>pick up e valerate >pharmacist decides to tell me now the estrogen goes bad after 28 days despite being a 50 day supply>she tells me it's dangerous to inject it beyond that point>mfw I've been doing injections for a year at this point >mfw I've been injecting potentially dangerous estrogen into myself this entire timeI really hope this is one of those times where pharmacists don't know what they're talking about
>>38599738yes it's bullshitthey say it for liability reasons and because they want to sell you more drugs every month
>>38599780idk what money they're making off me i get it for free
>>38599738she's trolling you thats not even remotely a thing.
>>38599738That's the longest the manufacturer will provide any guarantee of no bacterial growth (assuming you're using sterile needles, etc.). So no, it will not go bad.I routinely use mine for 6-8 weeks, have a stockpile of 12 backup vials, and have never had an issue, but you do need to be careful about using sterile needles, disinfect well before drawing (including the membrane itself), etc.
>>38599786insurance pays it for youthat's why healthcare is so expensive in america, they pump the prices as much as possible because they know insurance will pay
Every single one.
>>38599462it looks pretty much like other 2.5D games of the time. is doom not good now because it looks like that?
>>38599690doom doesn’t look appealing at all
>>38592349never played this-mtf
>>38599707idk what to say then. i care about the gameplay, not the graphics
>>38599763both are important
2025 Editionprevious: >>38422948 (archived early...)Goal of the thread: Work on one skill you wish to be better at. It can be as simple as reading a small paragraph of a text book on the subject.Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!>What is this thread for?Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.>Why is this thread /lgbt/?Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.>Notes to consider:Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:WE ARE NOT THERAPISTS, WE DON'T REPLACE MEDICATION>Note on adviceComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Good morning
i'm 34 so i'm thinking of giving up my HRT journey. i'm too old, it just doesn't feel good anymore, and it's a ton of superfluous work.Workign on weight loss and finding a job instead.
>>38589424>>38589448>>38589459>burdenThank you for the kind words, as always. I've made peace with my shitty childhood but that unfortunately means I downplay the effects it had on my thought patterns so it helps to have it pointed out.>jobI don't blame myself lol I'm glad they fired me tbdesu so I get unemployment benefits and can focus on my exams and I'll find something after>wasting best yearsI appreciate what you're trying to do but she very much put it the same way previously - I even asked her after reading your comment if she would still agree with what I said and she said yes. I think you underestimate just how dead inside I was lol. No offense of course, I appreciate all you do but sometimes we are just as bad as we think. She did waste her best years on me and it is partially my fault.>people to lean onyou're right and I hope I will find people I can relate to sooner rather than later. For the time being it helped looking at our relationship more as besties living together who are physically closer than most besties idk that bit of distance has been good for us It also helped a lot to make a vision board and reflect on what my core values are and how I can get closer to living by them. I'm not sure if it was you or some other anon who suggested I reflect on what I admire in people and which of those traits I want in myself - that was great advicestill diligently learning btw very proud of myself... I still wish I had done all this 10 years earlier but I also notice how working on myself, working on improving the present numbs the pain so idk>thanks for sharingand thank you for reading and helping me reflect on stuff I don't know what drives you to do this thread but I'm grateful you are hereComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>38555019>What got you started doing that ?Ahah, you didn't answer me there :D>>38595597I use Obsidian to gather resources I come across. Like whittling tips. It's all centralised, which is useful. I keep track of my music backlog and I also list what music I enjoyed recently (yes, I would forget otherwise), I use it to save aesthetics I like or am inspired by, dump conversations...
>>38590409just getting myself into a proper schedule. waking up in the morning, brushing teeth and showering, eating. i've also been job searching despite the soul sucking nature of doing so in the hopes i can actually support myself
I've been on hrt for five years, I can't even pass as a femboy or twink, I just look like a bulldog faced ogre with tranny cone tits.Should I rope?
>>38599441lol it's clearly a poon larping as a boymoder
>>38599454It's not nice to invalidate people's feelings nonny.
>>38599355you look like a fucking dyke woman fuck you you stupid fucking attention whore. i would kill to look as good.
>>38599773actually i looked a little closer and im chill with what i got. ur just a twinkhon.
does anyone else feel immensely dysphoric being affirmed simply because they do not resemble what they're being affirmed as. i want to peel my skin off
I’m gay but for some reason whenever I see a hot guy I can’t help but wish he had a pussy
Should I start taking anavar?
varbies are based so yes. however you are also required to buy those yoga pants with the reinforced seam that goes directly between your cheeks and then do all of your RDLs a few feet directly in front of me.
>>38599531But you'll get a prolapse in your face because those gym whore pants increase the time under tension your rectum is under by beyond hypertrophic amounts
I know ftms like chubby men, but idk if they like Mexicans and I am in need of ftm pussy
>>38598565Why do poons hate cis men?
>>38599092I love cis men but cis men don't love me how I love them
>>38599092i don't hate them i just don't find them attractive, plus they just see us as women and that alone kills all attraction to them
>>38599099Well how do you love us
>>38599099I will love you even harder than you'll love me
Why do so many trannies want unrealistic anime bodies like picrel and watch porn
>>38599363Yes I have and usually they're normal enough to have friends yes.
>>38599422The fuck is bsky?
>>38599437Look man. I don't really have the time or energy to spend the next 3 hours arguing with you to try and get you to get over whatever it is at the core of what's causing you to be miserable. I just wish you could look at people in a more empathetic light, because they aren't much different from you, and I think it will in turn cause you to look at yourself with more empathy and acceptance, leading you to a more balanced and content life. But if you want to stay pissed off and judgemental at everyone because you're secretly judging yourself, then by all means continue to do what you're doing
>>38597854>woman has unrealistic body standards for herself due to men and develops shit like BDD/ana as a result>woman with a white blue and pink pin has unrealistic body standards for herself due to men and develops shit like BDD/ana as a resultexplain how these are different scrote
What do you think is a realistic forecast for when dating trans people will be a complete non-issue, like how interracial dating like vid is completely socially acceptable today but wouldn't have been possible less than a hundred years ago?
>>38599404ill never have this why am i ALIVE
>>38599404That bitch is almost white lmao
>>38599538one drop
waiter one gex with no prior self love please
I'm 24 and just got hit with the realization that I missed out on young love because I was queer. I buried myself in porn, fanfiction and dating sims to satiate my urges in private so I wouldn't need to decloset myself to my conservative community.I'm never getting it back. How do you cope with being denied basic life experiences for being gay/trans?
>>38596149NTA but kek imagine giving up this quicky
i try to make friends and love but im too weird now ;_;
>>38597950see im literally a freak i posted twice
>>38593839chase getting a boyfriend at 15 that lasted until he went to college is pure envy-fuelmore salt into the wound is knowing it only happened because he was caught jacking off to gay porn and by extension forced out of the closet
ugly ppl shouldn't be allowed to transition
>>38599208what are you gonna do to stop me
>>38599208passoids exist at the whim of ugly ppl. gorillahon hands could crush your delicate shaved windpipe and still have time to post about their spinny skirt on reddit before lunch. know your place.
>>38599208depends, u can be ugly as a boy but pretty as a girl. u can also be a handsome chad but a handsome chad won’t make a pretty girl
>>38599208Op is coping lol
i've been deeply alone for years, i've coped by telling myself i prefer it but really it's just too expensive to go out, i have to borrow money before i can meet up with people. i can't even consistently keep my car gassed up or my soaps and hair care stocked, my clothes are old and ratty, going anywhere people want to go usually also costs money. i feel socially disabled>inb4 get a jobi need friends first unironically. my life is too barren and i'm disabled so work is a lot of pain. i simply cannot cope with going back without getting some kind of other foundation or i will burn out and get fired
>>38595343You know what's worse than that? Obama!...
>>38595369why its a cute art style
I'm a moid with the same issues basicallyBumpI miss when I had friends, even like 1-3 IRL friends was good enough for me
>>38593815if you're straight then get a boyfriend to pay for everything, chasers will fuck an emaciated stray dog if it goes by she/her and wears stockingsif you're a transbian join a polycule and get addicted to heroin
>>38594848I feel very very similarly. Though, the way I think is probably better than the way you do.
so apparently I'm an incel for saying the q isn't valid even though I'm literally gay.
>>38594909>us trannies are the real homosholy lol
>>38594644He's a fucking colonizing devil.>cis het white man>taking space from trans and actually queer people>every dollar he gets is one dollar that should have gone to a LGBT person who possibly can't do anything else because of bigotryHe should be flayed alive and run out of town.Not championed for how "inclusive" "we" are. (By other cis het white devils.)
>>38594644>>38597951fucking lol, this is a thing? You guys are being masterfully trolled by whoever that is.
>>38594570You meant concluded that they are not cishet, right?
>>38594909trannies are the new "one of the good ones"