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wishing them all the best

I need somewhere I can get a good unbiased opinion/rating on photos of me that I can use as proof. That, or good example images that show the limitations of superficial things like nice clothes and good hair/makeup (i.e. a woman with ugly bone structure and good makeup compared to a woman with beautiful bone structure and no makeup).

They refuse to acknowledge my problem, and the first step to getting help for a problem is acknowledging it exists. I feel fucking awful. They're making me feel like I'm insane and irrational. They all talk about how beautiful I am, but it's clear that is not the truth when I go outside. Not once has anyone ever shown interest in me. On the several occasions I asked out guys I liked, they all instantly rejected me. Even random guys I don't even know are rude to me for no reason, and there is no explanation for that other than I'm ugly and they are offended by my presence.
ok lets see
Actually I shouldn't have said that. Disregard the first sentence. I'm not posting photos of myself on 4chan.
But still I need your best ropefuel diagrams as proof that makeup, hair, clothes, etc cannot compensate for ugly bone structure

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I'm so exhausted of being the focal point of the growing culture war

i wrote a term paper in the middle of high school discussing bathroom bills and trans rights

I'm 28 years old now and the news is still barraging me with the same issue re: sarah mcbride / nancy mace

if I know things were just going to go downhill maybe I wouldn't have transitioned back then
Nah I trooned out for the opposite reason imagine having to rep while constantly having trannies and the possibility of transition shoved in your face your entire life. Couldn't be me

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If a trans woman stabbed the Witch King from Lord of the Rings, what would happen?
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the prophecy isn't real. It's just a macbeth reference
a couple thousand years before, glorfindel who's a reincarnated elf fought the witch king and was like "this guy's really strong, I don't think he could ever be killed by a man", specifically to discourage the king of gondor from fighting him. But he did anyway, and he was the last king of gondor.
the witch king just took it as a prophecy and thought he was actually invincible. Or at least he thought it was cool enough that he kept telling other people about it for literally a thousand years.
The only reason he died is because merry had a dagger from the barrow, which was a tomb of some king of arnor. They had a war against the witch king ages ago, and their swords were specifically enchanted to kill him. Being stabbed just made him vulnerable, so eowyn could actually hurt him. But that isn't in the movie.
i (>>38042747) misread i thought it was about if a tranny gets stabbed by a morgul blade. but to answer, idk, “and not by the hand of man will he fall” doesn’t have to mean gender cuz eowyn(not a man by gender) wouldn’t have killed the witch king if meriadoc(not a man by race) didn’t stab him with his dagger
>that isn’t in the movie
the barrow downs part isn’t but merry stabbed the witch king in that scene and he got that blade in fellowship of the ring from aragorn on weathertop
write your own story. it's a work of fiction end it however you want
Depends if they're a bottom

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Almost all men want to be anime girls. Does that mean they're kinda sorta trannies to some extent?
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I want to feed you and watch you train.
i wish to be the furry little girl
2d > 3dpd
though people posting pics of little anime girls were either doing it in cutesy jokingly manner or in some connection to whatever inner girl they had inside or whatever.

as it turned out a noticeable fraction of these people were just pure f'n pedophiles
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>posting pics of anime girls in some connection to whatever inner girl they had inside or whatever
yep that's me

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Anyone here every try at-home laser hair removal? Does it work or is it a gimmick? I've got hair on a, uh, sensitive area that needs to be gone permanently and I'm too embarrassed to go somewhere and have it done.
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Gimmick. I used a $20 machine, and did about 12 sessions over the course of half a year. Some hair is gone for good, but each follicle took 30-45 sec, since the machine is so weak and inconsistent. You have to constantly reapply salt water to fingers, and manage connecting the "circuit" while inserting, holding, and removing the needle from face. It also feel crazy to do, alone, and isolated.
that's electrolysis, OP's talking about those IPL things you can buy for hunnids of dollars
oh. the closest you can get is probably a good ipl.
but they are time consuming af. and the process is slow. also they dont even get rid of like pubes imo.
i've ipl'd my pube area like 30+x and it sitll grows like normal.but on other parts of my body where the hair is finer its okay.
like i dont think ipl does shit for thick pubes/face hair etc. or just thick hair in general.

i am interested if there is a better /diy/ permanent way.

otherwise cough up 1-2k and search for deals on laser/electrolysis places
also you can just call a laser salon place and tell them straight up the situation.
and 1 of them will do it. for probably less than 500.
oh there is some spots where the hair didnt grow back on the thick areas but i remember all of those flashes with ipl because it literally burned me and left red marks there. but at least hair doesnt grow there.
and the red marks went away after like 1-2 weeks also the little snip area is covers is tiny.
it is very tedious.

that why this anon felt like they were going crazy doing it. >>38045972

it used to take me over 1+ hour to ipl my lower half each time. like close to 100+ times.
so overall, like you are looking at probably close to 100+ hours and if you are lucky you can probably find 1 on sale for like 80-200
and it wont be all hairs. and you will have to do it like every week 1-2x over probably years to get good coverage.

or you can pay a beautician to all of it for like 2k

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I'm too touch starved and lonely, I just want to cuddle with a cute boy, but I don't know how. I've been there for some bros why they were heart broken and super drunk, but nothing ever transpired after with them. Any tips on finding a bf that isn't just me being sidelined /lgbt/?

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I wonder all the time if me owning guns as a tranny will retroactively make me a criminal when its determined legally on a federal level that all diagnosed psychiatric conditions can invalidate 2nd amendment rights.

if you dont think it can happen realize that most of californias and new yorks gun control restrictions and infringements are a direct response to legal gun ownership amongst minorities.
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Apparently NO ONE can have a reasonable conversation with you, because you dodge out of it with reckless abandon. Good luck with that.
I haven't completely given in to nihilism, and I'm not going to flirt with it by putting energy into a discussion that is clearly just someone fishing for a vehicle to make cheap jabs that have nothing to do with the topic, I'm sure someone here will help you masturbate your dopamine pump though.
I don't know what to say really. When want to see the absolute worst in people, that's all you're going to see. Yes, this IS 4chan, but not everyone is a douche cannon.
Just ignore fake laws that infringe upon the constitution
Nobody but white land owning men should be able to possess firearms. All other inferior races and genders are too incapable.

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It said fran lebowitz on trans women on tt
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jews are evil sickening subhuman worthless beasts who need to be liquidated by the civilized white race

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Women when someone politely suggests they may want to reconsider certain procedures that might harm or kill the unborn baby living in their stomach:
>my body my choice!
Women when it's their husband who just wanted to shave his legs and get on HRT and be a pretty sissy in a pretty dress and wear lipstick and heels and harm nobody at all:
Why do you suppose this is?
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which way?
based pro-life sissy. I'm sick of people thinking I support the murder of unborn children just because I suck cock.
Sissy fetish is not medical necessity, and the sissy in question can still exercise their will, just like their wife is free to file for divorce
no it's her choice to leave you after you become a weirdo
its only inappropriate to hide it from her and lead her into false expectations of who you are.
if she knew up front and knew thats what you were doing the entire time and then weaponized it against you, then its her fault.
she knew it was happening.
and how you 2 work that out is between you 2.

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Is anybody else absolutely disgusted by people that troon out after getting married and having kids?
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Yeah you are right, they are dangerous. I had a friend (girl) that did college level soccer, got a lot of concussions. They don't need to get any more dangerous by letting in manframed transatheletes.

listen fuckstuck, I have gone down from 185 to 155 from hormones. I get how much weaker this makes me, but I also get that im still abnormally large for a woman and it wouldn't be fair to them.
>drag into your life
another person implying being trans is some sort of contagious illness or ruins everyone's lives, y'all really need to chill out
> You can stop with the Reddit atheist Christianity le horrible shit
yeah, no. i have 20 years of experience with them and won't ever stop calling them out for the cult they are, don't need to go anywhere near that garbage website to know this
i have a phd-level education, anon, call me low IQ if it makes you feel better. yes, i read psychology... mostly jung. he doesn't talk about trannies, anon, neither does schopenhauer etc... so i'm not seeing what kind of point you're failing to make

i'm not "ragebaiting" and i don't buy into your moronic false dichotomies that try to box people in like the gender roles i've already dropped like the useless baggage they are

you people are so tiresome... you wonder why you're losing the cultural battle when you shit on your own kind. useless morons.
>another person implying being trans is some sort of contagious illness or ruins everyone's lives, y'all really need to chill out
what the fuck?! I wish I was born cis. I never wanted to be trans. this shit is horrible and humiliating. i can hardly wait until i pass well enough that i can put these rough days in the rear view mirror and just have a normal life

how in the fuck can you think being trans doesn't fuck with everybody around you? all your friends become 'friends with that tranny' and have to live with that shit. it affects everyone
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These people cannot even conceptualize the fact that many trans people despise their birth sex and felt extreme discomfort from it long before they even knew what "trans" meant. To them, living as a man was actually acceptable, but they somewhat prefer living as a "woman". That's why they usually never try too hard to pass or to distance themselves from their assigned gender in any way. To them, their trans status is a like putting on makeup in the morning. It's surface level, doesn't matter at the end of the day, and isn't reflective of reality in their eyes or in others...
>you wonder why you're losing the cultural battle when you shit on your own kind. useless morons.
implying i dont defend your retarded gross ass when the cards fall and dont just vent by talking shit about you here

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What do I do as a 20 year old AGP?
I don't get dysphoria usually but gender envy hits like a truck.
The sadness afterwards is paralyzing.
Keep in mind I'm not feminine. I don't wear makeup or paint my nails or wear feminine clothing.
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hey! nice job! i think an annoying, difficult, but totally necessary part of transitioning but also just like, existing as a human. is learning to deal with some amount of embarrassment.

also desu nobody pays nearly as much attention to a classmate's nails as you do to ur own. like sure maybe a few people are like oh painted nails nice, but mostly they'll be off in their own world.

black nails pretty and i think more 'acceptable' if u want a color that u can try wearing for longer.

idk. the first time u go "here is my clocky trans pre-everything body in a hoodie and a skirt and i am GOING to the GROCERY STORE and its not gonna be a big deal." it is always gonna be terrifying. if u have a friend who'll go with u that's great. but ur 5th time going clocky pre everything skirt grocery store trip the embarassment will not feel as bad, you will realize less people are staring than u initially thought, etc.
I still feel highly ashamed of being AGP.
I have to cry into a pillow sometimes. I really really want to be a girl. I'm scared to tell anyone.
It just sucks.
yeah, it's hard. there's no shame in crying into a pillow.

you got any queer friends or queer organizations nearby? sometimes it's really really nice to have somebody safe to talk to about this. or honestly just to feel a little bit more normal because hey, there's somebody else who feels similar
I go to university.
I know some gay people and theyfabs.
ime theyfabs are very nice and good to talk to about 'i think i am a girl' type issues

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straight guy -> chaser -> transbian -> straight woman
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I just realised I'm actually not into women at all and I'm in the process of retconning my past into making it seem like I was 'comphet'.
classic tranny moment
This. Men are obsolete. Either transition or die alone.

"Hatch, or Die" sort of thing.
i was never even able to be with women sexually lol. it just made me have a panic attack lmao. now i'm a straight trans woman but don't pass kek

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boy lunch
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oh that is good to know, ty anon.
this is like the thread of terrible recommendations.
energy drink

like clearly this is not the healthiest of threads to be in.
yeah i don't do shrooms that frequently, my favs when i can get them are wavy caps which i did find a few of earlier in the day prior to hunting with my friend and took em, it wasn't enough for like a super strong trip but it was enough to have some fun, especially since the friend i went hunting with later on had weed to go alongside it
Tussin is dxm. You forgot the shrooms tho
i'm op and i don't take the licorice to lower test (in fact i'm ftm lol), this thread was not made to recommend that. it just happens to be my favorite candy and i bought it alongside the other two things
>and destroy pp
what if i dont wanna destroy pp

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So if you are a luciferian, and the priest is ordained through a universe church, you can marry gays, transgender people, as the constitution states.
Is this correct or not ?
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>non-issue provided you even have a basic level of diversification and it's a traditional market shit,
60/40 stocks/bonds split won't save you in a major crash. We haven't seen one in the last 40 years because the Federal Reserve has been defacto backstopping the market since Alan Greenspan in 1987after black Monday.

Property, collectable cars, art, etc will ALL crash when the market goes down. They go back up in real terms (inflation hedge) when the economy recovers, even when the fiat has been devalued, but DURING the economic crisis, gold and silver are king. Picrel car would have been in the $600-$800+ price range when purchased new.

Another "black swan" you haven't considered is WAR. During times of war, gold is king, because countries always print to finance domestic needs, but need to pay international debts in gold. Russia is currently running 20%+ interest rates because she is in an inflationary wartime economy.

The US Government had to abandon the gold peg in 1971 because of LBJ spending so much on the Vietnam war and the war on poverty. From 1970 to 1980 the US$ lost 75% of it's purchasing power.
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>BTC is questionable because converting it to fiat is way too complicated
BTC is a pain to convert in SOME countries, same as gold. In Thailand and other 'developing" countries gold and silver has a much lower buy sell commission because everyone takes it.

If WW3 breaks out, expect BTC to go to zero, or at least become completely illiquid for the short term until things normalize.
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can you blame me for trying?
>We can argue all day about whether capital controls are right or wrong but it's two different things
And if we were Jewish, we would argue about it all day anyway, because that's what we like to do.
>can you blame me for trying?
The earth belongs to you, after all.

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