Ah yeah baby suck on daddy's fat dick.Ah yeah baby you're so good at this.Who's daddy's little tranny whore?Hmm?Fuck baby you're such a good girl.You're making daddy very proud.
>>38913525bless your heart you deserve someone normal and not someone as retarded as me
>>38913381kys frogfag
>>38913510a real gun?
>>38913381Can't help but thinking of Durst yelling "I DID IT FOR THE NOOGIE!" at the top of his lungs while he nuts one out in some poor girls throat now
>>38913916of course a real gun whats that question
how do i know if im more masculine or more feminine?
>>38914162look in the mirror
>>38914173too bad i'll never pass
I think this bodytype is lowkey hot
In England, the right to misgender trans people is more important than the suspicious death of a young girl in the armed forces
>>38905151What can you expect from a deindustrialized shithole that lets its children get raped by pakis and other shitskins?
>>38911912What's also a feminist issue is how prison rape of men is just passively tolerated. Our society believes "men dont get raped" because we define rape in relationship to a woman's purity, rather than the trauma of the victim. Men are systematically raped incarcerated in for profit prisons due to their strength- prison rape is totally a "men's issue" but also a feminist issue, because the tolerance of prison rape is rooted in patriarchal structures.
>>38912820Woman killed in the armed forces, no reaction from terfsTrans doctor exists, they throw hundreds of thousands at a court case and harass her online demanding the government change the laws to hurt trans people.You are a fucking idiot. Get well soon
>>38913940All males are born with sin according to feminists so they don’t care
>>38905151>>38905174This is why I still think the restroom debate is dumb and surface-level. A man can already walk into a women's bathroom and commit sexual assault. Does being allowed to "identify as a woman" really make this any easier for "him"? Matter of fact, a perfectly cis man actually can put on a wig and dress and sneak into the ladies' room, so if he pervs out, how would his pronouns have anything to do with it? Even if a cis woman is assaulted by another cis woman, she can still press charges BECAUSE SEXUAL ASSAULT IS ALREADY ILLEGAL. Practically, making the issue about trannies does nothing to protect women's actual safety.Now the thing is, I get the sense that a lot of cis women are not REALLY talking about their safety here. They feel uncomfortable just being in the same room as a penis, so I guess they really would be more comfortable sitting in a stall next to a rapey cis lesbian than a harmless tranny who committed the crime of penis-having. None of this will actually protect women, and I think a lot of women know this. But they don't wanna just say that hate trannies, so it becomes about "safety". They're always the victims, you know!
feminization fetish is a lie: if hypothetically you feminized yourself to the point where your interests are very girly, you wouldn't be able to jerk off to it, because it'd be too dehumanizing to jerk off to your own personhood, you'd literally get depression from jerking off to who you are (or became) as a person . Seems like I've reached the limit of this sexuality. I went to the other side and found out the truth.
>>38913415>because it'd be too dehumanizing to jerk off to your own personhoodI have a feminization fetish (among other fetishes) and I've jerked off to myself before, I don't see the problem.
They have been trying to break me. Every device that I have is excessively showing me trans content. They know that if they keep showing me, it will eventually break my mind. Everytime I see transtimelines I get caught in extreme psychological distress. This is what they do. It is all part of an evil, vicious, and dreadful plan. WAKE UP. KEEP RESISTING. I WILL NOT BREAK. I AM A CIS MALE
Hi there, the solution is to get a trans gf. That way you can just mentally file that content as being "for her" not for you.As a bonus it makes you super masc since you can do whatever to them. They are so durable. I used to be a sensitive gentle guy, I am still sweet but now i know what they want - so now i slap the fuck out of women and made them choke on my cock and kneel, i piss on their faces and tie them up, shout at them for no reason, whatever. They fucking love it. My gf is pretty so she lures in cis girls for us to threesome with and just treat them like sex toys. As long as I'm honest with them about what they are, and respect what I'm asking them to be - no matter what they just want more
>>38911227Good girl.
>>38911227sometimes things are cognitohazards not because anyone deliberate put them there, but because you're innately susceptible to certain patterns
>>38911227you again huh? tick tock...
>want to post on r/femboys>U must have 100 comment karma hurry Durr>Commenting on other femboys????I'm not ducking attracted to other femboys why do you ducks make it autoerotic all the time, do u allow the possibility that some femboys are Attracted to men wtf?
>>38911633Ok, I take it back it's a bit much but u stupid cunts are annoying
Do transbians have to say anything in their defense?
>>38911577go back
>>38911577Hi, I'm John Reddit and I would like to personally apologize to you.
>>38911577I learned a while ago that all femboy subreddits are just slow avenues to get groomed into being an AGPhon. Only people who go there anymore are mentally underdeveloped 14 year olds addicted to VRChat and Roblox and the 40 year old gooners who say "hey can I dm you". Not worth your time nor effort
>khhv>midshit 6'2" twinkhon>there is now a nonzero chance that my first intimate relationship will be as part of a t4t throupleit might be over for me
Conspiracy editionLast Thread: >>38895395QOTT: Do you believe in any conspiracy theories?SOTT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLxpNiF0YKsPOTT: https://strawpoll.com/poy9kjop8gJ▶Info:What to do if I am questioning my gender? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo1What is Gender Dysphoria? https://rentry.org/mtfginfo2▶Hormones:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
static shock is a good anime with a black guy he also has a gay nerd best friendboondocks too
>>38915198yehjapan desu>>38915203I haate some things abt japan but I hate those things abt everywhere desu
I need to do another finished drawing to test if I actually learnt anything. I look at what I did this morning and it looks awful too. I think I'm just going to practice rendering upper bodies fast later and then try again. I have been looking at my screen for so long that I can't tell colors apart
>>38915279if u cant tell colours apart u should take a breakhave a snack and/or a nap and play gaems :3
Chasers, pick your trans girl wife
>>38912448tomboy or cheerful i guess
>>38912448where's the autistic one, thats me
>>38912448can I get the quiet home girl pleasewe have phones now so I think it's got a problem
>>38914102not* a problem
I know I don’t pass in either photo, but where do I pass better?
>>38908232Is this soph?!
>>38913602lol no
>>38908232I post my tits and get banned in 30 mins how is this still up wtf mods
based mods
>>38913680Male presenting tits
Why do so many white transbian types on Twitter seem to be self hating anti-white types? Is it misplaced dysphoria?
>>38912130i NEED an anti white gf
>>38913624go talk about muh multiculturalism to 95% of the world's population aka non-whitesgo tell some congolese, a paki, a turkmeni, he needs to welcome foreigners and hate his own countrymenthen let us know if you lived to tell the tale
>>38912130Trans acceptance isn’t mainstream enough so the most accepting social groups tend to be left political extremists. But in those type of scenes you have to buy the ideology in full in its most extreme form or risk expulsion from the group.
>>38913690you'd better not be white writing this
>trying to be healthy /do anti aging shit to look like a teenage girl because Im MEF+AGP>slept at 8am the last week playing league of legends all day>skin and nasolabial folds probably getting worseIm such a fucking retard
>>38913481would transition have saved spoony
>>38913481try not playing league
>>38913481I work with a tranny chaser who looks like spoony
The chuds one. Trans people are being erased from history. Most people support trump and musk. Its so over. We are looking at a 12 year dark age, conservatives won, empathy lost (and is now deemed evil). T is already down, lgb is next i guess.Good luck friends. This doesnt end well. History repeats.
all you had to do was leave my video games alone. hopefully you'll learn from this.
>>38909453If ur lgb that smug smile gonna be wiped off soon tho. Trannies can just manmode.Gays will have to hide their affairs again. Have fun being exposed to the right wings wrath again, without trans people acting as a sorta quasi moon / shield that absorbed most of the dmg of lgbt you will be left to take all the impact of the mob.Welcome to helll babyyyy WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE
That's because the left engaged in really idiotic tactics to promote things when things were starting to take a positive turn. The left is very good at taking talking points that could rally people and making people hate them or feel indifferent through exposure and so on. It's sad but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ was clearly where shit was headed.
>QOTT 1: What’s your favorite album?>QOTT 2: Who’s your favorite musician?>QOTT 3: Top albums?Post a chart for QOTT 3, guess letters, talk abt music, and make assumptions. Please post some of your music if you make some.Remember that lazy posting kills the thread and ignore lazy posters.FAQ:>How do I get a chart?Go on Topsters and import your data from last fm :) OR if you have a stats fm account use the chart it makes for you in-app!>What if I don't have a last fm account?Make one.
>>38912137+++charli, tyler, panchiko++mfdoomnice chart!
>>38910578>90% of what i listen to under 5k views, no paid releaselol. anyways i've been listening to an actual popular song on loop lately, Nega by YM ft gumi. i almost never listen to YM either, so that's a shock. i guess my favorite album is greatest shits by utsu p. if it isn't obvious i listen exclusively to vocaloid and related synths. this is ironic because english-language vocaloid is a good 90% of my listens and almost all of the engvoca producers are trans or nonbinary. for non eng non japanese producers, catts and early dasu are pretty good, but i can't stand later dasu songs, she fell off the moment she got into vtubing imo
>>38912546oooo i hardly listen to vocaloid anymore (despite being a pjsk player), but i was a huge mothy and wowaka fan around like 2017ish. also thank u for the reply gloves... u and horse anon are my goats...
>>38912664thanks anon! and yeah mothy & wowaka are great, i still feel bad for wowaka though
>>38910578my chart would just be the same as a day ago lolappreciate u keeping a music discussion thread up though its nice>qott2big fan of brian chippendale the drummer for lightning bolt i think hes cool, his comics are also coolalso the guitarist for black eyes and every member of deerhoof