How do I stockpile estrogen?I'm also fucking furious at most of you for not listening to Blaire White and not accepting fake trans and ftms, you've doomed us all. All you had to do was keep being trans a down low thing only for cute feminine straight mtfs. We are supposed to make men erect, not upset them.
Pick me is the gayest fucking commie phrase ever. Just be a normal fucking woman. You've ruined this for all of us you gross tattooed dyed hair left wing gross insufferable non-cunt cunt.
>>38876039get a boyfriend and shut up kayla holy shit its been how many years of posting the same 6 photos!!!! get a life!!! you arent hsts you were a biker dude pretrans who didnt have dysphoria until you john 50ed and crashed out
>>38876003If the “retarded pickme” gets the single biggest question right while everyone else doesn’t, I’d start reassessing my priors
the only blaire white video I want to watch is the one where he cries in fear for his life because the fascists he was a token for have decided he's no longer usefulI genuinely mean that btw, I am very much anxiously awaiting the pickme meltdowns once the government begins killing people lmaolike does he actually think he won't be rounded up?>all you trannies are doomed but I'll be fine, right?>right??
>>38876003>>38876012Btw to expand on this further, the whole>pickmecultural hitting stick among alphabet people is an epistemic closure. It's a way to ostracize any possible correctness checking of groupthink, which unsurprisingly leads to lemmings-jump-off-cliffs outcomes.Retards on this board and beyond have been shouting pickme for decades at any dissenting voices. Probably not a good idea to double down on that instinct.
The Free Palestine crowd hated trans people more than they loved Gaza
>>38875945It an intent and procedure thing with genocide. I think it’s good to have a word that means a specific thing. You could displace everyone it wouldn’t be “cide”. You could nuke the area and it would not be genocide either if the intention is land or surrender. Yeah yeah I know all the international globohomos say yada yada and it may be my autism speaking, I just think the mass systemic execution of a genetically similar population for the express intention of eradication of that genetically similar population needs to have a word in the English language.
>>38873705the majority of people in the us support asylum seeking and support trans rights. this is literally a dedicated cabal of ghoulish rich white boomers doing a coup.
>>38876053Forgot pic
>>38875972It's only do bad because of muslims just like the rest of Europe, and do you know who opened the doors to them but shut their doors in the process? I'll give you a hint, it rymes with ew.
What is the femrepper/AAP equivalent of picrel?
>>38875668it's satire genius
>>38875713>Tumblrite artstyle??????????????????????????????????this is far too ugly to be considered "tumblr art" are you insane
>>38875996What's it satirizing tho? That picture is not of a person or category of people, it's not an exaggeration of something that exists. The only thing it does is proclaim the artist's ignorance about all things trans related. It's like drawing a black man with a bone through his nose playing basketball while wearing a suit and running from the cops, all of those things make sense individually as politically incorrect satire, but all together it's just like "have you even seen a black person on TV?"
>>38876049does anyone have that one vid of the 60 yo blacked sissy guy
>>38875897…that’s why OP used the word equivalent, to highlight an overall pattern though the substance is totally different
Testosterone absolutely raped mehttps://unseecc/album#f7A6HIEEc0um
>>38875914But are you male or female?
>>38875925I'm female
>>38875932Just tell me what you want to tell me
>>38875122i'm not gonna hugbox, height and boobs are tragic but your hips make me seethe
>>38876004would you prefer if I posted my discord?
It makes me question a lot looking at the attention picrel got.Somehow a lot of people found this look aesthetically pleasing. If they did, maybe hons aren't so gross?I mean, I still think they're gross. But maybe not most people?
>>38875510>Liverpool mentioned
>>388757331964 john also pretty
>>38875846wait that’s 1966 actually
>>38875510Because Man with musical talent andsome pretty feminine traits = crush of many people. But woman who looks like a full on man with estrogen skin makes people uncomfy
>>38875733Bishounen vibes
21 is too late to transition and pass, regardless of surgeries. I'll just rep for lifeYou can only be stealth if you transition under 15. Any later than that and your thorax and belly button and hand size and skull and vocal range will communicate to everyone that you are and have always been male. They only tolerate you and use she/her pronouns to appear polite but deep inside they all see a man in a dress
>>38873619tfw condemned to live out entire existence as the beta version instead of the 2.0 version
>>38873657memento mori faggot
>>38873653>i should kms but i'm such a cowardJust try harder bro, It aint that hard to do
What's stopping trannies from telling chuds that ackshually they're detrans (FTMs saying they're AMAB MTFTM, and MTFs saying they are AFAB FTMTF) to explain the presence of feminine/masculine features & the current changes (name, HRT, etc.)?Seriously, what's stopping you? What are they going to do about it? Detransitioners are untouchable.
>>38872017>What's stopping trannies from lying about who they are for sex?ethics you fucking Jew.
>>38873630The two most traumatic and character defining experiences a person can go through are:1. Living with an untreated mental illness for years or decades2. Transition from one gender to another completely changing the chemical makeup of your body and the way you present yourself to the world>Y dunt dey ebar shud up bowt been trans el oh elgee I wonder
>>38873767.>Instantly thinks its all about le sex because hes a fetishy ogre man-in-a-dress who cant comprehend wanting to live as a regular man/woman outside of sex
>>38873586You can say you were a tomboy and male socialized at a young age due to being a youngshit.
its because they dont actually care and want to see you executed violently for being a faggot troon
Why do I have tranny rizz, but no faggot rizz? I always ever put it on the fact that trannies are women and women are retarded, but I hate women, so it can't be that
>>38873800I ask myself the same question every day gaybro. I've unwillingly become my town's estrogen dealer.
Ray of hope editionPrevious thread:>>38637307Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno: don't care about the story as long as she draws porn: free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:>Name of comicComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>38874914>>38874923Would you fuck a fujos boyfriend while she watches in the corner
>>38875007Depends on the guy desuHe's probably not very hot
little do they know the friend option just leads to deacon making out with the janitor
>>38872189Bronze's been my favourite so far.
prev >>38868026
hitting the crack pipe with thorny and kerri kings onahole would fix me
After having tested myself for weeks with food made with garlic, onions, bell peppers, cumin and several other spices I was sensitive to, and having experienced little stomach upset, I am now about to begin the next test: drinking milk with lactose.
>>38876091Chicory gives me the nastiest farts.
>>38876058I don't make friends with ppl who tried to catfish me and dox meToo many red flags
Every post on this board is penis-havers talking about how their penis gets erect for various female things, whether it be "lesbians", goth girls, wearing spinny skirts. I feel like, um, someone needs to do the Patrick Star meme for you: So you have a penis? Yes. Your penis gets erect for female things/ideas/imagery? Yes. So, you're...
>>38875901U got a house, fr fr? ngl u ain't ever ever gonna own a house no cap tho keep renting once u move out fr moms (obvs no dad) house hugs fr fr
>>38875930womp womp seethe more
>>38875924same, they go at my throat in every thread
>>38875901did I translate that right? In human language, "You'll never own a home, or pay off your debt. Once your mom dies, you'll be cast out and all your gooning supplies and lewdlycon drawing books will go into the gutter"
>>38875936t. currently seething, coping and dilating in my home>u asking mom for more robux
I'm genuinely interested on how the average ftm in this board sounds like. My voice is really high pitched naturally due not being on t yet so it clashes with my apperance most of the timesmtfs can join too
Someone post or suggest some copypastas we can all read in our pooner voices.
>>38875801"P-pwease kiww youwself pwetty pwease?" Here, enjoy
>>38875801im over here stroking my dick i got lotion on my dick right now im just stroking my shit im horny as fuck man I’m a freak
>>38875801calling uself a pooner is cringe
Since this is starting to seem more and more like a real possibility I was wondering what people's plans/ strategies are if such a thing passes.
My job just has a single unisex restroom so nothing will change.I don't have to pee in public anywhere else.
get arrested. file a lawsuit. take it to the scotus. explain what being trans is with common sense rhetoric. no gender fluid. no non-binary. no non-op bullshit. win.
>>38875803>KYSim sorry you're ugly
>>38875750Based>>38875761NGL I haven't tried to do that since I became post op seems really annoying now.>>38875777Because if you get clocked by the type of schizo that clocks literal cis woman you could face severe legal penalties. Like I pass as well but I don't really want to risk it.>>38875780That's a smart idea.>>38875791Not if I pepper spray you first>>38875825That is a surprising amount of faith in our legal system
>>38875729I look like a girl so probably just keep using the women's bathroom with slightly more anxiety
>most women claim to be lgbt allies>whenever a guy pisses them off or rejects them I have never failed to see them immediately call him homophobic slursInteresting...
>>38875539>>38875497>>38875581>>38875603The fact that you forgets that hating gay people is normal is so fucking funny. "Durrr, yeah that's normal!" They call you a faggot cause you're hated.
>>38875641at least be open about it and don't try to hide it then
>>38875581Youre thinking about it too much. Calling someone a bitch in the majority of instances isnt meant to be misogynistic, for example. They are just insults, meaningless.Genuinely asking, are you just very young/or live in an overly progressive place/etc. which makes you feel this way? I know people who are still using queer as an actual insult, none of it is homophobic or what have you, it was just a commonplace thing for a long time regardless of who you did/didnt support
>>38875497>>38875839all bottoms are subhuman, misogyny and homophobia are both just completely reasonable bottom hate
I'm a straight man on estrogen with a fetish for the idea of being a lesbian. How brutally do I deserve to be killed for my homophobic perversion?
>>38875171As a trans girl who has been in a 4some with 3 cis women OPs picrel makes me laugh but not in a chud way. Just reminds me that my life is fucking awesome.
I'm fully into lesbians, always was. I really like butch lesbians. And I don't mean feminine looking girls with a karen haircut, no, I mean those motherfuckers that fully look and act like a man despite being lesbians. Except if they’re fat tho, can't get into that.
>>38875297you don't get it. I don't want to fuck lesbians, I want to be one.