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>>37620572 (previous chapter)
QOTT what are you reading
alt QOTT what was the last thing you read
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please stop bullying me i can't take it anymore
maiq should be pooges rigger and pooge can let him suck her willy in return
>how is that
mirror neurons I guess. the less time I spend around miserable people, the better I feel. brainworms are contagious.
oh i misread the post, i thought it said the opposite of what it actually said
that makes total sense

share your phone's homescreen and then guess each other's letters based on them
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>what is this frommm G
Be more chill visual novel, the book it's based off of is good too ^_^
Also, from yours id guess straight mtf
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everyone is trans

i love that theme !

>Have been together for 2+ years, and we're going to marry soon.
>Get along like a house on fire
>Both love doing everything togeher
>Exploring her boyish side more and loves it, she loves fucking me with toy and strapons
>She wishes she had a real cock
But she keeps going on about this idea of watching me be fucked by a guy or by many. Where does this come from? If she self inserting?
I am genuinely curious as to why this is a thing?
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Okay, but what sort of thing does this do for you? I was transitioning just before meeting her and she knew from the beginning.
I had a cis f friend that did exactly that. It ended up not working out with her, but now i talk to men exclusively T^T . pervert
they have a cuck fetish lol
tranner x fem cuck
truly a time to be alive
I guess I have no idea, I don't really much care if I keep this penis or not to be honest, if I could donate it to her, I would.
t. Regular cis woman

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A few months ago my male best friend and roommate of 5-ish years and I split, and my life has been ruined by it. I think about him every day and get jealous of every couple or friend group I see. We had been extremely close and made jokes about fucking each other, but we never actually did, the closest was kisses for the bit. However since I moved, I haven’t gotten over it to the point people get irritated when I bring him up. Does this inability to move on mean it was a romantic thing on my end or am I just feeling lonely after losing him and some of our friends? Tia for reading this blog
Has it occurred to you that it could be both? I had something of a best friend/roommate situation, it never occurred to me that it was anything, but we were very close and one time when we were fighting he said he loved me and that frightened me. We had a big fight and haven't spoken in ten years and I get irritated when people mention his name. Not gay though. Ok maybe prison gay just lonely. Ignore the hookups with guys that doesn't really have any relevance here.

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>tranny version of peep show
>neurotic self-hating 20-something boymoder twinkhon shares a flat with a histrionic overconfident 20-something girlmoder twinkhon
>hilarious hijinks ensue
would it be kino?
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I know if you hadn’t I wouldn’t have said not to
(i haven't seen either tbdesu)
This is how every piece of media in the history of mankind has been pitched to producers.
I'd watch it. Peep Show rocks.
Indeed it does. Though as previously stated, is already about two trans women

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i just impulsively cut my hair like a bpd faggot am i cooked?
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>I just impulsively cut
Oh yeah I think that's v
>my hair
hair grows back retard. i guarantee you didnt cut enough of it off to seriously effect your appearance either. fuck you.

t. actual bpd faggot who cuts her arm
yea i used to cut myself but i realised its dumb, i just didnt want to look like a theyfab so i cut my hair myself
girl moment
well does it look good??

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>90% of trans girls under 20 bmi dont pass
>90% of trans girls over 30 bmi pass

Get chubby girls, daddys waiting. At the faggy twink boys can fuck off
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I'm about to do a bulk cycle after losing 45kg this year. I'm going to have the greatest fat distro ever.
Godspeed it should go well, I've had nice results going up and down about 8kg
leadhead is a qt
i'd rather be a "faggy twink boy" than a fat gluttonous pig
fat people almost always hate themselves and wish they were thin while thin people are revered in society and are treated like main characters

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an anti-trans parent blog is now claiming minecraft will turn the kids trans https://www.pittparents.com/p/how-a-seemingly-innocent-gift-led
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It's funny seeing you struggle with this. As seen here >>37629214 it's the literal consequence of "gender critical" beliefs. That Ken Zucker guy is even cited as a source by the Cass Review, to name an example.
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there's an estrogen mod for minecraft that lets you make estrogen and grow booba
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But literally, they want you to be little unthinking bug people. You're not supposed to question your gender because you're not supposed to question anything on that deep of a level

Me, I'm more picrel personally
on the other side of this way of thinking in the linky
what would games like classic or modern doom games do to someone? there is alot of transfems, femboys, and mtfs in the classic shooter community despite the games being heavily malebrained in nature

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can a cis lesbian ever truly love a tranny
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Man, I wish someone would cut off my arms and legs and gouge out my eyes then take care of me for the rest of my life.
:o is this you?
I love this image :3
every time i forget picrel it shows back up again somewhere new and unexpected. i'm beginning to think there is no escape from the anime amputee fetish art

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>start hrt, bmi 21, want tits nd curves
>gain to 22, fridgebod
>weight cycle from 19-21 with same results
>starve down to 17.5, pass drastically better with better waist and slimmer neck(finally) but no hips/ass
how low should i starve before trying to gain (to like 10-24, with pio) ? i wanna keep my better waist and slim neck :)
How you keep getting a fat neck that's like a proper obese thing
idk i ended up stuck with my anorexia, it's gonna be a lot harder coming back out than it is going in

should probably just start trying now, you're plenty low already
dooooooon't starve more
yeah i have no idea, maybe i just have like weird thick neck genes. or more muscle or smth (no idea how i got it i never work out)
yeah but what if i go lower nd get better results when i gain again?
see above
>what if i go lower and get better results
the infinitesimally small chance of better results is not worth the much higher chance of struggling with anorexia for the rest of your life

Is that a valid sexuality?
I don't care if they're a boy or a girl as long as they are plump. I like chubby femboys the best though there's something extra sexy about how unmanly and soft they are.
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Omg no way I'm mentally ill??!?
would breed
yeah this is honestly bliss
Yeah it feels so amazing… and then ppl encourage you too and give u attention and thirst over ur body and want to feed u…
Ideal life
Honestly I want to feed someone far more than fuck them.

I make my mtf gf shave my ftm ass pubes and every time she does it she gets a boner
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im not trying to insult her im just saying you need to take care of her and her hygiene X>
guys is this a sign to ask my gf to shave my ass pubes (she loves my ass,,,)
If your gf doesn't spread your cheeks and shave your ass pubes is she even your gf?

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why does this board seethe about masc4masc gays?
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I watch it every day
Literally nobody cares
masc4masc is one of the purest loves there is
its not for me in that Im a tranny, but its a beautiful thing to witness
>ftmfemboys worshipped
this board fucking hates ftm femboys theyfabs and "trenders" and there are constant threads shitting on feminine/nonpassing ftms
post a single ftm who is more masc than the average bull dyke

you will never have a cute teenage love story where as teenagers you both supported eachother in your transitions while hiding it from your parents with minecraft servers and go on to get married

I love porn and gooning but I feel like if anybody knew they'd disown me as human, let alone accept me as a woman. Despite that in almost every other way I'm as HSTS as they come.
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Most likely but I haven't had sex with anybody. I don't want to treat any guys like a dildo.
i think some people would be totally fine with that btw
haha what is this picture
>love porn and gooning but I feel like if anybody knew they'd disown me as human, let alone accept me as a woman. Despite that in almost every other way I'm as HSTS as they come.

If you're gooning instead of reading terrible SpiceSlop written at a 3rd grade level, you're no woman.
i know what slop is, but whats spice?

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