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>Adobe owns everything you create with their software
>Create extreme far right, symbols, graphics and logos
>They are now owner of it
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why are you so fckn retarded???
maybe does your mother like alcohol a bit too much?
Stop projecting, Im sorry your mom is alcoholic.
abortion of a thread, delete it while you can
what a stupid, reactionary answer...
Problems in life?
now I see it.
it was a great answer.
The part that's cropped out-

>As between you and Adobe, you (as a Business User or a Personal User, as applicable) retain all rights and ownership of your Content. We do not claim any ownership rights to your Content.

>We do not claim any ownership rights to your Content.
So you do have problems in life........... good :))))
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yeah - they just get the right to do whatever the fuck they want with the content you own and you cant do shit about it.
but yeah you 'own' it.
>"hello, can I use your kitchen to make this specific recipe? Of course I will pay for your tools, microwave usage, electricity bills, etc. Think of it as a rent okay?"
>"uhh what do you mean by looking at the food that I have been cooking with your own tools? Do you intend to steal from me? Stealing my recipe? Wh-what do you mean by trying 'just a little' from my food? Wh- NO! NO! NO! NOT LIKE THAT NOT LIKE THAT! YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK AT MY FOOD, TRYING MY FOOD EVENDOE ITS JUST A PINCH, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THING TO MY FOOD EVEN IF I MADE THESE FOOD IN YOUR OWN HOUSE, YOUR OWN KITCHEN, WITH YOUR OWN TOOLS AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"
seriously why are you guys like this
look at what you've done OP. you made a bunch of faggots and ESLs have seizures
>seriously why are you guys like this
I guarantee you it's the same breed of people that think watermarking their instagram poster that 10 people will see actually serves a purpose.
waternarking helps me remember random naked girls names so i can find them again. - purpose.

sperg says what?
it's my food i decide who eats it
no because i have a fucking license perpetually to do the fuck i want with it
>uses inkscape on arch linux
>refuses to elaborate
Wow, that would apply to CP. Yikes, wouldn't want to be..
Ehh, who are we kidding, corporations aren't held liable for that shit.

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