I've been designing this album artwork. don't think I can top this, all things considered.
you? No, no you cant.
can someone change taros hoodie to red? i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be red
>>459538this too i just want to see if it fits with the background
>>459538i tried doing it myself but it wasn't good
Trying to do a poster for a movie i like. I know it doesn't look good, but don't know why. What is missing? How can I improve it?
>>459511The red texture on the title looks low quality and gives a bad contrast to the background. I think it would be better with a flat red font.
>>459511–The proportions of the poster seem... too tall. Was it imposed?– It does not tell a story and does not evoke a reaction.– The title is kinda hidden, at the same time it does not looks to me that it wanted to be hidden. It feels that you placed there because it was the spot that you had left. It also makes it look like is "floating", it is not resting in no imaginary rule(s).– The tree branches is the back are a mess. I don't really know what I want there, but I don't like how it is now.Recommendations:– Take a look on some Pedro Panetto videos about poster composition. They are in pt-br.–I like the collage feeling, but you need to have some rules of composition. Take a look in the book Grid by Thimoty Samara. Panetto will help you better if you have a deadline.–Don't get me wrong, it is good as it is now as art, but the title is really lost and the art overall should tell more about the short film. This could be done in the title, the color, a detail on a tomato, e detail in the background, etc, you do not need to change everything.
>>459511you have no sense of composition
>>459518Yeah I had to upscale te texture and it lost quality. I did it because I wasnt liking the flat red, but it might be better, thanks >>459519I didn't want to hid the title at all> It feels that you placed there because it was the spot that you had leftthats exactly why I did it hahhaha, but yes i struggle a lot with composition just like >>459531 said, and didn't know where to put itOh, and this is not a job, I am doing it just for fun and to try to get better at design in general, so no deadline or requestsThanks a lot for all of your hints man, really, I didn't expect to get such a detailed help. I will look into all of your recommendantions, study and will comeback with the next result.Btw, cê é brasileiro?
>>459533>Btw, cê é brasileiro?Yes. That's why I recommended (and know) Pedro Panetto, kek. I will still talk in english so others anon can understand what we are saying without the need to translate it.>I am doing it just for fun and to try to get better at designAs you are studying it is a good start. I can see that you know your way around with the tools, but still need to develop the project skills, composition, how to tell a story with a single image, etc. Keep in mind that everything in a (good) poster should have a purpose to be there (i am talking about the title that was a afterthought of your part).All things considered, good job! Keep it up!
what's the name of this design? how does one achieve the composition and the colors in illustrator? is it even in illustrator since it's made in early 1900s.
>>459465>/pol/ incel logicSir, this is /gd/. You need to touch grass.
>>459475WHAT??? OBAMA, HILLARY, AND HARRIS DID THE NATZII SALUTE?????I can't believe my eyes, there must be video of this...
>>459357>>459369I'm having trouble doing this in vector just with gradient blocks because of the edges.Issue is that some edges have to be feathered/gradient while others must remain hard. So your chin for example, it needs a hard edge where it intersects the white space of the canvas. And your shading on the upper nose should be soft.I've tried setting the objects to lighten/darken so the gradient doesn't burn the canvas, the effervescence option is good when you want no hard lines.As a raster editor it's extraordinarily frustrating not to be able to just brush in contours, I often resort to post-edit with rastor
>>459495You could have a foreground shape on top to retain the hardness.
who the hell designed the 4chan banners, they are so simple yet so funshare some of your favorites
I made these for /mu/ back in 2013 but they never made the cut.
>>458357>>458356these are kool
Where's the full image for this?https://s.4cdn.org/image/contest_banners/74f99a50c7b3c41c466a0b061f0dea3814bcb22c.gif
Image limit reached edition>>436245No gay reddit NAVA shit
Not cool, man
>>457550Necromancy time. So I designed this for my EU4 larp. The idea was a vassal state of the Angevine Dual Monarchy of England and France, Duchy of Transrhenania, ruled by a cadet branch of Anjou dynasty, situated in Rhineland and Baden-Wuerttemberg.
>>457550Redesign flag for Pennsylvania>The Brandywine flag in 2:3 ratio with the keystone symbol on the center-right side
>>459421>flag inside a flag>the flag inside the flag is in the top left cornerAre you british?
Looks like they used vector trace on an angel image in Illustrator. Use the lineart of technical drawing preset.
>>459487To me, It looks like it was made in photoshop.>have a drawing that had a lot of gray and "noise" in it>adjust the contrast to be just black, killing many grayscales in the process>blending options> strokesomething like that i would bet was the process
>>459491>>459492prolly both of these
I think it looks cool
Simpleton retard art. Give up.
>>459214cool. keep going
>>459214your taste in design matches your taste in music
niggers look cool
first up, cattle decapitation
>>457480Some of my more recent work :)
Best fucking console UI of all time, everyone and even their grandmas knew how to use this thing.
>>459045We will never get back to this
>>459045incredibly wrong
>>459045still upsetti that Switch's UI had no fucking music or ambience
How do you even make awesome renderings like picrel?All of mine look like poor video game renders.Will be grateful for any and all helpful ressources you could point me to.
Not as retarded as this tho
>>459432retarded? it is an art museum...
>>459432thats ok. id live in it.
>>459436>retarded? it is an art museum...Ok you are right, forms follows function.Btw have been in it? I have and its even more retarded inside plus the exhibitions were also retarded.Funniest part is in the top floors there are these galleries where you can look over the town and down, and the weird unshapely windows are dirty af
>>459448>building in city is dirtyfor lol you
I do collage art.1/?
Don't listen to these guys anon, this is good stuff. Everyone could use work but it's still good.
Whether it's good or not a lot of it's barely like collage- traditional C&P layout techniques and collage aren't the same thing.There's a kind of randomness that emulates collage but misses the point that the elements you use in collage are in distinct layers that still look like layers even in a rendering or photo. You can blend that with standard layout for text but the more you size and align text on a grid the less it looks like genuine collage and just a computer flyer.Some of these aren't bad but they're noticeably sure what they are and kind of lifeless
they look like the filler content meant to be delted by real design in low-end mock-ups. Analyzing the designs, they aren't saying anything. it's just a meaningless mashups.
>>459411Last sentence should read >Some of these aren't bad but they're not really sure what they are and kind of lifelessVery much in keeping with what >>459414 says:>they aren't saying anything. it's just a meaningless mashups.
>>459415>they aren't saying anything. it's just a meaningless mashups.That's what a lot of acid stuff is. You have the usual high end where the guy makes the main font from scratch. A lot of it is just the usual suspects slapped together though.
I have 25,000 images like pic related. Old timey engraved images. I found them in old books from Internet Archive before it went belly up. I cleaned them, vectorized them, converted them to backgroundless PNGs. Where can I sell them? I'm trying to get 250 - 300 USofA dollarinos a month. Etsy? What image service should use? Do they even exist anymore? Also, you have a freebie in pic related.
>>459129>bitmap>import>2 colorWith my current setup it takes as little as 8 seconds to do. Going as fast as possible you could easily translate that much without automated scripts within a week.
>>459130That's only if you are lucky enough that they don't need cleaning. In my experience, there's always small paper artifacts, dots, smudges, and so on. Plus rotating, cropping, and other small adjustments you need to do depending on each image.I've tried doing a project with repetitive tasks before, which was really easy, but I had to do it hundreds of time like a graphic monkey. It was absolutely soul crushing
>>459135Technically speaking even the pic on the OP has flaws. Getting a "perfect" scan is half the battle. From there the process is greatly simplified.I'd recommend (if you find the task itself repetitive and daunting) to outline and script your process. That way you have the easy repetitive work done. From a marketing perspective, potential clients may favor broken or warped vector scans for a greater "distressed antique" feel. Ultimately the true value comes from it's source and the efforts needed to repair them. If that is your market I'd advise you to heavily advertise the work you did to repair them. Otherwise that work might go unappreciated.
>>458831>Where can I sell them? >What image service should use?OnlyFans.
If you are going to do this make sure you have solid records of what pic came from where, whether it's public domain, etc in case you get into legal trouble>>458832Also this. You're competing with a lot of people. Unless you have an established brand nobody will want to buy your stuff
Interesting fact: Originally Mount Rushmore was supposed to have Lewis and Clark, Sacagawea, Red Cloud, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Crazy Horse
>Interesting fact: Originally Mount Rushmore was supposed to have Lewis and Clark, Sacagawea, Red Cloud, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Crazy HorseCan't you use some AI software shit to create a Mount Rushmore so that you can post it here? I'd love to see what I requested in OP as well as your idea
>>458582Why do you hate Grover Cleveland so much?
>>458583Sacagawea, teddy roosevelt, Keanu reaves, and Obama
>>458582Sorry, the Executive Order has already been signed.