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Angel Devil Edition

Last time on /bmg/

QOTT: Do you read manga? If so what is one you really enjoyed recently?
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>You're a big guy
For (You)
no im just retarded and didnt put the name by accident lol
also yeah, spinning would be cool :(
stabs you
well, since theres more guys than girls in the class, sometimes i do just so happen ti have to take the role of a girl
im not evaluated then though
Yes im big and powerful, even men fear me
>QOTT: Do you read manga?
>If so what is one you really enjoyed recently
Black Lagoon

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Where can I find femboys like this? I only find mascs or weird people on Grindr.
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they kill themselves before you get to them
save a cute femboy/tranner and buy them hrt and outfits
>that hairline
so brootally joever
could be wearing sports bra
In a highschool
anon im sorry but femboys dont exist, it was painful for me to find this out also.

i guess you can chase after 18 year olds and try to make them wear makeup for you tho?

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What kind of men end up dating straight AGPs?
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>has to add bisexual
you already admit you lost
I prefer the ethiopian knockoff, it is more true to reality
you can go back to twitter sweetie, you're not gonna get anything from being here
blanchard 1.0 hasn't been updated since white people afros and disco were popular while blanchard 9.0 ultra-max pro edition is updated daily in 2024
i can never tell if the "all men are agp" posters are cooked troons or cracking reppers

Does beard oil actually do anything or is it one of those products that insecure people just waste their money on? Got an ftm beard that's getting there for sure just needs to fill out slightly more would oil do anything for it
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Interesting. I'll look into buying some then.
I suggest getting something that smells woodsy or musky if you enjoy a dark and thick type of scent. It gives you a +3 bonus to your masculinity.
What happens to my masculinity if I brush in strawberry shortcake vanilla scented oil
You get a -5 debuff to masculinity but a +15 buff to charisma. It also increases your aggro on any brute class mobs.
You're just gonna leave her hanging OP?

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do NOT kill yourself
Chillis will save you
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Ummm…. How dare you?
Could u take me to TGI Friday's sometime?
Only if you promise to go to Ruby Tuesdays with me.
I wanna try Olive Garden and Red Lobster too
bring me some of the bread sticks and cheddar biscuits when you done

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Pandemonium edition

>QOTT: Would you hail Satan if he promised you a body of your choice?
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Does this thread get bumped still?
I have been a Satanist for fifteen years.
I prayed to Satan recently, asking if our pact still stands. My intention I transmitted was that I would give my soul for him to command if he gives me a female body.
The next day I found the skeleton of a hare in front of my car. Prayer answered, loud and clear.
I am grateful for my Lord Satan for being in my life and granting me my wish. I do not yet have a female body, but I am on hrt and by his infernal power it will work on me.
Hail Satan.
Nigga i have incel manlet skull
no, being bad at masculinity does not make me feminine though
this general doesn't deserve a bump
the real rep strat is to lift weights and nurture your inner aap.

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Can you do the splits?
I used to be able to when I was a teenager but I've lost flexibility
But I'm trying to get it back, I might be able to do it again
no but i do half splits with cork blocks for my hands and I recommend that to others

Basically a low lunge then you straighten the front leg

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott 1: have you ever played matchmaker for your friends? or have they for you? how did that go?
qott 2: would you ever go on a blind date?
qott 3: what have YOU done lately to help acorn get a gf?
tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F

last: >>35517572
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dye it pink or blue
we need to make a lesgen discord
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i'll make it if no one else will
i think my gf looks down on me a bit for being autistic

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please please please can we gatekeep? i don't want to be murdered because of people like this
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hell, i would murder that... thing if i saw it in public
>Idk she doesn't even look that bad
excuse me?
I dare to ask..what's a little age?
mogs me

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Anonymous edition

Previous thread: >>35403270

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno
Read-only link for sharing:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn
Read-only link for sharing:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics not in the cryptpad, but don't be lazy, please include:

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Sniff 2
Sniff 3
Im still lost about what those things even are, I thought it was an alternate form of the guy but they are separate entities?

The night was no good oof
Tfw no cute magic otter to greet me when I come home

How many other chasers share transphobic memes, news and articles to keep up the easy supply on lonely mentally ill trannies that would take anyone who gives them any form of positive attention?
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What? Stonetoss a nazi? How crazy? What do you think gave it away? Maybe all the nazi comics he made?

But lets be serious, sure he's pretty open about this for some time (pic related, one of his first comics) but granted, he's pretty funny tho
Leave it to trannies to wanting to kill the only people that will ever love them. I guess you truely are women after all
It's something I always wanted to try lol
Just date one up and be casually transphobic around her all the time.
>Stonetoss is a nazi
and? literally who cares?
im really envious of your future tranner gf

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i was a terf but then i got a heaping dose of girldick now i'm an ally
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Yoddle doodle doodle doo
Ah so this goes through but the actual post I wanted to make is flagged as spam. Fuck you 4shit
>No Iranian ever called me incel
honestly based
How is that based?

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prev: >>35528892
qott: do you think you would be able to defend yourself if someone tried to hatecrime you?
qott2: whats your favorite Seinfeld episode
theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W__p0gCBSZI

What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1
What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2

HRT Information: https://rentry.org/mtfghrt
For additional HRT information, please visit >>>/lgbt/hrtgen

Fashion Guides (Videos): https://rentry.org/mtfgfashion

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Nervous about packing down my sex toys. Like what if I forget where it is and accidentally unpack them infront of someone. Or the box breaks while we're moving....
you'll be fine haha just try your best not to pack so that boxes break. that would be a bigger problem than just humiliation
please janny

it even uses a name fuck
double tape it shut desu

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What is your "little age" /tttt/?
why are you reposting something already in the catalog with a single line highlighted are you fucking retarded
my little is about a year and a half old. I love him so much, he's growing so fast!!!
Cute kitty!


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Why is that with all the natural human variance, puberty blocking and childhood interventions no tranny seems to have a passing body? It seems impossible that a tranny could have an above average for a ciswoman body, usually at best they look like twinks but with pretty passing faces (which is okay!). Is being xy that influential even with modern medicine?
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That's because the average mtf is still a lateshit and convervatives are working to keep it that way
Why are you trying to make a point while posting a picture that refutes it?
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XY gives broad shoulders in like every case, it fucks up everything
>to prove my point I will post someone who still passes fine
your problem is that you are a porn addict and don’t know what women look like

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