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qott: Would you date someone who dressed/groomed/acted fem but didn't take hrt?
qott: no
Then why are you so up in rach's jockstrap
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i ate 2 grilled cheese today :)

Rach is a rapehon drag queen
he's got a fat ass that doesnt mean i would fuck him damn
hell no
Yes I’ve always wanted to date a sissy
based. wanted to make some other day but no bread, now I can tonight!
also I had a cat when I was a kid that loved cheese
I wish you were my gf I masterbate to your butt
Nope. I want a girl.
yum! do u put garlic salt on urs?
many trannies are pale and allergic to the sun. we should encourage Congress to build a Dyson swarm around the sun to block some of the light and cool earth.
That's a lot of calories
pantyhose and open toed shoes eww
I miss beautiful brown eye’d Naoto I hope she’s feeling better whenever she may be…
time for the tranpire uprising!
We should create another hole in the Ozone so only the most powerful of trans women can inherit the Earth.
>no bread
watch out saying that in these threads
whoa... if i was ur gf u could masturbate to my butt in person...
no just american cheese on white bread as god intended
they made a new law that says tranners have to fatten themselves up or else they go to jail
I ate 500 grams of premium chicken deli cold cuts because they were 75% off about to expire. 3€ over 100g protein easy and tasty :)
I'm kinda olive skinned and just get tan, I'm the upgraded model
Don't miss out on drama developing in the tail of the previous thread, yall
Darwinian evolution. I think humans should control our own evolutionary path if we have the ability. Make the universe serve us instead of trying to just survive.
once I woke up in the middle of the night to find my bf just sitting there jerking off to my sleeping naked body
does op mean just a cis woman?
A tranny is a pedo I’m shocked
o-oh my god I need this,,,
oh damn i didn't see the frisson thing sorry he was being rude to you :/
i wouldn't encourage him if i thought he was gonna do that
no, probably not. i could fuck a person like that, but that femininity is on a clock, so any relationship would have a built-in expiration date.
Do not be rude to my beloved trannards
Wren is shitty she's not all trannies
i wish i had a bf who would do this except he would just fuck me when i was sleeping
last i heard she was alright
think it’s a cis male that dresses and behaves as a woman but doesn’t take hrt
Sounds hot
I want a tranny gf to grope and molest and jerk off to while she's sleeping
That's rape
It get's a bit eugenicsy though pretty fast.
please don’t let a guy do that
500 grams dowsnt mean anything to me but im happy for you :)
i feel like that would either be really hot or a huge overstepping of boundaries
Ask that retarded crossdresser you drool over to be your bf so you both can fuck off
>i feel like that would either be really hot or a huge overstepping of boundaries
Stu being the reasonable one.
Not if you discuss beforehand that you'll engage in a sleep kink
not if i give him blanket permission
haven't yall heard of somno????
idk why u think im obsessed with him or something but im not
sure, I'll even give some of mine so she can DIY on her own ^v^
Wait let me get this straight, so frogposter is only talking shit about wren grooming because he's mad that he didn't get to groom first?
I love you.
does anyone here been taking pregabalin?
I love you too
I guess that’s part of it yeah but also she’s a pedo.
no what's that for?
i’m so tired anon, but i won’t give in just yet
500g is more than a pound. And it's a little degen to just snack on cold cuts. But I justify it by having worked out hard before it.
massages the gaba receptors, makes u feel comfy and cute
Big day for tranny drama
Big day for not reading the thread.
im so logic and reasonpilled
i love you too :)
pound of cold chicken slices
does it have to be here? isn’t this place just for chasers and trannies to meet and appreciate one another?
how does that work???
I don't get that guy
He doesn't fuck or date trannies, he just puts their pics in folders and dedicates a huge amount of time to it
take some and find out
can always rely on stu to be here and stu'ing around. Are you wearing your mouse ears today like a good girl?
This gen got popular from a huge surge in dramaposting a year or so ago, it's a part of it it comes and goes
Give me an autism powerful enough and I will move the world.
this is the place for trans girls and chasers to parasocially yearn over each other but not take action

also generally has very few people complaining or being super down so I like it :>
some people on here are seriously autistic and just collectors by nature. Think of pokemon card collectors that don't play the game but just collect the cards. I respect the hustle and grind honestly
However, I'm a chaser so I'll never make it in his folder :(
Post a selfie to make the thread good
Plenty of people met someone here
Me included
i dont have mouse ears
you need to find me and put them on me
>However, I'm a chaser so I'll never make it in his folder :(
theres a pill for that
what >>36670025 said I took a 75ml pill for morning mood boost but it did nothing that's why I'm asking
What about the dosage? I took 75ml and felt literally nothing does that mean it just works weakly on me or is it normal?
>However, I'm a chaser so I'll never make it in his folder :(
What do you mean by this, my man?
Anyway there's one collector who collects all selfies no matter what so he'll have any chaser pics too
Holy shit. Wya?
It's weird how you look exactly like Camo but slightly hispanic or something
ohhh that's youuuuu
frogposter never liked spicebag that way
he liked violet and yogurt
What did I miss
A lot
I'm part chinese
I missed the rabbit selfie… it’s so over… how cute is she bros?
Did you only take 1? Iirc prega is a scheduled med you're supposed to take 3 times a day.
Pregabalin doesn't have the efficacy of gabapentin. Gaba is what you want.
Are you actually in Albania?
Literally just Camo but slightly different ethnicity
Like it's wild how similar they look
Rabbit has prettier eyes tho
I'm at these coordinates 41.3083° N, 72.9279° W
A solid 9/10
Who’s camo
thats the arabian sea
another pedophile tranny
if he's sleeping in my bed and we're both naked it's not really an overstepping of boundaries
Okay not just me then, right? Wildly similar features.
camo maid just looks like a dude with long hair
you put in 41..S 72..E, you were supposed to put in 41..N 72..W
Kris, Wren, and now this camo person? What’s gotten into the trannies lately
To make my point known seriously to that 19 year old transgirl I was talking about a few threads ago who wants a relationship, I'm just going to complain about everything in my life until she loses interest. Like full on loser-tier. Would this work?
boy motors culturally appropriated long hair. used to be for cool rocker dudes. now everytime I see a skinny white guy with long hair I think shes about to transition any day
no. he must wake you up to ask if hes allowed to jerk off
i actually just said a random place lol
Cool it bozo
I don't like camo either but don't just throw that shit around
The brainworms are getting me rn :(
LOL you basically guessed exactly the opposite side of the world
Who do you parasocially yearn over?
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Thoughts on this gif I found on tumblr?
Need a V8 boymotor

All these piddly 150 cc's zooming around
hey, are still here?
it supposed to just be a mood boost for mornings and chill me out during nights and from my doc said you can take it 3 times but doesn't have to. And idk if I should just try 150ml or if it's normal and need a bit of prolong exposure for brain to give a shit about it.
>Gaba is what you want.
Do you mean that in a drug way?
the transbian mind virus is infecting them all
why do you want her to lose interest?
I usually just tell girls I don't drive and live with my mom and am under 6 foot. then if they still stick around I get really clingy and in love. that usually drives them away. not even trying to do that. but that's cis women, trans women might be more understand with men
why do most of you trannies infantilize yourselves
Bro just fucking talk to her like a normal person.
no, it might make her fawn for you in a reverse bbs type deal, literally just tell her you don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who’s 19 it isn’t that hard anon
yeah i get it, please be safe
Hey sorry to wake you, I just needed to ask if I can jack it to you
I want to post this anonymously. Sometimes when I lift, I pretend I'm skilling mining or smithing in runescape. I even listen to the music and every set I play the level up music. I've been keeping track of experience points as I gain each muscle point.
I'm afraid that if my gf knew this, I'd be showing too much of my power level to her. I try my best to hide this quirk at the gym but one time an employee asked what 10% plus muscle building exp. meant. I just said I'm doing some math for an assignment
I am 31 years old and she is 19. We're in a summer study group and became friends by talking about and playing video games together. Like a week or so ago, she started being more romantic in her words. The age gap is the only concern so it ain't for me and I'm hoping she sees that.
I need you.
we stupid inside :<
it’s easier than trying to be an adult, also i was a zombie most of my life so i’m a little delayed
they're misogynists
if she's trans it doesn't matter. Just treat her right
Age regression is linked to abuse.
trannies are overgrown children
lol what. that's a good deal man. just date her.
If you can't be quirked up in front of your gf what's even the point
why does age even matter beyond a point where youre both adults
everyone dies alone
I tried a while ago and she doesn't seem to understand where I'm coming from. She said I was being "too serious" about it and to go with it.
she got permabanned (again) for posting more pedo stuff
This sounds made up by a weirdo I have no reason to believe this without proof

Nigga that is a 12 year age gap.
I will believe this. I believe everything I read on the internet.
you showed a 19 year old tranner basic human decency, you should have known this would happen
Stop zooming if they're adults they're adults who cares
only matters towards females up til the age of 26 then no one gives a fuck. society is more protective of their sexually and treats them like a precious resource that cannot just be given easily to people the tribe has not deemed worthy. like a bargaining chip. but yeah past a certain age no one gives a shit if a 30 year old woman is dating a 50 year old man
what do you need me for?

Nigga. Nig. Ga. Nigga. My nigga.

As long as you treat her right it's fine
A relationship because you’re cute
Old chasers should date young tranners, and old tranners should date young chasers to train them as proper boyfriends. Everybody wins this way.
Okay well just be firm and tell her no? And that if she keeps this shit up you'll stop talking to her altogether?
Like my man who the fuck is the 31 year old here.
Rabbit is very pretty
Rabbit looks like my friend's Arab cis gf
yeah and she's HSTS
>muh age gap
Only hags care about that shit
I love Sylveon
I don't know what that is but I want her.
I like the way you think
it's friday i wanna see tranners
I'd spank you awake.
I guess I don't want to be too harsh on her but I'm putting my foot down rn. We're meeting up in a bit.
She transbian-flirts here just the same
Ngl I'd judge any of my 31yo friends for getting a 19yo gf, shit's a bit weird
hsts are like flamboyant gay dudes that became women and have always been feminine and love men
agp trannies were like straight dudes who love women but get a boner from becoming a woman and dress up in fetish outfits and slutty.

I learned all these gay words from being here long enough
I would date a 19 year old tranner but she would need to have a career, her own place, her own car, and is financially responsible. I don’t want to feel like I’m dating a stupid teenager.
I'd high five them
get that bag playboy
Not even a bit weird shits extremely weird
no I don't want to be awakened just for him to jerk off
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is this muscleanon?! this sounds like muscleanon hehehe :))
that seems like a reduction of nuance to the level that excludes ppl. i just say hsts = straight and agp = transbian bc those are rly the only commonalities
>picrel pleakly is my icon
how is it weird to want to fuck some young hot ass? Also, what if you're only as mature as a 20 year old in dating at 30 because you lack experience? I think most chasers here lack dating experience so it kinda works out
>>picrel pleakly is my icon
Lmao. That's so good.
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I've been spotted!!!
ignore the weird terms, I'm bisexual but mostly into guys and I'm a fairly normal person besides that

No I don't. I posted voice one time (for a guy) and then a bunch of girls liked my voice so I made 2 more vocaroos because it was fun seeing their reactions. Sometimes I do compliment other girls but that's just because its really nice to be complimented.
Should I try to go out or do I stay inside I have no friembs
Go out and beat people in the streets. Become the best version of yourself.
where would you want to go out?
Gape yourself for me.
Go out. I’m going out alone to a whiskey bar to get out of the house.
I don't care about any of the terms. I just know you're beautiful.
Walk up to people and scream CHAT IS THIS REAL and tell them you just want to be one of the pretty girls. Stream it and post here.
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hehhe, u gave it away by talking about runescape!! ur so cute <33
>picrel :)
hii,, thank you
I wasn't being rude to frisson, I said she was a sexy Amazonian, I meant that as a compliment I didn't know she had PTSD about being tall. Then she told me not to sexualize her but she comes to the trap thread posting her tits and ass lol. I thought this thread is for flirting with trans girls and that's all I was doing. I don't know why everyone is attacking me.
I have no one either. if there is something I want to do I just do it anyways or else I never would if I'm waiting to have someone.
East Coast
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boymoding today
love ya <3
I'm near 41.3083° N, 72.9279° W
Got my balls licked
By a Zooey Deschanel look-alike
Cocaine addict
Razor blade to your head
Oh my god it's you
Youre competition duh
killing myself
My arms hurt please give them kisses, trannies
(I'm fat and dyel)
If I would post my face would people here just laugh at me?
That’s always a possibility
I shouldn't say in the open
I wanted to go out tonight but I'm too far away from anything and idk what I would even do by myself
but is it likely outcome?
Laughing at people is rude
Depends on the time slot you choose to post in the kinds of reactions you get. Pick times that get responses you want.
I don’t think so this gen is pretty nice
do you know me in real life or something? Fearing for my life
more likely you get ignored if ugly
Idk a bar I guess but I haven't been to any other than a gay bar so idk where I would go. Cis people scare me bc they are probably gonna call me a man
Unless a schizo is on and they decide to entertain themself
No. Nothing like that. Nothing weird.
This right now is kinda weird.
imo a gay bar is a good choice! you can just go out and have a good time without worrying what cishet people might think

okok lol I'll take your word for it
are you a tranner? chasers are dogs
oh thanks so which hours are good for what?
I don't think I'm ugly just a average guy that supposedly looks younger than their real age
*woof* *woof* [spoiler]in trannyism[/spoiler]
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I'm smithing so many helmets. I'm going sell them all on the grand exchange
Thank you I am gonna make it now
You've gotta pay attention yourself to learn the hours. I also don't know what you're looking for. I wont spoonfeed, lurking is rewards knowledge.
If trans yes. Chaser no. Also risking ban if looking too good
any time ;) so i have a splinter in my foot and i think i’m gonna die this sucks
If I were there I could soak it in warm salt water and get it out with some tweezers
The least I could do for arm kisses
take your pills and you can get a folder princess
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>I wasn't being rude to frisson, I said she was a sexy Amazonian, I meant that as a compliment I didn't know she had PTSD about being tall.
you come into a thread of trans women and expect them to not be height dysphoric! there are three possibilities here and none of them paint u well: 1) ur lacking the empathy to understand why a tranner could find being called an amazon offensive; 2) ur so lacking in tact that u think your intent overrides your words' meaning; 3) you were being intentionally malicious in your choice of words

>Then she told me not to sexualize her but she comes to the trap thread posting her tits and ass lol.
you're perverting the timeline of events in an effort to turn this situation into quid pro quo. i havent posted in those threads in several days, and i sure didnt talk to u in them.

>I thought this thread is for flirting with trans girls and that's all I was doing. I don't know why everyone is attacking me.
and now you play ignorance despite the above, in a poorly-veiled attempt to victimize yourself despite your petty responses such as >>36669939

>picrel: just stop. u embarrass urself. next time u wanna return something keep ur fucking receipts
you can post sfw pics of anything, right?
ah yes murican "oldfag"
I want a folder princess
he sounds based as hell
ooof, bad memories of family members trying to get splinters out with needles and tweezers
meanwhile nowadays i will absolutely dissect myself to get a splinter out
I feel entitled to sex today
boymoding in the USA
muscleman is so fucking lucky
I've got a bunch of them
but you can't have one
NTA but you cute.... But not getting any shorter.
Wanna be the tall elf tranny for a dwarf chaser?
you know what? you're right. I'm on my way. I hope you've cleaned out, I'll be there in 15 seconds
where did you come from suddenly anyway
How do I make my femboy bf more comfortable with wearing makeup.
He doesn't like to go out in public dolled out either but that's for another time.
Slingin more percocets than big pharma do
Im a big dog, shit, marmaduke
Ill pop a bar or two and pop you
then ill drop a song or two
then ill drop tomorrow too
drop another bar, im on kilimanbaro, dude
Lol yeah it felt like my mom was trying to kill me when she was needling in my foot as a kid
Luckily I've never gotten a splinter that tweezers couldn't get since
ive been on the board a looonng time i just didnt namefag or post in chasergen really
I got banned sfw, cause "this ain't social /soc/" but if you post a link to a website with a pic seems fine.
Nah no hygiene
my frisson is a sexy smart woman, I don't want to lose her
she's spoken for anon, she's mine
okay turning trip off now
What brought you to this gen
i feel lucky to find him >~<
sry anon but muscleanon is the only chaser im interested in <3 im sure u will find up tranner soon !! (also the elf/dwarf thing reminds me of kili & tauriel from the hobbit movies [which yes ik is tacky and not in the books but idc])
I want to lure chaser in but there are non near me and local gay guys sucks or are bottoms. I can't even try dating anyone I can't even get dumped by someone :<
seems random for a board where people would want a lot of feedback on their looks but yeah jannies
idk, boredom, mtfg is a little more boring i think, at least sometimes you get to flirt with boys here maybe
anal anal anal anal
grape grape grape grape
The hell do you live?
mtfg is just weird transbians
Are you cute or do you have BDD?
i can’t get it should i just let it become one with me?
I hope you're off to a good start for the weekend cutie.
i honestly dont know, i dont pass but people think im cute? i guess? but like a boyish cute probs like i said i dont pass
yeah i can be friends with transbians but sometimes they get creepy and wont take a no.
polish 60k town full of pensioners and their children, I couldn't find a person to go on date with who is under 30
I wish I would have shotgun rn
Yes let it reabsorb, you will become 0.02% wood splinter
a big reason to never post myself in these threads is knowing there’s transbians lurking around that will fawn over you
god damn female attention is disgusting
>i dont pass but people think im cute? i guess?
Yeah that happens all the time honestly. Not the worst thing in the world. I was mostly joking though I didn't think you'd take me seriously lol.
Yeah but imagine how fun it'd be for the audience to see you fending off transbians. I'd be howling. I already love it when they do it to the other guy.
mhmm,,, you too anon (´v` )
I’ve always tried to fend em off anonymously. Even the supposed bi fags don’t understand the concept of a “time and place for everything”, this isn’t bigen or transbiangen. Stupid male aggression dominating autismos
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You came into the trap thread last week as a new poster acting like a complete rude cocky bitch. So much so that you went with the name cuntarella for a little bit. You came in, flaunted your tits and ass and had no problem being sexualized then. Never did I bitch you out or tell you to leave the thread. Even though you were a bitch, I was playful about it and was still nice to you, complimenting your pics. Today I would not have spoken to you but you commented me first telling me you don't like me, but......bla bla bla. I was still trying to be playful with you when I called you sexy Amazonian slut, how would I know what offends you when you were getting called all sorts of names the other day in the trap thread and weren't bothered by it? I don't know where this hate for me originated but I'll only take so much from you and continue to be playful in the argument. I'm not gonna come at you here because your simp squad will attack me but just know you're gonna get it if I see you in the trap thread babydoll.
How many times is he going to have to ignore them for it to finally stop happening?
shut up bitch
>Even the supposed bi fags don’t understand the concept of a “time and place for everything"
I'm very classy when I tell the other chasers to put on a dress I'll have you know lol.
People just genuinely don't pay attention I guess.
You probably gotta move. I'm sure there are Polish chasers but you could just travel in EU before loosing hope.
Learn to take no for an answer
do you think muscleanon asked her to post in the trap thread so he could jerk off to the replies
Excellent rebuttal to any of the points I made
cuck shit like that sounds like it's right up his alley
shut up bitch
>gives unwanted sexualized compliment
>"hey dont say that weird shit to me"
>wtf? i was just playing and being nice you ugly cunt bitch i didn't wanna talk to you anyway
50 year old indian man on facebook energy
I like that you still put your ass in this response.
you’re not bi, you’re straight
>re butt al
>re butt
I need tranner sex right meow
Gives a new meaning to talking shit doesn't it?
I am so straight that I will have sex with actual men if they look enough like women. I mean it sounds like I'm joking but it doesn't feel wrong.
are transbians here bad? is it worst than mtfg?
There are few cities here I would be happy to live in but considering I was thinking about moving to Amsterdam just for the world to say that they supposedly don't like trannies was a bummer
>t.transbian and possible reper
I have butterflies in my stomach for a girl.
You people keep clocking me as a repper and it makes me so fucking mad because you fuckers are right

This happens to me in every thread
>developing another cyst under my nutsack
Man this shit fucking sucks
I've had em a few times and they always heal on their own within a couple weeks or so but I feel so nasty the whole time it's there
Body needs to stop fucking with my shit
Give in
Bro you fucking said
>tranner sex right meow
In what world is there any other option?
trap thread regular here. sorry you guys have to deal with this shit.
do you wanna talk?
Very cute, anon. Who is she?
Goddamn this bitch is gonna send the gigasperg /b/ retards in here
If yall thought the transbian invasion was bad that would be 10x worse
to me that’s straight
they only got bad pretty recently
I never said she was ugly, I'd still hatefuck her lol.

It was meant to be a super troopers reference

thats rly cute anon, I’m happy for you :>
you pissed her off for calling her tall, nice ass though. Thanks for posting it; Did she used to go by another trip?
hi chasergen
if i lived in a place that wasnt beautiful id die
>to me that’s straight
Fair enough. I don't really care what people call it. I just say bi because that's what people usually label it.
>qott: Would you date someone who dressed/groomed/acted fem but didn't take hrt?
hi chasers, hi generals. apparently someone is going around my neighborhood testing windows of homes to see if he can open any of them!
well, let me know if you do wanna talk ok?
Hi foxy mama how was your day
you should live in a hall of mirrors so you could live forever
cute good luck with her and remember NileRed made a video about chloroform, it is very easy to make :>
it's easy to find one even from just how they speak about fucking a tranny in six words, sister :D
date them, broke their hearts and then you WILL make them really bad >:3
amazing + beautiful yea yea
Oh you
Hi Autumn
dating trans women isn’t exactly straight either, we just pretend it is for sanity reasons
I have broken plenty of hearts in the past already, it’s not something I like to do
Okay, thank you. I appreciate that.
You should've been there when I bought the coco bandicoot action figure instead of the crash bandicoot one as a kid
>cute good luck with her and remember NileRed made a video about chloroform, it is very easy to make :>
It's better and safer to just use ether if you know where to source it
to me 500 grams is the perfect amount of flour to make 3 baguettes
hello anon, how are you?
>dating trans women isn’t exactly straight either, we just pretend it is for sanity reasons
Idk it's complicated I guess. There's a lot that could be said about it for sure, but it probably doesn't really matter.
Fuck off pedo
My girl used to send me pics when she nutted and I kinda miss it now
we’re queer at the end of the day
but it’s nice to have some degree of normality, and to be separate from the other sexualities
She went by cuntarella on her first day in the trap thread. Go search in the archives you can see the whole thread that day. Also thanks babe :-)
jesus just stop it. if she doesn't like it she doesn't like it, and you whinging about it isn't going to change her mind it just makes you look like an ill adjusted person
did i miss camo maid drama?
Yeah she’s a pedo like you
im pretty sure this btich is a lesbian but her music keeps crossing my streams and i dont hate it, the drag makeup is weird though
Starting to get the transbian hate. I think it has more to do with they're the worst poster.
sorry to remind you of that :<
horni pre puberty children these days...
sure, chloroform is just cheap and easy to make and works ok if you have 2 rugs to switch then and reapply it
spermfillia be like
You’re one of the reasons why this freak is here
Yeah I've heard the same thing from a lot of people. I think so too. Hopefully getting more normal by the day.
elaborate please
She was talking to an underage person like you were
I'm just answering people's questions babe, I'll stop talking about it if people don't ask me any questions about it. Don't be mad at me please :-( I wanna be friends
how did she respond?
do you have the thread?
Look it up yourself you pedo
afaik this is not true, she was permabanned for making pedo related “jokes”
they’re a very vocal and very annoying minority of people. All of the female need for constant attention, the male aggression, and the autism that gives em social unawareness
im tryin man. too much to ask for you to be useful just once in your life?
like what kind of jokes?
I didn’t see exactly what she said, but I believe it was in a recent fashion/gen/ thread if you want to find it
Fuck off, Rach, insufferable whore
Rach is a well known groomer on /b/. She doesn't accept straight trans girls and tries to hit on every single one.
I'm back! Hopefully ive missed the last of the drama :P
new Deadpool movie's pretty good btw. i know 4chan mostly hates superhero movies these days tho
they're weird aggressive degenerates
you can't have a tranny space without them forcing their way in
I'll watch it when it comes out for free on cable
I'm glad to hear it was good, I want to see that movie soon :-)
or just pirate it
i think that's a good consumer model desu. buy it after watching if you liked it
you should! i recommend it!
But cable isn't free

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