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trying to get more creative and confusing with fever dream GFX edits. any ideas?
This is cool, what’s the source of this video
its easy to make a mess.
can you not make a mess too?

can you find how one feeds into the other?

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do any of you guys draw, like regular normal drawing? post your drawing?
301 replies and 121 images omitted. Click here to view.
I wish I was better at drawing and stuff.
There a self proclaimed archeologist called Danny Vendramini that claim neanderthals looked somewhat like this drawing.
Never too late to try brothers. It’s all about drawing what you want, learning what you want to get better at and looking up resources to practice with
How do you become a self proclaimed archeologist?

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How do you make these things? I've tried to find a piece of software that can add all the right filters and text but so far I've found nothing...
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Thanks for sending me int the right direction. How about the text portion of the image?
Thanks for sending me in the right direction. What about the text portion of the image?
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Just use the appropriate typeface that mimics the kind of computer display/closed captioning/OCR typeface you want and add it to the image prior to adding the streaks and other stuff, paying attention to not distort those areas so much that they become illegible.

Picrel is a slightly condensed Atari typeface filtered in Glitchlab
why? every piece of unoriginal "muh motivation" drivel you can think of has already been uninterestingly put on a picture of an old statue with cheesy textures
vaporgram on ios or android is good

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Somebody was paid money to "design" this piece of shit.
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why the fuck did i think that was a basedjak for a second
Soulless logo. They didn't even try.
I like the flags and animation, I don't like the soulless trophy, it looks like a free stock vector
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fifa womens cup was better

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Any there any alternative non-dead communities?
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7. Too many needlessly contentious assholes with nothing of value to add but who interject their stupidity anyway.

Thanks for illustrating the point.
so your completely indispensable point was what again?
That part of why /gd/ is so dead is because of assholes like you.
nta but I would much rather have a dead board than have someone stonefaced copy and paste an ai chatbot response
I've been working, thanks for asking

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how can i get this family font for free? some anon can help me?

font: Qanelas Soft - BL specimen

https ://tinkov. info/ qanelas -soft.html

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what is /gd/'s favorite album artwork?
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It was much nicer type-free.
Upper right looks like Putin

Most are.

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what would be the easiest way to make a effect like this? also, what is it called? magnifying effect?
Looks like they just did a rectangle selection and scaled it up which is causing the blurryness.

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Happy Caturday
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Caturday 2: Analog Boogaloo. This is the original poster photo. The cat's name is Sassy btw.

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I'm looking to get a new monitor.
I noticed some monitors don't have given sRGB values at all, only adobe RGB. Would this pose a problem if I'm doing things for web?
I know adobeGB should encompass sRGB, but can I get into an "just sRGB" mode without much issues?
I swear people who have these bright lights and RGB in their rooms, are mentally insane
srgb is the most basic mainstream color space so I can't imagine any monitor that doesn't have a mode for it so you're probably fine with any monitor

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Anyone have a link for a bunch of these? Id love some halftones and stuff to use

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Is this good poster design?
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oh geez Louise
Nash? Heard he got RAPED. LOL.
This very well could be the longest lasting 92 thread in 4Chan history

Previous: >>424227
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Thats bullshit! look at this artpiece i found, believe it or not this is from 2019, at first glance this looks like something out of the early 2000s, so its absolutely possible to replicate it but you have a good point even if its not 100% accurate to the aesthetics of the 2000s it would be 100 times better as long as corporate memphis fucking dies
this is fire
Lads, you will like it, trust me
remind me to never trust you with anything again

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Can I talk about video editing here? I really want to talk about it but I don't know what board really suits it, people at /tv/ just aren't interested at all

Nowadays, the only thing Premiere has over Davinci right now is the AI shit and communication with After, which is very useful, but Davinci is so good, is Premiere only so hegemonic because it's adobe?
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I've always pirated Premiere. I'm too good at it to swap to DaVinci without it being not only painful but money loss. I really wish I had a free year and a half to get as good in it as I am with Premiere.

Also, is there a torrent for the most recent Premiere with all the TTS and AI modules? It took a while for the TTS modules to show up and the only thing stopping me to pay for a subscription is my despise for Adobe as a corporation

Is'nt Resolve opensource? Shit, I'm not paying them either

I can afford it, but you'll catch me dead on a curb before giving money to such a filthy corporation

As far as I know, proper coloring, proper audio engineering and instant multicamera. It can cut a day or two from a workweek, but I don't care because I'm never tasked nor paid to do it more than the basics. If they can do cutting I'm buying tomorrow, no matter how much hypocrisy it will show, I'd rather have more money and get a week's work done in a single day, I'll even charge extra for the "coloring" and "audio engineering"
Low IQ too stupid to use other programs.
Thinking a hobby grade editor has a chance against Resolve.
We understand that you are decent with adobe pr ae. But seething because of a superior program BTFOs what you use. Adobe hasn't made any improvements since 2016. But that's a you problem not being able to switch.
>Resolve MIGHT be used to do color correction by some professionals
No, it is the most used software by professional Colorists to color correct and grade digital media, ever since around the Da Vinci 2K System was released; especially since Adobe shat the bed with Speedgrade, and while Avid is keeping Symphony in Media Encoder on life support. The editing features were added onto it later, but it already had mass market share for color correction way before it was bought by Blackmagic, and the fact that you downplay this obvious industry fact in order to strengthen your opinions on the software as a whole makes me doubt your credentials as a professional in this field. We've been using Resolve in our Post-production house for years now as our online conforming and finishing tool and we've had no problems regarding the quality of the final exports it spat out for our commercials, television, and film restoration work. We still use Media Composer for feature-length productions or during offline editing though, to accommodate our editors still familiar with Avid.
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>I went RUNNING back to Premiere.
Yeah, you're retarded, congratulations.

Davinci is grading software, some poor fags use it for edit and its ok, but in profesional workflows its color correction software only.

Premiere is good for short formats, it hawe stability isus with longer timelines. You can edit red bull video but there is no way You will make future film on it.

In profesional studios we use avid for edits.

Fcp was good like 20 years ago now its abandoned bro xD

I like the idea of zines as an easy way to get designs, photos, whatever it is you do, to print.
I just can't help but wonder, why are the majority on zine people such insufferable leftist cuck subhumans?
Someone ought to make an anti-immigrant, pro-eugenics zine.
imagining everyone else is subhuman must be a lot like imagining you are sucking Jesus's cock, isnt' it?

do you think Mein Kampf is laid out well?
>imagining everyone else is subhuman
I am not imagining anything. I know *for a fact* that men who paint their fingernails are a subhuman waste of resources.
As for Mein Kampf, it's got that nice Fraktur typeface going for it, so from a design perspective, it's pretty neat. But that can be said of any book from that era printed in Germany or Austria.
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I'm assuming you're just oblivious to zine culture if you're asking this
zines started blowing up with the punk scene which was always incredibly left-leaning, zines are basically dead nowadays (because they're fucking gay and don't serve the function they used to) so the only people actually making them are said left-leaners except they have nothing of substance to say
there are and have been plenty of nazi and right-wing zines but much like the left-leaning ones, they're fucking gay and have nothing of substance to say
also american racists have terrible taste in design so there's a 0% chance of a well-designed racist zine
Can a Zine be anything? Isn't it just a self published magazine you sell on the street corner like a middle class bum?

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