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prev: >>36378802

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>If BLM taught us anything
*rolling eyes emoji*
the heat was low because I was preheating the oven, so the water evaporated before the sugar could reach the melting point and crystalized
Gay national anthem
Brooke Alexx - Younger Guys
> like guys when they’re younger
> Mess around for the summer
> Not my fault that they’re funner
> Yeah that’s just my type
> Isn’t age just a number?
> They’re so hot, can’t recover
> I come over, they’re under
> Yeah it just feels right
> I like guys when they’re younger


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Post voices, give feedback, and share advice if you have any to share.

But most importantly of all don’t reply to people that don’t rate others :)
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Why would I ruin the mystery now, M? All that matters is that you recorded a 7 minute long vocaroo for me to add to my co- no I don't have that lol. I really really really want you to stop being insecure about your lovely voice. I'm the one who has to go to sleep -.- This is a tragedy
don't call me M! my name is not a secret


sweet dreams
Hello voicegen
How’s the singing sound? Ik I sound like a girl, but I think I’ve reached a more androgynous tone??? (3 months back on T, around 15 months on total for reference)

>>36351094 pass
>>36351100 pass
>>36352128 low-voiced woman? hard to judge
>>36353594 andro leaning fem. i really like your voice but it's probably gonna depend on what your getting clocked as otherwise
>>36355035 pass
>>36355388 falsetto
>>36355772 pass
>>36357709 sounds rly natural. pass
>>36358847 sounds a bit strained desu. passable probably but sounds like a tranny voice
>>36368693 pass
>stop reading that fucking passage
NO! It's hard enough for me to keep the voice consistent while i'm speaking, i cant afford to fumble my words without a script too.
I am both straining and choking because keeping my voice breathy is hard. ill take any tips you have because im barely able to breathe while im holding a voice that remotely passes (which is probably part of why i hate voice training)

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>one chance at life
Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy couldn't I have just been cis, FUCK
I don't some sick joke of nature I guess

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I'm a gay man and I want a boyfriend that looks like this
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>I want a bf with tits
you want a gf
The only possible end result when you decide any sort of gatekeeping medical or otherwise is for chuds and that you can be trans even if you are pre-everything
> how do I stop thinking this
Go outside
Very helpful advice anon thank you <3
Fr though legit every time I've tried to make friends with an ftm or afab enby either irl or online I get the obvious "male treatment", the few times I've tried to dress more fem out before and in "safe spaces" I've literally heard all the theyfabs and "allies" whispering cruel things about me
Like >>36381445 says obviously not everyone is like this but at this point at least I don't have to worry about trans women and amab enbies "scanning my soul for sin" as thoroughly as ftms, theyfabs and afab ""allies"" do
That really sucks, idk maybe I’m different cause my childhood best friend was a youngshit mtf and we would have sleepovers all the time and I miss her dearly ;-;.

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do we now know what our queen looked like before she transitioned?

Evidence 1 - just look to the left of our princess. She clearly shaved, had some surgery, and probably had height reduction so she could be as short as her sisters.
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ava is 6'2", shes mentioned it before
people in Australia are usually fucking tall or fucking short
that guy must be 6'5"
I haven't had height reduction lol, it's a meme

if there was actually a surgery that reduced your height without making you look stumpy and weirdly proportioned then I'd consider it for sure

I am not a terrible person :( I'm actually really nice


I'm 6'1 but yeah everyone in my family is really tall
your a billionaire you are ontologically evil
lmao I am NOT a billionaire, what?
oops, i was one inch off, my bad
but damn, aussies are tall people

>be me, 18yo straight youngshit passoid
>been attracted to boys since early childhood
>live in a mostly empty region, only know one other person from my region who's on 4chan
>randomly get a message on tagmap one day
>see its from profile in my region, bio says "enby/transfem"
>add them on disc, we talk for a bit
>seems to be in hugboxy communities, invites me to a trans discord for our region
>agree to meet up
>when i get there look around aimlessly, cant find anyone that looks like my idea of them
>she texts me what she's wearing
>look in front of me, short "guy" wearing matching outfit
>dressed in all black
>looks at shoulders
>bra strap showing

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I'm not reading any of that shit but I can already tell you are completely cooked
i am a boymoder and i think i don’t have the mental capacity to deal with both of our brainworms

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Honfidence Edition

Are you honfident and at peace with yourself? What are the steps to attain honfidence?
>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.
Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7
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i'm not mean :(
>i saw something i guess
idk anon kinda rude
idk what u expect that just a way to call someone ugly lol

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>looking for
>not looking for
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No it's honestly fascinating to me, do you care because of the rules?
You can have this thread, but take it to >>>/soc/. Simple.
I never make them, it's just unfathomable to me that someone would give a fuck
T, L, pet
gaming, warhammer, reading, movies
>looking for
cool people to chat with, servers that don't suck
>not looking for
weirdos, people who want pics
I care, you don't but I'm glad we both understand that this belongs on >>>/soc/.

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you're fucking gay if you're smaller than this.
QOTT: why are you small?
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trying very hard to pick up a 300 pound couch on my own. got it off the ground but I can't put it on my shoulders.
i have one but it doesn't pay very well, was considering going to work in a warehouse, good pay but not so sure i can handle the physical stress
i'm from europe
lol i seriously don't know
another day of stolen manmoder valor. Im really going to do it

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the mayor of bigen greets you with a charming smile under their mustache.
the mayor asks, insisting on how critical your input is on the following matters :
>QOTT 1 : katana or spear ?
>QOTT 2 : horse or bike ?
>QOTT 3 : foreskin or flaps ?
>QOTT 4 : What's your favorite coping method (and why is it answering the mayor's questionnaire) ?

>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love wuming, OP?
Wu is : funny, positive, cute, smart, endearing, good sounding, fashionable, pretty, wholesome, good tasting, has good taste, skilled, patient, makes me smile and so much more. Yes I love wuming thank you for asking mhm

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>That's not interesting.
just like your list
You have any certs? A lot of the entry level jobs are asking for A+ these days. Identify what IT department you want to work under and focus all your efforts there. You've got this, I barely passed SEC+ by the skin of my teeth and a lot of my coworkers had to retake their certs but they persevered in the end.
Whats with all the people in IT these days.
I can offer a job that 100% makes people suicidal but not need a home and only weekend hotel stays for just $1500 every two weeks.
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Shit, should have read further down, sorry, man. It might be your area, IT is ever present, but some areas, they only want to hire from within the corporation. You ever consider doing IT for the gov't? I remember all the contractors on the helpdesk had A+ as a bare minimum requirement.
You have my insincere apologies. Perhaps my next spree shall dip into the more stimulating fare populating my wishlist.

I went from 320, to 170 in about a year, and apparently now everyone wants me? This whole time my years of endless isolation and rejection were just because nobody wanted to fuck a fat person???

The fuck?? Now everyone treats me kindly. They believe me and take my side on basically everything. And laugh at my shitty jokes.

And I'm tall too, I'm 6'2, and definitely non-passing. But yet somehow everyone wants my ass now. And it's just irritating how it wasn't my makeup, or how I dressed or my personality.

NOPE, just not fucking skinny enough, I guess all it took for people to treat me like a human was to not be fat. Fuck people honestly. I hate human beings so fucking much dude, y'all are full of complete shit!
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Man I miss being skinny but I just can't get on top of my food addiction/comfort eating. This is good motivational fuel OP, thank you.
same here, lost half my body weight (wound up with ana but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) and transitioned, the difference in how people treat me is like night and day and i know this shit is killing me from the inside out but i don't want to lose this
It's actually not hard to keep a 1500 calorie diet. Just never eat out and skip breakfast.
I unironically wish I could induce ana.
My therapist yelled at me for suggesting it was just as bad to be too skinny than fat so I screamed back about how hard it is to find clothes and how people treat you different for being fat. People who have never been fat will never fucking get it.

Just the simple fact of being under 180 pounds or so (either sex) puts you leaps and bounds above others as a viable sexual partner in America. Being normal weight in America is RARE. And the older Americans get, the fatter they get. Once they hit 40-50 or so, if they have a stable life and their basic needs and wants met, they just completely stop giving a fuck and become schlubs.

I personally hate hate hate fat and I would never even consider fucking a fat person. For me, solitude isn't just preferable to a fatty, it's vastly preferable. It's not that they're bad people, I am just simply not sexually attracted to them at all and would never want to hug or kiss them.

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Does any other tranny live in this empty hellhole?
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> Why isn’t there a middle ground where I can just be trans without weird virtue signalling freakqueers or angry religious jackasses?
Normgroids are unable to handle life without an omnicause
you mean zog bots? no thanks

Yer loss booboo, I been eyeing up some pretty saucy ladies on station. Having to stay fit + having fully funded transitions (all surgeries included) = win. There's a cutie in my unit that's been wearing bright red lipstick the past month.

Srsly tho there's a lot of non-mil trans here, too.
actually i take it back, i would probably get on my knees for a military lady embarrassingly quick
i live near houston tho
Look im in the upstate are there any other transbians around here? Im lonely as fuck

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do trans girls find me attractive?
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No, they find me attractive. That's why I have several of those hoes sending n00ds on discord. If you have to ask if they find you attractive, then you're not.
I think all frogs are cute
i am not gay
post tummy

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hrt at 18/19 is barely different from hrt at 35
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how long was the wait after the consult, and when did you get surgery?
6-7 months
and my surgery was in april of 2024
thanks for letting me know, i will be detransing and trying again in 15 years
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It’s useless for most western anons since their puberties are so much stronger and earlier that by 14 many look like how 18 year old men in 1924 did.
But the people who aren’t can genuinely benefit. Especially if their goal is femboy moding rather than pretending to be women. They can often do about as well as the aforementioned western midshits.
TLDR: people who have had late/weak puberties can benefit

I think that I am not trans after all and that makes me sad.
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would lick her feet
not as something sexual but like bet that would calm her down...
yes i'm autistic :(
Remember you don't need to be trans to troon out. Trooning has many other advantages, e.g. it makes your body much more desirable for many other men
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I want to fuck top left AND top right. Just when I thought I could repress those bi thoughts...
why do you think you're not trans?
why does that make you sad?

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