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I've met voice passers.
I've met scream-passers
I've met cough-passers
I have never, EVER met a burp-passer

Even the most well-trained tranny has the deepest, most masculine, head turning, room silencing BLECHES I have ever heard in my life. This is the final voice-gate that cannot be passed.
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Burphon sighted
She's mad folks!
I just don't burp at all
Shitskin I will rape you
i burp into my mouth and let it out my nose. no sound. my bfs cister belches more manly than me
are you expecting trannies to post vocaroos of their burps so you can jerk off to them?

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>finally tell a few friends i’m on estrogen
>want their help deciding if the name i’m considering is too clocky
>cis friends are cis, probably no help
>clockiness is partly based on my last name so i can’t ask you all/strangers
>think “oh maybe i can ask my trans friends”
>one has the name of an angel (closer to sachiel or beelezebub than gabriel) the other has an -ayden name
guess i’ll have to figure it out on my own
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The paradox of clocky names is lots of cis women pick weird names for their children
Just pick one you like and don't overthink it
If you pass noone will give a sbit if you're named Alice or lily, if you don't pass they'll be transphobic regardless
Don't go out of your way to name yourself something as generic as possible like Rachel Smith or smothing
my mom is way too transphobic to rename me, otherwise i’d be down. i could come kinda close by using the name my dad thought of in a dream while my mom was pregnant with me i guess. also my potentially clocky idea is kind of a similar idea. the nickname (and why it might be clocky) is the same as what my mom called me when she first held me but my dad said i’d get bullied so she went with something else
i was considering doing this (though i hadn’t even considered including birth month, that feels a little overboard), but i do want to give my first choice a fair shake before i go for something more straightforward
go for royalty names
>How do trannies not have a name they identify with pre-transition? Do you just wake up one day and decide to be trans?
You wake up everyday seeing a fucking man on the mirror but on your mind you're like "oh Maria one day you're gonna be so pretty"

>the most beautiful tranny on earth is a hagmoding witch

what are the implications of the succubus Hunter summoned at 14 finally stealing their life essence as agreed upon in their dark covenant?
Hunter just looks bad here cause she is standing next to that literal goddess
The sister is pretty gorgeous. Not my type but objectively
Brutal mogging
why would she even post them?
Her head is just wider too .

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The absolute madman actually went and got FFS with no HRT

You realize what this means, right? With this proof of concept, thousands upon thousands of perfectly non-dysphoric cis twinks are going to clog up the wait lists of the plastic surgeons who do this work and we won't have any recourse
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because all of human life is fake and gay
hope this helps
An ambushmoder is like a leveled up trap, super fem face, but with a muscular body, ranging from muscular twink to bara beefcake.
An Ambush*
they had wealthy relatives or something who can astroturf them into visibility and popularity that's almost always the reason
I'm actually surprised he ended up trooning
he was a peak twunk. I wonder if he'll actually get on e

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agp or hsts?
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Based. We're all gonna defeat dysphoria and make it lads
Wow! What a turnaround. I thought someone like him would be for sure lost.
didn't he retrans and detrans like 6 times?
the hideous autism abomination to hideous autism abomination pipeline
beware the hideous autism abomination pipeline to hideous autism abomination pipeline to hideous autism abomination pipeline to hideous autism abomination pipeline to hideous autism abomination pipeline to hideous autism abomination pipeline pipeline
>But yet we are to believe these people know what’s best for themselves and completely immune to being brainwashed as a child
Who gives a fuck about such things?
My personal freedom is 1000x more valuable than whatever harm befalls someone else because they made bad decisions.
The only people who give a shit about autism creatures like this are their parents or concern trolls (who will stop caring the moment it comes to funding supportive care). I'm so tired of having to pretend we give a fuck.

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I'm an angel and I won't clip my wings
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tiny, micro wings, fit for a girly girl
stuck in the middle, not small enough to be cute and funny, not big enough to be a futamoder
what about just regular wings and all you want to do is clip them and go without them
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inm a real life angel nobody can convince me oterwise with hyge wings and im getting my rapestick removed so i can go back to heaven with god ad i dont have to talk to 90% of humanity anymore
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I don't wanna be an angel anymore it's disgusting and I hate being alone. I wish I could clip my wings and so I could just be a normal person.

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I have 8 vials of estrogen if I injected them all would I die
t. ranny

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>boyfriend started calling my neocooch "vegan pussy"
shouldn't be the opposite? if your dick is "meat" then your pussy is made of meat. it's more like processed pussy. the McDonald's cheeseburger of pussy, if you will.
you gotta admit it’s kinda funny. how was recovery?
he's just calling her pussy fake anon, it's not that deep
i'm also not trying to get deep, unless you think "McDonald's cheeseburger pussy" sounds deep

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i can't stop thinking about how it would be like to have a trans girlfriend
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just get one? it's not hard. we're easily manipulated.
depends on why you're a chaser
t. trans girl
Ehe, thank you very much! I'd be happy with a bf or a gf, I'm a bishit, not picky at all at least when it comes to gender. I like to hope you'll find someone, that we all will, us sensitive, lonely souls.
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NTA but i relate to trans girls more than cis girls, i actually feel compatible to them (sexually and emotionally)
in my fantasy i can understand them and they will understand me too
u know what that is a completely fair reason, I've heard that sentiment before
hope u get ur trans gf, anon <3

When I think of AGP, I think of straight men getting turned on by the idea of being (hot) women. However, I believe there are some gay men who transition or want to look like women because it turns them on sexually as well. They view women as being more submissive, and they want to be super submissive, so it makes sense to become a woman to achieve sexual nirvana as a bottom. Once they start looking like women and attracting men the way women attract them, they receive sexual pleasure from this. This is a bit like AGP, even though they're not directly getting turned on by viewing themself as the type of hot woman they would fuck like a proper heterosexual man AGP.
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You're homosexual agp if you get off to imagining yourself as a bottom? That's just a femboy.
Bump. I want more thought on these two.
Been wearing panties for sexual titlilation since I Was 9yrs old. im old now but I still dont have any dysphoria...I like my body and my penis and use them in traditional cis-het ways...in addition to my AGP exploration
It's because AGP is a fetish. Only when it's bundled with gender dysphoria things turn ugly.

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welcome to /liquid mtfg/! this community exists to provide exactly what people should expect when joining a group labeled "mtf general" - a general social space for mtfs! we are making this possible by building a new community from the ground up, far removed from the context of the drama that plagues our contemporaries. this way, both newcomers and veterans of the /lgbt/sphere can feel welcome and have a chance to build friendships and have fun!

join our discord: https://discord.gg/ReaZNePfQS

check out classic /mtfg/: >>39091743

QOTT: what are you looking forward to doing in the warm weather as it approaches?
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new official/classic thread
Keep going, you'll get there oneday! :3
Don't forget about the 29th Lost Commandment!
Eeeeeeverything's fiiiiine!
You there. Commit voice training.
>what are you looking forward to doing in the warm weather as it approaches?
early morning walks to the convenience store

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im a tgirl lesbian not into other tgirls. is there a special place in hell for me or do i just need to get over myself
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"not into" != "I'll never have sex with that"
Just for clarity
And there's waaaaaay more bi AMaBs than anyone, especially the bi men themselves, would care to understand/admit.
>the only people shamed for genital preference are chasers and trans people
both are deserved thoughbeit
trips of truth, transbian relationships are doomed
theres just a lot of bi people in general
also "not into" is just a nice way of saying "wouldnt really have sex with or date" in that context
wow it's literally me if I wasn't a moid ogre

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>don’t like being male
>don’t look like a woman
now what?
rope ig
Looks like A normal white woman, a hot one at that. There’s just a cockroach next to her that makes her look big

Moids really be going crazy over looking like a normal human being instead of a cow
If you’re not at the top you’re worthless, unironically
>biohole roastie
>umm i should just be allowed to be happy in my own body :)))
>ubermensch transhumanist male
>i retain my male desire to be the best at anything i aspire to. i will not settle for mediocrity.

roasties really are just bad at fucking everything :0
When 99% of western women are landwhales, human women are a fucking treat.
How is being a big breasted wide hipped freak considered a positive?
People give you things and all you have to do is open your legs for 20 minutes

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it's over
boymoder crying... literally me...
it's sad...
Me every night
me last night...
Me tonight ;_;

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