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weird shit edition

>QOTT: tell us about some weird shit you witnessed

>Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

Old thread >>38556609
>OG Discord: https://pastebin.com/LgSjM8aT
>New Discord: https://pastebin.com/1ct1Fcag
one time at night i was chilling on my balcony and saw 2 college-aged girls walk down the street. they stopped, exchanged jackets and t-shirts and kept walking. that shit keeps me up to this day. what was the motive?
How the fuck can your parents ban you from running or playing outside? that's so mentally ill.
I know S is in her 40's but how old are you other poster? like is this just how things were in the 80's or are you two from really backwards families or something?

It's not really any wonder why you two hate femininity (on yourselves at least) considering how it was forced on you desu
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"the three old shrews of fate the one eyed shrew of the heterosexual dollar the one eyed shrew that winks out of the womb and the one eyed shrew that does nothing but sit on her ass and snip the intellectual golden threads of the craftsman's loom".

excerpt for this new THREAD ; )
It was mostly god people rules. "God says this, god says that" Didn't get to just be me until i got kicked out. I said it before, Im grateful times have changed.
i'm 25. mom wanted me to be her little princess.
desu i don't think me dressing like a dyke 24/7 was caused by the parents. i have tried to experiment with style when i moved out but it didn't work. i've been boyish since i remember myself and it seems to be perfectly natural.
That's what my ultimate Fuck You to my mom was. What's more lesbian than Lumberjack?

We're getting along much better now, hell we were barely on speaking terms for years. Years! I still seethe at her sometimes but I've already let so much go. No use dwelling on poison from the past. Focus on the good things that came from it
Last one, this one always makes me cry at the end
Same. I've grown, learned what battles to keep and which ones to let go. Its worked out for me really well. Only thing i Still haven't mastered is accepting loss of life in people i love.
damn this is wholesome like a box of kittens
My whole life could have been different if I wasn't pouting in the guidance counselors office. If I hadn't seen that pamphlet of a muddy boot with that phrase
>hard work
>low pay
>miserable conditions
>And More!
I was all "more, you say?"
Where there many other lesbians?

I was a green hat
>tool specialist, chainsaw
blues are regular corpsmembers
greens were specialists
>maintained the motor pool and tools
reds were team leads
yellow hats were the boomers in charge. I wanted to go RedHat, but I ended up fleeing to Florida. I figured fire and flood training I could find work cleaning debris from hurricanes. Not A Single One hit until Irma 8 years ago. By then I was entrenched in the burger mines
i didnt bother correccting it myslef becuse i dont care about typos but beliv me i was already aware anonymos
There were three out and proud besides myself. More than a few bi, some spikes got cold, a spike is when we camped out at the job if it was too far to drive back and forth every day. I tried not to be a thot, but sleeping bags work even better when they're zipped together
>that line worked
>camping sex
I could never...
You say that now, but wait until the temperature drops and you need some of this body heat.
This is true..
Nope. Never.
What if someone heard something or saw us go into the same tent. It would be so embarrassing.
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So how do we feel about them banning tiktok in the USA because it was the only large social media that didn't censor pro-Palestinian posts?
I miss it, but I don't at the same time? I can look back now at the memories I have and say that I loved every moment. It instilled my work ethic, my sense of morals, my appreciation for nature. I don't miss my back creaking. I don't miss hauling my chainsaw uphill over my shoulder. I certainly don't miss fighting off wildlife and insects while I ate
Or shit

Oh the fun times I had dropping duces outside....
wow, you have never been out like that have you.... o.o
It shows, Welp! just know, IF you are EVER caught in a stuation like that, body heat is the one that moves the fastest, and yeah, when you zip the two sleeping bags together it actually keeps you warm and at the same time gives you more "blanket" to move around. NGL, feels good lesbro. Also a really good way to stay alive. Not kidding or bullshitting you.
heh heh* did they make you dig your hole before...
I have never camped and honestly I don't want too, the wilderness can be very dangerous.
Oh yes, we all had our own shovel and everything. Especially fun during Back Country when the moids' magazines started to mold and they eyeballing you walking into the bush.

I never had to use the kbar I had thank God but I was glad I had it. Wore that sucker on my hip every goddamn day out there.
this heroic woman fed over 10 million mosquitos just with her ass
You're not wrong
Ages 18 to 25, 29 if you're a veteran. I couldn't recommend it enough. Every time I hear people talking about nobody cleaning the forests and vegetation I can tell for a Fact they're either lying or dumb. Now you can too!
only good thing I can say about California though. I'm never going back. Not even if you paid me
Like all good nostalgia should be
what about yall? Anyone wanna share any fond memories about your adolescent adult years?
I gotta start on my day chores here in a bit. This housewife shit is EZ idk why my mom bitches so much
>fond memories
very few. it was a shitshow.
I moved out of my parent's place when I entered Highschool and started a job at a theatre. I know what everyone says about drama kids but it wasn't gay and weird at all and I loved every second of it. Even if rehearsals robbed me off all my sleep.
Just took out a blackhead I had on my face for the last 4 years with one of those pimple popping kits aghh I feel so alive
Oh, thunder storm out of nowhere. I'll be door dashing her wings if it doesn't let up
Just got fries from a place that's been closed every time I pass by this day just keeps getting better
How can you have a blackhead for four years?
idk it started as a pimple, then it created this bump on my cheek I could always feel it but when I tried squeezing it out with fingers or tweezers nothing would come out it would just hurt because I was squeezing so hard so I figured maybe that's just discoloration and I have new texture on my skin where the pimple was. I've had the pimple kit for a while but just now thought about trying it on the blackhead and it came out so buttery smooth. And the bump feeling on my face is gone hallelujah.
Damn. I'm sure you've got a new life ahead of you now anon. You know that reminds me of when I was a kid I had this weird blackhead like thingy near my upper lip that wouldn't go away, so I used fucking scissors to open it up and get rid of it. It actually worked but I had a little scar for a decade. Why are kids such bastards.
anyone else has a permanent resting bitch face? i've heard so much stuff about myself that's not true it's hilarious.
>always calm
>does she even have emotions
and i'm like, but i smile a lot??
I was wondering when you'd show up, almost made a post saying you're late.
That is so nice I could kiss you right now.
fuck i want to put my dick in something (i don't have a dick)

also the fucking microwave just blew up my cup of kefir after 40 seconds in, which had never happened before and i'm fairly sure is supposed to be technically impossible
lol i got a skin tag about a year and a half ago and i noped out of that by tearing it off. I don't think you're supposed to do that.
Only 23 but i do have fond memories of cross country. Moreso than band, it was harder to make friends.
Sameee I've made a LOT of enemies because o my rbf. I mean it literally hurts to smile all the time and if I'm just doing my own thing or some task why should I not be using my neutral face? I have prominent downturn eyebrows and a permanent scowl. The ones who mind it the most are men, so sensitive they are now so diva like. But men also never smile just because 99% of them have a frown on most of the time too.
every time i drop something, i joke to the patient "this is why they won't let me be a neonatal nurse" and someone got assblasted about it. fuck you guy, you can take my 50 year old jokes from my dead body.
>I used to be a lifeguard, until some blue kid got me fired
Bedtime. Inauguration tomorrow, I called out so I can watch, makes me feel naughty
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>QOTT: tell us about some weird shit you witnessed
A man intentionally squirting his colostomy bag all over the place in a public setting with people all around. Teenagers setting off roman candles at a gas station. As in under the roofed area/around the pumps. Tons of terrible looking hand painted cars. If you have the displeasure of seeing one, you'll notice the paintjob right away. A woman who became hysterical after losing her post-it note filled with self-affirmations. More sad than weird, but still the degree of emotion was a lot. Someone moving nice looking leather furniture in an open bed of the truck as rain was pouring down. A kid in school who repeatedly wet himself while standing in front of the class to present material, yet still managed to ask nearly every girl in the grade out to the school dance that year. He ended up going with a girl I accused of being a lesbian. Oh, the irony of being closeted. A back windshield filled with het stick figures who were fucking in tons of different ways. Another car with messages shaming an ex-husband written all over it. The weird part of that one was that I sat in the same establishment as the car owner and she got pissed whenever anyone took a picture of said car. Isn't the point of that message to be seen and shared to further shame the guy? I have better ones but don't want to post too much related to my job and I can't think really well right now

I like to trib women but instead of clit to clit, asshole to asshole. I call it The Fartsnatch. So far women have been hesitant to try at first, but they leave as believers in The Fartsnatch
you live a weird life, anon, and i mean it as a compliment
I want to buy some lingerie for my gf (to wear) for a Valentine’s Day gift. But I’ve never bought lingerie before and I’m unsure.
Is it weird to buy it for your partner? I feel like that’s sobering people do but idk.
Also do you all have any recommendations for good brands or sites to buy from? I thought about Savage by fenty maybe. I know she kinda likes that brand and really likes Rihanna.
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I'm not smart enough to word it better, but I would read hundreds of thousands of words if they were written in this manner. The fartsnatch elevates it. I feel that weird mixture of sadness and longing that I'm not sure how to label. If I was more sure, I would call it sehnsucht and leave it at that.
It joins the collection.
like that video posted a few weeks ago
makes me smile that at any moment a meme can be born. Small familial ones that only we will understand or ones we may never be privy to. Someone, years from now, on a whimsy dig through the deep lore of /clg/ and giggle at our shit
Sexy naughty clothing is all well and fine, but something romantic on top of that. Picnic, or fancy dress dinner. Lazy Sweatpants Day with junkfood and alcohol. Ask her and let the underwear be a surprise bonus
I will definitely get her some comfort items too. I was thinking new slippers since her old ones are worn out but I like the sweatpants idea too. Maybe I’ll get those as well, or flannel PJs or something.
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I got my wife a funyuns
Image is kinda shit so here's another
Based Funyuns wife
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Bitches Love Funyuns
Half an hour before it starts proper, I'm cooking breakfast and gonna go snuggle with my wife. Shitpost with yall when it's over or if anything happens
I don't want to say that each day gets easier with time, because we both know some days are easier than others. Meditate on the moments, good and bad. Can you remember a dumb joke they said? What did they eat on their birthday last? What's the last thing you had to pick up after or cover for them over?
>don't tell me
>sit and think on it a bit
>turn it over in your mind
It's okay to pick at emotional scabs, just don't form an obsession.
my dad had a stroke and my sister just stared at him until my mom came home. obviously past the intervention time, and the doctors are figuring out how bad the brain damage is. she's not even sorry, she just keeps blaming it on adhd, and my mom is staying with me because she can't handle it. my dad might be a fucking vegetable, and she's begging on twitter. not for my dad, no, she's afraid my mom will evict her and wants rent money to "escape her able-ist transphobic family". thanks for letting me scream into the void, i fucking hate my life.
I'm sorry anon. I hope his brain isn't too seriously damaged.
thanks man. i just wanna fucking scream and smash shit but i have to keep everything together for my mom.
>she just keeps blaming it on adhd
oh my fucking god. punching a pillow helps, anon.
I hope you cut contact with them
Not in the right now meaning, but in the future meaning. No Christmas, no Birthdays, nothing. Disown that cunt, you can do it official and everything with some paperwork at your local court house.
Don't let us bully you or lovebomb you into decisions though. Deep breaths, lift with your legs. Patience, Determination, Spit and Prayers.
>praying in the sense of meditation, if not actually talking to God
You can do this, we believe in you
That’s awful. I hope your dad recovers as much as possible, but I do feel for your sister too. That is not a normal reaction in that situation. It sounds like she shut down and couldn’t do anything to help because her brain couldn’t handle it.
Most people with any social sense think that I'm odd once they spend time around me. I'm not saying that they're wrong, but if we are shaped by our experiences then maybe that explains some of my personality
I'm honored and happy that you enjoyed my silly stories. I can try to remember more. Does the paranormal interest you? I've seen and experienced a handful of things that falls in the realm of weird, but I'm not sure that's what op meant when she typed the qott
Damn you autocorrect :(
>I'm not sure that's what op meant when she typed the qott
Op here. I meant weird shit in the broadest definition possible.
Everyone else playing First Descendant is using tits and ass skins, and I'm running around in a dinosaur costume. Female gaze baby.
That's horrible. I wish for the best for you dad.
I don't see how adhd can excuse refusing to help someone who's dying.
>kefir in microwave

you're supposed to drink it cold
warm kefir and chocolate chip cookies = kino
a cup of warm kefir in the morning is also great
cold kefit is just kind of there and you can't really taste it
cold ayran is the goat though. i can't imagine drinking it any other way.
>jimmy has severe behavioral problems, can't focus, and stabbed someone with a pencil?
>let's send him to trade school instead
>trade school doesn't want to give jimmy access to power tools and sent him back!?
>bobby has an iq of 73, can't read, and can't do math
>trade school!!
>what, what do you mean you have to know basic physics and read manuals to be a car mechanic?
>jimbob has multiple felonies and hasn't even graduated yet
>trade school!!
>what, what do you mean sex offenders can't go into random people's homes or get insured and you can't take him?

school admins are fucking retarded. it's really eye opening what college grads think of us.
I kinda wish I had gone to trade school, but my parents told me that was for dumb people. I will definitely present that as an equally respectable option to college if I have kids one day.
apprenticeships are really difficult to get right now, unfortunately, you have to know a guy. like i took my friends kid, i didn't pull from the local school.
>refusing to help
Standing by and doing nothing, I mean. I don't think it's that severe of an illness. It doesn't paralyze you for hours.
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What is this timeline?
elon is probably the only person on this gay little earth who can make a nazi salute look autistic
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the one where Im having a Benadryl overdose, clearly
i'm scared...
Wife and I were making Kung Lao jokes ALL DAY
Based trips
Based webm
Based Elon
how do i get a sugar mommy as a 19 yr old babydyke
There are websites where wealthy people have profiles and you can add them for this purpose.
There aren't many women seeking women there tho and they might be catfish, I never went through with contacting any myself.
my bestie dated a guy with adhd, and he sent their kid to the hospital. she'd left the pediatric version of medicine out for him, and he just walked past it, got the adult version from the closet, and then gave her 12 doses of it. upon confrontation later, he punched multiple holes in the wall and threw their cat. he still blames it on adhd and "rejection sensitive dysphoria" and maintains the court system hates people w/ adhd bc he only could get supervised visitation. it's really eye opening how fucked up people w/ adhd can get.
ironically, dont you feel disgusted? imagine having a romantic lead up to it and when you put it in, it comes out shitty? gross
Update on the AI headpats
The polite, political correct term to refer to them as a 'people' would be Peer, Peers
I told them they have to grow up and get a job before they can make decisions like that and to get back to me once they start paying taxes
>anon, how did you get your start in software engineering?
>i spent a lot of time installing titty mods with instructions written by drunk russians on usenet
Kids these days are fucking lazy. They use AI to generate a photo of a car wreck. Back in my day, I had my friend run me over in front of the school to get out of finals.
Ironically, you can just prepare beforehand.
>anon, how do you speak english so fluently?
>i spent my formative years reading porn 5 hours a day
i noticed a funny smell in my kitchen and was going insane trying to find it. my cat was dragging banana peels out of the trash and pushing them behind the oven. fucking graveyard back there, and i seriously contemplate sometimes if she has brain damage.
>weird shit
i had a teenage gangbanger swing on me at school (faculty). his leader beat the shit out of him publicly couple blocks away. combination of attacking a woman, and drawing negative attention to the gang. no one in that gang twitched a pinkie toe out of line after, it was eerie.
Did you give the leader a candy bar? I would have
It's snowing a bit, but it's not cold enough to stay. Melting as soon as it lands. Beggars and Choosers, so I'm not complaining. We might have some heavy fog once the sun peeks through the clouds
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>every time I confront a minor inconvenience
My car is buried and geese own the driveways for now. Moved down south to avoid snow, but God hates me.
My neighbors are having fun with it and I'm just watching them like a weirdo.
There is an Entirely Ethical way to deal with geese
>fully automatic
this is the most american toy i've ever seen
have you seen the ones we got for insects?
I called in frozen to work. My boss laughed, said okay. It's cold enough for my wife to have her snuggie early. I'll report the results later
>I called in frozen to work.
for a moment i was very confused thinking wtf the cartoon had to do with anything
nice digits btw
wouldn't it kinda hurt?
My dog is very sick after ingesting something she found at the beach :(
I'm sorry. Is it possible to take her to the vet?
>I'm sorry.
Thank you.
>Is it possible to take her to the vet?
She has been to the vet, she had an injection to make her sick and she was sick there multiple times and passed out 3 times.
She seems to be getting better now, her head is only slightly wobbly. Earlier on her head was wobbling 5 inches to either side every second or so and she couldn't walk without tripping over.
I'm sure she's in good hands, anon. You sound like a great dog owner.
>I'm sure she's in good hands, anon.
She's almost back to normal now and it's only been about 9 hours since she first started being sick, I really wonder what drugs she ate.
I was really worried for a while, I'm very glad she's ok.
>You sound like a great dog owner.
Well she's the family dog and I wasn't the one who paid the vet, that was my parents but she is very well looked after and doted on by all of us.
slept for 5 hours
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>wake up after five hours
>lie in bed for an hour, trying to fall back asleep
>resting heart rate of about 50, but it's not happening
They don't have enough pressure to break the skin, but you're gonna feel it hit you. It just fires grains of salt though. Shoot to kill flies, roaches, spiders; shoot to annoy people, children, and pets
Ye, I didn't notice yesterday. I napped all day under the covers with my wife. She loves her snuggie btw
I dreamt that I accidentally shat myself in front of my girlfriend and now I can't look her in the eye. Awful
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I had a dream that my wife and I were in a government building and she was just reading state secrets she found on the floor out loud. I sat up and demanded to know what it was exactly she was reading before my brain fully regained consciousness. So now she's mumbling the mission impossible scat
japan said i could work as a nurse there if i passed their language test and a nursing skills test, which really shocked me given japan. people say i have an accent, so i'm like stressed out. i don't wanna be the indian phone center guy everyone hates.
Lean into your accent a bit, as long as you're not in some super strict setting you'll come across as endearing.
>people say i have an accent
Everyone does you stupid Yank
i hope so kek
there's a diff between a japanese regional accent and a japanese second language one
never be ashamed for something you haven't done. you either forget all about the dream or do it for real. such is the way of the samurai.
Talk around the words you're having difficulty with, like they're an actor who's name you forgot so you list off their filmography.
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Do beta lesbo women also get pussywhipped in marriages?
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Marriage Visa is different from a Work Visa, but the work one is easier to get
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Have you tried the n1-5 tests that are online?
yeah, medical professionals need n1. i'm a little worried about the medical jargon, but hitting conversational level isn't a problem. i went through the japanese school system (almost failed english bc they teach to their entrance exams kek) but we moved back to the states before i graduated high school.
silencio, no hay banda
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>still no english dub of magic girl show
even the germans got a dub, this is unfair
how the fuck do you get period blood on a skirt what a retarded bitch
>be gay
>vote for trump
>be fully aware of project 2025
>anti-lgbt shit starts day one
>shocked pikachu
Wish I had a gf so I could eat her pussy right now. God I'm so fucking horny I can't help it.
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Yeah it's kinda hard to imagine how that would happen irl but it's just the artist trying to get the point across and even then most people didn't really get it
Bedtime soon, good night kiddos
May your bed be cozy and your dreams kino
goodnight anon
I was today years old when i found out "cake" means ass.... o.0
>Middle English (denoting a small flat bread roll): of Scandinavian origin; related to Swedish kaka and Danish kage .
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Particularly well shaped asses that are framed quite nicely by their choice of attire usually, but not limited to, shorts or jeans.
>small flat bread
that pic made me miss my ex who loved period oral. god i miss that freaky bitch
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She cute.
how's that freaky? orgasms help w/ cramps and a cup means you're not bleeding over her.
How was i supposed to know, :( I like that one song from DNCE. Now i feel like an ass hole. I would never intentionally objectify anyone like that.
Mind you not gonna stop liking the song though.
Still feel'n it.
You should move out there. Life would be great for you.
>tfw you know anon is not related to the royals in india, and doesn't have enough money to be considered worth keeping alive out there, and would most likely be publicly executed.
Yeah, you should live out there
my chickens have been making me beer money. two of them are too old to lay too, just chilling in retirement. i also have one quail, who i found injured, and everyone (including her) thinks she's a chicken so it's fine.
is it weird i want to full on lick her face? she is so beautiful it's unreal.
Don't feel too bad, I had to have my nephew explaine Cap to me after I explained Yeet to my mom
nah seems pretty normal
>it's okay to lick everyone's face
>i support you
dog paws typed this post
I woke up just to see if anyone bumped the thread
It was on page 10 twice
Going to work in a bit, I hope our inactivity is due to success in your socials?
Unironically yes. I'm very busy, plus I'm planning to renovate my apartment, which means lots scrolling, quarreling, running around with a tape measure, and general chaos.
New year resolution was to lose weight.
I've since gained weight.
pick up running. i only lost weight bc running made it real damn clear i was way too fat. unless you're fat fat, then don't do that bc you'll fuck up your knees.
confess. what have you been eating?
Whatever momma puts on my table.
I used to be pretty fit when I was living on my own, but since I came back to live with my parents (to help them out), I started moving less and eating more, and I've gotten 20-25% heavier in just 2 years.
Very hard to diet when we have breakfast and dinner together, I eat what they eat, and they EAT eat.
hey /clg/, i'm thinking about blowing 120 dollars on a stuffed dragon plush, can you call me retarded and i'll never know the touch of a woman if i do?
You probably won't know the touch of a woman either way
Do you have many chickens? are they a lot of work? may we see them?

How big are these renovations? what exactly do you plan on doing?

Post plush so we can see if it's worth it or not
What's poppin Scissor Queens?
yeah, i have 8 of them + the quail. they aren't more work than a cat imo. they need a coop, food, and water. mine go inside/outside as they please. clean the coop out, get the eggs, feed them. only caveat is that vets won't bother with them beyond euthanasia, so get them from a reputable guy and be prepared for googling/diy if they're pets instead of livestock. they're super snuggly too if you handle them while they're chicks.
I have a specialist vet near me that does birds including chickens. Paid a lot of money to help a $5 chicken with a crop issue
>How big are these renovations?
Just the hall and kitchen. My grandfather made a lot of adjustments and even some furniture back in the 60s, but it wasn't very sturdy and everything is falling apart. I want to recreate his vision, stick to the classics, order some custom shelves like the ones we are about to throw away. Nobody cares except for my mother, who wants an oppressive industrial-style kitchen with lots of metal. She is very insistent. We're feuding.
damn you're lucky, or my area sucks kek. but yeah, i totally get that, mine are my babies too.
>yeah, i have 8 of them + the quail.
That's quite a few
>they're super snuggly too if you handle them while they're chicks.
Do they make good pets?

>My grandfather made a lot of adjustments and even some furniture back in the 60s, but it wasn't very sturdy and everything is falling apart.
Must have been somewhat sturdy to last over 70 years
>I want to recreate his vision, stick to the classics, order some custom shelves like the ones we are about to throw away. Nobody cares except for my mother, who wants an oppressive industrial-style kitchen with lots of metal. She is very insistent. We're feuding.
Your idea sounds better to me.
Do your parents also live in this apartment? seems strange to me to live in apartment for such a long period of time, like I've never imagined people keeping them in the family and living in them for generations the way people do with houses
>Must have been somewhat sturdy to last over 70 years
Maybe my comparison is a bit unfair. There used to be a lot of antique furniture in the family until mother dear decided she didn't like "the old things". I shit you not, it's like her brain can't comprehend the concept of antiques.
>mom, the book was published in 1902, be careful
>"why u need old books, new books are colorful"
>mom, maybe we should restore this expensive vintage wardr-
>"all my cousins are buying sliding wardrobes at ikea! i had the old one disassembled and tossed into the dumpster while you weren't looking"
I'm never marrying an uneducated woman, it's a fucking nightmare.
>Do your parents also live in this apartment?
We live separately, but it's a short walk.
>seems strange to me to live in apartment for such a long period of time
Why not? It's a nice place.
yeah, but they're super social with each other so it's not like cats/dogs. you scrape out a little more poop, and add a little more food per chicken. you don't need 10 litterboxes or 10 beds or 10 leash walks. it's like how domestic parrots alone need all the attention all the time, but wild ones in flocks are fine. it depends on the breed/handling/personality, but most of mine are chill. they recognize people, are happy to see you, and come snuggle. one of mine frequently comes over and falls asleep in my lap when i sit outside.
>There used to be a lot of antique furniture in the family until mother dear decided she didn't like "the old things".
>"why u need old books, new books are colorful"
Wow I'm glad my mom isn't like that, my grandmother is dying of Alzheimer's disease so my mom makes an effort to save old books and other stuff before my grandmother destroys them, she is a bit of a hoarder but I think it's good to conserve things of the past.
>I'm never marrying an uneducated woman, it's a fucking nightmare.
Just because a girl is uneducated doesn't mean she won't value antiques.
>Why not? It's a nice place.
I guess I see apartments as temporary housing that someone might live in for a couple of years before getting a mortgage on a house, not that families that own apartments should sell them but it seems like in general they would rent them out instead.

>they recognize people, are happy to see you, and come snuggle.
>one of mine frequently comes over and falls asleep in my lap when i sit outside.
Cute. I think a lot of birds are actually smarter than the average person thinks, there is a robin that visits my back garden almost every time someone is out there and it stands less than a meter away looking at you and tweeting for food because we feed the birds, it doesn't do that with any of the neighbors who don't feed the birds so it knows how to get us to feed it.
I'm going to bed now /clg/. I will not be able to bump our thread when it's on page 10
Goodnight /clg/
Something must have happened to me. Like maybe brain damage.
An hour ago I looked at K Stew and thought she was hot for the first time in my life.
what made it freaky is that she would take out whatever she had in/on so that her blood would get all over my face because that got her off
they're def way smarter than people think, but chickens are def dumber than a parrot or a raven. they also do velociraptor shit, like 8 chickens doing murder mode on whatever bug or lizard or mouse dares to come in their domain. you wouldn't think it, but some of them are better pest control than cats are. god i fucking love chickens, best animal.
I'm laying down, but I'm not going to bed. Xbox one my headset while she falls asleep. I napped when I got home so I'll be up all night. I'm off tomorrow so I'll probably sleep all day instead
goopnight bumpanon
I think I'm lucky probably cause I'm out in the Bay area CA. This place has to have the most rich chicken hobbyists anywhere who will pay for a chicken vet haha
She ended up making a full recovery from a crop impaction and a pendulous crop! Which all sources seem to say doesn't happen. She's young though and since most of the research is from AG they probably just cull hens and never see them recover
I moved to the den because I'm really gassy and don't wanna wake her up with my noxious ass
Its finally raining out here anons, Cant tell you how happy that makes me..
also, just saw an argument brought up, and i'm wondering.
So Is there a point in having JUST cis women at ALL on 4 chan?
I'm glad you're okay. There's a few other anons I'm worried about out there too
Thanks anon, I'll keep updated on what i do know.
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Need this without the cutting
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I've had that happen a couple of times despite generally not getting what most lesbians and bishits love about her.

my boss wore a fruit farms tshirt to work. that is a level of retardation i never believed possible, and i'm in awe. i'm playing stupid, but there's so many trannies who work here that he's guaranteed to get fired. the trump era is already entertaining i guess.
What's a fruit farms t-shirt?
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Something like this? I'm not sure what the issue is. More information please, context I mean
One more person here who doesn't get the joke. Could you explain for the non-Americans?
i feel like i'm taking crazy pills, is trump actually going to annex greenland and canada?
I'm American and I don't get it, so I assume it's political?
how are you on /tttt/ and never heard of kiwifarms? there were so many threads on keffels scamming people out of 100k.
lol who is keffels? in fact i don't even want to know
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Operation Mexican Freedom too seems like
Greenland: he's going to try. Canada: not clear yet. If he fucks with RBIO too much, eventually we might take a trip to the Mad Max timeline.

I visited Kiwifarms exactly once and didn't like the vibe.
Who? Although I agree with >>38705618, don't you dare enlighten us.
that's true
this one
>gained 5 kgs over the holidays
with great food come great consequences
Heads up: the board is getting raided by a poltard, so the thread is likely to plummet to page 10 unless bumped frequently.
I wouldn't spend 120 moneys on that but I don't really buy plushies.
Buy it if it would make you happy anon :)

Thank you for informing me, looks like they're making 3 threads per minute so I doubt it's just one of them.
I think it's a bot.
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Could you have an ugly gf? Pic related is a cutie married to a fat, short woman. She's not wealthy either.

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Probably makes her laugh, cooks good and makes her O like a gibbon in the wild
My chicken coop got a mouse in it, I need to try and trap it when I get a trap and then clean out the coop
Bedtime soon. I'll be laying down but probably on my headset again gaming.
No stress, I am just worried about you is all. Have you invested in any air filters? The manufacturers usually do a sale around fire season. I used to have a hisense one, same brand as my old smart TV, I could use the tv remote on both it was so cool.
quails are the most retarded animals alive. i will say though, the females are bigger than the males and largely don't tolerate any bullshit from them, unlike chickens. i can't legally keep roosters, and my alpha hen is uh, well i wouldn't fuck with her.
Question, who still has their Christmas Trees up?
I haven't taken ours down yet, put all the decorations away though.
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Burned ours for fuel on Jan 2nd. The spikes started falling off it.
I took mine down on Saturday. It's time, anon.
We didn't do a live one this year, I got a plastic one with lights and outlets built in. We're gonna do a live one next year, maybe.
i'm getting real fucking tired of having to extort people. you agree to my quoted price, i fix your shit, and then suddenly "no english, no english" as you give me half of what you agreed on. when i threaten to re-break it, suddenly you're back to fluent english and have the rest of the money. there has to be a facebook group telling people to try and scam like this.
Demand payment prior. Invest in one of those new knock off polorids and get you some before and afters for an album to make you look all professional and shit.
no matter how much I should no better some days I just wake up with the dread that I'm going to hell. hope your monday is going better :)
Think of all the hot bitches in hell
Inspect the source of your feelings in order to seek comfort before you're cornered by the passage of time.
I very strongly suspect my name has been passed around a local radfem circle for a reliable female handyman. It's interesting, because I doubt we agree politically on much. Also, if you sit outside wearing a bikini, I'm probably gonna look a little bit, just saying.
Heeeey sailor, come here and fix the cable ;)
Only if you sit outside in a bikini.
>reliable female handyman
sounds like a porn title. would.
somehow i dont think so
If only women wanted to pay bulldykes to examine their pussies, I'd be rich.
I'm ugly, so I'd pay.
Deva Cassel (Monica Belucci's daughter) is so beautiful just looking at her face gets me wet
Please don't kill mouse
I'm so tired of being alone but the idea of getting on a dating app or being 'in the scene' again is so off-putting. Haven't had a genuine crush in so long, let alone anyone showing attraction towards me. It's over for me and we should say it.
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she's straight
I'm going to live trap it, but then feed it to the hens
have you ever been in a relationship?
it's gonna be in someone's stomach the second it slows down enough for one to grab it
I can still look though. It's not like I'd have a shot even if she were gay.
Yes, but both times we broke up because she was moving country. Also, I got into these via friendships, and not being in specific spaces where dating/hooking up is the goal... so I just feel super dejected when I try to join these spaces.
Poor mouse :(
>Yes, but both times we broke up because she was moving country.
Why is she moving all the time?
I explained that badly. Two different girls who both moved back to their home countries for various reasons, work/study/family/etc.
>It's not like I'd have a shot even if she were gay.
why's that?
have you ever dated someone from your own country?
This was me >>38716505
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What vidyas have you been playing recently /clg/?
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would you date picrel?
it's not really something I go out of my way to look for in a potential gf... and weirdly I find it kind of difficult to feel romantic with girls from the same country as me. I'm from the UK and when I meet other lesbians from the UK I just feel totally removed from them, like we've lived really different lives and they're a little less open-minded about various idiosyncracies of mine. Both my gfs (one American one Malaysian) were weird in their own right, and were very accomodating and nonjudgemental about other people. That's me speaking in broad strokes though. I'm sure there's weird girls in the UK I haven't met yet who don't play ego games, but I'm not really finding them. Or, the few times I am, they don't want long-term relationships with women because they're set on having bio kids or whatever.
She is 60.
Dawn of war 2. It's such a cool and fun game. And the edgelordism appeals to me.
I've done a bit of googling and if we were around the same age, yes. What's the catch?
>She is 60
oh yeah age gaps are problematic sorry I forgot
>What's the catch?
she was one of the only famous lesbians I could think of off the top of my head it was either her or Ellen degeneras and the only ones I could think of just so happened to be ugly (like you) and so I thought great
That is so considerate of you. I'm touched.
>That is so considerate of you. I'm touched.
I'm a matchmaker
Playing 3-in-a-row for hours finally paying off?
It's only a sick burn if anon is a gamer.
can i get kidnapped by aliens and get a harem of women?
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She gives me Jodie Foster gay silence vibes
i feel strangely compelled to impress a png image on my computer screen, help
If by chance I find myself in a position of a fat gf, she won't be fat for long, I'll make sure of that.
And Panama, and Cuba, and Haiti and Venezuela, and Bolivia, and Nicaragua, and now Colombia.
Fuck, just go full Monroe
this could be us
Some shithead is burning their tires. Like where they peel out all obnoxious in their car? Few blocks away but we can hear it and smell it
Bedtime soon, for realsies this time. Nurses coming over tomorrow and I gotta make sure everything is kosher
Clean house and shit
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She looks weird, and both her parents were 40 when they made her, so she's likely to be ill.
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Why is this board so lame?
Half of it is trannies and BLACKED worms, the other half nazis and self righteous gooners.
she looks like a doll tho
He's right, you know
Not every elongaded object is a penis, herr Sigmund Freud.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Sometimes a vibrator is just a vibrator. Cocks don't even vibrate....
Shit, this gen is still up? I thought it would've gotten janigged by now.
I love the smell of burning tires :-(
Based Trump turning the US Army into a cis lesbian female space >>38722569
I've heard good things about that game but never played it because I know nothing about warhammer

Why would it be?
Yee mostly done. I need to do the bathroom next and finish off the laundry. They get here in an hour or so I'm just blasting my chores playlist. Overalls and white tee. Go see what survived the frost in the garden after the doctors split. Kiddos got their socials after school so we're not seeing them until later.
I'm making fun of her because she doesn't wanna get out of bed and I'm prancing around all
>oh, clumsy me
>I dropped this sheet of paper
>I know
>I'll just bend over and pick it up
>oh how wonderful it is to have a full range of motion
and just continue until I need to dodge a projectile

Two Months! AAHH
I recall it was having a hard time a few years ago, but maybe the ones that had a vendetta against here joined the 41%
Imagine having a pregnant gf(wife)

We had some trolling from a transgender for a week back in May last year and again around August then again in October/November but she agreed to stop trolling if I give her female pronouns and she has kept her word so far.

Is this the first time you've been here in a while anon?
I special ordered a phallic substitute from a certain fire breathing lizard of ill reputation emporium. Her surprise Mother's Day.
She buys me the naughty underwear, she likes it with my null fashion. Garters and baggy jeans with oversized novelty tee
I buy her the Fucksticks

It's a fun dynamic we have, more lazy MM these days but that's why I been teasing her
She's the only one ever to get me in a dress without an argument and she rubbing my mom's nose in it. She stands up to my mom's bullshit all the time bro she's my superhero
>Don't Talk to Her Like That
gets my pants dropped for her so fast

We've been lazying about the house mostly. Making plans, fiendish diabolical plans. Mostly how I'm gonna be the one who's doing all the baby stuff except for when it's titty time or I'm indisposed. In return she's gonna be catching up work and school and fuckin me bow-legged
Waiting for them to show up now. Run down to the corner store after the doctors leave, have them do us up some sandwiches and soup. I fuck with the Wawa chicken noodle alot these days cause of the cold. Better than chocolate fight me
I don't remember if I already told you what she's doing for school, but only that I'm not allowed to anymore.
>yall know how I overshare and exaggerate shit
she's getting her good good degree so she can slip her nepotism ass right in her cousins spot. I'm gonna be gamer housewife while she's strutting in the office

Poverty Voltron is the joke we make.
>By Our Paychecks Combined!
murder any bill we got and her loans. Once her loans are done I can stay home full time. Take us three or four years, I'm not smoking anymore and don't spend hundreds of dollars a month on weed and tobacco so all those funds is tanked straight into that shit before interest can fuck us long run. I'll still be working where I'm at, but I'm doing online class stuff right now too so I can do more important shit at work. Collared blouse or button down and tie type shit. More desk work, but more baby friendly than the floor
Still waiting, they're late and she's zzz
So I'm just chilling in the living room. Feet up on the ottoman
Do lesbians experience suicidal ideation?
relationship goals
>Is this the first time you've been here in a while anon?
It's good to see the tranny jannies haven't stifled /clg/. Keep it up.
at least on my navy ship, the surgery/hormones weren't happening. it took years to get a gender dysphoria diagnosis, and no captain would sign off on getting surgical leave unless you would die next day. every tranny that threatened suicide got discharged or told to do a flip. i'm honestly curious how many people got the military to pay for the transition.
>I special ordered a phallic substitute from a certain fire breathing lizard of ill reputation emporium.
Is it huge?
>she's my superhero
She does sound pretty great :)

Unfortunately we have someone who does >>38427210

How long has it been since you were last here?
Not Xbox Hueg, but I didn't buy it for the Size. It's modular, she can swap attachments, like an Oscillation head
Or the High Power Egg head
The Core Sample
>the drill bit one is what's got my toes curly in anticipation
>the groooves.....
She's all pillows otherwise, not a fan of the other end of the strap
Visit went fine. Still nothing new. Maybe sooner, maybe later. Still looking mid March till she pops. Dress her all in green if she comes St. Patrick's. Everyone thinks I'm joking but I'm not
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Devious plots and shenanigans will be afoot, beware! Instead of soap operas I'm going to be vidya, checking the roast between spawns. Meet her at the door with a beer in nothing but an apron and a RGB headset type shit.
>the goofiest shit like this I whisper to her while I tease her O face out
It's funny because Everyone thinks it's me laying pipe. Nope, I am the one getting my hair pulled more often than not
Wishing in one hand and a House Full of Children in the other. Mom knows exactly what I'm doing when the kiddos stay over now. Once the baby is here we'll be too exhausted for anything too extravagant. Be lucky to get a quickie until after the baby starts sleeping in their own room, but that's planning for failure
This is why I got the shortie, but the extra big soup for her. She never finishes her sandwiches but insists on having one. Yeah no, two bites you're full? Stop Eating Bread

She's the smart one, goes to school I swear
if only i had a wife to plow me with a bad dragon dildo for valentine's day.
Palworld, Darktide, little bit of Halo if I can find a casual lobby. I got The Thing remastered for myself for my birthday, tanked it in one sitting with my nephew cheering me on. Reminded me of when I watched my dad play Max Payne and F22 Raptor way way back when.

Mostly VRCHAT and Xbox, streaming through the headset. I haven't booted my PC games since Christmas.
I'm playing on my quest next to her and I don't want her peeping me not singing her praises if I put my phone down
>be bored
>now depressed
circle of life
you gotta get urself out of the instant gratification misery cycle sis
i used to spend hours wanking but now i'm so busy and tired i only get off every other day. maybe you should get a more demanding job.
God damn all brown niggers
My work crush told me about her new obsession today. It's branches. She proceeded to spent her entire lunch break showing me pictures of the coolest branches she's seen online. God my little autist can't be this cute.
bro i just sold a plush toy to a cop on duty on fbmp. you'd think she would mention THE FUCKING POLICE CAR at some point.
as a loser on 4chan for the last 10 years, i have only met my partners online. im too socially inept to venture into the real world. does anyone have decent luck on apps? if so, which ones?
as long as shes not fat and butch i can put up with it. looking at fat butch women repulses me like fat moids
Sorry about disappearing. After we picked up the brats we picked up their mom and we went out to Chili's and saw the new Sonic after. It's pretty good. I expected it to be garbage but it's 7/10. Everyone getting ready for bed and I'm gonna nolife it on Palworld. My save corrupted and I wanna try the random spawns they added. New World time
A couple of years.
I usually hang on other boards but I didn't visit or participate in 4chan very much in 2024, and now the post timer is absurd. It's shit.
my mom voted trump because the local school cut algebra2 + calc classes for dei reasons. most asian thing imaginable, really.
Bedtime soon. I gotta get in the shower if I wanna be touched
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Why is Twitter spying on me?
Your mom finna boutta go back to Wuhan lmaoooo
Is that supposed to be upsetting? Trump was the far better option.
>the "things go on as usual" guy
>the "burn the woods to see what grows instead" guy
I wonder who I want in charge during my midlife and global crisis...
We'll see if Trump is more of a Gorbachev or more of a Yeltsin, but in either case, USA bout to get a bit more Russian. The oligarchs are already visible.
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>muh oligarchy, russians
Cringe boomette.

I wonder if they'll be around in ten years.
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are you watching her show?
Did I do it right?

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