If trans women don't go through menopause and therefore our E doesn't drop, will youngshits and midshits look better than cis women in old age?
>>38877301Yes. Just make sure to get routine breast checks as estrogen can increase risk of cancer.
>>38877767yeah for amabs, once on hormones unless you are on a really wack regimen your chances for that are equal to that of cis women.
>>38877737No matter the era, youngshits gonna youngshit
>>38877737mardi is the shit, 62 and kicking ass
>>38877301yea maybe somewhat especially with ffs
i really want to go back to taking e, but i'm scared my family that i live with will find out. i just need to know if it's truly not possible to keep it hidden long-term, like the next couple years
>>38877440keep it inside your vagina
>>38877757breast growth doesn't make you pass, though. i'm 6'2" and 200 lbs. and yeah, we're diehard christian over here, but they noticed stuff like me losing weight and whatever so i imagine they'll notice if i get a lot of breast growth
>>38877558don’t do binding tape. even if you do it correctly, you can still end up tearing your skin. i have scars from using it (i still use it but again it just isn’t sustainable). it isn’t worth it if you just want to obscure your tits enough to get thru the day without somebody noticing your tatas. wear a sports bra backwards. the binder will deform your developing boobs and make them saggy and tubular
>>38877981what do you mean by wear it backwards? what does that do as opposed to just wearing one normally
>>38877757Estrogen won’t make you pass if you don’t pass before estrogen + makeup and wig.
How do i find a tttt gf?
>>38877748I have already been ruined
>>38877428>>38877807How bpd are you?
>>38877858Not that much honestly, I have a good sense of control because I lost my mind once. Once you go that far, bpd crashouts are pretty easy to laugh off
>>38877809>HON trapoints
>>38876297>How do i find a tttt gf?are you from sydney
How do I stockpile estrogen?I'm also fucking furious at most of you for not listening to Blaire White and not accepting fake trans and ftms, you've doomed us all. All you had to do was keep being trans a down low thing only for cute feminine straight mtfs. We are supposed to make men erect, not upset them.
>>38876039get a boyfriend and shut up kayla holy shit its been how many years of posting the same 6 photos!!!! get a life!!! you arent hsts you were a biker dude pretrans who didnt have dysphoria until you john 50ed and crashed out
>>38876003If the “retarded pickme” gets the single biggest question right while everyone else doesn’t, I’d start reassessing my priors
the only blaire white video I want to watch is the one where he cries in fear for his life because the fascists he was a token for have decided he's no longer usefulI genuinely mean that btw, I am very much anxiously awaiting the pickme meltdowns once the government begins killing people lmaolike does he actually think he won't be rounded up?>all you trannies are doomed but I'll be fine, right?>right??
>>38876003>>38876012Btw to expand on this further, the whole>pickmecultural hitting stick among alphabet people is an epistemic closure. It's a way to ostracize any possible correctness checking of groupthink, which unsurprisingly leads to lemmings-jump-off-cliffs outcomes.Retards on this board and beyond have been shouting pickme for decades at any dissenting voices. Probably not a good idea to double down on that instinct.
>>38876119i willblair white is a pickme grifter. shes the pure essence of pickme condensed into a assless, repellant dorito shape
what are lgbt people's thoughts on the color yellow?
>>38877755thank you I will keep myself safe anon :)
>>38877700checked doubles of objective fact
>>38877697a happy color, but sadly too overpowering by itself. needs to be complemented by another color to create a certain mood
shared first place with orange
I really want to start hrt but I know I won't pass and I don't want tits and I don't want my dick to stop working, I really just don't want to continue masculinizing and growing more into a monster on T with every passing yearI'm not even agp or trans, I don't even want to be a woman, and I know I never could be one even if I wanted to, I just want to look feminineI've had these thoughts for over a decade I fucking hate my life and my retarded stupid faggot brain
>>38877372start before you get any older pike the rest of us did
>>38877372You would have to get keyhole surgery or w/e early and use T gel on your d, but even then it's not a guarantee. Hard to have it all
>>38877540it's not like i'm an expert or anything but fwiw your wiener doesn't stop working just bc you change hormones..the clitoris has erectile tissue to and it gets hard just like a penis does. if you take estrogen you're just gonna not be able to ejaculate anymore the rest will stay the same as long as you keep using it to prevent atrophy (after which point it can still become erect anyways)
>>38877444I'm already too fucking old
same except I did HRT and it kinda just makes life horrible and stressful until you're way too feminine and then you're living as an obvious tranny and people might be nice to you but it's like you're a lost child or something and not a humanand then stopped HRT and realized how horrible the testosterone is again and just try to cope through it
do chasers that are manmoders exist?
you mean manmoders that romantically or sexually prefer tranners? ofccute cat :3
QOTT: Would you make dylan (picrel) pregnant?QOTT: Do you think that it should be illegal for ftms to take t for longer than two years?
>>38874659all ftms should be injected with testosterone and another androgenic agent (masteron maybe?) to transform them into masc hunks
>>38874659This is a boy
>>38877241I want to cum inside that boy
>>38877241so masc UWU
>>38874659ugh, did she have her tits chopped or was she already a flat chested skank?
What's the lore behind the stereotype of most butches actually being bi and their girlfriends always catching them cheating with guys?
>>38875477the term "gold star lesbian" exists for a reason
>>38877590its a thing that happens with bw in general their is a seriously demented bm worship cult - you can check out divestors if you not black to learn about it
>>38877644i've fucked multiple gold star lezzos that just want to 'try dick once', ask bi dudes who are mostly fags about this and most of them have done it lol. and yeah its usually the 'masculine' half of the lesbian equation I don't know why, maybe a number of them are repping ftms? im a bit older so i always suspected a number of them are but we never had the troonwave back in my day
>>38875477it must be really disappointing to see your butch gf who you see as this masculine figure fucking men. its like a different layer of cucking
>>38877670it must be odd to be black and trans on the most anti-black anti-trans website on the internet
>2010s: trans acceptance is at an all time high because the average trans person is a cute hsts passoid>2025: trans acceptance plummets because the average trans person is a faketrans agp rapehonin 5 years the agp epidemic has destroyed everything that actual trans people spent decades building
>>38876930there will never be introspection
>>38877416Bridget radicalized many
>>38877323name one trans character in a mainstream tv show/movie outside of jules in euphoria and laverne cox's character in orange is the new black
>>38877679raúl in wendell & wild. trevor in shameless (us). half of the cast on pose fx. uhh idk after rhat
>>38877679The doctor who tranny. The Star Trek tranny. The Star Wars tranny. The umbrella academy tranny. The Barbie tranny
tops have been making fun of and bullying bottoms for thousands of yearsits not fair
>>38872790It's okay anon, being the prey of society makes us the most innocent part of this world and more spiritually awakened to the well of infinite grace in the heart of the human spirit.
I don't mind it. I am the "woman" of the relationship.
>>38872618we know you like it lol
>>38874843same bestie
>>38874823while women are the most innocent and spiritually awakened we are not a prey class
How many hours should I go without eating? I'm leaving it up to you anon.I want to be thin so people will like me.
>>38874853lets play yume2kki together and starve together anon we'll eat at the same time every day on call and become besties
>>38874853maybe 72hrs sometimes that is a fairly good fasting time. however maybe try to eat a little bit everyday but still in a caloric deficit so you lose weight more sustainably and don't end up binge eating and gaining it all back
>>38876092That.. actually sounds pretty fun.
>>38874853i wanna fast with you. let’s do a 32 hour one
>>38877825if u wanna talk my discord iswomensfleshmyredguts
/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all cis women and trans women to discuss lesbian relationships and topics. All wlw welcome to participate in lesbian discussion.>QOTT: Do you cry during sex?FAQ>Am I lesbian or bisexual?Lesbians are women exclusively attracted to women. Bi women are welcome to post here about being wlw as well.>Are genital preferences valid?Sexual orientation is innate and we can’t choose what sex characteristics we’re attracted to. However, discussing how much you dislike a certain set of genitals can be rude and disrespectful. In the same vein, shaming others for their attraction or lack thereof is also disrespectful. Bee kind.tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2Fdiscord: https://discord.gg/bAnVMAGPNRprevious: >>38838673
Got blocked by my yoga teacher lol
>>38877822I mean ig thats fair, it's how I survivedsorry just wanted to cheer you up a bit
>>38877833wtf did you do to her lol
>>38877886It's okay I can handle some more years of coping
>be me>18 yo aymaxxer but currently just a humanmoder>community service to keep up earthling facade>start talking to what appears to be a cute girl>she shares the same interests>see her more often and get her discord>eventually go to meet up with her in person outside of community service shit>go to location to meet>van pulls up>a bunch of tall males in black suits jump out of van and try to grab me yelling about me escaping their facility>run as they chase me>only barely made it awaydoes this mean i pass as an extra terrestrial? why aren't you aymaxxing, anon?
I want to embody this aesthetic but I'm a degenerate dudebro who only changes clothes like once a month. Should I just forget about it? My reason is that I have MEF/AGP, but it seems like my heart's not in it. It doesn't help I don't leave the house though, if I left the house and walked by nearby stores I would probably end up buying something.
>>38876243I can never find lace clothes like that at the mall, so I just stick to frilly sundresses
>>38877164your tits are lovely m'lady
>>38877182They have huge puffy pink nipples too. I lucked out.
>>38876243do you really think you have or will ever have the waist to pull this off