I repress because I know I will never be female, and because being trans is a fad after all as I have guessedThe right is waking up and the normies with themAt least I have my soulful classical music full of emotions to withdraw back to as usual, because nobody can take music away from meBut my body can wither away, and I will finally be at peaceJust like the endless notes and melodies flowing
>>38677622i took hrt for a month and a half before stopping because i was being stupid. the breast growth would be too much if i kept going and people would know. you can't really do it internally just for yourself without it becoming an external thing that people will see, and if you can't pass while doing it, then it's not worth it.
>>38677702Oh that sucks, concerned about being able to hide it? I'm not gonna be retarded and tell you to get over it since I know it's not that easyBut I hope if you feel comfortable one dayyou try again, there's ways to hide breast Unless you're unlucky to have to wear thin tight shirtsRegardless I hope you do what's best for you
>>38677744most of my shirts are kinda baggy because i've lost weight since what i used to be, but there's no way i'd be able to keep it hidden permanently. i had more breast growth in that month and a half than some of the people on this board have ever gotten. wish i could trade with them because then at least it wouldn't be hard to hide. i currently have a job doing some very physical work, though, and i would imagine losing strength from not having testosterone for an extended period of time would cause problems there as well. idk, i just don't think it's something you can really just hide forever if you're doing it. there's no point in the near future where i see myself being able to move out from being with my family, so it's just not really an option to continue. i've just kind of accepted at this point that i'd have needed to have a strong will many years ago to have been able to shape my life in the way that i really would have liked it to be. i generally just do what people say, though, and i don't want to cause a conflict now, especially being past the best time to do that kind of thing.
>>38675843killing nyself
>>38677820Oh my god you're gonna make me cryYou could ask other trans people about hiding their breasts, mine aren't big so I can't help but I've heard alot about people being able to hide theirsAnd for the job part you mentioned you tall and played football, at least one perk of that is the muscle loss from hrt won't be much of an issueThe bigger concern may actually be like dealing with certain temperatures aka the coldIt just makes me sad to hear someone resign their own life to be strong and less abrasive for othersThey say the best time to plant a tree was ten years ago the next best time is now!I'm gonna cry anon I'm gonna cry at work
does any boy wanna hold me to sleep
>>38673369sure but i will get hard and squeeze ur ass
ach Schwesti
>>38675464bottombrain is more than sex
>>38676844enlighten me
>>38674156omg aqua
weird shit edition>QOTT: tell us about some weird shit you witnessed>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.Old thread >>38556609>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/LgSjM8aT>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag
>>38676030how the fuck do you get period blood on a skirt what a retarded bitch
>be gay>vote for trump>be fully aware of project 2025>anti-lgbt shit starts day one>shocked pikachu
Wish I had a gf so I could eat her pussy right now. God I'm so fucking horny I can't help it.
>>38676269Yeah it's kinda hard to imagine how that would happen irl but it's just the artist trying to get the point across and even then most people didn't really get it
Ex-homophobes make the best bfs
Weird how 90% of a population is employed in one industrie and it even feels like this industry is turning poeple into this population...
the programming socks joke is not fucking funny when it's true fml
>>38677940ash is FtM
>>38677959>t. AO3 authorAsh has a cute penis, not a vagina.
>>38677771Which industry porn or tech?
Last Thread: >>38660763QOTT: If transitioning in your country became legally restricted, would you try to move, or detransition?SOTT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI9rpTxFiAUPOTT: https://strawpoll.com/ajnE169QonW▶Info:What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2▶Hormones:HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrtFor additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgenComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
everyone in my life is leaving me B-)
>>38677562alone tho...
>>38677986does anyone irl know you wear diapers?
my cis gf only ever dated cis men before me (mtf). in the 6 years we've been together now 2 of her 3 exes have trooned out. 1 was coincidence but 2 is crazy. what does this mean and should i be worried??
>>38677042not sure entirely what you mean but shes at least not a tomboy, shes actually totally femme and doesnt like dressing too masc
>>38677124i mean she doesnt even have to brainwash me i transitioned before i even met her
>>38677954How doesn't she act in that regard?
Where do people meet these women?
>>38678010reppers attract each other
Don't let your memes be dreams edition.dead>>38571208Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:https://wcg.freewebhostmost.com/(https://github.com/webcomics-general/pastebin/blob/main/main.md)I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:https://wcg.freewebhostmost.com/pmwiki.php/Lists/Smut(https://github.com/webcomics-general/pastebin/blob/main/smut.md)Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:>Name of comicComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
https://m.webtoons.com/en/canvas/hello-hello/chapter-24-part-1/viewer?title_no=779885&episode_no=150Fuck yeah got an apartment~~~
>>38674366Yes, actually, but I didn't want to get sad.
No frengen thread?? Let's change that>A/S/L>Letters>About you>Interests>Looking for>Not looking for>Contact
>>38675034I was shocked to see that too. Hopefully she's ok.
>A/S/L23/mtf/uk>LettersT but straight >About youtall, skinny, sort of pass but desu idgaf, a bit crazy, confident but only have a few long term friends, prob adhd>Interestsi travel a lot, love cooking, reading (mostly history also spiritual/conspiracy stuff i refuse to believe but want to hear anyway), nature and camping. I listen to mostly dnb, indie, trance and rock music but also a lot of pop. really want to get back into drawing. >Looking foranyone who vibes with me desu, dont mind ppl from other parts of the world, interesting convos>Not looking forwierdoes or ppl who are too needy (nothing against yous but i have phases of no checking discord so not a good fit)>Contactdiscord: @jasisme
hello... i've been questioning transition for about 3 years now... first got these feelings when i was 16, and am 19 now. seriously considering to start, because comparing pictures of my face from 19 to 16, i've clearly masculinized. my nasolabial folds have gotten pretty deep. but if ive been able to somewhat repress for 3 years, should i just keep doing so ? i would honestly pass pretty well i think, the only thing i worry about are the nasolabial folds on my face, and my cleft chin. the main issue for transitioning would be that my dad would never want to ever talk to me ever again, and my plan for my whole life before ever thinking about this stuff was to join him in the family buisness. i don't know what to do.
>>38677497if you have dysphoria youll probably have to transition eventually. the sooner the better, every day from when you realize you need e is too late
Becoming a copy of your dad is perfect for repression honestly. You have the model to follow so you just need to kill any independent thought and feeling you have.
>>38677497repressing 3 years is a different ball game to repressing for 30, or 50, or another 60 years of your life. so congrats on realizing this semi-early. you have choice. you can either choose to keep repressing, and that means fighting for years of your life to improve yourself and your surroundings to an overwhelmingly happy point. but that runs the very real risk of not being happy in any of it, that you've wasted your life on rejecting a core part of yourself. Or you can try and transition, boymode or full on, try to repress on HRT, try to convince your family to be on your side (if they refuse, they do not truly love you full stop), or just strike it out on your own. Transitioning is an even longer and more difficult path to finding yourself, but if you make it all the way through you'll have the peace of mind of knowing your life is what you made it, and you did it without leaving a single part of your person behind, like you would if you repressed. No matter what choice you make you don't have an easy path ahead where you coast by on the family business and live a typical male life. That typical male life never existed for you if you are trans. No matter what you choose, you'll have to struggle to be yourself or struggle to reject yourself for others.
>>38677497Just start. If you don't like how you feel on it you can always stop. As for the whole life plan stuff, you're still 19. You have loads of time to figure that stuff out. I understand the fear of having your parents no longer wanting to be a part of your life, but at least for me, I would rather live my life as who I really want to be than to repress these feelings until I die.
i was you, and i thought i could repress. i made a post on here asking ppl what to do and they all were screaming for me to start E. i ended up trying to repress and i set myself back 3 more years before starting at 22. funnily enough ppl were like "if you don't do it now you're gonna end up being a babytran at 22" and that's literally what happened. point is, it won't go away or get better and you have a better starting point now vs 22, so don't wait. it will only make your life harder and you'll have less time being your genuine authentic self.
I know IWNBAW and that's okay. I'm not a transmaxxer. There is nothing good about doing this. Estrogen is a way I can postpone my suicide. I hate being male but I don't really care about being a woman: if I could either cure my dysphoria or my chronic loneliness I would choose the loneliness.
>>38677313curing the dysphoria would allow yourself to take loneliness into your own hands to cure. transition or die.
>>38677815I've been on e+ blockers since late 2023
>>38677795Sorry for trying to be talk to people on the website for talking to people
>>38677887calling people names and being a dick doesn't count as talking to people. learn to socialize and quit being cringe.
>>38677906What name did I call you?
>want to be on a leash>transbiani hate it every other transbian is a bottom no top dom transbian to leash me
I GOT TAGGED!!my t4t gf got me a tag with my name and her number incase im ever a lost puppy ;3
>>38675932not all that often. he really, really hates it. it also doesn't help that i misplaced the brush i did have for him
>>38670713what pirate did curse tou
>>38675991you are probably just not brushing him correctly? do you vacuum the hair at least?>>38675904ig i did put it politely but it wasn't really supposed to be about whether she is clocky and it wasn't really supposed to be a compliment either. the leash stuff is probably bad but I've built up a tolerance to it at this point. ill stop giving people feedback about looks tho ig
>>38670713>unshaved face
>>38671519>>38671836Nobody wants to be fat or ugly. They are victims of circumstance. Be happy they found happiness, you can too.
Like feminine enough, but not so much you get called a faggot everytime you go outside.
band tees
I opt for band tees or any graphic tee, flannels, knit grungy sweaters, old t shirt over a long sleeve top, long coat, thrifted jeans, oversized jeans, distressed jeans (basically anything distressed), or big baggy cargo pants (I like the black with white stitching). I like grommet belts, studded belts if you really wanna go in. Sometimes I pull off the chain attached to the beltloops, but only if you have the right outfit. Converse or vans, but honestly I run just new balances most of the time. Beanie works too. Jewelry works as long as its not too fem, necklaces, I opt for more muted colored crystals, or various symbols/cool designs. Nothing too girly or feminine. I think silver>gold for this. Basic piercings work, I mostly wear studs but sometimes I wear little crosses or spiders in my earlobes. Bracelets are pretty unisex. Layers layers layers! Don't look too simplistic, or too bro-y.
>>38677679But what if I'm an adult and not a 15 y/o E-girl
>>38677527you have a very cute voice, you sound cisjust stop saying like so much :]