I made a website - aphantasia.ioYou don't have to tell me how it looks - like crap.But how would you enhance the UI and UX to feel more polished?
>>459630Header must be much higher, you can hardly see the burger menu (unless you really squint your eyes)Login not possible with Google etc -> normal people will think that the website is sus because of thisAnd the "What is Aphantasia?" could be made into a animation or visual representation of some kind. That would make it easy to understand and therefore use your system (if users like it :D)
>>459631oh and another (quality of life) thing:make a github repo, this way you could just have people collaborate. It doesn't mean you have to OpenSource everything but i would love to be able to just look at the code right now (frontend ofc)
This window should be draggable. Since this website looks so basic i feel like windows 95 features should all work here xD
>>459633oh and also resizable. Some notes might end up getting really big so it might be good to let the user decide how much space he wants the text to occupy
And how the fuck does it work that links seem to just pop out of thin air when i click a node.Fuck >.<
I would like to use a seamless tileable image as the background for a website. What are some good options to choose from? Pic related is the type of thing I'm looking for, it's the background from YTMND.
>>459153>>459608(given your context, just skip all the anime stuff)
SubtlePatterns was a good site back in the day - 2013.
>>459613DL - https://github.com/atlemo/SubtlePatterns
I've spent years doing UI, UX, and graphic design. I want to start building some web stuff myself, but I'm daunted by the steep learning curve. HTML and CSS come pretty easy, and I understand the fundamentals of flex. Jumping into this side of things isn't so bad.But I'm daunted as shit by JS. Suffering through the initial Hello World tutorial sounds brutal, and even beyond JS, merely setting up and maintaining a workspace (vscode, the terminal, installing packages, git, etc.) looks painful.Anybody know of a decent video course with a tolerable instructor and a focus on modern techniques (flex-centric, good JS framework)?
Give it a try!
how to get job in ui/uxif i work another day in call center i will kys myself
>>456481I'm going to learn full stack myself
>>456481Learn PHP using Laravel, it's fun and not retarded like Js.
>>459623No. Learn HTML, CSS, Tailwind, JS, TS, React, Next.
No one noticed this.
>>458808it was based off of walt gisney's signature, kinda rude to change it
>>458808Yeah, because it's a subtle change. I prefer the thick outline though.
freaky bro
>>458822Walt was based
What are you doing to combat corporate non art?
>>459554This has nothing to do with "Memphis Design", some retarded "journalist" decided to make that connection based on a totally vapid and uneducated conflation of elements->A "flat, geometric, figurative" illustration style "usually made up of solid colours", popular in the late 2010s, particularly with startups, was dubbed "Corporate Memphis" by Wired Magazine for its resemblance to Memphis style.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memphis_Group
Like two websites only ever used this. Once again another fucking bogeyman to deflect from real issues.
>>459559Sorry, I meant to say Corporate Memphis. I agree that it has little in common with Memphis Design, which was much better imo.
>>459476The whole (((they))) thing means Jews, right?
>>459549Man, it is dying as it is hard as fuck to convey a identity to a brand if every artwork is the same. Some brands still use it so people can get mad at it and talk about the brand.Also, about your rant about maga being tricked by the oldest trick in the book, dude, do you think that an artstyle that republicans hate made possible for evil ghouls become palatable to the average right-winger, and not a communication media complex that touches podcasts, entertainment, news channels and influencers?
>frutiger is bad and soullessI like it. 2000's were better
You could wax lyrical about Frutiger Metro too. There's nothing special about these design trends. It's just that flat design is so lazy, featureless & bland at best, aggressively distasteful at worst, that whatever preceded it looks like high art by comparison.
>>459440If this style is now considered souless, than I don't know what soul they found in the 2020s design trends
What do you guys think of the Logo for Humpty Dumpy? Is it a good logo and does it need a redesign?
>>458442overloaded i get a headache looking at it, its a literal design from 10.000bc. the only good thing is that red was used. learn about red, thats the most important color in gd, most people are retarded.
>>459503one could say you got a headegg?
>>459503>its a literal design from 10.000bc.It's literally the latest iteration of their logo, introduced in 2002https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Humpty_DumptyClearly an attempt to create a nostalgic vibe that makes sense for selling in that space, but ultimately a convoluted phony mess that ignores the legitimate brand history in favor of a poorly proportioned plug and play pastiche of picrel and a clip art mascot.
>>458850Holy shit.
>>459503I think it's not complex enough.Add more lines and colors. I want to ride the merry-go-round! I hate how simple modern logos are. Your right about the red, though. There's not enough red in logos today. I'm so, so, so goddam sick of blue.
How do I cope knowing that the best logo ever is ruined by a retarded ideology?Nothing comes even close to the swastika. It makes me depressed to the point of giving up logos completely.
>>458337>not racist>from a game about "darkners" whose whole purpose in life is to serve "lightners">>458839t. Chris O'Neill
>>458255Hinduism isn't THAT retarded.
>>458255SS goes way harder
>>458255Retarded ideology, huh.
>>458255related videohttps://youtu.be/Cp-KY1juRMg
Hi awesome graphic designers, recommend me a carpet for this room (preferably circular)I was thinking a simple yin-yang or Lina Cavalieri but it‘d probably be ugly af
>>457336It‘s for the centre of the room, not that part
Sounds interesting
>>458060I ended up getting the one with the girl drinking from a yellow cup from temu and it‘s terrible quality, straight up pink/green artifacts on some places. But they gave me a full refund and didn‘t want it back so it was worth it in the end
this board is fucking deadanything but gd is posting on this shit
>>459051do you think you are the only one realizing? why state the obvious?I don't get it.
So Im looking to get my van wrapped up for my plastering business located in the Netherlands. I have been working on this design lately. The business name translates to: Plaster Corner. The business name AND products already imply for a design with squar (plastered)wall like shapes. So for the sides i made a square like shape in white space, so my logo can be placed in full color. Which im pretty happy about. For the backside im trying to get the following hierarchy, Attracting interest -> contact details ->logo. Im having a hard time on the backside of the van which feels a little cheap for now. I could use a opinion outside of my (supportive) friends and family. Am i going in the right direction or do i miss out with this design as a whole.
>>459527I like the bottom version a lot. Maybe try lowering the logo a bit. Don't need to be centered, but play with the position a bit as I think the logo is too high up.Still, I would recommend for you to have other peoples feedback as I am not a expert at those kinds of work.Oh, I almost forgot, before sending for final print, print yourself the logo on the side, the logo on the back and contact info the size in paper and stick into the van in the places they will be. They must be the real size that the final product will be. That way you can check IRL if the sizes and placements are good, if somebody inside a car will be able to read the contact info, and may have other insights in that regard. As it will be in paper, you can easily play with the placement if you think something is not that right.
>>459514justify to the left.maybe dont have name over the door cracktoss the rocknroll font
>>459514>The business name AND products already imply for a design with squar (plastered)wall like shapes. So for the sides i made a square like shape in white spaceEven with this explanation I see nothing that suggests a "square like shape" outside of the logo itself.FWIW a lot of people miss the point of fleet lettering/graphics...it's advertising but not the type of advertising most people assume it is...it's not a business card or display ad, it's more like a billboard and functions much the same way to create brand ID rather than to appeal directly to people actively seeking that service.Consider that only X number of people will be exposed to this vehicle daily...of that number only a much smaller subset might be potential clients at any time and of that group only a tiny portion will be actively in search of a plasterer at the moment they cross paths with your vehicle.When you look at that group, an even smaller number will be ready or able to grab a pencil or their phone to make a note of your contact info.What *can* happen though is that with a memorable presentation even people who will never use a plasterer can be conditioned to remember your company name when the subject comes up. It's all about establishing name recognition and association with that business/work space...In this case the clean/slick minimalist appearance works against you; I see vans like this all over and without your explanation I would assume it was for some white collar business service like a courier or document shredding and not a hands-on building trade....that is, if I didn't just tune it out immediately as one of a million fleet vehicles.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>459514die "stukken beter" tekst ziet er walgelijk uit man. past absoluut niet bij het ongeschreefde font.
>>459514remember to move small letters (stukadoor) on back the way no letter is on the opening crack
I made it better, can still use some work though.
i like it! it's fairly basic bitch metro style but at the same time has gradients and some visual fur and distinction between parts of the body. is gud
??? same?
desperately looking for patch mockup psds
>>458877they are literally the easiest shit to reproduce from scratch in under 5 minutes
I was browing through the internet when I found a VHS presentation of a cartoon. It had a really cool font and I want to find it!It was also used in a flash site and the menu of the DVD promoting it.It's not Press Start 2P or 04b11, I checked. Not matter where I try to look, I can't find it anywhere.Does anybody know what exact font this is? Thanks!
>>459524The fonts used for "The Internet is/You are in great danger", "And there is only one way to save the world", "To fight for the Internet", "LOWPOLYS", "Português" "English" and "Español", respectively. If you look closely, it's possibly the same font used for all of these. Right now, it's literally impossible for me to find it.
Somebody please help me find this font; I just know that they used the same damn font for these but I can't fucking find it anywhere for the life of me.Literally fucking impossible.
Is this a website or a poster.
>>459522It's not Gaposis Solid BRK either.For god's sake I just wanna make a shitpost with this font.
>>459555Right click, inspect element, filter font-family.
First time doing graphic design, how did i do :D
If you made the figure then it's not bad. The same texture is used throughout try and vary the colours and effects.
>>459520>First timeWow, really good. Congratulations.Now, to make it better, think about what you wanted to achieve and fix into this messaging. The black, for example, is too flat. Did you wanted to go for a CRT effect, or did you wanted a grainy overall feeling? Make it feel like it belongs in that universe.And the coordinates, what about change the font or sizing so it is not that on the nose.The planet also is barely seen with the image downscaled. Think how you should improve it.Good job overall.
>>459520>The black, for example, is too flat. Did you wanted to go for a CRT effect,it's obviously an imitation of a xerox copy on a green paper. those are always monochrome, flat with levels crushed and very poor dithering. it probably could look shittier, with more blown out, less uniformly visible grain in places, an yeah, maybe some inverse grain black areas.im probly old. do zoomers only use tablets in schools now?