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Why do chasers love trans women so much?
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How are we supposed to not fall in love with this?
I'm bi and I want a faggot princess to bride, what now little bitch?
I'm a femboy like the one in picrel, I'd date a cute trans girl in a heartbeat tho. But she has to be a passoid, john 50s, no boymoders, no hons
because they want penis in their mouth and balls in their face
They're pederasts. Trans women look like boyish young men. It's illegal to fuck actual prepubescent boys so it's the next best thing.

boymoder general
boymoder general
boymoder general

mid day drinking edition

prev >>38858587

qott1 what are ur plans for the weekend
qott2 whats the earliest in the day u drink
qott3whats ur pilosophy on life? how dfo u keep going?
qott4 whats the best meal u ever eaten
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9idk lil
ily bobboders (img extremely drunk and i iwshi i had thecpuruage top kms
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gn boybobs.....
don't kys boybobbers sleep tight and girlmode you silly fucks

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what are we listening to this week

>inb4 agp transbian rapehon
cmon jcore is fun
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i adore that band so much, ive been trying to find a way to contact them cause i want to book them desperately but no luck. incredibly underrated band
more like bottomsters
great value all we love we leave behind
i liked serj tankians first solo album back in the day maybe i should listen to more of them
did you pull this playlist off my ipod in 2008 its like strikingly similar
>tripping takes the fun out of it lis…
idc about letters i just want to leech music recs...
dont know any of this besides boris but good vibes here
>i always thought you listened to metal mostly
ive been significantly less metal brained as i get older. i love awakebutstillinbed btw.
you should check out Smiling Broadly and also Twinkle Park if you haven't already, similar vibes to 3xblast
>sonic reference artist name
say less

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If Trump had Congress pass a law mandating that you could ONLY take hrt as a trans woman if you agreed to let a bottom chaser live in your home and you had to anally plap him with your gock at least 5x a week, or they would cut off your hrt supply, would you do it? Assume the alternative is not being able to take hrt at all (you basically are on permanent probation and get tested for estrogen randomly once a month, if you fail you go to a re-education camp).
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Yes in a heartbeat
>So, girl, why are you in the concentration camp?
>I couldn't get it hard to fuck my boyfriend for the fifth time of the week.
does it really have to be five, is the state-mandated chaser also super evil and won't lie to save my life? do they also check his butt every day to see if i've done it?
im a gynephilic rapehon so only if the chaser is a theyfab, cisbian, femboy, or passoid
none of these words are in the bible

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guys, it's not a bad idea to have your first kiss with a guy and lose your virginity at a gay bar on valentine's day, right?

mental illness & depression: the thread
i am sitting here alone in seattle with a diamond hard boner that is going to perforate my boxers
I started the Valentines with 0 theyfriend and now night I have 1 theyfriend, god is with me
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I've been crying a lot.

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practice worship of the divine feminine with anime girls as deities
idk anon just get big boobs and try your hardest!

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ive dated

12 femboys
3 twinks
8 ciswomen
11 transgirls

ive run the gauntlet and ive come out the other side: y'all have way too many mental health issues
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this is just a woman?
I guess if you're that cocksexual, a FtM twink doesn't offer anything. But many find anal only removes a lot of good positions and prevents spontaneous fucking. Trans boys resolve such issues if seeing cock isn't super duper important but you still want boy
such is life. but thats what they told me, so t hey couldve been lying for whatever personal reasons.

i aint purely cocksexual. i still like ciswomen. whatever catches my fancy, i suppose. i never understood the whole FTM thing. cuz most of em are mostly feminine anyways.
>but u ain't finding a partner
no i just reject everyone cause if i cant see myself as a woman then i dont believe that they
lol. im sure thats working well for ya.

Ive always seen people like this who seem so self aware yet still wont try to rationally fix that issue and stop tormenting themselves? like one transgirl i dated was very effeminate in every way but had a face that waasnt super fem. but because of that one detail she hated herself. if she just saw that she was doing way better than most trannies and should love herself more, she wouldnt have gone down such a dark path. oh well, it aint my job to be her therapist so thats why things ended.

if ur goin down the same path i wish u luck, cuz y'all just spiral in self loathing.

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Every tranny I've hooked up with in the area has a 8+ inch penis. I'm a total top, and none of them mind that I'm average but what the fuck are you putting in the estrogen?
I wish when I'm clapping your cheeks your massive cock isn't hitting my balls and thighs it's very distracting!
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idk man, i knew a passoid who had legit the biggest one id ever seen on a human

god is a mystery
It's more that they so often are ED-maxxing and an average to medium-big cock on a small frame with no pubic fat covering any length looks comparatively really big

It's the "skinny dudes are always hung" phenomenon but with women
That could contribute you're right
If I had no pubic fat I'd be 7.5 inches instead of 6
But the trannies I've fucked have fat 8-11 inch cocks didn't look like it was all that
I really do think it's something in non Isreali Estrogen
Chastity is important to fix this problem
idk, mines 7 and i hate its so much it's embarrassing and not cute

i want a colouring book
and i want you to leave
i dont wear diapers its okay.
you could feasibly make that happen...
googoo gaagaa

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Lunch Edition
previous: >>38733575

Goal of the thread: Food and cooking is a core pillar of self care. It is self expression, sustenance, social interaction. Enjoy a homecooked meal from fresh ingredients, with others, if you can.
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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do i need to use a face cleanser if im using micellar water
>My therapist says I tend to isolate as a coping mechanism. Don't know what to do as a means of some form of socialization.
Professional gamblers are always looking for low risk, high reward.
I'm not saying people like you and I are desperate enough for positive relationships to be called "social gamblers", but if one were to look at interaction-spheres in this gamified way, dropping in and out of different volunteer groups/organizations would very much be how to efficiently "beat the house", or at least that's what I learned from my experience.
Two years ago I volunteered literally moving books around at my public library.
I had to stop because of crazy reasons, but while I was there, (almost every weekday) I could really feel it just being super good for me mentally.
Most of the other volunteers were waaay older than I was, and we definitely didn't have much in common, but that's kind of point of branching out, isn't it?
What counts was that they were all extremely nice people—those who spend their free time essentially doing charity work are generally pretty great to get along with!
And two years later, hey, I won't tell you that I still keep in touch with anyone from those days or anything, but the time I spent there—basically just trying not be all isolationy all day—looking back, it was such a majorly essential stepping-stone to who I am now: The today-"me" is waaay more extroverted than the two-years-ago-"me" (even when it comes to talking to people here).
Now, that volunteering venue was just the first one I tried, basically because it was a slam dunk for me from the beginning; factor in just how many different flavors of volunteer work are truly out there—and all of them desperately glad for some more help—and I'd call checking this idea out a winning strategy.
Sorry to dump so much text over something that might not even be for you, but I find writing these types of things out at least helps me to process everything I've experienced.
since its basically become tradition to check in here every so often on my progress I've made it to almost 200 days sh free.
Almost relapsed last night but just forced myself to do shit I needed to around my apartment.
Still finding myself thinking a lot about dying but what can you do lol.
Our local trans group was doing volunteer work for awhile, but I'm guess the people running these things were told to stop letting use volunteer or they would lose funding. That's my guess at least.
>Our local trans group was doing volunteer work for awhile, but I'm guess the people running these things were told to stop letting use volunteer or they would lose funding. That's my guess at least.
: / I really hope that's not the case, but please don't let your negative expectations stop you from finding out the reality if you're indeed genuinely interested.
>since its basically become tradition to check in here every so often on my progress I've made it to almost 200 days sh free.
That's an amazing milestone, anon. Please do keep it up. I'm incredibly proud to say that it's nearly been seven whole years now for me. Almost can't believe it.
>Almost relapsed last night but just forced myself to do shit I needed to around my apartment.
This will always be the most readily-available solution: Do and think unrelated, noncausal things/tasks/activities—nonsequitors that'll eat up your brain's bandwidth; hyper-focus and -fixation should always be countered.
>Still finding myself thinking a lot about dying but what can you do lol.
In a cosmic and existential way, I do this a lot too and it's incredibly comforting, but I always try to come away from these kinds of ruminations with just how fortunate I am to still be here—to appreciate what I can in this world and to share things with others who may see the it like I do.
I'm honestly kind of overwhelmed I'm able to wholeheartedly say such things. Wish you well, anon. Please keep okay, and we'll see you next time you pop in~

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repper sisters… i caved
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>She didn't tell everyone she was a girl before age 7
so you're gonna troon out now and take estrogen for the rest of your life?

how do you have the confidence for that?

t. long term repper
Attrition among the ranks of the reppers.
>I repped!!1!
Off yourself youngshit

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How do I get a hung bottom bf fine with me sucking his dick?
>t. cute twink top
pic unrelated
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I’m a hung bottom. I will let you do whatever you want to me.
I look like an ugly bastard though.
no but fr it would be awkward as fuck
can I stare at it while you sleep at least?
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Any man who doesn't want anyone to look at, touch, or suck his penis is a woman.

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Is it just me or does this guy have tits? Is this one of you?
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*they clearly do, are you blind?
in this case I think they were actually taking hormones
There are worse out there. Blaire White has wider shoulders than that.
I'm not trans, but I've got bad gyno and long hair, and I feel funny about it.
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No they just have always had it since they were a teenager
I think it's because of the heavy cannabis use

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I hate my body. I want to be a femboy. Or at least twinky.
Instead I am tall, wide, and masculine. Not even hot masculine, but ogre masculine. I have a huge XXL skull, a wide ugly face, barrel chest, hair everywhere, etc. I've tried, but despite my efforts I have not been able to fix things. As I get closer to doing everything I can do, it has become apparent that I will never get what I want.
I resent this meat prison.

Nothing else is fun or interesting in life. In the first place, even if I were a normie with none of these issues I would still be a bottom of the barrel loser.
Why shouldn't I kill myself?
you should try licking penises. or hard drugs. or just going to bed. idk
why didnt you transition sooner with DIY

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Twinks pass better than troons.
One is basically hsts while the other is an agp ghoul.
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Funnily enough you can easily spot an agp's bone structure just from their silhouette.
You definitely have never met twinks
No they dont retarded niggerfaggot
>i was a gay man
still are
who cares
*starts whackin off*
uuuhhhh fuck my boaner fugkkk...

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