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Points for me being trans
>No arousal in womens clothes, can go out dresses like that
>Dysphoria been around too long to just be a phase (+1 year)

Points against me being trans
>no childhood onset dysphoria, dysphoria only came in my 20s
>MEF/AGP fetishes (feminization, cuckolding, SPH, sissy fetishes, etc)
look my foot
Literally just do whatever you feel like lololololol who cartes about these labels hahaha
post your butt
why do all trans women love feet?
she is stunningly beautiful straight up marriage material

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Share your art! I drew a self-portrait :)
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love these, especially Enki :)
wish I could get back into the mood to write something less bitter but at least I'm still writing
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trying to get back into drawing since nothing makes me happy anymore
i think i'm depressed lmao
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>Make a grindr account
>Everyone's a literal 5/10
Wtf? Where are all the cute twinks you tסld me about? I'm in western europe
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>Wtf? Where are all the cute twinks you tסld me about?
set the age filter to 18, enjoy
The level of guy you see on the street is going to be the level of guy you see on grindr too. Most people are average. I see cute twinks (and cute guys of other body types) on grindr but most people there are normal middle aged men.
Eastern Europe
t. nw3
Welcome to reality sis.

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i dont take pills but i need to inject ty
>If you aren't ready, I don't wanna hear it.

I’m seriously considering buying a dress just to jerk off in it. That’s where I’m at.

t. MEF loser
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have fun
i jerk off in my female friends' clothes
do they know
MEF here
bro get on HRT already, it wont get any easier
trust me, my egg cracked and it felt like a freight train running over me
stop wasting time
i take my clothes off to masturbate

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Wanting to be a man is a rational pursuit of power.
Wanting to be a woman is a humiliation fetish.
What if I feel disempowered as a man and empowered as a woman?
So true!
It depends, some people undeniably see it as a part of fulfilling their masochism fetish, but some people don't believe being feminine detracts from their inner person and will

Women stole my manhood. Their perfect smooth skin, perfect proportions, perfect smiles, always taunting me with how unattainable their bodies were.

I was a rejected, isolated, lonely beta male incel. Women refused to date me, so I became a compulsive masturbator. But masturbation can only last so long.

Eventually I did what I had to do. I kneeled before men, and began debasing myself for their pleasure. At first I hated the taste of semen. At first, when my anus was defiled by a man, my eyes watered from the pain. I whimpered in humiliation at the indignity.

But by then, it was too late to go back. I was forced to take estrogen, learn the feminine art of seduction, makeup, skincare. my feelings of attraction toward women were replaced with competition and envy, and my feelings of aggression toward men were replaced with submission and finally, most pathetically, with desperate need for protection and emotional support.

I have accepted my fate, I rely on my boyfriend and I fulfill his needs, but I still burn with humiliation. I am a casualty in the war between the sexes, in which women mercilessly de-select men from the human gene pool, men who in an earlier age would have been warriors and conquerors.
You're just a bi bottom who went too far...
Why didn't you hire hookers? Or fucked less attractive women?
man cmon
OP typed this with one hand.

> hire hookers.

I accompanied a group of male friends to a brothel once. They each had sex with cookers, I could not bring myself to. Paying for sex is not a conquest, it's not a win, it's a transaction. I could not bear to meet the hooked eyes I was so ashamed and self conscious. What could be more of a failure than paying for sex when you want to be desired? I left the brothel in shame and still a virgin, but it would be years before my willpower finally broke and I gave up my virginity to a man.

>fucked less attractive women.

I am only interested in extremely attractive women. If I can't be with an attractive woman there was literally no point.

I did however try to make moves on some more plain looking girls out of desperation, but it was like they saw me coming a mile away. I would be decisively friend zoned instantly-- after a while I was forced to go along with the assumption that I was a homosexual to justify my long term total failure to get with women.

Meanwhile men constantly chased me and propositioned me like I was a fresh piece of meat. It was embarassing.

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Guys I really don’t wanna be a lesbian whenever I think of a lesbian I think of like 2 ugly hags with short colored hair and no children and only like cats. I’m a girly girl why am I doomed with this faith
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i feel like being a girly girl lesbian is really lucky
like imagine being born straight and having to relate to men whos interests are trucks and football, like how are you even supposed to be friends?
nta but you dont you just let them ramble about whatever stupid things they like and pretend to care while secretly thinking its adorable
ok but imagine having a partner rant about your shared interests
Objectively true.
This image is the sour grapes narrative pushed by scrotes. Disregard moids aquire love anon
Unless you’re a tranny in which case kys
Are you mtf?

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Do Mtf trannies *actually* think they're women or do they know its all a farce?
Surely no one is that delusional right?
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>t. female on test

If i took a dna sample from a mtf it would come up as male soooooo
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>being mean to koma-chan, who's super sweet even by anime girl standards
Yeah okay and ? A male feels more comfortable being feminine, what’s the big deal here exactly ? What is inherent in that that warrants being dehumanized and demonized ?
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>If i took a dna sample from a mtf it would come up as male soooooo

No entirely true. Intersex people in history have been recorded as intersex. Same thing goes for trans people in history. Biologically they would know that there is something different about your DNA/body (biologically). You would be medically/biologically labeled as intersex rather than just a biological male. Also cremation exists. If you decide to cremate your body there is literally no way to DNA test your cremated ashes. LOL.
who cares about dna? if a troon passes in day to day life then they're a woman. like what about people with swyer syndrome, do you see them as men just because of their DNA?

it's not (just) about being feminine THOUGH it's mainly about dysphoria. they would still want to troon out even alone on a deserted island

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dont know just try to give you a new brainworm
Pregnancy increases your breast size (typically permanently) in most women. Fat is also tossed onto breasts. Compare pre-birth, pre-fat photos of your family against yourself.
However, EDs during breast development stunts your breast growth. You basically screwed yourself over by starving yourself, permanently locking yourself to small tits forever REGARDLESS of your genetics.
it's all going to my boobs and even then they're still so small :( eating a lot is hard and genetics aren't in favor of even getting a round ass. pretty sure its over
i havent really starved myself much after i started E

what would happen if i were to use hormones to simulate pregnancy?
I hate to say this, but there's not really a way to simulate pregnancy using hormones.

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how do chasers fumble trans girls so bad? Trans girls were the boys who never got any love, if you show them basic human kindness they'll fall head over heels for you. How do chasers struggle so much to find one?
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Because the one i fumbled was out of my league, gorgeous, and I really didn't deserve her.
>How do chasers struggle so much to find one?
I could find other trans girls no problem, and lots of them hit me up but I never wanted to date a trans girl before her. But I fumbled it badly, probably on purpose.
trannies are rare in the wild
I've only met two trans women in my life and both were ex-sex workers so that was a no go for me
What are your interests? Not that I'm in any city, just curious
i'm a chaser and have tried talking to like 12 different trans girls and i've failed with each one

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Previous Thread: >>36600244

• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/

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is otokonoko's stuff estradiol cypionate?
is 4mg sub a day (as 4×1mg) okay as a starting dose or too high? i'm worried that i might risk slowing breast growth in the future? it's valorate instead of hemihydrate if that matters too
What's the best place to inject?
Currently on injectable estrogen and 5 mg finasteride. Thinking on stopping estrogen to increase sensitivity during anal sex. I am a bottom straight mtf and that’s my primary pleasure. I’ve been on her for three years now so I doubt I will have more breast tissues. Could anything go wrong with this plan?
>detransitioning for buttsex
husstussy = faketranny gayfag

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whats the deal with transfems and feet?

Can someone tell me or show me what ava kris tyson actually said to the kid lava, 7 years ago? I want to see this and get to the bottom of it.

I kind of find the idea that a few weird texts messages sent by a young adult can mean all trannies are pedophiles to be preposterous and in bad faith. I mean, wouldn't this if anything mean that repping males on testosterone are the threat?

That being said i want to see the messages to decide how to judge Kris.
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every third person you meet on discord is a minor who's faced trauma
I don’t DM minors links to hentai and Loli like some pedo. It’s not hard to engage with others online when you’re not a groomer
as far as I can tell, the porn was mostly coming from a porn-bot in a discord server the minors just happened to be in. only 1 of which was invited by kris (lava). and the loli jokes were clearly for lols, if you can't see that you must be new to the internet. was very normal in 2019.
I think the main thing is that this stuff happened when Chris was 20 and a presenting man. No one said anything at the time.

If kris were a pedo, wouldn't you be seeing recent, post transition allegations of wrong doing from credible sources rather than 7 year old allegations from third parties? It seems obvious that at 20, someone might make mistakes due to not being very careful, thoughtful or experienced. It seems more like an accident that wasn't repeated rather than a pattern of behavior. Not to mention since this was all pre transition isn't that evidence that transition maybe helped kris express his sexuality appropriately, as opposed to being a repper on discord?
I’m literally the kid in the greentext. You’re deflecting because you have no counter.

So since realizing that I'm trans and starting HRT I have: Watched straight romance shows and projected myself onto the woman, masturbated to videos of guys jerking off, sexted guys, fantasized about dating a coworker and felt jealous of his girlfriend, and so on. I've never admitted to being bisexual, but it would be kind of stupid not to given that I have literally masturbated while sexting guys, right?

I was always really put off by gay porn and mlm stuff so I figured I wasn't gay, but imagining myself as a woman in a relationship with a guy is pretty cozy honestly. Growing up I was exclusively into women, although I might have experienced gender envy too. Idk, I'm confused, do I just like the idea of guys because they make me feel relatively feminine? Would I get bored of him in a relationship?

In real life I'm attracted to loads of women but can count the men I've been attracted to on one hand. I'm also a khv so I don't know what relationships are like period. Am I just desperate for any kind of atttention?

It's confusing. Anyone else have similar experiences?
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My OP is a bit of a fake since I only watched the anime, but I think the cover art is cute. Should I read the manga? I remember liking the show.
haha same here :3
I just don't care if there's no face. I hate it, honestly. I don't like it when it's just some faceless guy doing full nelson shit
The only manga I've ever read is Nausicaa, which is absolutely fantastic, I think everyone should read it. I want to read the Akira manga at some point.

Anyway, I like pretty relaxed slice of life/romance stuff. My problem is that every romance is about two people dancing around the issue of getting together and then the show ends when they do. I'd really like a cozy slice of life romance about a couple who are together the whole time, especially wlw.
Omg! This too. Staring at a person's body without seeing their face is just really bizarre. I hate in porn when it just cuts to meat slapping together or leering shots of people's bodies. If I can't see how someone is feeling, by seeing their face, it's just boring. That's why porn has become really boring, I think it could be hot if it was shot in a less dehumanizing way.

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