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Nailed it.
42 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
LOFL, no it doesn't.

If anything the fact that non artists are aware and talking about it just means it's doing exactly what a logo and especially a redesign and rollout is imtended to do.

Only someone completely ignorant of how this stuff works thinks that a new logo being an aesthetic improvement is the goal, or that people judging it as a "bad" redesign will create a net loss of customers or revenue for a company with massive market share in its space.

How many times do the retards on this board need to be told that logo design and re-design isn't about artistic ideals or seeking the approval of self appointed critics on aesthetic grounds?
Okay buddy, you send out that rebranding proposal with the poop emoji as a logo. Wait for your promotion to land shortly after that. Surely, everyone will be talking about it, right(?)—since that's the unit of measure in design, and that's how you service a corporation's heritage, éllé-mayo. Scrub, you're underage and it shows.
>poop emoji as a logo

have a little self respect, there's no need to embarrass yourself with retarded babbling strawman arguments that have zero to do with what anyone actually said or proposed and just make you sound childish and stupid.

>be PayPal
> hold 40.52% of the global market share of the payment service segment
> so big your name is used as a verb for making online payments
> make minor visual change to corporate ID
> won't lose a significant amount of customers based on aesthetics, only self involved faggots care
> won't attract a bunch of new ones either but it doesn't really matter since you own near half of the global market already
> change causes corporate ID to be wailed about by silly wannabe critic faggots which makes the subject fresh in the minds of existing PayPal users and potential users, most of whom probably couldn't guess the name of PayPal's top competitor in a pop quiz but won't even look it up because PayPal instantly comes to mind if they need the service.
> maintain 40.52% of the global market share of the payment service segment for the cost of a minor redesign with virtually no risk
>repeat as necessary just like every other company with massive market share that tweaks their corporate ID slightly to trigger histrionics that get attention that helps maintain market share.
its just the name of the brand in futura. except they made the kerning slightly tighter and call it "PayPal Pro"
it's not "simple to tell a story or evoke a feeling", it's just underdeveloped
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Weirdos… all of you!

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We need to do something about ugly UI epidemic.
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Looks better than op's picture.
Totally agree!
Totally agree!
it's a delusional reach because you don't like the conclusion
it's a delusional reach because trying to make your argument with an analogy is smoothbrain tier

Previous: >>424227
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does anyone have an invite to the cari discord?
also why the fuck are the images gone?

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I've spent years doing UI, UX, and graphic design. I want to start building some web stuff myself, but I'm daunted by the steep learning curve. HTML and CSS come pretty easy, and I understand the fundamentals of flex. Jumping into this side of things isn't so bad.

But I'm daunted as shit by JS. Suffering through the initial Hello World tutorial sounds brutal, and even beyond JS, merely setting up and maintaining a workspace (vscode, the terminal, installing packages, git, etc.) looks painful.

Anybody know of a decent video course with a tolerable instructor and a focus on modern techniques (flex-centric, good JS framework)?
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You can use Fastapi with fasthtml and htmx and deploy it on a Webserver.
That way you can avoid a lot of js.

Also svelte makes a lot easier.

Also you can use Claude sonnet 3.5 to auto-generate html js and css for you.

In figma and lunacy you can copy the css. So just do the styling of components there and copy it (for some cases)

Git does not require you to use the terminal, just use the git client in vscode. It is mostly self explanatory.

Also "fork" (a bit more advanced) and "github desktop" are easy to use git clients.

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I learned by just doing it. Maybe it helps that I started in the 90s with the limits of web design. I love designing but I can't draw or paint or anything so coding is the only way to make visual designs for me so I spend time building sites and things as just progress. I suggest just following tutorials and copying them and trying to change one variable at a time and see the results as you go. Then have a page in mind and try to recreate it. Until recently I didn't know how to create a mobile version of a website but I still managed. Now I have my site and I made a music player for it, and I am designing skins. It seems daunting but it's not that hard. Javascript is a real bitch but there's ton of resources.
have fun :
Give it a try!
how to get job in ui/ux
if i work another day in call center i will kys myself

I want to change the letters from WB to SF on this logo. I want the WB style font used for SF. Can anyone get that done?
wrong board, try /wsr/
ok, thanks.

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constructive criticism only,,,
I have no criticism. This is absolutely fucking beautiful. Pure masterpiece. Thank you for making this.

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this image is uncanny for some reason i feel disturbed
Yep, pretty creepy.
Layman's guess, it's the weird color scheme, white, pastel pink & deep Wizard of Oz Emerald City Green, juxtaposed with the subject of the piece apparently floating in some lonely black void. Which in turn may trigger the innate fear of eternal oblivion or being forever lost in an unreachable part of space.

I work for figma - give me your hot takes / feature reqs / q's.

in b4 ligma
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second thing i would like to see is a more detailed panel that describes what overrides have been set on an instance. there's the "reset changes" or "reset text styles", etc. options in the dropdown which work but i would like to see all overrides and what properties they effected on a specific instance

third thing is plugins like "selective surgery" and "select siblings in auto layout" to be built into figma, they're so incredibly useful when making bulk changes

fourth thing is when i select multiple nested instances for some reason all the properties go away? for what purpose???

fifth thing is some built in function for exporting/importing local variables as a tabular format or json, plugins are buggy for this purpose

sixth thing why the fuck when i set a border color on a section does the section title not adopt the color of the border, it has to be the background color for some reason. like if i want a blue section title i have to make the entire section background blue, who would ever want that?

seventh thing please add percentage widths i'm fucking begging

eighth thing why even call "constrain proportions" that if the second you put it in an auto layout it doesn't work

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oh yeah eleventh thing, give me a way to use a previous version of a plugin
i'm fucking tired of plugin authors releasing a buggy update that breaks my ability to use a plugin i need to get my job done and they take WEEKS to fix it

twelfth thing allow us to make non clickable section titles in the pages panel

thirteenth thing as a design system author it sucks having to lay out all my components, with documentation, statuses, etc. i just wish there could be a more automated way of doing this that isn't running a shit ton of plugins
like tools like storybook and knapsack allow you to programmatically make design system documentation websites i don't see why figma couldn't especially since there's some of that functionality built into dev mode
fourteenth thing it's retarded that i can't change the size of individual strokes, what is the point of being able to add multiple strokes then
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feels basic but i only use it to make 2cad drawings to design carpentry bits as adobe is pants for CAD and i dont have any other scale drawing software
figma works fairly well to plot things out accurately, draw shapes to scale and for calculating builds more whilst allowing for alterations as im developing the idea and being able to present a design to the end client,
could open up a huge new potential user base in 2d cad

S.1 - when you click place a square it should automatically focus input Dimensions (W value) rather than clicking into it, seems fairly sensible i just placed a square and it autos to 100x100 im going to want to input values

S.2 - the pen tool needs a readout of plot values when placing a vector point (rather than guessing then having to adjust all the values after)

S.3 - the align tool has no anchor point so is good to side 2 objects but then always needs to be re-positioned. Make a align left move to the left most object etc. like in other software

S.4 an ability to pull out or annotate dimensions layer would be good tho i realize this is not actually cad software
Why the hell isn't there an official Linux client?

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If you have any free AI tools you've found on the web can you please share it with me here? For example stuff that does image enhancement or let you change things like the hair of someone, generate images etc... This will be very helpful
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OP here, thanks for the bumps I guess? Anyway one of the best image generators I end up using during my job is this website:


if someone knows something better please post it.
been using novel ai but its kinda pricy so im looking for free alternatives too but it works fine depending on what type of work you're doing if you're in the anime genre it's quite good
shitty loli isnt graphic design, coomer cunt
Thanks, I'll check it out

I was enjoying freepik before they ruined it

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Hi awesome graphic designers, recommend me a carpet for this room (preferably circular)
I was thinking a simple yin-yang or Lina Cavalieri but it‘d probably be ugly af
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those bottles look gross up there. get a sexier trash can. get some bsaic rag rectagle rugs. not the best yellow, but hey youve got light.
shouldn't the kitchen/utility/trash corner have a tile floor that's easy to mop rather than.. a carpet?
It‘s for the centre of the room, not that part
Sounds interesting
I ended up getting the one with the girl drinking from a yellow cup from temu and it‘s terrible quality, straight up pink/green artifacts on some places.
But they gave me a full refund and didn‘t want it back so it was worth it in the end

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Not sure if this belongs here but since it's regarding photo manipulation (which counts as graphic design) I might as well try.
So I like this genre of edits of women called "Natural/Modular Body Magic", which basically means that they look like they either had their heads magically removed or that they never had any at all but they can live just fine without them (like dullahans), but many of them are pretty shit so I wanted to make some good ones of my own, the problem is that there are no good tutorials online on how to make them, so I was wondering if you guys could guide me on how to make them.
Pic related is more or less what I want to achieve, something that looks relatively natural and organic, rather than just a quick and sloppy MS paint job.
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this is actually pretty based. good job OP
What the fuck is going on here??
Look like a got myself a fetish.
Sounds interesting
>see this thread
>turn to look towards my PC case
>two headless naked dolls are sitting on it

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I have a Wacom tablet but I can't draw for shit.
I can't look at the screen and draw at the same time.

Should I just pick a tablet with a screen, even if it's more expensive?
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Play games with it, specifically city builders, helps you get used to manipulating the cursor and get used to not looking at it the same way you don't look at your mouse pad or track pad.
Getting an expensive tablet will not bless you with artistic talent, getting used to your tools and practice will.
I love drawing on my ipad pro but the battery dies so quickly whenever I use procreate. It’s also over 6 years old, so that may be the reason, but I feel like the battery always died quickly
dont be silly
Practice helps, honestly
Who are all these cretins?
Shoulder problem is clearly an issue with your ergonomy you dipshit.
If you can't use a pen I don't think you have much choices left in terms of your future career prospects and hobbies.
I'd say maybe finger painting is more suitable for you or crayons.

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I mean this gold thing. Tried to recreate it with photoshop liquify but thats just not it.
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I would do it with Liquify in Photoshop. It can be done but you have to vary brush sizes, pressures

Then add colors (highlights / shadows) on top of that layer, liquify those, lower opacity as needed

It will take lots of time if you want those tiny fine line details. Might even need to pull in the smudge tool
Consider killing yourself
To death
u first!
Looks pretty cool
here's what you do, first drop the image into and ai chat bot and ask it to describe the image. Then take that description and edit it how you feel and drop it into an AI image creator, wallah.

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I'm on my 4th semester and I always wondered why so many fags and trannies study this career, any answers?
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I mean everyone fucks a tranny every now and then just don't talk about it if you don't want people calling you a fag
not even everyone fucks every now and then
please dont use racism
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>he went to school for art

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