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im a trans girl that means im clairvoyant and have secret angel powers
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Second season is good too and has a cute ending
Need Dokuro chan gf
i wish i was
false I hate niggers
I have the power to befriend cats
tgirl with magical autism powers, many such cases.

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where do I find a bf like this? why are they so rare

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i miss him
who do you miss? your groomer? I assume that's what you're talking about since you're avatarfagging with a pedophile cartoon.
sir take the stick out of your ass
just because you were didled as a kid doesn't mean everything is diddlelee related
>avatarfagging as the kid that gets buttfucked
>doesn't like to call it diddling
>demands goyim change the language
nice dubs, third retard
/pol/ is that way, faggots----->

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I miss this board when it wasn't full of chasers begging for goonfuel from lonely trannies
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trannies aren't lesbians. they fuck each other in the ass. they're still just faggots. stop acting important.
So like 2015-2017?
So is this the real chasergen thread?
theyre too stupid to realize that the tradwife "straight" tranny they desire is a piece of fiction and a stupid poltard fantasy
true that
t. i know frogposter

I think I’m gay, but I’m too afraid to actually do anything with a man.
maybe if you took estrogen you would feel less ashamed about having sex with men
a lot of people here adopt that strategy

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I tried taking hrt but I just missed my erections and sex drive too fucking much. I stopped after a week and a half. I guess I am just a sissy after all who just gets off on crossdressing in public.
yeah, im just a sissy too, I know that feeling
Countries? I need some sissyhogs to fuck

Men and women are literally the same thing, there's no point in transitioning because there is no transition at all, it's all in your head
I wish we would transcend our animalistic nature and live in a genderless world
>looks at vagina
>remembers having a penis
penises are just bigger clitorises
>Men and women are literally the same thing, there's no point in transitioning because there is no transition at all,
If you truly believed that then you wouldn't have an opinion on the matter at all
that's not true, I agree with OP for the most part, trannies are about the narcissism of small differences

men and women obviously have different reproductive specs, but trannies are not transcending that difference no matter what, so really you are just superficially altering a select few of the thousands of details that vary between men and women and claiming to have changed teams

Which type of man do you find more appealing?
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left is repulsive, right could so easily look 7/10 with longer hair

left, if he has a good personality and isnt an asshole.
the twink tbhon
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so you will choose the balding normy with the potbelly?

Is there a way to feminize without tanking your libido, losing muscle mass, getting brain fog, and fucking up your cardiovascular system? Asking for a friend.
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perfomance, self care, hair styling, and apparel.
but hrt messes with things only in the beginning, it eases and levels right after you get on injectables.
>losing muscle mass
the biggest lie of all time tho.. never happens if you have a proper amount of protein + continue to exercise, but you see, it's idiotic i know, but people do not associate muscles with feminity normally :(

you're not a female
you're not a female
you're not a female
if im not a female then why do i have a vagina???
surgery lil nigga
>I'm shocked how fast I lost muscle mass too!
>it looks like I never really stopped working out.
so did you lose muscle mass or not?
does horny goat weed help

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*Approaches you to make you his twink towel boy*
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i would fuck bap so hard bro id have him beggin for my dick

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was she an omen from god to reppers?
why are gigachads always trooning out while cute androgynous short boys worship hitler and vote for trump?
>Why do frustrated young men who don't feel like they will be affected by authoritarians policies vote for them
It's all fun and games until they start eating shit lol
for me personally it wasn't just one hon in particular
can we start a hon thread please, ive been begging

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give someone a hand and they'll take your whole arm, this will blow up in your face, soon enough things will come full circle and homosexuality will be repressed and punished, faggots were too greedy and they will pay the price.
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Over 3% of the world's population are homosexual individuals, yet they are responsible for more than 50% of all reported pedophile rape cases. Let's say we have a global population of 100 individuals, around 3 of them would be homosexual.

If more than half of all rapes are committed by homosexuals, then it means that out of every 100 rapes, over 50 are done by homosexual people. In this situation, it would suggest that around 50 out of 100 rapes could be linked to only 3 people. Homosexual men are over represented in pedophilic rape. Statistically speaking almost every homosexual male is a pedophile. (Not all of them but almost every single one of them)

the pedos committing homosexual rape typically aren’t exclusively homosexual themselves, pedos usually go after children regardless of sex
> Statistically speaking almost every homosexual male is a pedophile
Statistically speaking this is a ridiculous claim
>Slippery slop
This is literally a logical fallacy
wasn't it looking even worse for the christcucks if one """noticed""" their per capita figures?

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>have argument with bf
>I'm angry and giving him the silent treatment
>he goes up to me and grabs my face and puts it in his armpits and says "smell this"
>take a big whiff and my mood relaxes and I go limp and start being in a lovey dovey mood with him again
grrr.... how did boys figure out a trans girl's weakness? one of you must have spilled the secret...
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election season tourists, istg
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i am
Does it actually effect your attitudes? Idk the idea that Chems other than psychodelics influence your emotions or thinking seems a lil absurd to me
the idea that a hormone somehow selectively affects your entire body except your brain seems absurd to me
if it was cock and balls smell though but this is adorable in retarded way

How do I lose weight FAST

I looked in the mirror this morning, and see a chubby retarded tranny. I keep binge eating junk and craving food.

HOW do I stop being a fat chubby fuck, who wants to eat all the time.??
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Because fasting is stupid.
What you need is as much protein as possible because it will make you feel full.
The fast and binge way is easily, EASILY, the least efficient way to lose weight.
Drink lots of sodium and potassium on days you fast.

Usually I do 7 grams of lite salt, 2 grams of regular salt per 24 oz of water 4-5 times a day
damn good job.
i've noticed that it's kind of like being tired. it increases for a while, but if you can push past it, it eventually goes back down. you just absolutely need to come up with some way to solidify in your mind that you absolutely are not allowed to eat right now, and you must wait until later.
date a chubby chaser it's easy and they buy you food

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Straight guy -> (top) tranny chaser -> (bottom) tranny chaser -> transbian -> straight trans girl
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that pipelines fucked. no commitment.
>gay kid
>"straight" repressor
>incel (think im prison gay)
>/fit/cel with bulimia (also bi)
>gay top
>bicurious manmoder
>straight manmoder
shoot me
>straight guy
>jocat's strongest soldier
>god's strongest repper
many such cases
more bottom chasers should do this
there's not enough straight girls for top chasers

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