with the hub radius?), poorly printed and mostly incomprehensible...that hand shape normally means "stop" or "stay back" so with the slash I guess it means that signaling to stop or avoid the spoked device with the wonky hub is prohibited?

Or is it even a device? The "hub" part also looks like a child's drawing of a cloud with rays of sunshine radiating from it, so maybe it's a warning about impending spiritual activity and how you should not tell the angels or returning messiah to "talk to the hand".
Regardless, as a former screenprinter the quality of every aspect of that label from drafting to color/ink selection to final execution makes me wince. Well done.
It's on a hydraulic hose crimping machine so I think it's supposed to say "don't stick your hand in the crimping part". Your points remain valid though!

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Request and share non-free typefaces and identification of typeface samples.

> Previous thread


> Older threads

archived <dot> moe/gd/search/subject/Font%20Share/

> Font identification

Before you request, do your due diligence by running your font sample through a font identifier;

whatfontis <dot> com

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Anyone got Kato Mono by Ryan Bugden? It's fucking impossible to find this font.
Noob here, can someone please help me identify this font? I tried the sites, but they don't give me anything remotely similar despite it looking simple
crosslinking these from /g/
this link from the archive is dead
anyone got a mirror or some updated pack?

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This is what you see when you close your eyes and start rubbing them with your hands.
I like.
Nyce, finny I was just talking to my friend about the patterns you see when pressing on your eyes. They can get to be pretty interesting mandalas and patterns. Probably not good for your eyes though -_-

Two themes have been shortlisted. Here's your chance to make it bros

This took me out of my adhd internet living
there are >50 year old guys sitting "at a table" deciding which nice pictures should next be printed on them monies.
>Should we go culture or nature&birds?
fuck. Everything will turn out fine if these are decisions made somewhere. Makes me feel less like the world is full of chaos
I say
5 - 50 = nature&birds
100 & 200 = culture

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Hello /gd/ can you please tell me what are some good books on graphic design? I have to come up with a design for a website and I'm not used to designing things.
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Pic related is fucking incredible and dirt cheap
dont forget:
grids arent proportion
and proportion isnt grids!

Explain like im new and also retarded.
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That's what i am ready on/off at the moment

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