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I tie a scarf around my chest and pretend it's a bra
how does it feel?

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i'm going to mess up my hormonal balance via drugs and then kill myself as a hon

and no one can stop me
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Look up a male up tutorial on YouTube and take good care of your hair. You legit could already pass babe, regardless of hormones. I promise you can be who you want, it just takes a little effort, K? And when you do, hit me up and we can talk. Or before. Pretty Cute now ngl
>male up tutorial
Sorry, em, do you mean make up tutorial or am i retarded?
same i'm trash and i know it ;__;
Yeah I meant make-up, my bad. I think ice seen women that look more manly that that without makeup. Just a little goes a long way
you can't be that bad
thank you anon, i will try it

>I'm a legbutt and I support Palestine
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Meanwhile in the real world ppl (rightfully) think zionists are pure genocidal scum of the earth
>It's their own job & journey to advance towards a less dumbfuck trad society.
and when they show up here and force us to be included in their 'journey'? (that also goes for orthodox jews forcing shit on places like brooklyn too before anyone thinks i'm 'pro-israel')

leftists go to bat for ANY white muslim who is visibly muslim. they also don't give a single fuck when brown muslims insult black ones and call them abeed, jareer or slaves. this happens in france 24/7
being very outwardly muslim and white alone like david myatt (doesn't apply so much to being a secularized white muslim) is like being a white hon, you get exemption from ANY white privilege
>Zionists kill babies for fun, zionists incinerate hospitals, refugee camps and kindergarden school with white phosphorous, zionists behead and torture babies, zionists shoot pregnant mothers for pure sadism
your brain on propaganda
objectively more people support israel
don’t think this is good, homophobia sucks and is bad… but also consider that gay Palestinians are getting killed in the war too? innocent people dying? fuck Israel

>be the same height and weight as an anime girl
>don’t look anything like said anime girl
I don’t get it what am I doing wrong
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you're not quite delusional enough
girls have some fat… losing weight is good and all but having some fat on ur bones will help you look a bit feminine too.
Try? Much? Like at all? Smol size is very fuckable, just buy a dress and go to a salon.
if i get deathly skinny then eat enough to be barely normal weight (like 18.5bmi) will i pass yet
yeah i know, i was just going along with the bit. i look waaaayy better with 15 extra pounds and i don’t wanna stunt early breast growth by starving, thanks for looking out for me though!

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I want to plap a cis woman in her pussy with my girldick. I wish she would be nice to me while I service her and we could kiss a lot. If our boobs rubbed together during the sex that'd be really great too.
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skill issue (same)
I'm a bi switch train and I feel like this is a very inoffensive take. People focus too much on genitals yeah, but you have the right to choose what you are attracted to. To me not wanting to be near dick is like having a height preference or something, it should be fairly neutral.
Hi sweetie

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My fellow Americans, how do you feel about a potential future filled with sexually and ethnically ambiguous people?
Since I first experienced sexual attraction my ideal mate was an ethnically ambiguous, androgynous person, which is basically impossible to actually find. If the future is like this, I'm going to be pissed.
im an ethnic minority and i like white trnnies
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>im an ethnic minority and i like white trnnies
I'm a black guy and I prefer off-white trannies

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How can I look cute and feminine without giving it away in daily life? I just want to get manhandled and suck some D as a cute early 20s femboy twink, and are men in the LGBT scene willing to pay for crossdressing items like clothing, makeup and hair removal? Pic rel is my goal somewhat.
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I would never crossdress in public, ever.
me irl
From what I've seen a lot of both crossdressers and trans seem to think that makeup will just make them look worse and also that skincare and makeup is too expensive to care about, honestly a lot of the time I'm guessing they just don't have anyone trying to get them into this kinda stuff which is kinda sad
Like for most girls growing up they'll get all kinds of presents from their family and friends that are all about skincare, fem hyguine and makeup and will at the very least be pressured into doing these things at some point...
I've always had an interest in these things and have been doing skincare and makeup for several years now, and while I won't look like an anime character in >>36380852 I definitely put a ton of effort into my appearence
Literally out that in your Grindr profile and meet in public. Let them know everything up front; do t hide shit. Your intentions, your expectations, your experiences… all of it needs to be laid bare.
Wonderful, you sound like the perfect role model. And while true, you can't expect the same, the amount of shit on YouTube about this sorta thing, it's not a lot to ask. End of the day, it takes a lot of effort to look good. Put it in, and you will. Don't, and you won't, regardless of how hard you try.

On that note, I'm sure you are very pretty ^^SUVR

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old >>36375651
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Saves the world. He'd live as a hero for giving us our first black woman president.
You can't ctrl f gaygen
shallo can run for president in 2028. he can save america
more like scenario is that Russia will escalate something with the U.S. and Europe, they have subs around Cuba at the moment
can she twerk?
new: >>36381441

it really sucks how much hate they get and how they're chased out of every space and shamed

one day i'll have my soft prince bf and i will make sure that man knows he's loved
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>a girlfriend who's assertive, who teases back and pulls my head down to make out
I need that so much... even if its half of the time.
>I also like a girlfriend who's assertive, who teases back and pulls my head down to make out.
Same bro same i dont mind being the lead and her being cute and girly but then agressive when she wants me cus thats hotter
Wish I had someone who loved me
Motion seconded.
I want to love and be loved.
Motion thirded
I want someone to dote on me and i wanna dote on them too :(

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The chad ftm vs the incel mtf
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>this is what she thinks men look like
Holy shit, I mog the living fuck out of this fat bitch.
>lets ban the thing that reduces violence rates globally and not ban the thing that increases violence rates globally
hm yes i too wish to watch the world burn
This is AFAB wanting attention, not transsexualism
Estrogen makes you retarded, fat, a whore, weak and an emotional wreck. In MTFs it’s all of that but somehow even worse. It’s why all of you are on psych medications.
>wow look at this car crash, isn't it terrible
>yes, we need to control the Internet more

Fucking retard

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This is my goal body
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I fail to see why we can't love and appreciate both. Some people like bigger partners. I would let both of them fuck me into a coma, but I understand having a preference too.
>you know trannies can have nice tits too right?
now you know i guess
i just checked her insta, her body look so weird

I just jerked off to a man again.
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Cool... I jerked off to spice again
I had a dream about a guy touching my micro protoboobs the other night. It was nice.
Let's make that dream a reality then
I always jerk off to cis women and somewhat still consider myself bi.
which one

Where do find other trans people in my city (london) that arent 40 year old hons or redditors but are more like these mid 20s twinkish bitches

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they mog you in joie de vivre
>"you can call me a woman I guess"
this bitch is too afraid to be a femboy in public. sad!
They're all so cool. Wish I had tranny friends :(
iop8877 add me

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Would transitioning have saved her?
he's the Bjork stalker

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hello trannies (and chaserbros who could help)

my gf (mtf) [soon to be pregnant housewife] has insane body problems issues which makes her want to kill herself (amongst a PLETHORA of other issues i am whittling down alongside her for her) and i wanted to ask; should i get into bodybuilding?

the reason im asking is that she is insecure about her he shoulders and stuff.its been a year and a bit since she started her transition so i know it takes a while for any changes to be visible but right now if i begin to body build and framemog even further will it assauge her discomfort towards her shoulder width even if they are the same size as before?
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hmm so trying to make her shoulders feel small to her wont work.

is there anything thats youve experienced that helped externally or by a caring oartner. or is it just trying to help slowly come to terms with bdd as her transition progresses.
not saying it wouldn’t work, it probably would make her feel a bit better when next to you, but i don’t think it would last. sadly i have yet to find a cure. bdd doesn’t seem to have an easy solution and dysphoria is in the same boat. i think the only real thing you can do is offer your love and support her whenever she needs it. personally i would avoid mentioning areas she seems nervous about, but do a little bit of scouting cause some trannies get turned on by being told they could never look like a real man (you in this case). you could also “reward” her in some way whenever she talks about something she likes about her body, since that would build a positive association with liking her body. i wish you the best of luck anon, it proves you care to be willing to get muscled up for the sake of your lover
do things that may make her feel more feminine. buy roses, call her princess, do bridal carries idk
this is also reallygood
thanks ill try those things i aprecciate this annonette.

alright someone close this thread i dont need it anymore

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