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>Destroys the trans community worse than Dylan Mulvaney
nothing personel kid
Stop posting about this hon already holy shit
why dont you guys just do your degenerate shit alone with other monster troons, why involve kids. mr beast was quality entertainment and now its ruined becuase of some crossdresser creep
we need to own up to our mistakes like Ava "'The hon' Chris Tyson
tranny community is immune to criticism.

I feel sorry for Beast though, because beast is done.
dylan is owed an apology lol, all she did was drink beer and chase bumblebees on video.
>I feel sorry for Beast though, because beast is done.
but the anti-christ can only be defeated by the real Christ. Does that mean the world is ending now?
not even. The whole Day 10 of being a girl went too far. and the fact that all these weirdos like Chris and Dylan wont get female names. Hi my name is Bob-Bobbi or Hank-Hankina is fucking cringe and retarded. Learn to mandmode for the first few years of being trans and shut the fuck up you are making us look bad and we already look bad
yeah she lives an idyllic life. chugging bud light and chasing bees?? i had to work today.
you do realize kris and dylan are womens names right?
no, hell no
ya sure but not when your name was fucking CHRIS
>Tries to psyop missus beast
>fails so hard to push your narrative mainstream you try for days to push the narrative on a degenerate site known for liking loli and anime and creeping on young people
>Wonder why nobody but your fellow psyoppers care
Chasing bees is unironically part of my work

Life is good
Dylan is a gender neutral name you retarded amerimutt.
Listen third worlder it is what WE say it is fuck off
yeah but since mulvaney is a jew, she's allowed to steal names from other cultures
ok well i'll allow it. only because my AIPAC guy called me
He wasn’t even a troon yet and nothing happened anyways. Although I agree with the general sentiment
>He wasn’t even a troon yet
there is an argument that a trans person was always trans and their whole life up to the moment of transition is repping
Stop fanboying for divorced dads with kids who troon out for fetishy reasons. This board was convinced that Kris was going to win normies over to their side with support, and instead he fucked you all while he himself is insulated by his millions of dollars.
All people were talking about here is the fact she kept trying hard to sexualize herself + the loli porn, calling her the sterotypical AGP months before the whole debacle
>This board was convinced that Kris was going to win normies over to their side with support, and instead he fucked you all while he himself is insulated by his millions of dollars.
whoever thought that is an idiot. I've always known that hons wont appeal to normies. He should have never trooned to begin with he had a good looking wife who was very young. He had every opportunity to become an ideal father but he threw it all away and his kid will end up being hurt through bullying and embarassment in the future given that this is all on social media
no one on this board said that. maybe on other places.
Yeah well that argument is fake and gay and created solely to make transness more palatable to normies (and ourselves)
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This man is a whole ass fetishist. One of the least valid transitions I've ever seen right up there with Bruce jenner and Dylan mulvaney.

That being said just because one or three trannies does something horrible doesn't fucking mean every troon is evil. Look how many straight white guys are creeps you don't see Sneako or Matt Walsh calling for the extermination of all white men.
Trannies need to publicly sever the connection to self I'd, agp, ftms, and non binary freaks. People need to know hsts trap waifus are demure and pure. Chris should be gassed.
wtf are you then
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>Trannies need to publicly sever the connection to self I'd, agp, ftms, and non binary freaks.
True trans hsts. I've only been with men, I never had sex with a woman or had feelings for a woman. My whole thing is being the girl in the relationship and have a chad be my mate. That's what real trans is. A proper female sexuality. I just want security and strength from a big tall hairy man's man.
i knew a cis girl named dylan
i doubt she's here, but hi dylan, i'm a tranny now
is the wagie mad?
2nd coming will be tranny confirmed. So this really was what he meant when he said “eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven”.
nobody IRL cares.
I mean we do, I've never seen anyone noteworthy in the trans community (who isn't fucking insane) support these idiots like Philosophy Tube, Keffals, or Ava Kris Tyson. It's always fucking cis people who keep propping them up, like when Anthony Padilla had that cringe as heck interview with Ava where she wore the giant ass stripper heels and looked like someone's creepy uncle in drag.

I honestly wish cis people weren't so fucking obsessed with these circus freak. What I would give for a world where people's first thought of what a trans woman is like was more along the lines of someone like Mathilda Hogberg and not Dylan Mulvaney or the Mr Beast transbian pedophile.
>our mistakes
i didn't even know who she was until this week, kiwinigger
issue is weirdos get attention so it's always going to be this way. And only the really messed up trans people or unfortunate trans activist perma hons actually actively share that they are trans.

Unfortunately by the nature of most trans peoples goal being to stealth only the fetishists attention hoars, giga hons, or political activists will be known about.
Not true. Mostly only bots and Indians follow Mr. Beast. Mulvaney did way more damage to the point of somehow tanking long term sales of the formerly most popular beer in America.
I don't think most regular people know who Kris is let alone know about him posting about lolis or whatever.
> Trannies need to publicly sever the connection to […] FtMs
Yes, get rid of the actual transsexuals that provide the thinnest mask of normality to MtTs, that’ll go great lol.
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>True trans hsts. I've only been with men, I never had sex with a woman or had feelings for a woman. My whole thing is being the girl in the relationship and have a chad be my mate. That's what real trans is. A proper female sexuality. I just want security and strength from a big tall hairy man's man.
Transness needs a whole new official taxonomy. There’s almost no similarities between large portions of the community.
I'm also inclined to believe Kayla isn't real
I'd agree that it would be interesting to categorize trans people archetype categories probably due to my autism but If we gate kept anyone even if just the sissy fetishists then it gives cis people ammo to use on actual dysphorics.
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>mr beast was quality entertainment
Not gatekeeping ain’t working out so hot either. It’s always a utilitarian equation.
utilitarianism is a brainlet ideology. I'm a believer in radical freedom/autonomy as long as you aren't hurting anyone else. Even if your choices just make you look like a deranged freak to others. The issue here isn't hons but people who lump us together or can't mind their own business. Pedo hons should be punished for the same reasons regular pedos are for hurting children..
>>intentionally unsettling appearance
>>humiliation fetish
>>body modification
>>contradictory sex presentation (bearded lady, painted nails man, etc)
>>attention seeking
>>possible letters: G, B, MtT, “non-binary”

>>hates all other letters
>>rigid sex presentation
>>just wants to be the last person sent to the camps
>>possible letters: any

>>politics are a sport
>>admires freakazoids but regrettably is capable of shame
>>religious trauma
>>possible letters: L, G, MtT

>>parrots D talking points if asked
>>average sex presentation
>>may or may not lack internal dialogue
>>possible letters: L, G, B, FtM
>its the internet, nobody cares
do you live in 2007 or something
practically everyone aged 13-30 exists about as much online as they do irl
nearly everyone gets their news and entertainment from the internet. everything is online
you're like several decades stuck in the past
>immune to criticism except for all the wild hate over trannies in every youtube video talking about the topic and how many of the comments are doing wide blanket statements on trannies being pedos
1. All the rumors are baseless. All the evidence is piss poor quality. Every single day, a claim is walked back.
2. Anyone with a brain can recognize this as a coordinated harrassment campaign. The point is not to hold anyone to account nor to improve anyone's well-being. The point is to sexually harass trans people with the pretext that you're "defending kids from groomers." Many involved clearly already had ill will towards trannies to begin with, and were extremely excited that they finally had a victim, and that she had a mostly child fanbase.

You will never really protect children. You have no genuine concern, you have no basis for your fesrmongering, you have no actual conscience.
This is basically a tranny #MeToo
Wouldn't even matter at this point because instead of just letting it take its course all you retarded trannies came out of the woodwork to defend her so now no matter what everyone already has the impression that trannies are pred defenders.
We didn't come out to defend her we came out suspecting you of lying, which you did.
If you let posters like this cause you to sink to their level, FtManon, you're the one who looses the most.
I never posted anything and this is a complete fabrication. This is my second least favourite tranny tactic which is to pretend like the last two days of threads didn't happen when it finally sets in that you're wrong.
"tranny tactics?" who the fuck is using "tactics", what are you talking about? you sound like a fucking lunatic. it's like you're antisemitic except with trannies.
Trannies consistently do the same thing.
Something will happen, they'll take a reactionary stance that makes them look terrible, eventually things will progress to where they can no longer take that stance and then they'll immediately start trying to correct the record.
Hogwarts Legacy is coming out -> hundreds of threads everyday talking about how evil it is and how anyone who plays it is evil -> a few days later hundreds of threads about streamers getting death threats and hate messages -> anytime you try to bring up the 100s of threads overreacting beforehand trannies tell you that that never happened.
It happens everytime. I've been tempted to screencapping everytime I post in a thread saying "doing this is going to make you look 100x worse than if you did nothing at all" so that I can shove it in your faces when you try to lie about it a week later.
>tranny community is immune to criticism.
It's not. You can feel the tide turning, can't you? It's like a jenga tower, and every incident like this is another brick coming out. Audrey Hale shooting up that school was another one. There will be more.

Trans acceptance is on the decline, not on the rise, and when it collapses it's not going to be slow and steady, it's going to come tumbling down all at once and they'll be burning people in the streets and shooting up houses with pride flags outside of them.

There's no stopping this runaway train now.
Learned it from the best
Yeah but the difference is that nobody likes trannies and they're an easy scapegoat so when they pull this shit they don't get away with it.
This is absolutely insane. When did we start talking about Hogwarts Legacy? When did that come up at all? How is that relevant to this Youtuber?
Kayla you are AGP stop it
If your reading comprehension is that bad you can't understand how I used it as an example then you don't deserve to be engaged with.

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