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arent you going to congratulate her, /tttt/?
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I do believe that anyone should be able to modify their bodies or whatever. it's just depressing that I've been getting gatekept from srs for years now and got SA by a doctor and will probably never be free of genital dysphoria at this point while some random fucking bloke can just get it and fucking post pictures on the internet. why can he get it and not me
Probably money
now THIS is what I pay taxes for
I really love tranny surgeries being publicly funded
wpath 8 gives the nod to wacky paths for suitably inclined transsexual enbies

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Couldn't be assed to make a good picrel addition

Previous: >>35091463

For the posting of art and also discussion and (constructive) critique thereof.
Also, try to draw something for your bumps - anything is better than nothing!
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Posted this on the board like twice but I figures I should put it on here :3
download krita
omg, thanks for this reply. i decided i should just watch the rest of the video rather than drawing shapes for an extended period of time, and despite my thinking he was lifting the pencil multiple times for each side of the shape, he wasn't; he actually went back and forth on each line, while maintaining pressure throughout, before moving onto the next line. even the circle, he encircled it multiple times before lifting the pencil. i could never. also, in his line art example in the same shape section, when he showed poor line art, he used the lifting-the-pencil-multiple-times-for-each-side-of-the-shape strat i was doing, meaning i was obviously employing poor form. i honestly can't believe i fucked up this badly right off the bat

but yeah, i'm not trying to bother drawgen with literal basic shapes that hasn't even reached artistic expression yet. i was mostly just trolling. when i can actually produce art, i'll share it
i've heard of it before, but i thought i heard cause it was partially editing software, it wasn't ideal, or something. but i'll give it a shot, thanks
responding to myself here, but i was mistaken by the video i just watched, since at the shapes part, he told me to pick up a pen and try it myself. i should've figured, cause line art was an earlier skill he said i should've learned already, but it wasn't a video i could follow along with in real time; it was just a list of skills i should learn, the order i should learn them in, and why. so i was meant to independently learn each skill, and when i feel confident in it, move onto the next

i have infinite free time, for now, so i can do this for a while. but it doesn't look like my off-shoulder hoodie boymoder drawing will drop any time in the near future. the guy who made the video said at first that he had no answer to how long it'd take to finish the basics, but before moving on he did say it could realistically take weeks if not months. i haven't even committed yet, so i'm not trying to say i'll even get there. but we'll see. i think it's a good video, since what stopped me from picking up a pen before was opening mspaint, trying to draw something, feeling like a retard, and bailing before the starting line. having an actual roadmap makes me feel confident i can make progress since i know where to start, and how to continue. we'll see

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qott: is nikocado a cispooner?
previous >>35439359
Gloves do a mukbang for us

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What are codependent bpd4bpd relationships like? Why do they break?
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How long have you been together? Is it irl or online? Asking because I need hope for my bpd4bpd relationship
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doe any one wanna be an alcoholic with me
no! that's not the point of my post!
No, smokin za.
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ddo u wanna smoke with me

this is my transition goal
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My mom has huge, gigantic fucking titties.
Size 46DDD I just checked the label on one of her bras.
disgusting thread everyone was right about trannies my bad for not believing them
God what I'd fuckin give to be built like that
Yea, just saying you should expect sizeable titties if those are your genes.
That's "realistic" for you.
Hopefully I won't need implants to have decent boobs.

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post topsters, guess letters, you all know the drill. pic related (yes i know some of these are actually EPs but they're still good) https://topsters.org/
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Well I listen to scandinavian / German bands. I can go ahead and listen
Here's a music video of theirs. It's from a different album, though.
I love everything about this, except...
I think it gets a little weird towards the end
hahaha gayest shit I've ever seen!


cis gay guy
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>comic supposedly in support of lgbtqa+ BIPOC
>bottom left panel
>transgender representation
>is an ugly man with a beard in makeup and woman's clothes
Even the ones in "support" of us think we're men in dresses...
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Kind of fucked up when you think about the fact that everyone in the first three panels definitely wants to fuck guy in panel four
I’d say no too desu

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>QOTT #1: What is something you wish you could apologise for but can't?
>QOTT #2: What is something you wish someone would apologize to you for?
>QOTT #3: What board game are you best at?

Previous thread: >>35375143


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?
When you hold my hand late in the night if you let go first I will die.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I wish my penis had more girth
Same. I might start interval pumping soon.
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>Take a pic of you using boots plus one of the clothing items cited.
Never, the mongolian basket weaving forums wont see my form. I own all of the clothes you mentioned (...even the shorts. They're black), 80% of the time I dress like this though
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>mfw i finger myself

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how do you make trans friends
and how do you make non insane trans friends

(i will not be adding another person from this board, any interaction unfortunate enough to last longer than a week is a bad omen)
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because im mentally ill
If it was you it's fine I guess. I suck at chatting anyways
you don't, friends aren't real
maybe the real lesson was the voices we heard along the way :)
fuck you you are walking dirt

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>be cis
>have trans friends
>want to talk about and explore gender a little bit
>they call me a nazi and start treating me like shit, at one point even screaming at me
>leave and start hanging out with different people
Did I do something wrong or do they just suck?
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i get the feeling this is not the unabridged version of what happened
They’re not my friends anymore I left cuz they only wanted to do drugs and complain about men. I have big things I want to do
good. fuck those tranny faggots
My version of being a girl involves wearing leather and stuff… I just like the way red and black look together. Is that so wrong? I was always very clear about being left-wing I’m just kind of an edgelord

pp >>35443668
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i hate them i hate fat
That seems like a fair compromise. A mutual respect of each others values or dignity as fellow people.
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one-two combo of sun coming out and getting fucked good cured seasonal depression and restored energy levels
we are BACK babty
I feel like that loosely applies to most secondary characters in horror movies in general and don't really agree that he does that other than with get out where it's tied to the central theme of the movie but fair enough if you don't like that vibe I guess
Abc ? More like BBC

Even mogging A lister celebs now
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Kai Schreiber, child of Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber
>100%. How do we stop this happening to our women?
why contain it?
What hollywood molestation does to a mfer
omg is that what it is, I thought it was just the 2000s starving look models had going on
proof jews are moloch worshippers. how else can they keep getting away with it

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yeah I can't tell
no I'm not because I'm bad at telling the differences between the binary genders
These broads are just as delusional as the chuds who think any attractive woman online is probably a trap.
you can just not use the data user get wrong.
Light Work, No Reaction

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I looked androgynous and kinda cute when I was 15 but then I stopped trying to be trans and now I'm fat and hairy 18yo and I wanna kms what do
just do it. you wasted your youth.
welcome to /lgbt/!
>welcome to manhood
lose weight?
If your only beauty comes from being underage then you're retarded and lazy

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oh fuck. i didnt think if i took hrt that i would actually look different. what do i do now? it's too embarrassing.
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I'm aware that I'll look different eventually.
I had a similar freak out and paused my HRT at the 6 month mark because despite the very low dose of E I was on my boobs were growing at an alarming rate and it freaked me out.

I just restarted yesterday, realized I'll just have to wear a compression shirt to manmode until I can't anymore then I'll switch to trying to stealth.
>i get weird looks all the time
I mean I get weird looks just from being a cis male with long, really well-kept hair. That alone might be part of it, idk
Yeah when I started transitioning and thought "oh no I'll look weird and people might stare at me" I realised it doesn't really matter because that already happens anyway...
Oh yeah. The waiting is the worst part.
My appointment with the doctor is on the 9th of may, which I made on the 7th of April. I've been counting it down like a kid counts down Christmas.

Figuring out how to fill in the time is the hard part. Especially with dieting as well. The next two years are going to be hard, but it's the first time in my life I feel like I'm working for something I actually want, and not just something to make everyone else leave me alone.
i heard low dose is actually good for growing tits

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