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I really want a redhead boyfriend, idk why

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Aight, Shower check tranny. When was the last time you've cleaned yourself.
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Sorry im stupid dont BULLY ME
( *3* )
Lemme join you
Im in need of cuddles but no sex stuff at all bad stuff happened recently
*cuddles tightly and gives you a soft smooch to your head*

Sleep well Anon <3
Uh like yesterday or the day before. Three days ago tops.

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So let me get this straight.
>MTFs don't actually have female brains
>Nothing in their biology points to them being female
>A lot of them transition solely for sexual and social benefit purposes
>A lot of them don't even LIKE women
But I'm supposed to accept them with open arms as women anyway lest I be branded a monster and a bigot?
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A lot of cis women don't even like other cis women
Not to the level where they're calling them "holes" and "femoids" and asserting their biological superiority.
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Idk man, ive made friends with people ranging from 20-in their 40s (a lot queer too) just working at a bar. Its a wide variety of coworker and customers to interact with(INCREDIBLE for practicing socializing, female socializing, trying new looks etc.). I don’t think your ability to change at least your innerself stops just cuz ur in the second half of ur 20s
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>sort by reply count
>this halfbrained loser bait is the first result after 2 detrans threads and gens
I hate this fucking board
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Only the unpassables are worried about all the identity politics around this shit lol. If you pass you get referred to as the pronoun you look like. No need for laws or protests against what others call you.

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What's it like being LGBT in the armed forces?
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lotta boats.

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If you're a pooner and you don't look like Candice Armstrong, you're a trender.
This is a cis woman btw.

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Can someone write a book about a vampiric trans world where you absorb the prettiness of the MtF you kill? shoehorn some allegory about society just make it about trans women killing each other in a dragon ball z power struggle for who is the prettiest
That's just Highlander with trannies.
if you kill a hon do you get uglier?
What happens when someone shoots you with the faggot revolver? Does it turn you gay?
Alice licked up the pooling blood off the floor with fervor, it wasn't the first time she had used her tongue to eat Sophie's fluids, but it was now the last. Alice discovered the "The Ritual" just a week ago in a abandoned basement, the one that gave her the power to absorb another MtFs beauty through ritual sacrifice. Alice ran to the mirror, and saw her now perfect skin. A smile cracked the blood now drying on her face...

The Portland Polycule is in certain peril.

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Tell me your experiences with gender euphoria, of the moments when you finally felt like a woman, of successful boy removal. I'm a sad repressor and I need material to fap/cry. It's literally the only form of stress relief I have.
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She was probably abducted by a violent chaser
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What cup size were you pre-op and what's your cup size now? I'm in the small c cup range but am constantly on the fence about breast augmentation mostly because ribcage hon...
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I hope she escapes before the thread dies so I can read part 3
seems she didn't make it
it's status: OVER

If You Were a Woman You Could Just Walk Around Wearing This Edition

QOTT: Is the type of woman you want to be the same as the type of woman that you want to have sex with?

>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.
>Isn't AGP just discredited pseudoscience?
"The 'debunking' of autogynephilia is in good company with the debunking of biological sex and the debunking of natal males’ physical advantage in competitive sport." - Ray Blanchard
>I'm AGP, does this mean I'm not trans?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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ty for the pic

For example, I’m sexually attracted to big fat chubby women, but that’s not what I want to be. I want to be a pretty little waif with small tits.
it's not that over, right? please tell me there's hope
alright, which cartoon woman do you wish you were today
haha how is gender dysphoria real nigga just become a woman
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but what is it!??!??!

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What does the LGBT community think of china and mandarin?
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mandarin sounds funny when it's spoken belligerently, like german
why don't they just use pinyin all the time?
English adapted to German printing presses, we lost the character Φ which made the "th" sound, which got replaced with "y" (as in ye olde pube) or dd (as in gwynedd) or most commonly th as in the.
Qwerty is shit, but the chinese alphabet is just impractical in a digital world.
Then how come everyone on the internet watches Japanese cartoons?
japan is a colony of the us. look up the finding of their ruling party
i hate chinks. they want to colonise australia with their retarded chinky ways

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>make him bullied and insecure about his masculinity
>now give him incurable ROGD now that he's actually masculinized
>also, trooning out is a sin btw lmao i made you specifically so you can suffer
why is he like this?
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>where in the bible does it define the line between man and woman
it doesn't really. if you read the bible with a brain instead of like a chud it's also pretty obvious that humankind (adam) was even originally created (in God's image) as -both- male and female, with Adam's female aspects being removed to create Eve; this is why jesus later says this:
>There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus
strictly enforced gender is anti-christ.
>>There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus
wtf i'm a christian now that sounds actually based
just stop reading once it gets to paulian shit as jewish heteronormativity starts to reassert itself in a corruption of His message.
is there a reason things would be kept so vague but things like crossdressing would still be forbidden? seems like it'd at least make it clear whether it leans toward nature essentialism or metaphysical/abstract stuff in sex/gender (and determining it). ((i'd normally guess it was the latter here but since its supposed to be consciously predetermined the latter would mean an intentional 'mistake'/incongruence is sometimes performed since transsexuality exists))
it was important for jews to be an effective warrior society at the time the old testament was written, and most of the laws in place for them were in service of that.
this is also pretty misleading: the law against 'crossdressing' was itself incredibly vague. what is "woman's clothing?" what does that mean? outside of the context of israelite society at the time it actually tells us nothing at all. if you're trying to apply it to, for example, modern American society, what clothing would offend god and what wouldn't? do you think the clothes a woman today wears have much in common with what they wore then? is it just whatever i think is girly is a sin to wear, or what?
the easier explanation is they knew what it meant at the time and it wasn't meant to apply to me, today.

>seems like it'd at least make it clear whether it leans toward nature essentialism or metaphysical/abstract stuff in sex/gender (and determining it).
all the bible says is that there is God (all-encompassing) and from his own image split in two we have male and female. there's no judgement here of anything that lies between these two binary points, other than perhaps it complicates the subject of marriage. the bible has no direct clear answer on who a trans person should marry.

to be more clear: gender separate from sex was not really a concept that existed at this time. transsexuals would have been thought of as a third sex between male and female (except by the chuds of the time who would just have thought of them as 'corrupted male/female', but this is a non-Christian view)

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she's extremely loving and cute and smart and extremely beautiful and I want to make her happy forever
t. chaser
not all of us are evil
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it's ok anon, no need to have hope and yearn over a larp

there is no such thing as a happy relationship between us and cis "people"
I'm his gf. If he was just abusing me he would have left me a long time ago. We've been together for almost 2 years and in the last 6 months I've had a string of very serious illnesses and he's supported me with so much love and care that I can't believe someone would be so kind and put up with me while I'm so miserable
I wish this wasn't so obviously larp, it makes me want to wish someone like me can actually be loved but this is so fucking fake you make me sick
sad but true
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This isn't a larp we are well known on r9k we met each other I went to see his family where he lives and he came to my abuelas house in mexico and now we live together. Our love journey is really documented n r9k archives
post thread ids ur probably bluffing

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is there any reason to actually live for an effeminate man? my existence feels so cursed. i just want to be a normal guy. but i dont know how to do that, i had no father figure or male role models to teach me and very few male friends (most of my friends were girls). i feel that my childhood also gave me fake-gay feelings and id be straight if i had a father figure.
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youre welcome for the warning. there are many more bottoms and submissive people on this board from what I can see, so if your goal is to find a rugged guy to have as arole model your luck might be running thin
eh, i could fix you
im over 6 feet tall, i honestly never felt like it did anything for me, im just a lanky loser, but i suppose it would be even worse if i was short
>tranny in a PMC
You'd be a rape doll. No hyperbole. So 0.
have u heard of Sol Supps?

is it not fucking crazy that you can get high on progesterone
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Anon is wrong, getting high on it is more akin to taking a load of benedryl. It's a very bad high
A gf of mine used to have a bad benedryl problem and eventually moved to taking too much progesterone orally for the same effect :(

Please don't do it anon, you can seriously fuck up yourself by taking way too much of it. She ended up getting permanent auditory hallucinations whenever she's anxious after having taken it for so long
that's weird... it's not at all similar, it's very similar to alcohol, how much was she taking???
anyways i don't do it really. it's a waste of money & i don't like getting high often & have other stuff for that anyways. i just think it's funny that it's possible
my husband calls my e injections and my prog "party drugs". He's not wrong desu
200mg boofed prog just makes me kind of weird and less inhibited and way more bottom horny if I stay up instead of going to bed after, maybe a little dizzy like when I'm drunk but less nauseous than I'd have to be to be dizzy drunk
I think you sometimes get more of the drunk effects if you take it orally

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if your mom is a terf, she hates men too and would still hate you even if you weren't trans.
Either way she made me hate myself for existing and it makes it so hard for me to feel good about transitioning
Eventually your parent's opinion stops mattering. When she's old and decrepit and starts going senile you'll wonder why you ever cared.
Live YOUR life, you don't owe your parents anything.
who said you're supposed to feel good about transitioning
Same lol

i want to have female parts. i want to have a vagina, vulva, clitoris etc.. i want to be able to masturbate, orgasm and have sex as a female, and be able to experience life with female genitalia.
this is something ive wanted for most of my life, and something ive been thinking about a lot for about 14 years now. (im in my mid-20s.)
im going to get SRS one of these years, just need to save up a bunch of money first.. ive wanted SRS for many years..
and ya i'd like to be 100% cis, but.. realistically these are the things ive wanted for a very long time, that i think i can actually experience in my life..
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well i think generally the first couple years are the hardest. youre truly in a period of transition, and it can take a lot of energy between getting on hrt, coming out, dealing with people reacting, feminizing yourself, updating legal docs etc.. but these things usually become less of a problem with time so in those aspects it gets easier. its nice when you get to a point you truly feel like youre a woman, and know youre a woman. although i still struggle with comparing myself to other women, remembering that im different etc.. and i start to feel rly sad, and like im fake. but i feel like a lot of cis women struggle comparing themselves to other women too.. but i really get hung up on my own "womanhood"..
sorry, im rambling.. but i generally think its "easier" now than one's first year of transition.
Does HRT still make significant changes past the first year or two?
i think my breasts have rounded a lil bit more within the past couple years, but hard to say how much was estrogen and how much could've been caused by taking progesterone. but generally i havent noticed much changes after the first couple years. if youre young enough that your growth plates havent fully fused then those could probably continue to change i suppose
Damn, maybe going up from 18.2 BMI will have an effect. I need some of that to go to my face

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