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File: colors effect.jpg (367 KB, 1246x643)
367 KB
367 KB JPG
Is there a specific name for this effect? I want to adjust the background color in my video to match the pic related version - all background colors changed into green.

P.S: Wouldn't mind explanation on the effects used on the character of the image related
>Is there a specific name for this effect?

"Monochrome" is the term for an image created using a single color or has been rendered that way by removing/ converting all other colors to one

>P.S: Wouldn't mind explanation on the effects used on the character of the image related

What effects? It just looks like a normal photo layer on top of a monochromatic background.
it is monochromatic, tnx! But having a bit of difficulty getting it on capcut to apply it on my vod....

>What effects? It just looks like a normal photo layer on top of a monochromatic background.

It feels like there are some enhancements on the character to make it look better, here's the full vod www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsJWbWYTGlo
this effect is done with a gradient map in Photoshop (which you might get away with if your background is just a static image) and Colorama in After Effects (which takes a bit of fiddling around to set up well but there are tutorials on it on YT).

If you're asking how to cut out the person, the easiest way would be a rotobrush.

I don't use capcut so I don't know what the effects are there and if they exist like that
Capcut has a good autocut for person. I do use photoshop, will def give gradient map a try when I'm home - I also believe the static background will be pretty good
you are really useless
Yet somehow you managed to post something even more useless.

I wanna add to the chain of uselessness as well! yaaaaaay
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przysięgam że przez jakiś czas na yt się wyświetlała na zmiane tylko ta reklama i mentosy fanta

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