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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis and trans lesbians to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.

Please keep /lesgen/ discussion focused on wlw (women loving women). Trans discussion not relevant to the lesbian experience—dysphoria spiraling, starting HRT, passing, and validation—is better suited for the multitude of trans-related threads on the board. Topics related to personal drama, including but not limited to tripfags or discord, are also not relevant. Bad faith posting, such as gloating about cis4cis exclusivity, is unwelcome. Please report and ignore any and all rule breakers!

>QOTT: Which one are you (pic related)?

>Am I lesbian or bisexual?
Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.
>Are genital preferences valid?
Sexual orientation is innate and we can’t choose what sex characteristics we’re attracted to. However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful. In the same vein, shaming others for their attraction or lack thereof is also disrespectful. Bee kind.

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/RnfrxuV3dg
previously >>38030276
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If you are actually making your partner feel like shit, that seems less like a scene and more like abuse anyway. At-least something that fails the sane check.
Respect and approaching this stuff from a healthy perspective is key. I really just wish that this was not one of those kinks that I am typically far too embarrassed to bring up.
Butch women in general are proof of a loving god. Especially those that exclusively top.
Honestly, forget the food. I could really just go for my face between the legs of woman right now.
Massively in the mood for it.
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are you logging into wow classic fresh tomorrow lesgen?

>Honestly, forget the food. I could really just go for my face between the legs of woman right now.
same desu
I know. That's why I didn't want to do it. My partner at the time seemed inspired by dysphoria and anxiety. It was a stressful moment. I would have handled it better if she was more mentally stable. That's where the beer came in.
New Thread >>38047139

New Thread >>38047139

New Thread >>38047139

New Thread >>38047139

New Thread >>38047139

New Thread >>38047139
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Do you ever think about how polyamory is such a revolutionary and liberating way to exist in the world

Love and Happiness edition

>QOTT #1: What never fails to brighten your mood?
>QOTT #2: What's your favorite movie and why?

Previous Thread: >>37963514

>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
My heart belongs to the ocean.
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?

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My gf, she is amazing and I love her so much. Not the best physically but is amazing
She is bi herself and supportive of me exploring being bi
Though I do find femboys and twinks quite attractive, probably cause I kinda look like one
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A reminder that on thursday at 22 GMT we will vote for the next two movies for Movie Night! If you want you can also give your recommendation by replying to this post

>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>when will movie night take place?
its FRIDAY at 22 gmt

>where do we watch the movies?
on the Bigen Movie and Game Night Discord server:

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>Not the best physically
Do you mean she doesn't look perfect, or is she a little bad at sex/cuddling?

Anyway, very cute post anon
Men in Black
Bad at head but I don't feel it much anyway, much prefer handjobs and sex which she is pretty good at like 90% of the time. She is a bit overweight and a bit pudgy which isn't ideal but oh well

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people say fembrained and not "femalebrained' because no amab can ever think the way that a bio woman does
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>Yeah well, my bf is clearly thinking with his dick so he's dumber than me.
Very often the case.

>I love him cause he's silly and empathetic. He loves me cause I'm silly and hot. It's so perfect
He's a very lucky man to have someone as grounded as you.
Thank you Anon. I'm also very lucky to have him. He has boy brain and that's okay, I have girl brain and am not any better haha
I used to believe this. I NEEDED to believe this, but…

Have you ever been around a male child? They exhibit borderline sociopathic behavior far more often than females do. They’re also dumber by a long shot. It’s nature, unfortunately. Not nurture.
Nah they give you hugs and flowers if the parents haven't been beating and ignoring them on the downlow.
can someone explain this im really autistic so I don't get it

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>a tranny wearing these
it literally doesnt get better
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i should get a pair. they look cute
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idk how this is spam
Cute twig-chan
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thank you
this nigga just turned sideways

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I fell for the laser meme
now my body is full of hair follicles that release imperceptibly tiny hairs with enormous man follicles
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My body looks like this
Non issue, women who shave have this
always go for electrolysis if you can
Should've started HRT when you were 12 years old

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Why are you like this? Are you not embarrassed?
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We never had a chance desu.
endocrine disrupting pesticides in the fields my mom slept in while she was pregnant with me
I kind of like it. Being an effeminate estrogenized male who acts like a bitch and takes it up the ass is a big hit with the boys.
twin brother absorbed all the testosterone in the womb probably
>>born in the wrong body.
What a pedophile.

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how do we convince more gen z men to support trans rights, sisters?
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That's alright anon, I'll add the tone indicators/gen
I'm all in favor of both cis and trans women's rights, but only for straight women.

Pro-transgenderism, anti-homosexuality.
>sit on our ass and let Russia gain power on the global stage
MOST of the UN is over in europe, why the fuck is this our problem to solve from the other hemisphere?
Men with power may choose to act mercifully, but for a good deal of human history this has never been a given. It's been more common for the weak to end up enslaved & abused than otherwise.

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Can any science anons tell me if /fit/ is right and that estrogen is poison?

no. But t and e (all of the sub types) have pro and cons based on the person with some risks like ed and balding with t.
I wish I had ed
Women's e levels can get as high as 50,000nl/dl which is 100x the normal levels, during the second trimester of pregnancy.
It does increase the risk of certain things, but there's no known dose of estrogen that will kill you.

Testosterone on the other hand is a slow poison. Eunuchs and trannies have the same life expectancy as women.
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>Testosterone on the other hand is a slow poison. Eunuchs and trannies have the same life expectancy as women.
I'll happily be the candle that burns twice as bright for half as long.
The thing that makes you want testosterone is testosterone.
It's a dangerous and addictive drug. Just because you have an organ that produces it doesn't make it safe.
Heroin is natural too.

why cant i be a girl
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you are
i believe in you
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if you saw me on the street you wouldnt think twice before gendering me male
these could all be the same person. there are no unique trannies
Why do you want to be a girl?

This is how my ideal chaser husband looks like. Your thoughts?
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>Aspie kid who didn't fit in in school
>Got on gear and went fullmasc gymbro
>No gf, attention whore
>Found any excuse to wear makeup
>Suid early 20s
That's a repper.
We have a contender for dumbest trip!
zyzz being a repper who chose death over transition is the oldest conspiracy theory on the board newfag.
He didn't sui, he had a heart attack fucking a tranny in a sauna. He probably barely knew anything about trannys back then.
it was melbourne in 2011
not kansas 1911
he was on roids and flew to thailand

he was going there because chicks with tits and dicks and stuff.

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What does AGP and HSTS mean exactly? Help an ex/pol/ who is giving the rainbow community a chance understand this.
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No he’s right. I dislike fags in general but I particularly hate troons. At least the regular fags don’t deny biological reality

Troons and every other fag that has some 10000000th cope identity is the problem
It's pseudoscience that tries to categorizes trans women relative to male sexuality.

Going away from the blanchardian pseudoscience, the underlying observation is not that wrong. As a rule of thumb there are those trans women that generally transition earlier in life and are mostly into men, which map onto the observations Blanchard made about HSTS, and then there are those that are more bisexual or into women and tend to transition later in life, which maps onto AGP.
Because the latter often comes first into contact with trans stuff through crossdressing and kinks (often some form of coping/repping), they get associated with fetishization. But this is often not because they inheritly fetishize being trans, but rather that fetish is one of the very few socially acceptable ways to crossdress.
Because you can tell someone is a gay man even if they have a dress on. Straight men don’t act fruity in the same way.
Nah no nope nuh trannies are getting ragged on harder than I've ever seen
not by everyone, some approve, some don’t

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Do normie cis gay men and cis lesbians see trans women socially as women, and trans men as men?
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As a cis lesbian, I see trans women as superior, fat cocked, goddesses.
what sport?
My fembf gets dressed up, make up and everything. We fuck like bunnies then we cuddle and he starts to make fun of trannies kek. Both mtf and ftm. It's hilarious. Lights them up for no reason. Tho I think he does it cause people mistake him for a girl all the time. All he wants to do is wear cute clothes in peace i guess.
ur dating an egg

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Why did this happen? I miss when gays and lesbians were the edgy ones.
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Why does society agree with your extreme claim about itself if that is the case?
You made that up though
Because they want certain groups to behave less aggressively. Hrt is behavioral modification.
Also depopulation. Get neutered I mean tranz rightz!

>inb4 but
They literally scream about how humanity is killing the earth and push antinatalism
I don’t think neutering at most 1% will make a dent in 8 billion.

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>be me
>in my 20s
>totally flat chest
>built like astolfo from FGO
>wish for nothing more than to be a femboy
>"just stay a woman"
>no dick
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do you want to be my boyfriend?
Layoff the tranime kitten meow

built to be a living onahole

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whether it be a small penis, aversion to females, low self-esteem, some kind of fetish, or whatever; they have all convinced themselves of an identical, undeniable purpose. it is truly a marvel of modern society to witness the beginning of a new age.
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>Believing in fictional fantasy things like souls is another thing entirely and extremely unhealthy.
You are not nearly as intelligent as you think you are if you make an absolute statement like this. The greatest minds alive consider the concept of a soul a mystery. Replace the word "soul" with "consciousness" if that makes you feel more comfortable, because they basically mean the same thing - do you have an absolute understanding of the origin and nature of consciousness?
Didn't mean to reply to >>38046596 I only meant it for the other one
mmhm, might have something to do with it, or just internalized homophobia in general. also it's a quick way to dismantle all the retarded male socialization we've had to put up with
society is not ready to openly discuss how deeply homophobic assumptions are embedded in our customs and practices
> The greatest minds alive consider the concept of a soul a mystery.
Appeal to authority.

> Replace the word "soul" with "consciousness" if that makes you feel more comfortable, because they basically mean the same thing
No they don’t. “Soul” alone doesn’t even mean the same thing from thinker to thinker. Compare Plato’s concept of “soul” as the enduring intellect of a dead, great man, with Aristotle’s concept of “soul” as the embodied rational structure of a living organism (as opposed to its pure materiality), with the modern Christian concept of “soul” as a pure continuation of human life. None of those concepts maps comfortably onto any normally accepted definition of “consciousness”, which generally just describes the sense we have of being attentive to and able to reflect on our experiences, and is — when studied scientifically — taken to be a material and biological property, not a supernatural faculty.

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