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Hello, me and a friend are hosting a re-creation of the Minecraft Closed Map experiment.

We will start at 20-30 people, we'll be there soon.

There are a few rules and considerations to take into account, so check the Discord server I'll invite you to.

DM me on Discord: bonk.212
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hi! i will join, sounds super fun lol!
i will join this if there are hot naked anime girls
Yes, there will be "hot naked anime girls."
great! how big are they and how many? will they be fully nude or partially?
are you chad2 on discord?

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This thread is to focus and preserve graphic design work related to the failed assasination.

Please keep political commentary on /pol/ or you will ruin this thread. stay focused.
Please send anything that would be generally regarded as a meme or meme warfare to /pol/, /b/, or x.
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>Or else what?
nothing? it wasn't a threat you spastic it was a request
ITT: graphic design is my passion
shit thread
ok so what? If it's just random words meaningless, this thread better go away
kek the seething

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Put anything your heart desires into his hands, I just need something
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The best design ever
If you see him, run!
Doesn't that make you want to punch him?
humans when their brain has zero activity
Because he's not white or just because he has a stupid face?

I want to know who did this crazy thing
let's quit drugs and draw pictures!
and alcohol
use >>>/wsr/ next time

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sorry can't hear you over the sound of money calling
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what is up geometry dasher
nothin much fellow robtop fan hbu
spending hours of my time just to verify a 37 second level

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Why do Zoomers keep lumping Y2K futurism with Fruitnigger Aero? Translucent electronics were 1998-2001, not 2005-2010.
was this really worth a new thread? y2k and frutiger aero is like the only thing people here are thinking about. how many basic bitch threads do we need?

Zoomer nostalgic revisionism is real. They made up shit according to whatever pops up on their Pinterest feed/shitty art curation accounts on Twitter. Anynone who lived that period of time knows that 99% of those designs fucking suck but zoomers think they're unearthing some esoteric knowledge because they have no idea how mainstream and dominant that style was back then. Their identity is based on making washed up revivals of the late 90s/early 00s just like some of us millennials would make shit up about the 80s and early 90s.
>Translucent electronics were 1998-2001, not 2005-2010.

LOFL, what a perfect illustration of the truly mindbending lack of historical perspective at the heart of all this ridiculously narrow-focus navel gazing.

Best part is how assmad people get when you pop the tiny bubble they've crammed their heads into while pretending to be on the front lines of cultural awareness as it pertains to design.

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Fixed your banner, approve
^ obsessed mexicARYAN above

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can any of you change the colors of the text and the tranny flags of this to the 4 leafs or something better? i'm not a /gd/
highest res (8000 x 11804): https://files.catbox.moe/7px5ky.png
fuck just read tge sticky delete this
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cba to upload catbox so here is smaller version
NewBVLLS won aldoeverbeit

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Anyone know of a free program to make music visualization circles in vector format? (You plug song in and it gives you some degree of customization, bar length, density, ect...)

Found plenty that make jpgs and shit but I want to cut it out with my laser so it needs to be vector. Tried bitmap trace in inkspace but it always comes out like shit.
>open after effect
>make waves
>customize waves
>pause/stop the timeline
>export frame to jpg/png
>I need vector. raster to image trace looks like shit.

>summarizes steps for how to create raster anyways

chad move.
if you knew rhino and grasshopper easy
on the other hand, I can create an app that visualizes music data and exports an image. The hard part is extracting music data and interpreting it in different visuals. I'll add it to my to-do list. It'll prolly take a month or two before it reaches preview stage.

I think it's too early. Give it until 2027.
>picture of something from 13 years ago
>it's coming back guise!!
abortion of a thread

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I have a Wacom tablet but I can't draw for shit.
I can't look at the screen and draw at the same time.

Should I just pick a tablet with a screen, even if it's more expensive?
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if drawing with a screenless tablet feels like that to you then you should consider dropping the habit alltogether and do something simpler.
like cleaning toilets or washing dishes.
the list of easier tasks isn't that long desu, so I wish you best of luck!
I hate the desu feature so much
TO BE HONEST is the term!!...!!!...
pretty stupid comment
fuck off i guess
Use ai
>Should I just pick a tablet with a screen, even if it's more expensive?
Drawing monitors exist. I got a cheap Wacom years and years ago, used, because I have the same problem.
Been drawing on a paper for decades, can't do without watching.

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Do literally anything with this image, repost in thread, next poster has to edit the last edit
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Get seizured
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Here's a god-tier wojack

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Hi guys, do you have any clue how to achieve this patch effect in PS? I tried doing it with a drop shadow, but this is what I got (the one below).

this is kinda blue dress/white dress kinda thing

it looks like cut outs with images underneath.

try just being more aggreissve in your tones and imagine like the paper is uneven and so the shows and hights are also uneven

also, consider if you arent agressive and half your 'patch line' is in the dark and you cant see it, well then you cant see it and the effect is lost
Basically just emulate how it would be done in real life by cutting out the area you want to appear pasted on and paste it over the image in a layer above the source/ background and then using masks you can add in shadows and high-/ low- lights to emulate slight variations in flatness.

Other small stuff to consider-

curling or otherwise un- pasted down paper is what makes paste ups most obvious and accounts for slight registration issues when shot...your image isn't terrible but that's the difference, see the vertical strip in picrel for how the relections change and the shadows taper

a real pasted copy even if perfectly registered will be one paper layer closer to the camera so a very tiny amount- like the minimal increment possible- of blur on that element can help sell the illusion

when paste ups like this are shot they are carefully lift specifically to prevent any drop shadow effect...so make your basic shadow line uniform rather than weighted at the bottom and then add to it where the pasted part is supposed to look curled

whether or not that shadow line needs to be visible is imo not as cut and dried a "yes" as >>456088 suggests; properly pasted and lit/ shot a paste up like this won't show any shadow lines so a less than perfect one may only show a cut line here and there. Since you're trying to emulate a sloppy paste up having an unbroken line isn't bad, but IRL it might not be that perfect.

rather than using a drop shadow you can just use the original cut area border as a mask and grow it by 1 or 2 pixels to get your basic shadow line and feather the outer edge to make a softer more realistic shadow

since pasted duplicate elements like these are cut from another sheet than the one being pasted over, it can help to create a duplicate layer of that background image and ever so slightly alter the paper texture so it's more like real world source material ie two different pieces of paper...then cut your images from that layer to apply to the top one
Also note that in that closeup, even though the blue and black areas register perfectly as a duplicate of the underlying pic, where the patch covers the orange dot there isn't a correspoding dot and it chops it off...which reflects the fact that paste ups and collages often cut parts of earlier versions of a photo or illustration to apply either as a fix or for aesthetic effect. That's another detail than whether done carelessly or deliberately signals that it's an assembled image.

For that reason any small (tiny) shift in colors or exposure or size or other visible aspects of the layer you cut the patches from can help create the effect...but subtlety is they key if you want it to look like a real paste up.
dont @ me bitch
Why not just do what the original designer did, and print them out and cut them out and glue them and then take a photo? Yes, you can digitally do a good job, but sometimes there's easier ways of doing things creatively with physical concepts.

What are you working on, /gd/?
302 replies and 128 images omitted. Click here to view.
immediately recognize the wiggers faggotry, and there's no way people outside of the wiggers like them so hi jet
Good job anon I love these
I believe the shadows are part of the problem here also I'd try to make the ball simpler
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just finished the vidya so made something about it
the text over and under is really odd

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