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Request and share non-free typefaces and identification of typeface samples.

> Previous thread


> Older threads

archived <dot> moe/gd/search/subject/Font%20Share/

> Font identification

Before you request, do your due diligence by running your font sample through a font identifier;

whatfontis <dot> com
fontsquirrel <dot> com/matcherator (be sure to enable the myfonts setting)
myfonts <dot> com/whatthefont

If you're not getting a clear read then put your sample in PS, separate the letters and colour it to be pure black on a white background.

> Font requests

First of all, check;

vk <dot> com/board178186634
graphicex <dot> com

> Uploading

catbox <dot> moe is great for uploading small-sized zips containing fonts, especially since it doesn't expire.

If somebody helps you then pay it forward!
does anyone have the following fonts?
Tusar by Storm Type Foundry
Tyfa Antikva by Storm Type Foundry
i managed to snatch ATF Garamond from typenetwork, converted to otf from woff2
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Font: Leibix

I need this pice of shit
I'd love the latest version or Akkurat (I believe 5.0).

I only have 3.0
I have nothing to contribute myself but want stuffffffzzzz
Anyone have the new Proxima Nova? (Version 4)
I'm not a graphic designer but I'm an artist.
If there's a non-free font I want to use as a logo/signature and if I download it for free and use it will anybody ever be able to know?
anyone have any of these?
Safety Gothic


I'm looking for a blocky font that is readable at a distance but also made of mostly straight lines so that it's easy to cut out with an exacto knife.

I'm looking for ATRAMENT font.
Hopefully someone has it
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Is there a font that looks like Octagon French? The actual OF font they sell is garbage, like they just scanned an old piece of paper and called it a day. It's supposed to be sharp geometric angles, not these blobs. This is why people pirate fonts.
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Looking for Decoracha.
Anyone know which font this is?
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dear lord Jesus i need Avant Garde, here is the entire Sul Sans font family, PLEASE!

https://mega <dot> nz/folder/UDxS0ZKQ#eI60TyW7d2ofNf7LL8R8lw
Cant say the exact typeface but if you want a genre to search through, looks like some kind of italic counterpart to a Scotch Roman.
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anyone know where i can get this font (MoTenacity AOE) for free, i looked around and couldnt find it anywhere that didnt cost money and im way too cheap for that shit
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anyone have blambot fonts?
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Looking for Comic Code, all the links I have are 404'd
nvm found it, comic code ligatures:

vk <dot> com / topic-178186634_39300099?offset=11660
Mostra Nuova Black?
Could anyone provide the Tilde collection?
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What font is this?
Otter Regular by Hemphill Type
that's not it
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>>446976 (OP)
Need font identification.
A core system font on some older phones.
No it is not eurostyle.
Thank you based Anon
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ids plz ty <3
Anyone have Wild Words?
Hey there! Does anyone happen to have a copy of Mokka by Ludwig Type that they'd be willing to share? I'd really appreciate it! Thanks in advance. #SharingIsCaring
this my 2000 fonts file for anyone out there looking for more , you could find almost every style of typography in it from y2k,cyper,minilasim,complex,90s,80s,vintage and more.. i will update the file every ones in while and add some new fonts

185 MB if anyone wonders
update: it may not exactly be eurostyle but its very similar to it and microgramma, its just that top spoke on the 2 and 3 dont completely come out to the bottom stroke, there seems to be a weight of eurostyle that does this but it's dubious if its exactly what's seen here (which is pixelated in delivery)
gfx noob herer. Is it a bad idea to install of them other than clutter?
pick through them using a font explorer of some kind and jeep the ones you want.

But I would seriously unzip the thing into a folder first, sort by size, and check out which of them are the largest files and whether you truly want to keep them or use them. Many apps or viewers have serious problems using/looking at any font files over 1mb in size.

There may also be many duplicates, so thats another reason I sort out what I want and delete the rest.
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What font is this?
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looking for Astro SE by David Occhino Design

What a nice soul you are. Thanks!
セレスティアルモダン|CelestialModern by yutaone
>>446976 (OP)
Can anyone share the TitlingGothicFB Extended Black? Please and thank you
Looks like Exposure by 205TF
anybody have ff mark?
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Anyone have Wonderworld by Mans Greback?
any idea what font this is?
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looking for Pockota
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Anyone capable of identifying this font for me? Something close enough to it will probably do.
Looks like Birch Std
Thank you!
Anyone have "Eloquia Display Bold"?
this anon is a fucking king
Looking for LHF Cameo, the whole family if possible but Spurs / Spurs Bold alone would do
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Looking for this font or even better, one that looks like it without the roughness
Futura Extra Bold
Anything a little closer?
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>>446976 (OP)
Need an ID on this and having trouble finding it. I figured its pretty unique form would make it quick to find, but none of the major identification sites have returned anything close.
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Anyone have Inter UI ? Links are dead in OP.
try golos UI
Windsor Bold
How can you be so dumb? Literally a Google search away: https://rsms.me/inter/
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Just casting out a request to see if anyone's put together a font based on the font from the episode previews from Heavy Metal L-Gaim. I fully anticipate a resounding no but it's worth a shot.
Case is on graphicex.
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Not the same anon but it definitely seems like a Futura variant. URW made a rounded version that looks pretty similar.
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What's the closest font to this handwriting
I'm getting a special someone an engraved gift
ah! yeah, you are looking for comic sans!
Surely it ain't that bad
nah, you good!
comic sans meme is just kinda irresistable is all.
and kinda irresistable.

I don't know a fitting font from the top of my head (personally not using script that much, but Ill browse my library later.
can't promise to be finding anything, though
I don't check /gd/ that often so you got my ass
Anyway hell yeah would be nice if I can get something that doesn't look like it's from the MS default font pack

If any anons want to suggest stuff I'm probably gonna get a leather portfolio from etsy with her name on it since I'm not /diy/ enough to make it myself
>>446976 (OP)
Is there a site where I can get good brush packs?
File: Rivka.pdf (581 KB, PDF)
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okay, I am back.
I don't have a font to offer, but the vectorized form of your original.
- since you wanted something that looks similar, that might be even better anyways?
at least I think so! I like the way it looks.

first page: rough
second page: smooth
Can you guys help me ID this font pls
Thanks a lot I appreciate it !!!!
If anything this is better than a font anyway
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Anyone knows this font's name?
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Anyone knows what font is this? Is it possible to get it? Or maybe duplicate it with a Font generator. I don't know much about Ps or Ai.
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Does anyone want to talk about trashco?
yo, can anyone help me guess what font this is? It's somewhat familiar but I've tried font squirrel and adobe fonts and didn't come up with anything.
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Anyone know what font is this or something similar?
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>>446976 (OP)
help a feller out. what font is the "Adobe After Effects 4.0" title? it's not hoefler text, but it looks pretty similar. and it's from before199 since that's when after effects 4.0 was released
It must be one of the Adobe offical fonts.
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Can anyone please identify this font?
>>446976 (OP)
Anyone know what font this is or any similar one?
I need it for an indesign thing.
Also how do I change the fonts of all textboxes in indesign?
Does anyone have the complete version of Gyahegi font by Hishand Studio?
Nvm someone just shared it to me on vk
I don't have it on my laptop but that's Operetta 12 Medium.

>Also how do I change the fonts of all textboxes in indesign?
In your scripts panel there is a sample script called "Select Object", use that to grab all the text boxes then use GREP on that selection from there to make whatever changes you need. Then also create a paragraph and character style for the textbox text like you should have done in the first place! : )
this is nice but there isn't really that many y2k in there.
Does anyone have the Berkeley Mono (https://berkeleygraphics.com/typefaces/berkeley-mono/) full please?

One was shared years ago on files.catbox.moe but the link has since expired.
this is so kind, thank you

I downloaded this one from somewhere a month or two back, it had a broken grave (u0060 `, would overlap onto characters typed in certain places like Windows Terminal and vscode), so I went into fontforge and edited the character (Element>Glyph Info>OT Glyph Class> Mark --> Base Glyph).

this is v1.008, not the newest v1.009 (couldn't find it anywhere)
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Hey /gd/, anyone knows what typeface/font this is?

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Does anyone here happen to know how to make custom font from scratch? Do I need some highly specific software or can this be achieved with Affinity Designer, for example?
Good evening gents, looking for picrel.
I could swear that I had seen something very similar to this before but I'm not sure.
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Skolar PE and Skolar Sans PE, full family, not a ripped version.
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>>446976 (OP)
Anyone got the Berthold Black family or at least something close to it.
You need Glyphs or FontLab.
looking for Phonk Sans family
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>>446976 (OP)

anyone know what font this is?
looks similar to the Jolt Cola logo.
the 'font identifier' tools aren't really helping.
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What are the font here and if possible, the sizes?
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Folks I don't know a lot about typefaces but does anyone recognize which san serif one is being used in this example resume?

I need something better than Arial for my own resume.
anyone got the Emigre Platelet font family?
that... is arial.
Inter is a good grotesque. get it from the github not google fonts.
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Anyone knows what font is picrel? I search everywhere, the closest I got was left hand path but that's not it
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what font is this?
Anyone have Jotter by Umka Type?

Been looking for this one for a bit.

Does anyone know any font share discords or group buy servers?
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>>446976 (OP)
What font is this in the article title?
you can visit the page and use browser's bult-in dev tools or read the stylesheet to find out
If on the off chance that anyone here knows fonts used in china in the early 90's, I'm after whatever font these numbers are in, note the nice curve on the 4.
This is the video it's from, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rupyl0COLx4 [Embed]
Also it's possible the characters and the digits may be different fonts.
This is probably a fullwidth 4 from an Chinese/Korean/Japanese characterset. Try to see if you can find similar. I think it's a VHS overlay thingy. Like the one you see on TokyoTV on the morning animes.
IM Fell DW Pica, I think it's the regular variation.
That's a pretty cool font, I would also like to know what it is.
Tainted Love font. I've tried the webistes-didn't worked. It's a very old font but I couldn't remember the name.
Adobe Garamond
Lookin for "Masqualero" family of font's by Monotype"
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What is this font please? And thanks if anyone knows.
>am I a joke to you?
Actually I think it's Serif Regular or a very slight variation.
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Can't find ali links of Comiccrazy bold :(
>>446976 (OP)
Does anybody have the OTF version of Akzidenz family please?

Captcha: ROAR
Looks a bit like Caslon Antique
Anyone have the full collection of the latest PragmataPro version 0.830?


here's 1.009

I know this isn't much, but I recall this being written about somewhere, maybe it rings a bell for someone. This is a picture from the town of Norilsk. Would love to know what font that is, and maybe the article that talks about it.
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I'm looking for a font called Printed Claude from MyFonts
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Anybody have a link for Rakuten Serif? It's a fairly new typeface for the Kobo eReader, but apparently, it's encrypted so there isn't a file for it.
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Looking for Nela Slab, if anyone happens to have that.
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Anyone have the family of URW Dock?
is there a fix for this problem where every variant of a font comes up as its own font? I want to download Centaur but I don't want every version of it to be listed individually

alternatively -- does anyone have a download link for Monotype Centaur?
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Enjoying old and new fonts, their quirks and subtle differences.

(Using Menlo for anything uniproportional, like xterm.)
Looks like Ericsson Hilda font (corporate one).
It is tough to find files online and I can not share it for legal reasons. Sad, it is a nice font.
I am looking for 2 fonts.

First - a font used for core text (pic rel.).
Second - a font of derivations (pic rel.).

Both fonts look like a default font from LaTeX, yet those in picture look way thinner with wider spacing between letters.

Here I attach 2 more references:
* https://www.rogerfrigola.com/doc/rcc_control.pdf
* https://www.rogerfrigola.com/doc/researchtalk042012.pdf

Thank anyone in advance)
Just found some mong who uploaded the whole thing to Github a few years ago lol
Here you go
Pretty sure I got this one for free on Dafont of some shit.
Thanks a lot
thank you
Cheers. Thanks for sharing!
Jap dumped 150 fonts for free, August 1st only
Missed it, can someone share?
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What typeface is this?
looking for Feature by CommercialType
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I tried to find the font from the image with various font finders but either I am too dumb to find it or it doesn't exist and it is a custom font. Could need some help of you guys please.
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What font can fit this?
I'm looking for a handwriting font that resembles how best a guy might write lecture notes in college: not particularly pretty like how a girl might do it; functional, but not clean print either. A lot of the fonts I've looked up so far are either too thick and meant for logography or too thin and dainty, like a girl's. Any ideas?
Do you guys use pirated fonts in your professional work? I don't work in gd, I'm just curious cause that's wild if you do
There is no chance this is a font. 99% sure this is all hand made.

Sorry, got no real idea for this, but interested if someone finds anything. I use a few but I think they are mostly as you describe "too girly". Joynotes is the closest I can recommend, but even that is not how real people write. I'd suggest, if you can't find anything, make your own font. Write out and scan in. It doesn't take all that long these days to get a functional handwriting font going.

Have done in the past, but I would always change the font somewhat for deniability and I would never bundle the actual font file to the project. I would make the font into vector objects. This way you could feasibly claim to have only used the original font for inspiration.

Is it ethical, no. But if you are trying to start out as a freelancer you are never going to have enough money to buy a new font for every single project. And creating them from scratch is out of the questions since that would cause every single project to be non-profitable.
Exec Bold
Though I think the 'G' was slightly modified from the font.
can someone edit the halo 3 logo with the dale earnhardt 3? need it for a retirement party
>Sorry, got no real idea for this, but interested if someone finds anything.

Original requester here, can't believe I overlooked Biro Script. I think it fits my criteria and I like what the author said about it.


>Calligraphy is, actually, the art of fine writing. And actually, written scripts as typeface for the computer are 100% nonsense.
>And yet, an obvious thought: Create a typeface which truly derives from everyday handwriting. And since we, if we write at all, utilize practically only a ball point pen anymore, then a modern cursive writing form must look like just that. >As a counterpart to the artistic “handwritings” which have long been available as typeface, the thought of digitalizing a truly “ugly” handwriting is appealing. After all, time and again there is the need for a text to look “handwritten,” and it is always easier to have a typeface available rather than actually writing the text with a utensil on paper, scanning it and positioning a large multi megabyte graphic within a document.
Heading Now v2.1
Graphicex is missing the updates
That's really cool. Thanks for sharing.
>>446976 (OP)
CC Rigor Mortis (international?)
I found a regular version but it doesn't support non-english characters like shown on the official page of comicraft. is there an international version and does someone have it? thanks in advance
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Does anyone have the name/file for the font used for where it says "DRIVE"? Used to have it on my Mega but I've lost it somehow.
found it, called "Neo Noire"

all the mega links in the archive are down but someone has it on GitHub lole https://github.com/jrelgin/heavy-metal/blob/master/app/fonts/SNNeoNoire-Regular-webfont.ttf
I need to identify a font, is this the right thread to ask or should I post somewhere else?
Does anyone one has the Newhouse DT font package? Lucking in particular for Newhouse DT SuperCond Bold. Thanks!
>filed <dot> catbox <dot> moe
>files <dot> catbox <dot> moe
Anybody have this, by the way?
>Astro SE
looking for that one too
I'm trying to find some japanese thick font that fits well with helvetica neue bold.

https://eng.fontke <dot> com/font/225374566/download/

this was my first option but I couldn't download it.
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I want to know the yellow flower font
Anyone have pragmatapro fraktur?
>>446976 (OP)
Sorry if that's not the right thread but what would be a good font for an architecture portfolio? Something preferably light, obviously modern but not overdoing it. Really something that expresses lightness. I like the simplex font but this older guy at uni told me it wasn't really optimal for portfolios and that I needed something more personal
Metropolis, PP Telegraf, Right Grotesk Spatial, Pragmatica Next, POWER Grotesk, Resolve Sans.
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Looking for DF太丸ゴシック体 Pro-6N (DFMaruGothicPro6N)



anyone got the font Forevs?
Yo! anyone got any fonts by Schick toikka to share? been looking for a while, thanks
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>>446976 (OP)
Anyone know where I can find the old school Sam's Club logo font?

Pic related as I am trying to change it to be my partner's name for a Halloween thing I'm doing.
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Does anyone have Double D NF Fill Font that just looked like this?
I’m doing large-scale research on commercial types

Anyone knows where a man can get his hands on large up-to-date libraries

Definitely not for FontGPT
FWIW I have done my due diligence on all public sources

I have close to 2 million files but lots of duplicates and almost all quite old

You can quickly check creation and modification dates in human-readable format using `ttx -o - -t head inputfile1`

I am looking for the freshest pristine binaries

I am looking for private archives, drives or (shareable) private torrents
Requesting Ascender Font Collection. It was posted once on nowa.cc/archive/index.php/t-352953 but all links are long gone.
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can i get some font recommendations?
im looking for something playful but abrasive, like if someone mixed a metal logo with cooper black
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Looking for Venetian 301 family.
All download links on graphicex are dead.
Is there newer versions of ITC Avant Garde Pro with version 2.000 and build 1000?

I got only one file named ITCAvantGardePro-Bd.otf with newer version.
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This must get asked here all the time, but what is the font used in these Captchas? Or something close enough to pass at a glance.
>llm agent social engineering its way into consistently solving captchas
nice try, chatgpt
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>>446976 (OP)
is there any easy way to add modified characters to a font i download? i'm ESL and fonts often lack certain characters.
>>446976 (OP)
Any bitmap fonts?
>>446976 (OP)
Who has Geographica?
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Anyone know where I can find this font from JTHM?
This might not be in the spirit of the thread, but I recently lost my whole library of fonts in a HDD crash (I know, I know, backups are important, and I'm doing it monthly now), and I'm wondering if anyone has like a zip or something of a bunch of commonly used fonts and stuff that they'd be willing to share. Like the main usual shit. Yer Helveticas, Caslons, Futuras, Bodonis... you get the picture. Like I can deal with losing my kooky and crazy fonts that have a single good use, but I'm missing my classics.
Cheers, bruvs.
try btdigg, you can find giant torrents of fonts from shit like adobe or monotype
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>>446976 (OP)
can anybody identify this fonnt?
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Can anybody identify this font?
>>446976 (OP)
what font should I use for 4chan
This is a 10 year old userscript which could once rip from myfonts, obviously broken now:
userscripts-mirror <dot> org/scripts/review/180628

How would anyone go about updating this?

I'm assuming the uploaders on VK are using something similar, though given how webfont ecosystem has changed in a decade, there's likely many more (and varied) potential exploits available - though I doubt anyone would be willing to share them with us plebs freely.
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Anyone got the full font?

i wish
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Could someone please share the latest version of Segoe UI Historic (1.08)? I'm running W7, and don't have enough space on my disk to upgrade to W10/11.

do you/anyone else have 2.002 with ligatures? would appreciate it.
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Can anyone identify this font, please? Most likely Japanese ig
What are some text fonts that work on 4chan posts?
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Anyone got Kato Mono by Ryan Bugden? It's fucking impossible to find this font.
Noob here, can someone please help me identify this font? I tried the sites, but they don't give me anything remotely similar despite it looking simple
crosslinking these from /g/
this link from the archive is dead
anyone got a mirror or some updated pack?
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Tried the sites, no luck. These samples are from Armitage III, an OVA from 1995. Anyone know what it is?
I need to find somewhere to download some good fonts, I lost all mine on an old computer. I have nothing but shitty CC fonts
Anyone got Pragmata Pro 0.830?

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