Bi panic edition>QOTT: What made you realize you were bi? Tagmap:>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.>Do you love me, OP?Do you love me? Do you think you could love me? Make an assessment. You were in my waters, boy. >What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?Only difference is that our flag is prettier.>Am I bi if I have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?Both are able to be attracted to trans people.>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?Just make a point to check out members of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.>Should I be harsh on myself?You should be kind on yourself. Few people will do it for youResource for Bisexuals: thread: >>38517140
lovely kittens
So the switch 2 is just literally the same thing, but with stronger hardware. ok.jpgwas in an electronics store yesterday just to witness their phone ringing off the hook and the employees having to tell people over and over again that they arent taking preorders till tomorrow. Rush out for your poor mans steam deck kek lmao >>38609979glad to hear youre getting back to workouts. might take some time to find the groove, thats normal>>38607568no no no dont tell me that cunk is a stinkfag
>>38611170Could be, but I'm sure there'd be someone out there who'd be willing to do that
>>38611068omg woman and femboys. thats bisexuality for ya!
>MOVIE NIGHTMOVIE NIGHT>MOVIE NIGHTMOVIE NIGHTsecond movie of the night, The Boondock Saints, is about to start !
>>38612271*hellsing abridged reference*
>>38611068Cis woman trumps everything else for meI’m only bi when cis women aren’t an option
>>38613695I just like to mix it up. Only been with women for a bit, crave men. Only been with men for a bit, crave women.
How many years does it take for a loveless permavirgin to become so calloused and hard-hearted that they no longer care about their loneliness?
I had a meltdown with my bf because he can't fuck me well. I made him cum two times today and what he gives me is a soft cock so he sucked and fingered me a bit then went to sleep because he's tired. He's my first and I'm considering giving up my own life rn