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When they come for us, nobody will defend us. We can fight back, and the official report will be that a pedophile committed suicide. Or we can just surrender, and there will be no report whatsoever.

How long do you think we have left? I give it 6 years.
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holly shit that's a grim post. my plan is to flee to latin america if things get sketchy here idk
Holy shit get a grip
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>tfw /k/ommando
I do not understand the aversion to guns LGBT/queer/whatever has, you need to arm the fuck up if only so you can take one of those bastards with you if they try any funny shit. Marsha didn’t throw a brick at cops so you can just sit down like a cuck and take it.
>How long do you think we have left?

In England? 3, maximum.

Then they engineer it so no matter what we do, we commit a crime by existing then go to prison.
>Trvth Social Press Agency
>Local Pedophile Dies in Police-Involved Shooting
>By Hermokrates of Spokane
>PORTLAND, July 2, 2032 (TSPA) A suburban home was consumed in a raging inferno when a trans-identified man known to the community as a homosexual democrat pedophile fired at police officers serving a warrant for his arrest on charges of book possession, atheism, and perverting the natural order. No one was injured, but one police robot was slightly damaged by gunfire. Coroners later recovered the remains of the pedophile. The Portland Fire Department is still investigating the cause of the blaze.

I'm not saying I disagree with your decision, but nobody here said not to fight back. It's just that, the only thing that changes is do you get a news article or not.

You can't drink something that is legal in many countries from the age of 16 until you're 21 and it's been part of society for over 8000 years because it could potentially harm you but you are allowed to decide to take permanently physically changing treatment without any age restrictions which has been developed by for profit corporations 50 years ago and no long term large population research has been conducted yet?
And you actively promote this to other people children and wonder why some larger part of the population might not like you?
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it's weird to make something that isn't done explicitly illegal because it just causes problems in very rare cases where the letter of the law prevents something on a technicality that would actually be beneficial, like if a kid had ball cancer and couldn't have them removed since they also happened to be trans and were forced to do some other cancer treatment instead that was overall worse
I don't think you can catch up on a lost puberty in your 20s.

>childhood onset gender dysphoria
Statistically speaking this is so fucking rare that 99% of children that this happens to nowadays are groomed into transitioning.
the reason that we dont just ban things that arent done anyways is because it creates situations where fringe cases (like the other anon said, if a trans kid gets testicular cancer will the law count their removal as trans related) are basically needlessly forced to suffer, but it also means specifically that situations where a process has to be expedited because of a shortened lifespan now have to start a legal battle to achieve certain things before the person dies. You might not know that people who have terminal diseases can drive at 14 or 15 for example, but they can, because a shortened lifespan expedites these things in most first world countries. Hence why we dont make it a law to not drive under 18 we just require the right checks (licences, L plates) before you can do it
>so fucking rare
yeah it has been known to be around 0.01% of the population for some time now. also wdym they're groomed into transitioning? do you know how fucking rare it is to start transitioning as a kid? most transsexuals dont start until later
>you can't do amphetamines ever because you could potentially harm yourself
>but you are allowed to take amphetamines with no age restrictions which have been develop by for profit corporations just because your psychiatrist said so?
>and you actively promote for children to get diagnoses?
yes dumbass that is in fact how medical treatments work

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I'm a man. I'm attracted to femininity. I only penetrate. Ladyboys are women. That makes me heterosexual, that's it.
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cuz he's straight
>is it/its not gay if X
Honestly why don't have a rule against this? These threads are always so fucking boring and retarded.
I disagree. These threads are the funniest shit I've ever seen.
Based. Don't see why this is so complicated
You are AGP. You are a man with a fetish. You'll never be a woman. Only HSTS are women. Young philiphine AGP's are valid too.

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It's literally no fun allowed: the country
this is /lgbt/ related because they are fucking over tranesexuals (fun, which isn't allowed)
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oi m8 you have a loiscence for that thread?
so if the uk is 'built around cruelty', then you'd fully expect to see the english engaging in more COOKING DOGS ALIVE WITH BLOWTORCHES than you would in lets say china for example, yes?
>look up the Stanford Experiment
yes it was exposed as 100% fake, the paid participants were instructed on how to act and would only receive payment if they stayed for the duration and acted out their assigned roles, those involved have come out and stated this publicly
I dont know if its fake or not, but I do know if you tell the population that a section of society are paedophiles, rapists, grooming children, a threat to women... just for existing, then people absolutely will treat that section as though they are sub human.

I hope you never find out
Speaking of cooking dogs...

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CHASERS, would you date a trans girl with no limbs?
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Is she meta-attracted AGP or HSTS?
is the dick considered a limb here
somehow the creature on the right looks more fem and submissive lmaoo (uglier tho)
how do people even become nuggets
they got together when the disabled person was a gay boy


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Sup twinks. If a guy asked you to fuck his wife because he got off on it would u do it? the guy gets to watch tho
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i did this once where the wife listened from behind the bedroom door
dangerously based
I've done it. I have also been fucked by a husband in front of the wife. I have also had sex with both with me as the focus. t.prolificsexhaver
I've actually been in that exact situation and I really enjoyed it. Fucked the guy too after.
foul on several accounts
i'm into men so no
open relationships are gross so no
cuckolding is gross so no

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All bisexuals are prison gay.

If they preferred men over pic related they would just call themselves gay.
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Seeing a man sucking a dick is gross if you aren't actually androphilic.
Ok? I still think she's hot and like getting my dick sucked by dudes and trans
idk anon I fantasize about men and women pretty frequently
prison gay bisexual here, the lady in that photo ain't attractive
Would you pick a man over her? Gay.

So Im a tranny and bi (ftm) and uh. I never told my gay bf. What do I tell him :3
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shut up nigger
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i wanna see who got >>36377777
ew some stinky thread
night ruined

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The biggest issue about LGBT is they can't go through parenting and understand what it takes for children to be raised as healthy and functional members of society. So they systematically make bad and harmful decisions for children while still feeling entitled to do so under the LGBT flag.
Reopen mental asylums

I want to be a cute little femboy, and I already have pretty slim frame. But I was thinking that HRT would make me look better and maybe stop/slow twink death. Can I do HRT without fully transitioning?
yeah you can do whatever you want.
if you want boobs
You can be a boymoder yes
There are other ways to do this that wont give you boobs, if you grow boobs you arent a femboy anymore.
there arent

>be me, lonely dude
>femboy friend that I have feelings for comes over to hang out
>QT 10/10
>wouldn’t be able to tell he’s male unless you checked down there
>extremely awkward around him
>he asks if he can stay over for the night because It’s storming
>sure why not lonely as fuck anyway
>bored and have to share my room didn’t want him to sleep on the couch
(Excuse to be able to hold him a little bit)
>middle of the night staring at the ceiling bored
>he instinctively cuddles up to me
>half asleep laying on my chest
>heart starts pounding
>end up leaving the room as he wakes up from me shuffling around
>”what’s wrong anon?”

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Just say it dumbass. Better if its a voice message so he can gauge your emotion.
you can't just admit you have feelings for someone, it has to come naturally, like you slowly go in for a kiss, mutually

>be me, tranny
>be 10 months ago
>in a tranny discord
>one tranny recently broke up with her worst ex
>find out we live in the same state
>asks me if i want to go hiking some day
>talk a bit, like 2 - 3 weeks
>find out we share the same ex, the owner of that discord (not her worst ex)
>be day of hike
>go to her place, eat subway
>talk some more about her worst ex and our mutual ex

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cute story anon, i hope you two are having a blast together
Life's so unfair bros
Why I can't find any femboys at all while this dumbass gets to cuddle with 10/10
Anyone got the pic saved?
omg I hope it works out well between you two

envying youngshits is killing me
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they always tell me they don't and that's because they're nice. they're real women and don't have anything to gain from tearing me down. i cant convince myself there is any way they wouldn't see me as a man though....

ultimately im coping bc i was a youngshit when i transition and now i will never be a real youngshit
its over

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This is something I read elsewhere. Is this fembrained or malebrained?

>I can seduce and hypnotize, be very emotional and passionate, but only until I get what I want. I want emotions, to drain them out of a man, to posses his heart and soul... and when there is nothing more he could give and there is no way he could love me more, my emotions die and I leave to find another victim. I can always come back as if nothing ever happened, but that other, weaker person can't. He feels lost, insane...

>I can easily understand anyone, their desires, secrets, fears... I attract people who are very passionate, looking for deep and transforming relationships, who are capable of letting themselves go so they can completely connect with another person and get transformed. And I do it also. But for a while. Sooner or later (or should I say as soon as I get all there is) I wake up from my dreams and in emotional sense I become nothing more than a cold woman with no interest in that person, no desires, no remorse... The story repeats constantly. I'm always the one who decides to end it, the one who 'cheated', the one who is to blame for everything.

>And my feelings about it? I'm sorry, but I'm not. That's the way it had to be. There is always a reason why two people meet, they both need something out of that relationship and they get it. I have to admit that it does feel kinda strange when you look at the person you were really connected to and feel nothing anymore, especially when they try to make me remember how it was, how good we felt together etc. But for me there is no way back.

>I have been told many times how incredibly attractive I am. They say that I move, talk or look at people in an extremely seductive manner, unconsciously, and that's why I attract almost anyone. Younger, older people, men, women... all of them. People fall in love with me at first sight, they find me irresistible and I have heard many times that I have the most beautiful eyes they have ever seen.
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Very interesting analysis. Thanks friend.
Np. What is the text from? I don't recognize it
this shit is like zodiac signs for fags
Vampbrained. I know because I've done it myself.
It's an old message board post from 2012 on an astrology forum.

Do you regret it? Why did you stop?

Sorry princess, a cis girl just showed some interest in me ...
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okay, but just sex or did you have an ltr with any of them? Did you disclose you were bi? Did you find out if they were bi? these are important details
i feel like it’s unironically easier to get attention from cis women than trans women
This happens to transbians just the same, they just get lower on the polycule totem pole while the others compete for the head groomers attention. Eventually the one getting snuffed who was railroaded into doing things she didnt want to and tried to exercise some autonomy, well she gets cut off and left without any support.
trannies all think that they're entitled to a 10/10 rich gigachad who pays for their tranny surgeries and finances their neet lifestyle
what did she do to you?

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I am deeply ashamed. I fear that I am a disappointment to everyone I have ever known.
I can't do anything properly, do anything public because I don't want people to point and laugh and say "that's a TRANNY" or "did you hear? x's son is a TRANVESTITE, what's wrong with him?"
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yeah. everyone who knows sees me as a failed male and not in the hot way in the way that makes me an incompetent fool who couldn’t handle my life and chose to transition to escape it all. i was supposed to be the golden child and now i’m a genetic dead end
>not in the hot way
That's the reason guys are attracted to you? A lot of man(not transitioning) feel as a failure in this very fast moving and changing world. Having a bigger failure in their life makes them somehow feel better about themselves. Especially if you're the golden child.
great, i’m the consolation prize for a guy who couldn’t get something better
Welcome to 2024 faggot. The line is going down so better stop being a wallflower and make the best of what little time you have left before you old and ugly
I used to be and then I realized being ashamed of yourself is dumb especially if you haven't hurt anyone. I still stealth and keep it a secret but like not ashamed. If anything recently I started to feel a bit proud of my self. For standing up against all the peer pressure in highschool and decidibg to be who I truly wanted to be and transitioning to female. Coming out and then being openly Trans in highschool was a true feat of courage and design to be myself first. It hurt me and I was even ashamed but I think it also changed me in good ways.

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