lord forgive me i just became a full time linux tranny. what OS do you use, and why?
>>38917156am i agp if i never had any interest in girls and was mildly obsessed with lady gaga at a young age but also learned basic html coding and dual booted linux and windows xp on my computer at age 11? or am i just multi faceted?
>>38917156>what OS do you usemac/darwin for my laptop, nixos for my lil server>whybecause i hate ansible
>>38917156windows 11 some edition as i just use a browser, discord, spotify, and game>>38917226ily larryplease become my r4mm wife?
Windows cause I have an actual job
>>38917156mint, plan on switching to fedora someday soon idek im lazy. Windows is annoying and I refuse to update to 11
Which of these do you prefer to be called?MTFTiMAMABTrans womanTranswomanTransgenderTranssexualTranny
>>38917397Ok what if I got up and ran in front of you and got on my knee like I was about to propose and said>could I have a blowjob, please
>>38913212FPBPExcept just girl in the streets>>38913197>male to female transsexualdescribes my medical condition accurately>Trans woman>Transwoman>Transgendervarious wokeslop words on different stages of the euphemism treadmill>TiM>AMABWeird online only words>trannyhornyComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>38917144i see what you're asking, and maybe not. in fact, i can guarantee that there are non-terfs who would establish a separate gender category specifically for trans women, simply based on the number of living people there are, and it wasn't my intention to say that there is only one of two ways a person could be when writing that word (even if that is pretty much what i wrote, which is my bad).i don't necessarily think that all of the people intentionally writing "transwoman" are terfs, but i still don't appreciate the implication, even if they aren't. i don't consider myself at all the same as a cis woman, but i do believe i exist within the same social role, effectively no different from them until it comes to my biology, which isn't really the concern of any of the people i work with.so regardless, i'm not a huge fan of the word. i excuse it on the basis that it's almost never written with ill intent, but i would prefer that people wrote "trans woman" instead.
>>38917444I finished my coffee so I'm going to end this fun hypothetical and continue on with my day ttyl anon
>>38917570Please don't leave me. Without you, I stop existing. I will disappear.
Why do chasers love trans women so much?
>>38917043Shit's GRIM for the modern AMaB so you have to wonder if trying to pull bichad men is easier or trying to pull a sane woman you could spend your life with
>>38917066no woman is gonna settle for a tranny
>>38915313to any chaser reading this thinking "this doesn't apply to me", don't be too hard on yourself when you finally accept the truth. they're very good at what they do.
>>38915664it is my true love talking. my true love for their tender hearts and souls, and their tender soles.
>>38917141okay so this isn't real then?
The fact that there's more MTFs than FTMs is proof that life is just easier as a woman
>>38915398i see far more pooners than i do mtfs in real life but on here obviously yes there are more mtf agp hons than poonbros bc the poonbros are all hecking valid tumblr socialized
>>38915476There isn't but keep telling yourself that
>>38915398>there's more MTFs than FTMs[citation needed]
>>38915476not if you only count MEDICALLY TRANSITIONING ftms>>38915891it won't let me link it (the link just downloads a pdf of the study), but if you search for "emory mtf vs ftm" it pops right up "prevalence of transgender depends on case", and it's a meta analysis that found that in most instances mtfs are 2-3x more likely to MEDICALLY transition than ftms, ftms identify as trans more often, but don't actually take hormones most of the time
t. HRT 2011From 2014-2019 it was the opposite. Ftms and theyfabs were everywhere EVERYWHERE. Agps and hons boomed during the pandemic tho
>khhv>midshit 6'2" twinkhon>there is now a nonzero chance that my first intimate relationship will be as part of a t4t throupleit might be over for me
>>38914127you'll find someone eventually. got a boyfriend recently and haven't gotten to the whole boyremoval part but hes very adamant and doing it soon and if i wasn't out of state from him rn I would've let him do so
>>38916290is "boyremoval" just bottoming? LOL
>>38916383It's a special form where it's a chad who abuses you and manhandles you like a pathetic sissy; thereby destroying any build-up of spiritual masculinity in your body
>>38916434god i need this like 12 years ago
>>38917338honestly biggest reason of why i want to head back from this trip rn, he seems to be so pent up from our conversations
repper sisters… i caved
>>38911603You have to be over 30 to count as a real repper.
>>38914321not true
>>38909223good choice
>>38909422why the fuck did you do that to yourself
>>38909223goodluck bestie
>bf keeps cumming on my cock and making fun of me for being small
>>38915246Men have breasts
>>38915298he’s gay lol
>>38915315I believe the correct term is penis-curious>>38915314Do you?
>>38915177Lucky girl.
why are pooners like this?
the pooner drawings scare meim gonna ask my bf to kill them
>>38917353No one says this
>>38917353He does look better in the second pic and I'll jerk off to it now.
do fat tranners deserve love?
>>38914387didn't you also have a couple other pics that got deleted?anyway you're so fat you silly fatty, you're so fat.
This threads is sorely lacking in art.
im going to die alone
>>38916439why?>>38916460im a hon freak
>>38916409>bpd schizoposting
>>38916960i dont think i have bpd
>>38916475i doubt
>>38917316what makes you doubt me
Estrogen reduces attraction to women on a neurological level. I'm not sure exactly why, but eliminating the production of semen and decreasing the functionality of the penis up to and including castration severely undercuts the sexual appeal of women. It feels like the power they had over me is gone.Anyone else have a similar experience? It's like the way i see men and women has completely changed-- i still know women are more attractive, but my brain responds to attractive women by wanting male attention.Also: what's your favorite KPOP group or idol?
>>38917059Aren't AGPs supposed to want to be with women or something? Also I am definitely not like a regular AGP i want SRS and also have HSTS coded behaviors and interests.
>>38917003idk i'm a guy tho lolmy main inspo is sexo cover groups not the idols themselves i just watch the music vids sometimes if there is some cool style in videography, fashion or interior
>>38917116you can be a guy and still look similar to em. havin a physique like that webm is also pretty hot.
>>38917140ye shooting for a low bmi
>>38917377what's ur currnt bmi?
Surely this will own the AFABs.
>>38916179everyone hates people who do this but you technically can follow in the example of the most vapid and trashy of cis women if you want i guess.the op post likely isn't serious it's referencing the afab only house
>>38915948made you mad enough to screenshot and post here so
>>38915948That ad is pretty close to where I live, should I?
>>38916179>no women pls, i have trauma ;w;This is literally me, though I wouldn't say it out loud.
Oh no no no no no no no no
C'est fini.
>>38917306they can’t shave because they’d self harm with the razors, bigot
>>38917330ummm but theyfabs are valid, sweetie
>>38917394You are the man in the OP image?
>>38916914I mean I will definitely like you if you push a few couple hundred my wayt.ranny
>>38917330I was legalmode, I was in the process of getting my referral letter from a therapist, and I got ahead of it by telling people close to me I was going to transition and wanted to live as a woman (retarded idea but whatever). I got on HRT eight and a half years ago. So yeah, I "identified as someone with the goal of medically transitioning," or whatever vocabulary is suitable.>>38917430Theyfabmaxxing is the final frontier of wombynhood.
I’ve been on 100mg prog for like a month now and my boobs are in absolute agony. My boyfriend says they’re bigger, which I’m happy about, but they’re so, so tender and sore. If I even graze them with my hand I flinch. Is this normal??
>>38915328I’ve heard that you can retain some size if you’re on it for long enough? I know most of it is just swelling and not actual new tissue, but it definitely makes them look bigger and rounder
>>38915043on real women yeah because it makes you think of fertility and pregnancy. couldnt care less if a hon fucked up her hormones enough to get liquid out of her nipples though
>>38916470I’m not a hon :(
>>38914999Afab hereYou do know this is very normal for teenage girls to go through? It was hell, any touch killed me
>>38916984Of course, I guess it’s just that I originally had that degree of sensitivity when my breasts came in, but then that went away for almost 2 years. I was just making sure I hadn’t done something wrong - it’s weird to have them be so sensitive after having no growth for ages.