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Whatcha smoking fags and trannies?
Got an ounce of lemon cookies hot n fresh
Eurofags btfo
I quit, was smoking gorrila glue and pineapple express. been having constant nightmares since stopping though
Can you please ban this faggot ass chaser mods? Im trying to quit
miss the good weed we had in canada I just smoke vapes now in seattle
I’m not the weed thread guy I promise
Based, not the nightmares part though. Do you have a therapist or anything atm to tell this to?
You do know euros can get weed? @ome people even buy it illegally?
The European mind cannot handle the concept of weed legalization
SQUAAAAAAA *eagle emoji*
From what I've heard in Minecraft it's like €10 a gram which is still cheaper than booze + you have home delivery in Minecraft
nothing because my first grow is prolly 14-16 weeks to go. just started.
10e a gram is a rip off. 25 should be like 150-180 MAX.
>scar on wrist
>Do you have a therapist or anything atm to tell this to?
nope I got friends, family and jesus christ
based, dont let the kike tell you to speak to (((the))) (((rapist)))
sweet island skunk
How much for that lil goodie bag looks aight
Quite the fucken steal considering an 8th is usually $60 around here
I don't smonk weeds but I'm thingken about going to get a couple black and milds to get my stink on
i get ounces for a hundred bucks and i have a lifetime of dank
>An ounce
It's been a while but that looks more like a 1/2 to me.
This. Smoking to sleep but also not being able to sleep till like 4am because the weed made me feel fried as shit.
Is it legal where you are? I recently quit alcohol and I can tell you that is a real thing. You will fine after being off weed in like a week tops.
I used to smoke some cheap cigars and listen to ReviewBrah's podcast and drinking cold beer in the bath. It was a good time. Felt like shit the next day after smoking though since I have no nicotine tolerance.
dude weed
enjoy inhaling all those pesticides lol dumbass

we all die some day
I never understood why people say strain names like where supposed to know what the fuck that means and pretending its not a bunch of made up bullshit?

Like dude you're bubblegum purpa snoop dog ultra dank haze was grown in your dealers garage with PGR get the fuck out of here
it used to be about terpenes used. more citrusy terpenes in weed would have tropical names, or stinky weed having skunk names, or spices etc. now it's just marketing with coming up with the stupidest name possible
i mean fair its your life im too old to be using drugs now though i already did enough damage to my body & brain in my teens/early 20s so the best i can do is fearpost
You’re not terp and strainpilled
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Its legal where I am yeah. I got two weeks then one week the five days, shit is not fine for me being off it. T. Smoking daily since 16 to combat MDD

Okay all is forgiven enjoy ur pack that guy is just insufferable
i grow my own shit because i refuse to give my money to people for something i can do myself
youre vaccinated so it doesnt matter
Like is this good? What's the difference between this and purple haze or white rhino or any of the other weed strains? Do people even know?

This shit is advertised like horrorscopes like this weed is "creative" or this weed is "sleepy" it all sounds kinda bs

The content used to matter but literally all of the weed available nowadays is like 15-25% THC and the vast majority is just some hybrid strain very rare to get pure sativa or indica it's just like generic weed.
the real question, did you suck his dick while he was driving?
130-150 gbp for 28 grams
they say when u smoke weed u dont dream properly, when u stop u catch up and youre not used to dreaming so much
actually you should check out Germany ^^
i loved lemon skunk, used to get it from pharmacy, and overall usually id smoke some haze or skunk, it gives me energy to do something and not care about world being so shit

currently on a break as ive heard i should probably stop smoking before ffs for anesthetic and lung health for recovery, ehh it sucks. maybe ill try some brownies in a bit, let my lungs recover a little
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Of course, she's a whore and you can see her pussy and spread asshole on onlyfans
kek, my respect for her is now zero.
she has pics/vids of her sucking some fat neckbeards cock on her OF archives too
Been smoking this shit called "wifi" it makes me really horny

I grew up smoking rural Pennsylvania ditch weed, I cannot imagine being so precious about the difference in strength between this or that medical, it all gets you totally ripped after a couple hits
Aw cmon we were having a good thread
>she pays 100 for o's

*laughs in 400 dollar hps*
bro all there is is indica and sativa. all strains are either or and the strength or content of cbd and thc is how well you grow them.
terpenes were brought up literally twice in this thread. they are the major driver of strain.
its easy to get wholesale but the quality can be lacking.
stonerscience is crazy. i bet you think flushing nutrients does anything even though the difference is negligible.

you dont know a grower????? honestly you can also just grow a plant in a closet. a set up for a 4x4 space can be had for like 500 bucks or less and the best seeds ever are 20-30 a seed. you can get generics and oldies for like 3-5 bucks a seed.
i didn't say it makes a major difference but it is a difference where you claim there isn't
>you dont know a grower?????
i know several but regardless it seems like youre just trying to 1up people over weed here

i dont mind 100 dollar ounces because the quality is good with the current legal market since the money is nothing to me and i like knowing exactly what i'm getting
except half the stuff on the legal market consistently is failing tests for safety and product labeling lol.

look into the dark and sketchy world of cannabis testing. the companies fudge the numbers for a fee and countless times documentary and investigative journalist crews have confirmed lead, mold, and discrepancys in advertising numbers for thc.

id rather just grow my own after learning how greedy people get.

just because you got it at a dispensary doesnt mean its safe or quality
I didn’t know weed schizos existed until now
you are not telling me anything i don't know
i have enough weed for the rest of my life and good relationships with some of the better vendors, i love having anything i want at my fingertips
it's as simple as that. money doesn't matter, it's weed, and i'll gladly pay 100 bucks for something with a specific profile i like because i can feel the difference in my joints
stfu whore
What does this achieve, I hear this 100 times a day. Its lost its zing.
stfu whore
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very easy to find, but still, wouldn't
bro that arm
Yes the chemical composition is different for every strain so theyre all going to have slightly different effects. Youre right the consumer market is flooded with og kush variants so its basically all the same. Thats starting to change people are going to exotic places and getting new genetics itll just take a few years to hit the wider markets.
If you grow a 40% thc blueberry headband plant ill suck your cock
So true but hash is generally fine, although some of this crc shit is sketchy. I wouldnt wanna smoke anything that could have DE in it
did she have her fatty put cigarettes out on her ass crack
Imagine the smell of that blown out pussy. Yuck.
Built for Indian saars
damn yall are cruel as fuck
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>G makes a thread
>someone posts the OF
>bipedos rate the pics for the 15th time this month
>thread dies
many such cases
It’s bitterhons malding over the fact I have a pussy that can be fucked
It’s why I don’t make threads often. I just wanted to talk about zaza with gay people.
There are no refunds.
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Eagle noise made me laugh. Btw question for everyone here: is there any actual upside to smoking or vaping weed compared to edibles? I've only done edibles so far but I've been thinking of getting a vape just to try something new. Not looking to get a nicotine addiction tho
The only upside is that it enters your bloodstream faster so you feel properly fucked up. Smoking weed is bad you should only ever vape or eat it
40% is impossible kek. what you see on the label is a lie most of the time for potency. 5-10% off often time.
srs doesn't work good bro and on top of it a srussy cannot be abused like u see in porn
its literally all true you fucking retard.

literally every industry is rife with this shit, the newer industries are rife with corruption and dishonesty and greed.
this isn't true either
i don't believe the 10% "fire" of the 70s was 2% and neither is 26% 16%
youre coping pretty hard.

think to yourself, what brand loyalty is there in cannabis? next to none, people shop by whatever they knew was good and they come to that notion based on whatever the burnout budtender and the label says.
never in my life smoking all kinds of weed have i ever gotten 20% and 10% and the 20% felt like 10. forget the advertised percentages, i have never gotten a labeled percent that was half as strong as how black market of the same estimation feels
you're obsessed with marijuana conspiracy theories
its probably because youre so retarded you forgot it took your an extra bowl to get cooked.

stoners are the most unobservant retards there is and youre a self admitted one.

youre coping doesnt change the facts, drug addict.
>ad hominem
i accept your concession
enjoy your actual retardation from both the thc and all the lead youre ingesting lol.
neutralized by cbd especially raw juiced weed
i accept your concession, no need to make multiple ones
MY marijuana is better than YOURS THOUGH
i got a $12 8th fromthe dispo. it has to last till next friday, along with a bit of shake and a tiny cart which i just found has been upsidedown for days. unless my laser place gives me a discount,
for reviewing them on yelp on monday, in which case i can prob get another 8th to last tues to thursday. u asked
>Smoking to sleep
it's why I smoked, that and belly aches
>dont dream properly, when u stop u catch up and youre not used to dreaming so much
yeah that's what I've read too, getting my rem sleep, I definitely have more energy
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I'm 30 I don't smoke weed anymore
I'm a functional alcoholic
how much alcohol can you safely drive on
half a slab in 3ish hours or with a decent meal and im at the legal limit although i could go a whole slab and still drive fine but i would be busted by the cops if they breatho me, not that stops me
god i wish i was american

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