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Moldy edition

Qott1: do you like spending a lot of time customizing your character in video games

Qott2: would you change your sexuality if you could
Finished my fanfiction, am I a real gayden now

Depends on the game
No but I would choose to not be trans lol
Forgot retard
Previous: >>36656906
>qott 1
Depends on the game

>qott 2
I would choose to not only be into trans women. It restricts my experiences and dating pool.
>only into trans women
How the fuck does that happen
If it has a lot of customisation options yes. Though it depends really.

I'm not bothered by my sexuality so I don't think so. Though maybe I'd consider becoming bisexual to have more options.
Met one in my early teens who was the first person who ever treated me human, but we’d do inappropriate stuff together and I think that it warped my sexuality a bit.
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Depends on the game. Only really if it's one with tons of options
Nah, bi/pan is great
Yes I make them all into boymoders if possible

I'm attracted to everyone but gay men which is weird so idk
>early teens
You were the same age right
Yeah, she was only a year older.
2 months off testosterone

I'm doing OK the existential fear is not so bad but I'm still anxious. I can't believe I thought I was ready to go off forever. Classic "I don't need my meds anymore"
wtf why do we have three of these lol
depends on the game. the sims for example can get pretty detailed so its fun, but with games with boring or barebones customization i don't bother
no because i like being bi
Anyone else take time off t? How long until you noticed changes and what specifically. If anyone is interested I can go over what I've noticed so far
Yes that would be informative go on anon
Why did you stop. Were you forced?
Scrambling to beat the pregnant thread

Yeah I live customizing my skyrim character etc. My morrowind character is also hot even though the customization is limited

Not really. Sometimes I wish I was actually bisexual instead of a gayden who loves boobs and ass but not really attracted to women but I think only dating men probably simplifies things for me

Also holy shit my mom took an edible and now she is blasting Fiona apple or some cringe 90s shit right outside my room I'm gonna kms
also total pregnancyposter death
I'm off T and have been for about a month so far because of family issues. I plan on getting back on secretly once I have a job again and get paid. I already "pass" but the possibility of feminizing again makes me feel like shit but other than being more dysphoric I don't really feel physical changes so far. Tbdesu I need ways to cope that don't involve reading this board for hours.
I stop taking it out of laziness a lot and usually 4 weeks is when the feeling of turning back into a pumpkin gets too real.
> qott 1
Yeah, I spend hours in create a sim. It’s pretty awful. If only you could pause and save in CAS.
> qott 2
Being bi is pretty rad. I’m chilling.
Our legend returns
Chose to because I was having hair thinning (didn't get to the point of balding or receding hairline) and like I said I had gotten pretty comfy so I thought it wouldn't bother me.

In approx chronological order:

>sex drive didn't drop but after a week off it changed from androgenic to estrogenic pattern
>body aches I had pre t came back pretty quick, maybe a little worse
>muscles get sore a lot, probably because I started working out after not doing so forever, but I'm obviously paranoid about losing muscle mass off t, I think how quickly you might lose it depends on your individual genetics
>got really fatigued/sick for a week after about a month off, might be related. I got my period after a month and then got sick after it stopped
>lost appetite for a while but this happens to me randomly anyways
>could be a coincidence but I've woken up a couple times at night to piss which never happens to me, I will normally sleep through it and wake up with sore abdomen muscles from holding in the piss during sleep
>been having minor skin inflammation, like eczema or something. my skin is very easily irritated by contact with plants or water, minor but noticeable
>body shape isn't any different
>face skin is maybe slightly different but not noticeable
>tits didn't shrink on t but they deflated a little, now they have plumped up, it's subtle but it makes me really horny to look at them. I assume this is just like fluid/hormonal changes

I feel mostly fine by now but it's a little like my whole body is slightly inflamed. Assuming my hair will probably thicken at least a little off t I want to go back on as soon as I'm satisfied, probably with a dht blocker, maybe a lower dose

Also, my experience on t
>I'm slightly underweight
>felt good
>didn't have high blood pressure, high rbc, weight gain, dry pussy, etc.
>only bad side effects were shoulder acne and hair thinning
>body masculinized a little, gained muscle tone on my upper body w/o trying
Also I was on gel for 2 years and my t levels were always around 550 ng/dl
Mold Mario is my friend.
no but i don't like spending long amounts of time on anything
no. being a biden is awesome.
I don't like it. In fact, I hate it. But I can't help it either.
I'm not sure. I call myself bisexual, but I don't really care about having sex. I guess I would do it if my partner wanted to. I kind of want to poison them though.
Is it a thing that ftms love the sims.
I tried it because my cousin is obsessed with it but it got really boring really fast, even with a billion mods and pirated expansion packs.
Right now I am pushing a creamy poo out
How long were you on? I posted, I was on for 2 years off for 2 months and while mentally I feel it, physically I look exactly the same. At the moment I'm thinking of 6 months as my limit, imagining based on what I've heard that nothing will have changed dramatically by them. I've heard of people being off for many months or a couple years and nobody noticing but idk if that's just a reddit cope
The sims is fun and I like it a lot but most of my enjoyment comes from the character creation. The actual gameplay is boring unfortunately, especially if you don't waste all of your file space on the shitty content packs
I liked MySims when I was younger cuz you could make furniture
I kind of want to try it because I love sandbox games where you build stuff but idk if the Sims is the best for that, I can just like play minecraft or planet coaster
The Sims is good for torturing people, but that's about it.
I was on for a year and 7 months last time I checked. The biggest thing I'm worried about is my hips getting wide again. My period was irregular as fuck before T so I'm not sure when it will come back but I hope it doesn't any time soon, my mom threw out all of the leftover tampons I was thinking of idk donating so I'd have to go out and buy new ones.
I guess you'd have to really like twinks or something but still want booba?
Used to when I was younger but it was a male friend that got me into playing (sims2 co-op was the best)
I like it for recreating houses I know. Do you recreate real people?
>hips getting wide again
Yeah I can't speak to this because I never had a lot of hip fat but I assume fat redist is pretty slow either way. I did lose a slight but noticable bit of fat on the iliac crest and I don't think that will revert quickly but we'll see
Nah I like making my autistic ocs, ive always been shit at designing buildings in games like that (minecraft too)
Shame, I love designing buildings/layout. Making an efficient setup and decent looking house in the survival craft games like Valheim is the best part
I need him
How old are you? "Le hecking random xd tacoz word salad" is not funny or indicative of higher cognitive function by the way
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are bethesda games malebrained or fembrained?
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Idk but they are hot
Are the cis women who chase FTMs mostly tops? Like how most of the guys who chase MTFs are bottoms?
No, it's mostly lesbians looking for the perfect butch or bi women wanting "the good qualities of men but not the bad ones"
No since they’re straight women.
MtT chasers are gay men.
They are doing the right thing I think
But see they’re “lesbians” in the same way bottom chasers are “gay”, they’re fixated on poon the way bottom chasers are on cock.

Why would they be fixated on poon if they weren’t tops? Oral?
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>they’re straight women.
lesbihonest here
>do you like spending a lot of time customizing your character in video games

>would you change your sexuality if you could
honestly, maybe. I like being gay (most of the time) but I keep meeting and ending up deeply emotionally attached to women and sexuality is the limiting factor on being able to be involved
Butches are expected to top and most women are bottoms anyway. I think with some of the lesbian chasers they are just bi women who have problems with men so dating an ftm allows them to appear to their queer community as if they are not fully doing the straight thing but in other situations they get the benefits of having a boyfriend. But for others, the true lesbian chasers, they will leave their ftm boyfriend after it becomes clear he is interesting in masculinising himself seriously and not just being a cute androgynous butch.

Also from what I see most lesbians do mainly non penetrative sex so I would assume they expect the same from an ftm or want him to top. Many ftm hsts were stone so maybe there's an appeal on that from partners who are pillow princess types.
Idk I get what you’re saying but it seems like many FTMs are tops and many cis lesbians are tops. Like the same thing that makes them gynephilic also makes them likely to top. Like a similar brain area was impacted. There might be a good number of mostly straight woman tops out there.

Bottom chasers tend to date them anyways. Talk to a bottom chaser, they’re always married to a cis woman top. Never incel, always married to a woman who can’t fuck them like they want even though she straps them every night.
It strikes me that the type of woman attracted to bottom chasers would be extremely attracted to FTMs. There also seems to be a lot of them given bottom chasers are never single.
yes. sims 2 is the best in the series, i can play it unmodded for 24 hours straight and not get bored
I think so. That’s usually how it is for ftms. All chasers want boycunt.
i need boycunt hhngnnn
You’re very simple though
All I can say is that I have never seen any FTM who is into women say he was pressured by chasers to bottom. Usually women chasers seem to be interested in trans men as sort of "women plus" more than as "man with pussy." Male chasers are more interested in the "man with pussy" thing so they tend to want the trans man to bottom.
Hmm. I get you, still I have heard a lot of FTMs label the women attracted to them as “lesbian” and the only reason I can think of why is that those women keep trying to touch their poon, I.e. into them in a lesbian way.

I doubt a straight ftm would label his gf Les if she was content bottoming
Dm me aha https://ctxt.io/2/AACYY0hOEQ
if you haven't played sims 2 you wouldn't get it. it's THE most complex game in the series, especially when it comes to functionality. the wants/fears system itself is so complex it has a number system to make sure nobody gets another sims' wants. sims will slowly edge deeper and deeper into a mental breakdown if their fears keep getting fulfilled. there's also a reputation system introduced with apartment life that has various effects, like how liked sims will pay less in buy mode and hated sims will pay more. they'll also be initially liked/disliked on reputation alone. not to mention the extremely fucked up sense of humor it has. sims 2 is also racist as fuck in nightlife and bon voyage, including calling the matchmaker a 'gypsy'
It's because the gfs themselves won't shut up about how queer and lesbian they are. Also from pre-top guys I see a lot of them talk about how their gfs love their chest. But I think if you are pre-top and take your binder off in front of your partner you are setting yourself up for failure desu.
not feeling like it but i hope you're lucky with someone else out there
During quarantine all I would do in my zoom classes was just recreate my classmates and teachers in the sims. Those were comfy times.
Thats kindof creepy anon
You’d think, but they’re bottoms. Like >>36672573 says it’s usually lesbians who view us as butch.

What I find more intriguing is that so many “cishet m” poonchasers end up transitioning mtf, similar to bottom chasers. Not sure what that’s all about.
God damn it
Probably something about how it's a way for them to approach queerness without really participating in it yet when they are reppers. Or being with a more masculine partner (even if they actively feminise him) makes them feel more feminine as a way to cope with repping. But they choose a ftm instead of a cis guy because they don't want to admit they are not cishet and it feels like less of an extreme step because they can just say pussy is pussy or whatever.
> “cishet m” poonchasers end up transitioning mtt
They just want to destroy and harm what they can’t be (actual transsexuals) in any way possible
Easy to hurt people once sex is involved
Men who want to bottom for trannies vastly outnumber women who want to peg anything, let alone those particularly into ftms
>"the good qualities of men but not the bad ones"
Most of my experience dating girls was getting used as a rebound or to make their boyfriends jealous (I doubt they were actually into me). For the most part, it seemed like a good chunk of them were straight and just wanted 'someone who understood women better'. I wouldn't say they were chasers but it definitely seemed like they thought I'd treat them better because I was trans.
All of the people I dated, I was the first trans person they dated. I don't think I ran into any actual chasers.
If we assume all men who bottom for trannies are reppers, and that there's an equal number of mtfs and ftms, then it stands to reason there are a whole lot of top reppoons out there.
Absolutely not. Males and females are not mirror experiences
Gurney Halleck is hotter
If they're not mirrors then a high number of FTMs must be bottoms
>then a high number of FTMs must be bottoms
Is this news to you?
>Qott1: do you like spending a lot of time customizing your character in video games
I make all my custom characters look like shota griffith

>Qott2: would you change your sexuality if you could
Not really, Im happy being a bislut
I hope to soon be too old for it to be possible regardless
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my cat is so fucking cute
>gayden who loves boobs and ass but not really attracted to women
literally me but i wish i were more gay. i hate this meme sexuality
How does that even work? If you’re into tits then you’re at least sort of into women
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Idk if you will see this but I wanted to apologise for when I posted something about pregnancy and you. People used to post same stuff towards me years ago and I got desentisized (which doesn't excuse it, even if we are on 4chan) but I woke up remembering the distress it was causing me because of the distress my genitals were causing me due to the lifelong pain I had until they were removed. I may never had dysphoria but the similarity is big enough for me to have empathy. Sometimes my empathy gets overwhelmed when I'm worn down by my circumstances, especially when I'm being harassed. This isn't an excuse not me wanting your forgiveness. I just wanted to acknowledge what I did was wrong and I hope I never do it again.

Also, sorry to any bystanders who may had gotten secondhand dysphoria from that.
Hey /ftmg/, I'm a trans woman, and have been chatting with this trans man for 4 months or so now, and I really like him, but, I don't think he feels the way I feel. He and I share music together a lot, and I tend to really listen and give my thoughts on music he sends me, but when I send him music most of the time he'll just say
>I liked it
>Not my style.
It feels very surface level. It doesn't end there either. He's very passionate about photography and has shown me pictures he's professionally shot, and they're gorgeous. But when I talk about something I'm passionate about, he either doesn't even respond, or, will outright say it doesn't interest him, and it feels really closed off, and hurtful sometimes. Should I confront him on it? I want us to have a relationship, but I can't do that if he's not even going to pretend to be interested.
is anyone up who wants free cunt pics. im drunk and lonely
What bands do you like and send him?
You still up? Your cunt wanna be seen by me?
My favorite band is The Mountain Goats, and the only song in which he's said anything more than
>I like it
Is Heel Turn 2. In which he said that the song reminded him of his youth. I've also sent him some of The Front Bottoms which is another band I like, that's the stuff he especially hasn't liked.
i forgive you, i'm sorry for going after you constantly. i went way too far especially with the stuff about the mutilation your docs gave you.
Don't worry about the mutilated part at all. I am pretty objectively mutilated after the last surgery and it is how I feel. I prefer people acknowledging it over trying to gaslit me it is going to be okay. I only somewhat mind when people use it like an insult because I find it stupid - no one chooses to be mutilated like this.
I only mind when people spread misinformation about me because I am hyperfixated on truth but you said you believe what you say is true (it isn't but it is my word Vs people I assume you're your friends and I have no intention of making you mistrust your friends). I do not want to touch the topic because it is me knowing my life vs random Internet strangers claiming what they feel about my life and it is very unproductive, as much as it irks me.
Again, sorry for what I said. I hope your transition goes smoothly and people don't harass you. Cheers.
That checks out. What bands does he send you?
thank you, and i hope your life picks back up soon
Just confront him about it, but you seem to be off the bat assuming this is because he doesn't care. I think a lot of people respond like this when asked about things beyond their typical scope of interest. Frankly if you asked me to write something about my top albums I couldn't go more than 2 sentences on each, simply because I have no technical knowledge of music and all my opinions can be just reduced to 'I liked it' or 'Not my style'.
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Would you like to get pregnant?
Just got an awesome new strap... fantastic quality of design... will probably only get to use it once or twice in the next year...
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I was forcibly subject to a w*man's opinion today. god, my hatred of lesbians of the manhate-y variety is constantly in battle with my efforts to avoid infighting. the hags are not making it easy.
What was the opinion, king?
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some bitch complaining about transmascs drawing offensive portrayals of trans men in art spaces. mind you this lady was a cislesbo, so idk why she was getting all huffy. she decided to single me out specifically, in spite of all my portrayals being quite loving. not posting examples here as I don't wanna get traced back here right now. maybe some other time.
* offensive portrayals of trans women
fucking typo.
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Acquiring testosterone is taking fucking forever so I thought I'd try tape binding so I could maybe finally live my dream of wearing a wifebeater and instead I look like fucking gigamanlet Crash Bandipoon with a push-up bra
QOTT1: Not really, unless it's an old one from pre-transition.
QOTT2: Yeah, probably. I'm straight but I would be bisexual if I could to shield myself from "confused lesbian" criticism.
A1 J9 R5

are you amab or afab?
Boris is a AFAB attention whore, filter and ignore them
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Whaaaaaaat? Why nobody told me that he is AFAB?
He's soo cute and breedable.

I was unkind to him because he himself said that he's AMAB troon.
They didn't say they were AMAB retard they said they're intersex
They're not a pooner either
Intersex is a meme, you're either functionally a man or woman. Boris is a woman.
Either way that still means they never said they were AMAB
we need more pooner memes, this gen has been creatively bankrupt of late
About what though? any suggestions?
Heh, imagine being jealous of fat neckbeads.

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