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Need help with facebook banner for my aunty's small business, im trying to meet SEO requirements by having it be seeable in in mobile devices (meaning that a fraction of each lateral side will have basically no relevant info)

am i over doing it?
i know the amber must be in the center, but then how do i integrate the whole "amber sale" thing smoothly?

a square is too rough, and a circle is not consistent with the brand's jewelry-like patterns aesthetic.
white is blends too much with the background, and black looks cheap, any graphic design principle i am missing?
File: anonauntiestore.png (661 KB, 1131x416)
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661 KB PNG
I guess your aunt sells amber earings, but the main problems relate to hierarchy of information, but instead of everything being important (most common mistake), here nothing is important. Let me explain:

– I don't see the earings;
–Those bags are a mix of shopify with shopee, get rid of it, wtf. Also, those kinda bags make it seem cheap. Even if your aunt sells cheap shit, don't make it look so cheap, anon;
–Those bunch of amber earrings look like a magnified picture of some colony of some kind of bug;

My fixes and recommendations:
Take a more interesting picture with white space so you can write in it (i mean, clean space, not literally white). Include objects, as you can see there is a ribbon and a box in the picture attached, it makes the picture more interesting than plain earrings.
Hierarchy: earring > sale announcement > name/logo of your aunt store. This should be what your interested person should see, implying the sale is the important thing there. The person should like the product then realize there is a sale, then where to buy, psychological storytelling in 2 seconds.
Get some references from similar stores ads, it will help you do a better ad.

I am attaching what I did in 10 minutes total (including looking for reference, searching for picture, etc). You can make use it as reference but anybody can make it better. Would recommend to work from there.
You are amazing anon san
this is some real good advice
i think im onto something..

they are imported stuff so maybe referencing foreign origins will make them feel artisanal and whatnot?
Adding more things is not always best, but it is still miles better in comparison to your first study.
Where are the ambers from? Maybe something that relates to the country slightly (key word: slightly) may be better than a skyline that nobody knows where it is from.

Your image has a lot of clutter, it is not giving "luxury thing" vibes that I think you are aiming for.
The mirror is doing nothing in the composition and has a fucking vector cloud. Remove it.
You are trying to move the focus to the earrings using size. Look at the picture at >>459158 and see how it has half the size but calls all the attention because it is contrasting with everything else in the picture and is the only thing in focus in the image as blur was used and is the only thing that is not pastel. The earrings your aunt is selling are beautiful, THEY should be the focus.

Sometimes getting a good photo of the product may be the best option. I would recommend hiring a professional jewelry photographer and talk to him. It does not need to be an expensive one. If you cannot do it, look for jewelry ads references and think about what you like in them and reproduce in your artwork.
Oh sorry if i didnt make it clear, the "Mirror" is dead space, its invisible in facebook banners, in that section the profile picture will go, which is the business' logo

Im not nessesarily aiming for luxury, just enough credibility to sell these things easily, these ambers arent particulary exclusive, just foregin. It's a sort of naturalist hipsterish vibe im going for, like a seasonal sale.

But i get what you mean, i gotta change the backgrounds color to make the amber's orange stand out.

I feel like if i could make the amber have a bit more motion like the ribbon it'd look more interesting, sadly i dont have many pictures at the moment

her business goals are very humble so i dont think we can justify a proffesional photographer just yet
I really feel like im almost there

An correction with what i said here >>459167
it is only invisible in Mobiles, which is where i bet most of the potential customers will hang out at.... but it will be visible in desktop.. Yeah i think you are right, in retrospective
i think its impossible to make good use of it in both mobile and desktop
facebook should make the space they occupy the same and save us the fucking trouble
maybe like this..
Its ok to have the logo be hidden in mobile, since it will end up getting replaced by the profile picture, which is the same logo
by the way, she wants to sell other stuff so im kinda not supposed to make it too specific, but rather, something that can be updated seasonally
even with out of category stuff that has nothing to do with amber, kind of a weird business model but oh well

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