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What is your thoughts on micropenis'd trans girls
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I don't like the idea of mocking someone for being small. Like, I admit I like the femininity of it, but I don't believe that should be a point of shame or subjugation.
it's incredibly hot
the contrast between my throbbing, rock hard cock and soft, limp, submissive girly pp drives me wild. Just wanna playfully bully it with my cock and cum all over it, nothing more than that though
not as good as average or hung trans girls
maybe it is time to move on to a flat or an inverted cage
I really love the way you look now
you should post on your twitter more
Great cock. You'd make an amazing futa maxer.

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When will Emily of Youtube channel Snake Discovery, finally come out formally as a transgender woman?
She could inspire a lot of other women.

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you don't get it, part of the bulb was destroyed but part of it remains inside you
the penis has an internal and an external section
Fuck off newfags stop responding to this spam
ok sorry
I absolutely want to call reconstructed pensies, i.e. from war wounds, "approximations made from flesh sourced elsewhere from the body" from this day forth.
so they gouged it out so I can pee and you're claiming it's still there

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Will trannies ever recover from this?
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Exactly what I mean. Both events in this short tile frame… It’s over for you
You're normal
yeah, i hate trannies

t. cis man on hrt
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Your to judgy for your own good it's performance art. If it upsets you you should ask yourself why this thing that doesn't involve you in anyways is upsetting. And you'll probably find a flaw in yourself to work on

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tinashe - nasty edition

qott: is somebody gonna match my freak?

thread theme: https://youtu.be/jrjESdPsLxE?si=zVC7oGswQTWk5M2E

previous thread: 36537291


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.

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Let's gooo, Invader Zim is second, I won't miss it <3
I really need to finish the show some day
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Good evening
Its finally time to start another Movie Night! Tonight selection is:

>Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost
>Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus

Here is the link of the stream, don't be shy and come join us! As always the film will start at 23:10 GMT


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it is one of my fav shows
wtf there's someone dressed as quan chi at this pride parade

The second film of the night Invader Zim: Enter the Florpuswill start in 10 minutes, feel free to join us!


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i wish i were trans. i'm cis and i tried taking estrogen despite not having dysphoria and it just gave me reverse dysphoria
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why do you wish to be a mentally ill man?
Why do you want to be trans lol this is hell. We are in hell.
What specifically makes you feel bad?
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another estrogen injecting cis male here at 4 and 1/2 months in, reverse dysphoria isn't a thing, all this shit does is give you gyno lmao

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what do you think about a boymoder who is perfect just as she is and should not be pressured to girlmode before she is ready?
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bring back boymoder cowboy
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pew pew pew! hehehe

I think she would be good to be fwends with :3c
hehehe :3
you don't look like a child you fucking pedophiles
and you are a fag

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Is it possible to stop your hair from falling out when on T?
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No, but it’s way slower. All my male family was balding by my age, but I’m fine, just a visually non noticeable amount of thinning.
Pooners can take fin without any concern?
What a crazy chemical world we live in...
In theory Saw Palmetto should prevent the conversion from T to DHT, and it's DHT that causes MPB.
The evidence is pretty weak tho.
dutasteride 2 or 3 times a week
maybe minoxidil too (topical)
good luck Pooner McPoonsters
i'm a cis male and i will kill myself if i go bald

Woke up, went onto Reddit, and noticed a familiar, beautiful woman in my timeline. Why can't she accept that she is not a guy? What further needs to be done?
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we've all seen your slut jugs and your huge foid ass before
can you not post a mariethread that doesn't hit my filters
i will not cater to you
i normally dont like big BA but your right it would really suit her somehow

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I had my first relationship with a transgirl when i was 14

Is that bad sign?
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sorry i mixed up the replies due to the other post

i meant

how old were you

how old were they
>how old were they

She tried to make me run away from home and move into her in exchange for sex, alcohol and inhalants buy sadly that never panned put
You lucky piece of shit
I was constantly searching for trans women to take me in since i was 14
Why would you search for that
I wanted a mommy gf to save me from my hellish life ;-;

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Rapey homosexual transsexuals are ruining transbian acceptance!
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is that big soph
yes, it is
most lesbians of the transgender experience are fucking freaks
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i think its funny a lot of people on this board and elsewhere don't realize you're being mocked on the world scale and used as a political tool and it's a downright travesty that more attention is going to fags and trannies than your actual health or economic welfare
>and that attention going to fags and trannies is wasted because it doesn't make things better for anyone, just divide and conquer headlines

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Would pooning out have saved her?
No, she should get a refund for her jewish genetics.
I could fix her
Dunno who she is, but I can fix her
Idk who she is. But lookswise she is fine. Obviously she would look better as a twink but that goes for everyone

anybody finger themselve and remove the shit physically?
sometimes I finger my vagina to feel the poop next door (did you know girls could do this?)
imagine not prepping
I just insert a buttug until it comes out clean
Sure, because it works

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>be 20, and gay male
>Chat up with a tf2 buddy whos Bi
>We meetup months later.
>Refused to suck his dick because of no listrine, only made out
>Was entirely awkard / weird, never made eye contact with him.
>A day later, he told me to look somewhere else because I couldn't talk to people.

Was this the worst ever first time in this boards history? I met him off of this frengen.

I still haven't found a relationship to this day after a year of this happening
>be me,16 and male
>chat up a guy whos from my school, little bit fem but whatever, he just seemed gay
>need my mom to help me pick him up
>ask her to stop at walgreens cuz I needed lube
>we proceed
>I had lied to him and said I was straight but wanted to give it a try
>take him up to my bedroom and fuck him in a few positions
>get interrupted by my grandma yelling my name out
>he freaks the hell out asking me if someone else was home and i didnt get what the big deal was
>continue fucking him
>couldnt cum
>took him down to the loft and had him blow me while i watched anime
>told me his jaw hurt but I didnt understand what he meant and told him to keep going anyway
>never asked for his name
>forget how he got home
>> get interrupted by my grandma yelling my name out
Lmao everytime
I hate boomers

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Love MTF trannies, hate anal. Wat do?
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why do people assume the anal or vaginal sex is the only and best kind of sex???

lmao like imagine thinking that like one meal is the only food you can eat and nothing will ever compare.
Gross lol
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Do what my bf did and find a straight MtF with a pussy.
Yeah, anal is the worst. No wonder gays are crazy and do so much druggies.
This posts makes me suicidal I'll never have a pussy and I'll never have a bf

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>well you see, it's chud shit, I fell in love with a trans bitch, she's an autist, she wants to suck on my chud dick

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