How do people enter romantic relationships pre-transition? Genuinely an unfathomable concept to me, especially if you are frequently intimate. Do you just dissociate heavily? If so, why are you in the relationship in the first place, that sounds harmful to both you and your partner.
mtf stuck with voicetraining. no matter how far i pull up my larynx it's hopeless. sometimes i get it kinda right but mostly not and i have no clue what im doing i was wondering are there any tracheal mutations that determine whether or not you'll get a feminine voice or not from doing this?
>>38914864position dont matter but how long and wide that shit does, pause
>>38914871What? I'm not sure I understand what you wanted to say.
>>38914893cus you gay nigga
>>38914895Ah ok. I'm happy for you, or sorry that's happened.
>>38914907sorry about what nigga, you wanna get shot in the face?
new one cuz old one hit bump limit
>>38912135>it's overSEE
>>38907844>manmoding for 2 yearsDude you’re male failing hard
>>38914802God you frustrate me so much. Take a new pic.
>>38914845nah, only to old people and kids, others thinks im just a young twink.
Where can I find gun obsessed tranner gf?
>>38909592The drip goes hard, even if using stripper clips is a bitch.>>38909723Practical but also good look hitting shit with a grip that small with the recoil of a .45.>>38909737Unfathombly based trench gun, is that real one or the norinco copies?>>38909778I would say shit taste if it wasn't a cool norinco one, those are tough as shit.>>38910134Nice setup and good upper choice!>>38910466Mas 49/56 is cool looking but stupid ass caliber and if we're going mid-century wooden battle rifles I'm more a fan of the FN49 or Yugo M76.>>38911524Cool piece of history, good choice nona.>>38913324Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>38911110damn she hot, how old was she there?
>>38909463at the shooting range, duh
>>38911110>Maybe I'm the exception to the rule but I'm a top transbian lmao.Ur def an exception lol...>Even if your look masculine, it's better to be a woman than a twink. Twinkism is temporary while feminine beauty is eternal.I rly dont know whats worse.. being a twinkish sub into fem ppl or being a tranny sub into fem ppl... no matter what its a loss loss scenario except if I wanna be a tranny I also have to put a shit ton of effort into it all :/Id 100% need surgery ffs minimum so yeeeeahhh...
>>38909580Sam Hyde?
>QOTT 1: Do you like vidya where you can play as a typical badass power fantasy character ? >QOTT 2: Outside of shape-shifting if you could have a super power what would it be ? >QOTT 2: What is your ultimate power fantasy ? Do you ever daydream about being a powerful warmonger/politician/military hero/super space soldier ect..?
>>38914212It happens.
>>38914216Kind of crazy how seeped in drugs and alcohol the culinary world is. Everyone I know who has worked in kitchens says the environment almost encourages it at times, to fit in or to tolerate the stress.>dead manOh, shit, I guess that story is further up in the thread, didnt see that. Regarding the whole empathy thing Ive heard it can kind of go both ways with autism: you either pick up on too much or too little, it’s just that the people who pick up on too many social cues go about acting on them differently than a non-autistic person would. Supposedly. I imagine there might be more thinking involved in deciding how to react, but I don’t know for sure, I’m just guessing.
>>38914468I think I mentioned it here maybe I didn't lol. I could've said it somewhere else. I took care of this guy's mother years ago when she was dying, and became friends with him and his wife. He died back in December and she wanted to go through his things and I said ok. She picked me up we drove to the spot he died and she told me about how he died (she hadn't said before then) and then we went through his stuff and she told me stories and we lit incense we found in his drawer for him and so on etc. Helped her work out a way to honor him in ritual last night stuff like that. Just kind of provided her with a spiritual experience while going through it + cookies basically. Going back in a few to continue. Is basically what that was. Anyway I've heard that about autism somewhere but never looked into it to any degree however that's interesting. Whatever's going on with me it works out well enough. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I was a drug addict before that industry lol I started working there after I got off heroin and technically that waitress and I were relapsing with opiates together but they were free so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I couldn't use in front of my ex, not any shit like that so I used at work. I showed up there on acid even it was no big deal. It's definitely a bonding activity though if you're trying to quit something actively people are supportive in a they'll tell you no once but if you're still down after that's on you. Can buy and use drugs so easily. I've actually told people who are looking for weed and shit when they're new in places to just go around the back of a restaurant and they'll find a connect. Because that's basically every fucking one of them. It's like if you want a cigarette and dont want to but a pack go offer a buck to someone outside a healthcare facility because there's guaranteed to be smokers around. Especially if it's late night overnight shift.
>>38914704I haven’t read all of the posts in here, so might as well have been me who didnt see it. Sounds like you found a nice way to send him off though, hopefully bringing both of you some closure. >relapsing togetherAh, RIP. I’ve purposely avoided weed and drugs w/o a prescription because I’d probably like it enough to do too much of it to function kek You’re dead on about the backs of restaurants though. There’s a reason dealers and gangs are always eating good pizza.
Anyone wanna pay for my weed in return for some tgirl pics..?(I can't take this anymore and I'm broke T-T)
Alright cis guy here, been lurking this board for a couple of years now and I really wanna figure out if I'm retarded or have some non binary thing going on.Growing up, I've always looked up to male figures (in fiction and irl) and I've never identified with being anything other than a male. But I've had weird habits of mystifying and idealize femininity, like picturing women as angels and such. I've also been into sports so I've naturally been lean and athletic throughout my life, but never really wanted to be big like a bodybuilder. Still I've had some internalized shame of being a guy, like it's somehow even morally wrong. And I've been dealing with alot of anger issues and stuff, but that's probably more to do with my trauma of sexual assault. The one time I did psychedelic I saw myself, my ex gf with hypothetical children living in some caveman cro magnon type of scenario. And that shit felt like pure blissNo patriarchy bullshit, no fucking sexism, no transphobia. People living with nature, in nature and serving the most high. Yea i know the life expectancy was dogshit, but it felt like a life worth living.
Pooners should be artificially inseminated and held captive until they give birth.
>>38914810I just know ur a pooner baby girl, I can make you so happy my guy, girl yeah
>>38913720why? failed genetic ends shouldn't procreate
>>38914846You have a point tho
>>38913720Artificially? What a waste
Post your 'literally me' characters and guess each others letters. Skip people who don't guess.
>>38913851mtf >>38913722hsts>>38913643hsts
>>38913306average transbian>>38913424mtpooner>>38913643mtf>>38913851mtf, definitely autistic
>>38913216>>38913204Is OP single and looking for a girlfriend? One hundred percent serious btw
>>38913204FTM>>38913218FTM>>38913306MTF surgerymaxxer>38913347boymoder or FTM>38913424MTF>38913477FTM>38913643MTF>38913722Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
What are women treated like, and how is it different from how men are treated? I mean, other than what words people use to describe you.
>>38914665Women are treated like retarded children who don't know anything
>>38914689I don't think that's true. I think that's just a feminist diss at men.
>>38914689This plus dehumanization/commodification.
>>38914665one is coddled (both good and bad), other is disposable and expected to pull their own weight
>>38914689Women can get away with acting like retarded children who don't know anything, due to hoeflation
qott: what are your valentines plans?>asl>letters>about you>looking for>not looking for>contact
>>38910514ciggycord?like cigarettes??? :3
>asl19 m us>lettersgay>about youbored twink, I like planes>looking forfemboys / twinks, ask me or discuss anything you want. >not looking fornon cute people>contactkarlshaunlover
>asl21, california>lettersdyke >abt mefresh 21yo i feel old and wish i would just die. I barely go outside, no job and work out/game/movie/read/write/scroll/music to kill time. I think I’m isolating bcs i can’t start hrt and be a good boydyke and get piercings and tattoos etc etc. or maybe i’m a schizoid fr. my knowledge of everything feels surface lvl and i need people to tell me abt themselves so i can learn more, thanks>looking forIdeally someone to snatch me out of my city and help me get my life tgt but I’m not going to find that here. nothing in particular besides that >not looking forcis men that arent twinks >contactaudiotrack12
>>38909890I'm not near you but I'm closer to your age than most and I fall under what you're looking for. Add me on discord if you're interested: treeinthedesert
What can I do to pass better?
>>38914095>>38914189No nigga youre just closer to the camera in the OP with maybe a 5kg weight difference, you could learn to do skin care and work on your body(exercise) if you wanted to pass better but we both know that aint happening, youll continue rotting as you have been for the past year or more
>>38914217Why agp?
>>38914189you should be even slimmer than you were in this photo
>>38914341because you look like a porn addicted dude who gets off to it?maybe after years my gaydar is so developed that i can tell if someone actually likes dick or is just a gooner, you look like the type to either spend your days in a goon cave or be with another transbian who'd do the samemaybe i'm wrong, you tell me, but that's the vibe i get from you
>>38914688Ive had sex with both man and woman, and I definitely prefer dick, but honestly I don’t care about sex at all, I have pleasure with it sure,but there are things that give me more pleasure then sex in life, last time I watched porn was probably 3 years ago
why can't you accept that you're a completely normal twinkhon or bdd passoid?
>>38914786Being an aging twinkhon is pretty hell on earth mode compared to most of my peers chew be honest
>>38914786i’m also accepting that i’m a permamanmoder
>>38914796it could be worse
>>38914796What happens when Twinkhons age. I know passoid just age like woman, hons like more like hons.But like right now I look part way between a girl and an androgynous teenage boy. What happens when I lose the youthful apearance to such a look
>>38914808cheers then, to a depressing life ahead of us
Valentine's Day editionold >>38879809reminder that fuck you suck my dick whateverQOTT: How are you coping?
i miss my hating fren :(want to hear the truth
durian is sooooo old lmaooo
i crave more
what the fuck do you mean ?
I think I've come to terms with this
I think we can all agree that tall trans women owe ethnically mixed manlets sex, but the question that has puzzled economists is as follows: how should the distribution be arranged? Should the government ensure a fair allocation or should it be left up to the free market? By what means would it be decided if a manlet x transwoman pairing is "just"?
>>38914772What about non ethnically mixed manlets?