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you gotta be fucking kidding me with this garbage
it's on brand, looks like the exact same shit as the rest of his work
the problem is?
Wont he get cancelled for making her white.
>his work

Stop it anon, you're killing me.
I can't think of anything more unbearable than people who are intentionally obtuse
I can't think of anything more unbearable than people who don't understand that on the internet nobody cares about their self-important opinions
>graphic designers when they realize that most popular GD work is also the most simple, easy to understand and plain, just like any other medium out there
so whats ze metanarrative??
shepard fairey is a douche
You mean like people who pretend that Sheperd Fairey and/ or his supporters have any legitimate claim to call what he does "his" ?

And no, it's not just his Obama poster that got him sued and eventually charged for destroying evidence in that case, he's always been an unoriginal thief-

(article published pre- Obama poster and lawsuit)

u guys need to stop taking life so fucking serious, god dam who hurt u
Forward, not backwards.
thats a great and informative webpage, but unlike that IG collage artist dude, i dont mind this Shepard stuff - hes not pretending anything, like he invented the things, hes clearly borrowing, recontextualizing, a form of provocative detournement. and hes been doing it for what 3 or 4 decades? good on him.
sheeit we live in a society
some of us do.
some of us voted for trump.
It looks like she is being strangled by her hair. I would have just stuck to the blue shadow.
fairey's a faggot but you are too
you type and behave like a redditor
that's the best thing he could come up with? Yikes
cheeto dust typed this post
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LOFL, literally the best you've got is to seek validation from other retards whose sense of personal value and superiority is based on what social media site you post on.
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that explains it lol
my condolences
> most popular

This isn't a GD thing, 'popular' either means what the radio wants you to hear or what the unwashed masses gravitate to, both of which are going to be crap and neither will be much different from the other.

If you go into music or writing you'll find the same concept. You can please the producer, or you can please the millions of idiots, or you can please neither and embrace career failure.
The Obama one looked so much better, I mean, there's a reason it's still well known and parodied today, almost 20 years later. Her eyes look weird, did he use AI? This looks amateur
As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball. But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!
The obama one was a basic bitch illustrator photo trace. He probably wanted to avoid being sued this time.
it really was lol, there's a reason it's so easy to emulate that look using filters
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ok now do RAW D

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