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What is /lgbt/s most controversial religious opinions
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Christianity is true
Judaism is a literal racial cult

Their Entire belief system is built oveer the notion they are the chosen people

Jews never talk about god, ever. They only talk about their own people

They are quire literally a ethnoreligious bunch of supremacist zealots that spite on christians, murder muslim kidsSettle land in the 21th century knowing what they are doing, endorse their genocidal ethnostate, develop nepotistic capitalist financial relations and SERVE aliyah in the fucking idf evicting people from their houses and killing children

Jews are literal manipulative demons milking dry a narrative to guilt trip others out of criticizing them on a religious/cultural level and their religion is a stain of cancer which is why they never assimilate in their host culture
Is the only large abrahamism that is not universalist but ethnoracial on nature.

They will try to deflect into zionists, whatever that means, as zionism is just jewish supremacy ideology involving a statehood, a zionist arab is still a second class citizen in the jewish ethnostate, their only unifying principle is their cult to race.
It's because scientists (and academics broadly) are not primed to think about how their words will be interpreted by common people.

The ghosts in their mind of people judging them for their work are filled with imagined peers in academia over a picture of the general population.

It's the same reason why academics came up with the idea of "structural racism" which refers to the use of structural systems to propagate racism, and distinguished it between other things like "interpersonal racism."

Do you remember what happened with that?
Right, a bunch of people on tumblr twisted the idea of "structural racism" into just "racism" so they could say that you can't be racist against white people because "racism is power + privilege."

I guarantee if you asked those same scientists, "How many of you internally groaned before answering this question?" The answer would be 70-80%. If you asked them "is sex a primarily bimodal system in which the vast majority end up completely aligned with a normal pattern in either one of the two sides, with a very small expression of those in-between?" Or something like that, you'd get a much different result.
Religion in general.
I don't disagree
you can't take the shaman out of the monkey but we cannot allow it as a way of determining how you live

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>it is a dark and rainy evening
>you hear a knock on your door
>you open the door but don't see anyone
>instead there is a large cardboard box next to the door
>inside the box is a cat boymoder
what would you do?
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they think they come across as more feminine by pretending to be mentally infantile retards because they hate women so much that's how they view them
Nahh they probably got diddly diddled by their dad or uncle and are just stuck in a parallel world... Don't be so judgemental and try to make the best out of the situation and help them by enabling
>calls thread autistic
>is being autistic
really didn't think that one through, did you?
these look like the one you will occasionally see on /in/'s polish thread but with an underage girl. Very suspicious. I am accusing you of begin a polish pedophile
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I don't get it.
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>I think it's funny how both fat left and far right people will depict us with full beards and no effort at all, like what the hell lol. It's horseshoe theory, this is like those racial caricature that are completely inaccurate
yes it's actually quite funny (not funny at all it's scary), essentially the left and right hold the same beliefs about gay/trans people just with opposite value judgements. So the right sees trans women as just crossdressing men who are destroying traditional society and are all probably evil communists who want to force everyone to wear pronoun pins, and that's a bad thing. While the left sees trans women in the exact same way, but it's a good thing.
I get it. And it’s true. Body mods of any kind should not be done on kids. I don’t think they should even pierce their ears as babies. They literally cannot consent
nobody is doing trans surgeries on kids
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>I don't get it.
They're comparing transgenderism to Judaism.
>the last panel is referencing the jewish practice of circumcision, and (rightfully) calling it mutilation
Oh it gets better. Ever heard of Metzitzah B’peh?
>western artstyle
> japanese name

>come out in 2022
>been on hrt since
>still look the same
>still get deadname
>get called a fag for wearing makeup

is there like a point where it gets better or is the goal to survive like not kys before 25 cause nothing has gotten better since coming out and transitioning

I began HRT in 2019 at the age of 38.

What I've found is, the timeline for appearance changes is actually longer than what's been said (~3 years).

I'm still noticing new changes even in this year.

I'm a manmoder, but recently, I went to the laundromat wearing shorts and a t-shirt, without a bra, with my hair in pigtails and this guy who was trying to get by me to unload a dryer, he said to me "Excuse me, sweetie.".

It was really surprising.

And before someone says something, there was no one else in our vicinity except us, so he was talking about me.
i keep getting told that just depressing like people asking if faking it or not when actively on hrt yk :/// ima keep taking them cause like hopefully things change just yeah been hoping for mams but don’t get any lmao :’)
Did you grow tits? Are you doing electro? What does it do to your libido? How's the sex life?

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QOTT: What flag did you use the most during pride month?
prev: >>36349211
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you can hate me if you want.
I know what that Abyss feels like, i hope you get to escape it.

Warrior Caste. Embrace your nature.
too late for me, i live in the Abyss rn
warrior is merely a meat
yes men are just worthless
I think I found the perfect repfuel in this anti-tranny thread

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>make you horny
>make you attracted to men
>you have to finger yourself to take it
>but you need it for breast growth
was this drug created by chasers?
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prog didn't affect me sexually at all, sounds like a meme
I mean estrogen started it for me and the progesterone made it more intense. I used to just live as a straight man and now I have no interest in women and men make me really horny. Crazy how it works really
What do you mean the "nurture" part of sexuality?
Yeah pretty much this
>get on prog
>masturbated twice today to the thought of being roughly manhandled and thrown around by men
>still incredibly horny
I have been in a lust filled haze all day I can't function, I can't take it, I am so needy for cock
Fuck this gay drug

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You are now obligated to fill this out and get 5 in a row
there was already one of these today with the same damn bingo, boy

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>no trans gf to give me hawk tuah
im everything a tranny could want
>alt right
>upper middle class
>socially stunted introvert
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what retarded flag is this now ??
kill yourself retard
onomatopoeia for horking and spitting, used as a metaphor for sucking dick
arch linux
Yeah bro, same here, I have everything a tranny could ever want
>5'6 Indian guy
>never had a job because richt parents

Where's my tranny?
Kill yourself traggot pervert

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how do i into fashion as a boymoder who wants to stop boymoding
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Buy female versions of male clothes. Look at your peers and guides/pinterest online to adapt ur style over time. I was pretty much straight up wearing women’s clothing that wasnt androgynous and nobody questioned anything or had any idea I was a tranny? Wearing what looks good on you will do you more good than what’s currently in fashion (within reason). Bright pants, dark top and matching color shoes to bring away attention from shoulders. If you don’t have peers, pay attention to models on clothing websites and motifs, colors and styles. Like shorts are usually worn with a jacket or blazer to balance
as someone broke as hell, secondhand clothing stores aren't bad at all and a good place to start looking for simple women's/unisex clothes to diversify your wardrobe options.

fashion sense itself sadly is a bit harder to train, im not sure if my own style is gonna work for people not in hot/warm countries and its also kind of a question of what works for your body, but i personally use my old "boy" wardrobe and just change how i wear my old stuff. for example, old knee length walking shorts i can fold up higher to be thigh length instead which reveals more skin, looks more stylish, and feels a lot cooler in hot weather. but this only works well in mg case cuz wearing shorts and kinda revealing clothes is common for girls in my country, so if you're not sure what you can/can't wear, looking to usual everyday clothes other girls wear is a good reference for what won't fly.

other than just clothes, learning about simple accessories (doesn't have to be expensive or extravagant) and which bags to use when going out can go a long way in deviating from a "masculine" image. even just a simple bracelet and a girly kind of bag does help with not having a boyish look to other people.
>change how i wear my old stuff
on that note, fashion in general has a lot more freedom than people kind of expect, its less of what clothes you wear and a lot more about *how* you wear them. clothes that are distinctly masculine like flannel and denim shirts are worn often in tomboyish styles by just wearing them a little differently and even stuff like baggy band shirts can be stylish when worn differently with the right kind of accessories and clothes to pair it with.

its of course better if you can find actual women's clothes though cuz it helps skip the whole "just wear it differently" thing lol
Understanding color theory actually helps a lot. See if you can figure out what undertones your skin has to choose between silver and gold jewelry and wearing colors that match and play nice with each other makes a huge difference imo.
Also just accessories in general like earrings or necklaces is a good way to dip your toes into more feminine presentation without too much commitment.
Also also my general rule of thumb is baggy top + form fitting bottom or vice versa.
how do people find clothing that fits well? my torso is not even that bad i think but my shoulders just blow out everything that might otherwise fit. everything that's big enough for my shoulders is monstrous otherwise

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You must post art
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doodle based on funny art on twitter
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Disco Elysium boymoder
if you yhink that's grim, the next planned sequence is about who you're allowed to be friends with
wait, i just reread your post, and i think i misunderstood, sorry. when you said "But it was clear at school and daycare what I was and wasn't allowed to like, and so repression began", i thought you were saying your parents didn't extend their tolerance and even enabling your conventionally feminine expression in public, despite allowing such in private, so you repressed anyway. but i now read it as that despite your parents allowing your identity to thrive freely at home, the pressure you faced to conform in public forced you to repress anyway. so i see now why you were grateful for having a supportive home environment, even if due to feedback otherwise you ended up repressing anyway. i thought that being grateful for behind closed doors acceptance only was kind of negligible in comparison to them having no tolerance for the same were you to do so publicly. but i think i see that that isn't what you were saying
yeah, now you got it
my parents were fine with alternative gender expression (I dont know if they would have been fine with me wanting to wear a skirt but dolls were okay. Longterm, my dad was far more proud of me as an artist than he ever would have cared about sports)
school was another matter, teachers and caretakers had preconceived notions about toys and who was allowed to play with what, and the students moreso. I could be the weird kid who played with dolls or I could suck it up and pick a favorite ninja turtle (it's a weird feeling in retrospect, wanting to be April o'Neill). I at least tried to be friends with girls and got on better with them than boys

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>HRT for 10 months
>Have long hair with bangs
>Wear tasteful women's clothes
>Have B-cup tits from progesterone
>Voice train to the point where every voice program registers it as female
>Literally don't even say a word
>Random guy when calling for me says "Sir!"
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From this thread there seems to be a negative correlation between girlmoding and passing...

>>36378046 girlmodes, doesn't pass as a woman
>>36378886 half-and-halfmodes, sometimes passes as a woman
>>36378803 boy/manmodes, passes as a woman

Is boymoding the meta strat to passing better?
Does that passing ability go away if a boymoder ceases to boymode?
A boymoder will always pass for female better than a girlmoder it is science
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im in the same boat, i have no idea whats going on, especially since i didnt start getting sir'd again until the start of pride month
"boy"mode no, andro/tomboy mode yes
They are measuring wrong (inverted triangle)

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"I'm a cunty huss tuss doll.
I'm the bestest of them all.
My straight husband loves me and will never leave me. He cherishes me. He worships the ground I walk on. I give off a grape-colored light, wherever I go, blinding mere mortals, and striking primal fear into the hearts of AGPs.
I transitioned in middle school. Nobody really ever thought of me as a boy anyways cuz I was always just sooooooo girly."
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don't hugbox
I'm being serious, like maybe I'm deaf to it because apparently I have "gay voice" or something but it's my honest opinion
my 'female voice' was just this but higher pitched. i can't really do it now. it's certainly not convincing.
try it
playing around with my pitch n resonance since i dont rly have a proper girlvoice yet (practice on and off cus im a retard)

this is basically my normal voice with forced twang(?) im bad with the lingo, think bottom teeth:
pitched higher, kinda pushed more forward and up:
even higher and more breathy, kinda comes out from the top teeth
definitely starting to lose stability here cus its the end of my upper range, dunno if that can be improved with more practice:

was talking to my parents again and my mom made a comment about how based putin is and how our local politicans are all "gay"
this shit is why ive been repressing since i was a young teenager and why im still not out to them
and my plan was to ask these people about paying for my FFS since my insurance wouldnt cover it
i kind of have enough of being a man so ill probably just rope soon
Explain to her that ffs will turn you into a woman so you won’t be gay anymore.
unfortunately im an agp transbian too

i suppose that doesnt matter though since i will never find a partner anyways
>im an agp transbian
every time
Ohh kiddo... You don't know mom's.
She knows, and she's just pushing your buttons. She knows everything about you, you literally crawled out of her vagina, you think she's just gonna let that even pass by without knowing that parasite is a cocksucker?
oh she knows im a gigafag
my parents have been bullying me for being a feminine faggot ever since i was a kid

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With how many zoomer males are turning out to be bisexual, I'm becoming redpilled on sexuality. I no longer think that people are homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. It seems more likely that sexuality exists on a spectrum.

Over here you have TOTAL other sex attraction
Over here you have TOTAL same sex attraction

And 90%+ of people are somewhere on that spectrum. Not totally homo, hetero, or bisexual. The categories we've constructed are a false image of reality.
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x doubt

aka bi
"Bi" men are desperate incels.
Thank you for creating the Kinsey Scale
And that is fine. I mean, you tried it and found out it's not for you. Sexuality being a spectrum doesn't mean you have to sleep with both sexes.
You might be attracted to how a woman looks for example, but not be interesting in sex with them.
Also, you don't have to change your preferences, but it's ok to branch out if you feel like it.
If a man that is mostly attracted to girls, fancies a guy once in his life, that doesn't make him gay, or bisexual even. He just had a dip on the spectrum for that person.
I hope it's a bit more clear what I mean, but as a bisexual myself, I do not think that most people are bisexual with a preference. I think most people are heterosexuals with a degree of flexibility.
Explain the difference.

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Why is the diaper fetish so prevalent in the lgbt community? Its disgusting and humiliating for everyone involved and you come off as legit pedophiles.
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I guarantee you still wore diapers, baby clothes, and pacifiers as a baby anon. Nobody even remembers being a baby, its impossible. You have a baby fetish.
I've never met an abdl trans girl who got into it after spiro.
Nearly all of us were already abdl before conceiving the idea of trooning out.
I got into it after being on spiro for multiple years. Spiro doesn't have anything to do with it though.
Pretty sure my interest just came from seeing it online. I just enjoy dressing up & wearing diapers.
I wear diapers because I leak on myself sometimes

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