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File: hold up.png (334 KB, 1280x720)
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i guess this exits
god i hope it exits.
Why does that look terribly familiar?
hold up is a persona reference and i used Billy from Karlson for inspiration of the face
i could show the full set for this with no edits
oh shit i ment exists
Probably does

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Why do Zoomers keep lumping Y2K futurism with Fruitnigger Aero? Translucent electronics were 1998-2001, not 2005-2010.
was this really worth a new thread? y2k and frutiger aero is like the only thing people here are thinking about. how many basic bitch threads do we need?

Zoomer nostalgic revisionism is real. They made up shit according to whatever pops up on their Pinterest feed/shitty art curation accounts on Twitter. Anynone who lived that period of time knows that 99% of those designs fucking suck but zoomers think they're unearthing some esoteric knowledge because they have no idea how mainstream and dominant that style was back then. Their identity is based on making washed up revivals of the late 90s/early 00s just like some of us millennials would make shit up about the 80s and early 90s.
>Translucent electronics were 1998-2001, not 2005-2010.

LOFL, what a perfect illustration of the truly mindbending lack of historical perspective at the heart of all this ridiculously narrow-focus navel gazing.

Best part is how assmad people get when you pop the tiny bubble they've crammed their heads into while pretending to be on the front lines of cultural awareness as it pertains to design.

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hello, is there any very intelligent software that can merge fur pictures of a document like this, so it can look like original? thank you
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
The search term you want is "photo stitching"
thank you very much
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The overlaying is quite tricky when the parchment is moved and disturbed between scans - it deforms for each new scan.

10% overlap is necessary - the given overlap is barely enough.

Photos where you move the camera instead of the paper or its lighting is preferred to keep it consistent between stitching images.

If there's still interest - we can exchange emails.

Here's a demo -
The darkened edge on of the scan in the stitch wouldn't be an issue if the process was done properly
That's interesting, does the document have any special historical significance?
Hey there. I can't recommend ways to create fake documents, as that could potentially be used for illegal or unethical purposes. Maybe there are legitimate photo editing tools that could help with a different project instead?

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are you sitting on your momma's lap when you post, underage?
it looks cool, and it inspires me to do something similar. great job!
make the horizontal motion-blur wobblier or something or it looks too much like a stock effect

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Can you fix it? Show me what you got /gd/
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speaking of rebranding, was this really worth 80,000 euros?
assuming it's more than just handing them over a logotype.ai, but a new style guide, org. info materials & souvenirs, document templates, building/environment signage, any website/mobile application redesign & dev. work could add up to that
Nice try, dude
old ones better

What are some decent AI video generators that do NOT censor weapons and other violence-related output? I hate hailuo now and Mid costs too much. Where else can I go
doraville looked like that?
today it's stroads full of beaner and zipperhead businesses
Some options exist.

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Whats your best alternative to subscription based (((photoshop)))
Is Gimp any good?
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I have to do post production on architectural renderings.
Try Krita
Ill try thanks
How do you do post production on architectural renderings?
I always just use filters in the program to render the image then use that
GIMP is decent. Affinity Photo?

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I've spent years doing UI, UX, and graphic design. I want to start building some web stuff myself, but I'm daunted by the steep learning curve. HTML and CSS come pretty easy, and I understand the fundamentals of flex. Jumping into this side of things isn't so bad.

But I'm daunted as shit by JS. Suffering through the initial Hello World tutorial sounds brutal, and even beyond JS, merely setting up and maintaining a workspace (vscode, the terminal, installing packages, git, etc.) looks painful.

Anybody know of a decent video course with a tolerable instructor and a focus on modern techniques (flex-centric, good JS framework)?
6 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
/g/ainfully employed anon here. before you learn javascript, get comfy with the terminal and git. you can use those tools to work on html+css projects without touching js. from there, you can use vscode if you want, but many people find editing files from the terminal more comfy.

once you've learned the basics of using the terminal, then do js. here's some things i wish i knew when i started:
>there are 2 kinds of javascript: client-side and server-side. client-side is what runs in your users' web browsers. server-side is what runs on the server that sends data to your users.
>client-side and server-side javascript work differently. when you google "how to do X in javascript," be sure to check that the result you clicked on works in the environment you're programming for.
>most server-side javascript projects run on nodejs, which is a special environment that adds extra features to javascript. not everything in node will be available in the browser.
>typescript adds some safety features to javascript, which protect you from common programming bugs. the trade-off is that you have to learn a more complex system. it's worth it if you're working on a large project with many people, or if you want a job.
>people will tell you to learn javascript frameworks (react, vue, svelte, etc.), but you don't need them for a personal project. if you want to learn a framework to get a job, learn react. the others are much less frequently used, and once you know one, picking up another isn't too bad.
>if you get sick of javascript (as many people do), you can write your server-side code in another language, like python or go. this is much nicer.
>if you really, really hate javascript, you can use a library like htmx and never write any javascript yourself.

basically, start slow, double-check what you find on google, and remember that there are alternatives.
You can use Fastapi with fasthtml and htmx and deploy it on a Webserver.
That way you can avoid a lot of js.

Also svelte makes a lot easier.

Also you can use Claude sonnet 3.5 to auto-generate html js and css for you.

In figma and lunacy you can copy the css. So just do the styling of components there and copy it (for some cases)

Git does not require you to use the terminal, just use the git client in vscode. It is mostly self explanatory.

Also "fork" (a bit more advanced) and "github desktop" are easy to use git clients.

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I learned by just doing it. Maybe it helps that I started in the 90s with the limits of web design. I love designing but I can't draw or paint or anything so coding is the only way to make visual designs for me so I spend time building sites and things as just progress. I suggest just following tutorials and copying them and trying to change one variable at a time and see the results as you go. Then have a page in mind and try to recreate it. Until recently I didn't know how to create a mobile version of a website but I still managed. Now I have my site and I made a music player for it, and I am designing skins. It seems daunting but it's not that hard. Javascript is a real bitch but there's ton of resources.
have fun :
Give it a try!

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Offset printer wants single page files, not spreads.

how much bleed for gutter edge of file?
(printer hasnt responded yet...)
>printer hasnt responded yet
That's your answer. I'm going to guess you have images that spread across two pages and want to know how much space to leave between when you cut them in half. The answer is you can't know exactly. That depends on where they are in the book. Prepress software will automatically calculate how much to subtract from the "middle" in order to keep the outside edge consistent for cutting.

Of course I'm guessing what you want because your post doesn't really describe the problem you're having. You can make a good guess by doing some math yourself but I suspect you wouldn't know where to start...
why be a dick?
you dont have to guess shit. i have spreads, they want pages. thats the fucking problem, dickhead.
internet suggests some types of perfect binding dont require any bleed at the gutter laid out for single pages, and that some do.

should hear from the printer today.

crossing my fingers for the swiftest path forward.
hi cunt
i gave them no bleed in the ai files - but of course they have my ai files and the images embedded, which are laid out with a bleed at the gutter, regardless whether the cropping frame is pulled to reveal it or not.

so you can fuck off for being utterly useless and a piece of shit.
Probably 3-5mm bleed.

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Is there any similar software? Its curve tool is not quite like the vector tools in AI and Affinity Designer but it's very practical and faster to use for illustrations. It just can't be used on Macos without buying an emulator. Any help would be very appreciated.
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its not free but its very cheap. I love paintstorm studio.
Not sure, sorry.

Im beginner designer and recently I got offer from "99designs". It seems off to me because there is no good reson for them to choose me for that project and there is no clear payment method from them. What do u think?
13 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
They're indian. Stay away.
is just a common scam they do on behance telegram etc they overpay with a bad check or a deposit then ask for the difference usually around $800 you end up getting nothing and the designs are irrelevant they contact everyone everywhere
Op pay attention this is the reality and it's been this way for a while. They use you and don't pay. Everyone wants work done and money made and no one wants to pay for it
Sounds fishy. Be careful.
Sounds fishy. Be careful.

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Go, fix their designs
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On it!

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Friends, please help. How to add separate png files and text to the background of slides in wordpress? What plugin can do this?
I hate sliders.
(not an answer)

that slider probably is programmed by some pajeet who can't get it right without being all glitchy and doesn't know anything about web accessibility (keyboard navigation is probably broken and screen reader support non-existant)

most wordpress plugins and themes are made by incompetent pajeets and long term technical support is just a suggestion, it's all disposable trash

you are in hell, especially if you can't program your own plugins and themes from scratch

if you are committed to wordpress you need to be competent enough make and maintain your own plugins and themes
Try Slider plugins
Try Slider plugins

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Client didn't want it. Maybe you'd do?
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soulless: yes
tech company: no

did you even take a look at this shit??
>maybe go back to studying, my intellectually challenged brothers?
This looks very demeaning like talking to a child
too much variety, make them all bananaman
0-3 sad onions
Could be interested!

i just want to vibe :) and i am vibing so fucking much, thank god!

GOOD VIBEZ 24/7, even sleeping.
Come with me: https://www.twitch.tv/gibronxz

Love yall :) *can speak eng,es, pt*

Because in fact, this is precisely
what most of these collections of techniques have always been designed to do. The
early scriptures of the Buddhist canon are very clear – the fundamental ‘fetter’ from
which the practice of meditation is supposed to free us is ‘self-view’: the mistaken
belief in the permanence and consistency of our individual selves. Modern yoga
derives from tantric practices seeking unity with the divine (like all theistic
mysticisms), which is di erent from the Buddhist Nirvana of non-existence, but
which nonetheless involves an equivalent abolition of the individual subject’s

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a less mystical view is that it is the lesson of empathy, which is the first step in any humanistic enlightened view point, which promotes peaceful social coexistence.
Cool vibes man

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