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>congenital hypertrichosis terminalis
god made a mistake

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Why aren't you a nudist at home anon? It helps cure brainworms and makes you more accustomed to how your body naturally looks and feels, giving you a more positive mental image of it. Trans people especially benefit from it because of that.
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i live with my mother, two sisters, and unrelated male housemate :\
I have roommates and looking at my body most days makes me wanna cry. I'll stick with my hoodies thank you very much.
>my chair says to not sit on it naked... it was expensive and i wanna keep it for awhile its comfy...
Just cover it with a sheet or towel.
why did the balls bother you but not the dick? like no judgment just weird cuz my bottom dysphoria was always the opposite. like the balls dont really do anything they're kinda just there out of view. the dick meanwhile is always swinging around, getting hard, slapping against my leg, showing in clothes, etc
As someone who never used to wear underwear I can confirm that nudity expediates scrotal sagging. No one wants a saggy tranny.

would life be any easier if i was a transbian (i like boys)
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i'm in the same predicament. I'm surrounded by men that want to fuck me but none of them want an actual relationship
It's easier to find another transbian but finding a male is more fulfilling (transbians usually just cheat on each other)
Most transbians are closer to being boys than they are to girls so that's a natural fit. Just ignore the breast tissue.
i want to feel special that a man chose me over anyone else, even over cis women, because he truly loves me
No. Trans women are meant to date cis guys. Unless they're SRSoids, nobody wants to fuck em

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>tfw ugly bisexual
>hated and always been bullied over bad looks
>despised by all

What should I do to cope with being extremectly unattractive? 2/10 as I call myself.
I posted on /soc/ and was skipped and everyone else was so much more attractive than me.
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Avoid mirrors and blame everyone else for not liking the way you look, do NOT exercise, do NOT do skincare, do NOT find people that like your personality despite your appearance. DO continue to be on 4chan, DO develop social anxiety and problems, DO commit acts of terrorism, DO be another elliot rogers
idk i think you look fine, but ofc me saying that isn't going to satisfy anything
Why try to improve? I ALREARY tried once.
Basic material wasnt up to task due to genetics. Improvement is below diminishg return
Why THE /SOC/ thing
Gender? This only matters if F or MtF
Then ask a question, you fucking retard. All you did was make a statement about how ugly you are.

As for your ugliness, it's by and large your shitty autistic personality. Before you say that's not a looks thing it's literally written in the expression on your face.

Stop attention whoring.

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what would you do if your transitioned failed. would you give up and go back at some point?
>started @ 18
>5'9ft size 8M 16in shoulders
>thought i had a chance
>hrt for 10years
>had ffs+ba+laser
>spent thousands on beauty stuff
>parents still misgender me
>strangers still misgender me
>bf no longer finds me attractive but says he still loves me
>id be fine with it if people didnt treat us so shitty in public because of me
its made me feel like its just not worth it anymore. i tried and failed. in the past i would definitely try to bait for attention thinking maybe it wasnt completely over but lately it just seems like way too much work to keep trying. i dont want to 41 but maybe repping like i used to would be fine again. im having my implants out soon anyway from health issues so it just seems like this isnt what god or whoever wanted for me. other girls speedrun their transitions in 2-3 years and go stealth and i cant even pass consistently. i think its clear i shouldnt have tried to begin with looking back but i dont want to feel like the past 10 years were all for nothing so i keep doubling down. id really like to know what other people would do in my position
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>will have a meltdown but won't post selfie
i dont want to have a pitty party attention whoring selfies im asking for others opinions. if not itll get pruned like the rest and ill be out of your hair if its really that annoying
no, i could never go back to being a male. especially because the point my transition truly failed was when my srs got botched lol. the only alternative now is 41 desu so might as well keep going
My transition failed too. 10 years HRT took me from masc twink to fem twink. Genioplasty is the only surgery I needed, because surgeries for wide facial planes suck and everything else was okay.

I just never socially transitioned to begin with. I thought I was boymoding but in truth I was just boy.

My life seems okay, I guess my only real struggle is just the uncanniness and general ugliness of my face.

No-one even suspects anything, everyone just treats me as if nothing ever happened. I just go on living as an unaging twink taking AAs.
why did you mention your worse stats? you failed too
how does that help op?

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Hi anons, I'm trying to get on pio to gain weight and make my tits and ass even fatter than they already are. Last time I got pio (specifically Vexazone or (Pioglitazone Hydrochloride)) my friend sourced it for me. But the place she got it from (united pharmacies) lists it out of stock now, and I'm not sure where else I could look for it as my own looking has not proved fruitful. I know I should ask this in hrtgen but I just wanna get more eyes on this post x_x

I'm in the US if that matters at all, ideally you'd be able to vouch for the place too? idk I'm worried about getting scammed buying meds online after I did when I tried buying diyhrt at 16 and lost 100$
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threads keep dying off from lack of interest
Bump for this question and i will mentally have sex with whoever answers xoxo
it's pretty good for weight gain but elaborate on wht you want to know?

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glad that today i learned i would be a fucking hon if i transitioned so i will remain a dirty manmoding beaner forever

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Why do you never see gay people, of either sex, complaining about "how hard it is to find someone" and "dating is impossible in this day and age"?
Most friend groups are intrasexual so it's easy to meet people of the same sex. They are also less likely to have absurd standards
I’m gay and I complain about how hard finding someone is
I see both gays and lesbians complain about this a lot. Gays complain about not being able to attain monogamous relationships, lesbians complain about yet another woman they're interested in being a unicorn hunter for her and her bf that she's hiding. You're just focused on trannies for some reason.
t. ghey
but you do, all the fucking time, if you don't thats because you don't know enough fags and dykes, either that or the ones you know aren't comfortable with you

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is linux mint an attractive os for a trans lesbian? is python an attractive programming language?
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probably better than win11
go with whatever distro is like windows xp
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i will fuck anyone that runs this <3
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i got into tranny ricing in my early 20s and i fucking hated my life. this was when the audio, graphics and wifi drivers for linux were still super jank. fucked up my boot multiple times too.

never again. too old and employed now. i've been consistent with running mac ever since.
>needy girl overdose
not trans but i tried mint for a couple days and it would slow to a crawl for minutes at a time and i couldnt get mods for any of my games to work, linux is still not ready for wintards to switch over any time soon

I'm a big, strong man, but I often fantasize about transforming into a beautiful anime girl. It would be based if I became a beautiful anime girl with a monster cock, and I would have hot sex with my friends who are also beautiful anime girls with monster cocks. We would be ramming the ends of our rectums together in bliss. It would be based to become an anime girl with a monster cock who is super strong.
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A woman.

Don't let anyone tell you women need to be weak.

Become a Valkyrie.
ya it's in one of the OVAs
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>I've thought about this for years
>It's even in my medical records that I talked to my psychologist about it when I was 16.
my god you are so fucked lmfao.
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i have to do my injection.
you have to help me. i choose you.
hold my hand.

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Rebirth edition

>What is /repgen/?
A thread for everyone repressing their transgender urges. That includes men and women, gay or trans, as long as they're not on HRT.

Friendly reminder that doomposting is a form of self-harm which is also highly contagious, so for the sake of the other posters, please dont do it.

QOTT: What was your new years resolution for 2025?

Last thread: >>>38570364
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>I can only focus in the office unfortunately, so I never work from home.
hybrid is such a meme i don't think the majority of people even do any work at home
>Completely exhausted/can't do anything but browse the internet when I get home. Such is life for a drone.
that's how it is. sometimes i wonder if it's better to eat dinner and go straight to sleep right away instead of being zombified after work
anyone got any strategies for distracting yourself from your existence
yeah plep plep plep
how to stop pain of not being able to fulfill the pent up "release" of what you desire to be?
Is DIYing and manmoding completely in private with zero support network more mentally destructive than repping?

Why would any cis person want us? In regards to dating, they almost never see trans women as women nor trans men as men. Even if they do, we're always going to be different. The reality is that no one but chasers will want us. In the few cases where they are not chasers, they'll leave you for another cis person the instant they have the chance.

I know there are some delusional tranners that want to date cissoids and think they have a chance in that regard. This is not so uncommonly born out of a tranny inferiority complex. They will never want anything to do with you. Save yourself the heartbreak. T4T or settle with being alone, which isn't too bad if you have a hobby. Pic unrelated I guess.
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I'm traumatized too, so much so that most trans people couldn't relate. I've never initiated a relationship with someone, just to string them along for attention, and then ghost them. I have abandonment issues too.
I was a young man the first time I dated a trans woman, was so absolutely in love and would have absolutely married her. She was really beautiful and came to resent me after realizing she could trade up, and did so at her first opportunity.

Most other trans women I’ve met/dated have been in two categories: Incredibly depressed and inconsolable or so inundated by chasers they have unimaginable egos/selfishness.

Still, I know there must be some well-adjusted & kind trans ladies out there. I’m still open to it, but I did stop putting myself in trans-frequented spaces after I realized trans women are just as likely to be shitty as everyone else.
trvth nvke
trannies are NOT cut out for any kind of serious relationship
Maybe that is the case, but I have heard the same before. I just would habitually not be inclined to trust you. Evidently a failing of mine but it seems so often that it is not something I can control
That will make tranny normalization even harder. The goal for trannies is to become just woman.

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As an mtf I would prefer looking like a shota than a woman and often get off to imagining my middle school shota self getting brutally raped and then picking herself up happily knowing shes a shota as theres a pleasant breeze and Im walking to school watching the fishermen by the dock
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yes, that is pretty much my childhood and teenage experience.
You lucky basterd

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commie troon
Let me guess you are also a lesbian
>xitter poster
Not interested. I despise both xitter posters and detroons and wish them the worst.
>t. 4chan only repGOD
>use the word transwoman
What's wrong with it? You prefer transfem?
only retarded terfs and pols use transwoman. A few reddit people use mtf/ftm. Most use trans fem.
And people here use tranny etc.
No one uses transwoman multiple time but a retard larper

>says she is a guy
>doesn't want to take it up her ass
anal sex sucks
>Consider the following:
he might want to stick a dick up your ass
she doesn't have one
Dicks can be made of many things, such as silicone

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