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I don't like taking it up in the ass, but I don't want to be a transbian/lesbian or fuck men in the ass.
I just want a bf that will kiss me and jerk me off and that's it
being gay literally isn't that hard

I'm taken but i exist so there is proof your type of person exists. Keep looking.

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My bf is a foot taller than me and gives me a lil’ smooch on my head every time he walks by.
i miss my engineering student nerd gigachad who was a foot taller than me :(
I’m sorry, nonny

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We are all being targeted by people in power who legitimately despise our very existence and want to force us back into the closet and yet you all fight amongst yourselves like children.

What the fuck is wrong with all of you?
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>terfs have lead the charge on rolling back rights for trans women at every turn by using the demonization of men female supremacists previously set up for centuries
>theyfab never pooners have stood at the front line of ensuring nobody will ever take a trans man or his HRT access seriously ever again
We've lost so much to them it's almost unfathomable. It's like looking at a wall of names lost in wars, except it's our rights to just be alive. All of them right there, and yet still too many to count before the pit in your stomach takes over.
Crypto terfism has been festering for years in "leftist" spaces and now we're paying the price for all of the retards who genuinely thought that "man = bad, woman = good" black and white thinking was a good way of looking at society. People were made to believe that certain sexes/genders are inherently bad because it was worded in a woke way.
>What the fuck is wrong with all of you?
im transgender
>as if trannies don't similarly demonize men as rapists and predators
Exactly. The biggest lie ever sold to leftists was that the problem with the old world order was the color and genitals of who had the stomping boots on.


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>bf keeps cumming on my cock and making fun of me for being small
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He says he regards it as just a slightly larger clitoris
Men have breasts
he’s gay lol
I believe the correct term is penis-curious
Do you?

Lucky girl.

idk what this thread is i just need to say words
i oscillate over a significant between feeling okay and feeling awful, which gives me tremendous guilt over this whole thing, but every time the awful feeling comes back it seems so clear and, even if unreasonable, justified.

i have little to offer. i have no money and a lot of debt from my having gone to school, and a career choice which isn't likely to return very much very quickly. i'm a tranny, my body is entirely unsensitive except for my nipples, which only hurt to be touched, and i don't like anal sex. i have an okay face, but that only serves to exaggerate the grotesquerie of my body. i am neurotic and constantly overthinking, i'm not very good at talking, and when i do talk the things i say are not worth listening to; i seem to get every little thing wrong and i don't know that i have ever introduced him to anything he enjoys, aside from my family, who are literal whole separate people. i can clean, and i enjoy doing that, but i can't cook. i'm always tired so i fall asleep prematurely, and i know he loves me because he doesn't like this, but i'm the only one he has, and i'm the only person who has ever treated him the way he deserves to be.
he has expressed a desire to have two wives and i have thought that it might be good to work with him on finding a nice girl so that i can vet her and make sure she will give him everything he deserves, and then leave so that he has her and they can find another wife together. i would just kill myself then, but my parents co-signed on my loans so i want to pay them off before i die.
i am seeking nothing but feel free to say anything i guess. i just needed to get my thoughts out.
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>Does he care for you and try to help you and make you feel better?
it isn't so much that i worry he doesn't love me or that i'm not a good wife insofar as loving him or treating him with such love goes, it's just that i feel so inadequate in pretty much every other sense. i believe he deserves someone perfect and i am definitely not that. thank you for talking to me, nona, even if i'm just beating myself up here.
Oh I'm a guy. Had an ex that had some similar thoughts, in addition to hinting that she thinks she's a bad person. And she happened to be there for me in a way that I'll always remember, despite all that happened. While things went in the bad direction early on for us, they seem to be going in the good direction for you two. If your fiancé has experienced something similar with you added to his life, he might really want you, and especially you, exactly because of all that you've shared, that will be sacred and stay forever and cement a connection that even some "better" wife that treats him well won't be able to reproduce, just on account of you being the woman that was the only one who has ever treated him the way he deserved to be.
I hope you get to feel that yourself one day, and internalize it, so that you know how much you mean for him, despite all your human imperfections.
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i think you are right. i think i know that you are right.
i made this thread because i didn't know what else to do with these thoughts and i knew i wouldn't be able to realize them and i kind of expected it to just die, but i am thankful you responded. maybe i just needed to talk through it.
if you haven't already, i hope you find someone you deserve and who deserves you. i don't know if wholly believe in it, but i will put out the energy for you. thank you again <3
Talking it out is often a good idea, especially if you write it out (might be why journalling is also popular), so you can see it all at once afterwards.
Thank you anon, and I wish you two all the best too.
just don’t pay your loans, it’s really that simple

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Youngshits need older gfs

t. youngshit
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how old are you?
You realize you can supplement collagens?????????????????????
Are you stupid???????????

Also the wall doesnt exist for trannies, we dont lose our hormones bc we take them indefinitely.
Dietary collagen doesn’t translate to increased collagen in your skin. All proteins are broken down into amino acids when they’re digested which are used to build new proteins. The collagen supplement industry is a total scam capitalising on peoples insecurities about aging.
nah, youre retarded if you think 30-40s is the wall. use sunscreen, exfoliate, use retinol, and moisturize. simple as.
women who "hit the wall" havea combination of a dozen factors that got them there.
>doesn't address the collagen scam

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being stupid isnt a choice but it doesnt mean you should be proud of it and spread your stupidity everywhere and say that intelligence is evil and reactionary and that everyone should be stupid and further your stupidity agenda in the government and slap stupidity flags on the walls and define your identity by your stupidity
T. Stupid
You're right but this isn't how you influence these idiots. Stupid people don't respond to "you're hurting society by intentionally embracing a culture of stupidity." They respond to, "You look like a beta little cuck letting smarter people use you like a retard."

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Anyone else seeing the people's joker at the prince charles cinema? They are doing a q and a with the director, anything I should ask?

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Will you cease identifying as trans after SRS?
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Why does the meme change interrogation marks to investigate marks, when they’re called question marks in the first place anyways?
i have already done so
i am a cis woman
i don't believe in this "identifying as" nonsense
people *are* trans
no point doing that unless you can change every other dimorphic trait too

Somebody who transitioned at 11 with no masculinization...probably just sees themselves as a woman with weird genitals. So they wouldn't identify as "trans" to start with.
yes I'm done transitioning. And yet I still visit this site to look at my filtered posts. Curse you digital crack

Androphiles of lgbt, what do you think of neck hair?
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i dont care if its not a lot
pics pls you hairy beaut
its a bit much. i like hair on the chest and legs and arms of a guy. the back stuff is kinda gross if its pigmented and neck hair seems gross if a guy is going for a clean shaven look.
What if he has a beard?

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do fat tranners deserve love?
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@_@ uwaaaaaa thank you anon,, id let you squeeze and kiss me all you wanted, can you jerk off for me?
didn't you also have a couple other pics that got deleted?
anyway you're so fat you silly fatty, you're so fat.
This threads is sorely lacking in art.

>Be me MtF girl moder
>Start reading chainsaw man
>Think it would be kind of kino to look like him
>Still like being a girl
These are the thoughts of a man with no dysphoria but muses on life indifferently as Chainsaw Man or cute girl
What I def 100% have/had dysphoria(most of it is gone due to transition)
Make a girl version of chainsaw man. Just think of the insecure white guys you will piss off. It's worth it.
Rip Im retarded I meant look like angel devil. And never wrote it

NGL that would be kind of giga based might have to make that the next thing I draw

If this happened to a nigger we'd already have a riot. A nigger that beat a pregnant woman got riots for days and two accounts of people being tortured to death one of them being a teenage girl gets nothing because they're trans.
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More likely they're dykes, at least the fatter one was. Probably a giga rapeterf wanted to get in on killing trannies before her ovarit buddies.

Remember when project2025 comes for women rights to laugh. Maybe revenge too.
i agree that no one would riot but why would you blame blacks for not rioting and not literally the rest of the population for not rioting as well

is your argument that they got mad over one of their own getting killed so now they must be mad whenever anyone gets killed or you hate them

i swear to god americans are so race obsessed it's a mental illness
Well I didn't blame blacks for not rioting. I more so am bitter that they inherently cause more problems for this country than trans people ebe could or would when we're persecuted.

So I wasn't blaming them for that. What I do blame them for is pushing the majority of the population and frankly the race most open to progression away from Democrats, though I will say illegals are the greater issue in that regard as at least most blacks people were born here and their women voted Kamala.

Overall I'm angry that non-whites hogged the progress, have been untouchable compared to sexual minorities, tainted the concept of progress with violence in white countries and somehow sexual minorities get the blame.
>they got killed by police
it was a drug overdose, stop repeating lies, you're a victim of mass psychosis, wake up
She was going hard on that ghetto black queen trump angle

i have ffs in 2 days and i'm scared. it's my 1st time getting surgery
good luck nona <3
its fine, its just painful.
Make sure you specify all you want done at the 1 day pre op. what you ask for there is about what you will get. your surgeon isnt a mind reader.
Just remember that when they put you to sleep there’s no way of knowing whether you’ll wake up or not. Even if you do, it might be that you died on the operating table and that you’re now living in a dream world. It’s important to keep these things in mind.

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weird sex dream i had
>glance over at shop while walking the sidewalk
>its all pink glittery shit
>remark on how pink sucks out loud
>theres a girl right beside me with pink hair
>try to save face and say "on clothes,. i mean..."
>she says something like ok, then gradually starts walking closer and closer while i walk closer to the wall to avoid her
>she pins me against the wall and calls me a discord mod
>she shows me drawn gay porn on her phone
is this what gayden repression does to your psyche?
No idea, my sex dreams usually have women in them. I think its BECAUSE im not attracted to them, so they're more like a blank template. If it were a guy i wouldnt be able to fuck him because id be too distracted thinking about dating him
>masc man on woman with bulge
istg fujoshis are just women with womangender trauma
wait a moment...

Wow. It's nice to know she trolls people other than me sometimes.

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