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>be me
>love being teased for having small pp
>don’t actually have small pp
>little under 5 inch at best
>am switch so don’t want to shrink cause want to be able to top on occasion

Wtf do I do. I want to get smaller one because the idea of it turns me on a ton but also don’t want to never be able to top again.
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Idk it doesn’t feel small and it’s only less than 5 on a good day most times it’s 5
anything under 6x5 is small.
>She has no idea how much the fat bastard villain is in demand
You have nooo idea what you've got in you.
same but im just a bottom qwq
...i mean i can top occasionally if my partner wants it but still.. i get flustered way too easily
good girl~

We interrupt your regularly scheduled suicide and AGP posting to give you actual solutions.

Are you tired of looking boxy, hunched-forward, square, etc? There's an easy fix and it'll also relieve tons of back pain and make you feel better.

You have a kink in your neck. "A crook in your neck from hanging your head in shame." Feel it. It's there. And you can fix it.

How? Just fix it. Stretches. Relaxation techniques. A reliable chiropractor may be able to help you (ask around and ensure you don't get a sketchy one). It'll get that kink out of your neck and back arch and make you look feminine, shoulders-sloped, waistline-tight, hips-broad, ass-fat, etc. And it will also roll your head back giving a more feminine impression of your forehead and lessening of lower facial fat.

Got it? Here it goes.

(I am not responsible if you decide to deliberately misuse my advice and hurt your back or spine, which could lead to paralysis. Please be gentle and seek a professional if necessary.)
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do you have discord?
I'm not looking for eligible bachelors nor bachelorettes. Any advice questions can be asked here.
I just wanna see your fat titties again
Another note: during this process, you may cough up phlegm, and then feel easier to breathe. Like you're getting the "bad stuff" out. May be from personal experience as a smoker. Now my weed hits go straight to my soul.
make sure this activity is done on a flat surface. No super wrinkly, lumpy bed if you can help it. Just straight outward force. You don't want to jostle something out of place and risk pinching a nerve.


>A new bill introduced by far-right Republican legislator Tom Oliverson, HB3817, seeks to criminalize being transgender by classifying it as felony fraud. While the bill has no cosponsors—making its passage significantly less likely—it marks a significant escalation in anti-trans legislation. It is the first measure to explicitly criminalize identifying as a gender different from one’s sex assigned at birth and communicating that identity to others. The proposal also aligns with broader efforts at the state and federal levels, including Trump administration policies, that seek to label transgender existence as "fraudulent."

>The bill states that transgender individuals who "make a false or misleading verbal or written statement" to their employer or the government are guilty of felony fraud if that statement "identifies the person’s biological sex as the opposite of the biological sex assigned to the person at birth." This language effectively criminalizes transgender people for merely existing and identifying as their gender identity.

>Beyond employment, the bill could also apply to interactions with law enforcement, attempts to update gender markers on official documents, and other routine disclosures of gender identity. If enacted, it would amount to the direct criminalization of being transgender, with felony fraud charges carrying the potential for jail time.
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you want your kibble?
you can eat it out of the trash little mutty :)
It's the white person living in the middle of nowhere, scared of her own shadow.
the fact that we're arguing here under these terms that implicitly accept that our sex change doesn't change our sex means we've already lost. the argument should be that we're women not that it's okay for us as men to lie about it...
Technically this only applies to the government and only applies to being stealth. Not illegal if you say I'm transgender, my sex is male/female

Big nothingburger of a bill especially since it's unlikely to pass
You aren’t women you’re transwomen, and that’s fine.

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What mode is this?
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Can't let the slaves rise up by offering them bits of freedom


darksydephil transitioned?
That's most feminine transbian mode
Why can't society acknowledge that women are purposefully constraining men?
Because society IS women.
Without them, we die off.

But the other members of society (spermspewer slaves) have been taught to simp and fear losing access to females if they "rise up" publicly against the bullshit.

I'm a transsexual. I'm not queer or a leftist. I exist
not impossible. i voted for trump and also injected myself with estrogen

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>get told I pass
>get gender male irl
whats this mean
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Do you?
I don't but people tell me lies
If you're being told you pass by bio women, they're probably lying to make you feel better. If you're being told you pass by other trans people, they have a warped idea of what is and isn't passable. If trans and cis alike are telling you that you pass, it's because a still image of your choosing is always going to be more convincing than people seeing you in person. Maybe it's not your face, but your body. Maybe it's neither but it is your voice/intonation. Maybe it's the way you dress yourself. Maybe it's the way you walk. It could be any number of things. If it's any consolation, a little over a decade ago you may have been considered passable as you are. The push for trans visibility has practically ruined passing capabilities for western trans.
Idk maybe you do look like a girl but have some other shit that tips people off
Hanlon's Razor

You don't have to assume evil
Bisexuals have terrible "ick, no, that's male" radar, half the time

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This is the kind of glow up every boymoder wants
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The joke is that when reppers finally break it's already too late and they're fully masculinized/feminized.
>wearing comfy cardigans means you're shy and insecure
>putting hours of effort into heavily doctored photos that require multiple shots, optimal lighting and heavy photoshop, catering to ever-changing whim of anonymous coomers to maximize artificial engagement metrics, means you're confident and happy
holy shit the kids are not all right
>seriously go fuck yourself
incel much? my holes are not a vending machine where you insert rudeness coins and the sex falls out
People with endo are very feminine looking.. are you sure you want to poon my darling
wow i want to be like her
sauce ?

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Okay so now it’s really just a matter of time before other states become brave and enforce the same laws and then in actuality it wouldn’t be camps but regular prison that we would serve time in :0

I seriously think transitioning further is actually just promising you a sentencing :/
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Before I used to disagree but after testing some people here with serious questions like should you confess to your man that you are a trans-woman before having sex or even just at all and getting a majority response of “no” or “I’m stealth so no” “I had srs so I don’t need to” and just a bunch of other demented comments… I agree 100% now

And that’s not even the worst one.. there are an unusual amount that like to groom little boys into thinking they’re trans because they want to practice or get off to it, secretly feed their boyfriends estrogen pills and gaslight them into thinking they’re sudden mentality change or in feelings is normal.. etc

I’m sorry but that’s just foul
Why did you screenshot a thread that’s currently still up on your phone and post it to a new thread?
Because it's a low effort shill
Come on.. there’s no way a shill can be THIS low effort
Why do you keep saying shill like a weirdo? Jesus this place is odd :/
I genuinely am just trying to understand something particular about this post.. no one is trying to bait or anything like that geez

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Scientists from Texas A&M University found that young people who had undergone mutilating sex reassignment surgeries and taken puberty blockers had significantly more clinical manifestations of depression and anxiety disorder, as well as suicidal thoughts and substance abuse.

Remember how trans-friendly psychologists convinced us that children with gender dysphoria should be provided with access to gender-affirmative medicine to avoid all this? Allegedly, the risk of suicide and depression in trans children is much higher due to rejection by society.

The results of the study will shock the average person, but are quite expected by anyone who is even slightly familiar with clinical psychology and the concept of true "gender dysphoria", which has been turned into a real show in the last four years by the efforts of interested parties lobbying for the interests of big pharma. Only the end is quite tragic for many.

So, the indicators. Let's start with the fact that the sample is quite good: 107,583 patients aged 18 and older took part in the study. Over the course of two years, the condition of young people was assessed before and after the intervention. In boys, the level of depression increased by almost 15%, anxiety - by 10%. In girls, it was slightly less. That is, the most crippling effect on the psyche was in operations aimed at feminization of the body (I think there is no need to explain why).

The comments of American specialists are no less interesting. In addition to acknowledging that gender reassignment surgery not only fails to resolve identity issues but rather exacerbates mental illness, they came to the following conclusion: the sharp increase in gender dysphoria among young people in recent years raises serious questions about the influence of cultural and social phenomena.

“We cannot ignore the fact that social contagion, along with peer pressure and social media, have contributed to this surge.”
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what's this guy's new grift gonna be when his kid grows up and still doesn't capitulate to him?
>Clinical implications

>Findings suggest the necessity for gender-sensitive mental health support following gender-affirming surgery to address post-surgical psychological risks.

There is a much simpler solution lmfao
>“We cannot ignore the fact that social contagion, along with peer pressure and social media, have contributed to this surge.”
Who would have thought???
What should we do???
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even just calling this fucking mess of a paper a study is pushing it
it reveals the dangers of trannyism.

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Post charts, rate, discuss music, post music, guess letters, ignore lazyfags <3

>QOTT1: What's an album/artist/genre that took a while to grow on you?
>QOTT2: (If you go to them) What's the best concert you've been to?

>Make your chart here
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Pointing out Stauber instead of BMSS was a scattershot attempt at being funny

Fuck, did I really? Which one are you?

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gay or bi ftm, haunted by a long gone slutty phase
straight mtf, crazy dysphoric and wormy, possibly chainsmokes
getting straight dude repressing something vibes
straight mtf, stealth and lonely
I really can’t tell huh, kinda think questioning straight dude lurker
18 year old neet mtf
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i made a breakcore sampler plate with one song of every subgenre of breakcore i could think of https://youtu.be/hy9vgnFuDCI?si=-zVGje96F_9y5V5g
>Pointing out Stauber instead of BMSS was a scattershot attempt at being funny
i feel like it was - and what i said was meant to acknowledge it xD

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The vast majority of lgbt people are dependent on welfare.

What happens when they cut it and start the war economy?
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America doesnt do shit for their militaries. The U.S has a few bases here and there but that's because the U.S military almost never leaves anywhere it lands. Also the U.S doesnt run nato because nato is a coalition of countries that teamed up during the cold war. This is a childs argument at best. The world does not revolve around the U.S.
Weak bait desu
>nato is a coalition of countries that teamed up during the cold war
just random arbitrary countries teaming up with each other in a random not-war
just like the warsaw pact had nothing to do with any kind of union
Arguing the U.S protects free and universal health care in europe because of trade is like arguing Walmart protects customers for selling them food. nigga this is what we call free trade.
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>the largest arms race in human history was just for a goof
holy fuck your stupid.

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you may not be able to make yourself pass but you CAN make yourself skinny
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how do i make my thighs stop touching. i'm not even fat but all my weight goes to my lower body
Dont you need certain hormones (hrt) for weight/fat distribution
its a balance. you need fem fat to look good but gotta lose your tummy so you aren't a pig
im taking hrt, my thighs were always like that, i had nice ass and legs for a boy pre hrt. but i want to have those thin model body and well my thighs touch even with me losing weight
Have you talked to your doctor about perhaps using a different type of hormone treatment (risky)?

I started to get my thighs touching a lot when i gained weight, so now im on the hard task to lose it all.

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If you call yourself a girl, woman, trans woman, or tranny- LEAVE NOW


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I am overall AI is just an abomination when used for anything that isn't work or information gathering
half my brain is straight and the other half is bottom. not bi, not gay. simply bottom
Debbie what are ur thoughts on destiny getting locked up? I noticed while he wasnt streaming you couldnt steal his talking points and u sounded dumber than shiza during that time period
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i see :3
I have no opinion on whatever he did and I only watch him when he debates people that are relevant

Do you think it's possible to find people here who pay for explicit content that's a bit strong, although well, I have my limits so you know haha

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does anyone remember that thread from a while back where boymoders posted audios of them begging for their lives
could we perhaps get another thread with a similar premise
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What the fuck
why is every post with yuki in it so creepy :( she deserves better
Holy shit i need it
Can you post them pretty please?
im getting a shower, maybe ill post one when i get back. I'm really bad at acting though
here's one

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