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Previous thread reached bump limit - >>36655796

Do you like sushi?
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https://unsee cc/album#nutkmVhvyrzl
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sushi is my fav food !! only nigiri or sashimi tho
Yes I want to live off sushi for the rest of my life.

Pass question:
How do I lose muscle quickly is fasting the best option?
.t twunk repper
Took some pictures without wearing a headband, still have an FFS scar on my hairline -https://unsee cc/album#zofacIsRrn2h
It's over.
Hi spicebag!
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here's me not crying no makeup though
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forehead is a bit clocky but mostly pass

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forgot pic
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im in mobile so i wnt be able to rate unsees srry
clocky pass
clocky chin but mostly pass
Body pass, face a bit andro but leaning fem. If you voice pass you pass

I think you would pass to the vast majority of cis people as long as your voice passes. Trans people or tds cis people might clock you.

Looks similar to some cis femcels, I think you can pass but you do have some masculine face traits, everything else about you would have to be perfect or people will be able to clock

Lower face is a bit clocky but the rest s fine. I doubt a cis person would clock

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Does this dress suit me alright or do i look like a hon in it. Its a little big.
Hard to tell, seems like angles are working hard.
Not quite
Clocky but female
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Just pretend I don't have a scar on my hairline. I have mixed feelings about posting this because I hate my forehead so much. Please be brutally honest. I'm getting an FFS revision at the start of 2025.
Pass in this picture, but clocky in the other one.
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https://unsee cc/album#fI5OdkNBQtHT
so i know i dont pass (am a manmoder). but hugboxxers have said i do before, or others have said that i 'dont look like a man'...
what do i look like to others? how far am i from passing?


u all pass so far
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oh woah I stayed up long enough. have another pic from when I took the pic I used in the old thread.
I like mostly, like, salmon or tuna nigiri bc i'm a baby. other stuff is fine too just not as tasty.
also yea
woah you look cute here, pass
i see something boyish about you but probably just the angle. pass. >>36668094
yeah pass I think you look good in that dress, maybe slightly boring but good imo.
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excessive collage time. two pics taken outside to make sure i dont lose everything ive got the moment im subject to wind, heat and sweat.
also last thread i posted my forehead, this time im posting my side profile. whats the verdict on it?
also asking for hair color suggestions please and thank you <3

oh lol you already made the thread but the subject stuck around as your name
youve clearly passed for a long time, back since i first saw your posts on reddit, way back when
i see ftm more than mtf. but i assume you're mtf based on context and others replying? androgynous but great progress, keep it up
plain woman, i see nothing masculine at all. dress is nice but a little square, needs something to cinch in the waist a bit i think. definitely not a hon
let your swelling continue to heal. give everything time. you're going to be fine.
hlep me fill in my spreadsheet please


spicebag you pass


mina uu pass

i think expression is weird, a lil clocky imo



pass, you look distressed though

might pass if voice is good, but look kinda andro in lower part of face

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using selfies from this morning because hair is still wet from showerr

also clocky but I could see u passing
yes pass!
pass pass pass!
androgynous pass but you look cute. :)
pass but not really pretty
Riddler pass
bit clocky, last photo def pass
pass and pretty <3

also i forgot to answer earlier, i like spicy california rolls
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i’ll do rates later anonymously
It's true you don't pass but I don't think you are too far from it. How long have you been on HRT? Your hair in the last picture looks really cute btw
You do have some feminine features but not enough to fully pass rn. I can understand the "don't look like a man" comment because even in the most masculine of these pictures you look a bit androgynous. Maybe practice makeup especially to make your eye are more feminine
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FUCK why is it always upside down, ignore that it won’t let me delete
wtf the other passgen spreadsheet anon is gorgeous
i love your hair and your eyes are so ridiculously pretty, def pass
im glad im not the only one autistically keeping spreadsheets
oh good call, cucumber sushi is my fav as a vegetarerian
Already past your peak Grendel. Baka

Yeh would fuck this kid.
I think you pass.
Pass with bangs.
I'm honestly unsure, if your voice is good, I think you'd pass.
I think you look androgynous but leaning towards male, your forehead is kind of clocky.
on hrt for 8 months rn
>Your hair in the last picture looks really cute btw
tnxx :3
>make your eye are more feminine
what kind of makeup do you think would help w/ my eyes the most? I am practicing, but not sure if theres a certain style that would be the most flattering for me rn

but yea, im trying to practice makeup, but not good enough rn to wear out or anything.
need to finish laser/electro sessions too
but i then plan to get ffs some day (hopefully >yr, need a 1yr on hrt for insurance, but then ill start looking)
also weight loss + weight cycling
>Already past your peak Grendel. Baka
Do i look a lot older than i used to? Damn.
You'll never be K
also forgot qott yes I love sushi, I love anything with fish

don't think you pass but you're really cute



androgynous, you look pretty young

Hi pichu, thank uu<3<3<3 you're gorgeous tooo,,,

I only just started a spreadsheet after I saw that thread about them, it sounded really fun
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Will rate in a bit.

Posted in last thread but reposting because everyone said my photo was odd.

Also, censoring this because it’s a bikini pic.
not true, literally everyone in this thread says I'm clocky
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Pass ofc
I’m going to kill myself
Pass I think
Worn out get some sleep
Pass here
Pass ofc ur a full woman
Smth off with lower lip

Just a boy
It's really hard to tell from this angle. You seem to pass in the picture but the angle is really suspicious.
>Worn out get some sleep
But do I pass?
pass, but why so sad? try being more happy idk

lose weight. pass





dni with underage posters. MODS
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i hate my midface so much
>no pass sorry
clean it up janny
no pass, sorry
pass, look like a cis girl I knew
would clock you but dunno if cis ppl will
bootleg K, clocked
????? th fk is ur issue what did i do
Do you have anger and aggression control problems or something
that's what i was saying. she gets very snippy
no i am just confused cus i didnt break any rules
Malebrained faketrans youngshits, many such cases
eveybody hate unsee... sad world
Sorry, I don't know much about makeup. I've seen it make a big difference on other people which is why I brought it up.
have literally never been mean first to anyone on here
i like uncensored non judgemental discussions about lgbt issues unlike on most social media
Let's not jump right to her passing, after all do you see that chin?
Lose weight, do cardio every other day, eat better, sleep 8 hours a day, improve your skin care. That's all you need, and maybe pay to be fucked every 5 days for 2 hours by two men.
Cis anon returns.
Holy cute. Pass.
Pass, but a bit close.
Not quite.
Clocked but getting there.
Pass but close.
Pass and kind of adorable.
Pass but are you okay? You always look like you've been beaten up.
Pass and cute.
Right on the line, still cute. Though, your lips look a bit swollen.
post face
>I'm getting an FFS revision at the start of 2025.
You're going to screw up your face, right now you look fine.
:> can you rate me cis anon >>36668228
But do you think I pass right now? I'm quite fat, I'm actually 110kg right now but I'm working on losing it since I need to be under 35 BMI for my surgery in 2025. I already managed to lose almost 30kg.
>Pass but are you okay? You always look like you've been beaten up.
I'm not really okay but thanks for asking. I'm having a bit of a mental breakdown over passing.
>You're going to screw up your face, right now you look fine.
I really hope not. My forehead makes me kind of spiral so I want to get it fixed.
Pass and gorgeous :)
stop bogging yourself holy shit
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I meant to post earlier but my ip is blocked on my work wifi
tank uu :>
Do I look bogged?
youre going to if you keep getting these facial surgeries
can i be ur wife
gorgeous pass
waoh ur so pretty you pass.,,,
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ahh... someone told me the unsee link doesnt work... idk, ill just post ( am >>36668153 )

so i know i dont pass (am a manmoder). but hugboxxers have said i do before, or others have said that i 'dont look like a man'...
what do i look like to others? how far am i from passing?

andro, idk what it exactly is though
literal boymoder (look underage...)
pass, actually kinda look like an aunt of mine
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Pass, very good looking
No pass
Pass very good looking
Full pass
Pass w slight clockiness
Clocky but feminine, good style + aura
Pass with slight clockiness, good looking, horrible style
i bite my lips as a nervous tic and im anxious 24/7, trying to stop doing it. maybe seeing you noticed it will help :)
My response
Why did you skip me? Anyway, like I said in the previous thread, you don't pass right now but I think you have a lot of potential with FFS in the future. Right now, in the top two pictures you look like a trans woman and in the bottom ones, I think you would be gendered male by most people. You are pretty attractive in any case though so I think people wouldn't find you creepy or anything like that.
you look like a cis man, are you on hrt?
Honest question, how old are you?
which one were you?
yes... 8 months & 6 sections of laser...
>But do you think I pass right now?
I tell you genuinely, most people here don't pass, you do, please don't have any more surgeries, you will ruin your features and your face, you currently look like a cis woman, if you want to look pretty, just lose weight and do what most cis women do, change your look, try to dress better, buy more clothes, improve your skin care, but please don't have any more surgeries.

Your jaw and chin don't look masculine, your forehead doesn't look masculine, your nose looks fine, you can look better with just some effort on your appearance, but you still naturally look good, you look like a cis woman.
I'm >>36668144.
Thanks for the compliments anon, this actually made my day slightly better.
Are you on HRT? I think you'd look better with bangs like in the bottom right picture, but you should really prioritise facial hair removal, your beard shadow really stands out.
you sound a bit young to be browsing here. please don't poison ur mind by coming here im sure you have a happy healthy social life irl.
damn you look crazy good, pass but also genuinely beautiful
ive lurked for a rlly long time so if i would get “poisoned” it would have happened alrdy. i don’t hate myself so this site is just entertainment to me
oh, i did in the previous. but you pass
>horrible style
what? i’m not even op but that isn’t very nice and her style isn’t egregious

Are you cis or trans?
yeah maybe I exaggerated that. She looks really good actually, including hair. I just think any other style than standard anime-agp variation would have been better. But who am I to judge
You weren’t exaggerating imo,
She looks like she raided the closet of a boy in middle school.
Yes for top left and bottom
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here have a pic where im actually smiling. i think i look better in this one
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sorry im greasy
pass, especially if ur british
mostly pass, ur really cute
pass way more in right photo, pass mostly in others
you kinda pass in the bottom right photo, i know its tough to do anything with your hair when you're still growing out but you've made it look nice.
post ass
trans :( but im cute
Much better.
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It’s so over for me (not rating others cuz I have no place to comment on passing, as I am a hon)
>inb4 clean room
I just moved, still getting stuff situated
post ass
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I’m sorry, I want babies :/

I can exchange discords if you want to be friends if you’d like.
drop your discord
it’s over
>it’s over
Yeah it does seem like your transition was a successful journey, congratulations
shut up and post your ass
what if we made passgen but it was freaky so it was called assgen and we all posted our asses and and and
shawty… we can adopt…also yes drop discord
You're so pretty, I wish I looked half as good. I still look awful after FFS.
shes either a massive attention whore or massively brainwormed
she does this on both reddit and here where shes posts a perfectly cute pic and say IM SO UGLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY REEEEEEEEEE
and then she gets torrents of people saying how cute she is
im trying to make sense of it and my judgment always defaults to either ill intent of geniune mental retardation
that's a good idea someone should do this
ps you had to see her video she posted on reddit once
autistically alternating between facing the camera and giving her back to it
the title was something doomesque like I WILL NEVER PASS
all comments were simping the living shit out of her and it wasnt a coomer subreddit
the fuck you do with this girl, shes unfixable
id kill people to have her look
Well volunteered.
/Assgen/ with pic plz
hell yeah
Do i look like a girl?
Yeah, I just look like a weird guy after FFS. I really wish I was a passoid, my life would be so much better. I'm so jealous.
this is genuinely not true i get many comments saying i look average and/or im bloated etc. i get a bit more positive comments here but that’s because this place is full of chasers
why is your lower face darker

do you have hobbies? a job? how do you keep yourself occupied? you need to forget your trans sometimes
But you already know you pass, you probably never get misgendered at all. Surely that's a good indicator of passing?
Not gonna lie.
Only things feminine about you are the inability to take a selfie or buy a top the right size for you
i started doing makeup 3 days ago and didnt understand the point of putting concealer up near my eyes until i realized that i should put it everywhere, so there it is not rly up there in that pic. i applied it higher up today but not a full layer yet still like i see many women wearing. but up to the bangs. havent washed it off in 48 hrs just been reapplying so ill do it better fresh
can i get the link for the reddit post of you autistically spinning in front of the camera
that was really cute
its xtra small and small was way too big… i am held back by monies i want cute hair clips but i spent everything on getting my ears pierced and earrings cuz i realized that its super sus to not have pierced ears at all as a woman
> do you have hobbies? a job? how do you keep yourself occupied? you need to forget your trans sometimes
i live in the middle of nowhere and i wfh and rot away every single day doing nothing, im also hitting 28 soon so i’ve just completely destroyed my youth to transitioning and repping. i have no friends either
people don’t really use gendered language in australia in person, when i’m on the phone i get gendered male though so i’m fairly certain im getting clocked irl when i speak. 10k in lessons and surgery combined
yeah you need a hobby
move to a bigger city and meet new people
i’m not able to move for a variety of reasons but i have tried, it’s just genuinely over
OK but at least you look cute
you know AGPs wouldnt have this problem youre having
AGPs just keep winning
I got called mate by a homeless person trying to sell me a magazine and I had a complete mental breakdown over it because it means I obviously look like a man. Maybe it's because of my huge skull or huge shoulders, I don't really know. I also work from home and live in a tiny village in the UK with horrible public transport so I have the same issues. Do random people ever call you mate in Australia in person?
i’ve been called mate a few times yeah but i feel like people say that to both genders here so idk if that really means anything
Well, that sucks. How do you cope with being misgendered? I feel like it completely wrecks me. I'm at a point where I'm thinking that if I have enough surgeries, maybe it'll stop happening. But I'm probably just being delusional.
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covered in sweat and hanging out with ducks

get new pictures
very pretty pass
kind of clocky
slightly clocky pass
pass of course
the sunglasses aren't helping you but I can't really tell idk
I'm sorry azelf you look like a 12 yo boy in this one
some masculine facial features/length but I think you're really pretty and pass fine. you look kind of like a young version of my mom
pass mostly
would pass if you shaved
clocky pass
pass fine imo
I don't think that hairstyle is really working for you but idk
> I don't think that hairstyle is really working for you but idk
i’m stuck with this hairstyle for about 2 years until my hair transplant fully grows out. it’s over
i cope by trying to not go outside very often
I'm also getting hair transplants, so I guess I'll have to deal with an awkward hairstyle as well. At the moment I just wear a headband to cover up my scar while it heals up, I wonder if you can cover transplanted hair like that or if it'll cause damage.
Same. I feel like my transition has failed pretty badly so I absolutely hate interacting with people IRL at all. I hate my life so much.
Cis anon returns again
Pass, though you look like you just started passing. I'd love to see another picture six months from now.
You could pass later, but not now. Is that a little beard or just a shadow?
It most certainly is not. Pass and pretty, but wash your hair!
You've got a ways to go.
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more passgen? babe you shouldnt have....
pass you look like the younger version of my childhood friends mom
side profile doesnt change it u pass
very androgynous maybe that would change without the glasses?
pass to cis people
i couldn't say desu, but if you have a good voice id say pass
no pass but you kinda look theyfab in some of these photos
no pass in these photos but youre very andro and I think would pass you if you dressed more fem
soso pretty, pass
shadow on lower face is really dark in this pic but you passed in the last pic I saw of you in the exact same outfit this is a really shit picture

first time wearing a dress. 6months hrt so idk lmk if i should return it to the store because its unflattering or if i should just never even try on one again
sorry ikik my room is a tornado rn im moving
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forgot picture ;-;
cheekbones, chin, and philtrum. post side profile. tilting your body like that does nothing to hide your male shoulders.
hilariously bad. that haircut is horrible, and the performative, autistic appropriation of femininity is agp and malebrained. position your feet inwards all you like, but your hips are still tiny. that top in the picture second from the left on the top is agp and looks ridiculous on you. everything is wrong with your face. everything. you will never pass. you type like a tranny.
you look like a mildly faggy man. don't wear eyeliner in public, because it makes you look ridiculous. at least you're not that ugly.
your forehead and browbone are bulbous, and your jaw and chin are wide. you're also very tall, your shoulders are too wide, and your ribcage is too large.
you look like a regular teenage boy, but with weirdly large thighs. still too small to help you pass, though. your reddit posture is too exaggerated and malebrained to look feminine. take a shower.
your inability to take a decent photo of yourself is malebrained. you're right that you're a hon. your neck is too thick, and your shoulders are too large in more ways than just width. lose weight and don't wear low-cut tops. next time rate, stupid nigger.
clocky pass, desu. post side profile, height, and measurements.
no. you look like a very faggy man with horrible skin. you're too tall, and your hip to shoulder ratio is horrifically bad. your face is also very, very bad, but i don't feel like giving you the whole list of reasons why it will never pass. it was over from the moment your genetic code dictated that you would be a nigger, because everyone knows that negroid males are extremely masculine.
cheekbones, shoulders, height, man hands, and cranium. your anglefagging has no effect. gain weight, lanklet.
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>pic 2
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Can you tell me what's wrong with my face as well? I'm >>36668144 and here is my side profile as well.
fuck off, solanine. why even enter this thread? youre not endearing like chuddy, and you're not bringing honesty to a hugbox with your remarks, youre just hateful and bitter.
look i know you want to self-harm but dont ask a transphobe for it
https://unsee cc/album#VP8C7gRFYvbH
ftm. yes, i need a haircut. any tips?
can u rate me
Stereolab chick again, fuck yeah
id approach you wth the intention of dating
t. hon
>ftm. yes, i need a haircut. any tips?
Your face passes 100%, I don't think you need a haircut to pass.
i dont need one, but id like one
I'm 5'4 bozo
LOL this is kinda my experience with dating apps.. hinge specifically
but ur probably cute nona so stfu
>you're also very tall, your shoulders are too wide, and your ribcage is too large.
you know im 5'5" right? and u cant even see my ribs and barely even my shoulders. bad bait chuddy
add me on telegram and ill show you
we are likely equivalent in looks
you look like you have down syndrome. fetal alcohol syndrome, maybe. honestly, your face isn't that bad in terms of passability, you're just ugly. post a picture of your full body and i'll be able to give a more accurate rating.
i'm just rating people, same as everyone else. triggered? and i'm not "hateful" or "bitter," i'm just honest, which is something that you kikes seem to hate with a burning passion. also, "transphobia" isn't real, you little faggot. how am i "transphobic?"
you unironically look like "the pooner," desu. the hair looks pretty good on you, and i like the shirt. post poonvoice. pass as long as you don't shave.
like everyone else said, you look like an underage boy with cone gynecomastia. post height, side profile, and measurements.
i'm assuming you're this (>>36670605) anon. in that case, i'd go so far as to say that you pass, as long as your voice and mannerisms pass. as a hard rule for all trannies, if your voice doesn't pass, though, you don't pass.
i don't know who you are, because i'm not a mongoloid with no life who spends all their time on the 'cuck. i said that your shoulders and ribs are bad because i know they are, not because i saw them in the picture. don't even deny it. i think forgot to mention it, but your face and head are very long, which is yet another layer on top of your other abundant and egregious honnery. why do you think i'm baiting? is it because you don't think what i say is true? honfidence is truly a terrible thing.
You can pass without the facial hair but if you are going to keep it I'd recommend trimming it a bit. Right now it doesn't look great and just makes it obvious you can't grow a lot of it. Otherwise you look fine.
no I'm the other one
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>your face isn't that bad in terms of passability, you're just ugly.
I'll take that as a compliment, I know I'm quite ugly, but I mostly just care about my face passing. Here's my body, I already know that my hands are quite big, covered up my face since I took the photo before FFS.
cant post voice rn, but ive been told its very cis passing.
im just trying to grow it out right now to see, ive never let it grow out more than a few days before.
your body is fine from this angle
the way to my heart is funny cats you know
litterbox links havent expired mightas well
pls listen
lankelt or nigger? still doesn't really help either way. of course, i am wary of trannies who say that they're short, because troons have a tendency to be lying niggers. i usually assume they're being honest, though, so make of that what you will.
you got ffs? that's hilarious. no wonder you look so retarded, they shaved off half your skull with a nail file. did i tell you to lose weight, fatty? your neck is very thick, and the proportions of your legs are very masculine. your feet are too large. clean your room. your phone case is malebrained, but at least it's not agp.
need to see you without clothes
Thanks for the roast anon.
>did i tell you to lose weight, fatty?
I'm trying to lose weight and I'm on Ozempic now, I already lost almost 30kg so I think that's pretty decent progress.
>you got ffs? that's hilarious. no wonder you look so retarded, they shaved off half your skull with a nail file.
I still have quite a bit of swelling from FFS so I think that makes it look worse. But yeah I reckon I look quite weird at the moment. I'm totally fine if people just perceive me as a really ugly woman though, I guess that's what I'm going for.
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can I get rated? I'm 5'8.
you are a woman.
Passable and extremely pretty
i suppose i forgot to tell you that you don't pass because of the aforementioned reasons. good job on the weight loss, though, that's very impressive. >>36672085
typical tranny-coded autistic, empty-minded gaze and dumb smile. your jaw looks a bit wide and masculine, and it looks like your cheeks aren't very feminine. that haircut isn't doing you any favours, except hiding your male forehead and hairline. philtrum and midface are a bit long. shoulders are a few inches too wide and ribcage looks expanded. what are your cup size, hip width/circumference, and bideltoid? no pass, but not as bad as some of the hons here, desu.
But my face is fine (besides looking ugly), right? So it's the rest of my body that's clocky?
Just a shadow
Relax, you are beautiful
it could be worse. it's mostly the rest of your body that's bad. i'd like to correct my previous post in which i complimented you on your weight loss. i only said that to motivate you to lose more weight. it's good progress, but it's simply not enough. as a side note, i'd advise you to ignore the anons providing blind, meaningless, empty nothings to make you feel better about yourself. they're lying niggers, incabable of anything except hugboxxing.
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here we go again
>it's good progress, but it's simply not enough.
Yeah I'll probably lose waaaay more since Ozempic makes me not want to stuff myself with food, which is great, I'm eating like 12000-1500 calories per day now.
>it could be worse
A compliment!
>it's mostly the rest of your body that's bad
Yeah, not much I can do about my massive feet and hands, but I think weight loss would help with overall body proportions.
Clocky, longer hair would help a lot.
if ur trans you type like the stinkiest clammy moid imaginable
>A compliment!
don't let it go to your head. it's big enough as is.
i am not a tranny. i like the fact that instead of actually addressing the points i've made, you've decided to sidestep my words entirely and made a personal attack on me. it's basically an admission that i'm completely and utterly correct. now, i'm not a retarded negroid, so i will actually argue with your weak ass, third grade insults.
i'm quite clean, actually, unlike you. i smell very good.
i have very good circulation, and my skin is not damp, but instead supple and healthy.
probably because i am. at least you admit that typing like this is malebrained, so i don't have to point it out for you. why are you so triggered, by the way? are you upset that i'm right? it must be tough being wrong. i wouldn't know. also, literally nobody knows who you are, so there's no point in you being a tripfag.
literally who are you and I'm not reading all that
known transphobe shit stirrer, just filter and ignore
You’re gonna troon out soon
why is that even relevant? also, you're a lazy nigger.
care to explain? kindly provide ONE example of me being "transphobic." you can't, because you've been taught by wokeism that everyone who disagrees with you is "transphobic."
>shit stirrer
how do i "stir shit?" again, do you have any actual evidence for these ridiculous claims?
>just filter and ignore
so you admit that you can't handle anyone having a different opinion to you. average woketard, desu.
same with the other annoying tripfaggot, you just can't accept that you're a hon. you can't accept the fact that some people are honest, and the truth hurts. you're a snowflake, so you invent this imaginary narrative that i must be a self-hating tranny projecting my "brainworms" onto other people. welcome to the real world, dipshit. i'm not a tranny, and i'll never be one, because that's disgusting. it's funny that you asked me for my opinion, and when you didn't like it, you resorted to this overused garbage. maybe you're just such a simpleton, you physically can't create any meaningful commentary or conversation. i hate faggots like you.
solanine do me i can take it!!!!!!! i mean the vid i posted is rlly bad but not going thru the trouble of making another webm so could be worse
I just think ur kinda funny
what do you think this is? some kind of game? you think this is like packgod packing people? (i don't watch him, it's just a good way to describe what i mean.) i'll rate you, but only because i'm bored, and some other people in the thread have not been honest. you have sunken eyes and a large browbone. you have no cheeks. your cleft chin is extraordinarily masculine, and i'm not sure if it could be fixed with ffs. pursing your lips like that does nothing to increase your passability. your shoulders are too wide. your pokemon plushie is stupid and childish, as is the way you autistically hug it. act like a normal person, faggot. don't over-trim your eyebrows, because it looks stupid. you have no hips, and your hands are masculine. also, grow up. you're an immature mongoloid, and nobody likes you.
funny in what way? like, "ha-ha" funny, or "what is this schizo saying this is utterly bizarre" funny? either way, you're a stupid nigger and you should kill yourself. how does that warrant accusing me of being a tranny, anyway?
FIRST OFF it’s not a pokémon and SECOND my hips aren’t visible here
But thank u for feedback
I might kill my self who knows
you think i don't know that your hips aren't visible? i'm not retarded. i mentioned your hips because they're bad. if you disagree, you're welcome to prove me wrong, but i'm right and you know it.
don’t want to prove you wrong so it’s ok if u believ that
i don't care. i think you should, as you said. do you think you'll garner the sympathy of anyone in this retarded thread? you would if you weren't such a stupid, annoying brickhon fatty nigger. literally nobody on this board likes you.
i'm so right, you don't even want to try to deny it, kek.
No u are wrong but the only way to back it up is to be an e-whore. so i’m ok with a random person online thinking i have bad hips if it means i don’t have embarrassing sht like that in my footprint.
i don't need to see you naked, you dumb fuck. the only reason you'd be embarrassed to show a picture of your (clothed) body is because you're a fridgehon with no hips. alternatively, you could simply wrap a measuring tape around your ass and tell me the number you get, but that's lame, unrepresentative, and prone to manipulation by lying niggerkikes such as yourself.
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Why are you all even giving solanine the time of day?
This shit is so inane, stop feeding the troll, just filter and hide
are you the same anon from above? why are you so obsessed with me? crazy. just because a person has a different opinion than you, doesn't mean that they're a troll trying to bait people. i'll bet that i just said something that hurt your poor widdle feewings because you're a weak-minded wokeist who's triggered by everything, and now you need to justify it to yourself by saying that it's not true, and i'm just a lying internet troll. newsflash, buddy, the real world isn't something you can just meld to your will because you don't like it. grow up.
You look male here.
Why are you even here?
not me i’ve never seen u before and i’m 99% sure u aren’t ragebaiting
who did this to you?
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hello passgen i love peeing
>>36668144 girl get off this website u pass
>>36672351 questionable w angle but from this yes
all pass
im drunk sry my fav bartenders fed me shots
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