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Previous: >>424227
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Thats bullshit! look at this artpiece i found, believe it or not this is from 2019, at first glance this looks like something out of the early 2000s, so its absolutely possible to replicate it but you have a good point even if its not 100% accurate to the aesthetics of the 2000s it would be 100 times better as long as corporate memphis fucking dies
this is fire
Lads, you will like it, trust me
remind me to never trust you with anything again

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Can I talk about video editing here? I really want to talk about it but I don't know what board really suits it, people at /tv/ just aren't interested at all

Nowadays, the only thing Premiere has over Davinci right now is the AI shit and communication with After, which is very useful, but Davinci is so good, is Premiere only so hegemonic because it's adobe?
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I've always pirated Premiere. I'm too good at it to swap to DaVinci without it being not only painful but money loss. I really wish I had a free year and a half to get as good in it as I am with Premiere.

Also, is there a torrent for the most recent Premiere with all the TTS and AI modules? It took a while for the TTS modules to show up and the only thing stopping me to pay for a subscription is my despise for Adobe as a corporation

Is'nt Resolve opensource? Shit, I'm not paying them either

I can afford it, but you'll catch me dead on a curb before giving money to such a filthy corporation

As far as I know, proper coloring, proper audio engineering and instant multicamera. It can cut a day or two from a workweek, but I don't care because I'm never tasked nor paid to do it more than the basics. If they can do cutting I'm buying tomorrow, no matter how much hypocrisy it will show, I'd rather have more money and get a week's work done in a single day, I'll even charge extra for the "coloring" and "audio engineering"
Low IQ too stupid to use other programs.
Thinking a hobby grade editor has a chance against Resolve.
We understand that you are decent with adobe pr ae. But seething because of a superior program BTFOs what you use. Adobe hasn't made any improvements since 2016. But that's a you problem not being able to switch.
>Resolve MIGHT be used to do color correction by some professionals
No, it is the most used software by professional Colorists to color correct and grade digital media, ever since around the Da Vinci 2K System was released; especially since Adobe shat the bed with Speedgrade, and while Avid is keeping Symphony in Media Encoder on life support. The editing features were added onto it later, but it already had mass market share for color correction way before it was bought by Blackmagic, and the fact that you downplay this obvious industry fact in order to strengthen your opinions on the software as a whole makes me doubt your credentials as a professional in this field. We've been using Resolve in our Post-production house for years now as our online conforming and finishing tool and we've had no problems regarding the quality of the final exports it spat out for our commercials, television, and film restoration work. We still use Media Composer for feature-length productions or during offline editing though, to accommodate our editors still familiar with Avid.
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>I went RUNNING back to Premiere.
Yeah, you're retarded, congratulations.

Davinci is grading software, some poor fags use it for edit and its ok, but in profesional workflows its color correction software only.

Premiere is good for short formats, it hawe stability isus with longer timelines. You can edit red bull video but there is no way You will make future film on it.

In profesional studios we use avid for edits.

Fcp was good like 20 years ago now its abandoned bro xD

I like the idea of zines as an easy way to get designs, photos, whatever it is you do, to print.
I just can't help but wonder, why are the majority on zine people such insufferable leftist cuck subhumans?
Someone ought to make an anti-immigrant, pro-eugenics zine.
imagining everyone else is subhuman must be a lot like imagining you are sucking Jesus's cock, isnt' it?

do you think Mein Kampf is laid out well?
>imagining everyone else is subhuman
I am not imagining anything. I know *for a fact* that men who paint their fingernails are a subhuman waste of resources.
As for Mein Kampf, it's got that nice Fraktur typeface going for it, so from a design perspective, it's pretty neat. But that can be said of any book from that era printed in Germany or Austria.
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I'm assuming you're just oblivious to zine culture if you're asking this
zines started blowing up with the punk scene which was always incredibly left-leaning, zines are basically dead nowadays (because they're fucking gay and don't serve the function they used to) so the only people actually making them are said left-leaners except they have nothing of substance to say
there are and have been plenty of nazi and right-wing zines but much like the left-leaning ones, they're fucking gay and have nothing of substance to say
also american racists have terrible taste in design so there's a 0% chance of a well-designed racist zine
Can a Zine be anything? Isn't it just a self published magazine you sell on the street corner like a middle class bum?

Why shouldn't design trends/styles be classified based on shared visual characteristics?
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Because it's a money making scheme by grifters.
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>examining trends
True, but defining trends involves an element of time that often has little relevance until much, much later when they can be viewed and sorted out from a historical perspective. Even at that point, any timeline you establish may have almost nothing to do with how those trends coalesced into any particular style or aesthetic, and impart little to no valuable information as to how that happened.

But what CARI and its followers do is hyper-focused on time frames, often while by their own admission a particular trend is still current. Then they reference other allegedly concise and compartmentalized trends as being related but again it's with so little historical distance and perspective that it's meaningless.

>common influences

This certainly helps to understand how styles develop, but rather than being a timeline or a tree where X movement branches off into later derivatives, the development of artistic styles and movements is more like a thread map where threads connecting more contemporary trends that may have little in common visually lead back to the same ancient influences, while contemporaneous styles/movements may have little connection at all.

Case in point- both chair designs in picrel are made by designers commonly associated with Art Nouveau but despite being made during its hetday almost none of the visual elements are anything like the ones used to describe Art Nouveau.

But if you consider the overarching influence and gestalt of the Arts and Crafts Movement and Modernism in its original sense and the allegedly separate aesthetics of the various trends spawned by those movements over the course of a half century or more, then it all fits even though those chairs may not look like it.

tl; dr: Meaningful categorization of artistic syles is not all about, or even mostly about looks or trends or time periods

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And speaking of A&C and historical context, even now there are widely divergent opinions as to what it was/ is and how it fits into a larger picture-

>Some consider that it is the root of the Modern Style, a British expression of what later came to be called the Art Nouveau movement. Others consider that it is the incarnation of Art Nouveau in England.

>Others consider Art and Crafts to be in opposition to Art Nouveau. Arts and Crafts indeed criticized Art Nouveau for its use of industrial materials such as iron. And as for Art Nouveau artists, the Arts and Crafts utopia was intrinsically contradictory: "the paradoxical confinement of the Arts & Crafts movement in an artisanal practice was completely out of step with the evolution of the status of the artist-decorator, but also with the democratic will of an art 'for the people and by the people' proclaimed by William Morris". For example, while Henry van de Velde understood the social discourse of Arts and Crafts, he was not an unconditional disciple of the movement and ended up turning away from it, considering it as anachronistic and tinged with quixotism.

All of which makes CARI's allegedly authoritative micro- categorization of current "aesthetics" as distinct and definable within the space of a handful of years that much more absurd, to the point of self parody.
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The fact that they describe Live Laugh Love as "snarky" reveals to me everything I need to know about Cari. The aesthetic is a bit shallow but overall pretty innocent. Seems like Cari is seething at normies literally just being happy (and drinking some wine).
fan-fiction writing neetbux kidults will inherit the earth

you will NOT take away their thing

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Is going to college (either for a degree or a certificate in design) a waste of money when things like skillshare and udemy exist?
I've been fucking with photoshop for well over a decade but only got seriously in to design recently, and I'm enrolled for a certificate but I can't shake the feeling that I'm spending several grand on an education I could match for several hundred dollars so long as I put the effort in.
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you know what you will never get on youtube?

the experience of being in roomfuls of art, often really good art, on a daily basis
>s going to college (either for a degree or a certificate in design) a waste of money
>Now I just have to decide if I wanna transfer for a full degree after.
College was awful. When I think about all the time and money I spent there for a useless degree I wanna puke. Some of the people weren't so bad and hanging out gaming, but that was it really.
>gaming was good
>college was bad

there it is op.

who do you want to be?

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How would you describe these PicMix gif designs?
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Do you have any idea on what website you are?
I hate this fucking dog so much, all my friends say i look like him.
if you say so.

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What is this æsthetic called
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im guessing that was popular not only because it could be made but it looked like parts of eastern california? Lots of desert with a blue sky? films would capture this too, right?
Yes, the southwestern US in general and also the area of Mexico below it...you can do the same effect with just a dark/ black silhouette for the land part and little or no blue for the sky, but that blue and sand look (sunset orange too sometimes) was often related to SW outdoor sports and activities, off roading, going to Baja, surfing, etc., mixed with that late century high tech "metal" vibe.
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Nice article discussing 80's airbrush trends, with OPs image shown alogside other less desert-y versions of the chrome/metallic trick...the Tron one is interesting because it literally flips the colors and isn't specifically trying to emulate a reflection of the surroundings but still "reads" as similar to the ones that do


Also note the comments about airbrushed T shirts...those were a big beach/ boardwalk thing so the "desert" sand/sky color scheme worked there too
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Probably the biggest catalyst for airbrush artists of that era developing that hyper-realistic chrome look that would later be applied to everything was 1970s drag racing when they began painting details to mimic the stock trim, grilles, headlights and other chrome parts on funny cars.

Good explanation of the technique here, from one of the pioneers

I think this would describe it best.

some wizard remove the flag that looks natural or if there is an original image eternally grateful
some wizard remove the faggot that doesn't understand this not being a request board
I'll do it for One Hundred (US) Dollars!

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Combining @StabilityAI #StableDiffusion generative powers + Human guidance and graphic skills* with tools like @Photoshop in a coherent workflow.
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Seems to me that graphic design is less "art" more "commercially applied art".
So it's not like it's a meaningful change to lose such a job
They dont understand that the degree to which they are useful is the degree to which they are given access to life and tools to live said life. Once they have no intrinsic use they will be vacuumed up to clear up valuable space.
id kinda disagree, quibbling on what "commercial" means
however, Applied Art? yeah that de facto is the case.
if a really good ceramic artist makes a beautiful cup and you use it as a cup, is it suddenly appiled art and not just art?

same could be said of graphic art.

text on a page...
text beautiflully on a page...
Art of Limited Scope - but beauty is still beauty
>if a really good ceramic artist makes a beautiful cup and you use it as a cup, is it suddenly appiled art and not just art?

Most people who really care a lot about defining "art" and have a vested interest in promoting the narrowest interpretation of the term because they are alleged "experts" would just say that there's no such thing as a "really good ceramic artist" or any ceramic artists at all because ceramics is a *craft*.

Then if you point out the fact that the ceramics in question have aesthetic qualities that are about beauty rather than practical considerations of construction or use, they will say that no matter how beautiful or inspiring or provocative it is, it's still just *decoration*.

If you really try to nail any definitive distinctions down you'll get all manner of self contradictory babble about ethereal qualities that only the high priest gatekeepers can detect, and smug disdain for suggesting that those "experts" need to explain themselves to lowly peons.
>Seems to me that graphic design is less "art" more "commercially applied art".
Yes like 99% of art in the history of the world idiot?

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Alan Denney's work for numerous major studios including Hallmark helped revolutionize the greeting card industry in the latter half of the 20th century and his seemingly sloppy hand lettering style was/is a huge influence on typefaces used to convey humor...it's like the Helvetica of "wacky"
Counter point:
Had this in neon green on fire engine red background as the system font on a beige eMachines in the early 2000s.
Those are typefaces not fonts.
Tomato tomato

It took them two years to come up with this shit?
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this shit looks better than that trash
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i like it, though i wish they'd have gone back to the gold and purple scheme.

Still, better than this travesty
this is terrible
good job, Fast Kings
Crown is too detailed.
isn't that the same logo they had in 80s/90s?

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Last april, i went to magadan in the far east. people were still driving old cars, and the cans around them had a gradient design with cyrillic letters. I wanted to live here. but soon i had to return to my home in south korea. in there, tradition has been killed. my feeling at the time is that i want to send some mail with the charger to airport, university.
Flat design ruined my life, and annoying me until death. flat design based on pragmatism and materialism.everyone loves the old skeuomorphism, but it's crazy that flat design still exists today.
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>everyone loves the old skeuomorphism
I don't. But I remember when it was a new thing and flat design was what I was used to.
Flat design was prevalent in the mid 20th century during one of the biggest economic and cultural booms of all time.
sans serif = non serif
>sans serif logotypes to non serif
bro actually said this on a design board and expects to be taken seriously... You want to know the worst part? These people did take him seriously
i prefer sans non serif grotesk myself

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Can't find the link to the old thread edition
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>martian australia
erm what the sigma

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Designs from the 90s that have to do with the websites, email clients, newsgroups/early forums, or whatever internet-related things that existed back then.
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who the hell designed the 4chan banners, they are so simple yet so fun

share some of your favorites
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There's a bit under 500 banners. A few were even deleted! I'm currently in the midst of rewriting a tool. If it's done and this thread is still around, I'll share it with you guys so you can see EVERY. BANNER.
do it
>There's a bit under 500 banners. A few were even deleted! I'm currently in the midst of rewriting a tool. If it's done and this thread is still around, I'll share it with you guys so you can see EVERY. BANNER.
Can't you just use wget?
They should replace all of the banners with BBC.
>>452295 i agree i like them very much they are good for my autism.

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