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It's ugly. It's the ugliest shit you could possibly make.
99% of homophobia is due to this abomination. If the gay flag were cool, if the colors actually complemented each other, if it had some cool lesbian animal symbolism or something like that people would LOVE the gays.
I try to tell this to people but they're in denial
>>457131 (OP)
Is the only place you've ever seen a rainbow been on a pride flag anon?
holy fuck i was gonna write some sassy shit about aesthetics but fuck OP ANNIHILATED

holy based anon, reduces op to dust with a gentle hug
workin overtime to hate rainbows, huh?
now youre really really stretching to hate rainbows.
good luck in life.
we can smell your literal shit eating grin, homo
because they say the religious shit to be a stretch? lol
>Bear in mind a real rainbow has 7 colours.
It really doesn't.
Rainbow has no fixed number of colors because the way colors are divided in language is entirely arbitrary.
"orange" for example only started existing as a separate color some centuries ago.
Depending on the time/place/language, a rainbow can have 4, 6, 7 or even 10 colors
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There, fixed
go talk to your pedo pope. no one gives a fuck about your hate so fuck off.
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I am not an expert on color vision, but understand enough about it to know that you are all just pulling stuff out of your asses.

historically there have been biases in naming colors because nature doesn't always provide enough instances of every point in the color spectrum and technology of course didn't (and still doesn't) provide pigments of each and every possible (=humanly distinguishable) color. this *obviously* influences naming conventions and the total number of standard color categories in everyday language...

but today we know a lot more about the physiological boundaries of the human vision system!
there is multiple points along the spectrum that deserve special interest. (basically local maxima and transition spaces between them)
you can understand a hump as heightened ability to distinguish changes (relatively speaking), that emerge in contrast to the less distinguishable gradients. naturally this earns both those types of areas their own 'hue names'.
>on the one hand has to do with what is being modeled as 3 overlapping-but-different kinds of cone cells (L-red, M-green, S-blue), but also with their individual irregularities in responding to stimulation (see humps like for example in the blues).

so yes. the spectrum is of course continuous instead of stepped.
yes. naming conventions have been irregular.
and still.
we are at a point in history where it is clear that the number of individual hues is NOT arbitrary or bound to religion, but correlates with our physiology.
yeah take that.
you have no power here, dr rim job


original has 8 stripes

you lose.
you lost.
>>457131 (OP)
Bi flag is uglier.
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thread derailed by christards

>>457131 (OP)
it's an eyesore and i would rather fly a plain cloth with the word GAY writen in arial or comic sans. But even then i'd rather keep the basic corny rainbow over all the other modified versions
>we are at a point in history where it is clear that the number of individual hues is NOT arbitrary or bound to religion, but correlates with our physiology.
Yes, but the traditional 7-colors have nothing to do with either physics OR physiology.
Physics recognizes 3 primary colors.
Physiology recognizes 4 pure hues.
The 7 has zero scientific rationale.
god, you are stupid
faggots all commit sins, some are just publicly weird about it
No, no, there is a point.
>>457131 (OP)
it's an ugly flag, all their flags are ugly


>hate rainbows
They used a rainbow so if anyone calls it ugly they can say you hate rainbows, instead of their flag which obviously isnt a fucking rainbow
lol ok wiDEMONster
why the fuck are /pol/ incels so fucking annoying and spill into all other boards?
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If You/re Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvw7cWFDobc [Embed]

>Fauci Tough
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The flag makes more sense when you know it was designed in the late 70s
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Je is french for i and yes, youre sus, man from Nambla. Why do you need normal little girls to help feed your delusions?


Clearly an attempt to encourage the practice of fisting by downplaying the pain involved using a term familiar to children; you might go OW! just like when pulling a Band-Aid off but it's no big deal.

Anon really has thought this out and the evil conspiracies are being revealed...

tiDE MONitoring- very popular among surfers, who are all fags

siDE MONEy- how surfers are able to afford to prioritize surfing over full time career employment

lakesiDE MONastery- all monks were once...children, who are turned into monks by other monks in secret ceremonies.

well-maDE MONorail- probably built in a country where they wear Lederhosen, the gayest garment on earth.
/pol/-kun, Bushmen have light brown skin... and you also have autism for not being able to tell that it's a joke
4 dogs and 2 cats = 666

you know its true
Lmao, thats actually funny.
But the point still stands, fag flags show no rainbows.
The butt babies are a joke?
I hate the rainbow flag too because it's just revolting to look at. They should have considered gays with color blindness because higher chances of guys have color blindness compared to female. the gay flag should only made up of blue, yellow, magenta and cyan.
t. homosexual
opinion discarded.
>t. Faggot

Why do you want to fuck teenage boys and have piss and shit orgies?

Dont you miss jesus?
now thats just unreasonable.
grow up.
kill yourself nerd
>>457131 (OP)
Well no. The flag is just kind of like the diarrhea cherry on top of the steaming pile of regular shit. Gays do a lot of things to make people hate them, but the flag definitely isn’t doing them any favors.
good posts
why are /pol/cels so triggered in this thread?

is it jealousy because others can freely be who they want in life and society accepts them? afraid and frustrated that they can't get the same acceptance?

do not worry, there is a solution for that: stop browsing /pol/, stop spending so much time on the internet, start working on yourself, love and accept yourself, stop getting angry on others and accept that everyone goes through their own hard life, help others and experience selfless love for the first time in your life
>why are /pol/cels so triggered in this thread?
Judging by the style, it's 1 person
given 4chan, its likely more than one, except the obvious ones
based take
yep, a very closely related feeling to jealousy, but is actually called 'projective identification'.
it is a form of primitive splitting defense, and (sadly) much more common a phenomenon than it is a known term. basically the need to actively demonize what you had to repress early on.
you can find this kind of behavior EVERYWHERE.
No its fucking retarded
>oh no, you dont like drag queen story hour, gay piss n shit orgies and monkeypox / aids, you think trannies are disgusting so you must secretly envy them for being stunning and brave.
Will you listen to yourself?
Go ahead (you) every post that disagrees wkth your fag shit and ill send a screenshot which ones are mine.
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lol what exactly is your hypocritical argument again?
I'm a cis white male. I just try not to hate other people, especially others that already have it hard. I try to be understanding and helpful as much as I can

there's horrible people on both sides, I never denied that. But there's hundreds of thousands of straight people abusing children as well. Should we ban being straight?
good lad
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where did your rant about christian values suddenly go? we talking nature or the will of god? decide, maybe...?
what does 'unnatural' even mean? are humans and their behaviors not bound to their biology???
I don't get this kind of argument... if we are only allowed to do what the majority of animals does, then you should immediately turn off the internet, get rid of your clothes, neglect your ability to read or use complex grammar at all... oh, and stop using second degree tools like:
artificial lights
sharpening utensils
bows and arrows
and anything else that required culture in order to even emerge...

>unnatural flag
how many of the flags out there are less abstract again?

>fags abusing children
not sure this is the case.
and even if so. the number probably decreases when gays are officially allowed to love each other and don't have to suppress sexual desires for all their lives.
seems fair to assume that rapes are negatively correlated with the degree of sexual liberation. like for example look fundamentalist/religious states. you wanna tell me they have lower numbers of child abuse than secular, liberal systems do??
>a bunch of non arguments and misrepresentation of my arguments meant to deflect
Ok stay in bad faith then faggot.

>number of fags abusing kids will decrease once we allow them to do it
Lmao, thats the reason there are no pedos jailed in saudia arabia, because having a 4 year old wife, just like the prophet mohammed (piss be upon him) did isnt illeal.
No the number actually increases and the trannyshit about pupertyblockers and taking kids away from their parents to mutilate their genitals is just one of the many steps we get tiwards "consenting children"
Its worth looking up which books the nazis burned.
Its worth looking up who owned the child brothels that were meant to get child prostitution off the street of berlin in the weimar republic.

And yes, god is in our nature, we are made in his image.
However we are still slaves to sin, we ALL are sinners and i do love these faggot sinners but i hate their sin.

Also, dint firget the shit you mentioned is literally born if not out of god fearing societies it is born our of god seeking societies.
The things atheism has added to all that was the HRT and gender reassignement, as well as the draft, eugenics and genocide
>unnatural flag
What does blue stand for in terms of faggotry?
I understand pink and brown being the colour of whatever comes out of your fronthole after the (((doctor))) merged it with your colon.

It has no meaning, all the ther flags if not heralic in origin have an intentional meaning.
>13 colonies and 50 states
>black for the colours lf the uniforms of the freedom fighter, red for the blood spilled to attain freedom and gold for freedlm
>white and blue like the skies above our land
>a blue sky over a wide yellow wheat field
>green forests, golden freedom and red blood spilt to attain it
>having a black cock, lmao
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>asks a good fucking question about what 'natural' even means.

lol okay.

>number of fags abusing kids will decrease once we allow them to do it
who said that??? I literally wrote
>when gays are officially allowed to love each other
as in
>other gays.
child abusers are being punished - as they should. what are you even talking about?
and what even is the connection to the group that identifies with the flag??? obviously the number of people with troubled sexuality will explore the ideas and social possibilities that are being represented by that flag... no shit....
>it is like (almost) exclusively men who sexually molest victims. do you now argue that this fact allows us to judge all men???????

>god is in our nature.
of course kek

>all the ther flags if not heralic in origin have an intentional meaning
It represents the diversity of gays and lesbians around the world. In the original eight-color version,
pink stood for sexuality,
red for life,
orange for healing,
yellow for the sun,
green for nature,
turquoise for art,
indigo for harmony,
and violet for spirit.
>>457131 (OP)
It is indeed the case, this flag is ugly. I believe it is so that it can be seen from afar, because most gays crave attention.
all public symbolism tries to create attention of one sort or another, smartass.
>maybe the gd board isn't the right place foor you, hun?
No one stated the obvious, so I did. The whole thread is bots yapping about religion anyways, nothing to do with graphic design. You're right, this board isn't for me.
you will not be missed
How am i a bot, nigger?
Go ahead write out a captcha
₩#@ts y()ur f@○urite <e>yes cr€@m fl@v○r?
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>>457131 (OP)
>99% of homophobia is due to this abomination. >If the gay flag were cool, if the colors actually complemented each other, if it had some cool lesbian animal symbolism or something like that people would LOVE the gays.
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you guys think the mental health flag will catch on

a more pressing issue than the discrimination of the gays.
sounds like you need your issue pressed, homo
>>457131 (OP)
how are you this fucking incompetent? genuinely, can you not do one google search? if i were as stupid as you i'd kill myself. i mean it.
tough shit
the rainbow is ours.
its almost symbolism for how the gay rights movement has been fucking railed over by blacks and trannies.
this is the gayest nonsense post ever
More like symbolism for how identity politics is inherently divisive and requires ever more clunky and contrived versions of its flag in order to pretend to symbolize togetherness by creating more color coded pigeonholes for every identity group that bitches, or else.
>mad his fetish doesnt have a stripe
The living proof that every cock-sucker (literally and figuratively) is also functionally illiterate.
dayum! the comeback!
kek yu gay
Kek, based
Youre a fucking retard, it does not depict a rainbow a rainbow has 7 colours and represents the peace between god and man.
The NAMBLA child rapist LGBTQMAPISS+ fag flag has 6 bars and 6 colours and is for sex (6) obsessed degenerate subhuman scum.
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Yes, also toxoplasmosis

Homosexuality is literally a disease caused by brainworms.
Thats also why they cannot stop shitting their pants after getting railed up their asshole one too many times
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This is very real
if you say so, random person on the internet, that doesn't even have a name attached to their post.
Thats why its true, if i was a tripfag you could tell i was a cia glowie here to poison the well.
Drink wormwood tea, 3 cups a day for two weeks and watch your gay thoughts leave your body
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>lol what exactly is your hypocritical argument again?

Noone will ever know because free speech is fucking dead.
Even on 4chins
please take your anitsemitic posts somewhere else
thank you
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>coolnit with the antisemitic remarks
No i dont think i will

The graphic design of the prideflag is so awful because it is way too crowded, most countries have just about 3 colours.
On top of it it does not appeal to anything natural (much like what it stands for) like the golden ratio, its just a plump assortment of random colours that want to say
>i have toxoplasmosis

Btw i got banned on GD again, did you get banned, this is what i mean by free speech being dead on 4chan.
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>"muh free spech"
this is a forum-administration keeping their board semi clean, not a state actor prohibiting you from spewing bs...
they even allow you to say whatever on pol. just don't post your schizophrenic conspiracies here, faggot.

>puts his dirty shoes in the publicly accessible fridge.
>fridge owner removes shoes, (especially) since there even is a cupboard for that shit.
>"but muh even-the-dumbest-mf-is-allowed-to-manage-their-own-shoes policy!!!!!!!"
bruh. are you retarded or just being opportunistic?
you dont know shit about any ratio you racist cunt
you dont deserve free speech you nasty little gremlin
I love being gay hehe
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Im back from my ban and here to ask you why then your post is not deleted since it does not at all refer to graphic design did not get YOU banned?
Because its a trannyfaggot safespace, do you feel safe my transgender friend?

Also the addition of this trans triangle thing looks absoluteley appalling (like trannies) it destroys the overall vibe the fagflag had before (mental illness) and turned it into something much worse (millitant and aggresive mental illness)
Most sane tranny, please get help and dont 65% yourselfm
posts of mine HAVE been deleted during our exact conversation, idiot.
but banning each and every post that doesn't spell out *le graphic design* would be just as idiotic, you mong. don't embarass yourself by acting even more stupid than you are already!

also I feel safe to purport that my part of the conversation so far has been much more sane, less schizo, or (to keep with the metaphor) overall less dirty.
I am encouraging a very different style of conversation, not groundlessly attacking any groups out the blue nor making unsubsantiated claims in order to fuel some ideology, propaganda or identity. mainly asking questions anyways.
bruh I have been accused of reeking of bigotry on here before, which is the opposite of what you claim me to be... point being; I seem to be a bit more balanced in my overall position than you are.
defending the forum administration with objective arguments instead of hysterically attacking them probably helps as well... (shocking, Ik!)

so there you go. we'll see whether there is some truth to my message if it stays up.
and if so: feel free to follow my example, my poorly equipped friend!
>I am encouraging a very different style of conversation
He said after hurling countless of disgusting personal insults at me.
Lmao, you crazy leftoid trannies really lack any and all insight or sight through others eyes huh? Even now youre just trying to virtue signal and be smug about your bullshit.
Why dont you go and try assasinate trump like apparently all of you feel like doing lately.

Anyways were past any level headed discussion, ive shown you the evidence that any and all fags and trannies are either sick because of the brain worms, psychological trauma because of rape from jews and fags as children or endless jewish brainwashing.
They have been broken and turned into demonic servants of the devils people (jews) who in his will rape kids and do nasty stuff.

By approving such behavior you place yourself firmly on their side, the side of the baby killing degenerates.

Which is why at this point i can only tell you to go back to your disgusting gay piss orgy (its happening in the main street btw)

This mental ilness and poor taste expresses itself in your preddit logo which uses colours that signify danger,
As in saying
It is overall very poor graphic design.
On the other hand /ourflag/ is graphic designed extremely well and the colours red white and black go together very well.
you didn't understand a single point in my message. not even one.
have a great life!
I did and refuted them by giving you some perspective and insight.
Now that i hit the nail on the head you are doing whatever the appropriate equivalent of sour grapes here is.
Youre touched by my words and realize the error of your ways but only for a slight second so you make up a new headcanon and get out of it.
Because youd rather be comfortable than better/right.
I'll let the readers decide whether that is the case :)
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Theres no readers faggot. This thread has been up for months now, and its still on page 1.
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ah, I am sure someone will stumble into it!
who knows. maybe one or the other lurker has already seen it? people are usually attracted to drama
>>457131 (OP)
>>457131 (OP)
>99% of homophobia is due to this abomination
Basically true.
The heavy obnoxious branding seems like it helped form gay communities by being able to signal environments that are mostly gay.
But it backfires on them when every perverse or messed up thing that happens gets associated with this branding.
What this guy said. People just associate it with inappropriate public behavior, or monkey pox, people coming for their children, etc.
Yes, also it just simply stands for piblic piss orgies and child rape
>>457131 (OP)
It looks stupid due to the association with the people who use it, and the bright colors of products made for children. If there was a culture that used bright colors as warning symbol like poisonous animals, or if it was associated with warriors, then it would look badass but due to how it is used by western culture it looks stupid and childlike.
>Ok you should not make a post then
true, normally only experts post on 4chan
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>rain BOW
Literally one defining physical characteristic and they get it wrong
bro, it isn't your fault your mom never loved you. we feel for ya.
>>457131 (OP)
a flag with a noose crossed or intertwined with a shotgun would be good.
hah. gottem.
>>457131 (OP)
I'm not a bigot, I have no issue with gay people (other than how catty they are) or lesbians (other than how needlessly miserable they are) or trans people (unless they're ugly, or FTM), but when I see the pride flag, the first thing that comes to mind now is AIDS, Monkeypox, disgusting cave trolls with thin greasy hair dyed unnatural colors, and retarded 65+ year olds joining a bandwagon because the television told them to even though they were themselves the ones chucking rocks at gay people back in the 90's.

Regardless of the aesthetic, the branding is incredibly strong. The colors are iconic and not going to be mixed up with anything else. Unfortunately, the branding is just no longer positive.
Nobody sees pride stuff and thinks of "victimized people" or people who just want to "love" who they want to.
They see the flag and see politics.
They see petty tyrants who want to dictate what you can and can't say, what you're allowed to think, etc.
They see people who are going to attack them for being white or not being dysgenic.
They see idiots pushing disastrous and dangerous policies that get people hurt so they can look or feel like good people in the moment.

The aesthetic of the flag didn't cause the upsurge in homophobia. Progressives did.
>voted for actual tyrant and forgives himself with lame diatribe on 4chinz
you americans are insane comparing a 90s liberal to hitler or stalin
>americans are insane
>They see the flag and see politics.
> They see petty tyrants who want to dictate what you can and can't say, what you're allowed to think, etc.
Same thing that happened with practically any small subset of the populace facing discrimination; "progressivism" and many other political movements and forms of government are just protection rackets...they may offer real protection from real threats, but when the latter go away they are more than happy to create their own threats or lie about threats that don't exist just to stay in the business of offering "solutions".
> The aesthetic of the flag didn't cause the upsurge in homophobia. Progressives did.
Exactly- practically every challenge to anti- LGBT laws that has gone to the SCOTUS has prevailed based on basic constitutional principles, the same way that laws allowing slavery, segregation, violating gun and free speech rights and all kinds of unequal treatment have failed to pass constitutional muster.
In nearly all of those cases it wasn't a black /white party line division of who supported which side, either at the legislative level or within the final opinions of the court...so any " solution" that treats one side as irretrievably "against us" is just short sighted and self defeating.
LGBT people would be FAR better off to avoid the progressive left plantation and their endless attempts to end run around the law or destroy the system entirely, and just hold the conservative/ constitutionality side to their rhetoric when they or anyone else create laws designed to punitively single out LGBT for unequal treatment. They'd get more done, and faster, and would be doing a service to society by calling the anti- justice right wing liars out as a threat to everyone.
In turn they would be acting as equal members of society with the same rights and vested interests as anyone else, which is all that sane, sensible and honest LGBT people want anyway.
>>457131 (OP)
yes, yes, yes, the flag is shit. It's kinda hot to wear clothing with it purely because of it's meaning, but it's a fetish thing, I don't actually like the design itself. Such a shame we stuck with it
>I'm not a bigot, I have no issue with gay people
>but when I see the pride flag, the first thing that comes to mind now is AIDS, Monkeypox, disgusting cave trolls

what's the point of lying like this? at this point, with 4chan's reputation, there's probably ~0 normies left that you could try to "redpill" and convert to a /pol/cel. stop trying to normalize niche, racist, rightwing views

let me try to rephrase your statement in a way that a normal person would say:
>I'm not a bigot, I have no issue with gay people, and when I see the rainbow flag, I don't think much of it, other than associate it with gay people
Lol no

Its more like "i like to tell people i dont hate gay people cuz its good cover for how hateful and wrong the opinions that make me feel good are, but when i see the flag, even though it s just a rainbow, all i can see are my stupid wrong hateful opinions that i dont admit because likely i am a homo"
>>457131 (OP)
As a gay man I agree.
The Pink Triangle was better in every conceivable way.

>Used to be a symbol to single out homosexual men in Nazi concentration camps
>Re-appropriated during the Civil Rights movement just like the word Queer or the word Nigger
>Given new life during the SILENCE=DEATH campaign against AIDS in the '80s
>Classy, memorable, easy to identify from any distance, has an historical background

What the fuck else do you want?
No disrespect to Gilbert Baker of course, but whoever decided picrel was "too offensive" or whatever needs to get shot
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>The jewish star of david inverts the gays
what did they mean by this

The baby colors are reinforcing the trannies are pedos narrative
I always liked the neet emblem.
>trans means male to female, or reversed
>the 2 basic gender colors: blue and pink

it makes sense to me. also, nobody believes that /pol/ narrative, especially since almost all 4channers and conservatives are excessively obsessed with young girls.
what's the white in the middle for then?
Who writes like this???
not gonna lie, pretty cool looking flag
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>>457131 (OP)
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>>457131 (OP)
what does this mean anon
>a 90s liberal to hitler or stalin
It's not liberal enough for them now. A 90s liberal is now basically Hitler or Stalin to these hopelessly leftist devotees.
Save yourself while you still can.
>>457131 (OP)
The classic 6-stripe flag is awesome.

The "Progress" Pride Flag is the one that makes me ashamed to be homosexual.
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>>457131 (OP)
The pride flag if it was good
>>457131 (OP)
True. This thing is neon bright ugly.
Shit isn't even neon either. Its just too... generic.. But also retarded and ugly..
And you know the best part?, nobody's stopping you from running with it and making it an Incel symbol.
That's right you can reclaim things too.
this thread is so fucking gay
ugh not pink
they can never (pro)create, only subvert and corrupt.
Being gay doesn't make you sterile, dumbass.
gays do reproduce by touching children.
So do heteros
Lurker here. Interested in logos but most the threads here are filled with pols coping and seething.
I'm neither trans nor Jewish, but even I have to laugh at this obese whiner squealing about the EviL QuEeRs!!!
Why do pols refuse to stay on their containment board? I think they get bored arguing with people who already agree with them and are just starting shit fires in random boards in order to feel something, like how an emo cuts herself to "feel" things or pyromaniacs flick matches when nervous.
Yes I too, anon, much prefer logos that show how old, tired, and bitter I am.
Maybe make it grey with a touch of corporate blue?
Okay, I have to admit that's a good retort.

Better those children be touched by Christ, right?
It means "JOOOOOOOOZZZZZ diD iT!!!!!"
Loudly and right in your ear.
That's all these /Pol/mos ever contribute to the conversation.
Wormwood fucking tea is not going to fix your obsession with homosexual men that you clearly repress and seethe about all day. Normal straight men don't give a fuck about faggots to the point of it being this schizophrenic.
kek what a bunch of bs
And what is the rate of hetero molestation to homo molestation by proportion?
They don't produce anything out of their poopdick sex act, is that not sterility?
>I don't debate with retards
Very based take.
>And what is the rate of hetero molestation to homo molestation by proportion?
Try re-stating this as a coherent sentence; it's impossible to decipher what you think you are saying.
Or better yet, since this is obviously an attempt at a "gotcha!" why don't you just present the numbers you are insinuating proves something.

>They don't produce anything out of their poopdick sex act, is that not sterility?

NO, you fucking cretin, a man exercising his ability to fuck something other than the unprotected vagina of a fertile female of his own species is not sterility any more than fucking a cantaloupe or masturbation or a wet dream or changing your oil or any other act that can't end in pregnancy = sterility.

But your earlier flailing attempt to move the goalposts does bring up an interesting point in that when it comes to "reproducing by touching children" it is ONLY "straight" pedos fucking kids who can actually procreate through that act...and that crime is certainly not guaranteed to produce an offspring who is also straight, just like non-coercive hetero sex isnt guaranteed to produce kids who are straight.

Bottom line is that 100% of all humans are the product of "hetero" conception, and that includes all pedos of any sexual predilection as well as all gay people as a group.
And I came here expecting folks to discuss designs nope more /pol/.

Which is a good thing it just proves nobody is standing up for jewish shit anymore.

No more comfy public places for pedos to hide in it's actually neat to see.

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