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outside of my unremarkable meaningless monotonous job i have just stayed in my room smoking weed and poorly playing the same 1 - 3 video games mostly eating rice, beans, and goldfish crackers and i'm 120lbs. i dont know what to eat or how to drive or do anything and i cheated on the highschool diploma test. i'm 25 how do i unfuck myself before i end up killing myself with heroin or fentanyl or some retarded shit when i'm 34
i dont mean to sound doomer but i am factually speaking pretty close to a worthless useless person
i'm a 25yo repper but my entire life is a mess and i want to reach a baseline before i attempt anything
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>trade antidepressants
im on some new SNRIs and i'm overall better and less suicidal than i was a few months ago

>go to trade school/community college
it's just step zero that i'm kind of tangled in. like, who to email and what specific piece of paperwork i should have prepared or filled out.
i'm in washington state, USA. should i just fill out FAFSA even if i may not end up going to college? what's one thing i should read?

i dont know anybody that went to college and my family's mostly highschool graduates and i just have zero clue how any of this works
whatever school you want to go to, their website should have an application page where you just fill out some super basic information
you'll need your high school transcripts most likely, which means calling/emailing your school district if you don't have them laying around (allegedly there's some websites you can buy them from, too, but it was easier in my experience to just call the school district directly)
apart from transcripts i can't think of any "paperwork" you're likely to need besides just super basic stuff (ID, SSN)
thanks i just ordered some electronic and paper copies of my highschool transcripts from my district. still cost me some money but i guess it's good to own the records
i like seedot but i think shiftry looks stupid
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straight girl/HSTS pride!

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she's so hot (and funny)
love this broad shouldered 5'10" southern queen
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>that upper body
>those shoulders
>that ribcage
She doesn’t, she’s obviously trans
you only say that because you know she is
there's plenty of cis women who look like that
god I wish my skin was this flawless
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>that ass

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last time on mtfg >>36660818
QOTT1 do you want to get married
QOTT2 do you want to wear a wedding dress
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get over it, i have done and posted far worse things than that
it was during a bad episode of mental unwellness too
what made you think i hated it. dm me bbg
umm idk either i never was one to cry for my mom but i guess i can understand wanting to see someone who you trust when you're in pain
i resent my parents for never making me feel safe enough to want to turn to them when i was hurt, even when i was rly small i knew not to bother them with my issues
his face when i told him mama would be back soon

ugh forgot trip due to cross board posting kms

new jed

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I am honestly, starting to feel really bad for Ava. I am afraid at this point she is going to lose the ability to see her child.
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I hate to say it but good. After all the evidence she shouldn’t be around children.
Depends who the loli artist is. Shadman is plebeian /co/ slop. But if he’s a rustle fan maybe.
Honestly at this point it’s better for the kid to never know their father’s alive.
you know some of us don't care anout this gamer duded or whoever he is. I know it's crazy but some of us aren't nerdy people which I know sounds weird for 4chan.
Goodness forbid a pedophile lose access to children
You should leave then

>5'10 ftm
>In eastern europe
It's so OVER.
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>he wants to kill himself because he is 5'11
>he wants to kill himself because he is 5'11
such neurotic behaviour is fembrained
You don't understand!!!!!! He have to be 6'7!!!!!!
The only downside to you being eastern european is slavic men are ugly

>b4 american height
My male relatives are all 6'3-5, i get why you are dysphoric
I am the same height as you but i'm a saxon-north welsh mix instead of eastern european
>5'10 ftm
honestly the perfect height. you can just barely still reach anything that you'll ever need to reach without being very tall so it's not inconvienient in any way. i would know cause i'm barely 5'10
>In eastern europe
aw shucks. you'll be fine once you're financially independent probably. some countries have policy that allows for lgbt ppl to move there because of proecution in their home country. look into that.
>It's so OVER.
you stand a chance but you'll have to fight to make it work. i wish you the best brother.

st4t/ is a general for trans people attracted to trans people of the opposite gender (ftm x mtf)

st4t = straight trans for trans

> https://tagmap.io/tag/st4tg
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>Another cold winters night alone in bed
>No trans bf to cuddle with
It hurts.
I get this

need needed neeeeeed a ftm bf
I think we could solve each others problem. I would even be willing to remove (most of) my plush friends from my bed for you.
I called them first.

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Chasers, how much can you lift?
Tranners, what is your favorite candle scent
Quest of the thread: Get 1(one) chaser to post a thirst trap
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they are too old for each other
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yet here you are still seething
I would. It's really easy to get away with murder if you kill indiscriminately. Killing a random in another location far away from you, leaving no evidence behind and having no connection to the random makes it fool proof. Anyone could do it.
It's a hypothetical. I was being hyperbole. This is 4chan after all. I love Scooby Doo.
I don't hate business or economics. It will make me a lot of money too since I'm an intelligent negotiator. I'd rather become a famous comic book artist though.
Worse acne than me . . . wash your ass you filthy fucker.

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i strongly believe that some external force, probably from a political organization or corporate entities, made me transgender. i grew up prefectly content with being male and having extremely malebrained hobbies (coding, rubiks cubes, pokemon). i was perfectly fine with male socialization and even now i have almost exclusively malebrained interests (chess, building computers, math). they wish to blur the lines between male and female to create one unified gender that will be the perfect subdued worker for national corporations.

my theory is that powerful people have recognized that the working class is begining to wise up to the powers that be and is looking to subdue the general population into being wagecucks. a global pandemic (whether it was planned or natrual) is the perfect excuse to test the waters out and see how controlable people really are. around this time femboys also became a large trend which i unfortunately fell victim to which started the seed for my agp.
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>one unified gender
You're not a tranny, you're just a retarded trender. There's no conspiracy, you're just dumb.
Ew loser
my point is that the deep state is trying to feminize men and masculinize women
your point is well known its not like you discovered some groundbreaking news
ok so how does that make me a retarded trender then if u agree with me

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I have a theory that trans people don't benefit from male or female privilege pre-transition to the same extent as most people would think. Or may come from cultures where one sex is favored even if it's not the usual sex(i.e. China having more pooners because it's a cultural unusually harsh to women).

With that said, a few survey questions:
>Are you MTF or FTM?
>What age did you transition at?
>Were you gender conforming as your birth sex? Were you more or less normal for your birth sex or did you have hormonal issues(i.e. facial as afab)?
>Do you feel you benefited from male or female privilege(i.e. male privilege if amab, female if afab) as your birth sex?
>Did you feel discriminated against in your birth sex for being your birth sex? i.e. chinese afab with a misogynist confucian family who wished they'd had a son but can't under the one child policy.
>Do you feel you benefit from male or female privilege now that you've transitioned(as the sex you present as)?
>Give some context about the culture you grew up in
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>Are you MTF or FTM?
>What age did you transition at?
12-16, then repressed until 25.
>Were you gender conforming as your birth sex?
22-24 yes, otherwise no.
>Were you more or less normal for your birth sex or did you have hormonal issues(i.e. facial as afab)?
Low digit ratio if that’s what you mean.
>Do you feel you benefited from male or female privilege(i.e. male privilege if amab, female if afab) as your birth sex?
There is no such thing as female privilege, unless you also believe in dog privilege.
>Did you feel discriminated against in your birth sex for being your birth sex?
Only from Indians once I started white collar work (programmer). In retrospect it was likely happening but I was oblivious.
>Do you feel you benefit from male or female privilege now that you've transitioned(as the sex you present as)?
Yes, I’ve job searched as both and it’s much easier. Everything is easier in general.

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Not answering the survey itself since I’m a despicable boymoder and so who knows how I’d be treated as a woman, but I’d imagine trans people have the privilege of their new sex just as much as any other person what, but they have other oppressions from other areas (disproportionate poverty, isolation, depression, etc.) that drag them back on net. Intersectionality’s unironically a great theory, even though it seems basically nobody applies it in good faith
Digit ratio would be a good proxy though not the only one. Why were you gc at 22-24? Repping?
Repping yeah, thought if I tried properly it would help, or I could at least say I tried
So far seems like how gender conforming you are is the main determinant of if you experience privilege or not. May be other factors tho like how passoid mtf experiences female but not reppoon. Like your past experiences coloring if you have it or not,
I.e. better to be a gc girl than a gnc guy which is read as privilege and vice versa though whether it’s actually privilege or not is hard to tell.

Also Indian and possibly Midwest misogyny seem like things.

The thought of being a transgirl with an useless shrunken cock that can't get hard and that gets fucked by her BF that keeps her as a housewife is hot.

But IRL I like girls and am not trans.
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you have agp but are able recognize it as a fetish and enjoy your life as a man. or your copping so hard and will hate yourself in a few months/years
shhhh don't tell anyone but 90% of transwomen are exactly like you tihih you are trans anon just like them :)
uh huh
odds are you troon and your sexuality flips
>tfw no transgirl housewife with a useless shrunken cock to plap
cherry picking award

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i want to milk trannies.
you are gay
define "milk"
I want to be milked.

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any other cis guys on e?
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are you on it for like youth preservation? or you want some bazongas
you mean trannies?
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i wanted to have boobs i guess
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taking estrogen doesnt make me trans
is that fucking arcana

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My bottom bf said I have "major golden retriever energy" and I don't know whether that was a compliment or a jab

Bottoms, explain
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He fucks dogs
I knew it
Means you are energetic, cute and lovable person, it's a positive thing generally
Thanks bottoms. I'll let you know if I have any other questions
don't forget to like and subscribe

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What's my life going to look like as a 19 year old AGP hrt repper?
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you're a boymoder
please explain to the class what is an HRT repper?
you’re a boymoder, and your life won’t really change
A repper on hrt
isnt being on hrt not something you would do if you were repressing? also life will be full of fun unexpected surprises

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