Where can I find gun obsessed tranner gf?
>>38910554Maybe I'm the exception to the rule but I'm a top transbian lmao. Even if your look masculine, it's better to be a woman than a twink. Twinkism is temporary while feminine beauty is eternal. >Pic related
>>38909830>the masculine urge to somehow dieI don't have that sweety. I'm estrogenated. I curl up into a ball and cry until the battle is over then I offer sexual favours to the winners in exchange for lenient treatment.
>>38909592Beretta Tomcat 3032I'm going to work on my CC
>>38909592H$K VP70
>small penis>genetically sorted into bottomhoodIt's over. I guess I'm just going to get fucked in the ass for the rest of my life. My dick isn't big enough to satisfy anyone.
>>38911440you can always turn it into a clam to be the ultimate bottom desu
>>38911440Unless your penis is microscopic you can satisfy someone out there. Some of us actually like small penises. >t. 6'0" masculine cis male with a huge penis who wants to bottom for a chubby guy who's shorter than me and has a small 2-3 inch long penis
>>38911440I wish more chasers had small dicks. Big dicks hurt!
Does she pass?
my midface is even longer than hers is
Is this the woman with enormous balls?
>>38909336chud if he real.
>>38909336Facemogs me
I wish she would fist me.
Being physically male doesn't cause me emotional distress - but how women treat men causes me intense emotional distress. Is that dysphoria to notice that women are emotionally abusive towards men and rule by screaming and gossip and rumors and shaming, and when you point is out people just call you names or start rambling about women being raped and murdered by strange men?
>>38908531how much are the feds paying u
>>38908543I only care about humanity and its future. Men have neither
>>38908548men are the world
>>38908623Men are the worlds demise
>>38907418women were a mistake.
movie about the last woman on earth called I Am Lesbian
>>38911158youre about as funny as stacey cay
a movie about the last woman on earth called "I Am Transbian"all the women have been secretly hidden away in a bunker as a social experiment to see how quickly she turns prison straight
>no one to plow my butt and cuddle me all nightthis is suffering..
>>38910327nta but damn cocks like yours scare and arouse me. so big compared to mine. i wish i was in your hands for you to do as you please to me.
>>38910290No one wants to have anything to do with your stinky butt
>>38910290Come over, babygirl
They have been trying to break me. Every device that I have is excessively showing me trans content. They know that if they keep showing me, it will eventually break my mind. Everytime I see transtimelines I get caught in extreme psychological distress. This is what they do. It is all part of an evil, vicious, and dreadful plan. WAKE UP. KEEP RESISTING. I WILL NOT BREAK. I AM A CIS MALE
Hi there, the solution is to get a trans gf. That way you can just mentally file that content as being "for her" not for you.As a bonus it makes you super masc since you can do whatever to them. They are so durable. I used to be a sensitive gentle guy, I am still sweet but now i know what they want - so now i slap the fuck out of women and made them choke on my cock and kneel, i piss on their faces and tie them up, shout at them for no reason, whatever. They fucking love it. My gf is pretty so she lures in cis girls for us to threesome with and just treat them like sex toys. As long as I'm honest with them about what they are, and respect what I'm asking them to be - no matter what they just want more
JFC I'm so vanilla. I thought I'd get at least a little bit on mommy, apparently tradlarp is all I'm good for.
>>38899861t. mtfim not against domming but it'd have to be post-srs and without pegging
Where horny gen :(Repper, bi twink m.Bottom humiliation slut… clearly…I NEED MORE HORNY
>>38899861MtF Transbian Top (Idk how I ended up with these results besides being into pup play lmao)
Mtf horny loser (need someone to make me do degrading stuff and hurt me) <3
>it’s 2021, I’m 19 and just started university>have known I’m trans for a couple years, decide nows my chance>start taking internet hormones>2 weeks in, cute gay guy from my course starts talking to me>I go off hormones to date him, decide I can rep and live as a gay bottom3 years later>he’s now my long term bf who I adore and am very dependent on>can no longer continue repping anymore due to how suicidal I’ve becomeWhy the fuck have I done this to myself?? Genuinely what the fuck do I even do now?
>>38911270Better than being a John 50 unless you plan to do a flip near a window when you reach 30.Hrt isnt magic and chances are he'll never notice.
>>38911270hmmm well maybe you should stick around and start taking cyproterone and finasteride so you don't go bald and get uglier
>>38911160chinese people are very nice
>>38911106It would be best for you to be honest with your boyfriend and with yourself. Dont listen to any anon who says to go on hrt and lie to your bf, that would set you up for such a horrible situation in the very short term. Be honest and discuss with him then probably break up and go on hrt. Youll still remain friends probably or even roommates. Itll seem bad for a bit but be for the best ultimately. Ask your spirit guides for help too
>>38911323I guess I know deep down that that’s the right answer. Losing him just feels absolutely unthinkable though. >Ask your spirit guides for help tooI’m actually planning a heavy shroom trip next month, maybe that’ll give me a new perspective, idk. Thank you anon.
>typing exclusively lower case >excessive ellipses >proclivity toward aloof emojis like :P>anime girl pictures that are moeblobs, low resolution, look scratchy and lo-fi, maybe some unwholesome paraphernalia like a cigarette or pills to add an edgy and self-aware juxtaposition to the image>spamming your keys like ajfjfkskzjgjsjxjfje to indicate stupefaction/frustration/stress/clumsinesssorry but you're getting raped
>>38909852wait this is actually true because i do these things except i don't watch anime but i have been raped several times...
>>38909852im 6'0 and 200lbs. good luck
>>38911308oh wait is this post saying that you want to rape people who do that or is it saying that if you do that its evidence that you have been raped?
please im so lonely: manmoder uglyhon with awful browridge n pudgy face n bad wide philtrum on hormones but its awful and i look ugly and wont make it (SIX MONTHS!!! or seven idk i lost track) but please please i promise i can change and maybe look good (LIE) (i will never look good) anyways please if you are in the miami area hmu my discord is "dorkerpilled." please please please im so fucking lonely :((((( ITS OVER(NOT LOOKING FOR JUST SEX BUT I WILL GIVE SEX IF YOU STICK AROUND)
>>38910831Give me some time to learn how to drive
>>38911242add me!
>>38911254It doesnt work
>>38911276its dorkerpilled. with the period at the end
qott: what are your valentines plans?>asl>letters>about you>looking for>not looking for>contact
>>38878932>asl38/M/TN>lettersStr8 and a little bi>about youTouch starved, isolated in the world, disapointed in female's solipsistic nature.>looking forFemboy/Twink/Trans whos anxiety ridden and just wants to be held and cuddled.>not looking forSex or someone looking for financial gain.>contactLets be honest its not going to happen. I'm just and old fag who's been on 4chan since the begining and is slowly rotting away with at least half of my generation.
https://discord.com/invite/vW23EJAcj6Ciggycord, a small fren server for frens. Not a 4chan culture server.
>>38910514ciggycord?like cigarettes??? :3
>asl19 m us>lettersgay>about youbored twink, I like planes>looking forfemboys / twinks, ask me or discuss anything you want. >not looking fornon cute people>contactkarlshaunlover
>asl21, california>lettersdyke >abt mefresh 21yo i feel old and wish i would just die. I barely go outside, no job and work out/game/movie/read/write/scroll/music to kill time. I think I’m isolating bcs i can’t start hrt and be a good boydyke and get piercings and tattoos etc etc. or maybe i’m a schizoid fr. my knowledge of everything feels surface lvl and i need people to tell me abt themselves so i can learn more, thanks>looking forIdeally someone to snatch me out of my city and help me get my life tgt but I’m not going to find that here. nothing in particular besides that >not looking forcis men that arent twinks >contactaudiotrack12
Passing is not real unless you always passed.people who think otherwise are delulu sneedhons who really should just be grugmoding instead of destroying trans acceptance.
>>38910992dont worry unc you're still hip copium
>>38910983Cis men get confused all the time
>>38910829Do i pass with my shirt off? No, but you'd be surprised what people gender female if your voice and hair are right
>>38911292They can always tell, they're just trying to keep the local troon from freaking out because nobody wants to deal with that.
Help transistas, I got over 2k in total War Warhammer and I need a new 4X, currently pondering between HoI IV and Stellaris..
>>38909524hoi3 is way better if you want to actually build your army and not be treated like a retarded toddleralso make sure to pirate it because paradox is a horribly scummy company, they release barebones games for the price of a full one, take years to release DLCs that are just doing stuff modders had already done for free and all packs, promos and such include dogshit like "clothes of the ungabunga tribe" and "50 hours of generic sabaton copycat basedband"I fucking hate those swedish cuntsOnly game I bought was Imperator because I got it for 15 bucks after they officially abandoned development and modders have done a much better job ever since FOR FREE
>>38908250>inb4 the seethe, delusion, and projection begins
>>38910045I think you might be the slightest bit obsessed.
>>38910052Trip on, EmilyNot obsessed, just grabbing my popcorn lol
>>38908052try rimworld with combat extended, its not a 4x but its funrush helmets, ammo production and molotovs (for mechanoids)
bottoms what valentines gift did you get for your top?
:(IF I HAD ONE I would have made him a nice dinner and then when he was done I’d get up, briefly leave the room to strip and come back in lingerie to give him the sloppiest most toe curling head of his life for like 20 minutes until he can’t take it anymore.
I don’t have a top :( so I didn’t buy anything
>>38911007But bottomnon, we've been giving you the gift the whole time.
>>38911007bottoms suffer
>>38911007oh shit we need to get them gifts on flag day too?