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first up, cattle decapitation
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Nice thread.
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Acidic Vaginal Liquid Explosion Generated By Mass Amounts Of Filthy Fecal Fisting And Sadistic Septic Syphilic Sodomy Inside The Infected Maggot Infested Womb Of A Molested Nun Dying Under The Roof Of A Burning Church While A Priest Watches And Ejaculates In Immense Perverse Pleasure Over His First Fresh Fetus
oh these guys
they had a logo design competition too, if i recall correctly - some good, some bad

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Am I the only one who misses this style of t-shirt design? Pictures, simple geometric shapes, scattered text with not much meaning, no attempt to look vintage?

I swear they stopped making modern designs like this, it's all vintage or back prints. Umfortunately I have no idea where to find this style on a shirt. I just love the vibe.

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Can you fix it? Show me what you got /gd/
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never even heard of this
let me guess you didn't even pay attention to free and open source software around 2006, like how can you not know about a xul ui toolkit caldav supporting desktop calendar application that accompanied the firefox web browser and the thunderbird email client but people kind of didn't give a shit about
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Computer operating systems need to resemble videogames, with eye-catching elements and animations constantly stimulating the visual cortex, otherwise the users may become dopamine depleted and zone out.
Hot take, I love the new Thunderbird logo

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Make some shitty cover art?
>Make some shitty cover art!

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your confederate time is almost up
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I hate my state's new flag so much.
t. Minnesotan
Georgia maybe. The Alabama and Florida flags look more like the Spanish Burgundy Cross flag.
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Don't forget all those confederates in Scotland, Nova Scotia, Tenerife and Jamaica.
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Novorossiya is Dixie!
Dixie is Novorossiya!
wasn't the confederate flag that was "disowned" in the US just a battle flag and was not the official confederate flag?

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Where tf we can get the Logo Archive Database for free? https://www.logo-archive.org/

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how do i make something like this
>makes fun of people's intelligence but needs assistance recreating the most simple, laughably ugly chart.
Just the other day I was walking to the grocery store and saw 3 pajeets shitting on the train tracks. I'm not even kidding. I'm from Portugal
Enough, reddit.

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ok, be me: working on book.
multiple 'small' tifs from archive, slide scans n the like, all at like 3600 dpi.

i want easy to use lightweight files for getting the layout underway and eventually approved as illustrator lags when filled with too many images and linked text frame, but i didnt really alter the tiff kinda - i took a zero off the resolution for 360 and have tweaked a dimension, but really ive got images at 360 dpi. so now all the design is approved im putting high res images in and checking color modes. was gonno swap in tiffs. But couldnt i really keep the jpgs?

im gonna swap all the jpegs for cmyk tifs, but thought id pose the question.

should have been more thoughtful about making the temporary working images, but i figured it was gonna be a slog either way so didnt matter.

so what if i just kept the joegs?
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yup illustrator is laggy and prone to crashing. hate that bitch. but i also love her. i design more by proportion than template so the move into indesign 'feels' unwieldy. ill muscle through it one day though. fwiw the project is divided into 5 ai files and the layouts used low mb jpgs until ALL the editing was done and all aspects of the design and prep were complete. just redirecting the links now.

i wonder whats it like cleaning up widows and orphans and what not in indesign?
>i wonder whats it like cleaning up widows and orphans and what not in indesign?
That's the specialty of layout programs, literally designed to be good at managing hundreds of paragraphs of text. I haven't had to do much cleaning up widows and orphans in InDesign, but it used to fly though it in Quark, which had every imaginable kerning and leading function bound to a shortcut key. I could clean up dozens of pages in a couple minutes.
illustrator isnt the best handling llong linked text - but its has the tracking and kerning all there and what not. gross spell check interface which is a drag, but thats ok as someone needs to take responsibility for copy editing anyway. i was thinking about the rigidity of the templates really. unfortunately i nevr got into quark. is that software still around these days?
>nevr got into quark. is that software still around these days?
I think the answer depends. If you are a print shop or publisher that existed before InDesign (late 1999) then you almost certainly have legacy files and may still be upgrading Quark (the company I work for is like this, I literally was working in files from 1996 last week). However, most print shops and publishers have been swallowed up by larger, more tech-savvy ones, and those are all basically running Adobe CC. Quark Xpress is still pulling in about 150 million in sales every year so it's not like they are abandonware or anything. It's just that you're not going to find casual users (people who go to school for graphic design usually get an Adobe student license) so it looks like no one uses Quark. Plus these are layout programs. Using them is grunt work for production artists.
thats a pretty good sales pitch for quark actually!

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hello, is there any very intelligent software that can merge fur pictures of a document like this, so it can look like original? thank you
dont know
i always do it by hand. tedious
but photoshop is ok at snapping to pixels sometimes
The search term you want is "photo stitching"
thank you very much
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The overlaying is quite tricky when the parchment is moved and disturbed between scans - it deforms for each new scan.

10% overlap is necessary - the given overlap is barely enough.

Photos where you move the camera instead of the paper or its lighting is preferred to keep it consistent between stitching images.

If there's still interest - we can exchange emails.

Here's a demo -
The darkened edge on of the scan in the stitch wouldn't be an issue if the process was done properly

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(YOU) have 120 IQ
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and how exactly do you know the IQ of the people visiting the board retard?
how the fuck did someone even test this
you're telling me you believe this to be real?
And you deny science, the foundation of everything that is, you deny basic laws of physics, how CO2 affects the atmosphere and you put others at danger for not getting vaccinated against a potentially deadly virus.
>doesn't read the top-right part of the image
The IQ of this place has truly fallen.
Then again, it's not like 4chan to be good with UI.

Go fucking nuts with it. :)
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My understanding was that the original flag proposal was to have sixpointed stars, but Betsy Ross changed it to five-pointed stars to ease manufacture. This may have been her only substantive influence on the flag. History books often claim that she was responsible for the design in its entirety, but this was only based on folklore.
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If you have any free AI tools you've found on the web can you please share it with me here? For example stuff that does image enhancement or let you change things like the hair of someone, generate images etc... This will be very helpful
Yeah here's a few of my favorites:

I have to design some "posters". One of those will have "facility rules" on it. Which font would you guys use for making it look like commie propaganda?
Basically, tips and tricks to make some decent communist regime like propaganda posters.
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ooooh do i have plenty.
You are not selling reality, you are selling an idea to go towards, something distant from now but also just around the corner. You must focus on the strength of the people but NOT the individual, forego unique faces, everyone is the same, man, woman, negro, spic, normal, all the same.
Celebrate only the material, no vague ideas, big factory, cars, tools, rockets, tanks, guns, buildings, monuments. Be emotional, unrealistically so, the images must sing.
Above all you must also think like a medieval peasant teleported into the scifi future.
Style doesn't make it look like a commie poster, it's the way it structures itself and what it says about the worldview of who made it. It's all between the lines. You can imitate style and you will ALWAYS fail because that's not what makes commies special. Westerners will struggle with these ideas, but to me, they come natural
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here are some of my few works trying to capture this i like to think i did a good job but idk i'm not the neutral party here
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Also play around with abstraction that's how it was done in yugoslavia but choose your inspiration, other states did it radically different.
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Make the glasses guy Putin and the one holding on Xi

Any good starter book or video recommendations? Any advice is also welcomed
Check out the ic board.
>Learning to draw in the advent of AI

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How is this made? I've seen some of these interstitials between 2 images before, but I've no idea how you make this.

Specifically talking about the interstitial video. The big boobs are made with AI
To do this, go to >>>/wsr/
What? I'm asking a graphic design question, not asking for anyone to do anything. Are you retarded?
Tween a series of images.
its not even tweening
its just a few photoshopped frames between no chest and chest
(OP) Huh. Alright. I thought it was done automatically somewhow.

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