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File: SANDISK rebrand.jpg (66 KB, 1096x827)
66 KB
What were they thinking?
Looks cool imo
At least it's not Helvetica
I dig it. It's also rare nowadays.
that they don't want to be Jaguar
The brand that sold defective SSDs rebrands to a logo where the lower part is missing.
Seems on brand for me.
File: pcb.jpg (53 KB, 480x270)
53 KB
That's meant to resemble the traces on a pcb.
Combined with the fact that it is not SansSerifWordmark(tm):
I like it.
It looks so much better now? It is better than the boring transitions most other companies are taking nowadays.
It's fine.
Looks retro 80s scifi dystopian megacorpish. And that's a good thing.
Here's to hoping the future will at least have cool-looking logos.
looks like something out of a shitty low budget sci fi movie

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