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File: Screenshot (164).png (721 KB, 1920x1080)
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721 KB PNG
wow look at you changing the colors to something you have seen in a fake anime interface design
File: Trans.jpg (92 KB, 764x565)
92 KB
Did you overdose on it?
jesus fucking christ how do you look at that
That's horrid
rope tranny
File: f.png (672 KB, 1920x1080)
672 KB
672 KB PNG
there, fixed it
I mean it's pretty nice but it hurts my eyes
>>458975 no. That's way worse. Fucking hideous.
are you a girl?
Yeah, he's a girl.
never do design again
you have to be over 18 to post on this website
bitch nigga
this is rage bait
and close the other tabs nigga
Honestly, looks good. Needs moore contrast with things like the text so it's a little easier to read. Which is hard for someone like me who likes light themes.
Record a video of you using it for an hour.

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