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I made a website - aphantasia.io

You don't have to tell me how it looks - like crap.

But how would you enhance the UI and UX to feel more polished?
I am not a site designer but i will share my opinons:

I like how it looks. Give me some old internet vibes when the internet was good and not focused on SEO and what comment would get more likes. I like how the graph looks.

I find it hard to know where I am. I did not understand what the colors mean. I did not open it from mobile, but I think it is a pain to use it on mobile. I think when you click in some ball in the graph it should be more clear that it is selected and where to go from there, maybe focus more on it? I see it will be cluttered as FUCK when more people start using, you need to think how to prepare for it.

How do you keep my data safe? Do you keep ir encrypted? Make clear why it is safe.
It made me remember a app called secret that something like a decade ago got a huge start, where people could share posts in a anon way based only on range (the closest the person who posted were close to you, the higher the probability of the post to show up to you). It was nice as there was some gossip being spilled on there but rapidly devolved to doxing and cp. You should make some rules about doxing and general behaviour rules more precise than "behave yourself" as people will not.

I really wish the best for this project and will look up to it. Hope another anon can help you more than i did.
just some thoughts:
- A typical User opens the site and is just thrown into the waters. If i didn't use obsidian i wouldn't even have known to zoom in.
If this is done so because you want this to be the "experience" everythings good- but if not, maybe let there be a screen which explains what "aphantasia" is even supposed to be.
Header must be much higher, you can hardly see the burger menu (unless you really squint your eyes)
Login not possible with Google etc -> normal people will think that the website is sus because of this
And the "What is Aphantasia?" could be made into a animation or visual representation of some kind. That would make it easy to understand and therefore use your system (if users like it :D)
oh and another (quality of life) thing:
make a github repo, this way you could just have people collaborate.
It doesn't mean you have to OpenSource everything but i would love to be able to just look at the code right now (frontend ofc)
File: file.png (18 KB, 864x308)
18 KB
This window should be draggable. Since this website looks so basic i feel like windows 95 features should all work here xD
oh and also resizable. Some notes might end up getting really big so it might be good to let the user decide how much space he wants the text to occupy
And how the fuck does it work that links seem to just pop out of thin air when i click a node.
Fuck >.<

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