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As a freak thingmoder, I’m setting the goal of inviting at least one guy back to my place at the end of the year. It can’t be a tinder date or a hookup, it has to be someone I know well. I’ve achieved this before back when I was a dumb gay slut, but I wanna see if I can do it again.

What tips would y’all give me to make this possible? Whether it’s passing tips, social stuff, I’d love to hear it.
Remember about eye contact and relax your throat to open it

outside of my unremarkable meaningless monotonous job i have just stayed in my room smoking weed and poorly playing the same 1 - 3 video games mostly eating rice, beans, and goldfish crackers and i'm 120lbs. i dont know what to eat or how to drive or do anything and i cheated on the highschool diploma test. i'm 25 how do i unfuck myself before i end up killing myself with heroin or fentanyl or some retarded shit when i'm 34
i dont mean to sound doomer but i am factually speaking pretty close to a worthless useless person
i'm a 25yo repper but my entire life is a mess and i want to reach a baseline before i attempt anything
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i like seedot but i think shiftry looks stupid
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You have no degree, College/Uni degree worth has burst into flames the nanosecond that "blackrock CEO's fucktoy posterboy false flag bait" got mortally blamed for his contributing role to the attempt on the life of "bad orange man"

The lack of a woke ass degree gives you a CHANCE to look a lot more awesome than any of your hypervaccinated peers can ever hope.

Stay away from getting a GF/BF, really ez to get a BPD/PA/NARC in this sphere, many of us were born of trauma of some sort and abuser-mirroring can be a thing.

Switch from smoking weed over to eating RSO oil butter wraps (homemade) or RSO cookies (also homemade), it lasts longer and tends to be more stimulating.
Avoid mixing weed with other drugs unless you medical nerd yourself for about 7 months solid, this includes alcohol.

Better Bachelor podcast. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ctsJZ2aD1nCexfqj342NQ
Has some decent starting-out advice, to unfuck your life a bit. You will need to adjust your schedule, but you can keep doing everything lazy/shitty/embarassing you like on the weekends.

Pronouns, they are suddenly no longer popular thanks to a brainwashed suicide event of one Xavier Musk, so it's OK if I share that I have always thought that pronouns suck horribly and they serve only to replace art with hyperpuritanical hatred.

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i feel embarrassed to admit this but as a trans woman i feel rly intimidated around cis women. my brain just automatically focuses on things they have that i dont, and anatomy / biological experiences, etc.. and i feel sad and intimidated.

i have trouble talking to them too, feel kinda shakey and like i have to find the right words.

its gotten to the point i cant even watch videos online that are made by cis women. if i hear a female voice i just exit the video bc listening to them talk just gives me these thoughts. thats like incel level shit isnt it? god i hate being like this.

i respect cis women etc, feel terrible hearing/witnessing sexist things against cis women. and empathize with them heavily. and thru life, ive known some very good souls who were cis women. but still i feel like i cannot shake off these feelings, these mental responses.

if only i could get rid of these emotions. i would love to interact with more cis women, be friends with them. and not feel these feelings. so many of them seem like cool people.

do you know what im talking about?

have you ever felt similar? what can i do?
That's kinda pathetic desu but I sorta get like that around lesbians, it's not that I'm jealous of them but from experience they can be pretty violent which makes me nervous around them, I sorta get the feeling of being intimidated but mine is more out of fear of getting stabbed other jealously
i think lesbians can be cool people. i dont feel nervous about my safety around them, if anything i feel that way around men. but i would feel jealous still yes

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i will never be 4'9 and fit snugly in the loving arms of a ftmchad

i am forced to live a life as a straight transgirl that towers over transmen because estrogen poisoning made them small and testosterone poisoning made me big

/hornyfem/ is a *new* safe, peaceful, exciting thread where you can discuss cute fembrained fantasies! post feminization caps, any giwtwm fuel, outfit/body inspo, bimboficafion, hypnosis, and any other related stuff! <3

plzz try your best to stay SFW, this is a blue board after all!!


this thread is *not* for chasers or those who don't wanna present femme, so please dont be a stinky gymbro or chaser here!


to get the discussions started...

QOTT 1: what's ur fav feminization fantasy?

QOTT 2: thoughts on princess peach?
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im doing it tonight with an edible and bad sleep deprivation
yeah I wish I had weed but I'm out
maybe I'll take melatonin? I'm kind of curious what sort of chemicals will help with trance and what won't
Im so addicted to estrogen gotta get my fix sis
i think benzos would be the best but theyre too scary
drink cum

how to learn to love yourself?

i feel awful sometimes and then good sometimes and then worse again

I play online games and its a 50/50 i get called a tranny or they think im a girl


i wanna die :( i might sound cute but i dont sound like a girl why!? ive tried to train so hard and its never good enough!!!
maybe i should just have to deal and accept with being a freakhon FAGGOT UNLOVABLE LOSER!!
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i'd ask you if you were autistic, but the answer is clear. i feel bad because i'm a human being with empathy, and i think that he should find a real woman. trannies are simply unfit to be in relationships with other people. i'm a bit confused as to your assumption that i'm a cuckold. that would imply that you're my boyfriend/husband, and i'm getting off to you sleeping with your actual boyfriend. i assume you just don't know what it means to "get cucked." you are annoyingly stupid.
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my honest reaction
stupid 60 iq nigtard
i don't know the answer because i don't know how to love myself either, but im so sorry that the people who've responded to you have treated you so terribly. bitter hateful people, they're wrong. you don't deserve it.

solanine you are a bad person. you could be deserving of love too if you didnt treat people like this, you should be ashamed of yourself

i love you op
You sound very feminine imo! I would say goals, but your voice is a bit too juvenile sounding for me. There's nothing wrong with sounding your age and your voice is really girly.

I admire your effort anyway, voice training is hard and I can never stick with it due to dysphoria. Cis women don't sound so performatively feminine, which might be what is clocking you. Also your voice makes you sound very meek, and I wonder if you make yourself a target for bullies for that reason.

I'm sorry you're dealing with so much distress! If you're already being bullied, there's no reason to beat yourself up on top of that. Would you talk to another trans woman the way you talk to yourself? Wishing you all the best. <3

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QOTT: from 1 to 10, how much do you want the christcuck to kill himself?
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Goodbye for a while. I’ll be back someday to help again.
Stand fast against the lies of the trans.

Remember. God did not make you this way. Reject LGBT. Do not choose death.
men probably do commit more sex crimes but also i genuinely feel like female sex offenders do not get prosecuted as much. this is from the uk where women legally cannot rape someone.
this should be controlled to separate people who transition after arrest and those who don't

>be me
>bisexual AFAB
>my lips are so full that people assume I got lip filler and my breasts are so huge people think they're fake
>but my lips and boobs are natural
I'm sad
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I agree that would cheer you up op
>anime girl pic
>posting on 4chan
>posting on the tranny board of 4chan
>posting about lips and boobs
You're an mtf.
Post proof, I don’t believe you
You should get in contact with >>36673235
Hon claws typed this.

I keep having dreams where I crossdress and it makes me wake up extremely hard and horny. What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm not a tranny. I'm happy being male.
its over
over how?

Hot and Sweaty Summer Lovin' Edition
Previous thread

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description
>Whether or not it's NSFW

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Probably general, but idk whichever works best
Yeah, I'm glad I dropped, it's a shame I did it so late.
I'm ok with "slow burn" like in Strange+Wild since the MCs do actually interact with each other and their adventures are interesting... meanwhile here one guy's stuck in some prison and does literally nothing.
>It's one thing to get penetrated by a man, b-bu it's a whole other thing to be the one doing the penetrating
>Shuno, you're a guy
You heard it here first people. It's less gay to get ass fucked and creamed then it is to do the ass fucking. It's also apparently a line to far to have sex with your live in rapist/boyfriend who you sleep with every night and makes you cum on his boy breaker multiple times a chapter.

I swear to God this comic is the most logical and well thought out piece of fiction since Gilgamesh.
I like the subtlety.
From the circus performance he's still got his penor and from the hotel he doesn't appear to have any visible scarring so my guess is ultra flexible joints (he's gonna pretzel himself around that twink)

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Have you ever been in this situation? I saw this meme and thought maybe someone, somewhere, fucked a troon and then reality hit them; "Okay, I'm an incel, and since I can't get a real woman, I settled for the cheapest imitation of the female form in a desperate attempt to emulate a sexual relationship with a woman."

And then boom "Oh no, I fucked this mentally ill man, there is no turning back now, I will never forget this, I must never tell anyone about this serious homosexual act I have committed"
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I just want a guy to fuck me, hold me and be happy to be with me in public
you are two people anon
No but I would never have sex with someone out of desperation.
Me on the left fr fr.
I guess that means I deserve to be heartbroken left and right

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anime letter guess thread
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neither, and guessing bpd when I have kikou no hito on my chart is very funny to me
I find it kinda funny that just cause I don't like anime much that most people here assume I have to be cis gay lol, is there some sort of link to anime and being trans or something?
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probably mtf bc of glt, good list
bi male for some reason nichijou is like a bi cis guy anime to me. haibane is also sooo good it would def me #10 for me
rare non super weeb mtf
mtf i rlly need to watch .hack frrr
bi mtf. hana and alice has been on my list need to get to it
straight guy? maybe like a super malebrained tranny
gay dude, kinos journey yusss

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My sweet 3x3
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What's the most fucked up / weirdest thing you've ever done?
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I've been close friends with a guy for a while (we dated for a bit) but I pretend he's my brother full time and not just for a sex thing. I asked him to call me his little brother even just once as a birthday present to me and now he plays along when I call him my brother.
Yeah ;-;
He didn’t
stuck a rockband drumstick up my ass

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>no drama edition
Want passing tips but too obviously not giving a shit/not passing to post on passgen? Post here and get tips as long as you're <18months hrt!
Always give advice to others first before selfposting.
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that hair regrowth pic is unbelievable. you've come so far and look so much happier now
https://unsee cc/album#KgURMJ5FdX7E

its over but oh well, just somethin abt me is so UGLY
i think you're beautiful
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18 mtf and 16 months on hrt .
one image is with hair extensions and one is my natural hair (about a month old though )
broken link but regardless how are you so pretty? what am i going to do when this is what girls look like? why would anyone ever consider me when there's people walking around who look like you?
how could anyone ever love me when i don't look like you

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: Do you forgive easily or do you hold grudges?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36638995
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Insanely based
admirably based
pretty much
>tfw no Don Caballero cover band gf
>tfw no [..] band gf

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