>dresses how they want>not afraid to be trans>has a rich partnerChris(tine) unironically mogs me, especially in spirit because all I ever do is manmode.
>>38636386Lolcows exist almost entirely as a model for how not to live, and especially when it comes to the little evils we allow into our lives.Chris in particular acts as example of why a life wrapped up in a comfort blanket isn't what you want. If you're not growing you're rotting and it doesn't matter how much you try to ignore reality and surround yourself with sycophantic delusion, reality always wins. You should look at Chris and understand that problem is inside of you and work on that rather than worship the idea of ignoring the problem and living in a fantasy.
>>38636492>little evilsa-logging in 2025 is crazy
>>38636829Little evils refers to small acts of carelessness, selfishness, or callousness. It's leaving something for someone else to pook up or wasting a little too much time doom scrolling. It's letting in toxic thoughts like OP. >a-loggingYou shouldn't throw around words you don't understand the meaning of.
>>38636492The problem is I can't fix my problems, there is no working on them, the only path is fantasy and ignorance but you can't go back once you have noticed.
>>38636492gloves needs to see this
>>38636906There is always a way to trend upwards. Maybe you're never going to pass or whatever but there is always room for positive growth. You can also address your insecurities and accept yourself rather than sink into delusion.
>>38637023>You can also address your insecurities and accept yourself rather than sink into delusion.Nta, but it's always nice being told to detrans by some passoid, lol.>teehee, just accept being a man, it's that easy
>>38637042Not only did I not say that, and not only am I not trans let alone a passoid, but the fact that you not only read that into what was said but also immediately had this sort of reaction is incredibly telling.
>>38637023You see the problem with dysphoria is you cannot accept yourself, literally just cannot, I've tried my ENTIRE life.Trend upwards, whatever, it's like Sisyphus, you know you will never reach your destination, and the trend upwards is just pain, but pain for what? If you stop, you're in pain, if you trend upwards, you're in pain, there is no end to the suffering.
>>38637137We're all Sisyphus. Everyone is a work in progress. Nobody likes themsleves and the small percentage of people that don't feel that way are either delusional like Chris chan or extreme narcissists. You are a tranny. That's what you are, that's your lot in life. You can't magically be a cis woman, things never would've happened any other way. You can either continue to be your own torturer or you can accept that that is what you're working with and make the best of it.
>>38637171I get what you're saying and somewhat appreciate it, but I can't accept always being an ugly tranny because that's basically gonna make me kill myself because the only reason I go on is because I one day don't want to be an ugly tranny.
>>38637199personally thinking about my future and working to achieve my goals and ffs makes me happy without accepting any part of this or being "at peace" with ityou just do what you can because it's all you can do
>>38637209i don't know how feasible ffs is for you. idk how feasible it is for me either but i still wanna do everything i can to get closer because every day i don't have it is wastedto give you a picture of my position of privilege i have been told my jawline can "cut diamond" and that i do "mewing" and that i have "gigachad bone structure"the next person that says this zoomer slop to me is gonna get obliterated by my humongous hands
>>38637199Then you're dooming yourself. It's only when you can forgive yourself for being an ugly tranny that you can appreciate your progress and blossom, otherwise it doesn't matter how much you change about yourself you will always feel like an ugly tranny. People seem to think acceptance is complacence, that you have to be happy with who you are and never imrpove but that isn't it.
>>38637209I'm a bit torn on it, working towards my future makes me happy in the fact that I daydream about what the future can be like but I take no joy in actively doing it, it's degrading that I have to try so hard to be a woman while others are simply born it.>>38637244I've forgiven myself for being an ugly tranny, suicide isn't a punishment it's to save me from further suffering if there really is no chance at me passing ever, I will not live life as a hon.I know a pretty woman when I see one, and I think if I looked like them I would notice it, but I just can't be happy with who I am right now, but I will try and continue to improve because it's success or death at this point.
>>38636890If anything, the attention surrounding Chris is the textbook example of a-logging.
>>38637289I never spoke against suicide.The problem is you will never look like them. There'll always be something. And it doesn't matter how much you fix there'll always be a next something.
>>38637306You sound like me now lol. Even if there is a next something, eventually those problems will get more minimal and shorter and shorter. Call it brain worms or whatever but I just can't accept being a hon.
>>38637318But you are a hon.
>>38637340I guess I meant being a hon forever. You're right, I am a hon, silly me, but hopefully it can change.
>>38637340shut the fuck up>>38637357is ffs feasible for you at all?
>>38637366Not now since I'm broke but I think it would at the least help me pass, some of those docs are miracle workers.
>>38637357If you can't address your underlying insecurities and be at peace with the fact that you're a hon you will always fixate on your flaws. It happens to everyone but it is particularly obvious in the trans community.
>>38637383i'm broke toohow old are you? i've been considering truck driving. what if you did truck driving? can you get a truck license?
>>38637451in college but work part time, saving is hard, not in the position for a job like that but I have heard it pays well depending on what jobs you take or what company you're with.
>>38637484oh nice good luck. college is good, what are you studying? well thats not really my business, my point is being a hon sucks but instead of making peace with it or just coping forever we gotta fight tooth and nail and do whatever we can to change thathow about insurance assuming you're american
>>38637505Computer science... Yes, the stereotype. I live in Canada, most provinces consider trans procedures cosmetic and are not covered by their insurances, and if they don't you are placed on a very long waiting list.
chris fucks moms and knocks up cabbage patch kids. clearly an apex/alpha to most posters here.
really blows my mind people dont recognize another chris chan in other anons like emily of 4chan...they really dont understand how the lottory winner rotation works.
>>38637601did he really fuck his mom? i heard he got out because there was no proof and some person called the wellness check but was lying
>>38637644100% he did. There is no evidence and Barb would never admit it happened because she is complicit in it and doesn't want the trouble. The only proof is his confession and it isn't hard to argue that he was making it up because he makes up so much stuff. So they dropped it.If you know Chris though you know he did it.
>>38637244fat people and trannies on this board have the same issues tbhon. can't escape the self hate because they think they need it to change, not realizing loving yourself is the only way you'll ever change and improve