new one cuz old one hit bump limit
>>38915868She's too pretty with her hair down, she only posts with her hair tied up now to limit her power
>>38911301top right reminds me a bit of icky
>>38908293still the prettiest one on the thread
>>38915734You look like you're about to talk about videogame devs for 10-30 minutes
>>38915734>smile? on my paige?it's more likely than you think
trans girls when was your last shower?
>>38915864>Monday wanna cuddle anon?
>>38915875ok but I stink
>>38915847be careful your phone might get wet!!!
>>38915895Oh? I'm sure it's not THAT bad.
>>38915914>>38915895but also I want you to stink and still cudle
>moved to america>dropped to 100 lbsi dont think i have an ed (merely extreme autistic) but occasionally i see at ana before n after n i look exactly like the before. literally i think i would pass if the fat distribution works out but i have such a problem with even havin a normal number of meals per day (i dont feel hunger ever n i can ignore it when i do eating is such a chore)
Just eat chocolate. Like you can easily get a few bars down and they're 600kcal each.
>>38912610whatever you’re doing, do the opposite hope this helps
>>38912610>moves to America>loses weightNow that's a first.
>>38912985Well, it's why you're not obese. If you want to gain weight without gaining the svelt womanly figure of an American, you will want to increase the amount of protein and healthy fats you consume.
>>38914745i know im retarded but its more likely than u think. some ppl find american cuisine entirely unpalatable n lose tons of weight. im not one of em though i just skip meals constantly
Being physically male doesn't cause me emotional distress - but how women treat men causes me intense emotional distress. Is that dysphoria to notice that women are emotionally abusive towards men and rule by screaming and gossip and rumors and shaming, and when you point is out people just call you names or start rambling about women being raped and murdered by strange men?
>>38914378>swatsswaths even
>>38914378>women controlling men and large swats of society isn't violenceit would be, if it were actually happening.
women aren't responsible for anything bad, only men can cause harm
>>38907418If you want to be treated like a woman, then yeah transition is for you.Great news btw, because HRT only changes you physically a little bit. If you stay a man for the most part, it will just make you look like a hotter guy.If you want your penis to remain functional, you'll need to do a bit of a balancing act with your hormones, ngl.
how long on hrt before fatmaxxing? i want to be fat
>>38915820you should definitely wait until you have normal hormone levels (at the very least like 200 pg/mL) and then you could potentially have favourable fat redistribution if you're a luckshit but you'll probably end up still a brick just fatter. maybe this is preferable to you though? depends on the person
>>38915820how fat is fat anon?
>>38915884woah that is fat please be safe
>>38915898i would rather die at 70 with a fat ass and nice belly than at 80 without
is twinkmoding a word yeti'm too old and masculine to be a boymoder but too androgynous to be a manmoderand too self conscious to be a honmoderand gay men keep complimenting my hair
>>38915857twinkmoding is just mildly more aesthetically favourable manmoding. unless you're under 21 in which case twinkmoding is just boymoding, and not boymoding in the long hair bdd passer way but in the ugly weird autistic little boy way - sincerely, a permatwinkmoding 23 year old autist
>>38915897thanksi should just call myself a manmoder but that hurts too much lul>28yo twinkmoder, i guess
boyfriend cuddlesi want a boyfriend to hold me.. i wanna grab onto his arm and kiss him and nibble him :)
The fact that there's more MTFs than FTMs is proof that life is just easier as a woman
>>38915398MTFs are a minority now actually there's like 1.10x more FTMs than there are MTFs
>>38915398The fact that there's more mtfs is proof that the majority of them are creeps doing it for a fetish
>>38915398i see far more pooners than i do mtfs in real life but on here obviously yes there are more mtf agp hons than poonbros bc the poonbros are all hecking valid tumblr socialized
>>38915476There isn't but keep telling yourself that
>>38915398>there's more MTFs than FTMs[citation needed]
>khhv>midshit 6'2" twinkhon>there is now a nonzero chance that my first intimate relationship will be as part of a t4t throupleit might be over for me
>>38914127How are MtF joining pulolycules anyways. Tbh joing a twinkhon polycule seems cozy.
>>38915662if you live on the west coast your only option if you're a troon as far as dating goes will be to join a twinkhon polycule. i have yet to do this because im not a lesbian and i dont play video games or watch anime so i'm just single
>>38915761TFW East Coast.
>>38915855there are also mtf poly hons in the east coast but less common. the east coast seemingly has more bi and straight passoids compared to the west coast or atleast the pnw
This is Brianna Wu nowLiterally what the actual fuck, this is just a scary ass surgery-ruined skinwalker who doesn't even know how to apply makeup properlyTrannies, are you sure you still want FFS?
>>38915253no ffs surgeon will turn you away and any doctor that would consider it probably doesn't have enough experience with ffs for it to be a good idea
>>38915508hysterical that you claim to be a woman and then run your mouth like this. You are a man and wearing makeup or not won’t change your moid brain.
>>38912956Someone needs to take away your magic marker.I know it's winter so you can't touch grass, but go the fuck outside anyway. Touch snow.
>>38913351Wow what the fuck, I knew he looked like an autist with a shitty posture pre-Israel shilling but wow this bad??
>>38915264You’re on 4chan>>38915276It’s hidden by camera angle. The male facial features are hidden by makeup.
In Russia, it's illegal to portray faggots in any positive way. The law is called "For the Purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating a Denial of Traditional Family Values". I can't wait for Trump to make a similar law to the one that Russia has.
Yaaaaaay! Following the law is so cool! Let's all follow the law!
>>38915562Conservatives respect law & order. Your kind do not.
>>38915503>sargon explains why communism is correctComrade Carl
>>38915572based Пыня really based rulership. True liberal.
>>38915572i gotta fuck with my laws tho
valentines retribution editionqott: did you do anything special for valentines this year?if not, what type of restitution do you desire?
>>38915641>I think trans men from this board will be nicer.ayy lmao
>>38912173You bet. Overtime and huge mess at work. Wouldn't mind a good woman to unwind with.
>>38913589I wonder if this is why some people get tons of tats. It's like treating yourself to an extra elite escort every few months.
>>38915641gross lol
>>38913589i mean body writing js a kink so i would imagine it's kind of a similar thing
As a chaser, there’s nothing hotter than convincing a tranny to forcefem permanently into a woman
>>38915823they don't usually need convincing?
According to Candace Owens, WEF-approved facial recognition AI used in China has identified that the boy in the photo and "Brigitte Macron" are the same personIt's now been proven that the First Lady of France, who seduced a 14-year-old student, is a tranny. Tranners, how do you feel?
>>38912566Heres looking at you, France
>>38912566>my source is a massive retardok cool
>the first lady is le tranny!!!!Didn't they already use this line?
>>38914573Barry always gave me pooner vibes
>>38914573Both the Big Mike and J.-M. Trogneux are trannies
Lunch Editionprevious: >>38733575Goal of the thread: Food and cooking is a core pillar of self care. It is self expression, sustenance, social interaction. Enjoy a homecooked meal from fresh ingredients, with others, if you can.Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!>What is this thread for?Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.>Why is this thread /lgbt/?Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.>Notes to consider:Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:WE ARE NOT THERAPISTS, WE DON'T REPLACE MEDICATION>Note on adviceComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>38906751I'm feeling lazy and let myself tidy up manually. Let's see if the code tags work here...[code]@ val prefix = ">>38902401\n" prefix: String = """>>38902401"""@ println(prefix + (Iterator from 1 flatMap {i => f"Are ya $i? "} take (2000 - prefix.size)).mkString) >>38902401Are ya 1? Are ya 2? [edited for brevity] Are ya 173? Are ya 174? Are ya 17@ [/code]
>>38913738whoops, forgot to add screenshot
Good morning
I'm addicted to weed. Psychologically addicted. I recognize it for what it is and i am more or less successfully fighting it. But i still feel the call. The, "It would make things soooo comfy if you got high."And if that sounds impossibly retarded to you, please understand that for the last 3 years i was high 24/7. And i am *functional* during its use, but there is a person i want to be that requires not being high 24/7.