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It feels like it. I repressed a really long time & mostly socialized with males (straight & gay.) I feel like they were pretty straight forward & honest for the most part
Since starting transition, and the few years prior, I changed that. It's been mostly female socialization (cis mostly, some trans).
I've been hugboxed to no end. I'm at the point of calling it lying because there's been some stuff said that is downright wrong. Even service professionals like hair removal ppl and therapists have been outright untruthful.
Is this just normal female socialization? It's surprised me and damaged my trust by taking them at face value.
I'm basically at the point where I don't trust anyone anymore
yah a lot of people lie to keep the peace esp weak people
I wish people could be direct or honest ever
dude the whole world has been told if they say the slightest wrong thing to a tranny, the tranny will off themselves. Of course I'm going to fucking lie to your face.
>let's lie to this man and tell him he's a beautiful passing woman
>he surely won't kill himself years later when he realizes everyone lied and he has no chance at ever passing and I'd an absolute freak
Good plan

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Do you guys really want to look like this or is it just a meme that I'm not getting? Cause to me this is a pretty gross body
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It's fucking simple, don't consume more calories than you burn.
Measure by body fat percentage not BMI. My body fat is 12%, I have visible abs, and my BMI is over 25 because most of that weight is muscle
keep lying to yourself
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I would love a tranny with that figure, but I much prefer some one slender like picrel
>but I much prefer
>the prettiest tranny of /tttt/
We all do lad, we all do...

>used to be into women and the occasional femboy/tgirl
>ever since I had trans feelings, I also started getting aroused by men or by fantasies of me being feminine
straight agp
Your mind is slowly opening up to repressed desires to wear pretty dresses and do your hair all nice, and go on dates with cute boys. Don't just accept, but embrace it. Being a boy lover is awesome

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tfw no cis goth girlfailure gf.

(im marina)

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Weight Edition

QOTT: How much would you like to weigh?

>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag

Previous thread: >>36295848
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30 seconds of web searching for you and I found dildos shaped like a woman's hand but no vibrator.
This place is actually toasted and filled with unironic trannies now. Fuck guess I’m just gonna waddle back over to cc.
Uh oh I have angered the TERFbian
She’s gonna go home and beat her/violently screen at her gf now
Ah I see. Excited for you!
Thank you for the reply too, I wasn't sure if you would see my post because i made it when the thread was on page 10 and then we had no thread for 2 days.
I found some too, but they were all to imitate fisting. I wanted a dildo with a woman hand doing the fingering gesture

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I want to marry a trans girl and then she has to gender reassignment surgery but I will still only have anal sex with her.
She would be like a real girl in public and with other people but I'd treat her like a guy without a dick in our relationship.

How wrong is that? Or is this a good thing?
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>She would be like a real girl in public and with other people but I'd treat her like a guy without a dick in our relationship.
You know bros call each other faggot and wrestle eachother if they disagree on stuff?
all trannies should do this.
>I'll treat you like a guy
The words every tranny wants to hear
she has tiny feminine feet

>Free orchi if you use a public restroom
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this is what speaking french for an extended period of time can do to one
can confirm.
>t. long suffering resident of gaul
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in b4 being trans in public is turned into a sex crime against minors
oh wait that bill already passed in several other states using identical language and pushed by the same people :)
how does one "be trans" in public? pass dummy.
>skill issue
lol kys

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so I'm on an e dose that's supposed to be every 7 days but I forgot when I last did it
anyways for the past hour I have been bawling my eyes out for no reason other than this week's chainsaw man chapter I'm pretty sure I'm like 4 days into the cycle but I'm thinking of taking another shot earlier because I just want to stop crying
Take your E shot every Sunday, or choose a specific day and take it that day. Its only 7 days lol
just set a reminder on your phone and have it repeat every x days, thats what i do
do what the other anons suggested, just select a day to apply your E and go from there.

yeah nayuta is dead, thats so fucking sad. it seems that our boy denji won't have a happy end, he keeps losing all the things dear to him.
maybe in the end he will turn into death and bring the apocalypse or some shit
Imagine how funny it'd be if it turns out that the sushi denji was eating was Nayuta too

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How does a girl deal with the constant need to be held when they will never have a gf and therefore will never get rid of the touch starvation
I tried casual sex, but I still feel this longing when they leave, and it doesn't feel any better. I just wish I had a gf who would hug me 99% of the day
Why won't you get a gf?
get a cuddle buddy
i need to be held and don’t have a gf (i have a bf)
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you have been conditioned by society to believe your worth is defined by being desired or that purpose can only be found in the pursuit of others. Truthfully the only person you should worry about loving in such a state would be yourself. take some time to consider all of the things that thousands of years of human suffering has brought to you, and to all people.

>clean running water hot and cold
>food free of disease
>transportation that dosnt require you to blow out your knees before you turn 30
>having a comfortable bed to slep in
>not having to worry about being killed in your sleep by enemies

the list goes on, but to summarize, there is more to life than finding a partner, to look at the bigger picture is to understand how profoundly fortunate you are to be where you are today. reflect on this and make use of your solitude to better find yourself, how can you know who you will be happy with if you do not fully understand yourself first?
Every day I wake up glad to be Ace

Would you date a person who has to travel a lot for their job to many nice places and countries where they offers you to come with them. But while they're working during the day you have to spend time alone in a foreign city and can only enjoy their company in the evenings and maybe one or two extra vacation days before or after?
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as someone who went through a similar situation, your friends don’t really care. you need to just go and be lowkey and just be yourself. if you overthink it and overdo it (force it) you’re just gonna regret it. they will see the real you if you simply relax and don’t take it so seriously. they’re not gonna fuck you, so who cares bc they already know you’re a tranny and desu they’ll most likely be pleasantly surprised by your appearance if you don’t try to look like a turbohon (forcing it). just do what you know you can do well and dress comfortably so you feel confident.
bro wtf how did i get here
they wouldn't take you anywhere tho. you would be bored housewife taking care of the house all day. i've seen it too many times.
>can i ask what you do
Very broadly speaking it's in the realm of international (mostly EU) politics (not party politics tho)
>what type of person you’re looking for?
I mean I don't expect to find a partner from a random 4chan thread, this was more some sanity check if the idea of getting a partner and taking them with me on those trips would be imaginable, or if I'm just a lunatic

But generally idk, someone I vibe with ig. Whatever this means I can only figure out on an individual basis
If I loved him yeah. Hopefully we could settle down somewhere eventually though.
Also some countries might not be safe for trannies to travel to. I wouldn’t wanna go through the airport scanner in Saudi Arabia lol

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CHASERS would you rather date this woman, or a post-srs trans woman?
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Is this a human trafficking victim wtf
why would they bother with a pre op tranny when biological men exist?
That's hard. I don't really find amputees very attractive at all, even if she was a non-op. But I don't find post-ops very attractive either. I've unfortunately seen what a post-op neovagina looks like, I'd much rather have a biological woman.
i wouldn't date anyone without feet, nasty low quality fakecunts are horrible but it's not comparable
>Post Op tranny
Majority of the reasons I give you fags the time of the day is for the obligatory sodomy, you get a ugly pussfilled frankengina you expect me to touch, I might as stick with a real woman and not deal with the shame.

I finally had a tgirl top me. She could barely get hard and her dick tasted weird. Cis men are way better tops.
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You forgot
>I want an autistic dump about the Warhammer lore, I get a trans girl

And I'll take the tranny any time
more like
>I want the worst music recommendations possible, I get a trans girl
if i just want a gf ill get a ____?
You're supposed TO TOP a tgirl. Tgirls are supposed to be girls and girls get fucked. Gock is just a beautiful essence.

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>be me
>acquire scholarship in high school to attend Harvard for neuroscience and mathematics
>constantly get shit on by faculty and research directors for being le intern
>tfw smarter than literally all of them
>sperg out and seduce chaser research director always complimenting me on my hair/outfits
>get him to steal unused but highly volatile and safeguarded materials from the project we're both working on
>some faggot snitches
>both the chaser and I are charged with serious offenses for appropriating materials
>lack of physical evidence, positive character witnesses, and a good ass lawyer save my ass while chaser goes to prison for half a decade
>mfw he's getting out on bail next week
>mfw we're both still blacklisted from academia to this day despite my charges getting dismissed
>mfw i'm still using the appropriated materials to singlehandedly change the world and our understanding of human consciousness as we know it
stay on the lookout and remember this post, anons. within the next decade you'll hear about my name on the news in a manner that rightfully gives me the credit i've deserved this entire time. you'll be proud to have been there the day it was announced. i'm worried about the chaser coming back after me though and trying to put me through the wringer, legally speaking. does he have any basis? is there anything I can preemptively do so he can't fuck me over when i'm standing at the precipice of a technological and neuroscientific revolution here?!?!
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you should not have posted this. delete it and leave the thread
But now you’ve got double jeopardy so you can’t be tried twice for the same crime. So give us the details you larper.
plausible deniability
>sperg out and seduce chaser research director always complimenting me on my hair/outfits
did you let him hit it?
wanna be my supercool scientist girlfriend?

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Do you ever cuddle with your straight friends?
No that's gay.
That dude is so creepy he'll molest anyone, he doesn't even have a preference.
Yep, I'm also straight though

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can you explain the chain of events from you coming out that lead to sex with your former guy friends? and what happened after you had sex with them, did you stay friends? did you keep hooking up? did everything fall apart? please share your stories
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You didn't think it was creepy???
he was tall
anon ur so real for this
>be me, out drinking with old guy friends
>share most of my way home with one of them
>he invites me over for a tea
>accept, get in with him
>his flatmate is not at home, we are alone
>we go into the kitchen, cook tea
>he tells me how pretty I've gotten
>flattered but not into guys try to switch topic
>he starts kissing me
>can't resist much from the alcohol and he is stronger anyway
>he pulls his dick out makes it hard and shoves it in my mouth
>forces me to suck him off until he cums
>he lets me go, I grab my belongings and leave
>outside I vomit and cry

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