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What is the best way to meet trans women for dating in my local area? I'm a cis man
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She's too beautiful. Anyway, back to the question.
nerdshit events but best you're going to get is a twinkhon and that's a maybe.
Finally, an answer of some kind. What about for finding passoids?
no idea lol, actual passoids stay away from lgbt shit and nerd spaces because who wouldn't
if you want the top 1% of trannies you better either be the 1% of men, or pay, a lot, like 4-7k for a night date

it's true:
won't it get stuck up there. why no flared base
What a time to be alive
I don't see the issue if their buttholes are enlarged enough.

simple truth of the matter is that if you were meant to be a woman even if you were born with a dick, your body would naturally have low starting t and estrogen would work easily
but instead youre a 6ft autism creature who cannot even wash your hair properly
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yeah no im fucking subhuman im such a dirty fucking wetback i wanna be shot in the back of the head
if i was 7' tall i would just troon out.
Does the inverse apply for ftm like having a cis hon face and extra T
your testosterone made your sex drive high, you discovered porn, you revisited through dopamine dependency and then neurons that fire together wire together, literally. now you're here.
yes. well known fact

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How is being a girl suddenly so popular? When i was a kid being a girl was like the worse thing that could happen to someone.
idk. i think it has something to do with those damn kids. like i read a paper the other day that says 48% of them come outta the womb as girls! now i don’t know about you but when i was growing up in rural china this was pretty damn uncommon. someone should look into this
Feminists won and the consequences have been detrimental

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Why must trannies be whores? Can't you be an improvement to real women?
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This is a thread for top chasers. Nobody cares if a top tranny is a whore.
the failure of the tranny wife project cannot be overstated. they were supposed to be your autistic best friend in a hot female body, instead they are
>more unstable, bpd and hysterical than cis women
>bigger sluts than cis women
>more chad obsessed than cis women
>fuck more black guys than cis women
its a disaster, you're lucky if your trans gf is just an ex-slut and not an actual ex-prostitute
>>fuck more black guys than cis women
go back >>>/r9k/, new bnwo infographics are waiting for you
bullshit made up numbers, lying about fitness on the internet should be a capital crime.
i am an improvement to real women (i have a gock)

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Bi panic edition

>QOTT: What made you realize you were bi?

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Fbigen%2F

>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
Do you love me? Do you think you could love me? Make an assessment. You were in my waters, boy.
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.

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Nope they were from Limited Run, so quite good actually. Also, the same company making the new game boys is producing brand new games for it, which will work on any game boy, including the original. I had always assumed that retrons and other new old hardware were too niche for nintendo to bother going after, but selling them in gamestop could definitely change that. idk man, could become a very exciting time to be a retro gamer

some bimbos just want to watch the world burn
im a werewolf that eats twinks
thats because cocks are tasty as fuck
i am a machine that turns twinks into 'lusted after from a distance' twinks

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Don't fucking try Tulparepping, I tried it myself during 2 years to make me into a normal cis girl instead of an akward pooner, but instead got this 2 fuckers (a 12 year old boy and a 22 year old NEET subhuman) living in my room and trying to sneak on every chance they got. I can't stand them but still like them bc they're my only present friends at the moment thanks to a psychotic breakdown.
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That’s a good way to look at things, smart idea. I do the same a lot of the time
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iwn make a tulpa because i deserve to be alone and because it would be cruel to make one
No one deserves to be alone anon
Anon what the fuck

A pair of pantyhose would make you look more feminine
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you dont
show us show us show us show us show us
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I put on this when I'm getting railed by a BBC
but im biologically male, and this euphoric bliss feeling is always in the back of my mind, like i must dress up again to experience, and its gotten stronger over past years.
Im jealous. What a beautiful pleasurable sight. When I see that pic, makes me want to go on a tights buying binge.

The term mommy got ruined by people who have a parental kink and now my girlfriend cannot even say it without both of us bursting into laughter
>t. 29 MtF x 22 CisLes
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bursting into laughter due to internet silliness is fun
It's always been stupid and weird (same with the whole daddy thing), it's just Americans are mentally ill and need to imagine they're fucking their family to feel anything due to their mutilated dicks.
No cis lesbian loves men. You have a bisexual gf. Congratulations!
Well what am I supposed to call a trans cutie when she's balls deep in my ass?

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This is a thread by and for hons, i.e. those of us who girlmode but get clocked. No passoids, boymoders, or manmoders allowed. If you don't get clocked irl then fuck off. If you don't girlmode then fuck off. NO THESE AREN'T PASSGENS YOU STUPID PASSOID FUCKS STOP POSTING SELFIES AND ASKING IF IT'S OVER

>Is this thread for me?
Do you girlmode and get clocked? If so then yes; if not then no

Need a safe space for a haircut? https://strandsfortrans.org/
Getting hondosed or need an extra kick to your transition to no longer be eligible to post here? >>>/lgbt/hrtg
Need help with presentation?
Need help with voice?
the discord: https://discord.gg/vYDnfeHmTm
i started too late
i will never pass and tomorrow is the first day of my internship... worried about how i'll be perceived.

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i broke up with my cis gf. sell me on trannies. is there a MEGATHREAD or something i can read to start?
consult chasergen.
Once you let one pound your prostate there's simply no going back...

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>no trans gf to play vidya with
any dudes here who are lucky? What games do you play together
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He sounds gay.
True I could tell
What a fucking nigger. Btw I like halo, i ran through reach on legendary solo. Im also 6’3 and 6% bf
I just want her :(
Well she is gone sorry
Kys height fag

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Maybe it looks weird? Whats ur thoughts..? I m starting to experiment with makeup and want some feedbaxk..
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Yes, but most fat guys don't really care about their appearance or have a style. Black is an absolute no for you. Try a plum or a dark red.

Nails were the first thing I let myself have too.
I told my roommate to help me choose. I definitely wanna try that next, though.
Thank you for being so nice and encouraging!! I definitely appreciate it :3 the warning.. I appreciate that, too, and I'll definitely take what you said into consideration.
i didnt know feeder fetishes got so extreme

I'm a chud who's lonely tonight, Say something nice about chuds.

I'm overworked And have.
Lots to do.

Serenate me with optimism, caress me in hope.

I want to know love again.

I miss a tranny from the north.
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That is a lie
I wish it was true,however.
She disappeared off the face of the earth, Just couldn't contact her in any waym

I still miss her... Even flew her out to see me for a weak.

Showed her the most remote jungle and Beautiful sunset beaches.

Man.... Holding her in my arms while lying back in the water during the sunset and on the beach... I missed that.

Also cuddling in bed smoking kush....

We also watched roman history videos And we wandered through cities.

We even help this girl from a foreign land find where she needed to go and handed out money to the homeless.

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I guess you just don't get invited to hang out with film seems like a you problem buddy.

In all seriousness I sympathize with your struggle.
fuck you faggot kys
So you want my attention ty<3

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Trannies are demons that possess the bodies of children and kill said children while stealing their memories and identity.
You're like spiritual changelings, feasting on the energies of the poor families you've left bereft of their sons and daughters.
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Then what was the point of trooning out?
that's true. I want to kill and ape this "son" from my "family".
But they still have normal childs so that's okay and Im not stealing anything.
Trannies are the most spiritually fulfilled beings in the 21st century
these bottom chaser threads are getting more and more unhinged, lol
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Stfu stupid demon satanist tranny demon and put your gock in my ass you murdered someone's child the least you could do is destroy my prostate and also ur fat

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