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File: Terry Wallpaper.png (4.06 MB, 1920x1080)
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Up and coming Graphic Designer, do I have what it takes? I primarily dabble in wallpapers and I'm finally going to school for a degree which is a story I'm sure people on here have heard a hundred times but I'd like to hear some feedback
File: Nameless Wallpaper OG.png (4.52 MB, 1920x1080)
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File: Keith Wayne Wallpaper.png (3.13 MB, 1920x1080)
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3.13 MB PNG
ease up on the grain mane
I mean, graphic design knowledge can be applied to create a good composition, sure, but it is not a "let's create good images" course.
I did have some classes that involved creating ads, but that was about it. I am nowadays a food package designer that did work making book covers on the side. All I learned about image manipulation was outside college and I only ever used it for my freelances on book covers, never once I needed to touch a single image on the package design side.

You do have a advantage that is knowing how to use photoshop and manipulate images that will help you eliminate some classes appointments easily and you have a notion of composition, that will also help. But you will learn a lot of other things and will work on your "I need to make X for Y kind of people following Z briefing" side of things. All the semester projects will be projects where you will plan, research, refine the planing, refine research, and then do the job, as it should be with a designer.

You will like it.
fee per a cover?
thnx in advance
Keep in mind that I am brazilian and did only work inside my country, but I stil think what I say may help you. I worked mostly for independent writers and the last covers I did I charged about BRL750. It was cheap but was fun to work on those projects and it was mostly hassle free. I did the research, present moodboards, present references, made sketches and when the first version was done most of them approved or suggested just few minor changes.

I also did work for publishers and I charged taking in mind the size of the writer, the size of the publisher, how many copies of the book were planned, the workload that it would impose, etc. I charged from BRL2k onwards, most being BRL3k. The most I charged was BRL6k but should have charged double as it was the most infuriating job I ever took and was the responsible for a burnout.
learn how to talk about GD instead, all the money is in talking about it, not creating it.
graphic design is about who you know, not what you do. your stuff is solid but you need to get off 4chan and start building relationships with other designers who have it good. not only will you get better and learn but youll have a larger outreach and easier cold contacts and naturally building relationships with clients. they also will know what to expect. make yourself a portfolio and art focused twitter and instagram and get your damn name in as many people's eyes and ears as you can, who cares how much you try and how forced it is. it may be slow and gruelling but that's how you get potential. if you dont look like an ass or egotistical spaz, you'll be set for life.

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