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>dresses how they want
>not afraid to be trans
>has a rich partner

Chris(tine) unironically mogs me, especially in spirit because all I ever do is manmode.
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chris fucks moms and knocks up cabbage patch kids.

clearly an apex/alpha to most posters here.
really blows my mind people dont recognize another chris chan in other anons like emily of 4chan...

they really dont understand how the lottory winner rotation works.
did he really fuck his mom? i heard he got out because there was no proof and some person called the wellness check but was lying
100% he did.
There is no evidence and Barb would never admit it happened because she is complicit in it and doesn't want the trouble. The only proof is his confession and it isn't hard to argue that he was making it up because he makes up so much stuff. So they dropped it.
If you know Chris though you know he did it.
fat people and trannies on this board have the same issues tbhon. can't escape the self hate because they think they need it to change, not realizing loving yourself is the only way you'll ever change and improve

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> be me
> realize greentexts are just self insert fanfics
> oh
>be me
>discover basic fact about 4chan culture
>post it on /tttt/

Do it and any man is yours
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Yes, and?
love the idea of squidward having a foot fetish bc he doesnt have feet
Wild take; he likes feet because of Botticelli's "Birth of Venus"
what do you mean? it's really fun being a girl
Post tits

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need me a rancid smelly tgirl who always reeks and never showers so we can bedrot together... vgh
I swear to god transbians are the only people on this planet who find a lack of hygiene attractive
im a cis man thoughever
iam at this level right now, but i dont want to snuggle with a stinky guy!
if you are clean its okay though.

i only like stink of femininized things.
like other trans.
and on feminized people
like women and boymoders and manmoders.
im going to take a shower tonight. rip. smells.
then i have to do my hair and makeup and all that cause i have to go out today. :(
its going to take me over a week to reach this smells again.

i should really give a cute girl my dirty socks and have her sell them on fb marketplace and just split the funda with her 50/50.

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Is it over?
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i feel like i've recently met this person irl, but alas it's probably just one of their many clones.
she is from france
yea, definitely one of her clones then, and the clone in specific was a effeminate guy not a woman.
use your eyes
>is it over?
no hatchan still posts regularly

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Why do women like trans people so much despite the British media platforming a few anti-trans feminists repeatedly?
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What if that's just your wishful thinking?
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>single anecdote overrides large-scale behavior of a population
Are you blind? I just gave you multiple polls.
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People like Muslims even less. Soon the EDL and National Front will rise and there will be involuntary repatriation of all who cannot trace their ancestry to 1066AD. Those who refuse to leave will be executed, or given a fate worse than death: sent to live in one of the Arab shithole countries they claim to support.

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do tranners like uniforms?

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Are MTFs hotter with or without their foreskin? Is it true that most women still hate uncut cocks or has that mindset died out?
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i wish i still had mine sometimes but its ok
>this acc doesnt exist
why do you lie anon
i would not allow a mtf foreskin into my pussy
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>i would not allow a mtf foreskin into my pussy
mtfs are hot when they have small dicks and really big dicks.

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Let's make an iceberg chart of notable people, events, and lore in /tttt/'s history. Share the deepest esoteric knowledge you can. Bits of knowledge that only those who've gone too deep would know.
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how has no one mentioned kayla
but like did she actually try it? what happened?
speak not the devil's name, lest he appear
add dollface fucking sam hyde
>amy chattopadhyay
Yeah that one's real there's no allegedly. They are an unrepentant pedo groomer. I don't care about her fake legal creds she is a child abuser

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pic related
Average FtM desu

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I'm probably trans but surely it's not worth all of the struggle and ostracism and discrimination right? I'm too lazy for all that
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More like /procrastrans/

You're basically giving yourself even more work to do if you end up as a John 50 or a Jane 50 than you would if you just sucked it up and did something earlier
yea i guess you can call it that... im too depressed to care anymore. no one even notices im trans/trying to be a woman. sucks but whatever
It is what it is
im lazy in that i should have done my injection today and didnt. yet.
oh nvm its now the next day...
i didnt do my injection yesterday..
im John, 42. It is unfeasible for me.

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>Start off as gayden in late teens
>Start transitioning in early 20s
>Slowly have interest in men fade and interest in women get stronger
>Now in early 30s, currently picrel and constantly want to stick my tdick in cis pussy

Instructions unclear: T made me straight
Good luck bro
If you wanna shoot some fish in a barrel, swing by Iowa and I'll show you the spots, i don't much care for gals anymore
t. Your story but reverse and advance 5ish years
Thanks man. I'll keep that in mind if I ever to go the Midwest instead of the coasts for whatever reason

Still feels weird when everyone talks about T making them gay

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Browsing this board is torture for me i dont know why i do it. Christ why couldnt i just be a normal normie who had a gf in highschool
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i hid my tranny autism really well in school. i was so dissociated from myself that i came across pretty normal. and i had no awareness of this either.

it all just kinda blew up at one point. like i had an actual nervous breakdown in my mid 20s, cried for 6 months straight, ended up getting hospitalized, spent 2 years in weekly intensive therapy, realized i was trans and dysphoric, trooned out

idk if my experience is really normal desu, i lost my virginity at 13
meant for >>38637714
This is a humiliation ritual please stop we get it you are succesful in fucking women
>>38637786 (me)
im not successful at fucking women cuz I didn’t fuck any but ok
>wanted to fuck me

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do you have sex with your friends?
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I want to so fucking bad!!!
All the time lol. My partners, my friends, strangers, I'm a whore but very ethical and wholesome and demure about it. I look like a normalish futch clocky bitch and I don't dress or do my makeup in a ""whorish"" kind of way except, on very rare occasions where that's appropriate (NYE for example). But I have been described as "incredibly sensual" and "hot & fun" by various partners and it's pretty obvious once you get to know me that I'm built to please :3
ya me
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I wish I didn’t but yes. I’ve either fucked or tried to fuck everyone I cared about and I ruin all of my relationships. It’s rough and I need to learn how to stop doing it

Y'know, I'm starting to wonder if the whole "trans men love getting fucked in the pussy" thing is a deliberate nazi psyop because they want to rape trans men without feeling guilty about how evil that is.
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I only want to get fucked in the ass but cis men don't actually like anal, even fags in fag forums would only consider being with an ftm because they want to try pussy. I'll be a virgin for the rest of my miserable life because of this disease.
Unironically something some lesbians did to escape Nazi Germany, tho
I would fuck you in the ass anon
id love to see actual statistics on this. how many exactly love this
Hopefully, it'd also collect info regarding sexual orientation. That may be an influencing factor

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