like this is the kinda thing that right uses to demonize and/or make fun of us. i get that coming out is hard, but like, after a cert age i feel like you just shouldn't. maybe its cause id personally be a john 50 at that point, but how do u get this far and decide "hm now is the time" ???? worst part is i found this on tumblr with a bunch of comments like "im so happy for her" or "shes so strong" and like. why? why is this celebrated? especially now? idk maybe im tired and bitter and a lil scarred as a tranner in the south but still idk how people dont understand what optics are
>>38911550I don't think that's true. I imagine at that age you're pretty broken. Estrogen isn't, practically, going to do anything to you. And all you want at that point is just for someone, anyone, to know who you are. It's a desperate call to for once in your life, exist
>>38909464>If the young are going to follow their heart instead of pandering to the retarded culture war pendulum that will inevitably swing back in a few years Fixed it for you
>>38911568It’s about as meaningful as saying >bro I wish I could have been a girlbut now his Wikipedia becomes annoying to read
>>38911554>90sstill hellish>00smisunderstood, mocked, less likely to die upon going outside>10syou almost have a point but at that age you also have a lot of baggage associated with it
>>38905821As someone who used to be on the “right” but is more or less apolitical now, I can kinda explain a bit.They don’t get it. Quite honestly most people don’t get it aside from a minuscule percentage of the population. The way the “right” and most of the country sees it, is as if these types of people are mushing their sexual orientation into the faces of people that couldn’t give two shits, and then after announcing what is supposed to be a private matter, attacking anyone who doesn’t shower them with praise and adoration.I’ll use an example of a 60 year old man coming out as trans. Why in the hell would he (now a pretend her) announce this to total strangers? Why in the hell would I give a shit? Why would this person expect nothing but praise and positivity surrounding their newfound subjective views about themselves? Why am I forced to play along? I’ve seen some of the people in my area that did this, I was always polite to them but if I was ever asked about their demeanor I would have to be honest and say>they don’t look even slightly like women>they don’t sound even slightly like women>they don’t act even a little bit like a female >and they don’t come off even as a moderately masculine female lesbian So in essence they are creating a kind of Truman show life for themselves and forcing everyone around them to behave like paid actors, and people are tired of it.
It's over.
>>38911994you don't look like that THOUGH
>>38911994YOU CANT SEE ME
Twinks and femboys pass better than troons.agp is a pure byproduct of extreme male brain and unfiltered gooner habits leading to the sheer amount of gigahons we have at the moment.The only true alternative to agp is to become a hrt femboy or hrt twink while establishing rules as to who passes properly as a femboy or twink.
>>38910489You’ve clearly never met a twink or femboy irl get off pornhub anon
>>38912187yeah they're all ugly asf
>>38910489And I don't give a fuck, shut up cunt.
>>38912190I wouldn’t call them ugly they just look like malnourished men or slightly fem guys nothing crazy
>>38910489Femboys are agp tho. They're zoomers sissies.
Qott: What is one of the best compliments you have ever received? Say an interesting fact or trivia you learned recently.Last >>38907693
>>38912725>>38912730seconding the fat dump
>>38912665I haven't seen your friendly neighborhood spider-man yet, I'll have to check it out. They should give 90s spider-man an ending like they gave 90's X-Men a continuation. Spectacular definitely deserves an ending too. I miss being a child and watching Saturday morning Marvel cartoons and other stuff like Pokemon and Skeleton Warriors (the late 90's/early 00's slop that hit so right).
>>38912725So was it a fat dump or what
>>38912769ah sorry didn't catch this>90s x menomg you're right!! they totally could i forgot about x-men 97. they'll probably wait until friendly neighborhood finishes not to make them compete but after that it could happen. nice thought. that'll be a few years maybe i'll get to see book 4 of infinity train by then too :')>I miss being a child and watching Saturday morning Marvel cartoons and other stuff like Pokemon and Skeleton Warriorsnot quite the same slop but same feel. pokemon, dc cartoons, cartoon network 00s and 10s, 90s nick reruns are it for me. and late night toonami and random nick airings of ghibli movies.being a late 90s baby was really peak for getting into westie cartoonsbtw idk if you were a motu kid but as someone who was not and liked them you might enjoy the new she-ra and adult targeted he-man shows. the woke ones everybody yapped on for awhile. they're quality.also, going to bed, nice chatting with you again :)
>long midface>long philtrumill always look like a man in a dress through no fault of my own, i deserve reparations for this honestly
no one likes to respond to me because they know that on some level im correct and cant easily laugh at me because i dont post pictures of myself
>>38910974Honestly philtrum can be fixed with a lip lift and midface isnt that bad as long as your lower third isn't elongated
>>38912039lip lifts on long midfaces have a high rate of complications, apparently it can make it so you cant close your mouth or have a gummy smilemy chin is above 1.5 times as long as my philtrum, but it has never looked long proportionallyat best a long midface leaves you looking ugly and ostracized from other women
The brainworms have corrupted your sanity and your soul. Never give up your heart for the sake of eternal peace.
>>38912151can you explain further
Favorite Pokemon and LettersI want to check something
>>38907432Grovyle.MtF, bi
>>38907432froslass mtf, bi, asexual
>>38907432 metagaors.s.
mtf bi i really liek guys s stgoiguygh
>>38907432My favorite pokemon is a Burmy.My favorite letter is D. I'm agender.
how do i cope with the fact that even if hrt works on me and i pass i have like a 0.0001% chance of actually finding a normal boyfriend who isnt a pooner or a creepy chaser or a tranny himself in denial and who can actually stomach the thought of being with a tgirl12 surgeries later ill still just be a shoddy replica of a cisf at best and 95% of men will be disgusted by the thought of dating menot roping or repping thats scary and i have one or two friends who would be sad
Date a black man and only date at night in motels
>>38911494nice face pretty voice good boobs and waist is a tall order and all i really have is voiceim not convinced that anything higher than like 1-2% of cis men would be willing to date a tgirl and the thought of basically gambling like what with every single man i meet is terrifyingsrs is also years out for me personally so idk
>>38911494yeah but then you'd have a neovag :/
>>38912080most heartbreaking /tttt/ OG
any other mtfs plan to larp as ftm post srs? i think found the cheat code. not to trigger any ftms, but if you have a pussy all male-brained individuals will only view you as a woman. also HSTS SUPREMACY, i hate all you weird ass AGPs i never relate to any /tttt/ threads even though this is suppose to be a space for me.
>>38910417>space for meehm this is a space for chasers and tourists that troll each other, okay?
Call yourself a eunuch to anger mtfs. I don't have srs yet, but I did have the orchi done.
>>38910417>admits to being male brained by their own logic>claims to be HSTSPick one and only one
*dooms an entire country*
>>38911757idk who this is but she's very pretty
>>38911781American-ukrainian who was used for propaganda purposes in english languageI dont think ive seen her after 2023
>>38911866I think they forced her to detransition at one point.
>>38911757damn they're drafting trannies to fight russia over there?
>scared of people >scared of sex>raised on 4chan since high school Where do I find a femcel gf near Seattle
>>38912041just be an ugly transbian and you'll be in a seattle polycule in no time
hello, i'm 19 years old, and im going to start transitioning. Ive been thinking about it for about 2 years now, and thought that i could repress... but i couldn't. Its just too much. I'm honestly kicking myself for not just starting earlier. how much have i fucked myself over by starting at 19 rather than 17 ? Did i shoot myself in the foot ? Do I still have a chance of passing at least ok ?
thank god... how would i get estrogen for cheap ?
>>38911970wait nvm its i think
why on 2025 trannies still think they can repress?
>>38911811in all truth you fucked yourself the moment your chromosomes formed into xy
>parents know you're the bottomHow do you live with this shame? I wish I was a girl (a real one) then it wouldn't matter.
>>38911831you have strange family dynamic
>>38911892no, I'm not out actually
>>38911761idk i just think its kinda weird if your twink brother suddenly turns into your sister who is also a bottom for a muscular man
>>38911917thats not the craziest thing to have ever happened
>>38911928yea but its still weird
How do people not fear twink death? How are they okay being 20 and looking like their dad?
>>38911972Imagine not having a personality and thinking people care about your appearance when you’re actually a cool person
what have you been working on? post your art, music, writing, whatever it is you've been making :)
>>38908641its called castration movie. i’m screening it in LA this weekend
I practiced guitar for 3 minutes today lol
>>38893906Been working on a new comic. Don't wanna show it yet this is just some concept art>>38905762v cute i love this lo fi 3d art>>38904134that's adorable
>>38908664just checked it out looks really interesting where can i watch it?