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Is it true that most trannies miss their male libidos?
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I miss the pleasure of gooning for hours to old bangbros videos with Ramón
Idk anon I think of it like this

Being hungry is a problem that needs to solved kinda the way being horny is
There's two type of people when it comes to this problem

The first kind likes cooking and eating food
they enjoy it
The second kind finds it annoying they have
to cook and eat

But lets say both of these people never had to eat and never feel hungry anymore
The first kind of person no longer has that hunger
but they miss the joy that came with solving that problem so they yearn for that hunger back
The second kind of person finds this great because they no longer have to solve that problem anymore

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Yes. Why do you think 30 year old MTFs have to either detrans or sudoku?
Honestly I'd prefer it if the person I was with had less of a sex drive. I prefer cuddling/hugging to sex and would much rather hold each other on the couch then anything in the bedroom. I wouldn't be bothered by not having sex ether I'd just want them to be fine with me relieving myself from time to time if the urge got to strong, but that'd at most be once a week. As a man I do feel weird not having a high sex drive though as all my other male friends are open about how much they have it and I just don't tell them about my lack of one.
sex drive is a cancer and i literally cannot understand why someone would want it BACK wtf

she had the right idea getting out when she did, the way things are going now
hope she's at peace. life is such suffering for some of us. even normies suffer, yet being any variant of T just sucks

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How do I approach the topic of bussy sex with my tgirl gf? Do you like bussy sex? Thoughts?
you don't have to tiptoe, you can just ask. they usually say yes.
my prostate craves it

A pair of pantyhose would make you look more feminine
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thank you based 7kb 186x271 image poster. see pantyhose are so nice looking that i can even tell this girl's fit is good in an image the size of my pill bottle
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keep postingyour threads, pantyhose-anon
this. You're doing god's work. The longer the psyop continues the higher the chance that I can finally get a pantyhose wearing trans gf to dedicate my entire life to.
it is a psyop?
t. girl who already wears pantyhose because that is what a proper woman would do

/lgbt/ if you could have anything in the world this instant what would you choose?
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not out yet sadly, some sites are doing pre-orders but it's pricey
What sites though? And does the plush have a specific name?
I need to turn its mouth into a fleshlight
a boyfriend
Please? I would be forever grateful

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Is there any image board alternatives to lgbt? I wish something like crystal cafe existed for trans people that weren’t filled with fucking annoying ass Reddit gooners
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those "annoying ass Reddit gooners" are fighting for your rights so sit tf down
taking a stand against "muh optics" is unironically a good example of trans activism. no assimilation, no matter the cost.
this is violence against bisexuals
yyeeesss my sweet little tranny become more visible and easier to document very good

When people write shit like 'I want to transition but for that I need 3 years of HRT, 5 surgeries and a shitton of practice and even then it might not work', it reads to me like 'I quit my boring cushy corporate job and I dedicated my next 3 years to making it as a pop singer'.

Has it not occurred to you that it might not be worth doing it? Or are there people here who are in various stages of on the fence, like on the bring of starting it to thinking it'd be nice but probably not worth it/ not possible in their current life circumstances?
this is a good point, however i will still be boymoding
no its more like "maybe i will stop working at this lead factory and get a better job but i'd need to learn and work for it for 1-3 years

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people lie and call me cute and completely androgynous (i started at 21 i cant possibly be more than a neverpassing faketrans honnoid)
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why do they lie to me just tell me the truth i already know i look like a man and always will

Does your psychic vulnerabilities pass? If not you’re a



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Female brained
oh. thats why girls always do the *sigh* nothing.
response when we go to nice places.
yep, that's why if I ever suggest something I preface it with others wanting to do so also, and NEVER order first.
>every single social interaction is a test
>you have to force yourself to eat when you arent hungry in order to make her happy and if you dont then its your fault she feels bad and she will punish you for that

tranners please do not train yourselves to think this is normal or good behavior to emulate.
get a better gimmick you fucking retard, it is still not funny after all the years you've been doing it

Is it bad for possible FtMs to rep, like it is with MtFs? We all know about twink death and how you become more masculine as you age even AFTER puberty, but is it as bad for femreppers?

Basically, do women become more feminine (things like hip growth, breast growth) with aging? If so, in what ways?
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In the same boat, and I’m wondering if keeping an unnaturally low body weight would prevent further hip and breast growth. Or maybe one of the estrogen blockers they give to breast cancer patients like tamoxifen. I’ll probably stop repping at some point so I want to be in the best position possible
The Wall is caused by menopause and is avoided with hrt
you seriously have never seen a 23 year old?
your hip bone grows regardless if youre pregnant or not up to your 25th birthday
your tits can, and probably will grow, and if you accidently get pregnant they definitely will grow
stop repping you retard

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Are Skaven malebrained or fembrained?
rats in general are fembrained
worrying about this stuff is extremely malebrained, youve already failed.
Me on the left begging for mercy

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/mmg/ is a thread for adult women to discuss being ugly.
Qott: how's it goin'
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sending love mwah mwah i'm rly sad stuff is hard for you rn :c just try to enjoy your shows
I probably should get some snacks yeah.. haven't eaten in like 30+ hours.
Ty bee<3
laying in bed a night is not bedrotting, that's normal. bedrotting means sitting in bed all day

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TL;DR: Italian gay sub. Here to marry a stranger and become his traditional tradwife, to be owned, used and abused.

180 cm tall (5'11"); 65 kg (141 lbs); slender and fit; fair complexion; short beard. 30 years-old.

With me you will feel like a real man, dominant, in full control of the couple and of me. I will encourage you to express your masculinity, even in its most arrogant and toxic forms. From me you will receive complete understanding, submission and dedication to the couple.

DISCORD: complementarity
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You heard me
no i didnt cuz you typed the words onto an image board dummy all i hear is shapehero factory ost
Do you have any that come in greek
Tradwifing is a universal language
at least you aren't brown

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> Be me, 45 emm-tee-eff

> Troon late so total gorillahon (male pattern baldness and more beard shadow than James Bond)

> Super malebrained due to decades living as male

> Have a wife, exclusively attracted to women

> RUIN trans optics due to reasons above

> Be a repper, pic unrelated

Don't be stupid anon. Repping doesnt work. If it did, you'd be out living as a man and not an incel loser on 4chan talking about how to rep better. Just put in the effort, Troon out, and it will all be ok.

Join the Anti-Repgen

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Is HRT repping a good compromise?
>...Just put in the effort, Troon out, and it will all be ok.
its the only way

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>cant get laser because theyll botch it on purpose
>cant get ffs because theyll botch it on purpose
>cant get srs because theyll botch it on purpose
>can only get hormones because the people who i buy them from dont know what i look like
why did God make this world so cruel?
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how dare we talk about non american ffs surgeons on a tranny board
/int/ frenchmen smell like shit and only talk about blacks and arabs, no thanks
how long does it take to get electrolysis? I've been going for 5 years now and still not done just trying to make sure I'm not secretly getting milked for money!!

also i dont think this thread is all that schizo i went for an ffs consultation and all they wanted to do for me was a liplift and cheek fillers when i could obviously use a chin and jaw shave they just want to do the minimum work possible to feminize your appearance and they dont care if u still look clocky.
>5 years
you're getting scammed kek
my insurance just approved my laser refferal but now im too scared to go

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