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I can't believe that I spend my whole day, reading your terms, answering your questions with long ass paragraphs (which is redundant since the info is already in my resume). spend hours making a short video presentation, which has to be one take, so about an hour to memorize and get it right. Uploading documents and self identification shit, making a couple of graphics to show my abilities, have to kiss ass and be presentable, all for a job that I don't even want in the first place. I HAVE to work for you because I don't want to Die of hunger!! "Why you want to work for us?" I don't. Nobody does.
I have a decade of experience, wore many hats, making me overqualified for the position, speak three languages and you still won't hire me. "Not good enough" What the fuck.
I studied for you, I've wasted my life in 9to5's for you, dedicated all for job security and still not good enough!
Average unemployable neet. Maybe try getting an attractive skillset instead of something a pajeet does for one tenth the cost?
>getting an attractive skillset
like what? what do you suggest?
solid fucking design / aesthetic sensibility
gets the job done

is not utterly unpleasant to interact with

bonus points for good background of interesting people and places


but some people dont care about anything other than you are a competent technician who wants to live in the background

other want someone who can be upfront and manage clients
You voluntarily picked design as your “““career””” and it’s still you the one who’s complaining? This just shows that you’re not as smart as you think you are because no intelligent person would choose this path.
>no intelligent person
I think it is more a question of how informed you are than a question of intelligence. these are correlated, but not the same
It's no longer about the job. It's all about performative nonsense. Some woman in HR is likely rejecting you. Best thing you can do is freelance and use a female persona or hire a woman to do your public relations.
anybody here is interested in connecting on LinkedIn?
not on and dont like linkedin
Yes, glowie, I want to doxx myself, how did you know?
that's very cool and all but ranjeesh and patel will deliver best premium vector gfx web designs for only 150$ a week
>what do you suggest?
Video editing, programming, business development, etc.. There is a million skillsets you could add to yourself that would give your resume a lift. It all depends on where you live and what the market is like there. Besides, if you have a decade of experience you should be able to freelance so fucking easy... Just hit up some old clients and see if they need work done.

You are the common denominator to your own failure. Plenty of dumber, lazier, uglier, and less competent people are getting jobs. And you aren't, so maybe look in the mirror and improve.
find a big name in the industry, look at his/her portfolio
understand and imitate, but don't overdo it.
freelancing is just as much about the market as it is about the person, as you yourself pointed out. sometimes there just isnt the work. and if youve had clients because you were an employee somewhere doesnt mean they want you as a solo player.
No shit, but it doesn't hurt asking. OP is clearly retarded and don't know the first thing about hustling for his paycheck...

And no, there is always a market for freelancing. Have you heard of this thing called the internet? You can contact every company all across the globe and ask for any work they need done. Yes you'll get rejected 999/1000 times but that one time you hit you'll get a paycheck.
good strategy. enjoy fivrr.
When did I ever mention fucking fiverr? You are just as retarded as OP, unless you are OP, in which case you are still just as retarded as OP. So enjoy that.

The fucking state of this board.
>waaaah cant get a job because I'm fucking useless and retarded and I refuse to call clients myself, i need a company to do it for me because I'm so fucking scared of speaking to other humans and sell my skillset
i got work bro
and i run my own shop

the fucking state of you

fuck off back to fivrr
Go back to school and get a real job this time around. Don't wait until your hairline starts receding even more on your bald spots. This artsy teen dream of yours has vanished a long time ago, so it's time you wake up to reality.
>Go back to school
>get a real job this time around
unless it's welding school or something like that, it's not a real job.
bro you're more retarded than the average reddit user. pajeet faggot
they want complete control, for them to have everything, and you? nothing
Graphic Design is a shit career, sorry you picked the wrong thing.
lol ok racist
have fun on fivr

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