mtf and 1.5 years hrt at time of photo. 22 years old
>>38726376Nearly 2 years on hrt, and you look like this, but you are still boymoding?
that was on halloween lol. in my day to day life, ya kind of
>>38726376you look 35 and your hair is an atrocityalso hide your hands
>>38726376why are you posting a second thread? Just present as a girl you look nice
----- Raw Time! Edition ----->MAIN QOTT: Have you ever called into a radio/call-in show?>SUB QOTT: What's the worst thing you've ever eaten (not necessarily kept down)?Tagmap:>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.>Do you love me, OP?Collect the four crystals of the elements and then we'll talk.>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>38718240what the absolute fucktake that back take that back take that back now now now
>>38725625Erm, no.This is what you get for saying “no thanks”.
Did anyone see that leaked wii build for battlefront 3? Holy shit that was fucking impressive. Seamless transitions from orbital starship battles down to the planets surface. Like some real no mans sky content streaming shit that i didnt know the wii was even capable of. Players in star destroyers shelling positions on the ground. It would have been hailed as an absolute achievement and technical marvel. Why tf that would have been cancelled I cant imagine. Just another brilliant lucasarts decision
>>38726338This pic is how my boyfriend sees me but Im just a random scrawny guy
Oh wow it looks like sucking off transphobes couldn't protect them after all
>>38726038based. monogamous fags are against the wall right after all the tranners become prison rapemeat
>>38726186masc4masc here haven't had sex in like two years because sex without emotional attachment doesn't get me excited anymorei had my whore phase, then grew up. just like many straight men
>>38726155>he thinks it will end with revoking gay marriagelmao
>>38726060le LGB meme retardnot that that shit was ever anything but an op anyway.
>>38726038No one fears you.
I'm heterosexual, but I have sex with men. Since I'm not sexually or romantically attracted to them, it's inaccurate to label me as gay. I simply enjoy the act of sex itself.
>>38725822I literally don't experience any kind of attraction to men, my brain is hardwired to be heterosexual. You're a brainlet if you can't wrap your head around it.
>>38725433Fits in with the transbians and theyfabs, lmao
>>38726106>I literally don't experience any kind of attraction to men>Emotional connectionyou're delusional lol
>>38726106>don't experience any kind of attraction to menthen why do you have a "boyfriend"? why not just call him your buddy.
>>38726268I'm ESL so maybe I'm not wording it correctly, but emotional connection as in a best friend. Someone I have a deep platonic bond with.>>38726279At this point we definitely don't consider ourselves that, maybe early on we did but at that point he was an AGP troon anyway so it made more sense to put it like that.
Why are so few boymoders into women?I know there's me, and at least one other anon, but most boymoders seem to like men.
>>38725749Does not at least one of you have insurance and the ability to simply ask for a script for more vials and give her some E and hold onto it so it isnt found at home? The cost in this case is negligible and you should help your fellow tran
>>38724461I definitely prefer women aesthetically but I'm also kind of a bottom. It hurts.
Women are into men or other women, baiting a woman into a straight relationship only to confess you're trans but haven't transitioned yet is borderline predatory.Men are more understanding, they'll see a feminine male and desire him. He wants to transition into a woman? Even better.
>>38724461i’m only into women (ignore both my exes are boys)
>>38724461Fucking a woman sounds absolutely disgusting and soulcrushing. I don't understand how reppers use their penis without killing themselves.>t. faggot on hrt
Anything I can change or add to my appearance to salvage some hope, or is it useless and I should just boymode forever?
>>38726320literally gorgeous
Yes I am the first jewish girl to ever brace 4chan
here is one last photo from the same day. so i cover all my bases
you look fine. if your voice is good, i don't see the issue
>>38726281Just looks like a gay effeminate man.That's a good thing to be honest. I started taking HRT with that as my expectation and I'm quite happy with it. Never expected to look like a woman 1:1 and that's okay.
all i've ever wanted to do was be a girl and be part of a tank crew. if i transition i can't join my military and i won't even really be a girl anyway but if i don't i won't even qualify for tank crews since i'm too much of a retard. so now i just sit alone in my room as a gigahon playing warthunder
>>38725937i'ts killdozer time
>>38725937this is so me what nation do u main
>>38725937OMG are you me?Why can't anyone else see that girls belong in tanks?
>>38726245germany but not in a wehraboo tiger way i'm literally only here for the leopards
>>38726258EXACTLY, i just want to be a driver or loader and live my life
Gays must accept the validity of transgender people or they both will be vanished by a hostile government.
>>38723494Transhumanist drugs and surgeries are fucking based and I'm proud to contribute to the further advancement of them.
>>38723556What is the appeal of hot chips?
>>38723494Agreed. Need a great transgender philosopher in my lifetime. Hopefully they'll be super Kierkegaardian or Nietzschean.
>>38723494>I suggest you start taking the concept of gender dysphoria seriouslybased
>>38723587Based how?
It's the end, you know it and I know it so..Qott: why are you still here?
>>38725972I'm the og pissing blood anon! nobody can compete!
>>38725980powers probably does stuff like that
>>38725980only hot conceptually desu
my self esteem is in the gutter but I could not imagine wanting to be in a harem or any kind of relationship with a hierarchy
>>38720792Strayan here, things are getting better here, and quickly.
>hrt still legal for adults>trannies not being hauled off to concentration camps
it's like day 8 chuddy, he'll get around to it
>>3872632655 sec in:
Banning HRT for minors is a soft ban on passing.Hopefully comitted youngshits will still be able to get treatment.
>>38726361passing is a myth>President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order aimed at curtailing gender transitions for people under age 19.>“It is the policy of the United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called ‘transition’ of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures,” Trump said in a statement.>The order directs that federally-run insurance programs, including TRICARE for military families and Medicaid, exclude coverage for such care, and calls on the Department of Justice to vigorously pursue litigation and legislation to oppose the practice.
>>38725926It's so that providers in red states that were already banning transition cxare for anyone under 18 can now how 18 year olds caught in the net too, which will lead to an even greater chilling effect for adults being provided care
>>38725915why 19 wtfdid big soph write this EO?
>>38725926just to make sure no amab transitions before they have a full beard and a deep ass voice
>>38725915so he isn't banning anything???
trans girls when was your last shower?
>>38723043this morning
Yesterday because I’m not a fucking degenerate
about two weeks ago, just been busy and forget i guess
>>38725905Hot anon, very hot
2-3 days ago.but i sweat alot last while i was sleeping. more than i usually do. i think im sick or almost died or something. slept for over 12 butt doesnt smell much at all because its been getting used every night. my pits have a little starting. and my neck and hair goat soaked in that sick sweat smell.i might take one in a day or 2, i am just so unmovitvated.every time i go to the bank to get money the atm doesnt work and im i havent had cash on me since last year. lul.but i have money. i just cant get cash. and i'm not paying $5 to rajeesh to use his atm.i just want to get some food and some beauty products oh i have to get gas too. but the place i like is 10 cents off if its in cash... again cash..oh my portfolio is down 15% this week.. thats like 30grand gone..Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
lesgen is the lesbian general. if you like women and are one, you should post hereqott:>>38691544
>>38726218I don't fuck with it anon I really don't. I like guns I own guns, but I don't wanna see that lame ass shit it's very embarrassing to me
wydag who forces you to read post structuralist philosophy
>>38726267Agree to disagree. She sent pics of herself posting with nothing but her gun and harness holster and it was pure sex. Could probably achieve the same thing with rope bondage tho.
>>38726184applemaxxing is important for trannies!!
The Trump law changes have me thinking about all the documentaries I watched as a kid about gay history, where like they would go and interview like 70yo gay people and they'd always just be so fucking sad. Like 'oh yeah it's so cool that like I can just be myself now and stuff but I had to wait until I was 70 goddamn years old, and already am stuck in a straight marriage'And just like yeah that's probably what we're going back to and it fucking sucks.
>>38724583Nah I'm talking about Gay Men Only Spaces and Lesbian only spaces. Straights can go suck a dick for all I care, lol.
>>38726109you self-loathing lgb's? we know. internalized homophobia isn't new. it's why we have closet cases or straight acting gays.
>>38725933>>38725985he should ban for all ages what some countries sell over the counter? the medications aren't the problem. transvisibility is.
>>38726141hey i look straight as a mascfag because im boring, not selfhating
>>38722471T should just be a part of the DSM. Not whatever this unfounded neopronoun GNC pride partytime thing "T" currently has going for it (and the Q+).It's just mental illness; we treat mental illnesses with whatever means we have.We don't have to "treat" sexualities.The people that do that are self-hating husstussies and bored women who want to call themselves "gay" for men.
He doesn't really pass.
>>38725285>Hunter Shaefer does not have a male skull.Looks like it in that pic, I mean they had to plaster their hair across their forehead to hide it, lol.
She's getting her gock sucked in a yatch while you seethe about her in your dimlighted bedroom.
>>38726175Didn't she break up with prettyboy?
>>38724926hes a man bruh wachu expec we men gang im a proud man