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Why are InDesignfags so sensitive? You can be critical of virtually any design program and the people that use it will generally shrug with indifference unless it's InDesign, in which case the userbase will lash out and rage at you while drilling home that ID is actually a perfect program and you just don't know how to use it!
They refuse to admit that print is dead and refuse to learn Figma.
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>ID is actually a perfect program

Quark 3.3 is the perfect layout program. Quark got worse after than and InDesign is crap.
thats an interesting take
i find im really uninterested in folding ID into my workflow, even though i design for printing..

indesign seems valuable once youve actually finished designing something and then you make some templates and jump into ID. so far i cant be arsed into it. but as the projects get longer, i think ill have to.

but for all its bullshit, i still dig illustrator
>even though i design for printing..
The only reason to use InDesign is if you are making multi-page documents that need column and text flow (books, brochures, etc). Illustrator is fine for any kind of print work.
yeah i dig. i make multipage print docs. in illustrator. books in fact. i just keep imaginging that somehow ID might have some better action, but i cant into ID.
>ID might have some better action
It really doesn't start to shine until you work on gigantic projects. For instance, something like the Grainger or U-LIne or McMaster-Carr catalogs. Those would be a nightmare in Illustrator.
lol ye that would have me running to id asap
Simple. Adobe works with colleges and companies to make InDesign the default/ Then they tell their brainwashed users how good the Adobe services are as part of justifying how much money you're pissing away. Sunk cost fallacy.
id never heard of indesign til i was out of school working.
in fact it was some lame formr interior designer that brought it into the office.
Wait till you talk to a Quark Express boomer.
That's me actually. >>456181
Honestly, I'm software and OS agnostic, I just use whatever the company chooses for the job. Being a boomer I have practically complete knowledge of design and software principals and basically can complete any job in any environment without complaint. I'm a linuxfag at home so I know about pain and suffering.
ys, but do you know the command shortcuts for all the different softwares so that your managers can nitpick your efficiency?
well, do you?
You might be surprised to know that indeed I know a tremendous amount of shortcuts because I hate using a mouse. So for every job I have and ever software tool I use, whenever I do the same action more than once, I learn the shortcut key, and if one isn't bound, I bind it. Fun fact: back in 2007 I was a Photoshop jockey and automated a shit ton of my job using Applescript. Needless to say the boss was dazzled. I don't like to brag but I'm really that good.
id actually totally believe you. when i started software hopping, i just stopped caring. I do a lot of drawing and finessing and the mouse is my friend. I guess if id lived with the one button mac mouse my life might be different
ID hasn't changed at all since my internship in 2008. It's perfect. A majority of my projects require ID.
Print design earns me gross between $80k-120K a year.
Keep saying "print is dead" and "learn to code", you are doing me and other designers a favor.
Figma is dogshit btw. I'd rather handcode a site after building mockups in photoshop/imageready.
are you freelance, sole proprietor, in house or what?
show work
or not.
its better to have people give advice that we can all figure out if it is sound or not than it is to be rude and make people disinterested in sharing. anonymity helps with sharing.
>indesignfag enters thread
>immediately bitching
see this is exactly what I mean
is indesign just a feminine program that attracts feminine men?
hrm. isn't figma the feminine program?
also I am not sure you could call what they did bitching?
>uhm akshually indesign is perfect and everything uses it
>also I make 6 figures and you're wrong
>also figma sucks I'm above it
looks a lot like bitching to me
either way. you aren't bitching at all.
InDesign is such a based program. A lot of people don't even understand or comprehend its power.
tell us its power . . .
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>in a typography class
>professor keeps telling me I'm using indesign like illustrator
I know exactly what she means by it too
it's just instinctual, I can't help myself from breaking shit up so I have more control
I work with a quark boomer and honestly he's the most legit power user on the planet and always shows me sick little tricks in the apps. dude knows everything there is to know for the most part

>> 456376
one thing I found cool is how you can mass create pages via spreadsheet. maybe you can do that in other apps but I've never seen it otherwise.

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