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Im a chud vexiologist enjoyer and this is my flag
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you act like such a smug tranny over some harmless larp flags and i just... dont get it? go back to r/vexology lmao
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and yet:
in a week I will have forgotten about the guy who compared me to jimmy numale, while you will continue being talentless.
alright this actually has to be bait

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>no entry level jobs
>no intermediate level jobs
>no jobs whatsoever actually

How am I supposed to navigate this shit
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dumb foid
artistic endeavors are not comfortable career paths. you have to be likeable, charismatic, sociable, but most importantly lucky.

its not impossible, because I've worked with many different companies and businesses of all sizes doing what i'd rather dub as "digital design" because graphic design is only 1 small aspect of what i really do. but i was also extremely lucky, and scored gigs in places most people don't know about because most people can't socialize through the noise.

regardless, it is not very profitable by itself and in order to be profitable you will either have to be a slave to someone else or be a slave to the game of advertising and networking and pretty much never resting until you get some big break. which really shouldn't be a problem if you love the craft enough, but if even a small part of you thinks "this might not be for me" then it probably isn't, because that's not a thought that enters peoples minds that are retarded enough to make it their life (me)
if you're young get another career, graphic design is almost over.
>Pick up java and excel
>get a cushy corpo job with bajillions meetings or backwater govt jobs where you do nothing
>learn basic office politics skills
>learn how to command people
>go home and do graphic design for the sake of fun. Not money. Not fame. Just make something each week / month and post it on YouTube

Shit like this should never be a job in the first place.
You think compsci won't be just like that? the tech industry is more or less the same. Nobody cares about your projects. What matters in the end is always people skills.

Interesting fact: Originally Mount Rushmore was supposed to have Lewis and Clark, Sacagawea, Red Cloud, Buffalo Bill Cody, and Crazy Horse

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Can anyone give me some ideas for a logo design with the word vivafication in it
vivafuckofftion, maybe?
Do I look like I'm an AI agent to you?

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Explain yourselves, /gd/.
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Brands too big to fall, so they just use simplest logo possible so it couldn't be misread.
>Who needs originality

Originality in a corporate ID symbology only matters when you are trying to set yourself apart from larger established competitors. When you ARE the largest established player in your space (as all of the companies in the OPs image arguably are) there's little if any value to be gained from trying to be different for its own sake.
The companies in that image that used the quirky, lighthearted "fun" look were all originally using it to identify as something other than the staid, serious, powerful corporate blocs they were up against...it was a way of thumbing their noses at the idea that you had to look, act and *be* one of them to take them on. It's a very astute approach at that start up phase when unproven investment vehicles rely more on "beat the system" ideology and gambling on a long shot to attract money.

Once they gained major market share and clout in their space they took on the same "serious" trappings as the earlier corporate blocs they displaced because that's what is expected of them by investors who now have something concrete to lose if they continue on the more radical and risky path of being upsetters.
Nobody wants or needs to upset a space they virtually own.
Typography is an art unto itself.
Everyone is on their phones now, so design is done to look more appealing and legible for mobile devices
Standarization is the ugly daughter of this stupid bitch Globalization.

how do you turn rotoscope into animation?
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using animation software you fucking dumbass
i hate faggots who ask the most retarded questions
ok ii just download AE what now do I pray to it & tell it make it for me ?
So have you done anything yet?
>Joel Haver - "How i animated this video"
you can probably do this with AI now.

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How do you market your services and get clients.
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He doesn't have a portfolio. That's how good of a designer he is. SAAAAR, do not redeem the portfolio! World-star designer right there.
fart huffer
Let me guess—you need more?
you can learn marketing and then get yourself out in the public eye or whoever you want to be doing graphics for, have to learn business skills and such.
i surf social media for businesses that i think would benefit from my products and message them telling them im a designer for hire. i also have business cards and go to businesses in the area and ask to talk to the owner and do the social media thing in person

Fluent Design
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This just looks like the shit everyone made after pirating photoshop in the 90s
Yea, but what you said unironically good. The design panorama needs experimentation and exploration, not this bullshit of safe bets. Even the quirky branding of new premium products are following certain guidelines to make it a safe bet, even this ~Le Fluent Design®~ have a lot of study from souless brands behind. Design zeitgeist nowadays is uninspired and if it migrates back to randos downloading a pirate software and making soulful shit for their pet project, it will unironically lead to a good future, but I doubt it ever will, as nobody has free time anymore to waste.
Is there a similar design to this but without color? I kind of like the tactile look desu
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I love spamming sad face with my co worker friends, it's funny for some reason

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what is a WEBP file and why is it suddenly everywhere?
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He also discusses software tools for working with webms, as well as specific scientific measures of effectiveness of image compression.
Google pays major hosts to batch convert all their shit to webp, and it gets preferential indexing in searches which affects downstream indexers
Unironically nepotism in image format.
thanks that was informative.
ah I see that must be why it suddenly seems everywhere
It's like jpeg2000, but worse.

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Which country is this stop sign?I can't find it because of the unusual s and o
it looks too small to be a legal stop sign, street signage is pretty big, I think it is a store bought stop sign for decoration.
About the font, pretty sure it is DIN Next LT Pro Medium Condensed.
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>street slop
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>slop loop
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>poo in the loo saarz

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Make some shitty cover art?
>Make some shitty cover art!

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what software are you guys generally using for these? I want to get back into album cover design but it's been almost 10 years for me
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Client didn't want it. Maybe you'd do?
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0-3 sad onions
Could be interested!
I've come back and laughed at this like 3 times in the past few weeks
What's the lore behing the sad onion.

Hey /gd/

I have a question, if I produce images using illegal versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, do these images have any metadata that can be tracked to see if they were illegally produced?

and how do I remove such metadata, I tried googling this shit but it doesn't come up with any real answers on this topic

I'm just getting to the point of completing my 4th as well as 5th gd project for my portfolio and want to upload them all to Behance but also still not cause any problems for potential employers.


Also post your questions/queries
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Anyone know how to get a sheer effect over skin like with sheer tops/leggings in photoshop? Trying to add some different textures to some images
Anyone knows what this transition effect is called? Give me a name.
morph cut
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Hi. I'm looking for a cheap tablet for light use—simple drawings, note-taking, calligraphy practice, and messing around with Blender. Thinking about the "egee M908," but the few YouTube reviews I found only cover unboxing and the first hour of use. I know you guys have good judgment and experience... Anyone familiar with this model or brand? Is it worth it as an entry-level tablet for a hobbyist/newbie fag?

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I thought this board was supposed to be for porn???
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Well, it's a gay board, so it's still true.

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Does anyone want to design merch for Duolicious? I'll shill your designs and give you 100% of the profits for the first few months.

I know I could use AI, or Fiverr, or Dribbble, or other stuff like that for designs. But all the AI tools I've tried seem hesitant to emulate even the innocuous facets of Twitch culture, let alone 4chan. And I doubt it'll make designs that work well for embroidery, badges, and anything which isn't a direct-to-garment print. Fiverr's work quality is trash and no one replies on Dribbble.

If you're interested, could you post ITT and/or email your portfolio to admin@duolicious.app?
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If the purpose of your garments is to garner publicity, you need it to be beautiful, otherwise only cringelords wear memes in public. Except for this one, they're all mostly ugly and this one doesn't even have a readable "call to action" anywhere on it. If you want to generate money from it, then there you should follow different paths—that is the product itself. But as it is designed right now, no heteronormative person will touch it. This leaves you with a bunch of mentally ill women and a plethora of desperate weebs.
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>only cringelords
>a bunch of mentally ill women and a plethora of desperate weebs

Did you completely miss the part about it being a 4Chan -centric dating app?

Quoting OP:
>/a/ and /v/ are the boards which use Duolicious the most. Anime, manga, and gaming are among the most popular interests users have. "Chronically online" users are targeted in Duolicious' app store listings.

The feedback in the Know Your Meme entry makes clear that the user base is exactly the people you are suggesting he try not to appeal to (pic related).

Once again, someone on /gd/ offering commercial art advice that betrays an almost complete lack of even the most basic marketing awareness like "know your audience".

Catchall MOA VD
How did I miss anything, since I precisely described your demographic in one line? Or do you actually believe that autists would not prefer a good looking product over what you have now? It seems that you became overly defensive when several people pointed out the glaring obvious. But let me ask you this: why are you trying to market it like a generic sales machine? Why are you applying traditional marketing tactics to a bunch of anti-social, anti-consumerists? Why did you try to shift gears from chan-culture to broad market in an attempt to bring in normies last summer? Was it not your intention to grow it beyond what it is now, i.e. a sausage fest? Why do you look for influencers to increase your audience when that is the opposite of what you claim to be—a closed ingroup of neurodivergents? It seems that you are the one who lacking any experience in managing and growing digital products by selling merch (lmao), and some don't have the name on it, as if someone can guess what brand it represents.

Oh, and by the way, congrats on spreading trans cancer even more.
Nta but you're delusional if you think those people are going to buy merch; they're already on Duolicious almost explicitly because they're too autistic for normal dating apps or they are attention-starved whores. The former will not wear them because they are already conscious of their appearance to begin with an wearing a shirt advertising a social reject dating platform will only be worse. The latter will not wear them unless they are exceptionally fashionable because they need IG validation. You're really confident for a retard.
I'm not the anon you replied to lol

>Why are you applying traditional marketing tactics to a bunch of anti-social, anti-consumerists?
I'm actually not picky about who buys the shirts or if the shirts serve to market Duolicious. I just need money to advertise to new users, and I don't want to sell subscriptions in the dating app itself because I feel a bit like I'm preying on users' loneliness.

>Why did you try to shift gears from chan-culture to broad market in an attempt to bring in normies last summer?
I get this a lot. About 200k thousand people signed up within a few weeks. It costs big dating apps about a dollar to acquire a user. So your belief is basically that some random anon on 4chan spent $200k to market a completely free dating app to racists on Twitter. Doesn't it seem more plausible that people just posted about Duolicious on the internet cuz "le heckin femcels"?

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