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how to learn to love yourself?

i feel awful sometimes and then good sometimes and then worse again

I play online games and its a 50/50 i get called a tranny or they think im a girl


i wanna die :( i might sound cute but i dont sound like a girl why!? ive tried to train so hard and its never good enough!!!
maybe i should just have to deal and accept with being a freakhon FAGGOT UNLOVABLE LOSER!!
>how to learn to love yourself?

Whoever clings to their life will lose it and whoever gives up their life will gain it. You can’t teach yourself to love yourself. You learn to love yourself by loving others and when you love others you see how much you are loved.

Transitioning goals are good and all, and accomplishing them can reduce suffering but it won’t lead to self love. Neither will detrans tho. All of that physical stuff is under love.

Youre never going to love yourself as a woman because youre not a woman and never will be. Your only path to true self love will require you forgiving and accepting yourself for what you truly are, a man. Spesking in your actual voice. Going by your actual name.

Youve tried to erase yourself from existence and you wonder why you cant love yourself. How sick must you be that the answer isnt obvious to you? Why would you ask this board how to love yourself? Count how many of the threads at any given time are self loathing, suicidal, resentful or otherwise negative. This is a mental illness board.
you sound like a tranny. nice voice crack, by the way. you do not sound cute, kek. don't learn to love yourself, change yourself into someone worth loving. although, that would be very hard, given your unfortunate starting point.

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Hey I'm the ftm who made a thread a few days ago about being in trouble because the friend group found out I had sex with a 17 year old MTF

Well there's a bit of an update:
So for context my friend group found out about all of this because the girl was going around saying I'm her boyfriend (I'm not).

she found out that I don't regard her as my girlfriend second hand via this drama and not from me gently explaining it so she freaked out and had a hissy fit now she's telling everyone I raped her, messaging every single person who follows me on every social media saying I'm a rapist.

Do I just kill myself? Is my life basically ruined now?
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>she's telling everyone I raped her
why have sex with a manipulative bitch like this?
i hope no one believes her. how can she regard you as a bf one minute and a rapist the next? women like that deserve death
important question
what do you look like and how'd you fuck her?
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I look like an NPC moid. I sucked her sweet lil pp for a bit, straddled her and grinded against her for a bit then rode her face until I came
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>I look like an NPC moid
so like this?
Yeah like that

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how did bottoming change you?

be honest
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it made me realize I could actually enjoy sex
Full story?
>Made me realise I was just a top coping with tons of trauma
Could you tell us your story? I hope you feel better with yourself now.
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Thank you. Now get back down there.........
the schizophrenic has left containment

And convince them to transition. My current twink kill count is 2.

Picrel was a sports playing jock gym bro that was a closet case that regularly bottomed for men who I started talking to 2 years ago, this is her now.

Anyone else want to get groomed?
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already gone you retard
there's nothing in the link, it's dead already
oops im retarded try again
>she doesn’t know
It’s obvious she’s a girl. just a sad one
she could be pretty if she wants

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What's her endgame?
seducing the Indian man icky fucker on her onlyfans
Does anyone have that one pic of him in the pink fetish shit outside? Finns frame literally looks like a grey alien that’s why I think the “they’re us from the future” thing is real
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This will be Finn graphics in 2025
Top left is the most attractive Finn.
gaping the tightest toddler in all the world

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How much damage did she do to the trans community?
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What was the pooner shooter
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basically none. 'set us 20 years back' is an OP.
she's just like any other celeb from that era and sphere, only reason she's scrutanized for those same things is because she comitted the ulimate crime, being a tranny. if it turns out she's a pedophile once this blows over when good thing, caught one, let's move on. but don't act like celebrities aren't outed as pedophiles left and right every week. eventually it's gonna be a transgender pedophile and people will use that as a pretense to fan flames of transphobia. indivoduals don't matter, systems do. trans people are no more perfect than everyone else, and the disproportionate reation every time a trans person does something bad is cis ppls fault, not ours.
God I hope some doesn’t look through my chats with them from 10 years ago after forgetting the entire context. They’ll think I hate Obama but I was just live commenting the Romney debates in an ironic way I swear.

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im back/pookie edition
Previous thread: >>36644612
QOTT: do you get bitches??
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I only post cute anime girls when I look like them uwu
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yes i know
this is /mmg/ you African green monkey
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my transition goals include internal machinery that allows me to harvest limbs and other organs from others to use as I see fit

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QOTT: from 1 to 10, how much do you want the christcuck to kill himself?
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alright Mark Corrigan from peep show
god i wish i was lucky enough to be born in the south (or not in this shithole country at all tbqh)
>t. northerner (poorfag)

stop letting sadness beat you
bruh you're a subhuman ape, don't @ me
you're intellectually lagging centuries behind and you want us to take you seriously lmao get a grip
Frieza browsing /lgbt/ what a twist!

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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT: Do you forgive easily or do you hold grudges?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36638995
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Sorry I shudnt have phrased it that way. I don't mean to be offensive. I'm a transexual and took hrt and stuff because I wanted to be a woman/look female. I'm highish on a benzo I took due to anxiety attack that's why. And I guess I have some gender concerns too but I try to be polite and respectful and keep it to myself
I see. I don’t treat my partner like a boyfriend. Don’t have PIV. She’s a woman with a medical condition to me, akin to a partner being intersex.

I know I’m les because I’ve never been sexually or romantically attracted to men. Never dated one either. I knew I found women attractive when I was 13, and I thought maybe I’d find guys attractive when I grew up (lol) but that never happened.
Ah I see. Do u find images of naked women attractive? Do u find women sexually arousing by looking at them?
How did I meet your partner? Do u think others who are similar exist? Or is the Internet for trans mostly just make transgender chasers, desperate men, and women who want to have a yaoi Timothy chalamet long haired boyfriend? Like that knight guy from dressrossa arc in one piece
please shut the fuck up and stop using this website already

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What is up with gay faces? There is something off about the way gay men smile. There is something exaggeratedd/childish/artifical about their expressions that I can't explain.
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You were bullied and ostracized for being a disturbing little fella. Your perv tendencies were noticed and created uncanny effect on ppl. Transbians NEED to understand that’s a completely different bullying than what femme twinks experienced
so straight people look like white trash rednecks while gay people look hot?
Now there's a schizo theory. How do you explain their tendency to "want to be punished" for being feminine, like with sissification and cuckoldry stuff (more often than not by some faceless superior hypermasculine figure)?
Maybe straight men just have this kind of stoicness they have to uphold. Obviously more on the defensive.
Actually they are. If you swap them around and they lie about who's who, nobody would be able to tell the difference.

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>trans women ARE literal women
Does this include the hons?
there are plenty of ugly/''mannish'' cis women out there.
God this birdwoman is hot
Ugly cis women still look like females tho
Hons aren’t hons because they are ugly. They are hons because when you look at them you can tell you are looking at a tranny and not a real woman

Trans women dont exist. Transition between genders isnt possible. What youve posted is a crossdresser or pseudowoman.

How would you respond to this transbian?
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I would only respond positively to this if she self identified as a futa.
I would look behind me to see who she is actually talking to...
if you're stopping me mid run like this, I'll be taking my seat where it's warm, cushioned, and throbbing instead thank you~
You don't look like that tho
Wake up because trannies with big working cocks are a dream.

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>grow long hair
>get she/her'd
>get a haircut
>get he/him'd
This shits too easy

Get called a woman.
Still a man
Get called a man.
Still a man.
The calling works

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>low self esteem
>decide to make porn of myself to share and boost confidence
>spend an hour doing make up and picking out lingerie, getting camera set up, toys and lube set aside
>do the things
>watch video after
>my foundation looks incredibly yellow compared to my pale skin
>cant even see anything else
>feel gross
>want to die
>gonna have to do it all over again after buying new foundation

Can anyone offer any good advice on how you're supposed to do this properly? I didn't have any extra lightning in the room or anything and the one overhead light was NOT flattering.

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Thanks for the food advice anon. Someone out there would probably think it's hot, I just can't get past the foundation mess up.
>work with someone who has experience directing porn
Have you seen the grooby/femout/etc amateur shoots? Being a director does NOT mean they'll shoot you in a flattering way, learn your own lighting and angles, you will do the best job at creating flattering content of yourself, might take a minute to learn. Industry people just put you in harsh lighting and go for it, their gooners will goon regardless
>porn addicted
>porn producer
>self loather
there really never is anything new under the sun
Lighting is a HUGE part of taking good nudes/porn so you might wanna wait until you can get a better lighting setup for round 2. Most people look really bad filmed with normal overhead lighting like that even if they’re really hot irl it just makes everything look like a weird snuff film or something.
you don't look ugly because you know nothing about makeup and picked the wrong foundation colour, you look ugly because you're a walleyed, retarded-looking gigahon, who sucks absolute ass at makeup. not to mention your fashion sense, which is just as bad. please do the entire world a favour and do not post that digusting stuff. it would be good if you were pretty and/or passing, but you are obviously neither.

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Has anyone else's parents walked in on them naked or in girls clothes? My mom saw my breasts and she's not taking it so well
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wait till your mum walks in on you in your diapers....
omg srs boymoder??
I never forget the post by another srs boymoder who got caught by her sister coming out of the bath
And her sister just said like oh I have a sister I guess or smth like that
So what? They're not her breasts.
I never saw that post that's hilarious
It was years ago you are a rare breed

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