what would you do if your transitioned failed. would you give up and go back at some point?>started @ 18>5'9ft size 8M 16in shoulders >thought i had a chance>hrt for 10years>had ffs+ba+laser>spent thousands on beauty stuff>parents still misgender me>strangers still misgender me>bf no longer finds me attractive but says he still loves me>id be fine with it if people didnt treat us so shitty in public because of me its made me feel like its just not worth it anymore. i tried and failed. in the past i would definitely try to bait for attention thinking maybe it wasnt completely over but lately it just seems like way too much work to keep trying. i dont want to 41 but maybe repping like i used to would be fine again. im having my implants out soon anyway from health issues so it just seems like this isnt what god or whoever wanted for me. other girls speedrun their transitions in 2-3 years and go stealth and i cant even pass consistently. i think its clear i shouldnt have tried to begin with looking back but i dont want to feel like the past 10 years were all for nothing so i keep doubling down. id really like to know what other people would do in my position
>>38638069you can just de troon honestly if you think it’s not for you
>>38638069Post selfie or you may just be one of those BPD forever troons that got too used to farming compliments early HRT and never grew out of it.
>>38638091ive been told i pass on here but angle fraud vs irl has been really different ime. i have farmed in the past but a lot of it was unearned. there are plenty of trips here that i can tell pass irl but just take weird pictures and im the reverse of that.
>>38638159>Not posting selfie>"I've been told I pass on here">"I have farmed in the past but a lot of it was unearned"Whatever, you're a BPD forever troon that got old but can't let old habits go from when you were 2 months HRT and actually did look like shit. Our generation had a lot of trannies like you that never grew up and you never learned how to go stealth or fuck off because it meant losing the only community and support you had.Hit da bricks.
>>38638069shut the fuck up humble bragger.try 6'1 with 19 inch shoulders.seriously. shut the fuck up
>>38638207She's you in 5-10 years.
>>38638203i know this is 4chan but i dont appreciate the shit. i very RARELY post here anymore and usually just check in every couple of months when im bored. this place has been a community to me but i find it annoying when people make it seem like im chosing failure. if chosing failure to you means me enjoying spending most of my savings to remove something that gave me even partial confidence due to health or getting misgendered by strangers still even trying hard then yeah sure i love it. being honest on this board gets you no where. god forbid i come back and ask for help but every soph thread is okay>>38638207im sorry anon it was not meant that way its just what looks bad to me. theres always someone worse and better. i wouldnt want to make anyone else feel the way i do about it.
>>38638318>will have a meltdown but won't post selfie
>>38638346i dont want to have a pitty party attention whoring selfies im asking for others opinions. if not itll get pruned like the rest and ill be out of your hair if its really that annoying
>>38638069no, i could never go back to being a male. especially because the point my transition truly failed was when my srs got botched lol. the only alternative now is 41 desu so might as well keep going
>>38638069My transition failed too. 10 years HRT took me from masc twink to fem twink. Genioplasty is the only surgery I needed, because surgeries for wide facial planes suck and everything else was okay.I just never socially transitioned to begin with. I thought I was boymoding but in truth I was just boy.My life seems okay, I guess my only real struggle is just the uncanniness and general ugliness of my face.No-one even suspects anything, everyone just treats me as if nothing ever happened. I just go on living as an unaging twink taking AAs.
>>38638207why did you mention your worse stats? you failed toohow does that help op?