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Hey I'm the ftm who made a thread a few days ago about being in trouble because the friend group found out I had sex with a 17 year old MTF

Well there's a bit of an update:
So for context my friend group found out about all of this because the girl was going around saying I'm her boyfriend (I'm not).

she found out that I don't regard her as my girlfriend second hand via this drama and not from me gently explaining it so she freaked out and had a hissy fit now she's telling everyone I raped her, messaging every single person who follows me on every social media saying I'm a rapist.

Do I just kill myself? Is my life basically ruined now?
>fucked a minor
yep ur definitely malebrained...
archived moe/lgbt/thread/36620233
holy shit, you even said theyre cuter when theyre younger and blamed society for not allowing you to fuck her
congrats on being malebrained?? you fucking pedophile
You might be malebrained and all of that, but that doesn't mean you're a good person. You're literally a fucking pedophile. KYS.
loosening the definition of pedophile to make it less severe is fed behavior
OP is a creep but certainly not a "pedo"
what the fuck is wrong with you
is that even illegal where you live? in my state that's 100% ok. my friends would probably look at me funny for a couple days then get over it.
how old r u
I'm 27
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How is it not societies fault that my life is probably over because of sex with a 17 year old
kys moralfag
i can't believe midwits like you still post on 4chan defending law and normies
>she's telling everyone I raped her
why have sex with a manipulative bitch like this?
i hope no one believes her. how can she regard you as a bf one minute and a rapist the next? women like that deserve death
important question
what do you look like and how'd you fuck her?
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I look like an NPC moid. I sucked her sweet lil pp for a bit, straddled her and grinded against her for a bit then rode her face until I came
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>I look like an NPC moid
so like this?
Yeah like that
>...I had sex with a 17 year old MTF
ew fucking pedo
>I'm the ftm
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How do I find friends like you irl? Currently freaking out wondering if I should change my name and run far away
>shes a 17 year 362 day old child!
How old are you?
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>Do I just kill myself? Is my life basically ruined now?
only if you persist with the male identity, women get off with sex crimes with slaps on the wrist and barely any social stigma. look at all the recent cases of 30 year old teachers fucking 16 year olds in the news and ones over the past 15 years where they barely get fined
you dont look like that THOUGH
Typical ftm grifter for yaoi fantasy sex pest freak
Yaoi fantasy? Im fucking beautiful trans girls and that's yaoi? You're a transphobe
dry your hair crackkka
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Yes I do
Self reporting. You are men wearing a dress and projecting your thoughts of predatory behaviour onto normal mentally healthy men. You are mentally ill, you are predators, you are another Ava Tyson in the making. Wearing a dress will not change the fact you are disgusting subhumans. If a real man actually did this they would be completely outcast from the group and jumped multiple times, in prison within a year max. Keep yourself safe, don’t die, don’t hurt yourself, you don’t deserve to suffer, you have worth, you are a unique individual, you are deserving of life, you aren’t a waste of resources
do you consider yourself a pedophile? is it legal where you are?
It is legal here. I can't answer your question because I keep getting banned from saying anything relating to this topic.
but no one would ban you for saying you're not a pedophile...
If it’s legal then the people are just being retards. Is it morally sound for a 27 year old to have sex with a 17 year old? No, but if it isn’t illegal realistically what’s going to come from ostracising you from the group? Just cut ties with them and find other people, there are no repercussions beyond this
>It is legal here.
everyone that says this shit is always 100% of the time lying.
>t. talked to multiple pedos that hid behind this "point"
whats your ideal age for a trans girl and why wont you be her bf
I can't answer that without being banned. I can't date her because of society
Ok well I'm not lying lol and legal age is 16 in many many places
Losing my entire social group is a big deal though
Literally just get a new social group no one cares
You better not ever go to cell block one
when i was 15 and a virgin i was groomed consensually by a theyfab who was 25. why are pooners like this?

t. tgirl
omg dude kill yourself, literally just fuck people 18 or older it won't kill you you fucking loser.
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I wish I could find a group that would let me sex up as many teens as I want I wish I could have a 16 year old tranner gf nnggghhh
obviously fake and gay larp.
Sorry to say but those are my genuine honest to God feelings. If I could have a 16 year old tranner gf I'd be so happy

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