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terrible example, and it's ironic, because only a theyMAB could get upset about karaoke and steal wine from an acquaintance's house during a psychotic episode and somehow inexplicably be permanently branded a one-man crimewave and career pedophile by the court of public opinion based on almost zero evidence (or evidence that showed the exact opposite)
a regular man would get granted the luxury of "innocent until proven guilty" by the Right who hates when men are unjustly cancelled, a regular woman would be granted empathy and understanding by the Left who recognizes what a former child actor breaking down looks like
Ezra is neither so they got neither, thus they are non-binary (and always have been) hence why the smear campaign against them worked at all

That could NEVER play out that way for a theyfab because they would retain all the benefits of being female (women-are-wonderful effect)
I want to fuck that they/them ass
I fucked a non-binary person in 2014. They were born female, had big tits, wore make up, had long hair, wore dresses. But they didn't identify as female despite living as one in every single way. Kind of cringey really. If you're going to pretend to be a boygirl (I'm cis I don't know the nomeclature) at least wear a binder and get a Bieber haircut.
Cuntboy here. Can confirm I am trans and don't have bottom surgery. Yes people like me are real surprisingly.
if you're not on HRT you're not transitioning

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I date trannies because cis women are not able to love. It's a function of evolution, but they only date for status. Trannies can love though hence they are dateable
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just stir away from crazy ones
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Are you tall?
Tall girls are amazing. It is the only reason why I would want trans girl over cis <3
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War Edition

>QOTT: Would you fight for your country in the event of war?
>QOTT2: Do you have the masculine urge to heroically die in battle, reminiscing about your family, country, and beliefs you have sworn to protect, while slowly bleeding out in a trench?
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A drug? I would say gene therapy would be a better solution. Updating the gene pool by having enough females carry the modified genes.
Although feminists would lose their shit because it's le eugenics and therefore le bad.
such as?
realistically, how do we introduce the idea of mass female enhancement to the public? how do we make it something normies aspire to on par with cure for cancer? any ideas?
A few weeks ago I was convinced I was finally getting over this for good. Now I'm back here. What the fuck?
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you don't need this shit girl
Girl you need a detransitioner
whats up girl?

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Maybe One More edition.
Dead: >>38116027

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description

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The Sniff
I bet there will be pussy. The author is into the whole Omegaverse with the pussy on the outside.
Surly this time it won’t turn into some fucked breeder comic

Why is dating a tranny always the same?
>Get to know tranny
>She's funny open and sympathetic
>Great time going out with her
>Always wants sex
>Sex is absolutely amazing
>Know her for a bit
>Her mental issues she tried to hide shine through
>She starts trusting you more and more
>Unloads her mental issues on you
>Everything is shit now
>All conversations are just about how shitty everything is
>Never really go out anymore
>Only boring vanilla sex irregularly
>Got degraded to emotional support pillow

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honestly this can happen with anyone, tranny or not, mentally deranged or not.
there's more to a relationship than just the sex. if you're a broke wagie who hates their job and has no visible path to success, you'll only get so much time to enjoy the honeymoon phase before those other problems start to eat at you.
maybe things easy for you, and you wouldn't understand, but job/work/financial related shenanigans can really turn someone off.

if you're just looking for a fwb and you don't want to become intertwined with this person's problems, you should make that clear.
>talks about trans girls
>posts a crossdresser
>Got degraded to emotional support pillow
Fucking kek
You have to be stronger, you're attracting this behavior anon
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they don't love men, they are just seeking validation. go to cis if you want lasting love.

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a place for radical feminists on this board infected with misogyny
we are trans inclusive, but terfs are allowed to enter the discussion

today and yesterday i saw some threads that had really good radfem ideas in them and that reminded me that we should have another radfemgen
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>too many ppl think its just retards playing dress up
yea sadly
grim reality
: (
mean but probably true
radical comes from the latin radix i.e root, it is to identify a single element as the driver of history e.g in Marxism it is rendered: "The history of all hitherto existing human society is the history of class struggles". This is radical (anti)-classicism. The (actual) radical feminist retort would be: "The history of all hitherto existing human society is the history of gender struggles". Radical Feminism emerged principally out of a feminist critique of marxist anthropology, since something resembling gender-caste and stratification existed prior to the neolithic revolution and thus the emergence economic class stratification they challenged the primacy of economic class as the central driver of history. TERFs and OP aren't radical feminists, they are barely literate and completely politically demobilized; what they tend to mean is the cretinized notion of radicalism present in popular discourse which means something like slightly more "extreme" than the infrastructural parties and civil society groups.
an interesting conversation in /femrepgen/
should feminism push for changing the human genome to give material basis to gender equality? this would solve the transgender problem as well, by making trans women and trans men biologically female and male respectively.

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Gen for for transbians to talk where they can worry less about transphobia from other trans girls and predatory behaviors from cis women.
If you're attracted to trans women and are a transwoman you're welcome here.

>plz dont
-Be transphobic
-Talk about your non-attraction to trans women
-Talk about your sole attraction to cis women
-Talk about wanting to impregnate cis women
-Be an uncle tom like samuel Jackson in django but towards transbians.

>Whats a transbian?
A trans woman attracted to a trans women.
>Whats a trans lesbian?
A trans woman attracted to both cis and trans women, but usually they favor only cis women and will seek any opportunity to be mean to other trans women(usually for brownie points with terfy cis women).

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Building a new transbian gen that is moderated.
Link here


It's a terrible environment. There are obvious moids in there. At this point I'm convinced transbian gen OP is actually someone from /clg/ trolling or something
Dont join this one. Its made by meowdy, aka lesgen creep.
Lago minion working overtime lmao
Did we finally find lago's alt?
I don't really know the history behind all the members, I'm just looking for a comfy place to hang out in, and it seems fine.
Thanks for the warnings about some of the people, I'll be alert.

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Was the Matrix really always just about trooning out or did the sisters make that up after the fact?
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No, glowie
It wasn't. AGPedos have to gaslight people into thinking they're le trutrans because they know they cut off their dicks from watching too much porn.
This was iconic
Completely after the fact. Larry wasn't even trooned out at that point.
I know this is a troll, I just need to countdown a ban.

if i got an orchie then what’s the likelihood that the surgeon would also take my foreskin without consent?
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>be american
>born in a hospital
>first thing that happens to me after exiting the womb is the mutilation of my minutes-old weenie.
>then they pretend that it didn't happen
and then my life was all downhill from there.
Girlballs are great don't stress.
awful. i am so sorry, you deserved better
i want to achieve eunuch status
I am a rare and weird man. Don't mind me.

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Have you ever broken your testicles?
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I used to feel the same way, but it really grew on me. Getting hit on the balls feels embarrassing and painful, and that turns me on.

If I ever get the chance, I would like to experiment with needles too.
YOU WANT NEEDLES IN YOUR FUCKING TESTICLES??????????????????????????????????????

What's next, getting punched in the asshole by a kickboxer?
Okay i was one of the maso ball sluts but I’d draw the line there
i meant facefucking you while spreading your legs and smacking your girlballs
>YOU WANT NEEDLES IN YOUR FUCKING TESTICLES??????????????????????????????????????
Yeah, kind of lol. It would have to be with someone I trust though.

I mean, maybe you just need to try it?

Chrismoth preparations Edition
previous: >>38172357 (prematurely)
the one before: >>37986656

Goal of the thread: Make a shopping list of things that you need, consider if there is any self care things you might be missing!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:

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Gooood night sig
I should probably bookkeep how much I masturbate to see if I have a problem.
if you need to keep track to know how often you do it, you most definitely have a problem imo
yeah this
ngl this is less about me rationally accepting it and more about lifting my emotional disconnection with the fact. "I can stop any time" is not actually a joke, I think lots of people are hardwired to tell themselves that and it is pretty hard to overcome that internal resistance when any rational thought is terminated by the treacherous human heart.

picrel isnt an edgy Nazi meme or anything btw, just a TYBG meme <3
>picrel isnt an edgy Nazi meme
Thank you based God

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You are disgusting apepostle, literally neck yourself
sending lots of hugs :( seeing your pet age is such a harrowing thing. my cat has similar walking difficulty lately. it's awful how they lose their mobility. im sure your company will always be enough for that sweet labbie
Not even me omg :(
mogs you

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I want to see if there's a pattern.

(Personally, I like big, buff, hairy guys like picrel)
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Is it fembrained or malebrained if I like bodybuilders but only really when they get a bit more fat over their muscles when they're not preparing for a competition
i hav no idea but i agree. their walking around physique is more...real? its impressive as all hell to see them sport tuned but c'mon lol tryna marry a human here not a alien cyborg.
tall slim guys with v low body fat and insane definition look great tho too, like a track runner.
t. mtf
kys for writing this
>lgbt board
>straight girls are thirsting over straight men

Your thoughts?
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Even realer talk: how to get a tranny with big balls?
Why is her sack so long? How does it get "tangled" lmao
>the idea of their balls being so big that they could wrap the pole and get stuck would mean that would have had MONSTROUS COLOSSAL BALLS prior to transition.
No, most men going into strip clubs are cishet normies. They'll be disgusted by a pre op tranny.
Not to mention that even passing trannies are on the bulkier side. Some men like me like girls with larger builds (not just talking trannies, there are more than enough cis women with broad shoulders) but the average man doesn't really.

Only thing going for you is that strippers tend to be larger, probably because they can put up a better show. But that's pretty much it
My favourite. Cute nerdy face, extremely thicc thighs and massive balls

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