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is my friend gay if he got a boner when i sat on his lap?
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i do that but not cuz i want to give my top a boner but because it feels nice. the moment his hand goes to my chest i get rly pushy
well what did he do about it?
nothing he just averted his gaze
Post bussy
it obviously wasnt enough, you need to do more

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how do i achieve this?
i need to do this if i want to pass better.

t. skinny heighthon
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i think they're pretty gross desu, but i guess it's worth the tradeoff
I'm sure you have an absolute goddess body
its alright. i definitely need to lose weight though for a better whr

Is this body even reasonably achievable as a super heighthon??

I'm already a little curvy - and i know these are cartoons... or ig in the case of that woman- surgerymaxxed..

But is it even reasonable to expect curves like this after a certain height?

t. 6'5" piomoder
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Wow who could have seen this coming
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They never were lol, this was always a smokescreen
They did the same with segregation too: "oh it's to protect the poor white women"
checks out
terfs for white pride eh
Its called astroterfing (lol) and it works every time because of all the pick-me retards in our community who think the majority will ever give a fuck about them if they lick enough of the right boot
most TERFs are straight women who appointed themselves the saviors of lesbians whether they like it or not, and the lesbians who are on their side are mostly rapists who are mad they can't manipulate FTMs into sex

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Can someone explain how lesbian bed death happens?
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real, cis women tho
lesbians fuck so hard that they die in bed together
people naturally stop having sex as often as a relationship progresses. this happens in straight and gay couples, male and female, and is very normal. surveys of sexual behavior in the late 20th century purported to show that there was a distinct pattern of lesbians not having sex, but their methodologies were later found to be flawed. notably, these sorts of studies often made cisheteronormative assumptions about the kinds of sexual behavior people were engaging in. Lesbian sex is more frequently non-penetrative in nature for obvious reasons, so they were assumed to be having less sex than the others. In reality, the difference between lesbian couples and couples with at least one male partner was not as significant as had been reported.
Idk my wife is literally just like a really good friend that I dont wanna have sex with now
no one initiates sex (there's no man)

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>be me 18 yo boymoder
>start saving money so i can go stealth in a new place next year
>burn bridges with family and go live by myself but still living in my town
>block them from every social media possible to avoid contact or know anything about me
>3 months later
>receive a text message from an unknown number
>"hi anon how you doing im your aunt i want to help you with your transition!!!"
>oh fuck
>suddenly remember that i left some empty bottles of transdermal estradiol in my old room
>suddenly remember that i left a document detailing my GID diagnosis

i genuinely want to kms and i dont want to see my aunt anymore, even more after this she is evil and everyone in that family is evil
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anon i switched my avatar get with the times
Oh you are the cutter now? Did not expect that
are you that guy im ignoring on discord or someone else
I never added you on discord, so someone else

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Hon pride worldwide
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remember noone can do anything to you
you have HON POWER
this is what rightoids see in their actual nightmares. based
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It's over.
this is why we should gas the hons, and not the jews.
What did I do to be an inpassing hon, I'll always be seen as one of these people and I'll never have a husband

Maybe roping isn't so bad

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We need to bar white trannies from black lipstick
>bar white trannies from black lipstick
>picrel is not a tranny and is not wearing black lipstick

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i'm gonna kiss her, hug her, carry her around, pet her, cuddle her, bite her, anything she wants. i'm gonna marry her aswell as soon as i can. i'll make her mine for the rest of eternity. i can't think of spending the rest of my life with someone else. i need her
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you sound perfect in every way I want to take care of you and kiss you when you're sad and play games with you and hold you so close
aaaaa plsplspls
add me on discord pls ;w;
is she me?
whats your discord?
hihihi do i know you?

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Should ftms take the redpill and practice seduction on bi liberal women?

I'm a tranny and I don't look like an ''alpha male'' so obviously I won't be picking up straight girls in clubs I'm nichemaxxing and girls compliment me by comparing me to kpop stars and cute boys they see on Pinterest. For more context, I'm a zoomer
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I worded it this way because most straight girls aren't in my dating pool so I don't wanna bother. The main point was ''should ftms get redpilled and become players?''.
I don't wanna date the same chick for 5+ years until we both get bored and she eventually cheats on me. I wanna live life to the fullest
If you're playing with a "cute boy" angle you'll have to settle down with someone before twink death hits though
idk im a serial monogamist, got cheated on once after 4 years but iim back on the horse.
>insert word maxxing
>thinking random hookups are more fun than sex with a committed partner
chungas post, total chungas unlimited deluxor
Settle down OR get rich

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yeah i was the only trans person i knew, too... :( i have a laundry list of rly horrifying trauma and life events lol. i respect anyone with sincere conviction, but i really think anyone my age who waited much longer than i did to transition is basically a malicious space alien and those platforms are now lousy with tons of them :{

some ppl who bullied me on forums and stuff are now popular twitter transes who continue to bully everyone who disagrees with them from high platforms.... sighhhh lol
I tried coming out several times at young ages, it was brushed off and I was told it was wrong. It still fills me with rage thinking about it, and one of the relatives who said so is dead so it's not even like I can direct said rage. Plus people have nostalgia and think that the past was all flowers and sunshine, and if you even try to explain how events were traumatic there's always some example they pull out about how "it could be worse" or some shit. At least we generally look younger than we are, I see teens and early 20s who look like they're 40 these days
took me a long time and a lot of difficulty to forgive some ppl who were really truly incredibly cruel to me v_v i'm ultimately extremely grateful to have gotten to live my life, though i used to be filled with extreme agony and resentment toward my mom. meow i'm glad you survived, anon
Malebrained 4chan FtM bfs are made for Fembrained tumblr MtF gfs
>why they bully us
They fear our power.

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>what personality disorder(s) do you have?
>have you actually been diagnosed?
>do you feel like it's the cause or result of being lgbt?
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>yes and no. i don't know. im constantly having an existential crisis over it because i dont know myself but i do have dysphoria, so i guess idk? one second completely confident, the next wanting to rope because i dont know if it actually me.
therapy doesnt help the the sense of self issues
I was diagnosed with schizoid pd but it's gone
it was just extreme dissociation from myself to such a degree I just didn't give a single shit about anything anymore
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i am a beautiful princess
explain v-v
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>yes, unfortunately
>was misdiag'd as BPD like most ppl are at first but thats bc DID doesnt really mature until youre around 25-28ish years old
>yeah it was basically entirely bc i was intersex and trans living in a religious cultist household where people would abuse me day in and day out
i dont really care about it except bc i cant escape having it, but otherwise its just how we exist. its like autism or something idk and idc its just the vibe i get. like it affects everything but when its all u know its not that interesting
>probably have AVPD but its impossible to diagnose, as if id ever willingly go to a medical professional lol

why did woke twitter trannies start using the term "doll"? where did it come from? i'd prefer to be called literally anything else but that.
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Agp, straight man aroused by crossdressing and sexually imagining himself as a woman
doll is a HSTS dog whistle
It means they are willing to sacrifice their humanity and be submissive inanimate beauty objects for others to play with because they feel they could not appeal to men if they actually were themselves and conveyed their own interests and desires. It means they are willing to be slaves in exchange for hotter/richer/higher status men then they could get otherwise
that sounds hot and based THOUGH
Wow i love being a homophobic flamer seducing closeted gay men this is so much fun being a pushover so closeted faggots wont reject me for a real woman!!!!

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I use depilatory cream on them
I trimmed my balls for the final time ever 9 months and 27 days ago. I gave them the ultimate trim. They've been trimmed from this plane of existence.
lol no they get scared and crawl up into my stomach they're just little guys
please don't ask trannies questions like these. ever.

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basically i still live at home and grindr is not an option since i don't want to be a slut it's gotten really bad the past week or so and i need whatever advice that maybe helped you guys
put something pleasantly-shaped up your butt
>grindr is not an option since i don't want to be a slut
good girl
is that rly my only choice to buy something like that, it's embarrassing as fuck to keep something like that in my room and if someone saw it id kill myself
thank u

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott: how do you feel about tattoos? do you have any? do you find them attractive on women?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35691740
discord: https://discord.gg/hrbygddw
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It's so sad how you keep rooting for our downfall because you can't cope with your own shallow relationships going nowhere, or because you dont like what our love is based on, or you just have grudges against us.

We posted updates here last night because there were a couple people who were worried about Kassie. I want them to know that we were doing better away from this place. The reason I broke down so much at all was because I let shitposting on this board become a cope for the time Kassie has been very sick. Watching the person I love more than my own self suffering in agony for weeks and weeks brought my mood down and instead of praying to the Goddess I came here to say stupid things until it would send me into cathartic breakdowns. I recognized this error thanks to my split and now I am more ready to give my life and soul to Ellaphae than ever.

Despite everything, I hope you will be blessed in love )*
>>35718878 (cute image)

Did you know that the harder we try to convince others of something the less we usually believe in it ourselves? Its often because we want the person to agree with us so we can experience an activation of the brain regions that would be felt if we actually did manage to do the things we said.
So if i say hey im overweight and going to go jogging for the first time ever, and you say, nice keep it up. What ill experience as you say that is a sort of reward, which paradoxically makes me less likely to do the thing i said i was going to do.
My point is, if you truly believe in your love and are dead set on going through with it, all these words you say would be pointless, you needn't convince me, you'd already be convinced yourself, no need for validation, no anger when reality (me) starts creeping into your perspective.

I can guess your future, you both won't be together. But, maybe there is a 0.1-1% chance, not something id bet on, but perhaps a bad bet is still worth making sometimes.
I feel bad about saying this, ill stop for now. I think some things are meant to happen, and your denial is also a step in the process of God's plan. . As hard as you cling to the shore, the tide of the sea has to go out eventually.
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Sure I unserstand basic psychological pitfalls. The whole idea is that negativity like that doesn't matter as much as the fear of it does. I am not afraid of your thoughts "infecting" mine, I open myself up to it, any negativity others give is familiar to me because it is the same negativity I must overcome within myself in order to love Kassandra more perfectly than ever before.
I want people to see our struggles too. I have no interest in putting up a fake image of a turbulence-free love in order to persuade or convince. Truth will win out in the end and I believe love is truth )*
Good luck. Im very lowkey rooting for ya. Exciting for updates over the years.
Thank you that's very sweet of you, bless you

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