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Got it on behance. Is this a scam? I checked the name of the agency and it does indeed exist in Dubai and I didn't find any information online that it's a scam company. But the messages themselves are very strange and I really don't trust these "trial task" job offers. Also 800/month for 40hours/week is very low. I thought they are all millionaires in Dubai. I checked the files they sent and it's not an exploits or viruses. Should I just do it?
is a scam, don't take any jobs without an email conversation or a digital contract in place. 99% of behance DMs are scams the design or work is irrelevant, once you accept they overpay and then ask for a refund while the payment is still in process, meaning you get nothing and you have to pay them usually exactly around $800 for some reason, if you want to see more examples just google this:

site:reddit.com behance scam
Imagine if the people in these scam countries actually did something productive.

What now? How do I make cool wallpapers like this.
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Torrent a tutorial?
you can't.
you must join the Dems first.
then promise to vote for the dems.
then, youll be able to draw a mexican.
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Why not Krita?
Just search Youtube for gimp tutorial

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Somebody was paid money to "design" this piece of shit.
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Soulless logo. They didn't even try.
I like the flags and animation, I don't like the soulless trophy, it looks like a free stock vector
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fifa womens cup was better
I thought the thumbnail was a fish puckering their lips

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do any of you guys draw, like regular normal drawing? post your drawing?
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How much or what needed to bring 6 digits sales

Like list it
Or how to define it
Like effective
Like how execs deside
>Paint Tool SAI
Does anyone know an alternative that still has something like the "curve tool"? SAI was all I used before switching to Mac and now can't find alternatives with a similar tool, it's not exactly vectors but works similarly.
Gimme a sec, I'll look at my resources.
Still looking.

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What political movements have the best-designed symbols?
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look at this fag kek
looks like shit and you should feel bad
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I remember posting the lower part of picrel because some idiot accused another anon's logo (upper part) of being traced clipart or something.
well. would you look at that

if you are still here and remember our interaction:

How is illustration affecting sales
Like what's the ratio of quality to sales, likes
Or if a list, how to know if something (you make) will be million likes clicks based on the surface of it

Like basically a measurement basis
i remember you, op.

these are not the droids you 're seeking.
Wht droids you hopkins

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>can you make it "pop"?
>it lacks a bit of... character
>but how would it look like for colorblind people? You see my mother in law...
>don't forget about the bleed margins ok? I read about it in google last night
>can you do our gothic noir minimalist boho branding? Make it professional and robust
>is it centered? I don't think it's centered
tfw you thought you were a creator but ACKCHYUALLY sought a career in a service industry.

Next up: wedding DJs whose encyclopedic knowledge of available music and how to arrange it into a killer set is ignored in favor of what clients want in the order and timing they want it.
maybe you did
If you had studied harder in school, you wouldn't be having this problem now, because you wouldn't have become a designer.
>cant center

PS is for editing one still frame, how do you do this effect in sony vegas or after effects
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It can't be done, it's too computationally expensive (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P_versus_NP_problem). You just have to shoot a movie like this to have it. If it doesn't look like you want, try to adjust the lighting.
probably can achieve it with a lut
there is a plug in that copies any movie these you can also download luts
you think he record in prores?
t. ghost of stanley kubrick

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What is your workflow like when you want to print a map using Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop?

I'm a newbie so I've come up with just two methods which I'm not entirely satisfied with. They're either:

1 - Tracing a screenshot from Google Earth (manually with the vector pen or with the trace button like in picrel)


1 - Go to BBBike and select the area I want
2 - Extract the shapefile and open it in QGIS
3 - Go to layout and add items (legend, scale bar, etc.)
4 - Export as PDF to Ai/Ps and add some finishing touches

I'm inspired by works such as History of the world map by map, or magazines like NatGeo. HELP
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I wanna get to this level!!!
unless you are making an 'illustration' style map, best to use all the existing data sets out there.

i have a 'special' copy of arcGIS. very useful.
after that, there Rhino for dealing with anything non-GIS related

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Does anyone know how to recreate this effect in photoshop or illustrator?
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Hmmm.... Well it kinda looks like .. If you had some edge detection algorithm output the edge as a curve, then computed a point "within" the area enclosed by the curve that was equidistant from the curve and used that as a control point to drag the curve inwards towards the point, rastering it on specific lengths
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The 'volumetric' stripes pattern is basically doing this densely to the brightness levels.

You can very poorly do it manually clicking through Gradient Map or Levels tools.

Or write a Python script maybe.

Maybe generate a Photoshop/Krita high frequency repeating B&W gradient that can be imported and applied to images.
Can you dumb it down so I just have to press a button.
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This is a rudimentary error diffusion effect. Floyd-Steinberg dithering diffuses error to the four pixels to the right and bottom, whereas this is from only diffusing to the right.
Source code: https://pastebin.com/raw/ZyqmDkZd
so how do I make something like the gif you posted?

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Post'em (extra points for foreign /rare)
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are there any graphic/texture packs I should explore besides retro supply and true grit that simulate comic book pulp paper and vintage cmyk halftones?
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Cool motion graphic ads in this Madvillian music vid - go to 0:41 and 1:32
Sorry I'm tarded

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I can't believe that I spend my whole day, reading your terms, answering your questions with long ass paragraphs (which is redundant since the info is already in my resume). spend hours making a short video presentation, which has to be one take, so about an hour to memorize and get it right. Uploading documents and self identification shit, making a couple of graphics to show my abilities, have to kiss ass and be presentable, all for a job that I don't even want in the first place. I HAVE to work for you because I don't want to Die of hunger!! "Why you want to work for us?" I don't. Nobody does.
I have a decade of experience, wore many hats, making me overqualified for the position, speak three languages and you still won't hire me. "Not good enough" What the fuck.
I studied for you, I've wasted my life in 9to5's for you, dedicated all for job security and still not good enough!
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>Go back to school
>get a real job this time around
unless it's welding school or something like that, it's not a real job.
bro you're more retarded than the average reddit user. pajeet faggot
they want complete control, for them to have everything, and you? nothing
Graphic Design is a shit career, sorry you picked the wrong thing.
lol ok racist
have fun on fivr

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I'm from the US and am on vacation in Europe and I bought this pate in the store earlier. I really dig the simplicity and color of the design.
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the new versions would be fine without all that tacky added-on crap on the right
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I love packaging that has basically remained unchanged since the day it was introduced.
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I always had a thing for packaging with transparent colorful plastic.

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what would be the easiest way to make a effect like this? also, what is it called? magnifying effect?
Looks like they just did a rectangle selection and scaled it up which is causing the blurryness.
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select area, copy, paste to new layer, scale up, apply stroke/border/outline
how do i increase size by embiggening?
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>I see this post

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this is my second video and i would appreciate advice on sfx and gfx

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