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>its not ok to misgender tranny pedophiles

Is your objection to this because you sincerely believe that a trans woman IS a literal woman, and not just a male suffering from gender dysphoria. Or is your objection because you don't want to see your fellow pedophiles treated poorly?
there is no evidence this individual ever had sex with a teenager, let alone raped a child. there is no evidence nudes were sent, received, or even solicited. you don't care about children. you just wanna create trans drama. why else bring up trans shit if it's the kids you're focusing on?
I don’t think they’re a pedo but I think they’re a man.
there isn't even any evidence they were trying to flirt with a minor or get any sexual gratification from talking to them or anything
exactly. that's what this drama is really about
it's like calling a black guy a nigger
it literally isn't and the fact that you people keep resorting to this shows your bigotry
A trans woman IS a male
A black man IS not a nigger.

There is a difference. Stop this.
brown = some degree of negroid
Neither. It's just that it benefits me as a MTF to make it so a trans persons identity is respected no matter what so I will respect even pedo trans identities.

Like what if I got framed of crime should I lose my pronouns and name? What if I'm not acting girly enough? I feel like the idea that we have to deserve/earn the basic decency cisoids get for free is problematic.
If you think pronouns are a conditional pleasantry then you are definitionally transphobic
You all know this to be true I don't know why you don't just say "yeah you're right I think trannies are delusional men" instead of playing this same weird game over and over
so it's all just a nothingburger
cis people don't get misgendered when they do horrible things. being trans and having correct pronouns used isn't a privilege to be taken away
My objection is that we don't call Adolf Mrs. Hitler either
It's like, deliberately giving mixed messages or something. Both confrontational and cowardly
Hitler was a man tho so using she her pronouns is just having a childish temper tantrum.

Calling a trans women a she her is a polite complement. There is a difference
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>A black man IS not a nigger.
lmao, even! then what is?
Trans women are males with gender dysphoria.

We use she/her pronouns since we don’t want to trigger their condition, not because they are actually a woman.

Focus your energy on actual bigots.
>black man is not a nigger
then what is a nigger?
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exactly. this isn't about pedophilia so stop concern trolling and just admit you don't think trannies are women from the get-go instead of starting with a trojan horse of sorts
>i don't think TRANNIES are women!!
yeah I've heard it a million times who cares.
I think trans women are trans women (males)
I don't want to hurt anyone feelings so I will accommodate as best as I can.

If someone had a mental condition that led them to believe that 2+2=5 and facing any in congruence to this caused them distress I would try and do my best to not do arithmetic near them. But I am not going to change my definition of reality to appease them.
why does your definition of woman not include (passing) trans women thoughie? if you couldn't tell until they told you then what's the difference
If you paint a lime yellow I will be able to tell after I cut into it or you tell me that that lime has been painted. Once I know that that lime is actually a lemon, the fact that it looks like a lemon is irrelevant to the fact that its actually a lime
it’s okay to misgender him because he isn’t trans.
yeah but that's cuz they have a functional difference in size/taste etc. the only differences you would encounter with a passoid would be if you had sex, and even then if the srs wasn't done in jeetistan then it's basically the same as an infertile cis woman
>there are no behavioural/intelligence/personality differences between the sexes.

Men are limes, women are lemons.
Men are pomegranates women are durian
I mean yes but I didn't feel comfortable divulging Judaic mysticism to 4chan.
there are no behavioural/intelligence/personality differences between the sexes.

i say this and look like this. hormones and socialization fix these over time
girls go to college to get more knowledge, boys go to jupiter to get more stupider
>men did/create 99% of all things in history because they were just heckin evil oppressors
do limes taste different to lemons? i've never had a lime but lime flavours seem pretty similar, i really like those lime daiquiris
The fact that it's so flimsy, means it might as well have never been honest to begin with.
They were never being honest to begin with.

Misbehave and it's revealed they were lying and just pretending to be nice all along.
again it's hormones and socialization
being trans and being a pedo are not intertwined. I can use she/her pronouns for ava while still criticizing her for being a pedo.
You use she/her pronouns to trannies to be polite and respectful. Not because they are actual women.

So why be polite and respectful to literal pedophiles?
>if you ignore the things that make the sexes different, the sexes are the same!
reading comprehension award

my point was that the differences between sexes are changed by trooning. like you agree that hormones and socialization are the main causes for mental differences but you can't put together that changing your hormones and the way you're treated socially would also change your personality? brainlet
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>leave 4chan for a while after someone posted bestiality porn on /gif/
>couple months pass and come back to this board because i'm bored
>this shit is the top post

Never change /tttt/.
Sexed hormone exposure happens in fetal development and in early childhood.
…and hormones affect brain development. Which is why women have different special awareness and stuff
yeah incorrect hormone levels in the womb are the entire reason troons exist in the first place? what's ur point with this
alright, i'll bite
now that epstein was a woman what's your take on her?
A overexposure is one hypothesis (not for AGPs) but it doesn’t change that your brain develops hormonally like a normal cis person of your assigned sex throughout childhood. otherwise you’d have a different skeleton, since sexed differences in skeletal features are visible at birth when examined by forensics pathologists.
They’ve also never found any brain differences in trans people pre-adolescence compared to the cis samples.
trvke thoughbiet our brains are very very plastic and i think a year or 2 of trooning is enough to change your personality. i knew a pooner who went from shy kind of tomboyish girl to gymbro joe rogan fan in like 6 months on T

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