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File: scream-anime.gif (281 KB, 498x278)
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Has anyone else's parents walked in on them naked or in girls clothes? My mom saw my breasts and she's not taking it so well
my mom walked in on me naked and saw I have boobs and pussy and was not happy
imagine suddenly learning your son is a girl
how did she react to seeing your pussy...
started yelling at me why did I do this but since then she's kind of given up on trying to detrans me
My dad walked in on me playing wow probably with a dildo resting on my desk like a paperweight, but he was drunk so idk if he noticed, but kept asking if i had something to tell him the next few days
wait till your mum walks in on you in your diapers....
omg srs boymoder??
I never forget the post by another srs boymoder who got caught by her sister coming out of the bath
And her sister just said like oh I have a sister I guess or smth like that
So what? They're not her breasts.
I never saw that post that's hilarious
It was years ago you are a rare breed
you are not a girl, you are a man with gynecomastia and irreversibly mutilated genitals. she was shocked and disgusted that her son turned out to be a perverted, fetishistic freak. she was also very hurt that you would betray her like this. how could you do this to her? you're nothing but a self-centered, narcissistic asshole.
>you're nothing but a self-centered, narcissistic asshole.
The irony
Post tits
my mom doesn't think of me as a woman at all, but is weirdly supportive anyways. she helped me try on bras and she saw and touched my bare breasts in the dressing room while helping me figure out my cup size (it felt like a visit to the doctor's office)
does your doctor touch your boobs?
uh yeah? never had a breast exam?
no never. never even mentioned them
>you are le narcissist!
No sir, pretty sure you're the only narcissist here lmao
this is why I had to come out, my fucking GRANDMA walked in on me, there was no escaping it that point. she also turned out to be the least supportive person in my family about it.
religion is one hell of a drug

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