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Life Hacks Edition
previous: >>36208562 (died prematurely, check both threads for replies!)

Goal of the thread: If you usually lurk and can't muster the courage to speak up, just (You) the OP, or say a couple words. Anything. I will see it, and I'll do my best to respond and ask questions. You can do it, anon!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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how do I eat whey without wanting to kill myself? I wish I could be like those psychopaths and live off meal replacement
OP here, things are looking up again.
I don't think I will manage to catch up today but I will slowly begin responding again.
I am SUPER sorry responding this late, and will continue to respond a tad late for a while.. but I will be okay and take care of myself.
That is awesome news, anon! That you got on hrt I mean. It will be difficult initially afaict, but I have been told time and time again that a great deal of it is also working through, well, trauma caused by repping, and finding ways to express yourself that won't make you a dysphoric mess.
Sounds like a good time relatively speaking at least. Do keep us posted on how it went!
Sweet of you, anon. I hope you know I gladly listen, even if I had a bit of a week.
>this ends up happening with the first person who gives me a crumb of attention/consideration anyways
that is normal. Your support network has one node so to say, in that case you are extemely vulnerable to fall for that person. You have so many unmet needs and only one person to help you. The more people you have at once the more you will normalize on that front and you will get to sort your feelings out bit by bit.
hope the above helps.

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>Hmm.. have you ever had a doc look at your blood values and such? It is not exactly a varied diet but I cannot tell from a glance what nutrients may be missing.
yeah i do bloodwork a couple times a year since i'm mtf, they don't check for vitamin levels but all my hormone and organ function markers are perfect every time, i think eating lots of vegetables shores up the monotony of my diet and gives me what i need
i'm trying to incorporate more leafy greens and nuts and beans lately since i suspect i'm low in vitamin k and a couple other things, and i think it's improving my general mood and body feel, so everything basically seems fine...
>Give her a ping, generally after a day or two it is perfectly valid to ask at what point it would be alright to. Some pepople are just forgetful
i did that again a few days ago and still nothing... she gave me a heads up that her week was extremely busy so maybe it's fine, but yknow. yearning. need. at least i'm working out a little...

i put a bit of iodised salt and MSG in mine to give it literally any flavour at all, but i am an extremely low maintenance diet person so it's kind of a Type Of Guy thing
my roommate uses a big array of 750ml flavour syrups and milk to make tasty protein shakes but it's too much effort for me and adds an upfront cost, but it's an option to consider
ugh.. more posts tomorrow.
I am regularly thinking about suicide, if I go to a psych ward, it will be my 4th visit in the last 12 months, I hate that I feel like this, I have friends that love me, and I just want to end it more times than not.

I'm typing this with tears in my eyes, and my throat hurts. I just wanna be happy.

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I'm too comfy and it's boring me. My life is so comfortable. The comfort is excessive.

>be not you, but possibly me
>I'm in senior "management" now or at least my title says I am. think around director level or an equivalent, but not Vice President.
>solid six figgies+ with good raises
>one of the few that can afford to buy a home in my area on my own
>inflation doesn't perturb me and I spend recklessly how I want to
>remote work
>didn't do anything all day except shitpost on 4chan, reply to emails. I go to meetings sometimes
>boss is a really hot milf, it's unreal how hot she is. her boobs are huge and her cleavage is often showing. she's very nice to me.
>I'm just on standby answering emails or answering questions
>sometimes I get a phone call
>don't do any real work
>just sorta in meetings, and they're online meetings anyway so I don't even have to necessarily pay attention unless it's a smaller meeting
>underlings consult me for questions and decisions, I take a millisecond to think and answer in a half assed way or tell them to figure it out themselves.

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>why didn't you get a remote job?
The most stress I've ever experienced was when I was fully remote. I basically became agoraphobic and forgot how to socialize entirely. Ordered 4 meals of grubhub a day. Got addicted to camgirls just to hear someone else say my name. This was BEFORE covid too!

I'm still recovering and I've been going into the office daily for about a year now. Hung out with a friend last weekend with only 4 hours of notice. Usually I need at least 3 business days to confirm the emotional capacity to interact.
Theres no good remote work for someone with no decent education
I have a very simple solution for you. Get an education. Easy, right?
That can be remedied outside of work.
The next best thing is to be my stay at home waifu if you are female. You get all of the benefits of my lifestyle, minus the trivial bureaucratic things I have to do.

If you are male, the next best thing is to be the guy slaving away for me while I get all the credit. If you kiss my ass for 3 years, I will give you a senior title, with more responsibilities, so you can slave away harder.

Good thing you are a female, according to probability.
Straight chaser which I decided is a new persecuted minority. It's on topic because I'm a revered figure among trans women.

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>tfw she's clicker trained instead of potty trained
Is there anything more precious then an obedient diapered transgirl?
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Or is she a sissified FtM
i wanna know too
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Trans diaps are trans rights!

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I need some help with choosing a cage.
I plan to wear it more or less 24/7
My dick, luckily, is small enough to be pushed inside leaving maybe 1cm outside. Luckily because I strongly prefer flat or flat-ish designs.
Now the question is, there are supposedly anatomical base rings on AliExpress, are they any good? (
https://a.aliexpress.com/_mNDVVri ) having dedicated places for the strap is probably nice too, but that hook for balls look rather uncomfortable, even if aesthetically pleasing. Catheter or no catheter? How to choose the right diameter?
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Im not, but I have the opposite issue, the foreskin is too fucking long. In fact, I'm 99% I can cum even with the cage on if the foreskin will be outside
So let me get this straight, are you saying you can achieve an orgasm with *just* your foreskin?
no sharp edges on it. it was just too small of an opening for my urethra to let pee through. so the force of peeing pushed too much and cut the end of my urethra from what I could tell.

I've been hesitant to wear cages ever since because it traumatized me a bit. but I know a better fitting cage would never do that
Anyone with a foreskin can do this
where do I get bigger rings? I had a knockoff cobra with the 52mm ring and it was still hurting after a few hours.

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Why do some people have social dysphoria but no physical dysphoria while some people have physical dysphoria but no social dysphoria?

People on this board make it a pastime to trash anyone in the former category as not really trans.
Meanwhile, I've heard of a transgirl going to her college's local LGBT group just to be told by two (non-medically transitioning) transmen that she isn't "really trans" because if she was she wouldn't "need to rely on medical transition to validate your identity."

Meanwhile, people in both camps, who hate the other camp, feel justified in their hatred because of an idea that the other group is making it harder for them to live.
What causes this?
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Your IQ is low bro this made no sense
Physical dysphoria is present in the absence of other people but social dysphoria is only when others are around.
It's literally what others have said, it's not even my position.

>Physical dysphoria is present in the absence of other people but social dysphoria is only when others are around.
Some people who strongly identify as transgender would claim that if society were to recognize everyone's gender identity, noone would feel the need to physically transition. I imagine some wouldn't believe that anyone would experience physical dysphoria in the absence of social conditioning that led them to experience it.
If you don't medically transition you aren't transexual
But are they transgender?
>Meanwhile, I've heard of a transgirl going to her college's local LGBT group just to be told by two (non-medically transitioning) transmen that she isn't "really trans" because if she was she wouldn't "need to rely on medical transition to validate your identity."
People who have medically transitioned do not need to "validate their identities" existence is validation enough. Non-transitioners are not transgender.

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You guys don't look very oppressed to me.
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>and shit chevron.
what do you think the brown chevron is?
>how the fuck can you be part of a community that only indirectly includes you?
Simple. You belong to the community of [insert your nationality] and you share it with everyone in your country even if you don't spouse patriotic views.
The same goes for your [insert ethnicity here] or [insert religion] or even [insert your fandom]
I didn't choose to be a part of the atheist community, I never took part in any meeting or group or any activism for atheists. But even so, by merely stating I'm one, I'm automatically a part of the community. I can deny that, of course. But then I like to remember a striking remark:
"In the eyes of everyone except himself, he was seen as an atheist"
You can run your mouth and say you're not in the community, but most people inside and outside the community would disagree. You do with information what you will
>it makes no sense to say you're part of a community simply because of demographics
I beg to differ
>what community does that make me a part of?
The vegan one
>most people are actually pretty live and let live
except for the ones that shoot up gay bars, and the others that get elected to ban anyone being trans at their job.
America wants to pretend the country is full of libertarians but even the average one hates gays.

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and post accompanying selfie, if ur brave enuf
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everyone thinks im gay
I didn’t see there was a voice training gen, my bad boymoders. I’ll be on my way.
trender kike
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Yeah, pretty much
i hate this thread so much

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>June is over
>still no TERF AI app
will radfems ever deliver?
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>Women can't into technology
What?! No way.
males emit more heat
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They haven't yet programmed an AI that doesn't give false positives.
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I once had a trans-inclusionary radical feminist (TIRF?) get mad at me for saying sports are segregated because men are physically stronger/faster/more durable than women so she asked me to name one measurable thing men are better than women at so I said men produce more body heat and linked a research article and she said "this article is from the 2000's it's out of date" I hate feminists so much it's unreal

I'm a 6'2 big-cocked man and my dear ftm, you don't understand what you are throwing yourself into.

Nowadays, if you don't look like you are fucking a model, being tall, well endowned, rich or etc won't help.

As a woman you can always go gay / butchmode and violated another girls orifices, but once you trans out you can't do it anymore.
Anything you do will be judged, and unless you get together with another ftm your life will be condemned to solitude.
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nobody is stopping you from doing customer service jobs big boy
>3 years shut in
Wow man, things must really suck for you huh? Me too. Get over yourself. 'Real work'. Life is governed by pareto principle, 80% of jobs, men's jobs, are nothing but societal lubricant for the top 20% to actually contribute to society. If you think you work a real job, you are almost certainly mistaken.
Be like her. wear manly clothes. Boymode !
It’s always the bitterhons
Before I pooned out, I was an ugly fat porn addicted virgin with no motivation to do anything because of crippling gender dysphoria. Men and women alike avoided me and treated me like a freak. Pooning out gave me a life. Testosterone allowed me to gain muscle, to grow a beard, to look decent. Watching my body change gave me thr motivation to improve my life. Now, I have friends, I have a job, I don't feel completely miserable looking at myself. I even have a loving girlfriend, who wouldn't have dated me if I wasn't ftm (she's st4t).
You only think being a man is terrible because you're a repper who is miserable as a man. But living as a man can be fantastic if you're someone who can truly benefit from the effects of testosterone. Life can be good.

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30+ is a general for all queer people 30 or over

qott: what things from your 10's or 20's are you still finding joy in during/after your 30's

last thread: >>36333382
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It is that bad for me. Anhedonia due to untreated depression. And my depression is not physiological (chemical imbalance), so good luck treating that.
Add to it the bullshit world we live in, and so its even worse.
Maybe i can feel joy, but its so fleeting and short-lived, much like a warm breath vapour in the cold winter air.
Maybe things would be not as bleak if i had a partner/SO/gf/bf/ect, but dating is a nightmare as far as i am concerned.
I feel like adult life is so overwhelming. why is there so much paper work when all I do is shit sleep and eat.
would and i don't care how you look like... just want you to shower?

you forgot shit
so much of adult life is shit ngl
Yeah sometimes you wake up and the first thought you have is just "why".
>why is there so much paper work
I really don't know. I dread all the stupid loicenses, registrations, fees, taxes, insurance, formal letters, resumes, 401ks... I just hate it all.

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Imagine how happy you’d be if you were this delusional
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that's actually standard for that train company, they do this for everyone
That person could continue living life, happy and oblivious, or they could come to /tttt/ and hear what the resident ogre incel troons have to say
Got a good chuckle from me
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cis people are dumb at perceiving gender, especially men, especially older people
i had stuff like this when i was a babytrans turbo hon too
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pick your delusion terminally online trans person

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do you think Elliot/Ellen secretly regrets their decision but knows they can't go back now because the backlash would be crazy
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I actually don't think it looks half-bad IF its styled..
i don 't usually subscribe to the "ftm transition because of trauma" but i strongly believe it is the case for Elliot. also that face looks photoshopped i can't make sense of the angles
that is a different haircut she has a two-block undercut thing going on in OP
It's just grown out with better styling, watch them wake up with nothing in their hair and it'll look p much the samething.
He went from a her that was like a 5 at best to a sir that is like literally a 2 lol All ftms hate their no cock and he is a huge poster child of the right so even more hate, but regret? Maybe, doubt it tho.

yeah, i just don’t think i’m interested in trans women anymore. probably why i find it hard to find anything on topic to post here.
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more power to ya, anonymous chaser
are you a better person now?
i think so, but i’d need a secondary opinion for confirmation
sorry for too many questions
it’s ok

My FTM boyfriend started taking antipsychotics and now he's become so boring.
All he ever talks about is work and the gym. I miss my little freak. How do I convince him to go off it?
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Why do you assume OP is MTF?
Don't make him get off his meds. if you actually care about him you will accept that he has changed
what the fuck happens in funger?
you say this like multiple FTMs on this board alone wouldn't die for this opportunity
you say that like they haven't already

Why do lesbians get first letter in the LGBT community?
Can we start calling it the GBL community to make both lesbians and troons mad?
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You don’t even know what it is.
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i mean one of the letters has to go first?
unless... we could be really bold and stack them on top of each other
The fact that gays got aids and lesbians didn’t should make the G come first tbqh
I thought it was because LGBT rolls off the tongue easier than GLBT
it should be BLT, for bacon lettuce tomato

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