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Illustrator is making a beeping sound whenever I select a white object.
It only started this morning. I don't know what happened.
And it's only for pure white (#ffffff) objects. If I change the value even by a little, it doesn't beep.
stupid question, but does the noise even come from the speakers?
lcd monitors can make high pitched noise on specific brightness.
ssds can make high pitched 'piezoelectric' squeak noise when switching power state on boot.
yea it's from the speakers (headset, actually, but yea).
It's weird. I'm about to reformat the entire PC as a last resort because this is really DRIVING ME NUTS.
Did you try to restart the preferences or pressing ESC when the noise appears?
try reinstall, upgrade or downgrade
Sorry OP your computer is racist
Sounds like some obscure feature, enabled by some even more obscure keyboard acceleration sequence like Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Win + Up Arrow + Left Arrow
OP here. I reformatted my PC shortly after making the thread. The issue disappeared, then this morning it's suddenly back again

You could try muting Illustrator's volume in the Windows volume mixer
Is it the windows error sound.

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