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why do we allow interlopers into our community? why tolerate those who partake in whats an obvious fetish?
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just wait til you see her post ffs you're all gonna seethe
I'm actually so excited
I thought she was a babe in >>36378940, I can't wait to see Olive 2.0
yeah I've always thought she's adorable idk what people's problem with her is
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her after I punch and kick her face after she's knocked unconscious

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I've been straight all my life but can no longer get hard for real women after being with preop trans.
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This is addictive anon, addictive especially for faggots.
you've awakened the gay
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Depending on the job you pick. Some career fields have a heavy racial or gender slant. For example, admin clerks are much more african-american and female. My career field is like 90% white guys though. Just bounce the job ideas off a black friend and pick the one they call "crazy white people shit."
i'm definetly can be trusted with weapons and white men <3
if you can pretend im a woman I will let you pretend youre straight

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Why is it so hard to find a guy to be cuddle buddies with as an older trans girl?
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i wish i could find a cuddle buddy so much...
am too old tho, people make fun of me and all
if I liked cuddling with someone regularly and I liked them then I’d probably develop feelings and want to be their bf
Thanks for agreeing. Hopefully the 1 time you're incorrect, you aren't having someone like OP trying to psycho-analyze your childhood (though desu if they respond like this, you're way better off cutting them off lol).
>Lying together wearing only sleeping clothes (potentially only underwear), skin on skin
>Your one arm under her head, enclosing her hand
>Your other arm around her chest gently pushing her onto your chest
>Your head behind hers, her hair all over your face while you gently breath into her warm neck
>your legs twisted up holding each other together

Yeah, how could you get an erection doing this

is there any way to get diy prog without it costing you fortune in europe?
i was thinking to organize a group buy but it’d be such a pain in the ass to organize
raws from purple panda labs or qingdao sigma chemical or hubei vanzpharm or somewhere random on made in china + cocoa butter suppositories using the guide on hrtcafe. idk why so few people can do any research on their own, it's not that hard and it's quite interesting.

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>chasers save our pics and put them in folders

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are you foldering her?
I regret that i relapsed into it

Im a creep
relapsed into what?
based folderchad
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i am professor frogposteter and my folderss mog urz

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im 19
its too late isnt it
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i started at 19 and pass well, it's not about age yet as much as it is about luck and genetics, but definitely start sooner rather than later
i trooned out at 17 and after two years I said fuck it it's over and shaved my hair. it's a lot better, people don't look at me like I'm a rapist and serial killer, don't look at me like I'm a freak straight from asylum, don't abuse me, I don't get weird looks on the street. I'm treated more serious by others, peers don't avoid me as much. professors don't laugh at me and throw around jokes. it's a lot better, sure I go back home and if I'm left with my thoughts for too long I still cry and dream about what could be, daydream about living life I always wanted. but some things are impossible to have so I accepted it. it's manageable if you know how to avoid reality well and stay away from your thoughts. if I want to cope a lot I just daydream. me wanting to troon out since I was a little was probably caused by nothing other than autism anyway. and no I had no support and I was doing diy behind everyone's back until my package was found. wanting to be a woman is better being a dream than being unachievable reality. i would never afford ffs too at least for many years until I would move out and it wouldn't be possible while being laughing stock hated by everyone at school so I wouldn't even graduate uni. my parents gave up on me when they found hormones so my mom outed me against my wishes knowing I will never pass and will be looked down on by others, sucks to leave in shitty country I guess, but I think it's as much bad for trannies from america, it's just easier to get hormones.
I do literally this, except I transitioned at 19. I didn't like shaving my head, well, it wasn't that bad, but people started to treat me more rudely and were more afraid of me. I am also somewhat attractive (for a man) so it's a problem. Over half a year HRT now and I look basically the same except for smoother skin. No one even suspects a thing lol.

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I transitioned at 25 and am now trying to relive my youth because I didn't do anything at all up til now like having friends, playing the guitar, skateboarding. Is this pathetic?
It's the least-pathetic alternative given your situation.

Just think anon, you could be like me, 27 in a month, with a similar situation, but doing basically nothing instead all due to brainworms.
how would it be pathetic? you're going out there enjoying life, engaging with hobbies, and socializing. that's like, as normal as you can get.

i do similar things like openly enjoying fashion now cuz i missed out on it from only having dull, boy clothes my whole life prior to transitioning. go out and enjoy life anon.

Is it bad that i masturbate to other trannies being jealous of me
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it's not young enough even if i barely pass fully clothed my body is a disgusting abomination just like my soul
i wish i was agamp so i could love myself like you
Pass to people who aren't your race
I use that word to mean there are signs and people who know them can figure you out. Like other trannies for instance
Proofs or gtfo
friendly reminder to OP that to take such joy in the misery of other for the sake of feeling better about yourself makes you no better than the people who bullied you :)

i hope you learn to be better, anon, i really do

I try so hard to be cute and submissive, but every time people want me to thug out and suck my "bbc" which by the way, not all of us are hung like a python. Mine is actually fairly small at only 4 inches, but I still get both men and women submitting to me and wanting to suck me for some reason and its very strange.

I dress in subby pastelcore hello kitty drip and for some reason thats not enough to send the message across that I'm not a top no matter how much you beg me to. I'm Jenny not Jamal. Stop trying to make me into what I'm not!
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good evening Luna
based, us brown trannies gotta stick together and kill crackers.

t. indian tranny
Killing future generations of white people by ingesting all their lil white swimmers? Also, post curry hole, my poojeeta princess
nothing could have made me less horny
are you by any chance a programmer???

Anyone tried both neo-vaginas and real ones? How are they different?
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did you have to dilate before sex? I don't. Hormones have a big effect but we don't always discuss that and our doctors aren't always useful
my bf told me I wasn't good at blowjobs... >>36379067
Fun fact: you can have sex more than one time and you can do it a different way each time!
>my bf told me I wasn't good at blowjobs...
I honestly don't know how, you must be more fembrained
if you're anon even getting to the first time is pretty rough
Yes that what they tell you to sell you the surgery, but once you're there you gonna be pretty much like this >>36379038
he said I didn't understand it since I didn't have a penis... but I used to? I didn't tell him that part.
I always enjoy sex...

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Who is lgbt voting for?
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This image looks fake as fuck.
Both are horrible but Trump is a fascist piece of shit, I'll vote for less worse option
You're an idiot if you'd vote for Biden just because you want to use a specific bathroom, when he's literally destroying the economy and country for everyone. In fact, that article says Biden is "promising it for his second term" E.G. trying to get useful idiots to vote for him.
I ain't voting for Biden, I'm voting against Trump

No matter what you say
No matter what you do
No matter what you think
JK Rowling will always be one up on trans “women” because she’s an actual woman and not a man pretending to be a woman.
Cope and seethe about it mental patients, that’s the only thing you can do about it.
Men cannot be women.
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Not gonna lie
JK is hot af
I mog her cope and seethe
>and not a man pretending to be a woman.
His name is Robert Galbraith you transphobic twat.
Troon cope
She actually for a woman her age looks like she didn’t hit the wall
Troons could never
Troons just mad they’ll never be women
>I mog her
Alright rapist

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Frankie Macdonald destroys LGBT

extremely based take
leave him alone he's obviously mentally disabled
well so are LGBT
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>retard has opinion
He looks like a disgusting basedjak

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Why is it so important for so many societies to ensure gays cannot marry?
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Due to Satan's influence on man and the betrayal of Eve (read genesis), everyone and i mean EVERYONE is tempted by homosexual thoughts at some point in their life. Satan would love for everybody to be a bisexual sex demon. It's normal to have homosexual thoughts, but you can be delivered from them by our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ
science will eventually make patrick star a reality. the demiurge is a scientist not god
this is plainly untrue
>we are all gay
What do you mean?

When they come for us, nobody will defend us. We can fight back, and the official report will be that a pedophile committed suicide. Or we can just surrender, and there will be no report whatsoever.

How long do you think we have left? I give it 6 years.
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holly shit that's a grim post. my plan is to flee to latin america if things get sketchy here idk
Holy shit get a grip
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>tfw /k/ommando
I do not understand the aversion to guns LGBT/queer/whatever has, you need to arm the fuck up if only so you can take one of those bastards with you if they try any funny shit. Marsha didn’t throw a brick at cops so you can just sit down like a cuck and take it.
>How long do you think we have left?

In England? 3, maximum.

Then they engineer it so no matter what we do, we commit a crime by existing then go to prison.
>Trvth Social Press Agency
>Local Pedophile Dies in Police-Involved Shooting
>By Hermokrates of Spokane
>PORTLAND, July 2, 2032 (TSPA) A suburban home was consumed in a raging inferno when a trans-identified man known to the community as a homosexual democrat pedophile fired at police officers serving a warrant for his arrest on charges of book possession, atheism, and perverting the natural order. No one was injured, but one police robot was slightly damaged by gunfire. Coroners later recovered the remains of the pedophile. The Portland Fire Department is still investigating the cause of the blaze.

I'm not saying I disagree with your decision, but nobody here said not to fight back. It's just that, the only thing that changes is do you get a news article or not.

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