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straight men are only allowed to wear white, gray, and black
wearing colors is gay
beige/tan/khaki is bisexual

I have seen thousands of turbo-normie hetshits in my life - and almost all of them wear grayscale clothing 99% of the time. Females do not. Really makes me think.
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Is erasure of “masculine” woman misandrist?
It's really not. It's about enforcing a sense of duty and stoicism in men so that they'll do the women-and-children-first thing when it comes down to it.
so women are in power?

hello, anon are YOU a boybian?
its more likely than you think!
>who is a boybian? a
boybian is any boy who is femmy and likes boys who are femmy!
>can trans girls be boybians?
if they id as hrtfemboys and like boys, yes!
>can I be a boybian if I like girls?
no, anon, boybians are only boys who like boys who are kinda like girls
all fem4fem amab gays are welcome!
use this thread tonshare your experiences and spread boybian positivity
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I mean I hit the wall man, boydyked out too hard. Now I’m like a late 20s butchbian.
wish i was a boybian
same :(
masc twink x fem twink >>> fem twink x fem twink
several peer reviewed studies have confirmed that fem twink x fem twink is the purest form of love sorry not sorry

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Have you ever been caught?
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are you still boymoding after her seeing your cock-absence...
no i can wear girl clothes now she doesn't try to argue
anon your litteraly me omg

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I'm never ever ever gonna pass.
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asians be like
chicken? nah i'm gonna eat this rubbery thing from the ocean that vaguely tastes like it could be related food in some way
Chickens were first domesticated in asia though
and yet they choose to eat fish semen
the majority of this board eats people semen dude
touche anon
but eating people semen makes sense, fish semen does not

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i need a trans girlfriend ;-;
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Oregon. And you?

europe :c
Well even then, mind humoring me for a bit?
I feel bad for you, son
just out of curiosity, what part of europe?

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Man Tiddies II Edition

>QOTT #1: Tips for working out chest?
>QOTT #2: What part of your body would like to instantly improve if you could?

Previous thread: >>37237151


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?

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luckily its only 4chan schizos who believe that
lol idgaf what them homos think. you know some of them cut their dicks off? wild stuff.
what exactly do these ppl have an issue with? cishets or lgs?
Did any of you watch the new Netflix series about the menéndez brothers and what did you think about it
yeah its pretty based junior has caused nothing but problems for me

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How do i keep the motivation to weight cycle? I'm 2 months on hrt and ive gained like 15 pounds and all i feel is like a fatass should i keep going for another month or two to help proportions or what? Hrt also slowed my metabolism down as well so im worried i wont even be able to lose it.
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but what if i REALLY dont wanna get fat...?
couldnt agree more. Its fun being a little chubby. Weight cycling was not fun for me.
how do you even weight cycle, do you need to keep the weight for an ammount of time?
I think youre just trying to create as many “female” fat cells as possible while not loosening the skin. If youre active your body will be a lot more responsive to the losing part so I would slowly gain weight for like 6-8 months and then spend 2-4 months losing it. I dont think weight cycling does much though, just dont ana mode
Chubby girl supremacy

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Let’s get down to business,
Not to become hons
Yearning for life as daughters,
Despite birth as sons
You’re the worst newfags I’ve ever met,
But you can bet before we’re through,
Sister, I'll make a tran, out of you!

Your body has ailed you
For so many years
I promise a brighter future
So just wipe those tears
You’ll need makeup, clothes, and estrogen
And you’ve got to voicetrain too
Somehow I’ll make a tran out of you!

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Very nice.
underappreciated, i sang along when reading

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does anyone from here know about her? are u excited for the album?
Why do people call big soph a gigahon when we have THIS soph already
Holy expanded facial planes
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I wasn’t opposed on principle to the songs being released post mortem, but nothing from the album so far sounds that interesting to me, I’d be surprised if any of the songs were already mostly mixed and just waiting for release

Previous thread >>37327390

I wanted to respond to some questions that didnt get answered. For anyone new. Ehlers Danlos syndrome is a condition that affects collagen production. Its linked to autism and being trans, and affects women more than men. It causes chronic pain, frequent dislocations, and a variety of health issues.

>Im 26, am I too old for ABLE?

No. If you got the disabling condition at 25, apply anyway. It is based on the age which you become disabled, not your current age.

>how do I know if I qualify for SSDI?

Work credits. Work credits determine everything related to Social Security benefits. Go to the SSA.gov website and see if you have worked enough to draw benefits at your age.

>how do you find friends to help you manage daily life?

Some of my friends I got before I was disabled. Some Ive made afterward. I had a very apparent deterioration in my health at the beginning of this year, and had a lot of trouble just getting out of bed. Most people will be kind to someone going through that.

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And if anyone has ABLE account questions I can likely answer them or at least point you towards a resource.

Also leaving this here:


Would strongly rec this site and the most recent edition of the Nolo Press book you can find at the library if applying for SSI or SSDI.
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Very interesting seeing this thread. I was just researaching links between autism, EDS, transgenderism, and paranormal / high strangeness experiences.

I'm like 80% certain I've got CCI or POTS but the only doctor in my state that diagnoses it is out of network and charges almost 2k for a consultation. Life as a diseased repper, I guess.
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Oh. Is this why I can do like picrel... Also I can do the leg ones and the hands behind the back one.
I have some similar issues. Love to talk about it with you.
I was mistreated by doctors for several years.

I started working an intense factory job a bit before my 19th birthday. Pretty quickly the grinding pain in my left hip worsened. I was having issues with my back and had a hard time sleeping. When I spoke to my doctor he told me to take asprin and that I should just work a different job.

Well, eventually it got too much for me to stand at that job. I started slowing down. I couldnt lift the bins of metal chips into the centrifuge. I got fired, and then just dealt with chronic pain for another 2 years while being out of work.

I started avoiding physical activity. And then things got worse. Eventually I really overdid it and ended up bedridden for the better part of a month. I had to start using a cane to get around. Getting out of chairs was difficult. I had a hard time going to the grocery store on my own.

And my doctors treated me horribly. I was given a drug abuse panel instead of imaging when I went to the ER in pain. I was told to "just take care of myself" by the patient care advocate. At one point my doctor told me to eat potato chips for my feinting issues. I felt totally hopeless.

Eventually I buckled down and travelled a few hundred miles to see other doctors. And they were really good to me. But it shouldnt have taken 2 1/2 years of me getting worse to get there. And my doctors at home should have taken me seriously.

If I knew not to do heavy lifting or that factory work would do actual harm to my body, I would be in a totally different spot right now. I would probably have a much easier time walking unassisted. And I wouldnt be in as much pain.

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I married a trans woman and she wants to take my surname and legally change that before she legally changes her first name. problem here is her deadname and my surname combined is the name of one of the main characters in a movie we both enjoy. how do I not think about this?
force her to cosplay that character until her name is changed
she'd probably divorce me
worth it
absolutely not. she's the best thing to ever happen to me. I CANNOT lose her
this genuinely

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Lies of penis edition

Question of the day: How sensitive are your nipples?

>What is a femboy?
A femboy is a male that pursues a feminine appearance for himself whilst still identifying as male

>Are femboys trans?
The majority of femboys are cisgendered. Femboy is not a 'stepping stone' to trans, it is a stand alone identity.

>Can trans post here?
Trans people are welcome to post in /fbg/ and identify as femboy if they want, but this is not a trans thread.

>Why dont I ever see femboys irl?

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Oh... you dont have a pickle rick... thats not really sigma champ.
This is scary
No its dull as door nails.
Uh no and I don’t want to
I’m a femboy but I don’t have any friends and everyday no matter if I go to work or stay home makes me miserable what do I do
Find new places to hang out like clubs.
And bee yourself ig, try to put yourself out there.
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They are sensitive but only to 5G signals
advice for this always sounds so trite, too many unknowns. Maybe try a cult

and its one with the 6.6l duramax v8 diesel :3
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i would never own an elctric car, but also i would never own an electric car that weights more than 1100kg
yeah because you can't afford one lmao
but also bc it's overweighted shit on the road
Dump him, cars should be illegal.

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is there any way to know if my face is masculine or feminine enough to pass without posting it to an autist thread on here?
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the photo was without makeup lmao
Why does it spell apocalyptic with a k... Also apparently this board is a wasteland lol

i got it too lol >>37337741
a black and white photo of a woman sitting on a couch, black metal aesthetics, streaming on twitch, live-action john waters film, cocky smirk, life is not what it used to be, old apartment, toon aesthetic, :3, criminal mugshot, looking straight forward

I'm calling bs, my mugshot wasn't nearly as cute as the photo I used

Also > :3
mogs me so bad holy shit I need to die

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What's it called when you got AAP but as a cis man
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attention-whoring or insecurity depending
for me? both
I love feeling big and strong and having women look at me (but not old ladies, they give me the ick, I will report them to HR)
I am a gay man and the attention of women has no lasting meaning for me
pic = agp
being a gym bro.
Gay. I used to think I was a tranny and took hrt 16-18 but realized its so much hotter to be the man you want to fuck than be fuckable to men. I love coming home after the gym and seeing my sweaty muscles and post physique and see myself starting to look like men i like. I get to live out the yoai esq desires I had when I was a kid and it’s so awesome. Anyone saying narcissism or egotistical doesnt reslly understand its more about the attractive and desire component ratehr than thinking you as an entire person are reslly hot for being a man. + wouldn’t basically all trannies&many cis women fall under narcissism under that thinking? This is all assuming you’re gay because cishets don’t belong on this board

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