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How do you even make awesome renderings like picrel?
All of mine look like poor video game renders.
Will be grateful for any and all helpful ressources you could point me to.
Posted it there too, thanks for the revommendation.
But it kind of relates to the post production in photoshop or gimp or affinity photo, so i figured here is a good place to post it too.
this looks ai bro
I tried using AI for my renders but these shitty programs never do as they're told. They can make nice pictures of nice buildings but never nice pucturws of YOUR building, the one you made all the pther plans for too
cuz ai is stupid
getting better at fingers tho
Who was in the wrong here?
fuck off with this gross ass shit
Lmao, the original design was retarded too
File: unnamed.jpg (69 KB, 512x288)
69 KB
Not as retarded as this tho
retarded? it is an art museum...
thats ok. id live in it.
>retarded? it is an art museum...
Ok you are right, forms follows function.
Btw have been in it? I have and its even more retarded inside plus the exhibitions were also retarded.
Funniest part is in the top floors there are these galleries where you can look over the town and down, and the weird unshapely windows are dirty af
>building in city is dirty
for lol you

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