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Taking cold showers, making your bed every morning, having a clean house, biohacking, and getting up at 4 AM is truly the way to be successful in life. Every single linkedin lunatic, wealth guru and life guru follows this same habit. All millionaires and billionaires follow similar morning rituals and habits. Prove me wrong. If you're poor, you should try this and let me know your results in a year. In a Petersonian sense, being poor is a personal choice, and can be prevented and also remedied. If you're poor, it just means you're too lazy to make your bed. A poor person refusing to make their bed is also a microcosm reflecting their inability to take accountability for their shortcomings in life, neglecting personality responsibility just because it's a pain in the ass, not fulfilling their commitments and obligations. Really, you reap what you sow. If you're not willing to make your bed, the probability is much higher that you neglect all facets of your life. Making your bed is a simple, easy and effective way to become successful. That's why your mother made you do it as a child, it builds character. Your refusal to make your bed is undoubtedly a character flaw, and I regret to inform you that people who make their bed are objectively superior. Making your bed truly prepares you for the arduous aspects of life, enabling you to tackle any obstacle. The action of committing to doing what you're supposed to do no matter what has remarkable psychological benefits. You stop being a whiney bitch that complains about all aspects of life, you focus on what you can control and are ready to perform. When I yell at my employees for making mistakes, I know from looking into their eyes that they're weak, berrypicking faggots that don't make their bed in the morning and that causes all of their problems. All of your shortcomings in life could have been avoided if you just made your bed.
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Let me take you on a date instead shawty
But the funny thing is that everyone who does what I talked about said it makes their life better, makes them feel like a winner. Those were the high performing phases of their life. They're tigers. When they stopped doing the habits I mentioned, their lives got worse. How am I wrong? I wish for their success t b h. Everyone who is calling me a schizo never tried the good habits I mentioned.
nigga you are a zoomer larper praising your role models from tiktok and youtube shorts talking about productivity this productivity that but you spend all your time here. you have bigger issues to focus on. anyone who obsesses over productivity is not productive.
I'm not a zoomer. Females shouldn't use the n word. Neither of us are black.
why does no one enjoy biohacking yo

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Boyfriend 6’4, I’m 5’9. What anal sex positions are there where I can easily stimulate him (I care about maximizing his pleasure). Most of the doggy positions are difficult because he is too tall. Tried but reverse cowgirl but failed to move sufficiently. Please describe in detail what are the best anal positions, top gay and chaser descriptions preferred.

It also kinda wanna use the stuff on the picrel, can someone explain how can I integrate such stuff in sex. I’m hrt’ified weak ass low energy bottom tranny.
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prone bone
nice nails
I lowkey love missionary, he can get really deep in me and I love being able to leg lock him to let him know how good he's fucking me.

t. mtf tranny
Yes but I wanna try new things I don’t want to do the same thing alwaus
didn't read but that picture gives me tingles

Thoughts on gays for Trump?

Are they just stupid or mentally ill?
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pickme gays are so sad honestly
All gays are mentally ill but these homos are especially stupid
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>family values
If only these values included different types of family, and not just heteronormative ones.
These people consider pic related an open degeneracy
>proven false.
You're proving it right with every post
>the economy
You speak like the alternative was any good for the economy
When in fact you're trading the same bullshit economic system with less rights and less freedoms

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How do I cope that I'll never have hips like this? I'll always be a sickly bony booby twink with pathetic curves
looks like a BBL tbdesu
just get a natural bbl using fat on ur body
she also doesn't have hips like that

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Bout to lose my virginity to a trans goddess and I'm really nervous cuz thjs started out as just a hot kink i never thought this would happen irl. I matched with this beauty on one of those apps, and we like each other but she REALLY likes me I'm nervous cuz I'm a straight male that's only ever been with girls, but she wants to turn me into a sissy and take my anal virginity and make me cum "like a girl" as she says my question is, will cumming from anal and using my dick less, will it shrink?? Will I become like one of those cock hungry bimbos?? Idk I'm nervous, curious and not sure I want to go thru w it. Has anyone ever had a similar experience?
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it probably won't shrink, maybe if it was like, caged for awhile but I'm not very aware of that sort of thing. Anal itself certainly has nothing to do with your dick size. This post is structured in an odd way. The language you use disturbs me. Are you on the older side? You kinda type like a boomer.
Lol post hole after it's over champ chief
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I don't know why this larp pisses me off but fucking stop it
blue board
Has anyone ever done this?

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Pagayliacci edition

Previous thread

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description

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They will skip the frotting and head straight into J.G. Ballards Crash novel

So cool that besides all the other Horrors, in a tran context your choices are vengeful bastard heading the party with a known developed "torture trannies" stance, and then in opposition stands the sitting, nearly crumbled to dust president pivoting rightwards in true bipartisan spirit
I don't know what to say shits fucked. Community matters, DIY or die.
>when the moralless pragmatists acting like moralless pragmatists
who could have predicted this would happen????
i genuinely cannot believe that there are no allies at all in any demographic who are not also queer and/or have a strong relationship with a queer person in their own personal lives and/or are terminally online "socialists."

we're fucked

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I dont make the rules, Im simply giving the truth.
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I mean, more power to the people who do it despite looking like fucking Aliens, but the trannies on the reason I'm not transphobic on God. If everyone needs transitioned that well trans rights would have a single issue getting dealt with over night lmao
bro got no standard
this reminds me of when someone posted a 2015 polycule and I was in the trenches here fighting for one hon with promise and potential
It’s amazing that you can be so stupid but not spell anything incorrectly. Technology has come a long way.

>be me
>have friend
why did God make me a subhuman spic i'll never pass
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just become a blue haired liberal streamer have a girlfriend who cucks you and you'll pass as a cis manlet cubano
Cuestión de destreza.

t. MtF dominicana de 5'10"
oh yeah, rip its over. im mtf and the same height and that was a big reason why i trooned
Gosh, you must be cute :3
ty, yeah im pretty tiny overall, wearing women size s to m, shoe size 34-36 in eu (3 us) and so on. my mom has a similar body so not too surprising

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QOTT: Bepis or conke

Last Shithole: >>36360011
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I get sexual pleasure from degrading people
this is really stupid, but I think you can't help it, too much internet access has divorced you from the idea of kindness at baseline.
Also I do answer medical transition related questions when they come up
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You're not wrong and I have no rebuttal

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Have you ever met a they/them that did not have at least one other mental illness.
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my sibling is 40 and a they/them but they are blind (totally, completely blind) and don't use any social media so they're actually pretty cool and sane. They train dogs for a living and listen to books on tape and don't speak to any other they/thems.
im nonbinary / intersex, i use all pronouns… i have autism but if anything that just makes it more obvious on why i think of my gender differently than everyone else
you have autism. disqualified.

also doesn't that directly imply that it's your condition that makes you believe in the third option???
i mean… yeah? i have two things affecting my mind (intersex, autism) that makes me think differently regarding my gender and my role in society. that’s what I was trying to say

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Is it abnormal to rub your face in your boyfriend's laundry everyday while playing with your butt because you're desperate for him to rail you?
No you're just horny
Forget that limp dicked faggot, I'll be your boyfriend and fuck you 40 times a day
no but it is based
glad he makes you happy :)

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Previous Thread: >>36355776
• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf

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>be canadian mtf
>get cialis prescription from my doctor
>it's not covered by insurance
>it's fucking $544 a month
cool. cool cool cool.
friend is on estrogel; she puts it on just after the shower. sometimes, the next day, she can still feel the residue in the shower. is this bad? is this normal? i dont experience this on sandrena gel
should I go back to using cypro? I switched from cypro to bica but now I feel like shit. I feel like I did when I tried to unsuccessfully mono and my T went to 15pmol. Can I use cypro and bica in combination?
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does anyone know what vendors reliably ship ev or een to australia? im thinking of using otk but heard theyre massively delayed rn.

also, what experiences have fellow ausfags had with aus customs? i've heard they can be very strict especially when it comes to script meds.

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>far too feminine for cis gays
>don't have gender dysphoria really
>feel like i'm slowly dying around cishet people
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Peach cobbler pie means what exactly?
nta but probably rhymes with pie
it's not death
it is really a kind of birth or renewal
also these are cobblers and crumbles
not pies

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What feels better for fucking: pussy or butthole?
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some occasional variety is nice, on the giving end, but they're different experiences and it's hard to say strictly one is better than the other (and if you're familiar enough with each other's bodies you should be able to stimulate each other in similar ways through either approach)
Butthole definitely tastes better
Everyone not saying pussy are virgins
pussy is literally made for dick and feels very nice, but the relative physical profile of tight vs loose and texture along with relative depth you can hit is very different (especially for smaller girls) so at least in my experience they can feel nice in different ways
pussy feels much better I assume
not a virgin

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