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Imagine how happy you’d be if you were this delusional
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that's actually standard for that train company, they do this for everyone
That person could continue living life, happy and oblivious, or they could come to /tttt/ and hear what the resident ogre incel troons have to say
Got a good chuckle from me
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cis people are dumb at perceiving gender, especially men, especially older people
i had stuff like this when i was a babytrans turbo hon too
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pick your delusion terminally online trans person

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do you think Elliot/Ellen secretly regrets their decision but knows they can't go back now because the backlash would be crazy
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I actually don't think it looks half-bad IF its styled..
i don 't usually subscribe to the "ftm transition because of trauma" but i strongly believe it is the case for Elliot. also that face looks photoshopped i can't make sense of the angles
that is a different haircut she has a two-block undercut thing going on in OP
It's just grown out with better styling, watch them wake up with nothing in their hair and it'll look p much the samething.
He went from a her that was like a 5 at best to a sir that is like literally a 2 lol All ftms hate their no cock and he is a huge poster child of the right so even more hate, but regret? Maybe, doubt it tho.

yeah, i just don’t think i’m interested in trans women anymore. probably why i find it hard to find anything on topic to post here.
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more power to ya, anonymous chaser
are you a better person now?
i think so, but i’d need a secondary opinion for confirmation
sorry for too many questions
it’s ok

My FTM boyfriend started taking antipsychotics and now he's become so boring.
All he ever talks about is work and the gym. I miss my little freak. How do I convince him to go off it?
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Why do you assume OP is MTF?
Don't make him get off his meds. if you actually care about him you will accept that he has changed
what the fuck happens in funger?
you say this like multiple FTMs on this board alone wouldn't die for this opportunity
you say that like they haven't already

Why do lesbians get first letter in the LGBT community?
Can we start calling it the GBL community to make both lesbians and troons mad?
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You don’t even know what it is.
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i mean one of the letters has to go first?
unless... we could be really bold and stack them on top of each other
The fact that gays got aids and lesbians didn’t should make the G come first tbqh
I thought it was because LGBT rolls off the tongue easier than GLBT
it should be BLT, for bacon lettuce tomato

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Qott: what's your favorite snack?

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>Excuse me ma'am, where's the honey wheat bread?
>Literally in the bread aisle while they ask that
>Gave them a thousand yard stare
>They reported me to my manager
This happened last night by the way.
it feels better now thank you <3
gm anon

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are there normies trannies here?
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It's kinda fucked up how that works. Also implies I'm going to have to be less weird the older and less attractive I get.
Not looking forward to either of those.
Meee hiiii, it’s literally only because I pass btw
That's how life works for everybody, just a fact you gotta accept. Just make sure you get all the really fun, weird stuff out of the way when people will let you away with it if you suck them off, kek
Maybeeeee lol probably the cyber version of eddie hall vs two pooners lmfao
>only because I pass
prove it

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My boyfriend is richer than you, and we've traveled to more countries together than you ever will. Jealous?
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you're rich to some and poor to others.
That's true, but I need to know OP's bf's income to satisfy my insecurities and e-peen.
>She still didn't list his salary
He is clearly a poorfag bitch
Isn’t this a faceapp of that one Australian mtf everyone on this board hates
Ava or something
literally who.

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I unironically believe the singularity through AGI and transhumanism is the only way to escape this clown world for a better future where we can live eternally youthful as cyborg gigapassoids.
I just need to convince myself on if going full John 50 repchad working on muh AGI, or getting HRT while chasing after the singularity would be the better choice.
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in fact, not only is there no incentive to wait, it is actually quite the opposite. every second that you postpone taking estrogen you will continue to masculinize. there is absolutely zero reason to wait.
worrying about what will or will not happen is foolish. you have no control whatsoever over which laws are passed and when. nobody can predict the future.
I just don't want to be forced to quit early on, or suffer long term consequences, I guess.

>you have no control whatsoever over which laws are passed and when. nobody can predict the future
The whole point of AGI is to create a better future
oh i was talking about hrt not agi
actually watch lain retard, its more than just "le depressed girl on le 'puter"

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How do I avoid this fate?
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>john 50 and 1 day
fake infographic, the average height for a man here is NOT 5ft 8
its fake
and your map doesn't state 'anglos' ie anglo saxons, remember 90% of the population of london is indian manlets, middle eastern manlets, chinese manlets etc, nothing whatsoever to do with 'anglos' as you insist on calling us
Its true, the food here is awful

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Why do people look down so much on trans women who get SRS? I was planning on getting it, but knowing getting SRS will remove my worth in the bedroom for like 90% of people (me being transbian) is just awful. What's it worth to be able to wear a bikini or tight dress when you're sexually appalling to the majority of people? It really is like clipping the wings of an angel, isn't it?
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You can't make me, cis women mog me into the dirt where I belong
bullshit, vaginas are so varied it wouldnt be obvious at all. Only someone who has interacted with multiple srsussy might be able to sniff it out
because the people on here are either chasers who are scared their favorite girl will one day not have a penis or girls who can't access srs and need to cope with that
The almoght phallic blah blah blah some harvard lesvian trope from legally blonde
they can't

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every time i try to get rid of my disgusting stomach fat i end up binge eating not long after and reversing all of my weight loss because im lazy and impulsive. like ik that its easier for fatshits to pass and all but i look like a moid and all the fat goes to the wrong places. is there a way to stop binging impulsively? do decent pro-ana forums still exist? also is there a way to turn bulimia (allegedly) to anorexia? thanks in advance
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that makes sense sorry i'll try the tracking thing as i said hopefully i can commit to it this time
Genetics only made you dumb, not fat lel, jk Anon but that's a giant cope and has nothing to do with anything
>i end up binge eating
don't do that
fucking idiot
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mfw threads that make me want to relapse harder
i think u need a prescription for it but im pretty confident some darknet market has it too

Taking cold showers, making your bed every morning, having a clean house, biohacking, and getting up at 4 AM is truly the way to be successful in life. Every single linkedin lunatic, wealth guru and life guru follows this same habit. All millionaires and billionaires follow similar morning rituals and habits. Prove me wrong. If you're poor, you should try this and let me know your results in a year. In a Petersonian sense, being poor is a personal choice, and can be prevented and also remedied. If you're poor, it just means you're too lazy to make your bed. A poor person refusing to make their bed is also a microcosm reflecting their inability to take accountability for their shortcomings in life, neglecting personality responsibility just because it's a pain in the ass, not fulfilling their commitments and obligations. Really, you reap what you sow. If you're not willing to make your bed, the probability is much higher that you neglect all facets of your life. Making your bed is a simple, easy and effective way to become successful. That's why your mother made you do it as a child, it builds character. Your refusal to make your bed is undoubtedly a character flaw, and I regret to inform you that people who make their bed are objectively superior. Making your bed truly prepares you for the arduous aspects of life, enabling you to tackle any obstacle. The action of committing to doing what you're supposed to do no matter what has remarkable psychological benefits. You stop being a whiney bitch that complains about all aspects of life, you focus on what you can control and are ready to perform. When I yell at my employees for making mistakes, I know from looking into their eyes that they're weak, berrypicking faggots that don't make their bed in the morning and that causes all of their problems. All of your shortcomings in life could have been avoided if you just made your bed.
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Let me take you on a date instead shawty
But the funny thing is that everyone who does what I talked about said it makes their life better, makes them feel like a winner. Those were the high performing phases of their life. They're tigers. When they stopped doing the habits I mentioned, their lives got worse. How am I wrong? I wish for their success t b h. Everyone who is calling me a schizo never tried the good habits I mentioned.
nigga you are a zoomer larper praising your role models from tiktok and youtube shorts talking about productivity this productivity that but you spend all your time here. you have bigger issues to focus on. anyone who obsesses over productivity is not productive.
I'm not a zoomer. Females shouldn't use the n word. Neither of us are black.
why does no one enjoy biohacking yo

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Boyfriend 6’4, I’m 5’9. What anal sex positions are there where I can easily stimulate him (I care about maximizing his pleasure). Most of the doggy positions are difficult because he is too tall. Tried but reverse cowgirl but failed to move sufficiently. Please describe in detail what are the best anal positions, top gay and chaser descriptions preferred.

It also kinda wanna use the stuff on the picrel, can someone explain how can I integrate such stuff in sex. I’m hrt’ified weak ass low energy bottom tranny.
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prone bone
nice nails
I lowkey love missionary, he can get really deep in me and I love being able to leg lock him to let him know how good he's fucking me.

t. mtf tranny
Yes but I wanna try new things I don’t want to do the same thing alwaus
didn't read but that picture gives me tingles

Thoughts on gays for Trump?

Are they just stupid or mentally ill?
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pickme gays are so sad honestly
All gays are mentally ill but these homos are especially stupid
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>family values
If only these values included different types of family, and not just heteronormative ones.
These people consider pic related an open degeneracy
>proven false.
You're proving it right with every post
>the economy
You speak like the alternative was any good for the economy
When in fact you're trading the same bullshit economic system with less rights and less freedoms

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